Introduction to Christian Identity :: Anglo-Saxon Israel

Introduction to Christian Identity posted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 12/05/2012 – 22:36

Introduction To Christian Identity

By Pastor Eli James,

Church of the Restoration of True Israel


It must be understood, at the very outset, that Christian Identity is in NO WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, a revival of, or form of Judaism. This is a very common, but false belief. This false belief is based on the well-known Jewish assertion that Christianity “owes its origins to Judaism.” This is just another Jewish lie that the Jews have promoted to deceive Christians.

I cannot overstress the fact that, both theologically and historically, Christian Identity is a REPUDIATION OF JUDAISM. Christian Identity refutes various Jewish claims. Such claims are 1) that Judaism originated with Moses, 2) the Jewish people are the same as the Hebrews and Israelites of the Bible, 3) that modern Jews are in any way a Semitic people, 4) that modern Jews are the “chosen people,” etc.

On the contrary, Christian Identity teaches that the Jewish people have been engaged in a systematic IMPERSONATION of Israel for the last two thousand years, thus deceiving the whole world. (Rev. 12:9) As an ethnic group, the Jews have usurped the name and history of the true Israelites, who are today known as the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Caucasian people: the Adamic, Shemitic, Hebrew, White Race.

It is a basic principle of Christian Identity that, if you falsely equate the Jewish people with the Israel of the Bible, then you cannot possibly understand the Bible.

Definition of the term, Adam

The Hebrew word, Awdawm, translated as Adam, means “to show blood (in the face), i.e, flush, or turn rosy: — be (dyed, made) red (ruddy).” There is no possibility of all races meeting this description. Only the White Race flushes red in the face. Other races do not have this ability. So, the Bible, correctly understood, teaches that Adam was the first White Man, not the first human being. Actually, the word human comes from the contraction of hue and man, meaning “colored people,” which are the non-White people. Few Christians understand that the so-called “beast of the earth,” in Genesis 1, is actually a reference to TWO-LEGGED “beasts,” that have hands and feet, vocal chords, and who are able to pray to God. The word beast comes from the Hebrew chay, which means, simply, “living creature.” But a detailed study of verses in which this word occurs (for example, Jonah 3:8) shows that these living creatures are often humanoids, or two-legged “beasts.”

This provides clear Scriptural evidence that there were human beings present on the earth BEFORE Adam and Eve were formed in Genesis, Chapter 2. The Judeo-Christian view that all races came from Adam and Eve is, at best, nonsense, or, at worst, Jewish deception. Only Adam and Eve had the “breath of life” breathed into them by Yahweh Himself. Thus, the Bible teaches that Adam and Eve, and their descendants are a people “set apart” from all other races, and that they (and our White Race) were formed for a special purpose.

The Racial Covenants

Genesis 5: 1 states: “This is the book of the generations of Adam.” We already know that the word Adam means “to show blood in the face.” In this verse, we have to understand that the word generations comes from the Hebrew toledaw, which means, “descent, family.” Thus, we see that the Bible is a book about Adam and his descendants. It is not a book addressed to or about any other group of people. This is a false teaching that has been promoted by the universalist doctrines of Judeo-Christianity. The Bible is a book that was written to, for, by and about the Adamic Race, and none other.

This fact is proven by the racial Covenants made between Yahweh and His People, Israel. With the exception of the Rainbow Covenant, which was God’s promise that He would not again destroy the Earth with a Flood, these Covenants are always made between Himself and His People, the Adamic Race. These Covenants or Promises are made with NO OTHER PEOPLE than the White, Adamic Israelites. Amos 3:2 puts it this way: “YOU ONLY HAVE I KNOWN OF ALL THE FAMILIES OF THE EARTH.”

Throughout the Old Testament, the particular descendants of Adam, known as the Israelites, would carry the banner of this Racial Covenant. Israel‘ means “ruling with God.” The Bible says that the people of Israel would be His “witnesses.” It is very clear from history that only the White Race has witnessed the Bible to the rest of the world. The Jews have not done so, because they have claimed exclusive right to the Word, but have NOT witnessed it to the other races. Rather, they have kept the teachings of Judaism to themselves, in semi-secrecy. Their religion, Judaism, is NOT based on Scripture. It is based on the Talmud, which is a compendium of commentaries and legalistic rulings of the rabbis of Judaism. The major portion of the Talmud is actually IN CONFLICT WITH the teaching of the Bible and stands in violation of Deut. 4:2, where Moses clearly tells us that the priests SHALL NOT “add to” or “subtract from” the Law which was delivered to him by Yahweh Elohim. Since the Talmud consists of nothing but such additions and subtractions, Judaism is easily seen to be a false religion, posturing as the Word of God, while actually denying the substance thereof.

The TRUE RELIGION of the Bible centers around Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ), who is the second or LAST ADAM, as described by Paul at I Cor. 15:45. Accordingly, Jesus Christ can only have been a WHITE MAN. The genealogy of Matt. 1 clearly shows that Yahshua Messiah was a member of the White Race, a direct descendant of Adam, and not a Jew. Since all Jews are mongrelized individuals of various races, no Jew can be an Adamite. Deut. 23:2 declares very specifically that no MONGREL shall enter the congregation of Yahweh. Thus, all Jews are automatically disqualified as Adamites, Hebrews, Shemites or Israelites. (That verse is falsely translated as “bastard,” but if you look up the actual definition of the word mamzer in any Concordance, you will find that the true meaning of mamzer is “mongrel.”)

Nowhere in Scripture is this racially exclusive Covenant altered. In fact, Jesus declares very specifically, “I come not but unto the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel.” (Matt. 10:6) Judeo-Christianity has invented an idea, called “Spiritual Israel,” as if the racially exclusive Covenants, which are an INHERITANCE specifically intended for the genetic family of the Israelites of Scripture, could be given away to some other family!!! There is no such expression as “Spiritual Israel” in Scripture. It is a contrivance invented by the Judeo-Christian theologians, who cannot explain why the Jews reject Christ, even though they are supposedly His people!!! The reality is that these theologians are Scriptural are either ignorant or insincere, priests who have no understanding of the Covenants or about who the True Israelites really are!!!

And when we tell them of our racial understanding, their fa ade of “God loves everybody” turns immediately into hatred! Their hypocrisy is exposed and they cannot see that they fail to love those that disagree with them! Their “tolerance” is really a religious hauteur.

The Migrations of True Israel

One very important episode in the history of the Israelites was the forced deportation of the entire House of Israel, known as the “Ten Lost Tribes.” This deportation was accomplished between the years 745 to 712 BC. This entire nation of people was evacuated to the land of Media, which was then located just south of the Caucasus Mountains. The nation of Parthia emerged out of this group of exiles; and these people were Israelites of the Dispersion. Those who did not remain with the Parthians migrated north and west, because they did not want to be the slaves of the Assyrians, who had deported them to Media.

The vast majority of these Israelites migrated through the Caucasus Mountains. It is because of this territorial association that these Israelites became known as the Caucasian People, which is just another term for the White Race.

This migration was prophesied in the book of Isaiah:

“And there shall be an highway for the remnant of His People, which shall be left, from Assyria; like as it was to Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt.” — Isa. 11:16.

So, Yahweh’s People, Israel, fled from their captivity under the Assyrians and migrated through the Caucasian Mountains. Even today, the locals refer to a narrow pass through these mountains as “The Pass of Israel.”

Without this understanding of who the True Israelites really are, it is impossible to understand the Bible. Since the theology of the Judeo-Christian world ignores or suppresses these historical facts, White Christians have become utterly confused about what the Bible really teaches.

How Did This Confusion Come About?

The essence of the Bible narrative is that the Israelites, being a forgetful people, would cease to understand who they were. As a result of the 745 BC Dispersion, these Israelites forgot their religion, their origins, their Identity as Israel/Adam. This forgetfulness can be characterized as a state of amnesia. This state of amnesia is confirmed by Paul in the Book of Romans:

“For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of THIS MYSTERY, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits, that BLINDNESS IN PART is happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles (White Nations of the Race of Israel) be come in.” (Romans 11:25.)

Paul is telling us that WE, TRUE ISRAEL, will remain blinded to our True Identity until the End Times, when The Adamic White Race will remember who we truly are!!!!! The Christian Identity Movement is the fulfillment of this prophecy. This statement cannot possibly be true of the Jews, because the Jews never cease from claiming, falsely, to be “Israel.” Actually, the rabbis of Judaism know very well that the Jewish people are not Israel, but their religion of deception demands that they keep promoting this 2,000-year-old lie.

While True Israel fell into this historical state of amnesia, the Jews stepped in to assume the Identity of True Israel by pretending to be Israel. This GREAT IMPERSONATION of Israel by the Jewish people began in 140 BC. Unfortunately, the historical data of this period has been either lost or deliberately obscured, because the Jews do not want the White Race to understand its True Identity. If the White Race were to understand that WE, not the Jews, are the Israelites of Scripture, then the Jewish charade of calling themselves Israel would be exposed for all the world to see; and their empire of deceit would collapse from this widespread knowledge. This is why Jewish groups, such as the ADL, constantly demonize Christian Identity. The Jews live in fear that Christian Identity will become common knowledge among the White Race.

In the year 150 BC, two separate and distinct nations of people became merged into one nation. These two nations were Judah and Idumea. Judah was the nation of the racial descendants of the patriarch Judah. Idumea was a nation composed of mixed-race Canaanites. The Canaanites had always been the racial enemies of Judah and Israel.

In fact, our ancestor, Joshua, was ordered by Yahweh to exterminate these Canaanites (Deut. 7:1-16), otherwise the Canaanites would come back to haunt us with their presence. But this required that the Israelites kill defenseless women and children; and they did not have the ruthlessness that was required to so. Thus, these viper people were allowed to continue on the face of the Earth. Since the Israelites refused to obey Yahweh’s command, we have these same Canaanites among as today; and they are known as the Jews.

Yahweh is Not Cruel

Critics of this command by Yahweh do not understand that these Canaanites were the offspring of the Fallen Angels. This is why Yahweh wanted this mixed race people to be “utterly destroyed.” The Fallen Angels (nephilim) had intermarried with the fair (White) women of Genesis, before Noah’s Flood. (Gen. 6:2.) Another false teaching of Judeo-Christianity is the idea that Noah’s Flood was global. It was not global. It was localized to a specific area known as the Tarim Basin, which was where the Adamites of that day were concentrated. Some of these offspring were giants. (Gen. 6:4) The proof that these Canaanites survived the Flood is that, among the post-Flood nations of Canaan, there was the people of Gath. Gath was a giant. One of his descendants was Goliath, whom David killed. Yahweh’s prophecy that these Canaanites would haunt us began with David having to kill Goliath. That prophecy is still being fulfilled today in the person of the Talmudic, Zionist Jews, who are destroying everything that is White and Christian in the world today.

One particularly cogent verse that has been abused by Judeo-Christian scholarship is Gen. 6:9. The King James Version reads as follows:

These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations.”

As in Gen. 5:1, the word generations comes from the Hebrew toledaw, which means “descent.” There is only one possible meaning here: Noah was pure in his genealogy, his RACIAL DESCENT from Adam.

Understanding that only Noah’s family had abstained from mixing their seed with that of the Nephilim, the True Purpose for which God had sent the Flood was to destroy the race-mixed descendants of the Fallen Angels. This fact is totally obscured by the orthodox theologians.

The Canaanites Usurp the Kingdom of Judah

In 150 BC. King John Hyrcanus, the lawful, racial Judahite king of Judah, was forced to accept the merger of the two nations of Judah and Idumea. This merger was proposed to Julius Caesar by Antipater, father of Herod. When Julius Caesar accepted this proposal, the exclusive White nation of Judah was forced to merge with the mongrelized nation of Idumea. (This is very reminiscent of what the International Jew is doing to the formerly White Nations of Christendom today!) The Roman Army enforced this merger; and King Hyrcanus did not have the military might to resist this marriage made in hell. The first circumcisions of non-Judahite males from Idumea began in the year 140 B.C. Thus, it can be said that the first Jew the world had ever seen was the first Idumean male who was circumcised in that year. The Jewish claim that their religion and culture precede this date is mere PRETENSE, another of their innumerable HISTORICAL LIES, as they have been masquerading as Israel for the last two thousand years.

Eventually, John Hyrcanus, the pure-blooded White Judahite, was deposed by Herod, a mongrelized Canaanite Idumean. With a foreigner on the throne of Judah, the House of Judah declined rapidly. Most historians know that Herod was an Idumean, not a Judahite; but they ignore the significance of his racial descent as an enemy of True Israel. This obvious usurpation of power (a coup) by the Idumeans is presented as insignificant by these distorters of history. Jesus declared, “I come not but unto the lost sheep of the House of Israel.” This is why Jesus selected His Apostles from the territory of Galilee, which was the domain of the Tribe of Benjamin, who were also racial Israelites. Only Judas was a non-Galilean. Judas was, in fact, a mongrelized Judean, for his town of origin was right on the old border of Judah/Idumea, a town called Kerioth. This is why he was known as Judas Iscariot. Iscariot” means “man of Kerioth.”

The Bible tells us that, just before Judas betrayed Christ, “Satan entered into him.” (Luke 22:3; John 13:27.) From this, we know that Judas was of the Devil’s seed, as Satan can only inhabit the bodies of his genetic offspring (from the Fallen Angel seed of Gen. 6). “The corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.” (Matt. 7:17.)

The first act of Herod, as sole ruler of Judea, was to massacre the Judahite priesthood. (Josephus, Antiquities, Book XIV, Chap. IX, Para. 4) He replaced the White Judahites with Idumean priests, even go so far as to send to Babylon to import a non-Israelite (Anenalus) in order to make him High Priest. This non-Israelite priesthood became known as the Pharisees. Josephus, the Judahite historian, tells this story in great detail. He also tells us that Herod was of an ignoble race of people: the Idumeans. But the historians ignore these statements as well. And these anti-Identists have the gall to call us “teachers of a false gospel”! They are the ones, along with the rabbis of Judaism, who have falsified history. We try to awaken them, but they reject Truth as if it were evil. When we teach True History, they react with hatred towards us. Yahweh will reward them for their hypocrisy!

Throughout the New Testament, Jesus Christ wastes no time denouncing these Pharisees for their evil deeds and doctrines, calling them the “children of the devil” (John 8:44). In the Book of Matthew, Jesus said to these same scribes and Pharisees: “O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things?” (Matt. 12:34) Throughout all four Gospels, Jesus condemns the Pharisees, the inventors of Judaism. But the theologians totally ignore these verses, choosing, instead, to praise their modern counterparts, the rabbis of Judaism, as if they were the righteous teachers of the Mosaic Law!

These Pharisees, ever since their priesthood was authorized by King Herod, proceeded to appropriate the history of the Twelve Tribes. Borrowing from OUR history and from OUR Old Testament, they began to assert that THEY were the Israelites of Scripture. Then they began to assert THEIR BABYLONIAN RELIGION, Judaism, was the same as the Law of Moses. This is how the GREAT IMPERSONATION of Israel by the Jews began. Since so few scholars understand this history, it has simply been a matter of taking the Jews at their word and believing their deceptive claims to Israelite heritage and Mosaic religious tradition.

WE in Christian Identity know that these Jewish claims are MONUMENTAL LIES, lies that have no basis in Scripture or history. As HG Wells put it, the Jewish claim to being Israel is “The power of assertion over fact.” (Outline of History, by H.G. Wells)

At John 7:35, this episode is recorded in OUR Bible:

“And many of the people believed on him and said, When Christ [Messiah] cometh, will he do more miracles than these which this man hath done? The Pharisees heard that the people murmured such things concerning him; and the Pharisees and the chief priests sent officers to take him. Then Jesus said unto them, Yet a little while am I with you, and then I go unto him that sent me. Ye shall seek me and shall not find me: and where I am thither ye cannot come. Then said the Jews among themselves, Whither will he go, that we shall not find him? will he go unto the DISPERSED among the Gentiles (Nations) and teach the Gentiles?

This episode clearly proves that 1) the Pharisees knew that exiled Israelites of the Ten Northern Tribes were Dispersed throughout Asia Minor and Europe and 2) the Jews considered themselves to be the enemies of these Dispersed Israelites. The scribes and Pharisees were afraid that Jesus would go to His KINSMEN, the Dispersed House of Israel, who are falsely called “Gentiles,” which is a word that the Jews have made up to cause confusion about who these Dispersed really are. Of course, Jesus meant that these scribes and Pharisees (Jews) cannot follow Him into heaven because their god is Satan, not Yahweh; and they do the works of THEIR FATHER, Satan. (John 8:41.)

It bears repeating, because the false priests of the Judeo-Christian Heresy never quote this verse: Jesus said, “I come not but unto the lost sheep of the House of Israel.” (Matt. 15:24) Then, he sent his Apostles out from Judea to specifically seek out the Dispersed Israelites (Matt. 10:6), who were exclusively the people of the White Nation of Israel: the very same White Adamites that were deported from Palestine in the years 745-712 BC, 800 years before the Jewish Diaspora. But by this time, these Whites were known as the Anglo-Saxons and Scythians, who were none other than the Greeks, Romans, Spaniards, Germans, French, British, Poles, Russians, etc. It is to THESE PEOPLE that Paul’s Epistles are addressed, not to humanity in general. It is ridiculous to propose that non-Israelites throughout the Middle East would have an interest in hearing about a Messiah who was not of their own culture. No other people or culture was anticipating a Messiah. Jesus came to redeem His People, Israel; and that’s what He did. This is absolute proof that the so-called “Gentiles” are none other than the “Lost Tribes” of the House of Israel: the DISPERSED White, Adamic Israelites of Scripture.

The Jews have falsely persuaded Bible scholars to translate the Greek word, ethnos, which means RACE, as “non-Jew.” I’m sure you can appreciate that there is a world of difference between “race” and “Non-Jew.” Through their influence in the Catholic Church and among the Fundamentalists of this world, the Jews have successfully doctored the translation of the specific word race and substituted the fuzzy word “gentile,” which suggests that the Apostles and Paul were assigned to go to non-Israelites. This is another historical LIE, concocted by the Jews to deceive Christians!!

The Book of James opens with this dedication: “To the TWELVE TRIBES SCATTERED ABROAD, GREETINGS.” The Jews were still in Palestine, still in the process of developing their strategy of impersonating Israel. Even Paul, after he converted from Pharisaism to Christianity, rejected the Jews totally; and the Jews subsequently tried to persecute him and even kill him.

Then, what of the famous verse that says, “To the Jew first.” This is another false translation. Paul is saying “to JUDAH FIRST,” not the Jews. Paul, who was of the tribe of Benjamin, caught on to the Pharisees’ pretense, and turned against them, because he understood, as Jesus Christ did, that they are a race of vipers. The Jews are NOT of Judah. They are Sephardic Edomites from Idumea. But the anti-White racial message promoted by the Jews today, which began in the Sixties with the televangelists, has replace TRUE CHRISTIANITY with the doctrine of “salvation by race-mixing,” while the Jews refuse to assimilate. At the same time, Jewish financiers manipulate White governments through the power of usury and debt-money. There is no end to their Empire of Evil. These same false priests teach that the Arabs are the enemy of Christianity, when, in reality, the REAL ENEMY of Christianity is Judaism.


From the above, it can be seen that Christian Identity is a radical departure from mainstream Christianity, which has so distorted the Holy Scriptures that the racially exclusive message of the Bible has become buried under an avalanche of distortion, half-truths, lies and nonsense. Nevertheless, these historical facts go to prove the prophecy that Israel would be “blinded in part,” by forgetting our True Identity! Since the Jews have unfailingly claimed to be Israel since the days of the Pharisees, THEY CANNOT BE SO DESCRIBED! All Jews assert 100% of the time that they are “Israel.”

As a minister of the White Adamic Race of True Israel, I encourage all of you to familiarize yourselves with the teachings of Christian Identity. You will be forever confused by the false doctrines of “Judeo-Christianity,” if you do not understand that the Bible was written exclusively to the White Race, God’s Covenant People, Israel.

You can begin by accessing this website:

This site contains links to other Identity websites, which will reveal the Scriptural and historical truth to you, which is that WE, the White Race, are the True Israel of the Holy Scriptures and that the Jews are the devil’s children, posing as pious officiators of God’s Word, when, in reality, they are the Synagogue of Satan. (Rev. 2:9; Rev. 3:9)

Yahweh Bless you all in the name of the Great Awakening, the Restoration of True Israel to OUR INHERITANCE.

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