Part 3: Atlantis and Genesis 1: The Earth Recovers | Anglo-Saxon Israel

Part 3: Atlantis and Genesis 1: The Earth Recovers

The Enmity, Part 3:

Atlantis and Genesis 1 & 2:

The Earth Recovers

By Pastor Eli James


Here is an example of the current mind-set of orthodox “Christian scholarship,” with regard to the Book of Genesis:

\’Probably, so far as I know, there is no professor of Hebrew or Old Testament at any world-class university who does not believe that the writer(s) of Genesis 1-11 intended to convey to their readers the ideas that:

(a) creation took place in a series of six days which were the same as the days of 24 hours we now experience

(b) the figures contained in the Genesis genealogies provided by simple addition a chronology from the beginning of the world up to later stages in the biblical story

(c) Noah’s flood was understood to be world-wide and extinguish all human and animal life except for those in the ark.

Or, to put it negatively, the apologetic arguments which suppose the “days” of creation to be long eras of time, the figures of years not to be chronological, and the flood to be a merely local Mesopotamian flood, are not taken seriously by any such professors, as far as I know. – Professor James Barr, Regius Professor of Hebrew at the University of Oxford.

Professor Barr has illustrated the orthodox, Judeo-Christian interpretation of the opening books of Genesis. What follows herein is a series of “apologetic arguments,” which despite orthodoxy’s reluctance to take them seriously, must be considered. The fact is that the above three notions rest on very shaky ground. They are opinions, not fact; and these opinions are supported neither by the archeological record nor by the Bible. They are examples of institutionalized error; dogmatic beliefs, which are not allowed to be questioned in the halls of organized religion. Since much of orthodoxy is set in concrete, Yahweh has provided us with a sledgehammer. It is the Christian Identity Movement. I may not be a professor at a “world-class university,” but neither was the Carpenter from Nazareth!!! In addition to a sledgehammer, I think I may have some dynamite in my toolbox as well!! It’s time to demolish some WORLD-CLASS NONSENSE!!!

Now, for something completely different!!!!

ENJOY! – Eli

Genesis, Chapter 1: An Identity Perspective

And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.” – Jude 6.

Before reviewing Genesis, Chapter 1, here is a fascinating account of the relationship that existed between the kings of Atlantis and the Rephaim {pronounced Reff-A-yim} of the Bible. The salient point here is that Cro-Magnon Man is to be understood as representative of the pre-historic White Race. This Race ruled and colonized the world before its destruction by a great comet or asteroid, named Phaeton.

Here is a quotation from an article about the Cro-Magnon controversy:

Basic facts: Cro Magnon Man appeared abruptly in Europe and North Africa. He lasted from 40,000 years ago to about 12,000 years ago. The first recognized discovery of a Cro Magnon was in 1868, only 20 years before the Secret Doctrine was written.

Blavatsky quotes a man of science as saying:

‘On the contrary, one of the oldest types, that of the men of the sepulchral cave of Cro-Magnon, is that of a fine race, tall in stature, large in brain, and on the whole superior to many of the existing races of mankind.\’ (SDii678)

The scientist is quite right. Skull types are known after the name of the place where they are first discovered and Cro Magnon was discovered in a cave in France. He is still considered by scientists today to be taller and larger brained than the average human living today.

The first puzzle causes these physical characteristics to be not pleasant for the anthropologist. [These physical characteristics are “too modern” for the Fable of Evolution. Take note of the next sentence. – Eli.] To fit in more gracefully with their theories, Cro Magnon should have been shorter and smaller brained than the average for humans today. Source:

{As you can imagine, it is very difficult, these days, to find authors who will discuss Race objectively. Even though this site is dedicated to Madam Blavatsky, the notorious occultist, the author’s focus is on the scientific details of Cro-Magnon skulls, not on occultism. Note that the author states that Cro-Magnon man “disappeared” right around the time of the sinking of Atlantis, around 10,500 BC!!! – Eli}

Many in Identity have argued that Adam was the very first White Man. I cannot and do not accept this proposition. It is largely based on old science, which has reported that Caucasoid skeletons had not been found in ancient digs beneath the 4,000 BC layers. Trying to reconcile the Bible with this perceived fact, this idea made sense. But, with constantly improving dating methods and computerized models, more recent archeology tells a different story. The fact is that skeletal remains of Caucasoids have been found in digs that have been dated as early as 100,000 years old. {This is a good reference site, for its comparison of a Neanderthal skull with a Cro-Magnon skull. The rest of the site is doctrinaire evolutionism: }

Skeletal remains of ancient Cro-Magnon, such as Kennewick Man, are proof positive that the White Race existed before Adam was formed (Gen. 2:7). I will explain the crucial significance of this fact later, when we focus our study on Genesis 2. In this essay, we will concentrate on the Earth’s pre-history, leading up to Genesis 1. Then we will reconsider Genesis 1 in the light of what we have learned.

Before reviewing Genesis, Chapter 1, here is a fascinating account of the relationship between the Story of Chronos (King Atlas of Atlantis) and the Rephaim of the Bible. The important point here is that Cro-Magnon Man is the White Race as it was before the formation of Adam in Gen. 2. Skeletal remains of ancient Cro-Magnon, such as Kennewick Man, are proof positive that the White Race existed before Adam was formed. I will explain the significance of this fact later. – Eli



Myths and Traditions of Ancient Lands, by R. Cedric Leonard

The traditions and mythologies which will be brought forward here are not intrinsically a part of Plato’s account. They are separate in themselves, but will be compared to Plato’s story of Atlantis to illustrate the similarities. Plato did not create a mythology when he wrote of Atlantis; rather, he repeated a tradition which had been handed down to him as “historical”.

Here we will be dealing in supposition and interpretation rather than solid scientific facts. The story as related to us by Plato has seemingly mythological elements in it, just as the Old Testament contains similar
elements even though it is usually thought of as basically historical. At least one of these “mythological elements” will be dealt with in detail, since it is found in both the Platonic and traditional accounts.

Again, the whole purpose of this website is to acquaint the inquirer with information that is not widely known. Therefore, be ready for some real surprises. The thrust here is specifically to compare Plato’s quasi-historical account of Atlantis (including both its rise and demise) to mythologies and traditions which were in existence long before Plato, and to show how they relate to Plato’s story of Atlantis.

I believe very strongly that events which actually happened gave rise to these traditions–even though they do not mention Atlantis by name–and it is the events which are important, not formalities which would satisfy scholars. The traditions and myths I am about to describe correspond so closely to details given in Plato’s Atlantis narratives that mere coincidence is highly unlikely.

Egyptian Traditions

The ancient Egyptian records give us several kinds of information relating to the era of Atlantis. First of all, there is what is called the First Time, Zep Tepi, or the Golden Age, when the gods ruled. This is the time when mankind was given the elements of civilization, when the primordial darkness was banished. During Zep Tepi there were intermediaries between the gods and men, a time of the Neteru, the “Watchers”, who lived on the earth with men and guided them.

Not only do we have the king-lists bequeathed to us in Greek translation by Manetho (250 B.C.), we also have direct Egyptian sources, such as the king-list engraved on the Palermo Stone (2565-2420 B.C.) and the Turin Papyrus (circa. 1300 B.C.). One of the important aspects of Manetho’s king-list is that since he writes in Greek, he gives us the Greek equivalent of each Egyptian king mentioned in the lists.

After telling us that the total number of years covered by all the king-lists equals 36,525 (which, incidentally, agrees precisely with the period of Cro-Magnon Man), he continues: “the first series of princes was that of the Auritae (or the Aletae according to Sanchuniathon).”Then he lists the kings who ruled during this “reign of the gods”. Here is Manetho’s king-list, including the names from the Turin Papyrus on the left (there are two different kings named “Horus”):

The Turin Papyrus

Manetho’s King-list














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According to Manetho the “rule of the demi-gods” immediately follows the reign of the gods (Cory, 1832). And Manetho’s king-lists have been confirmed by the Egyptian sources mentioned above. (For an explanation of the omission of three kings, click on .) The important thing is that whenever the “reign of the gods” is included, Cronos (Seb) is always listed in one form or another.

Manetho is careful to point out that these first kings ruled not in Egypt itself, but rather in a foreign country. King Cronos and his connection with this Golden Age is very important in connecting up these traditions.

The Oldest Egyptian name for Cronos (Saturn) was Seb, which among the later Coptics became Repha. The latter appears in the ancient Greek translation of the Old Testament (the LXX) as “Raiphan” (Amos 5:26; modern versions use Rephan where the Amos passage is quoted in the New Testament–Acts 7:43). In any case, there is no doubt among scholars (Tyndale, 1962) that Saturn is the deity in reference–and as you know, Saturn is the Roman equivalent of Cronos.

This is in itself interesting, since the Hebrews were slaves in Egypt for hundreds of years and acquired many loan-words during that captivity. So it appears that Repha is an Egyptian loan-word, and the Hebrews\’ use of Rephaim (plural of Repha, usually translated “giants”) is most likely a reference to the gigantic sons of Cronos–the Titans.

One of the god-kings listed in the Turin Papyrus which is omitted in our copies of Manetho’s king list is the god Thoth. King Thoth is important for several different reasons. First, he is credited as being the inventor of writing; secondly, he wrote a large number of mystical works known as the Books of Thoth; and thirdly, he ruled on an island located in the west (Budge, 1960). The well-known Egyptian Book of the Dead contains some of the writings of Thoth.

Greek Mythology

Both Herodotus and Diodorus Siculus described certain “Atlantean” tribes who lived in Libya. Herodotus describes them as living in the vicinity of Mt. Atlas (History, Book IV), and Diodorus (Lib. Hist., Book III) says they lived “in the regions which lie close to the shore of the ocean.” Both descriptions fit the modern North African country of Morocco. But most importantly, these very people retained traditions of a time when they were ruled by Ouranos, Cronos and Atlas.

According to Diodorus, King Ouranos married Titaea and their sons were called Titans. The most prominent among them were Cronos and Atlas. Atlas was given the regions near the shore of the ocean to rule. Cronos eventually deposed Ouranos and became their next king. (Lib. Hist., Book III) These rulers more closely resemble the “gods” of Homer and Hesiod than the Atlantean kings of Plato’s account, which tells us that Diodorus did not use Plato’s Atlantis narratives as a source. (Critias explains that the original king-names had first been translated into Egyptian using the meanings of the names, which the priests in turn translated into the Greek for Solon.)

Diodorus\’ “Atlanteans” were without doubt the survivors of the cataclysm and, finding themselves in North Africa, evidently retained memories of being ruled by the gods, “whose source was the ocean [i.e., the Atlantic]”. It is more than interesting that Herodotus (450 B.C.) had already called these people “Atlanteans,” and the ocean to the west of them the “Atlantis Sea” nearly a hundred years before Plato. And it is also curious that a people calling themselves “Atlanteans” happened to be living precisely in the area that survivors of such a catastrophe should be expected!

As we have seen, it is virtually impossible to separate King Cronos from Atlantis. The war waged by the Atlanteans against the nations within th
e Mediterranean area and the mythological War of the Titans and Olympian gods have many important parallels. In both cases it happened just before the end of the invaders\’ civilization. In both accounts it was Zeus who was responsible for the demise of the opposing army. Both battles ended in violent destruction and a watery conclusion.

In the Atlanteans\’ case it was earthquakes, cataclysmic floods, and finally subsidence. In the Titans\’ case, Zeus rolled up a huge ball of fire in his hands and cast it down upon the Titans. This set the forested land on fire and made the ocean boil; the hills and valleys heaved and shook in a tremendous earthquake. The Titans were imprisoned (since they could not die) in Tartaros, which the Greek poets Homer and Orpheus place beneath the waves of “Oceanos,” now called the Atlantic Ocean.

In Plato’s unfinished Critias, Zeus had just decided to convene a council of the gods to determine the fate of the Atlanteans; but we have already learned the result of that council from the Timaeus; i.e., after suffering tremendous earthquakes and floods, Atlantis, with all her inhabitants, was destroyed, disappearing beneath the waves of the Atlantic Ocean.

The Atlanteans were described by Plato as being in the beginning a most noble race; but slowly the godly element of their nature became diluted by the baser human side. They eventually became greedy, materialistic, and warlike. In Greek mythology, King Cronos ruled during a Golden Age, introduced agriculture, established cities and law. The Golden Age was one of abundance and peace.

Hesiod writes about the Golden Age of Cronos in his Theogeny, wherein he is principally dealing with deities; but in his Works and Days where he is describing mankind he resorts to a different set of terms. He portrays mankind as a series of “races,” starting with a Golden Race, but eventually degenerating into an Iron Race. The original Golden race “lived in the time of Cronos” during the Golden Age. (Hesiod, 750 B.C.)

But, according to Hesiod, upon the demise of the Golden Race, an inferior Silver Race was then created. Later came the Bronze Race, the race of Heroes, and finally the inferior Iron Race (Hesiod, 750 B.C.). Since these are oral traditions carried down by the ancient Greeks, mostly in ballads and epic poems, no time frame is given; but the sequence as given is certainly indicative of the gradual deterioration of mankind parallel to Plato’s description of the fate of the Atlantean people.

King Cronos ruled a western kingdom (called “the Saturnian continent” by Latins; Plutarch, 100 A.D.), was said to have invented agriculture, and instructed men how to live in a civilized manner. But to prevent rivals to his throne he began to kill all his own sons. Zeus (who was destined to depose him), was hid by his mother on the isle of Crete, where he grew up finally to defeat his father and rule as king of the gods (Hesiod, 735 B.C.).

The manner in which Zeus finally defeats Cronos and his Titans (the sons of Heaven) is reminiscent of the account found in the . After the war had continued unabated for ten years, Zeus was finally presented with “weapons” which resembled lightning, and the earth began to quake as fiery bolts flew from his hands. The vast forests were set on fire and the waters of the ocean itself “boiled and seethed” (Hesiod, 735 B.C.).

Cronos and the Titans are finally imprisoned in Tartaros, located deep beneath the ocean waves. In this passage from the Iliad (Book XIV), the queenly Hera proposes “to visit Oceanus at the far end of the earth, from whom the gods are sprung,” where Zeus “had also thrust great Cronos down beneath earth and the restless sea.” (Homer, 850 B.C.) Once the Titans are sealed in their infernal prison, Atlas himself is left guarding the gates, preventing a future escape–a lot of Atlantean connections here!

During the yearly festival known as the Cronia–similar to the Roman Saturnalia festival–the bound statue of Cronos was brought forth and loosed, but only for the duration of the festival. At the same time all slaves were temporarily freed, gifts exchanged, and a 7-day long party ensued during which there was drinking and merry making. Slaves were allowed to order their masters around (although the severity of such orders was tempered by the knowledge that in a few days they would again be ruled by these same masters). This was all, of course, to honor Cronos, the first great king and civilizer of mankind; but also to commemorate the defeat, binding, and imprisonment of Cronos at the end of the 10-year-long war.

Just how did Plato’s Atlanteans obtain their “godly” nature to begin with? According to Plato’s Critias, the god Poseidon fell in love with an earthborn girl named Cleito. He had intercourse with her (the “mythological element” of the Atlantis story), and built her a palace in Atlantis on a hill. They eventually had five sets of twins (ten princes), the eldest of which was named Atlas, for which the entire land was named Atlantis.

This “mixture” of divine and earthborn would, of course, make each of their offspring one-half divine and one-half human. The natural result of this generation mating with other earthborn women would result in only a “quarter” of the divine element, etc., etc., until eventually the divine element would become so “diluted” that the baser “human” characteristics would finally be in control. Now let’s compare this scenario with another prominent body of legends.

Hebrew Records

The traditions recorded by the Hebrews parallel the above account closely. A strange, often puzzling, passage appears early in the Hebrew Bible which bears looking into at this point. In the book of Genesis one finds the following:

“And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. . . .

There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughter of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men (heroes) which were of old, men of renown.” (Genesis 6:1-2-4)

Now this is basically how Plato says the Atlanteans came to be. (Remember also that Hesiod calls the Titans “sons of Heaven”.) The Hebrew account even contains a reference to Plato’s “dilution” of the divine element with the human: “And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh” (verse 3), after which man grows extremely wicked and is eventually destroyed by a flood. The account in the Book of Enoch mentions the earth tilting on its axis during which the earth “labours and is violently shaken.” (I Enoch LXIV. 1-3)

Two of the most surprising (and mistranslated) verses in the Old Testament may actually concern Atlantis. The passage is found in the Book of Job, and in the respected King James Version reads like this:

“Dead things are formed from under the waters, and the inhabitants thereof. Hell is naked before him, and destruction hath no covering.” (Job 26:5-6)

An innocuous enough sounding passage: no clue here to the famous sunken land. But in reality, these verses deserve a second look. The very first word in the above passage is the Hebrew word Rephaim, a reference to the descendants of Repha! In other words, this is a direct reference to the sons of King Cronos – the famed Titans of Greek mythology. And the Hebrew verb translated “formed” should have been translated “tremble” or “writhe”. What a change this makes! An informed modern translation would read: “The Titans tremble beneath the waters and the inhabitants thereof. Hell is naked before him, and destruction hath no covering.” (Job 26:5-6)

Dr. James Moffatt (1922) of Oxford University is almost poetic in his expressive rendering of the passage in question. Undoubtedly he has caught the meaning of what this is all about.

“Before him the primaeval giants writhe
, under the ocean in their prison; the underworld lies open to his eyes, the nether regions are unveiled.” (Job 26:5-6)

If this is not a reference to the fateful destiny of the Titans, I don’t know what it is! It was the god Zeus who had won the battle (leading the Olympian gods against Cronos and the Titans), and had imprisoned them at the bottom of the ocean (Oceanos, which we now call the Atlantic). Yahweh, the Hebrew equivalent of Zeus, is said to be able to see right through the “covering” (the waters) and view “destruction” as if it were lying naked before him. Tartaros is the Greek name for this underwater prison (translated “hell” in II Peter 2:4 of the New Testament), but this term is not used in the Hebrew texts–it is not a Hebrew word. However, if there ever was a place where the Hebrews could have used a Greek loan-word in place of sheol, this was it.

The only scholarly reference I\’ve ever seen acknowledging this ancient Hebrew concept of a special “prison” or “hell” beneath the sea is that of the famed Assyriologist Alexander Heidel. He states unequivocally that: “The Old Testament localizes the realm of the dead, or, rather, the realm of certain disembodied human spirits, within the innermost parts of the earth, below the sea.” (Heidel, 1946; italics are mine.) In support of this, he quotes this same passage from the Book of Job which we have been analyzing.

The above reference to the Rephaim (giants), the descendants of Repha (Cronos), the agony of their imprisonment beneath the ocean, and the obvious reference to “destruction” covered by water is about as close as the Bible comes to mentioning the demise of Atlantis and the fate of its inhabitants.

{Source: }


Satan Or No Satan?

There seems to be a faction within the Identity movement, who do not believe in the Fallen Angels. Neither do they believe that there exists a spiritual being called Satan. The most prominent of these was none other than Pastor Sheldon Emry. Although they refer to this as the “No Satan” position, I like to refer to this position as the “rationalist school of Identity.” Most of these people understand that the Jews are our adversary; but they see no need to conjure up a disembodied spirit to explain why Jews are evil. We will deal more fully with the literal Satan in Part 5. For the moment, let us consider a passage from Isaiah:

“O Lord, our God, other lords besides thee have had dominion over us; but by thee only will we make mention of thy Name. They are dead, they shall not live; they are deceased, they shall not rise: therefore hast thou visited and destroyed them, and made all their memory to perish.” – Isa. 26:13-14.

This innocuous sounding passage has a BIG SURPRISE hidden in it! It is not talking about the dead, in general. It is actually talking about a very specific group of “dead ones.” Here is what Howard Rand has to say about it:

Who were these lords? The fact that there is to be no resurrection for them, now that they are dead, indicates that they are not dead men, for all men shall rise again, at least for the judgment. The statement, “they are deceased” is worthy of close study. Young’s Analytical Concordance states that the Hebrew word here translated as ‘deceased\’ is Rephaim, meaning, shades, fearful ones.

The dictionary defines “shade” as a “phantom, spirit, or ghost,” stating that the shades are the inhabitants of the nether world, or Hades, the abode of disembodied spirits. The Rephaim are therefore shades, phantoms, spirits, or ghosts. – Giants of the Darkness, Howard B. Rand, p.2.

Let us recall also the destination where Jesus went immediately after His death!

“For Christ also once suffered for our sins, a just man for sinners, that he might bring you to God, wherefore while he died in the flesh, he lives in the Spirit. [Note here that Christ is a disembodied spirit!] And he preached to the souls imprisoned in Sheol, Those who in the past were disobedient; AND in the days of Noah…” – 1 Peter 3:18-20 (Lamsa).

So, not only is Yahshua still alive as a disembodied spirit in heaven, so are the Rephaim in the abyss! Yahshua even descended into their hell to preach to them! Peter’s sermon also confirms that these Rephaim were disobedient in the past (before the days of Noah) AND also in the days of Noah. So, again, we are talking about the Rephaim in pre-history. Peter thus confirms the two-seedline doctrine that there were fallen angels on earth before the Garden and just before the Flood. Nachash was one of those that were present before the Garden.

Recalling Job 26:5:

“Dead things are formed from under the waters, and the inhabitants thereof.”

In a footnote to this verse, The Companion Bible tells us:

“The Ellipsis must be supplied thus: ‘(The place where) the Rephaim stay (which is) beneath the waters, and the things that are therein.\’ This place thus answers to the other place, Sheol, the grave, in the next verse.”

By translating Rephaim as “dead things,” the KJV disguises the fact that the Bible is often directly referencing these disembodied spirits, called Rephaim, who are still very much alive in the spirit world, awaiting their final judgment, like a prisoner on death row! In addition, the Bible speaks constantly of other gods, lesser gods, angels, archangels, cherubim, demons, and spirits. There is no doubt that these non-physical beings exist in the spiritual world. Certainly, the Bible treats them as if they exist! These are not mere metaphors or messengers, as the “No-Satan” crowd argue! When Jesus talked to Legion (Matt. 8:29, Mark 5:9, Luke 8:30) and cast the demons out of the possessed and into the herd of swine, the swine reacted, violently, by running down the hill and drowning themselves in the sea! Pretty powerful metaphor!!!! The No-Satan advocates have no explanation for this effect. Some even question the legitimacy of such verses. But this is treading on dangerous ground. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of such verses in Scripture. The Bible records Yahshua’s conversation with Legion as an actual event. If Jesus were not speaking with an actual demon, He would have been talking to Himself!

The rationalist school of Identity must either ignore these verses or treat them all as metaphors. Their attitude towards the invisible world is “If I can’t see it, it doesn’t exist.” But this is not the attitude of the Bible. On the contrary, the Bible teaches us to respect the invisible world, for all of its unseen wonders and dangers:

“For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him.” – Colossians 1:16.

Very few of the “No Satan” advocates are Paul-deniers, so here we have Paul telling us that there are powers, principalities, thrones, and dominions in BOTH the visible and invisible worlds. Just because we can’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t real. Scientists used to say that matter is 99% “empty space.” Now, they are telling us that it is “dark matter.” So, what are we really seeing? We are seeing exactly what Yahweh wants us to see.

When Jesus died upon the cross, He gave up “the ghost” (Matt. 27:50). Many saints “came out of the graves” and appeared unto the embodied souls of Jerusalem (Matt. 27:52-53). These “ghosts” are either real or they aren’t. Obviously, the Bible treats them as if they are as real as a butcher-block table. The only difference is that they are generally invisible. But there are times when they ARE visible, as when Moses and Elijah appeared to the Apostles (Matt. 17:1-9). Were Peter, James and John having a collective hallucination? Those who claim that the Bible does not teach about the non-physical realms of existence have a Scriptural mental block. These stor
ies may sound like fairy tales, but the language of Scripture is very clear: These entities exist. I would venture to say that denial of these straightforward passages is tantamount to heresy. I loved Pastor Emry dearly, but I have to disagree with him on this one. (I have a feeling that, from where he is right now, in heaven, he agrees with me!!!)

Does the spirit of Satan still exist? Of course it does! If Jesus, Moses and Elijah still exist in the spirit world, why not Satan? His spirit has not yet been annihilated.

“And he has quickened you also who were dead because of your sins and trespasses; in which you previously walked according to the course of this world, and according to the will of the supreme ruler of the air, the SPIRIT which is active in the children of disobedience.” – Ephesians 2:1-2.

Who might that “supreme ruler” be? The spirit of Satan is alive and well in the Jewish people, but the Rephaim have been taken from Satan’s domain. Both Peter and Jude assert that these Rephaim are confined in a hidden location, pending their upcoming judgment! They are on “death row.” That’s why we aren’t confronted by them on a daily basis, although I think I\’ve known a few people who are!

The Great Race War Between the Nephilim and the Cro-Magnon Whites

From the foregoing, we can conclude that, pre-historically, even before Genesis 1, there was a Great War between these two opposing factions. This concept is validated by virtually all of the accounts of ancient mythology. The “fallen ones,” whether in the form of gods or demi-gods, possessing superhuman strength and virility, indulged themselves in an orgy of lust and violence. Here are some more extra-Biblical examples:

In the Mahabharata, this orgy of race-mixing is spelled out in great detail. These fallen ones were apparently led by Indra, who tells his host:

Take ye on form on earth with all the hosts of the Gods. Beget ye all on bears and monkeys heroic sons [hybrids!], mighty and able to assume any shape, to be Vishnu’s helpers…All the great Gods led by Sakra [probably Lucifer, “lord of the devas”] begot sons of monkeys and bears; and they all equaled their fathers in fame and strength.”

Was this an instruction to “create,” ala Dr. Moreaux, breeds of humanoid-animal worker-slaves? It appears that part of the thrill of these sexual forays and experiments was the curiosity of finding out what kinds of creatures they could beget. The righteous warrior-sage of the Mahabharata, Yudhisthira, says of these orgiastic beings:

“Having lost his senses he is driven to cruel deeds. To lapse further into evil he cultivates miscegenation and that leads to hell. It is the first stage of evildoers.”

Miscegenation has always been the primordial first stage of evildoing! Many of the early Christian patriarchs readily acknowledged that this record is factual:

“This assumption of flesh made them subject to human lusts: being seduced by the Daughters of Men, they found themselves chained to earth, unable to resume their spiritual shapes.” – Ante-Nicene Christian Library, Vol. XVII.

“They lusted after mortal women and defiled themselves by sexual intercourse. Enoch has recorded not only their divine instructions, but also their subsequent fall from grace; before the end, they were indiscriminately enjoying virgins, matrons, men and beasts.” – Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament, Vol. II.

We will be quoting extensively from the Book of Enoch when we analyze Genesis 3. For now, it is important to understand that these Fallen Angels were disrupting Yahweh’s racially specific genetic codes. These recently demoted angels engaged in these deeds in order to satisfy their own lust and also to spite Yahweh, in an attempt to destroy His natural order. We have to understand that this is one of the most dominant themes of the Bible and the Apocrypha. This is all-out WAR between the angels of light and the angels of darkness; and we Anglo-Saxon Israelites are caught in the middle. We will also find that both Nachash (the Serpent in the Garden) and Cain were predisposed to engage in race-mixing and hybridization, using it as a weapon – silent genocide – against the Adamites. It is this fact, which remains unknown and unacknowledged by the vast majority of the Caucasian population, which is the primary religious and political motivation of the International Jew: to destroy the White Race by any means possible, be it war, disease or miscegenation. By such deception, they have made war against us for the last 6,000 years.

In my opinion, the Titans of pre-history were the mixed offspring of the “sons of heaven” (or “sons of God” (nephilim in Hebrew) and Cro-Magnon White women, who were “fair” (meaning that they had white skin and that they were sexually desirable to these fallen ones). Thus, these Cro-Magnon White women were, on a massive scale, the literal victims of kidnapping and rape. These Nephilim were none other than Lucifer and the fallen angels that were kicked out of heaven by Yahweh. (Rev. 12:7-9.) They “fell” to earth, where the rebellion continued, taking the form of constant warfare here on earth. Thus, Genesis 6 records a later instance of similar events.

In essence, these ancient stories are telling us that there was a great Race War between the Nephilim and the Cro-Magnon and how the Cro-Magnon tried to defend themselves against the Nephilim and their race-mixed offspring, the Titans, which the Bible refers to as “giants.” I\’m sure that the fallen ones (Nephilim) mated with the women of the other races as well, but the Bible is the story of the white-skinned Adamites (Gen. 5:1), so there is scant information regarding the other races, except as they come into contact with the Adamites. It is critically important that we understand that this great Race War is still going on today. This was clearly prophesied at Gen. 3:15.

Centuries after the Phaeton catastrophe of 10,500 BC, which sank Atlantis, the two opposing sides dusted themselves off, regathered their strength, replenished their respective numbers, and continued the fight. When Nachash seduced Eve in the Garden, it was just an earlier instance of “the sons of God mating with the daughters of adamkind.” The BIG DIFFERENCE, though, was that Yahweh had designed Adam and Eve to be potentially immortal. This genetic change would place the Adamites on an equal or even superior level to the Nephilim; and the Nephilim understood that such a development would mean their ultimate defeat. There was, however, one catch: This potential immortality of Adamic Man could only be sustained by maintaining their racial purity. Nachash, the “Serpent” in the Garden, knew this and wasted no time in spoiling Eve’s womb and our Spirit-based DNA code. This is the true theme of Genesis, Chapter 3 and of the Bible as a whole; and this is the essence of the Two-Seedline message.

There is no doubt that both the Nephilim and the Cro-Magnon survived the earlier catastrophe. In Genesis 6, a final wave of Nephilim appeared, causing the chaos in Noah’s territory, which necessitated Noah’s Flood. Before the formation of Adam and Eve, the Nephilim would have endeavored to regain their control over all other races, including Cro-Magnon Adamkind, as the planet was recovering from the impact of the asteroid, Phaeton.

Summarizing all of the information we have at hand, here is how I integrate the Biblical record, ancient mythology, archeology and natural history into one continuous, cohesive story:

1.) An archangel named Lucifer or Satan rebelled against Yahweh and was cast out of heaven, along with a group of lesser angels, who took sides with Lucifer. “There was war in heaven.” (Rev. 12) We have no way of knowing how long ago this rebellion took place, but it was evidently many eons ago.

2.) At some point, Lucifer, with his host, was cast down to the earth and he became “prince of this world.”

3.) The ancient myths tell us about the warfare that ensued amon
g competing “gods,” also between the Fallen Ones and the earthlings that were already here.

4.) This period of social chaos came to an end with the sinking of Atlantis around 10,500 BC, a global volcanic event, which spewed billions of tons of ash into the atmosphere, simultaneously extinguishing many life forms.

5.) The survivors of this catastrophe were forced to live in high-altitude caves, where diffused sunlight could break through the clouds, providing just enough light to grow some crops. Tropical and sub-tropical locales, such as the Nile River basin, Mesopotamia, and the Mediterranean basin, were initially destroyed by tidal waves, but they were not as severely affected by the volcanic dust cloud, thus permitting refugees to resettle and rebuild (replenish). The Sumerians and the pre-dynastic Egyptians were probably the survivors of the Phaeton catastrophe. This would explain why both of these civilizations appeared out of nowhere, fully formed, without any record of development.

Evolutionists try to depict these cave dwellers as pre-homosapien brute beasts. On the contrary, they were probably the most intelligent survivors of a highly advanced civilization, which had just been destroyed. It also appears that the Sumerians were a multi-racial state, with the dwarfish “blackheads” comprising a worker class. Thus, Sumeria retained the seeds of the problem that destroyed Atlantis.

With this as a background to Genesis 1, we can now look at it from different perspective. Once upon a time…

Creation Versus Gap Theory

Since Genesis 1 deals with pre-historic times, it is crucial that we have an alternative scenario to the one that is given to us by orthodoxy. Genesis 1 is usually thought of as a “Creation Story.” And it certainly appears that the first chapter of Genesis gives us a general picture of how the Universe was created in successive stages. There is nothing unscientific or unnatural in viewing Genesis 1 in this way. It makes sense.

However, there is a competing theory of what Genesis 1 is all about. Some have called it the “Two Creations.” Others have called it the “Eighth Day Creation.” It is also called the “Gap Theory,” which postulates that there is a tremendous amount of time between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2. I prefer to call it the “Replenishment Theory.” This is the RECOVERY of planet Earth from its near-destruction by an asteroid around 10,500 BC. This asteroid impact was responsible for the sinking of Atlantis. And it nearly destroyed all hominid life on this planet. Shortly, we will re-read Genesis 1, keeping both of these interpretations in mind (Creation versus Replenishment).

In matters of pre-history, I like to read the works of Dr. Wesley Swift, as he is reputed to have had a great number of ancient texts on this subject in his personal library. Doctor Wesley Swift has proposed this theory:

We cited to you that the Adamic Race by Biblical History, and by accurate chronology goes back to 5500 B.C., with the period of time for their leaving the Garden area as 5400 B.C. And the begatting of the Adamic race largely following that, with Adam living almost 800 years after that. The fact remains that the White Race is identified with earth by the history of men and of nations. And a period which starts some 5500 years before Christ places the Adamic Race about 7500 years upon the face of the earth. The Ancient Sumerians had a basic Asiatic background, and much of their vocabulary and records and words tie them in with similarity to Asiatic philosophies, ideas, places, some of it being basically Ancient to the present Turkey before the Present Turks, existing in Ancient Asia, and down into Mesopotamia, and even finding its Ancient roots in Ancient Ur, and in the areas around the plains of Shinar. The Ancient Sumerian Dynasties reach back further than any Dynasties that are found anywhere in earth’s history.

In a period of time when a great number of those were seeking to mongrelize our race, and to overthrow the structure of our racial respect, and seeking to bring about a One World Order by mixing the races, which is sheer mongrelization with integration being a basic step, it is important that men know something about races and from whence they have come. This is why we supported last week, and call on you to remember in this promise that in the thirty‑first chapter of Ezekiel, the Bible firmly teaches that he was to talk to the Pharaoh of Egypt and tell him that although he was a part of an Ancient Empire, which was a great Empire in the days of Eden, that the Assyrian Empire was at that time all over the world. The Assyrian Empire had racial streams that had made it so great that the trees of its Empires, and the might of the mother Empire…the Assyrian Empire was all over the earth. And the people of every race, and every known society and culture, and even the fowls of the air, and every creature of earth was under the Administration of the Assyrian Empire in the days of Eden. Now…once you get this Biblical statement clear in your mind that the Assyrian Empire was so back in Antiquity that when Eden…which was the time of beginnings…and the Eden of Genesis which relates to the placing of Adam in the earth…that this Empire was over all the earth, it then becomes impossible in your thinking to suppose by any stretch of the imagination that Adam fathered this Empire which was already over the earth, or had anything to do with the racial stream that was already existent here.

We have advocated, and the Scripture supports from one end unto the other, the spiritual seed begotten in the heavens of the MOST HIGH, in the Spirit, and then placed in the Adamic race, to come generation after generation into the fulfillment of a developing society to build God’s Kingdom as the identity of your race.

But ages before God sent the Adamic race into the world, and in the periods of time which go way back to the time when HE was blessing you according to Paul..\’With all spiritual blessings, in heavenly places\’…this earth had people all over it. We have shown you that in the structure of the Bible that there are numbers of people who are not from the Adamic Race. And as such we brought to your attention that when God called Abraham out of Ur of the Chaldees which city was then being reigned over by Nimrod, who was a white man and a descendent several generations from Ham, that God called Abraham to leave this land where his father was Prime Minister, so that the white race in its purest seed, and with its highest spiritual vision would not be mongrelized and destroyed. For this would destroy the purposes which God had in earth, of establishing a Kingdom which had been begotten in the heavens…then placed in the earth for this very purpose. Abraham believed God and obeyed HIM, and thus this strain of the white race was preserved. Down in Egypt this same strain of the white race like Enoch and Job which was existent down in Ancient Egypt in the city of ON, were continuing with prophetic fulfillment, to carry out a Destiny which God had ordained. Do not forget that Abraham who came out of the land of Ur of the Chaldees was a white man, the father of Isaac, and Jacob, and, yes, today all of the peoples of the white race which you have in the Western nations of Christian civilization today. These are Anglo‑Saxon, Scandinavian, Nordic, Basque, Lombard, Germanic people and have descended from these children of Jacob.

{Source: }

Dr. Swift is telling us that the White Race was specially created by Yahweh for the purpose of re-establishing HIS KINGDOM here on Planet Earth. Of course, Dr. Swift is talking about the descendants of Adam and Eve, our ancestors. He is talking about Adam, with a capital A; and this is indeed the story that the Bible tells from Genesis 2 to Revelation 22.

In my opinion, however, the (lower case) adamites of Genesis 1 existed before Adam was “formed.” That man, Adam was not created, he was formed. We will get to the significance of this difference later.
First, there are some key words, whose possible meanings must be explored before we can truly appreciate Genesis, Chapter 1.

What Dr. Swift is calling a pre-historic version of the Assyrian Empire can probably be found at Gobekli Tepe, a Turkish site dated to 8,000 BC and before. I refer to this early civilization as Sumeria.

It is very likely, however, that the ruling caste of Sumeria were Cro-Magnon White men. L.A. Waddell, in his various researches, traces the origin of the Aryan Phoenicians, and their script, back to ancient Sumeria. The ancient Atlanteans were known as colonists, as were our ancient Aryan-Hebrew ancestors as well. It has always been the Aryans who have been the foremost civilizers, builders, explorers, and colonists. Nothing has changed in this regard. But there is no doubt that the Sumerians employed other races for manual labor, such as the “Blackheads,” a race that featured a short stature, hooked-nose and a receding forehead, just like today’s Jews. Mrs. Sydney Bristowe’s book, Sargon the Magnificent, contains photos of statues depicting these very same people.

{This website, , states that “While it is believed that the Sumerians settled what we know of as Ancient Mesopotamia after coming from the hilly country of the East, the study of their skeletal remains shows that they were not Oriental (as one would surmise) but rather Caucasian Indo-European.”}

According to the legend of Sargon, when Cain entered Sumeria, he became the cup-bearer to the King, whom he eventually deposed by assassination. Since he himself was a half-breed, Cain/Sargon would have actively encouraged race-mixing among the people of his kingdom. He also instituted campaigns of warfare and empire building against neighboring peoples/tribes. The geological/archeological record of ancient Sumeria tells us that its cities existed well before 5500 BC and that some of these cities were rebuilt after the Flood of Noah. This is an archeological fact in Egypt as well, except that Egypt’s archeological record shows no disturbance by Noah’s Flood at all.

{This website contains a good synopsis of the whole Nephilim scenario down to the time of Noah: }

For the purposes of this reconstruction of Genesis 1, the paramount consideration is that all races were definitely in existence both concurrently and prior to the drama of the Garden of Eden. Whether or not my 5-point synopsis of pre-history is accurate, this factor is true, regardless. The commonly held belief that there was ever a time when the only hominids alive were Adam and Eve is archeologically untenable, as modern archeological digs provide irrefutable evidence of human settlements that go far back into pre-history, thousands of years before Adam and Eve, proving the pre-existence of all the known races. I will further demonstrate that this belief is Biblically untenable as well. Once we compare the original Hebrew of Genesis 1 and 2 with modern concepts of science, a completely different picture emerges. Obviously, the King James translators did not have the archeological and cultural knowledge that we have today, so their translation of Genesis 1 & 2 is based on their Medieval worldview. Furthermore, the King James Version is imbued with both Jewish and Catholic dogma; and these scriptural and historical facts must be revealed and critiqued in the light of serious scholarship. It goes without saying that the Replenishment Theory will upset two apple carts: evolutionism and 6-Day Creationism.

In my opinion, the (lower case) adamites (# 119 and 120) of Genesis 1 existed before the man, Adam (upper case, #121), our first Patriarch, was “formed.” Adam, as a significantly advanced prototype, unlike the race he represented, was not “created.” (bara, Gen. 1:27.) He was formed (Gen. 2:7, yatsar: molded, formed) in Eden. We will determine the significance of this difference in Part 4 and in “Genesis 1 & 2.” (Both of these papers are available at .) First, there are some key words, whose possible meanings must be explored and thoroughly investigated, before we can truly appreciate the scope and magnitude of Genesis, Chapter 1.

The “Beasts” of Genesis 1

In Genesis 1, the word “beast” is translated from the Hebrew chay or chayah, meaning, “alive; hence, raw (flesh); fresh (plant, water, year), strong; also (as noun, especially in the feminine singular and masculine plural) life (or living thing), whether literally or figuratively — + age, alive, appetite, (wild) beast, company, congregation, life(-time), live(-ly), living (creature, thing), maintenance, + merry, multitude, + (be) old, quick, raw, running, springing, troop.”

As we can see, there is a wide variety of meanings to choose from, most of which center around the concept of “life,” or “living being.” Why the KJV translators chose beast is a good question, especially since that designation is preceded by nine more common meanings. Very significantly, the three highlighted words suggest beings that belong to the two-legged (biped) “beast” kingdom; and we will further find that, in Genesis 1, this concept should have been included in the translation. It is also possible that the KJV translators did, indeed, understand that some of these “beasts” were humanoids. In those days, it was common for Europeans to refer to the Blacks of Africa as “savage beasts.” (That was before the Jews taught us that “all races are equal” and that race-mixing is a good thing!) Many a missionary found out the hard way that these Blacks were savages indeed!!! It may also be a matter of politeness (or political correctness) that this archaic usage of beast has faded away in the last half-century.

So, with regard to the modern usage of the word, “beast,” it is today commonly understood as implying “beast of burden,” or some non-human animal. But the Hebrew word chay does not mean “non-human.” As used in Scripture, it often refers to two-legged humanoids. Nevertheless, it seems to be the case that both the Jewish Masoretes and the KJV translators assumed that the word chay was referring exclusively to four-legged animals and lower-order animals. But this assumption is incorrect, as we will shortly see. The universally accepted belief that only Adam, Eve, and the Serpent were alive in Genesis 2 and 3 is based on this poor understanding of the word chay. When we realize that this word includes two-legged humanoids, then we can understand that the Bible is telling us that all races were created in Genesis 1. The fact that Genesis 1 does not mention the Nephilim is immaterial. The fact is that we confront one of them in Genesis, Chapter 3 and, later, a whole troop of them in Genesis, Chapter 6.

Here is what author John Knight has to say about the word beast, as it appears in the Bible:

Eight (8) different Hebrew and Greek words, behemah, b\’iyr, ziyz, chay, cheyva\’, trephah, nephesh, and ktenos, are all translated into the one English word “beast,” but they each mean different things in different contexts. The word behemah describes “beasts” who have boils on their bodies, who have hands, who could lie down with a woman to have sex with her, who have a conscience, who are put to death for violating God’s Law, who have possessions which can be sold or redeemed, who hold authority which can be taken away, who have feet, who are inhabitants of cities, who God promises to crossbreed with Israelites and Judahites [as a form of punishment – Eli], who can be hired, who are kept in tents, who can cry mightily to God, who can turn away from evil, who wear sackcloth, whose seed Jeremiah predicted would be mixed with the House of Israel, the House of Judah, and man [read: the people of the land], none of which any four legged animal on the planet is capable of.

The word chay describes “beasts” who are allowed to eat from the corners of your field, who are evil, and who can prevent Israelites from passing through the land. Only homo sapiens have such traits and capabilities to this day. There are speci
es of humans who are not of “Adam” , which means “ruddy” or “able to blush.” Thus the word “beast” can describe only homo sapiens who are not of the Adamic [read: Caucasoid] race but who do have similar but not equal physical and intellectual traits.

{ Source: }

I would restate Mr. Knight’s premise, simply, by saying that the Bible regularly distinguishes between adamkind and beast-kind, especially when the beast-kind are of the two-legged, humanoid variety.

From another source:



The word “beast” appears throughout English written scriptures and often appears translated as simple “Beast,” or “Beast of the Field,” or “Beast of the Earth.” However, three different Hebrew words are incorrectly translated into the English word BEAST in many Bible translations, one combined Hebrew word, and one Greek word.
2. The Hebrew word BEHEMA, which means quadrupeds (like cattle);
3. The Hebrew word BEIR which means a BRUTE BEAST.
4. The Hebrew phrase NEPHESH CHAY-AH, means LIVING BREATHERS, it is used, of animals, both aquatic and land, as well as humans (see Gen 1:24; 2:7). The common English translation of “soul” is incorrect-except when taken in the restricted sense of “one being.”
5. The Greek word ZOE translated BEAST which means LIVING, LIFE, LIVING CREATURE, is the root of our English word for “Zoo” .
In tracing these words through the Scriptures, it is important to note that Scripture speaks of both quadruped (four-footed) beast and biped (two-legged) beasts. If you fail to distinguish between beasts (quadruped) and beasts (biped) in the Scriptures, you have missed the truth. Of primary importance is the Hebrew word CHAY-AH, which means LIVE, LIVING CREATURE, EARTH LIFE-EARTH DWELLER. This word refers to biped (two-legged) Earth Life “beasts” or in other words a hu-man, or man-kind, as distinguished from the word “Adam” (Man).
It is interesting to note that in all of the following Scriptures we find reference to a BEAST that is biped. A (two-legged) BEAST who can talk, riot, commit adultery, co-habit with man, work in vineyards, use his hands, wear clothing, cry unto his creator and sow his seed with other races. Those who have studied the etymology of this Hebrew word CHAY-AH through the scriptures, under the English word “BEAST” , know it is speaking of pre-Adamic mankind! If this truth were known and taught from the pulpits of American churches, it would stop the destructive race towards racial suicide through the mongrelizing (intermingling by miscegenation) of the races.
As you study the following scriptures and provide an honest answer to each question, perhaps the full implications of the incorrectly translated word “BEAST” will become very clear to you.
Was Joel speaking of a “beast” or field hand in Joel 2:22?
What kind of a beast do you know that wears clothing (sack-cloth) as we read in Jonah 3:8?
What kind of a beast has hands as reported in Exodus 19:13?
What type of beast is capable of mixing or “sowing” his seed with the “seed of Adam” as described in Jeremiah 31:27?
What kind of a male beast could a woman lust after and “lie down with” and cause YAHWEH to have them executed in righteous judgment? Leviticus 20:16
What kind of a female beast could a man lust after and cause a penalty of death to be decreed by YAHWEH? Leviticus 20:15
What kind of beast would have the ability to “keep the vineyard” as we find in the Song of Solomon, Chapter 1, who incidentally was Black?
What kind of a beast “cries mightily unto YAHWEH” in Jonah 3:8-10?
What kind of a beast would have “eyes full of adultery” , as recorded in 2 Peter 2:12-14?
What kind of beast loves to riot in the daytime? 2 Peter 2:12-14
What kind of a beast can talk or speak? 2 Peter 2:12
What kind of a beast was made to be taken and DESTROYED? 2 Peter 2:12


From these passages it is clear, that the word translated BEAST in many translations, does not refer to a quadruped (4 legged animal). The word clearly refers to Hu-man, Man-kind, a biped (2 legged Hu-man being). It is our understanding of the Hebrew, that this word CHAY-AH, clearly refers to a race of Hu-man beings. It does not refer to the Adamic race, the race of Adam (Man).
{Source: }

(I also highly recommend this study, entitled “Beast With a Hand,” by Jason Blaha, to get a thorough understanding of how the word ‘beast\’ is used in Scripture. It is very simplistic to assume that the modern usage of the English beast is what determines the true meaning of the Hebrew chay. This supposed benchmark definition does not even come close to representing the Hebrew word chay, which is used in a much greater variety of senses than the English ‘beast.\’ )

From these and many other discussions of how the word ‘beast\’ is used in Scripture, it is patently obvious that the Hebrew meaning of the word chay is not to be limited to four-legged animals or lower-order ‘beasts.\’ The word chay clearly includes two-legged hominids and humanoids. Thus, the long held assumption that the word ‘beast,\’ as used in Scripture, excludes two-legged humanoids is a false assumption.
This fact will become increasingly obvious as we continue our analysis of Genesis 1 & 2. And the importance of this fact is that it disproves the naive idea that there were no human beings on this planet before Adam and Eve.

Special Creation Versus Special Selection

From the forgoing discussion of the races that existed before Adam and Eve were formed, I have come to this inescapable conclusion: Adam was not the very first White Man, as Dr. Wesley Swift and most other people assume. Rather, Adam was specially selected by Yahweh. This had been logically obvious to me for some time. I had, for a long time, mistakenly assumed that the Bible does not provide any written evidence for Adam’s extra-Edenic origin. But one day I was preparing a sermon on Genesis, Chapter 3 with the help of two Identity friends, and, lo and behold, we came upon Verse 23, which tells us that Adam came from a place outside of Eden. Read it for yourself. This overlooked passage affirms that Adam came from a place outside of Eden. Combined with the evidence of Chapters 1 & 2, it means that Adam was, quite possibly, not a special creation of Yahweh, but rather, a representative of an already existing race, and an individual specially selected by Yahweh for some radical alterations and for a very great and noble purpose.

By the way, the word Aryan, means “noble.” It is obvious that the Adamic Aryans had a strong sense of their noble destiny and purpose, which was surely imparted to them by their parents, Adam and Eve.

There is no doubt that the Man, Adam was a White Man (Hebrew awdawm), chosen from the existing representatives that were then in a recuperative state of civilization, recovering from the global chaos that resulted from the sinking of Atlantis. There was rudimentary agriculture, but no society had yet revived the full-blown agriculture that Atlantis was famous for. Civilization had sunk to a subsistence level, and it was the Adamites who were destined to restore the art of agriculture to the world.

What I am saying is that all of the races known today existed BEFORE Adam and Eve were “formed” in the Garden. The White Race, previous to the Garden, would have to be the archeological group known as Cro-Magnon. Otto Muck, in his book, Secret of Atlantis, identifies the Cro-Magnon exclusively with the racial type we know today as the American Indian. However, this is a mistake. The correct application of the word Cro-Magnon is to the White Race of that time, before Adam re-introduced agriculture into the post-Atlantean world.

The Bible clearly tells us that Yahweh formed Adam because “there was no MAN to till the ground
.” The fascinating thing about this statement is that it correlates well with the historic record of the introduction of agriculture back into society. In fact, it would be correct to say that recorded history and organized agriculture began at the same time. Without organized agriculture, and the availability of food made possible thereby, there can be no higher civilization. History records, as an indisputable fact, that, before the Adam and jhis descendants restored agriculture to our planet, the nomadic and semi-nomadic lifestyle was the most prevalent. Nomadic life can support, at best, small settlements. Without agriculture, large cities, and the development of the arts and sciences, are impossible. Without agriculture, only rudimentary arts and sciences are possible. The Adamites changed this state of affairs.

Kennewick Man

It is becoming very clear that old fashioned ideas about the racial distribution of “early man” are obsolete. Skeletons of obviously “Caucasoid” remains, up to 40,000 years of age, make the “out of Africa” scenario look suspicious! The fact is that the White Race has been around for untold millennia, as evidenced by recent archeological finds. Here is one researcher’s perspective:

Skulls found in North America dating back to the Ice Age are few in number. Dr. Douglas W. Owsley, Division Head for Physical Anthropology, National Museum of Natural History at the Smithsonian Institution, has recently described the Kennewick skull, as well as certain other Ice Age American skulls, as being “long-headed and having a short face.”

In this regard, it should be noticed that a number of skulls found in the Americas dating older than 12,000 B.P. are long-headed (dolichocephalic) and short-faced. This odd combination is known among physical anthropologists as “disharmonism” and is a diagnostic trait of Cro-Magnon Man. Broad-faced, round-headed (brachycephalic) skulls most likely are remains of those who entered the Americas from Asia via the Bering land bridge.

It’s rapidly becoming obvious that there was no “First American”. The Americas were being populated as far back as 30,000-40,000 years ago by diverse people from all over the world. Today’s anthropologists are finally admitting to “a surprising degree of diversity” among ancient skeletons scattered over the two continents. “In addition, signs of violence seen in the bones would seem to indicate the presence of different and competing peoples.” (Morell, 1998; Owsley & Jantz, 1997, et al.)

The proximity of the western shores of Atlantis (not to mention possible islands) to the American continent does not appear to enter the equation among most academics. But anthropological remains (bones, skulls, or nearly complete skeletons) tell us much about the kinds of people who were coming here during the Ice Age. On my I mentioned that Cro-Magnoid skulls had been found deep in South America–even as far south as Chile. And throughout this web site I have presented clear evidence that the particular type of man known as Cro-Magnon originated in Atlantis.

On 9 September 2004 during the international “Early Man in America Seminar” in Mexico City, an archeological team from Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History reported one of the most significant finds in recent American archeological history. Three well-preserved skeletons were discovered in underwater caves off the coast of the Yucatan peninsula. Archeologist Arturo Gonzalez led the dive team. The skeletons were found in 65-foot-deep water. Charcoal samples were recovered and sent to The University of California in Riverside, where they were carbon-dated at over 13,000 B.P. Such a find as this is strongly indicative of an “Atlantic” connection.

Drs. Stanford and Bradley point out important discoveries in genetics which have been made by researchers at Emory University and the Universities of Rome and Hamburg. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), which is inherited exclusively from the mother, normally contains four markers called haplogroups, labeled A, B, C, and D. These four are shared by 95 percent of Native Americans.

Recently, however, the genetics team identified a fifth haplogroup, called X, which is present in about 20,000 modern Native Americans, and has also been found in several pre-Columbian populations. A most interesting fact is that haplogroup X is also present in European populations but absent from Asians. The geneticists\’ research suggests the marker appears to have arrived in the Americas 12,000 to 34,000 years ago, not from Asia, but from Europe. (Greenberg, 1986)

In addition to the European Marker X in North America, the Araucanian natives of Chile also have significant Paleolithic Caucasian genes in them, most likely arriving from Spain 18,000-12,000 years ago. It is common for Araucanians to have curly reddish brown hair and green eyes. (Bonnichsen, Lepper, Stanford & Waters)

I have long suspected that the Araucanians of Chile might be of Cro-Magnon descent, since several Cro-Magnoid skulls have been found in that area; and I have also wondered if the language of the Araucanians is in any way related to the Berber-Ibero-Basque Language Complex. It is my hope that some linguist familiar with the native languages of South America will do a study on those languages from that point of view. We could have descendants of Ice Age Atlanteans scattered throughout the massive continent of South America.

( Source: )

(This link contains a photo of the skull of Kennewick Man. Please look at it and see if you can tell the difference between that skull and the skull of a modern Caucasian. Although there is still disagreement among archeologists, the general consensus is that Cro-Magnon and Caucasian are either identical or closely related species. )

The fact is that the archeologist who discovered Kennewick man had at first assumed that the skeleton had to be a “modern” Caucasian, because the features are so remarkably “European.” Because this find tends to refute the usual assumptions about the origins of species, the PC crowd quickly moved in to try to suppress any further study of Kennewick Man. Follow these links for a good summary of the story: , .

Until recently, we have had only two versions of explanation of the ascent of Man, namely, the Creationist interpretation of the Bible and the Fable of Evolution. As I have stated in the previous Chapters of the Enmity, neither of these views is acceptable, as neither conforms t