My Response to Henry Jackson | Anglo-Saxon Israel

My Response to Henry Jackson

My Response to Henry Jackson’s Capitulation to the Devil

By Pastor Eli James

(My responses are in regular black type.)

The rippling tide of bitterness, its consequence, and its antidote

“My farm is taken!” That phrase is almost as terrifying as the word “Cancer”. On Tuesday 24th April, while I was busy cutting silage, four smart vehicles came racing into my farm yard, and out jumped about twenty big black men, dark with anger and seething hatred. I walked over to them and greeted them in a friendly manner, receiving only mumbled replies. The leader, the lands commissioner, started. “You are aware that the government has acquired all farm land and that you are living illegally on this farm.” “Oh,” I replied. “Well,” he continued, “We have a new owner whom we wish to bring here and introduce to you.”

He asked if there was a place where we could sit down to talk, and once we were seated (sprawled out) on our verandah chairs the intimidation started. “We expect you to co-operate with the new owner. We want the transition to go smoothly.” A particularly large individual added his piece, deep hatred glaring from his face, “If you don’t co-operate we will send our boys to you and you will be chased off without anything – not even your clothes. You will take nothing with you.” Another man then asked me, “Do you know who I am?” I answered that I did not. He said, “I am mr *** (I can’t remember what his name was), and I can get people off their farms is two hours!” He held his two fingers up and repeated forceably, “TWO HOURS!”

I had been rather quiet up to this point, but then gently replied, “Mr ***, I want to tell you something that I want you to hear.” “What is it?” he gruffly asked? Pointing my finger to him I said quietly, “I do not fear you, I only fear God. You and I will both die one day, and in our own shoes we will stand before God and answer to Him for what we have done in this life, you for your actions, and me for my response to those actions.”

That seemed to rattle him considerably.

With many other threats they left as fast as they had arrived, promising to return in the afternoon with the new owner to introduce to me.

When they came there were fewer of them and only two cars, and I had had time to get my composure. The man (his name is Philemon) asked me how much time I needed and I said, “Ideally six months to take me through the winter.” He replied that that was two long, so I asked him how much time he would give me, and he replied, “Three months”. I knew this was very gracious indeed in comparison with what other farmers had had, so I accepted. And in a matter of hours the deal was done and I had lost my farm, my lovely house and place of abode, with nowhere to go!

But the Lord had prepared me for this day. Over the past two years the Lord had been speaking to me very often about my own heart’s attitude and much cleansing had taken place. The last three months or so, particularly, He had often put the thoughts in my heart that I was going to lose my farm, so I knew that a test was coming in my life and that He was expecting me, His child, to respond the way He would. When the vehicles came racing in on Tuesday I knew immediately that the time had come. You see, there’s nothing that happens to us in this life that catches our Heavenly father by surprise. If we are His children He has our lives safely in His hands. If we listen to His voice, and do what He tells us, then there is no need to fear what man may do to us, nor to fear the future.

And what does He tell us to do when this type of thing happens to us? Are we willing to apply is words to our lives? Mat 5:44 “But I say to you, ‘Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you, so that you may become sons of your Father in heaven…’”

[Several points here: Matthew 5 is a sermon addressed to the Israelites living amongst themselves. It is not addressed to Blacks or to any other nation. “I am not sent but unto the exiled sheep of the House of Israel.” (Matt. 15:24.) Yahweh would not be dispossessing this deluded Christian if he had been obeying Yahweh’s laws of separation.

“For from the top of the rocks I see him, and from the hills I behold him: lo, the people [Israel] shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned among the nations.” – .

“Israel then shall dwell in safety alone: the fountain of Jacob shall be upon a land of corn and wine; also his heavens shall drop down dew. – Deut. 33:28.

Israel is to dwell alone. There is no scriptural mandate to convert the other races. That is pure, universalistic fiction. We are not to live among them. They are not to live among us. This is the Law of Yahweh. For two hundred years, America’s churches practiced racial segregation. During that time, no one, except the Jews and communists, ever suggested that the Bible demands racial integration. Then suddenly, in concurrence with the televised nonsense of the Jewish-controlled televangelists, the Bible was suddenly being interpreted as promoting racial integration. I ask you: “Did the Bible change, or did somebody change the interpretation of the Bible?” Our Founding Fathers, who were all Bible-believing Christians, would not make Indians or Blacks citizens under our Constitution. (Article One, Section 2, Paragraph 3: only Whites were considered “free Persons.”) Abraham Lincoln, who grew up reading the Bible, declared that the races are unequal and, as a member of the Whig Party, had begun the process of repatriating Blacks back to Africa. The Whigs had commissioned two ships that had begun the process, creating the nation of Liberia for Blacks being repatriated back to Africa. The Civil War interrupted this campaign, for obvious reasons. Lincoln opposed slavery, but he also opposed racial integration. Marcus Garvey, a Black man in the 1920’s, had begun a “back to Africa” movement (the UNIA, United Negro Improvement Association) for Blacks here in America, but he was opposed by the Zionists, the ADL, the Jew-run NAACP, and the communists.

Everywhere we look, we see the Jews and their collaborators promoting racial integration for the destruction of Christianity and the White Race. Today, the apostate churches have joined them in this genocidal war of the Edomites against the Caucasian Israelites.

Henry Jackson sounds like a collaborator. What about those Whites who are being brutally murdered and raped without any discussions about how much time they have before they get dispossessed of their lives and freedom? 3.) In Matt. 13:10-17, Jesus clearly states that the Gospel is not intended for all people. That’s why He spoke in parables, so that the enemies of Israel \’SHOULD NOT BE CONVERTED.” 4. The Covenant that the Boers made with Yahweh God is being broken by anyone who suggests that non-Whites can be part of that Covenant. It is precisely because the Whites of South Africa have listened to their enemies that the current anti-White genocide is occurring. “Learn not the way of the heathen.” (Jer. 10:2.) 5. White South Africans are being genocided today precisely because they have given up the Dominion Mandate that was given to the White Race in Gen. 1:26 and confirmed at Gen. 12:1-3. There is a REASON why Yahweh has selected us as His Chosen People. Whenever we disregard this special relationship with Him, He punishes us. 6. Corruption, rape, murder and genocide are the result of White South Africans giving up this Divinely-ordained Law of Segregation.]

Are these Jesus instructions to us or are they not! {Are we commanded to love the enemies of God or does “Love your enemies” apply only to the Israelites within our community, with whom we have legal or moral disputes? Since the Gospel was written exclusively to Israel, the author is comparing apples with oranges. We are not to love an invading army! That’s ridiculous! If that were the case, the Israelites would have never gone to war against the Canaanites. If Jackson’s interpretation of Scripture were true, Jesus would not have instructed the Apostles to arm themselves. (Luke 22:36.) This is why the Founding Fathers of America insisted upon writing the Second Amendment into our Constitution. Henry Jackson is arguing that we Israelites should simply capitulate to any invading army! This invading army has been organized by the Devil himself! (Luke 19:27 also applies here.)}

Why do I see so many Christians with such deep racial hatred and bitterness boiling inside them? {The author’s version of “Christian love” excuses crimes committed by Blacks against Whites. Amazing! Yet, he admits that the Blacks that came to dispossess him are also full of racial hatred. He does not preach to them about giving up THEIR hatred, does he? Rather, he excuses the injustice of Black-run government thievery.} Are we not to be sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father, emanating His godly character.

{Yes, segregated from non-Whites. There is no hatred implied by segregation. This Yahweh’s Law.} What witness do we portray if we respond with seething anger, In what sense are we better than the world?

{Psalm 45:7 tells us that we are to HATE wickedness, not embrace it as Henry Jackson teaches. The author is suggesting that Christians should never defend themselves. How then is Christianity supposed to survive? The devil himself could have written these words, in order to destroy Christianity. With advice like this, there will be no Christians left in less than a generation. The early persecutions of Christianity failed precisely because Christians, despite the attempts to exterminate them, outlived their persecutors.

Psalm 139: “Surely thou wilt slay the wicked, O God: depart from me therefore, ye bloody men. For they speak against Thee wickedly, and Thine enemies take Thy Name in vain. Do not I hate them, O Yahweh, that hate Thee? And am not I grieved with those that rise up against Thee? I hate them with a perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.” – 19-22.

Henry Jackson thinks that God loves those that He has clearly stated are deserving of His hatred. Nowhere does the Bible approve of Jackson’s gospel of appeasement!}

When I met Philemon the next day he was still just as nervous as he had been the previous day – sitting on the very edge of his chair. I said to him, Philemon, as much as I have nowhere to go, and you have taken my life-long dream away from me in one day, I am not going to be bitter or angry with you. I want to bless you as you come onto this farm. I will assist you wherever I can. I want you to enjoy this farm as I have enjoyed it. He responded positively to that and gave me more amazing concessions. “You can take anything you want off the farm, and if you are willing to leave anything I will pay you for it,” he said. We shook hands and parted as friends.

The Scripture says that, “The anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.” (James 1:20) {Neither does the man who does not oppose the Devil.} We have to see the bigger picture and not hold so tightly onto the few earthly possessions that we have. {The bigger picture is to obey His Commandments, which include racial segregation. “If you love Me, KEEP my commandments.” (John 14:15-21; 15:10.)} Our Heavenly Father is well able to supply our needs, and if we hold onto earthly things with an open hand He is able to both take out and put in at His will. {The Father does not hear the prayers of sinners. This is why Henry Jackson is being judged.} Not even a sparrow falls down without Him knowing it. Can He not supply my need for a home and a place to milk the cows? Of-course He can! Why then should I allow my heart to be filled with hatred for a man for whom Jesus died? Rather I would like to see this man and his violent friends brought into the kingdom. You will never win the racial hatred battle with hatred. {Nor can you win it by race-mixing. That is a total violation of God’s laws!} It can only be won with love and forgiveness. {But not towards enemy nations! We can’t be the City on the Hill if we fraternize with the heathen of the valley! Furthermore, forgiveness is given only to those who REPENT OF THEIR SINS. Since when has the ANC repented of its terrorist crimes! Henry Jackson, you have capitulated to terrorism, in the name of Christ!} The most powerful force in the world is love with humility. {To which the communist’s answer is a bullet in your head!} Did He not say, “The humble will inherit the earth!” {Mr. Jackson, your theology is illogical! How can we inherit the world if we’re DEAD? Furthermore, He was speaking to humble Israelites, who are humble enough to OBEY HIS LAWS! It is not humility to capitulate to an invading army. It is stupidity!} Don’t underestimate to enormous power of simple humility – where we say, “Not my will but Yours be done.” {Mr. Jackson, you have no idea what His will is. He has a specific destiny in mind for True Israel; and you are totally clueless about it! The vast majority of Whites who take your advice are being cut to pieces by those Blacks and communists who hate your “gospel.” You and your ilk have failed to impress God’s laws onto the hearts of those who are killing you. After 200 years of missionary work, you do not see how miserably your evangelization has failed? Your non-White enemies neither love you nor do they obey His laws! Surely, you are drunk, but not with wine! You are drunk with your own, self-flattering delusions! Jesus promised us that, when He returns, He will destroy the evildoers off the face of the earth. (Rev. 19:11-16). He will come to MAKE WAR against them. (So much for “Jesus loves everybody”!) Why are you empowering the very evildoers He intends to destroy? What you do not realize, Mr. Jackson, is that Yahshua is testing His own people, in order to identify the traitors among us. Be afraid, Mr. Jackson. Be very afraid.}

Of-course what they have done is illegal. {You are condoning illegality.} I can win the case should I take it to court. {No, you can’t. Satan controls the courts too, thanks to your capitulation.} But at what cost? With more hatred, with intimidation and violence against my workers, and terror to my dear wife! No, a farm is not worth that. I will not pursue a piece of land and thereby endanger and terrify my precious wife. She is worth far more than a farm. {Your Race is worth FAR MORE than your wife or farm! And the TRUTH is that if you don’t love your own race, then you don’t love the Creator who made it.}

As it stands right now I have nowhere to go. Jesus disciples asked Him, “Where are you staying?” His reply was, “The foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.” I kind of feel that I am in good company! {Do you really think that Jesus wants you to end up on a cross? He did it to redeem Israel for her past sins and to establish the New Covenant, which was exclusively for True Israel, and no one else. (Jer. 31-31-37; Hebrews 8:8-13.) He didn’t do it so you could be a traitor to Israel. The martyrs of Christendom died for HIM, not for this gospel of appeasement. You belong in a mental institution, along with the lunatics who have a Messiah complex!} But I have an absolute supernatural peace and confidence that my Heavenly Father has something much better for me than what I had. {So did the Chinese Christians who were persuaded by the evangelical missionaries that they would be “raptured” before the communists enslaved, imprisoned, tortured and murdered them.} He is closing one door, only to open another much bigger door. {Has this “something much better” transpired yet? Henry Jackson is deluded. He imagines that all attackers will be persuaded by his attitude. Most of the Whites who are being slaughtered by rampaging Blacks believe just as he does. They are throwing their Inheritance away, having giving it to the people who are now destroying them. The “bigger door” that Henry Jackson references is nothing other than the grave.}

So to those who have heard about our farm grab. Please don’t on my account fan the flames of racial hatred and bitterness. {What about the injustice of corrupt government raping, robbing and pillaging? Henry Jackson is justifying evil in the name of “love.” Shall we ignore iniquity for your hope of a “better world” that does not resist the devil? Question: What if the men who dispossessed you were White? Would you excuse their actions too? Under your gospel of capitulation, you would have to give them your property as well, regardless of race. How stupid! Your anti-racist argument completely falls apart!} Rather put your own trust completely in our dear Heavenly Father, and wait to see how wonderfully He is going to turn this situation for His glory!! {This reminds me of Satan whispering in Eve’s ear: “Ye shall not surely die.” Mr. Jackson’s phony appeal to love is very telling. Nowhere does he appeal to God’s laws!!! If you do not obey His Laws, you don’t love Him! “He that saith I know Him, and keepeth not his commandments, IS A LIAR, and the TRUTH IS NOT IN HIM.” – I John 2:4. Whites continue to be raped and murdered while Henry Jackson waits for his personal “glory” to occur. Is it possible to be any more deluded than this?}

With special love to you all {…including those who are being raped and murdered at this moment? Your “love” consists of the vain hope that evil will one day appreciate your kind-heartedness. This is folly, unscriptural folly. I guarantee you, Henry Jackson, that the Edomites and communists will return to finish the job.}

Henry Jackson

{So, where is Henry Jackson now? He is very lucky to have escaped with his life. How has his capitulation to communism and anti-White racism helped him or any other Christian? He’s very lucky that he is not 6 feet under. Most of his Christian friends and relatives are not so lucky. Hundreds of years of evangelizing Blacks has accomplished nothing but the genocide of the White race by these very same Blacks. “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” (II Thes. 2:11.) Henry Jackson is being damned because he refuses to obey Yahweh’s racial segregation laws. He misconstrues his lucky escape as being due to his misplaced “love.” On the contrary, he has only experienced the first phase of his judgment. “Judgment will begin at the House of Israel.” (I Peter 4:17-19.) First, he was dispossessed, being lucky to escape with his life. Next, he will be dispossessed of his life. He is being judged by the very God that he thinks is blessing him. He pats himself on the back for his own sense of misplaced love while other White Christians are likewise being dispossessed, raped and murdered. This is not Christianity. This is madness. Henry Jackson will find out that the “something much better” he is expecting will be judgment for violating God’s laws. “Depart from Me, ye who work iniquity.” – Matt. 7:23.

This type of Polyanna preaching is exactly what Jesus Christ warned us about concerning the latter-day church, the Church of Laodecia. It is the church that ignores His laws in favor of its own delusions. His verdict upon this church is “I will spew [vomit] thee out of my mouth.” (Rev. 3:16.) He is literally nauseated by this lukewarm church! “My people are drunk, but not with wine…For the wisdom of their wise men shall perish.” (Isa. 29:9-14.) Religious delusion can stupefy just as much as strong drink. Henry Jackson, meet Jack Daniels. Nor has Henry Jackson’s version of “love” made these murderous Black regimes any more responsive to his sermonizing. “Cast ye not pearls before swine, lest they turn again and rend you.” (Matt. 7:6.) The Judeo churches have cast the pearls of the kingdom before the communist swine, and they preach “love” while the communist swine rend them to pieces!!! Amazing! These “evangelists” still can’t see how their evangelizing has failed. It appears that most of them won’t see the errors of their ways until they feel the knife plunging into their chests.

Mr. Jackson, this verse is for you: “Cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be a wailing and a gnashing of teeth.” (Matt. 25:30.) Henry Jackson mistakes his own smugness for God’s love. “When the Son of Man shall come in His glory, and the holy angels with Him, then shall He sit upon the throne of His glory: and before Him shall all nations be gathered: AND HE SHALL SEPARATE THEM ONE FROM ANOTHER , AS A SHEPHERD DIVIDETH HIS SHEEP FROM THE GOATS.” (Matt. 25:31-32.) Henry Jackson is either very deluded, or he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, telling the sheep that they should submit to the slaughter. I suspect that Mr. Jackson’s story is complete fabrication. It was probably written by Rabbi Hyama Pharisee, in Jewish mockery of Christ and Christianity.

Before Henry Jackson started quoting Scripture, he fully acknowledged that the Blacks who were coming to take his farm were full of hatred. If Whites are to eschew hatred, why does the same not apply to the Blacks? It is the rampaging Blacks to whom his sermon should be addressed, not the victims of their nefarious deeds! This is the hypocritical double standard we see everywhere in the world today regarding race relations. Whites must be tolerant and give up their hard earned prosperity, while everyone else, who has done nothing to earn it, suddenly has a right to take it from us. This is religious doublespeak of the worst kind.

“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils.” – I Tim. 4:1.

The Judeo-churches have made common cause with the Zionists and communists, swallowing their devil doctrines while rejecting the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Satan, through Henry Jackson, is telling the persecuted Christians, “Don’t worry. Be happy.” This fairy tale gospel will surely be welcomed by the rapists and murderers, who will respond by saying, “Look, they LOVE IT when we dispossess them.”

The historical fact of South Africa is this: When the Boers arrived, having fled religious persecution in Europe, they found the whole of southern Africa unpopulated, except for two tribes, the Hottentots and the Pygmies. There were no other indigenous African tribes in this area. After South Africa became a large prosperous White nation, the other Black tribes swarmed down to South Africa and Rhodesia, looking for work, desiring to get away from the poverty and intertribal warfare that has always existed among all Black Africans. This Black exodus was an attempt to get away from the corruption and injustice of their own people. Today, this corruption and injustice has returned because the Whites of southern Africa have abandoned their own culture in favor of Black culture.

Under Apartheid, these Blacks had achieved a level of prosperity and personal safety that no Blacks had ever achieved anywhere. They had comfortable homes, cars, TV sets, things that no other Blacks outside of the White nations of RSA and Rhodesia had ever had. At the same time, Whites in the Soviet Union were living in poverty and oppression. Then the communists came to South Africa and destroyed Apartheid. Whenever Whites give up their divinely-appointed dominion, chaos results, as is patently obvious in South Africa today and throughout the world, where Whites have been talked into giving up their authority in favor of racial equality. Everywhere we look, this racial “equality” is being imposed by force, by the ruling elites and their race-traitors in high places. It is not of God. Peace and justice can be obtained only where Whites rule under Yahweh’s laws.

“Watch, therefore: for ye know what hour your Lord cometh. But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up…Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.” Matt. 24:42-46.

The Judeo-Christian churches have allowed the thieves to ransack the household. Even worse, these unfaithful servants have adopted lawlessness, by teaching that “the law has been done away with.” These same pastors of Apostianity turn a blind eye towards all of the anti-White crime that is rampant in the world today, in the name of “love.” The Church of Laodecia has abandoned the stewardship of the household. When Yahshua returns, He will cut these traitors asunder. (Matt. 24:51.) They believe in a fictitious Jesus and a fictitious kingdom.

Observe: There are three international movements that promote the destruction of God’s people, Caucasian Israel: Jewish Zionism, Jewish communism, and Judeo-Christianity. All three promote the destruction of the White Race through racial integration. Amazingly, the churches have joined the Zionists and communists in preaching a social gospel, which is in total conformity to the precepts of communism. Paul said, “He who will not work should not eat.” (2 Thes. 3:10.) Jesus said, “The poor you have always with you.” (Mark 14:7.) There is NO Biblical injunction that the hard-working Whites have any responsibility to support those who will not work, especially those of other races. Such teaching is heresy, and it is inspired by the Judeo-Communists who have infiltrated the ranks of the formerly Christian churches. This is the “false prophet” of the book of Revelation. The Bible advises us to “Come out of her, My People.” (Rev. 18:1.)

“But those mine enemies, who would not that I rule over them, BRING THEM HITHER AND SLAY [execute] THEM BEFORE ME.” – Luke 19:27.

Instead, the Judeo churches have become part of the heathenization process, led by the Zionist banksters and the communist Jews. They teach the devil’s doctrines, such as racial integration, socialism, homosexuality, antinomianism, and turn a blind eye to abortion, racketeering, government corruption, sex slavery and all of the other abominations of Mystery Babylon that plague the world today. The Judeo-churches have become the Devil’s facilitators.

“Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” – James 4:7. Henry Jackson has it backwards. He is fleeing from the devil and counts it as righteousness. If Henry Jackson’s “antidote” for the rippling tide of racial hatred were possible, why didn’t it work long ago, when White South Africa gave up its dominion to the very Blacks who are now dispossessing them? They promised the liberals and Judeos of South Africa a blissful state of racial harmony. The brainwashed liberals and Judeos believed their lies. Since the ANC took power, hell, corruption, rape and death have ruled. Those who are filled with religious and leftist delusion refuse to see the evidence of their own eyes. Blind faith rules their lives.

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” – Hosea 4:6.

“Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing.” – Matt. 7:15.

Pastor Eli James}
