Conquering The Darkness by Dr. William Luther Pierce

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In this world of ever increasing tyranny by the forces of Anti-gentilism, we must only persist and be patient. Through persistence we win with time. With patience, the darkest hours lead to dawn, as the sun rises to the light of day. 

This 1984 speech by Dr. William Pierce was made into a video montage in 2014 to inspire those who are part of the great struggle to liberate the west from its eternal enemies within the gates. 

Please download and upload this video to as many media sharing websites as you can, because the eternal enemies of the West are continually pushing for their globalist cancel culture and censorship. The Anti-gentiles through their political pressure groups are able to get stuff censored in more than 30 nation states that expose them for the pathological liars and international mafia that they have always been historically.