From Cain To Khazaria, Chapter 1


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From Cain To Khazaria
The True Genealogy of the Jewish People, Documented From the
Bible and From Jewish Writings
(They’re NOT Who You THINK They Are!)
ByPastor Eli James


Isaiah 29:14.

Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvellous
work among this people, even a marvellous work and a
wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish,
and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid.


Children of True Israel, there is a GIGANTIC
COVER-UP going on in the world of religion. It is a
DECEPTION of such vast proportions that it
affects every moment of your life. It affects your income,
your health, your family, your residence, your faith, your
business, your welfare and even your sex life.
Ultimately, it affects your immortal soul, which, at this
moment in time, is in serious jeopardy. This cover-up has
confounded the wisdom and judgment of millions of
otherwise good people. Most Christians simply do not
realize that there is an IMPOSTOR posing as Israel.


I have written a 333-page book about this impostor.
The book is entitled, The Great Impersonation, How
the Anti-Christ Has Deceived the Whole World. This
book details the two families that came out of the
Garden of Eden. Genesis 3:15 clearly predicts that
these two families will be in a state of continuous war
with each other until the Great Day of the Lord. Yet,
no denomination, outside of Christian Identity, teaches
anything about this. Nor do they teach that the whole
world will be deceived by this “beast,” and largely
succumb to its deceptions.


Jesus Christ, Himself, repeatedly warns us against the
wiles of this evil generation (race) of vipers (John 8:33-
44), who are so evil that He even refuses to try to
convert them (Matt. 13:13-15).


The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate two basic
propositions: 1.) The Jews ARE NOT related to
any of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, including the Tribe
of Judah, and 2.) Judaism IS NOT related to the
Mosaic Law. In fact, it will be proven herein, beyond any
doubt, that Judaism is an IMPOSTOR
RELIGION, just as the Jewish people are an
IMPOSTOR PEOPLE. These two great
deceptions, combined into one culture, namely Jewish
culture, form the basis of the entity that the Bible calls
“the beast that deceiveth the whole world.” (Rev. 12:9.)


Obviously, it never occurs to the average good-hearted
Christian that the devil might come calling, wearing
priestly garb; but that is exactly the ploy that the devil is
using. Not only that, the devil employs entire
denominations of priests, who both innocently and
deliberately, promote this gigantic deception. To put the situation somewhat indelicately, “Cupidity
always defeats stupidity, because stupidity cannot
recognize cupidity.” A related maxim is “The victim of
the con game is always the last to know.” In the
meantime, the victim gets taken for all he is worth.


Who Are the Jews?
First, we must examine several Jewish claims, as to their
“Semitic” ancestry. Are these claims true or are they
One of the more famous Jewish claims to Israelite
heritage is the rabbinical claim that the Jewish people
are the exclusive descendants of Abraham. This is
based on Gen. 12:3. Let’s read this passage and see if
it lives up to Jewish claims:
And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that
curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be


This passage is used by Jews and Christians to imply that, if
we don’t bless the Jewish people, then we Christians will not
be blessed. This blessing is stated as CONDITIONAL.
Being a conditional, it behooves non-Abrahamites – the
passage DOES NOT MENTION JEWS!! – to
bless Abraham if these non-Abrahamites wish to be blessed.
The fact must be pointed out that nowhere in Scripture is
Abraham identified with the Jewish people. In fact, such an
identification is automatically ANACHRONISTIC,
meaning that Abraham, being the grandfather of Israel,
cannot be named after any of his descendants. Jacob was an
Abrahamite, but Abraham was certainly not an Israelite! No
grandfather has ever been named after his grandson.


It is also true that nowhere in Scripture are the Israelites ever
called “Jews.” There is absolutely no such statement in
either Testament, that says, “Jacob is a Jew” or “Israel is a
Jew,” or even “Judah is a Jew.” In fact, we have several
COUNTEREXAMPLES, which prove the opposite
to be true! II Kings 16:6 refers to the House of Judah as
“Jews,” but it refers to the House of Israel as “Israel.” Now,
if the Jews are Israel, as we are constantly told, why does this
passage contradict them? The fact is that the word „Jew‟ is a
modern invention that simply does not mean either „Judah‟ or
Israel‟ or “Abraham.‟ All of these claims are deceptions
invented by the rabbis for the express purpose of deceiving


Let’s look at the entire blessing (verses 1-3) that
Yahweh put upon Abraham and see if it can be applied
to the Jewish people:
1 Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out
of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy
father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee: 2 And I
will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and
make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: 3
And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that
curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be
blessed. – Gen. 12:1-3.


Point #1: Verse 2 says that Yahweh will make a “great
nation” out of Abraham. Certainly, Abraham’s name
has become “great,” but the Jewish people have always
been a greatly despised people, throughout history.
This is proven by their own admissions. They are
always recounting how they have been “persecuted” by
every nation in which they have dwelt.


Point #2: Abraham had a total of eight sons by three
wives. He had Ishmael by Hagar, Isaac by Sarah; and
he had six sons by Keturah, after Sarah died. These
six sons were named Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian,
Ishbak and Shuah (Gen. 25:1). Now all of these 8 sons
were Abrahamites, but none of them were Jews! The
Jewish claim that the blessings of Gen. 12 apply to
them is simply false. The Bible says no such thing! The
rabbis have made this doctrine up out of nothing, in their
yeshivas of sophistry!


Paul tells us to beware of Jewish fables (Titus 1:14); and
their PARTIAL QUOTATION of Gen. 12:3, which
doesn‟t even mention Jews, is the beginning of the biggest
Jewish Fable of them all: the Great Impersonation of Israel
by the Jews.
Point #3: Verse 2 states an UNCONDITIONAL
blessing: “and thou shalt be a blessing.” But, since the Jews
ADMIT to being a nation toward which every other nation
has always been hostile, how can they be a “blessing” to
those nations, who despise them and throw them out! There
is something seriously wrong with these Jewish claims!


Point #4: Verse 3 says, “in thee shall all the nations of the
earth be blessed.” Here is another BLATANTLY
obvious contradiction between what is said about Abraham
and the Jewish experience. The fact is that the Jewish
people have always been despised wherever they have gone!
I would challenge anyone to cite a single nation in which the
Jews have dwelt, which has considered their presence to be a
blessing. On the contrary, they would not have been expelled
from over 100 nations (Spain, France, Germany, England,
etc.) and city-states if the inhabitants thought they were a
blessing. Rather, the Jews have always been considered a
curse and a pestilence wherever they have chosen to reside.


And this historical fact fits the Curse of Cain
perfectly: fugitives and vagabonds (Gen. 4:12),
wandering from place to place, because their presence is
so irritating to the host nations. Of course, the Jews
never quote this passage with regard their own people,
even though it precisely fits the Jewish historical
experience. These obvious discrepancies between
Jewish history and the blessings of Abraham tell us that
something is very wrong here!
Either the Jews are lying about who they are, or the
very history that they claim is wrong.


Point #5: Under then President Harry S. Truman, America
was the first nation in the world to recognize the bandit
State of Impostors. It has now been over 60 years since that
rogue state came into existence. America was the first to
bless the Israelis and America has blessed the Israelis more
abundantly than any other nation. QUESTION: What
are the blessings that we have received in return for blessing
the Jews? ANSWER: Chaos, mayhem, debts, subterfuge,
treason, war, war, war, and more war. Our society has
precipitously declined morally, spiritually, economically,
religiously, and even intellectually as a result of the fact that
we are blessing the WRONG PEOPLE.


There are only two possibilities, either the Jews are lying
about who they are, or the blessings of Gen. 12:3 are false. In addition, the Jews trace their supposedly exclusive
“Semitic” descent from Abraham. Is this also a lie? Yes, it
most assuredly is, because all of Abraham’s eight male
descendants MUST ALSO BE Shemites, as they are
his direct descendants. Ishmael, the son of Hagar, had twelve
sons of his own; and these sons became known to the world
as the Arabs! So, the Arabs are Shemites. Isaac, son of
Sarah, is also, therefore, a Shemite. And Keturah’s six sons
are also Shemites. But none of these people are ever given
credit by the Jews for their OBVIOUS SHEMITIC
DESCENT – through Abraham!


Consequently, it can be easily seen that the Jewish
assertion that ONLY JEWS are included in the
context of Gen. 12:3 is SHEER PRETENSE!
The Jewish version of the Bible just doesn’t add up! It
makes absolutely NO SENSE whatsoever! It’s all
self-serving nonsense, promoted as Scripture by the
rabbinical cult.


We will find out, as we trace the true genealogy of the
Jewish people through the Bible and through history,
that the Jewish people are neither Shemites, Hebrews,
Israelites or Judahites. All of these claims are simply
false. These false claims are, when added together,
by a completely different people altogether, a people,
who are actually Israel’s WORST ENEMIES, but
who have devised a brilliant strategy of staging a coup
over their enemies and then proceeding to assume their


Everyone has heard of the concept of IDENTITY
THEFT, but it is always applied to individuals. That
is, we always hear about one person stealing the identity
of another person; but RARELY do we hear of one
people stealing the identity of another people. Such an
idea is utterly incomprehensible to most Christians –
not to mention all other people – but that is exactly what
the Jewish people have done! They are non-Israelites,
who have assumed the Identity of True Israel, in order
to retrieve something that their only Shemitic ancestor,
Esau, threw away, long ago!


Steven Spielberg will never make a movie of this script,
because the last thing the Jewish people want the world
to know is that THEY ARE NOT WHO THEY


The Marks of Israel.
We must understand that the children of Israel had
numerous prophecies spoken about them in the Old
Testament. These prophecies have all been fulfilled –
to the letter – by Israel, but not by the Jews. For
verification of this statement please see my previous
article, entitled, “The Marks of Israel,” which details
over twenty prophecies, which have been fulfilled by the
Caucasian people (True Israel) and have
ABSOLUTELY NOT been fulfilled by the
Jewish people.


These prophecies state very clearly that Israel would be
an agricultural people, which the Jews have never been,
a seagoing people, which the Jews have never been, a
great military people, which the Jews have never been, a royal dynasty,
which the Jews have never been, a people who would accept the
Messiah, which the Jews have never been, a people who would forget
their True Identity, which the Jews have obviously not forgotten, and a
people who would witness the Bible to the world, which the Jews have
never done!!! They keep their TRUE RELIGION, the Talmud, to
themselves. No rabbi has ever expounded on the great truths of
Scripture to the non-Jewish world! On the contrary, they just repeat
silly slogans, such as “The Jews are G-d’s chosen people,” and
“Palestine belongs to us,” and “We are the Semites of the Bible,” and
“we wrote the Bible,” etc., etc. But none of these statements are even
remotely true. They are all lies, which date back to approximately 125


That’s when the world’s FIRST JEW appeared; and
that’s when the Jewish religion began. That‟s when
John Hyrcanus, King of Judah, conquered Idumea and
began making the Edomites citizens of Judea. These
Edomites then began the process of claiming to be
Judah, as if they were Israelites. Today‟s Sephardic
Jews are actually descendants of these Edomites.
This history will be fully detailed herein.


Given the remarkable discrepancies between the
prophecies and the historical record, it becomes very
obvious that the Jewish people cannot possibly be the
Israelites of the Bible. That is the Great Deception of
the ages. That is what Jesus warns us about, when he
tells us that these rabbis are deceivers, moneylenders
and charlatans, pretending to be Israel, but are not.
Matthew, Chapter 23, Luke, Chapter 12, John
Chapter 8 tell us in no uncertain terms that the rabbis
of Judaism are charlatans and hucksters, pretending to
be something they are not!!!


If the Jews are not Israel,
then who are they?
The Marks of Cain: Tracing the Genealogy of Cain
From the Garden of Eden

“Beware the leaven of the Pharisees, which is
hypocrisy.” – Luke 12:1.

After Cain killed his brother, Abel, Yahweh, a witness
to this murder, questioned Cain about his brother. Gen.
4:8-14 records the following facts:


And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass,
when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel
his brother, and slew him. And the LORD said unto Cain,
Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I
my brother’s keeper? And he said, What hast thou done? the
voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto me from the ground.
And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened
her mouth to receive thy brother’s blood from thy
hand; When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth
yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt
thou be in the earth.


Right away, we can see that the Jewish people bear these Marks
of Cain!
Contrary to their public claims, they do NOT recognize other
peoples as their brothers. Just ask the Palestinians. They are
always claiming that THEIR SUFFERING is more important
than the suffering of other peoples! How arrogant is that? Despite
Jewish claims to the contrary, the Jews have always remained an
unassimilated people in whatever country they have settled; and
they have NEVER gotten along with their host nations. Rather,
they have always EXPLOITED these nations for whatever
wealth they could steal through usury. Hence, their claims to
promoting “brotherhood” end where their tribal self-interest lies.
Here, Cain’s disregard for the welfare of others is demonstrated.
The way the Jews have treated the Palestinians is very much like
the way Cain treated Abel.


Jesus said, “By their fruits shall ye know them.” Christians
have yet to learn that the only way to recognize the Jew is to
pay attention to his behavior, because their behavior
BELIES their words.
And because of their inability to get along with their
neighbors, the Jews have been PERPETUAL
VAGABONDS in the earth, FUGITIVES from one
country to the next, in search of more human prey. And, of
course, the Jews do not farm, because the ground will not
yield up fruit for Cain‟s descendants. The rabbis,
acknowledging this fact, teach from their Talmud, “The
occupation of farming is the least of all occupations.”
(Yebamoth 63a.) Is this not the voice of Cain speaking?


Genesis 4:17-24 gives the immediate descendants of
Cain, who are: Enoch, after whom he named a city, Irad,
Mehujael, Methusael, and Lamech. Lamech had two
wives, who bore him Jabal, Jubal, and Tubalcain.
Jabal’s descendants dwelt in tents. Hence, they were a
nomadic people. Jubal’s descendants were musicians.
Tubalcain was a metalworker. This metalworking
included the invention of the instruments of war, such as
swords, spears, shields, etc.


Gen. 4:25 through Gen. 5:4 tell us that Adam and Eve had
a third son, whose name was Seth. Seth was
the replacement for Abel, whom Cain slew. Since Cain
murdered his own brother, he was cast out of Eden and away
from Adam and Eve, in disgrace! The rest of Chapter 5
presents Adam’s descendants. Note that Cain IS NOT
listed in the line of descent from Adam and Eve. Cain’s
genealogy is totally separate and distinct from that of the
Adamites. Luke, Chapter 3, gives us the COMPLETE
GENEALOGY of Adam, from Yahweh God, Adam’s
father, all the way down to Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ.)
Cain is not listed in either of these genealogies, even though
his mother was Eve! If Adam were Cain‟s father, the Bible
would certainly have noted this as a fact. It doesn‟t.


What few Christians understand about these
genealogies is that they exist so that we can tell the
difference between one group of people from the other.
For obvious reasons, the rabbis of Judaism do not
teach anything about these genealogies; and because
the modern Christian world believes Jewish claims
about their status as “God’s chosen,” nobody seems
interested in finding out whether these claims ARE
ACTUALLY TRUE! We will find out that these
claims are not even remotely close to the Truth.


Gen. 15:18-21 are very important verses, because they
give us the names of the tribes which associated
themselves with the descendants of Cain.
In the same day the LORD made a covenant with
Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land,
from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river
Euphrates: The Kenites, and the Kenizzites, and the
Kadmonites, And the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and
the Rephaims, And the Amorites, and the Canaanites,
and the Girgashites, and the Jebusites.


Note that the Kenites are listed first. This word is going to
be a new term for most Christians. Most theologians have
never preached any sermons on this subject; but if you want
to understand the Bible, this is a term you must become
familiar with. Who are the Kenites?
Strong’s Concordance (#7017) gives us this definition:
“descendants of Cain.”
Hence, we know that the generations provided for us in Gen.
4, being the descendants of Cain, are these same Kenites. To get an idea of how evil these various tribes were, we have
to identify each of the other nine tribes.


The Kenizzites were Kenites, who, like Lamech, were
nomadic hunters.
The Cadmonites were serpent worshippers of the
Middle East, whose main habitation was Mount
Hermon. Mt. Hermon is the traditional site where the
fallen angels descended from “heaven.”
(Source: http://sacred- )


The Hittites

The Hittites were the descendants of Heth. Esau,
Jacob’s brother, married two Hittite women. These two
women were a grief of mind to Isaac and Rebecca. Esau
was forced to remove himself and his two wives from their
presence, because his parents could not tolerate their
idolatrous ways.


The Perizzites
When Israel invaded northern Canaan, the Perizzites occupied the
“forest country” near Shechem. Some scholars identify them with the
giant Horim. Just to the north of the Perizziteslay a sizable territory
belonging to the Rephaim giants. Toward the end of the northern
campaign, the tribes of Ephraim and Manassah fought these giants
and took their lands. Most scholars refer to these Perizzites as a
“prehistoric” tribe of unknown origin.
The Perizzites. When Israel invaded northern Canaan, the Perizzites
occupied the “forest country” near Shechem. Some scholars identify
them with the giant Horim. Just to the north of the Perizzites lay a
sizable territory belonging to the Rephaim giants. Toward the end of
the northern campaign, the tribes of Ephraim and Manassah fought
these giants and took their lands. Most scholars refer to these
Perizzites as a “prehistoric” tribe of unknown origin.



So close was this resemblance, writes Moses, that the Nephilim began
marrying the beautiful daughters descended from Adam, thus corrupting
humanity with animal flesh. The genes of these two different races, being mixed,
gave birth to creatures who were partly animal and partly human. Because of
their endocrine abnormalities, many of these half-breeds grew to adulthood with
colossal statures. But the name given the male giants characterizes their
superhuman strength, not their great height. The ancients called them
the Gibborim, a word meaning mighty men. Their daring, complemented by their
great height, bulk, and bodily power, gained for them a widespread fame. Moses
implies that they were fierce and warlike. For centuries they struck terror in the
hearts of antediluvians of normal size. This fear they inspired no doubt enabled
them to lord it over all Mesopotamia. And their many oppressions, Moses’ 6:1-
4 passage declares, continued right down to the first days of the great rain. –
Steve Quayle. Source: Giants in the Middle



Amorites. The following description is by Craig Meyer,
of :
The terms “Amorite” and “Amorites” appear 26 and 60 times,
respectively, in the American Standard Version of the Bible, totaling
86 occurrences. The Amorites are first mentioned as early as Gen.
10:16 as having descended from Canaan, the son of Ham. They,
along with many other tribes, occupied the pre-conquest territory of
Canaan. “Amorite” may have signified either a single ethnic clan or a
loose confederacy of tribes. At times, the Amorite name seems to be
synonymous with “Canaanite” and to represent all non-Israelites whom
God commanded to be driven from the land (Josh. 10:5; 24:8,15; Jgs.
6:10). The Amorite name means literally “the high one” and may refer
to one (or more) of three possibilities: the mountainous terrain of the
land they occupied (Num. 13:29; Deut. 1:7,19-20); their fearsome
military prowess (Deut. 1:44); or their great stature (Num. 13:33).


If #1 was intended then Amorite would stand for “highlander” or
“mountaineer.” If #2 or #3, then the concept of “the high [and
mighty] one” was implied. It is possible that a combination of more
than one idea inhered in the name.
It is quite likely that at one time the Amorites were the most
powerful of all the pagan clans in Palestine. The Babylonians
called Syria-Palestine “the land of the Amorites” (International
Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, I:119). In the first stage of
conquest, O.T. texts label the men of Ai (Josh. 7:7), along with
the armies of Sihon and Og (Num. 21:21-35), as formidable
Amorite foes. Future Israelite generations would later view these
events as significant turning points in their history (Neh. 9:22; Psa.
135:10-12; Amos 2:9-10).


It is quite likely, therefore, that the Amorites, like the
Rephaim, were a hybrid species, half human, half fallen
angel, with whom the Canaanites intermarried.



Canaanites. Gen. 10:6 declares that Canaan was a
son of Ham. The story of Noah’s drunkenness sheds a
tremendous amount of light upon this saga. This
episode is told at Gen. 9:18-27. What actually
happened during this episode of drunkenness? Few
scholars have approached this subject, but it is quite
apparent that Ham did something very evil, with regard
to his father, Noah. It is usually assumed that the evil act
was committed against Noah’s person, because Verse
22 says that Ham “uncovered the nakedness of his


It is evident that the expression, “the nakedness of the
father” is a euphemism for the nakedness of the mother,
since the wife’s reproductive organs are the sole
“property” of the husband. In those days, anyone who
violated this right was put to death. Ham was lucky that
he was not put to death.
Leviticus 18:8 specifically declares that the nakedness
of the father is the same as the nakedness of the wife: The nakedness of thy father’s wife shalt thou not
uncover: it is thy father’s nakedness.



Leviticus 18:16 makes a similar declaration, meaning
that the “nakedness” of the wife BELONGS TO
HER HUSBAND. But this explains why Canaan,
not Ham was cursed (Verse 25), because Canaan was
the product of INCEST. As the product of incest,
which is a violation of God’s Law, Canaan could not
inherit either the priesthood or a position of leadership
among his own people. Because of his sin, Ham moved
southwest towards Egypt, where he founded several
nations, including Mizraim (Egypt), Cush, Phut and
Canaan. (Gen. 10:6-14.)


Now, take particular notice of the nations, which were
founded by Canaan:
And Canaan begat Sidon his first born, and Heth,
And the Jebusite, and the Amorite, and the Girgasite,
And the Hivite, and the Arkite, and the Sinite, And
the Arvadite, and the Zemarite, and the Hamathite: and
afterward were the families of the Canaanites spread
abroad. And the border of the Canaanites was from
Sidon, as thou comest to Gerar, unto Gaza; as thou
goest, unto Sodom, and Gomorrah, and Admah, and
Zeboim, even unto Lasha. (Gen. 10:15-19.)


These tribes were to be reckoned among the fiercest
enemies of the Israelites. Canaan, although himself a
Noahite and a Hamite, became a traitor to his own people
and founded several nations of the worst kind of creatures,
many of whom were also descendants of the fallen angels of
Genesis 6. Canaan married into their stock; and they
thereby were called by his name: Canaanites. Most Bible
scholars simply ignore such facts, because they don’t want to
question or “offend” anyone by looking at their ancestry!
Modern Judeo-Christianity, taking its cues from the devil’s
children, doesn’t want to “pry” into the affairs of the Jewish
people. Talk about “skeletons” in the closet!



Girgashites. These are the hybrid offspring of Canaan
and either Rephaim or prehistoric nomads.



Jebusites. The Jebusites are another hybrid tribe produced
by Canaan.
Note that JEZEBEL, who married King Ahab of the
House of Israel, was a Zidonian (Sidonian). This fact
explains why she was so evil. Note also that Canaan’s
descendants founded the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah!
“Like father, like son!” The Bible is telling us that nothing
good has ever come from these people, nor can anything
good come from them. This is why God ordered Joshua and
the Israelites to exterminate them! Hybrid species are
forbidden by Yahweh, and that‟s what these Kenites and
Canaanites were! (Lev. 19:19, Deut. 22:9.)


Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots?
then may ye also do good, that are accustomed to do evil. –
Jer. 13:23.
The essence of these identifications is that these ten
nations are a witches brew of mixed up genetics: fallen angels,
giants, pygmies, serpent-worshippers, prehistoric nomads,
and various other strains of strange beings, who would be
comfortable living on the island of Dr. Moreau (or out of
scene from Star Wars!), the evil genius who loved to
experiment with humans by mixing human genes with those of
different species of animals, just to see what he could come
up with. Hybridization and race-mixing are the key words


Josephus tells us that Cain was a hybridizer :
ADAM and Eve had two sons: the elder of them was named Cain; which
name, when it is interpreted, signifies a possession: the younger was Abel,
which signifies sorrow. They had also daughters. Now the two brethren were
pleased with different courses of life: for Abel, the younger, was a lover of
righteousness; and believing that God was present at all his actions, he excelled
in virtue; and his employment was that of a shepherd. But Cain was not only
very wicked in other respects, but was wholly intent upon getting; and he
first contrivedto plough the ground. He slew his brother on the occasion
following : – They had resolved to sacrifice to God. Now Cain brought the
fruits of the earth, and of his husbandry; but Abel brought milk, and the first-
fruitsof his flocks: but God was more delighted with the latter oblation, when he
was honored with what grew naturally of its own accord, than he was with what
was the invention of a covetous man, and gotten by forcing the ground; whence
it was that Cain was very angry that Abel was preferred by God before him;
and he slew his brother, and hid his dead body, thinking to escape discovery. –
Josephus, Antiquities, Book 1, Chapter 2, Paragraph 1.


So, here we are given two reasons why Cain’s offering was
not acceptable to Yahweh. This question has puzzled many
Christians. Here are two answers:
#1: Abel offered the FIRSTFRUITS of his flock,
according to the law of Yahweh. Many Bible scholars falsely
teach that there was no law until Moses. This is incorrect.
Adam and Eve were told that there were certain things that
they MUST NOT DO. Both Noah and Abraham were
called “righteous,” meaning they understood the difference
between right and wrong. And so did Cain! But Cain
committed evil constantly, without repentance! Instead of
offering the firstfruits of his produce to Yahweh, he kept it
for himself!!!


(Symbolically, Cain was the firstfruits of Eve‟s womb,
since he was born before Abel. Cain‟s refusal to offer
the firstfruits of his own produce symbolized the fact
that Cain refused to offer HIMSELF to Yahweh.) #2: Cain was a hybridizer. Josephus tells us that Abel
offered what grew NATURALLY, OF ITS
create species for his own purposes and FORCED


And when Cain had traveled over many countries, he, with
his wife, built a city, named Nod, which is a place so called,
and there he settled his abode; where also he had
children. However, he did not accept of his punishment in
order to amendment, but to increase his wickedness; for he
only aimed to procure every thing that was for his own bodily
pleasure, though it obliged him to be injurious to his
neighbors. He augmented his household substance with
much wealth, by rapine and violence; he excited his
acquaintance to procure pleasures and spoils by robbery,
and became a great leader of men into wicked courses. He
also introduced a change in that way of simplicity wherein men
lived before; and was the author of measures and weights.


And whereas they lived innocently and generously while
they knew nothing of such arts, he changed the world
into cunning craftiness. …Nay, even while Adam was
alive, it came to pass that the posterity of Cain became
exceeding wicked, every one successively dying, one
after another, more wicked than the former. They were
intolerable in war, and vehement in robberies; and if any
one were slow to murder people, yet was he bold in his
profligate behavior, in acting unjustly, and doing injuries
for gain. – (Ibid, Para. 2)


Hence, the name Cain means GAIN: avarice, greed.
Of course, the Jews have been known throughout
history as greedy, lustful criminals, without any
compassion for other peoples. Now we know the source
of their evil. They have richly earned the title: THE
PERFIDIOUS JEW! The Jewish people have
always had the reputation of Cain!
By the way, Josephus was NOT a Jew. He was a
Judahite, which means he was a direct descendant of
the tribe of Judah, not a mixed breed, Edomite Jew.
This information is contained in his own autobiography.


Jasher 4:16-18

Jasher also confirms that hybridization and race-mixing were the very
evils that were going on before Noah’s Flood:
And all the sons of men departed from the ways of the Lord in those
days as they multiplied upon the face of the earth with sons and
daughters, and they taught one another their evil practices and they
continued sinning against the Lord. And every man made unto himself a
god, and they robbed and plundered every man his neighbor as well as
his relative, and they corrupted the earth, and the earth was filled with
violence. And their judges and rulers went to the daughters of men and
took their wives by forcefrom their husbands according to their choice,
and the sons of men in those days took from the cattle of the earth, the
beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and taught the mixture of
animals of one species with the other, in order therewith to provoke the
Lord; and God saw the whole earth and it was corrupt, for all flesh had
corrupted its ways upon earth, all men and all animals. -Jasher 4:16-18.


Flood was LOCAL,
NOT GLOBAL Is there any doubt that these fallen angels were hybridizers
and race-mixers? Taking a woman BY FORCE means
RAPE. The Nephilim left their first estate and began their
terrorization of the people by engaging in acts of RAPE.
They raped the daughters of the Adamites, stealing them
from their husbands and having their way with them. And
THIS was the reason why Yahweh had to destroy those
people; but some of them got away, because Noah’s Flood
was NOT GLOBAL. That is a very old myth. I do not
have the time to go into this subject, but I will refer the reader
to my website,, and the article by
Mark Downey explaining why this Flood was LOCAL,
NOT GLOBAL: http://anglo- .



The fact is that many giants resided among the
Canaanites, after the Flood, and these were the very
descendants of the pre-Flood Rephaim. The Tribe of
Gath was composed of giants; and Goliath was one of
the last surviving members of this tribe.
Knowing these things, is the Bible beginning to make
more sense to you? Has any mainstream minister ever
explained these details to you? Wouldn’t you want to
know whose Cain’s descendants are today? Isn’t this an
important subject?


If you don’t think this subject is important, then please read on, for
you will discover that there is nothing more important than for you
to know who it is that wants to destroy you and your family, your
nation, your religion and your race. The Book of Revelation calls
and it is controlled by the Jews of the House of Rothschild. Every
Christian should know this. Even though the subject of Mystery
Babylon, the world empire of merchants, is covered in three whole
Chapters of the Apocalypse, not a single mainstream minister
dares to broach the subject, because, if they do, they know they will
have to talk about the Jews; and this they will not do, because they
either fear for their lives or for their pocketbooks. Some don‟t seem
to realize it, but really, it is “for fear of the Jews.” (John 7:13,
19:38, 20:19.)


Now that we know that these Kenites are the
descendants of Cain, let us trace their genealogy
through the rest of the Bible.

The Canaanites Become the Leading Tribe of the


Remember that Genesis 6 tells us about how the
Nephilim (fallen angels) mixed with the daughters of
Adam and raped them, thus creating the hybrid
Rephaim (“giants”), who terrorized the countryside with
their superhuman strength and evil actions. It was
because of their activities that Yahweh caused Noah’s
Flood. But not all of these creatures were destroyed
by Noah’s Flood. The book of Jasher tells us that
many of them escaped to a country that eventually
became known as “the land of Canaan.”


Jasher 6:24-25.
And the sons of men approached in order to break into
the ark, to come in on account of the rain, for they could
not bear the rain upon them. And the Lord sent all the
beasts and animals that stood round the ark. And the
beasts overpowered them and drove them from that
place, and every man went his way and they again
scattered themselves upon the face of the earth. –
Jasher 6:24-25.


Which is exactly what you expect them to do, rather
than stand there while the water came up to their
nostrils. 40 consecutive days of rain meant that many
had the opportunity to escape. But “the fountains of
the deep” also opened up, meaning flood waters from
under the ground, due to earthquakes. These would
have been more sudden, catching many people by


The Bible account confirms this view, when it tells us: There were giants in the earth in those days; and also
after that, when the sons of God came in unto the
daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the
same became mighty men, which were of old, men of
renown. – Gen. 6:4.
After what? After the Flood, of course.


Moreover the Philistines had yet war again with Israel; and David
went down, and his servants with him, and fought against the
Philistines: and David waxed faint. And Ishbibenob, which was of
the sons of the giant, the weight of whose spear weighed three
hundred shekels of brass in weight, he being girded with a new
sword, thought to have slain David… And it came to pass after this,
that there was again a battle with the Philistines at Gob: then
Sibbechai the Hushathiteslew Saph, which was of the sons of the
giant…And there was yet a battle in Gath, where was a man of
great stature, that had on every hand six fingers, and on every foot
six toes, four and twenty in number; and he also was born to
the giant. And when he defied Israel, Jonathan the son of Shimeah
the brother of David slew him. These four were born to the giant in
Gath, and fell by the hand of David, and by the hand of his
servants. – II Samuel 21:15-22.


So, where did these giants come from, if they were all
supposedly destroyed by the Flood?
Noah’s Flood was neither global, nor did it destroy
every living thing on earth. That false theory is based on
the simple mistranslation of the Hebrew word, eretz,
which means, simply, “land” or “territory.” Cain was not
taken off the planet when he was removed “from the face
of the earth” either. He was simply expelled from the
Garden, so the word ‘eretz,’ as used in Gen. 4,
obviously does not mean ‘Planet.’


So, Canaan went to live among the Kenites, Rephaim
(giants) and other creatures, descendants of Cain and
other hybrids. He left his own people, because, as the
forbidden fruit of incest, he could have no inheritance
among his own kind. Thus, he became the enemy of his
own people; and he begat many Canaanite tribes.



Part 1 of 4
