The Story Of Gog And Magog, Part 02


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The Story Of Gog And
The Second Great Invasion – Genghis Khan & Start of The
Covert Attack


The Story of Gog & Magog
Will be covered in a series of 10 parts
1. Attila, The Rise of Islam and the Khazars 2. Genghis Khan, The Russians & the 3 frogs
of Revelation
3. The Spanish Armada & Inquisition + the
English revolution
4. The rise of the Rothschilds & the Armenian
5. The French & American Revolutions 6. WW1 & WW2
7. Post War Situation


The Story of Gog & Magog
Will be covered in a series of 10 parts
8. Gog’s covert attack on western culture,
education, legal system, health, art &
9. False flag operations
10. Conclusion


Gog – Recap Part One
1) Ezekiel 38:15 Had important Key
Words and That This Key Verse
Covered Most Of The AD Period to the
present day.
2) Magog=Equals Mongol.
3) Gog = Khazar = Askenazim Jew 4) Gog’s Involvement With The Rise Of
5) Khazaria Original Homeland of 92% of
today’s Jews


The Story of Gog of The Land of Magog
Analysis of Ezekiel 38 : 15
First half of verse
And Thou (Attila/Genghis Khan) Shalt Come From Thy Place Out Of The North Parts, Thou And Many People With Thee All Of Them Riding Upon Horses, A Great Company, And A
Mighty Army


Thou And Many People With Thee All Of Them Riding Upon Horses, A Great Company, And A Mighty Army
The horse cavalries of Genghis Khan


The Story of Gog of The Land of Magog
Second half of verse
And Thou Shalt Come Up Against My People of Israel, As A Cloud To Cover The Land : It Shall Be In The Latter Days, And I Will Bring Thee Against My Land That The Heathen May Know Me, When I Shall Be Sanctified In Thee, O Gog, Before Their


Gog – Recap Part One
The second phase of the invasion would
be as a cloud covereth the earth i.e.
Cover + t = Covert


Gog – Causes Israelites to Kill
One Another
1) They shall put you out of
the meeting places:
yea, the time cometh,
that whosoever killeth
you will think that he
doeth God service.
John 16:2
Left : The stoning
of St. Steven


Fatima Isalm & Russia
The Fatima phenomena was a masterstroke of Gog, to unite the Islamic forces of the near east and Catholic Europe, with an eye also to the Eastern Orthodox Church – as we shall see.
The Fatima Idol


“Miracles” Associated With
Allah made an appearance in Fatima, Portugal, on October 13, 1917.
Allah’s apparition was accompanied by a strange miracle:


Fatima Isalm & Russia
1.The first was a vision of Hell (something well known to the modern world).
2.The second was more to the point: a reiteration that Soviet Russia would be converted to the Catholic Church.
Fatima shrine in Portugal.
3.The third was sealed in an envelope and put in custody of the ecclesiastical authority not to be revealed until 1960.


Gogs Agent – Mohammed
Mohammed had his
visions in a cave
❑Fatima, Mohammed’s
only surviving daughter is
the connecting link
between the Vatican and
❑In the Koran she is
called a most holy woman
next to the Virgin Mary. When Moslem armies occupied Portugal they
named a little town after her.


“Miracles” Associated With
“The sun became pale, three
times it turned speedily on
itself, like a Catherine wheel .
. . At the end of these
convulsive revolutions it
seemed to jump out of its
orbit and come forward
towards the people on a zig-
zag course, stopped, and
returned again to its normal


“Miracles” Associated With
No one else noticed this strange phenomenon as alleged by the Vatican!


Fatima Statue Goes On
With the appearance of
Bolshevik Russia and
world communism, the
cult soon was
transformed into an
ideological crusade. It
was used extensively in
the anti-Russian
ideological war carried
out by Pius XII, Cardinal Pope Pius XII
Spellman and John
Foster Dulles


Fatima Statue Goes On Parade
To whip up religious fervour – the statue was paraded around the capitals of the world including Moscow
The Fatima Crusade was part of the plot to convert Russia to Roman Catholicism!!


Fatima Statue Goes On
While so far Gog has failed to convert Russia, there has been some success in merging
Catholicism with Islam, as Mullahs are ever more frequently appearing in Catholic churches


Last of The Non-Whites Pushed
Out Of Europe
• 1492 AD The Last Non-White Stronghold In Spain Surrenders To The Victorious White Army Led By King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella
Ferdinand & Isabella receiving the surrender of the Islamic forces in Spain


Meanwhile Gog – Attacks White Strongholds In Asia Minor and
North Africa
Above: An illustration from a medieval manuscript
showing Saladin wresting the cross from King Richard during the Third Crusade. (1189 – 1192 AD)


The Next Great Invasion From The Land of Gog
Starting In The 14th Century Was The Second Major Onslaught Of The Mongol
Hordes Under The Leadership Of Genghis Khan Into Europe and Near


Gog – Assault on Russia
We must remember that the Rosh (the ruling elite) were Anglo-Saxons from which Russia took its name together with the Slav (Ishmael) majority who God promised would be a great (in size) country.


Gog – Assault on Russia
Our brethren here were the first to succumb to the sowing of tares amongst the wheat through gradual
ever westward thrust instigated by Attila and
Genghis Khan. At the present day all the Israel
nations are in the malign grip of Gog.


4) Gog – Second Major Onslaught From The East
GENGHIS KHAN (TEMUJIN) Unified The Mongols Circa 1206 AD. Dies – 1227 AD
Left: Genghis Khan, as portrayed by an unknown artist


Gog – Assault on Russia
In the year A.D. 1224
Mongol hordes
poured over Russia
under Genghis Kahn.
They came agin in
1237. Latham says
they bore the specific
name of “Mongol.” Gibbon describes how they overran and devastated Russia. For more than two hundred years, to 1480 AD.


Gog – Assault on Russia
Russian Architecture – the onion domes – is based on the Mongolian Tent.
Left: Orthodox Church of All Russian Saints, Burlingame, California, USA


Gog’s Mighty Army of Horsemen
Above: Mongols at the gates of Leignitz in 1241, after defeating the White army of Duke Henry. They
are carrying Henry’s head on a lance.


Gog – Assault on Russia
• There is good evidence that at least in the European areas of Russia that racial purity was maintained until the genocide of the White Russians and Ukrainians following 1917 communist revolution.
• No doubt God has ensured that a remnant remains within this vast domain of Benjamin Israelites and Ishmael.


The Extent of The Mongol Empire Prior to Expansion
Under Genghis Khan.


Extent of Mongol Empire 1300


Gog – “I Will Turn Thee Back”
❑ , Ezekiel 39:2, which reads thus in the King James Version:
And I will turn thee back, and leave but the sixth part of thee; and will cause thee to come up from the north parts, and will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel.


Gog – “I Will Turn Thee Back”
the ordinary English Bibles add to “I will turn thee back” the words “and leave but the sixth part of thee.” This should be “lead thee”, which is the simple rendering of the Hebrew word, so mysteriously rendered by the A.V., “leave but the sixth part,” “strike with six plagues.” “with a hook of six teeth;”


Gog – “I Will Turn Thee Back”
❑The thing that is outstanding here is: “with a hook of six teeth.” Could it be that the hook with six teeth might represent the “Star of David”? If it does, it could well means that the “Jews” will be playing a leading role in this attack.


The Race War
“Saw all history
as a conflict
between the
Aryans and the
He did not understand that the Aryans were in fact
34 true Israel and the so-called Semites were Edomites.


Who Are The Russians?


Rhos (Benjamin)
• We will pause a moment to read Genesis 46:21: And the sons of Benjamin were Belah and Becher, and Ashbel, Gera, and Naaman, Ehi, and Rosh, Muppim, Huppim, and Ard.


Rhos (Benjamin)
Varangian Rus on the Volga-Dniper
route to Constantinople
Is ‘from the Swedish word “rodher”, meaning ‘rowers’. As for ‘Varangian’, it was used by the Arabs and also the Russian particular brand of Vikings ….


Rhos (Benjamin
The Byzantines
… which the Byzantines called ‘Rhos’, were called ‘Varangian’ by the Arab chroniclers. The most probable derivation of ‘Rhos’, according to Toynbee


Rus (Benjamin) Caused the Fall of The Khazar (Gog) Empire
• — the “Rus” were
undoubtedly Norman. We
know that the word
“Northmen” refers to
Norway. We also know
that the people of
Norway are from the tribe
of Benjamin. We know
that the symbol of
Benjamin is the Wolf. Jacob caressing


Rus (Benjamin) Caused the Fall of The Khazar (Gog) Empire
The tribe of Benjamin was evidently quite active in
Russia as well as in Norway and England. As a matter of fact, these Benjaminite Northmen had a big
part in breaking down and causing the fall of the
Empire of the Khazars of Askenazim.


Who Are The Russians?
1.The Study of Gog would
not be complete without
knowing who the
Russians are in bible
2.Most Christians believe
that the Russians are Gog.
Although the Gogi
originate within the
borders of the Soviet
Union, I will try and show
that this is not the case.


Who Are The Russians?
3. We must also distinguish between the Kievian (white) Russians and the Slavs.
White Russians
4. The Gogi originating from Mongolia are Asiatics who have mongrelised with other races including the Idumeans, Canaanites and Amelek.


Who Are The Russians?
5. The Adamites were destined by God to rule over the heathen, so naturally one would expect to find other races within the Russian borders, as is the case in other Israelite nations!


Some Surprising Facts About
1.The Bible was available to ordinary Russians in their own Language centuries before vulgate translations were available in western Europe.
A Russian Bible


Some Surprising Facts About
2. Prior to the revolution Russia was the largest Christian country in the world.
A Russian Church


Some Surprising Facts About
3. During the period of the Tzars, Russia had more gold in her banks than the value of notes in circulation.
Symbol Of The Russian Tsars


Some Surprising Facts About
4. During the time of the Tzars Russia was also the largest producer of gold in the world


Some Surprising Facts About
5. The Hymn “How Great Thou Art” was composed by a Russian to a Swedish tune.
Cibele Ferrari


Some Surprising Facts About
6. Russia has 25% of all the world’s forests


The Rus – Benjamin
Territory of the Rus circa 650 AD


Russia Today


Moscow (Meshech) • Now we are going to consider the variant forms of the words “Meshech” and “Tubal”. First, Meshech: (Two syllables): Meshech, Meshek, Mesech, Mesec, Mosoch, Mosokh (One syllable): Maskh, Masch, Mesch, Misch, Moskh, Mosch, Mask, Masc, Mosc, Musc. • The names themselves, as they stand in the Hebrew text, have just one long vowel between them. “Mesech” is simply: M sh ch;


Russian Double Headed Eagle
Notice St. George and the Dragon on the Russian double headed eagle.
Another meaning for the prophecy of Ishmael in the “original Hebrew, which runs literally,
“he shall be before the faces of all his 53


Russian Double Headed Eagle
Facing west to his brethren in Europe and
East to his brethren in the USA.


Russian Double Headed Eagle
” And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.


Russian Double Headed Eagle
Secular history records that the Slavs invited the
Vikings to rule over them because of almost continuous internal fighting amongst themselves.


Europe Post Genghis Khan
• In the following slide we shall see the political map of Europe in 1346 after the assault of Genghis Khan gradually recedes.
• We see the political boundaries beginning to resemble those familiar to us today.


Note the princes of Ishmael


Political Map Of Europe
Here we see the extent of the European part of the Russian Empire (at its maximum) – shortly to be decimated from within by Gog


Czar Nicholas II
It must be
remembered that whilst Moscow was the capital of Russia, the Czars’ court was in St. Petersburg, not Moscow which would become the power centre of Gog after the 1917 revolution.


Czar & Family Flee
In August of 1917, the Royal Family fled to Tobolsk, in Siberia. They stay at the Governors house until April, 1918.


Czar & Family Flee
They hoped to escape to England, where King George V who was a Romanov cousin, but he refused due to pressure from Jewish groups.


Czar Nicholas II and Family
Here we see the Czar’s family just prior to being assassinated by Gog


Tsar Nicholas & Family –
Murdered By Gog
Left: Tsar Nicholas, his wife and one of his children. All were to be murdered by the Communists once the party had seized complete power.


Tsar Nicholas & Family –
Murdered By Gog
Ipatyev House – Where the Romanoffs Were Butchered


Czar & Family Murdered
About midnight,
Yurovsky woke up the
Czar’s family, and
their party.
At 1 o’clock in the
night, the Czar,
Czaritza, their four
daughters, the maid, The Murder of the
the doctor, the cook,


Czar & Family Murdered
… and the waiter went
to the basement. The
Czar carried the heir in
his arms.
Yurovsky, Medvedev,
Nikulin, Yermakov,
Vaganov, all Jewish
Cheka assassins were
A memorial in Yekaterinburg where the Czar and Family were murdered


Czar Nicholas II (1868-1918) was
the last Russian Emperor
The Mountbattens (aka Windsors – QE2), who are related to the Rothschilds, led the court battles to prevent the claimants from withdrawing any of the fortune.


Gog Exerts Power Through
The First Meeting of the Communist Party In 1917, Rothschild directs Lenin to replace Kerensky. Lenin, joined by Trotsky and 300 Jews from New York, deposed Kerensky.


Gog Exerts Power Through
Kerensky steps down to be replaced by Lenin


Lenin (Jew) – Real Name Vladimir Illyich Ulynaov
Left: Lenin
addresses a
meeting – to his
right, Leon Trotsky,
the principal
organizer of the
Revolution and the
real brains behind
the creation of the
Soviet Union


1917 – Moscow Falls to Gog
• Kremlin Now The Seat of Gog’s Power In The East
• Russians
(Ishmael) Now
An Enslaved


Insignia of The Soviet Union
The world is depicted as conquered by the red beast after having bound in slavery the children of the wheat – and we will see the Biblical symbolism of the Soviet Insignia …


Insignia of The Soviet Union
1 The Star of Idumea1
2 The Wheat (the
good seed) being
bound for burning
The hammer and sickle of
Gathering the Israel Nations to Battle
5 True Israel
bound in red tape
– The wheat 6 The Sun Scorching the earth


1917 – Moscow Falls to Gog
• 1 – TUBAL-CAIN. the • smith (of cutting instruments)
2 – The Fallen Star – Lucifer (Satan) • 3 – There was a 5 pointed star on the flag of the Idumeans
The Pentagon (USA) is a 5 pointed star!


Khrushchev boasts
that he receives
secret codes, money
and all “secret”
reports from
dominated CIA
False headlines say that they met for the
first time


1987 – Gog’s Grip on Russia

• 1) USSR Dissolves to become the Russian Federation. • 2) The Red, White & Blue Russian Tricolour flies once more.


Russia Clamps Down on
Jewish Crooks
Mikhail Khodorkovsky
Gigantic Jewish globalists and world criminals like
Mikhail Khodorkovsky (photo) in a cage whilst
standing trial in Moscow.


Clovis – King of The Franks
Popular tradition, based on French royal tradition, holds that the Franks were the founders of the French nation, and that Clovis was therefore the first King of France.
Non-contemporary coin with obverse
legend “Clovis Roy de France”


Clovis – King of The Franks


Gog Deceives The Nations
“And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of
the beast, and out of the mouth of the false
prophet.” Rev 16:13


Gog Deceives The Nations
And the old witch goddess Hecate is brewing up a witches caldron where the three beasts meet in the New World Order.
Overt 1)Communis
3)Capitalism .
Covert 1)Knights Templar
“Double, double toil and trouble…….”Jacob’s” trouble. Clovis 481-511 –
King of The Franks


Gog Deceives The Nations
The 3 frogs representing
Gog’s covert attack on
Israel is very appropriate:
Frogs hide in the slim and
can travel on land or in
water (Jews are into
organised – drugs – slave
trade – the mafia etc.)
“Double, double toil and trouble…….”Jacob’s” trouble. Clovis 481-
511 – King of The Franks


Gog Deceives The Nations
They can blend in with their surroundings so no one notices them. They hide in secret societies – Masons – Crown Temple – The
Illuminati etc


Gog Deceives The Nations
Some Additional “Frog” Banners
Extant at the Time In France
King Clovis I


Gog Deceives The Nations
A warning to God’s Elect that that Jacob’s Trouble was brewing


Gog Deceives The Nations
These frogs were soon replaced with Fleur de Lis as the French didn’t like
being called frogs!


Gog Deceives The Nations
The Illuminati was founded by a witch and has always been involved in witchcraft. And Masonry is essentially Baal worship or Satanism when the layers of symbolism are stripped away. And this end time beast emerged in France.
Adam Weishaupt – who revived the Illuminati


Gog Speaks Like A Frog
Ibn Fadlan, a fastidious Arab traveller, whose journey took him to a village in Khazaria called Ardkwa whose inhabitants are called Kardals said; “their language sounds entirely like the croaking of frogs”.


Frogs – A Link To Egypt
The 3 Frogs of Revelation also indicate a link to Egypt – the plague of frogs – also Egyptian Gods Amon & Amonet were transformed from the frogs Niau and Naiut.


Frogs – A Link To Egypt
The magic secrets of these gods were taken to Europe following the collapse of Egypt – leaping from one continent to another for which the frog is a good analogy.


The 3 Principals (Frogs) Finance, Religious & Political
The overseeing eye = the Rothschild
& Rockefeller Banking and
Commercial conglomerates


The 3 Principals (Frogs) Finance, Religious &
Here we see the
complete diagram of Gog’s
Masonic &


Billy Graham (Frank) – Jew
Interestingly Billy Graham’s real name Frank originates from the land of the 3 frogs – The Kingdom of the Franks


Billy Graham (Frank) – Jew
Billy Graham was a major driving force towards ecumenism He was also a 33 Degree Mason He also had several audiences with the Pope at the Vatican
Billy Graham


Billy Graham (Frank) – Jew
A famous member of this
line was Jakob Frank, a
self-confessed Satanist
whose followers were
called “Frankists”. Freud’s
sexually-obsessed theories
came from Frankism. Frank
taught his followers to
convert to another religion
and hide behind that Jakob Frank
religion to conceal their


The 6 Objectives Finance, Religious & Political
• 1. abolition of all existing
governments and the
establishment of a one-world
• 2. abolition of inheritance,
• 3. abolition of private
• 4. abolition of patriotism, Protocols
• 5. abolition of the family,
• 6. abolition of freedom.


The Objectives Finance, Religious & Political
• Communist Manifesto (1848), is remarkably similar to the objectives of the Illuminati..


The Illuminati
Origin of The Illuminati Back in 1203 B.C.:From the official printing press of the
Rosicrucians – It states:-


The Illuminati
Several Brothers of
the Illuminati Order
were commissioned
to spread the secret
doctrines in other
lands before the
invasion of Egypt
and thereby prevent The Illuminati
the extinction of the


Gog Gradually Weakens The
West – Ready For The Final
• Destruction of White Culture
• Destruction of True Christianity
• Destruction of White Industrial Power • Control of Money and Financial Institutions • Control of the Legal Processes and Replacing Anglo-Saxon Common Law With Civil (Roman) Law & UCC (Unified Commercial Code) in The States
• Destruction of Farming
• Destruction of Fishing
• Reducing the Strength of Western Armies


The Knights Templars Banded Together in 1111
The Templars were recognized at Clermont in 1118. 1+1+1+8= 11. The authors of Holy Blood Holy Grail provided the definitive evidence that there were 9 original founding Templars


The Knights Templars Banded Together in 1111
… and they first banded together in 1111 and taking no new members for 9 years. And this was the numerical basis for the 911’s in many tragedies.


The Knights Templars Banded Together in 1111
The order was Officially founded in 1118 by the Burgundian knight Yves de Faillon, with the aim of protecting pilgrims traveling to the Holy Places. The order’s official name, the “Poor Knights of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon,”


The Knights Templars Banded Together in 1111
The El-Aska Mosque
… comes from their place of residence – on the Temple Mount, where its members took over the el- Aqsa Mosque, known as the “Temple of Solomon”
by the Crusaders.


Gogs Agents – The Rise Of The
Jesuits (Catholic Jews)
Disraeli, who revealed the truth about a lot of things, declared “the first Jesuits were Jews. Now if “the first Jesuits were Jews”
Ignatius LIEola (1491 — 1556).


Gogs Agents – The Rise Of The Jesuits (Catholic Jews)
The Jesuit Logo
one can be sure they would not relinquish control to anyone else!
In fact a lot of Popes have been
assassinated because they tried to remove the Jesuits


Jesuits Try To Destroy The
Rabbi Antelman
According to the book “To Eliminate the Opiate” (out of print) by Rabbi Antelman, the Illuminati formed a committee entitled the Biblical Destruction Group in 1776. This committee disbanded 50 years later


Jesuits Try To Destroy The Word
In 1826 the Apocrypha, (fourteen books of the Bible) was removed from the protestant editions of the King James Bible.
What were they trying to hide – Our Identity perhaps?


Jesuits Try To Destroy The
The 1540 Geneva Bible
includes the
Apocrypha. The 1607
version of the King
James Bible includes
the Apocrypha. The
Apocrypha is included
in the Lectern Bible of
the Church of


Jesuits Try To Destroy The Word
…. and also in what is called The King’s Bible on which the Coronation oath is taken. It is reported that, at the coronation of King Edward VII, a Bible Society sent a magnificently bound Bible as a coronation gift, which had to be returned as it was without the


Jesuits Try To Destroy The
Have we been given a
Before the Apocrypha was
removed the Bible contained 80
books (8 x 10) a good scriptural
After removal the number of
books was reduced to 66 (6 x 11)
– an Illuminati occult number as
we shall see later


Jesuits Try To Destroy The Word
The Bible on which the Coronation oath is taken always contains the Apocrypha


Puppet Master
to The Late Pope John Paul II
• Peter-Hans Kolvenbach (1928–) Jesuit General since 1983 – Jewish “Black Pope”


Illuminati Conspiracy, Order of the Illumined Wise Men
Most associate May 1st with dancing around the Maypole – but as we shall see, this date has more sinister


Illuminati Conspiracy, Order of the Illumined Wise Men
May 1, 1776, was the most important date in Freemasonry’s Luciferian New World Order Plans. On that date an obscure Jesuit-trained professor of canon law …..
Adam Weishaupt


Illuminati Conspiracy, Order of
the Illumined Wise Men
… at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria, Adam Weishaupt, founded a secret society called the Ancient and Illuminated Seers of Bavaria
Adam Weishaupt


Illuminati Conspiracy, Order of the Illumined Wise Men
In 1770, the then
reorganised House of
Rothschild had
Weishaupt to revise
the age old Protocols
of Zion. This was
completed in 1776 and
the Illuminati were The House of
then founded – Rothschild


Illuminati Conspiracy, Order of
the Illumined Wise Men
You now know what you are celebrating on May 1st which was fairly recently turned into a public holiday.


Illuminati of Bavaria, founded 1776 – Notice Rites Similar To
Masons today!


Gog’s Baphomet
Here are the Masons Parading Baphomet of the Templars – Note the Templar Cross on its chest – indicating the fusion of the Templars into Masonry later to become known as the York Rite.


Gog’s Baphomet
Baphomet = “Tem.ohp.ab from the title reversed and abbreviated in cabalistic fashion which = The Father of the Temple of Universal Peace.
The great two horned goat bearing between its horns the fiery torch is Nimrod or Moloch.


Gog’s Baphomet
Eliphas Levi whose name appears on the picture was the Abbe Alphonse Louis Constant who became a cabalist.
Eliphas Levi


Gog’s Baphomet
The Left hand is pointing with 2 fingers down towards a black moon which stands for the black races.
On the left arm is written “COAGULA” which means mix or combine
On its stomach is a circle which stands for Zoroaster – the seed of fire.


Gog’s Baphomet
In front of the circle is a
pole with an apple on it
around which are two
serpents one white and
the other black. The
apple representing the
forbidden fruit of good
and evil
The serpent is the Aish-
Skhul-Apis, the man
instructing serpent.


Gog’s Baphomet
The 5 pointed star between the beasts horns stands for the Idumeans.
The right hand is pointing with raised 2 fingers towards the white moon which represents the white race of Shem.
On the right arm is written “SOLVE” meaning destroy or dissolve.


The Illuminati
We see here their code for encrypting messages.
They have also a series of numbers which are particularly important to them.
It is by the use of these occult numbers they place their signature on events
(Assassinations, “Terrorist” attacks and political upheavals)


The Illuminati & 911
Rev. 9:11 “And they
had a king over them,
which is the angel of
the bottomless pit,
whose name in the
Hebrew tongue is
Abaddon, but in the
Greek tongue is
Apollyon (That is to say
Abbadon is the Masonic password given
to those reaching the 17th Degree


The Illuminati & 911
Several Israelis were
caught videoing this
event on top of a
building – obviously
they had
foreknowledge of this
This was made into
music album cover
Their van in which they transported their equipment belonged to Moving Systems Incorporated


The Illuminati & 911
The name of their “moving company” actually contained the word MOSSAD embedded inside. Moving Systems Incorporated… MOving SyStems IncorporAteD = …….MOSSAD
Israelis were again arrested in a similar van with equipment to blow up a bridge in Washington – They
were quietly deported back to Israel


In order to get their freemasonry
growing and gaining members
they have always kept their hate
for royalties and nobilities hidden
from those groups. They have
even allowed kings, dukes, lords
and other nobilities to act as
Master of Grades/Lodges just to
get their support for freemasonry
and to get members, but the real Duke of Kent
Leaders of freemasonry have
been and are Jews.


In France during the 18. century. King Louis, XV son of King Louis XIV, was against all kind of freemasonry. He even prohibited it from France in 1737. By then freemasonry had been in France since 1717.
King Louis XV


Illuminati Occult Numbers
Is the first sacred
number, the first perfect
number (Westcott, p. 41)
Three represents the
Pagan Trinity
33, or 333. 333 + 333
equals 666. Occultists
have used 333 as the
hidden symbol by which
they present the more Foss Westcott
offensive number 666.


Illuminati Occult Numbers
Is the next sacred number,
representing the number of
the soul of man (Westcott,
p. 66). This shows the
omnipotent power of God,
as this belief parallels
Revelation 13:18, where
God assigns 666 to man
and to the beast. Six is
also believed to be “all-


Illuminati Occult Numbers •7
Seven (7) is a sacred
number. Van Buren calls
7 “one of the most
sacred of all the
numbers..: the Invisible
Centre, the Spirit of
everything”. (p. 39) Since
multiplication of seven
creates an even more
powerful sacred number,
we should not be
surprised that 3 x 7, or
21, is considered Martin Van Buren


Illuminati Occult Numbers
Nine (9) is sacred
because it is the “first
cube of an odd number
(3)”, (Van Buren, p.40-
41) The triple nine
(999) is utilized to
represent 666, because
it is simply the
inversion of 666.


Illuminati Occult Numbers
Royal Arch Masonry is obsessed with bridge symbolism (Princess Diana was murdered under a covered bridge) to the same extent that the Masonic
grade of Ninth degree is up to it’s neck in
decapitation ritual.


Illuminati Occult Numbers
Eleven when broken
down (1+1=2)
comprises the Two
of duality. (LUCIFER
tried/wanted to be
equal to God)


Illuminati Occult Numbers
Eleven (11) is a sacred number. When eleven is multiplied by the perfect number 3, the number 33 is produced, a number of tremendous occult importance


Illuminati Occult Numbers
11 – The subversion and undoing of 10; a flawed addition to that perfect order. 11 – the Antichrist/Prince is known as the 11th Horn.
Lucifer = “Light Bearer” has 11 letters!


Illuminati Occult Numbers
Interestingly the word
Gog appears exactly
11 times in the whole
of the Bible.
10 times in the Old
Testament and once
only in the New
Testament. The 10
times it appears is in
Ezekiel, Chapters 38
and 39.


Illuminati Occult Numbers
Of the 190 nationalities within the old USSR the 11th in population size was the
Jews (Gog)


Illuminati Occult Numbers
Aquarius is the 11th sign in the Zodiac. We are since August 11, 1999 in the “Age of Aquarius” [New Christ] which ended the 2,000 year reign of Pisces [True Christ].


Illuminati Occult Numbers
The August 11th 1999 Solar Eclipse which occurred at precisely 11:11 [over Cornwall, UK]. Biblical numerology – 11 = 11th Hour – Nearing Christ’s return. To Britain??


Illuminati Occult Numbers
It is interesting to note that a mere eleven minutes after the Zionist
declaration of the Palestinian partition and independence on May 14, 1948, President Truman recognized Israel as an independent Jewish State.


Illuminati Occult Numbers 13
There are 13 references to the
antichrist in the New Testament.
13 stands for – rebellion, apostasy, defection, corruption, disintegration & revolution
Gen. xiv. 4, where we read ‘Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer, and the thirteenth year they REBELLED.


Illuminati Occult Numbers •18
6 + 6 + 6 = 18.
This another way of hiding the number 666


Illuminati Occult Numbers •28
The number 28 is one of the
correspondences of Solomon
in kabbalistic numerology;
the Solomonic name
assigned to 28 is “Beale.”


Illuminati Occult Numbers
KKK. K is the
eleventh number of
the Alphabet. In
other words the
KKK can be
represented as 11, The Klu Klux
11, 11. 11+11+11=33.


Illuminati Occult Numbers
Albert Pike created the 33rd degree of Masonry. Confessed LUCIFERIAN and founder of the K.K.K. The Ku Klux Klan
Albert Pike


Illuminati Occult Numbers
There are 33 titles to the
antichrist in the Old


Illuminati Occult Numbers 39
Notice that the Bilderberg
Group has core of 39
members who are broken into
3 groups of 13 members in
each group.
Notice that the core of 39
answers to the 13 who make
up the Policy Committee.
Take special notice that the
13 members of the Policy
Committee answer to the
Round Table of Nine.


Illuminati Occult Numbers
The Constitution has 7 articles and was signed by 39 members of the
Constitutional Convention. More research is to be done on this number.


Illuminati Occult Numbers
77, the mark of the revenge
of Lamech. Lamech was a
descendant of Cain, the first
murderer, and father of
Tubal-Cain, an important
hero of the Clums (ancestor
of Hiram Abiff). The Bible
says the following about the
mark of the revenge of Lamech


Illuminati Occult Numbers
“And Lamech said unto his wives, Adah and Zillah, ‘Hear my voice: ye wives of Lamech, hearken unto my speech: for I have slain a man to my wounding, and a young man to my hurt. If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold.” (Genesis 4: 23-24).


Illuminati Occult Numbers The obvious of course is 11 x 7=77
The London
Bombings on July 7th
2005, were stamped
with the number 77


Illuminati Occult Numbers
Also represented as 999
The Brussels Beast Computer tracts trade though the bar code system based on the number 666
We all know that 666 represents Satan and Antichrist, it will not be tattooed on people for the word says: “let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast..”


Illuminati Occult Numbers
Hidden 666 in the Trilateral
Commission Logo
However, we are all assigned the number 666 as a prefix to our identification number held in the “Beast” computers at Bruxelles and Luxemburg …


Illuminati Occult Numbers •666
which consists of 18
digits – (666 + 3 digit
country code + 3 digit
telephone area code +
our 9 digit social
security number) The
18 digit number is
another way of
expressing 666!
Battle Engagement And Symmetrical Tracking


Illuminati Occult Numbers 666
[Colin Powell] – “Finding
the Russian scientists
may be a problem being
that Russia does not have
a Social Security System,
as here in America, that
allows us to MONITOR,
CAPTURE an American (&
British) citizen.”


Illuminati Occult Numbers 666
Colin Powell
accidentally let this
information slip while
being interviewed by
Fox News Sunday,
This statement indicates
that we are more highly
monitored in the west
than the former Soviet


Illuminati Occult Numbers
Roman numerals: The sum of all classical Roman numerals, I, V, X, L, C, D (1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500) is 666. (The numeral M, for 1000, was a later addition.)


Illuminati Occult Numbers
We are being conditioned
By Subliminal 6’s in advertising


Illuminati Occult Numbers •666
The City Of London – The
Richest Square Mile in
the world
Occupies 677 acres – which can be expressed as 666 + 11 marking The City of London as part of the Beast System.


Illuminati Occult Numbers


Flag of Gog’s Stolen Real Estate In
The Middle East
Note the Number 666 – (6
outer triangles, 6 inner
triangles and 6 points.
• Note the pagan hexagram
of witchcraft.
Note the pale blue
imitation of the Royal Blue
of real Judah
A 5 Pointed Star Was The National
Emblem of The Idumeans


Flag of Gog’s Stolen Real Estate In The Middle East
A geometrical form based on a multiple of sixes
6 Lines forming two equilateral triangles.
6 small outer equilateral triangles
6 points, 12 outer lines 2 x 6 = 12
6 inner lines forming a central hexagon


Flag of Gog’s Stolen Real Estate In The Middle East
6, 60 degree angles of large triangles
18, 60 degree angles (6 + 6 + 6) of small outer triangles
12, 120 degree angles (60 + 60 = 120) making a total of at least 54 sixes:


Masonic Symbols – US Capitol


The Illuminati Bloodlines
The Astor Bloodline. The Bundy Bloodline. The Collins Bloodline. The DuPont Bloodline. The Freeman Bloodline. The Kennedy Bloodline. The Li Bloodline. The Onassis Bloodline.
The Onassis Bloodline. The Rockefeller Bloodline. The Rothschild Bloodline. The Russell Bloodline. The Van Duyn Bloodline. The Merovingian Bloodline. The Disney Bloodline. The Reynolds bloodline.


The (Sanhedrin) Learned Elders
of Zion.
• • • • • • • • • •
1. Inigo de Loyola (Spanish Jew)…………… 1541-1556. 2. Diego Laynez (Spanish Jew)……………… 1558-1565. 3. Francisco Borgia (Spanish Jew………….. 1565-1572. 4. Eberhard Mercurian (Belgin Jew)……… 1573-1580. 5. Claudio Acquaviva (Neapolitan Jew)….. 1581-1615. 6. Mutio Vitelleschi (Roman Jew)…………. 1615-1645. 7. Vincenzio Caraffa (Neapolitan Jew)……. 1646-1649. 8. Francesco Piccolomini (Florentine Jew). 1649-1651. 9. Alessandro Gottofredi (Roman Jew)……. 1652. 10. Goswin Nickel (German Jew)………….. 1652-1664.


The (Sanhedrin) Learned Elders
of Zion.
• • • • • • • • • • •
11. Giovanni Paolo Oliva (Genoese Jew)
Vicar-general and Coadjutor, 1661; General. 1664-1681. 12. Charles von Noyelle (Belgian Jew)……. 1682-1686. 13. Tirso Gonzales (Spanish Jew)………….. 1687-1705. 14. Michael Angelo Tamburini (Modanese Jew)…. 1706-1730. 15. Franz Retz (Bohemian Jew)……………. 1730-1750. 16. Ignazio Visconti (Milanese Jew)………. 1751-1755. 17. Alessandro Centurioni (Genoese Jew).. 1755-1757. 18. Lorenzo Ricci (Florentine Jew)………… 1758-1775. a. Stanislaus Czerniewicz (Polish Jew)….. 1782-1785. b. Gabriel Lienkiewicz (Polish Jew)……… 1785-1798.


The (Sanhedrin) Learned Elders
of Zion.c. Franciscus Xavier Kareu (Polish Jew)

• (General in Russia, March 7th, 1801)….. 1799-1802.
• d. Gabriel Gruber (German Jew)…………. 1802-1805.
• 19. Thaddaeus Brzozowiski (Polish Jew)…. 1805-1820.
• 20. Aloysio Fortis (Veronese Jew)………….. 1820-1829.
• 21. Johannes Roothaan (Dutch Jew)………. 1829-1853.
• 22. Peter Johannes Beckx (Belgian Jew)….. 1853-1887.
• 23. Antoine Marie Anderledy (Swiss Jew)…. 1887-1892.
• 24. Louis Martin (Spanish Jew)……………… 1892-1906.
• 25. Francis Xavier Warnz (German Jew)….. 1906-1914.
• 26. Vladimir Ledochowski (Polish Jew)……. 1915-.
The Generals of the Jesuits have always been Jews, there has never been a general that was not Jewish and under the absolute control of the Illuminati which, is in turn, under the
total control of the Learned Elders of Zion.


Concealment Behind “Reputable Organisations
“The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any place in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation”.


Concealment Behind “Reputable
“Of all the means I know to lead men, the most effectual is a concealed mystery. The hankering of the mind is irresistible;” Adam Weishaupt (code-name Spartacus)
Gog Hides in the Shadows




• The Sovereign is the
“Fountain of all
Honour;” even if he
dispenses honours at
the advice of a party
politician, he still
does so in virtue of
his own exclusive
King George VI by


King George VI
by accepting a
Masonic degree
was in effect
abdicating his
The Masonic Square and Compass The “G” stands for “God” (Lucifer), but could
equally stand for Gog!!


The Story Of Gog
And Magog
A thought to leave you with
“Military men are ‘dumb stupid animals’ to be used as pawns for foreign policy” – Traitor – Henry Kissinger
Howbeit no man spake openly of him for fear of the Jews. (John 7:13)


The Story Of Gog
And Magog
To be continued at another Session ……Part 3 The Spanish Armada
