Israel’s Migrations, Part 5


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Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
While the House of Israel was wandering through Europe and setting up the European nation states, a small portion of the House of Judah remained in Palestine in order to bring forth the Messiah. These were the 42,000 Judahites, Benjamites and Levites who returned from the Babylonian captivity.


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
“And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots.” – Isa. 11:1.


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Jesse was David’s father (Ruth 4:22; Matt. 1:6). Isaiah is telling us that there will be a “Branch” of the Family Tree, stemming from Jesse, that will result in the Messiah.


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
This is the Royal House of David, descendants of Judah. The House of Judah was to remain in Judea and Palestine until the First Advent.


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
“The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until Shiloh [he to whom it belongs] come; and to him shall be the obedience of the peoples.” – Gen. 49:10 (Revised Standard Version)


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
“Shiloh, an epithet of
the Messiah.” –
Strong’s Concordance, #7886.


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The reason why none of the prophecies made to ancient Israel have been fulfilled by the Jewish people is because the Jews are not Israelites. Nor is Judaism the religion of the Old Testament.


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Judaism is, in reality, the
teachings of the Talmud,
which are based on the
opinions of the rabbis,
not on the Law of Moses.
(Deut. 4:1-2 forbids all
priests from tampering
with the written Law of
Moses; but the rabbis
have always substituted
their “Oral tradition” for George Bush Carrying
The Talmud
the Law of Moses.)


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Therefore, the Jewish
people cannot possibly be
either Israel or Judah,
because their religion
constantly violates the Law
of Moses and because they
are not a truly Shemitic
people. 95% of modern
Jews are, in fact, Ashkenazi
Khazars, who CONVERTED Ashkenazi Khazar Jews
to Judaism in the 8th
Century AD.


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
None of their Ashkenazi ancestors have any Israelite or Shemitic blood. The other 5% of modern Jewry consists of the Sephardic type, who are not Shemites either.
Left: An Iranian Sephardic Jew


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
As explained earlier, the scribes and Pharisees, whom Jesus repeatedly condemned in all four Gospels, were of Idumean heritage. Neither the Ashkenazim nor the Sephardim are true Israelites.
The Pharisees


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
This means that Judaism and Jewry are total impostors, who have laid a false claim to the heritage of Israel and Judah, as is stated in Rev. 2:9, 3:9 and 12:9.


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Speaking to Israel in Rev. 2:9, Jesus, through the Apostle John, tells us:
I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich) and the slander of those who say they are Jews [Judeans] and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.”


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Psalms 50:16 and 17 offer an interesting foresight into this development: “But unto the wicked God saith, What hast thou to do to declare my statutes, or that thou shouldest take my covenant in thy mouth? Seeing thou hatest instruction, and castest my words behind thee.”


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
This means that a
nation of hypocrites will
declare themselves to
be “His people,” but
they will actually be
liars and deceivers! Of
course, this statement
is also true of the
disobedient Israelites;
but it is even more true From The Daily
of the wicked nation Mail London 2004
that is pretending to be


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Speaking to the Edomites of Idumea, Yahweh declares:
“Thus says Yahweh Elohim: Surely in the fire of my jealousy have I spoken against the against the residue of the heathen,


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
…. and against all Idumea, which have appointed my land into their possession with the joy of all their heart, and with despiteful minds, to cast it out for a prey.” – Ezek. 36:5.


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
I have previously explained that it was the Idumeans
of Edom who overthrew the House of Judah in Judea, just before the coming of Christ, and that
these Idumeans, …


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
…. under Herod the usurper, seized control of the priesthood known as the Pharisees. Under Herod, these Idumeans also took control of the Sanhedrin, the ruling Council of Elders, which ruled on matters of civil, criminal and religious law.


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jewish Encyclopedia even admits that Judaism is the religion of the Pharisees:
“The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees.
Krakow Temple Synagogue


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Their leading ideas and
methods found expression
in a literature of enormous
extent, of which a very
great deal is still in
existence. The Talmud is
the largest and most
important single member
of that literature.”
Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. VIII, p. 474 (1942).


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Luke 12:1 puts it as plain as it can be: “Beware the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.”
Left: The Pharisees taking Council


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Could it be that the REAL REASON that the Jewish people have never accepted Jesus as the Messiah is because they are not Israelites? (Nor was Jesus a Jew. He was a Judahite of the Tribe of Judah!)
The Wailing Wall


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Crucifixion
Jesus would have become the King of Judah had not the Jews crucified Him. And the Jews DID crucify Him, just as the Bible teaches. Read John 7:1, if you don’t believe me. “Jesus would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him.”


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
This is confirmed in John 5. Speaking to the Pharisees, the originators of the religion called Judaism, Jesus says:


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
A New York
“I am come in My Father’s Name, and you receive me not: if another shall come in his own name (“I am Rabbi so-and-so.”), him you will receive. How can you believe, which receive honor of one another [the rabbis are always praising one another], and seek NOT the honor that comes from God only?


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Do not think that I will
accuse you to the Father:
there is one that accuses
you, EVEN MOSES, in
whom you hope. For had
you believed Moses, you
would have believed Me.
But if you believe not his
writings, how shall you
believe My words?” –
John 5:40-47.


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
When Pontius Pilate washed his hands of the crucifixion affair (Matt. 27:20-25), he officially disclaimed any
responsibility, on his own behalf and on Rome’s behalf, for what was to follow.


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Trial Of
This is clearly what the hand washing ceremony meant. It was an official rite that Pilate borrowed from local tradition, which meant that neither Pilate nor Rome was to be responsible for any of the events that followed.


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Then Pontius Pilate turned Jesus over to the Pharisees, who were the Edomite Jews of Judea. It was these Jews who illegally tried, convicted and executed Jesus Christ, not the Romans.
Pontius Pilate


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Jesus Himself told the scribes and Pharisees that the were a bunch of liars, thieves and murderers. (John 8:33- 44.) So, whom are you going to believe? Those who have a tradition of lying, or Jesus Christ?


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews are NOT Israelites or Judahites
The confusion about the Biblical use of the word, Jew, comes from the fact that it is translated from the Greek word Ioudaios, which means JUDEAN. But there were two types of Judeans in those days:


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews are NOT Israelites or Judahites
1.) The True Judahites who had lived in Judea (the land of Judah) for nearly 2,000 years, and
2.) The recently naturalized Idumeans, who had been citizens of Judea only since 125 BC.


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews are NOT Israelites or Judahites
Coin – John Hyrcanus
Once these Idumeans had come to power, King Herod, an IDUMEAN, murdered the True King, John Hyrcanus, who was the legitimate heir to the throne, as was Jesus Christ, being a descendant of King David through both Mary and Joseph.


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews are NOT Israelites or Judahites
Knowing full well that the Herodian scribes and Pharisees were an evil, vile people, verily, the ancient enemies of True Israel, Jesus told them:


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews are NOT Israelites or Judahites
Rabbi Shlomo Amar, the Sephardi
Chief Rabbi of
“Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets. Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers. Ye serpents. Ye generation [race] of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews are NOT Israelites or Judahites
Daughter of Herod receiving the head of John the Baptist
Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets [the Apostles], and wise men, and [true Judahite] scribes; and some of them ye shall kill and crucify [including Himself]; and some of them shall ye scourge in YOUR synagogues, and persecute them from city to city:


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews are NOT Israelites or Judahites
That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar.” – Matt. 23: 31-35.
Abel slain by Cain


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews are NOT Israelites or Judahites
This indictment of the Jews goes all the way back to Cain’s murder of Abel. Jesus is telling us that these Jews are the direct lineal descendants of the murderer, Cain. The Old Testament tells us that Cain begat the Kenites.


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews are NOT Israelites or Judahites
Left: Some modern Kenites
The Kenites merged with the Canaanites. Then Esau/Edom merged with the Canaanites, thus the
entire nation became known as Edom.


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews are NOT Israelites or Judahites
And the Greek word for Edom is Idumea. Jesus is telling these Edomite Jews that He knows that they are the descendants of Cain, the murderer, and that they have not changed their ways, nor will they ever!
Genealogy of the line of Cain


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews are NOT Israelites or Judahites
Indeed, when Pilate washed
his hands of the Crucifixion
affair, the Jews (including the
mob of people that the scribes
and Pharisees had paid to
assemble against Pilate) then
took this responsibility UPON
understanding that Pilate had
disclaimed responsibility! Pontius Pilate


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews are NOT Israelites or Judahites
“When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying….


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews are NOT Israelites or Judahites
PERSON:’ see ye to it.
Then answered all the
people [the mob
assembled by the Jews],
and said, “HIS BLOOD BE
CHILDREN.” – Matt.


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews are NOT Israelites or Judahites
Now, I ask you again, whom do you believe? The Apostles, who gave us the Word of God, or the Pharisees, who gave us the religion called the
Babylonian Talmud?


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews are NOT Israelites or Judahites
Remember, it was this evil King Herod, an Idumean usurper, who tried to murder baby Jesus. Now you know why: because, as an enemy of True Judah, He did not want the Davidic Dynasty to be re- established.
King Herod


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews are NOT Israelites or Judahites
Josephus, the JUDAHITE historian, clearly tells us that the Davidic Dynasty ended when the Idumean, Herod the Usurper, had murdered all the true heirs. (Antiquities, Book 15, Chapter 6, Para. 1-2.)


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews are NOT Israelites or Judahites
When the Parthian Magi came to honor baby Jesus, whom the Magi knew was to be “King of Israel,” Herod’s first instinct was to murder the baby! Why?
Herod – Slaying Babies


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews are NOT Israelites or Judahites
If Herod were an Israelite, He would have been overjoyed that the Messiah had come. But since Herod was an Edomite, his first instinct was to eliminate the competition!


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews are NOT Israelites or Judahites
Ever since Herod made the Pharisees the official priesthood of Judea, the Jews have been fooling the world with their charade as Israel. The devil’s children have concocted a most convincing story:


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews are NOT Israelites or Judahites
“Let’s pretend to be God’s chosen people. We can then pretend that crucifying Christ was just a ‘mistake.’” And the world has been fooled by this ploy ever since!


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews are NOT Israelites or Judahites
“And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” – Rev. 12:9.


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews are NOT Israelites or Judahites
All of the Apostles were Galileans of the Tribe of Benjamin, except Judas. Guess which type of Judean he was! Jesus told the assembled Apostles, “One of you is a devil.” (John 6:70.)


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews are NOT Israelites or Judahites
To the Twelve Apostles
gathered at the Last
Supper, John says of
Judas, that after Jesus
handed Judas a sop
(piece of bread for
dipping), “Satan entered
into him.” (John 13:27.) The Last Supper
The Jewish people are
still making excuses for
Judas, even today!!!!


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews are NOT Israelites or Judahites
By trying to defend Judas, the Jews are actually admitting that he was one of their own!!! (Jews hate criticism!)


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews are NOT Israelites or Judahites
One author has summarized the Jewish impersonation of Israel so well that I don’t think his words can be improved upon:


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews are NOT Israelites or Judahites
“Judaism’s masquerade
as Biblical Judah and,
moreover, as all Israel —
which is the basis of
Jewish Nationalism —
becomes patently
counterfeit when placed
in juxtaposition with the
historical record of the
true Houses of Israel and


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews are NOT Israelites or Judahites
Even a brief summary will show the contrast between
the descendants of Biblical Jacob-Israel


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews are NOT Israelites or Judahites
.. as opposed to the alien posterity of the cabal which claims for itself not only the Promised Land but the very name and inheritance of Israel.” – William Norman Saxon, “The Mask of Edom ,” p. 8.


The Jews are NOT Israelites or Judahites Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Didn’t I tell you that you cannot understand the Bible unless you know the difference between the Two Houses of Jacob-Israel, neither of which are Jews?


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
For Israelites Only!
When we read the Scriptures carefully, we find that, more often than not, the “Gentiles” being spoken of in the New Testament are the dispersed Israelites of the “Lost Ten Tribes.” Since the true meaning of the Latin word ‘Gentile’ is “kinsman,”


For Israelites Only!
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
… when Paul said he was the “Apostle to the Gentiles,” he meant that he was sent to those 12
Tribes scattered abroad, i.e., his KINSMEN!


For Israelites Only!
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Greek New Testament
Who else would have been interested in the Messiah anyway? Only the Israelite people had any idea of what he was talking about; and it is these dispersed Israelites that Paul addresses in each of his Epistles!!! The book of James opens up with the declaration, “To the Twelve Tribes scattered abroad, greetings.”


For Israelites Only!
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
From these and many other statements in the New Testament, it is quite obvious that Jesus and the Apostles knew that the “Lost Tribes” still existed and they even
corresponded with them.


For Israelites Only!
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Model – Temple in Jerusalem
Many of the circumcised Israelites of the House of Judah (some of whom lived in foreign lands) came from all over the Dispersion to the Temple at Jerusalem for Pentecost and other Feast days. Only such Israelites were allowed into the Temple.


For Israelites Only!
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
All non-Israelites had
to remain in the outer
court, upon penalty of
death! Archeologists
have uncovered the
ancient signs placed
all around the outer
court of the Temple Temple – Showing
The Outer Court


For Israelites Only!
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
No outsider shall enter the protective enclosure around the sanctuary. And whoever is caught will ….
Left: Here is an online photo of one of the actual plaques: And this is the translation:
… only have himself to blame for the ensuing death.


Circumcision Versus Uncircumcision Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
When Paul speaks to or about the
CIRCUMCISION, he is speaking of the House of Judah (Judah and Benjamin), which practiced the sacrificial law until Yahshua’s self- sacrifice on the cross.


Circumcision Versus Uncircumcision Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The UNCIRCUMCISION is a specific reference to those Israelites who ceased to practice or perhaps never practiced the sacrificial rituals; and these people were the House of Israel scattered abroad!


Circumcision Versus Uncircumcision Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
But Jesus came to redeem ALL ISRAEL, not just the House of Judah. This is why Peter had the vision about clean versus unclean animals. (Acts 10 & 11.)


Circumcision Versus Uncircumcision Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Celts in Europe –
part of Israel scattered abroad
When Peter understood the meaning of the vision (Acts 10:28), he realized that the vision had nothing to do with literal food. Rather, he understood that the vision meant that the House of Israel, which had been scattered abroad, never to return, had also been forgiven their past sins.


Circumcision Versus Uncircumcision Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
And that’s what Paul meant when he said, “There is neither Judean nor Greek,” since both Houses had been redeemed. The Greeks were uncircumcised Israelites of the Dispersion!


Circumcision Versus Uncircumcision Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Not understanding that
Paul was talking about
these two Houses (rather
than about “Jews” or
“Gentiles”), mainstream
Christian ministers and
theologians have utterly
confused the issue. Their
ignorance of Bible history
is the principal cause of Paul preaching to
their false claims that the Thessalonians
Paul’s ministry was to non-


Circumcision Versus Uncircumcision Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
In Acts 10, Cornelius, an uncircumcised Israelite of the Dispersion, from Italy, had come to Jerusalem in search of knowledge about Jesus. Peter’s vision was from the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:19), and he began to realize that the uncircumcised Israelites were no longer to be rejected by circumcised Judahites.


Circumcision Versus Uncircumcision Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
From that moment on, the Circumcision of the House of Judah and the Uncircumcision of the House of Israel were to recognize each other as brethren.


Circumcision Versus Uncircumcision Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Under no circumstances were any of the Apostles told to go out and try to convert the heathen. Their mission was to the Israelites, exclusively, wherever they happened to be in the world.
Apostles preaching


Circumcision Versus Uncircumcision Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Paul explains this new understanding in these words:
“Hath God cast away HIS People? God forbid! For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.
St. Paul


Circumcision Versus Uncircumcision Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
God hath not cast away His People, which he foreknew …And so ALL ISRAEL [both Houses!] shall be saved [not the whole world!]: as it is written,


Circumcision Versus Uncircumcision Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Magi


Circumcision Versus Uncircumcision Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Yet, the Judeo-Christian pulpits teach that Israel (falsely identified with the Jews) was “cast away” by God for rejecting the Messiah. (The Jews have indeed been rejected for their iniquity, but not Israel!)
Paul Crouch TBN


Circumcision Versus Uncircumcision Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Because many of the denominational churches fail to understand this history and the prophecies that go with them, they reject the Old Testament and proclaim that the “Church,” or “spiritual Israel,” has taken the place of TRUE ISRAEL!


Circumcision Versus Uncircumcision Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
But, the Bible teaches NO SUCH THING! And Paul directly contradicts it! Rabbinical deception has led these
denominations, full of misplaced good intentions, down the road of Apostasy!


Circumcision Versus Uncircumcision
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
How can you take stolen
property away from one
thief (the Edomite Jews,
to whom the inheritance
never belonged) and
justifiably give it
another thief (the so-
called “Church”)?
Especially when the
TRUE HEIR is still alive?
Washington National


Circumcision Versus Uncircumcision Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
It’s like buying stolen property and pretending that it now belongs to you! Legally, the stolen property still belongs to the true owner; and it must be returned to him!


Circumcision Versus Uncircumcision Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
I guarantee you that the true heirs, and Jesus Christ, will have something to say about this matter before the Judgment Day!!!!


Jesus Christ, Redeemer of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
With this understanding of the predestinated relationship between God and His People, Israel, we can now look at the life of Jesus Christ (Yahshuah Messiah in Hebrew), during His First Advent.
The Sermon On The Mount


Jesus Christ, Redeemer of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Although little is known about His absent years (away from Judea), it is quite probable that Jesus spent at least some time with his great uncle, Joseph of Arimathea, in Britain, where Joseph owned tin mines in Cornwall. Joseph was Mary’s uncle.
A Cornish Tin Mine


Jesus Christ, Redeemer of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Upon His return from the missing years, Jesus sought, at the age of thirty, to be baptized by John. The Law in Israel is that an Israelite man has to be at least thirty years of age before he can become a priest. (Numbers 4:43-47.)


Jesus Christ, Redeemer of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Jesus had to wait until He achieved this age, for He could not break any of Yahweh’s Laws. He had to be a sacrifice “without blemish.” The baptism by John was the beginning of Christ’s ministry.


Jesus Christ, Redeemer of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Gospel of Matthew opens up with Yahshua’s genealogy. This genealogy proves that Matthew, and those of the House of Judah and Benjamin (including Luke and the other Apostles), ….


Jesus Christ, Redeemer of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
… who lived in Judah and Galilee, understood that Jesus was a pure-blooded
descendant of the Royal House of David, and, therefore, heir to the Throne of David.


Jesus Christ, Redeemer of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
After being baptized, Jesus went into the desert, where he fasted for forty days. While there, he was tempted by the devil, who promised Him earthly power and riches, if Jesus would submit to his will. The devil was trying to thwart God’s Plan for the restoration of His people, Israel.


Jesus Christ, Redeemer of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Of course, Jesus was already Master of the Universe, so such a promise meant nothing to Him; but the devil was hoping that Jesus might fear the pain, suffering and death that were in store for Him at the Cross and thereby agree to the devil’s terms.


Jesus Christ, Redeemer of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Empty
He knew that if he could eliminate the Messiah’s sacrifice, we Israelites could not be redeemed. The devil’s people would then have free reign forever; or so he hoped! But Jesus did not let us down! Our Kinsman Redeemer came through!


The Gospel of the Kingdom of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Few modern Christians understand that Jesus never taught the “Gospel of Personal Salvation.” Although it is true that we can all achieve personal salvation, that is not the focus of the Bible. Rather, Jesus taught about NATIONAL SALVATION:


The Gospel of the Kingdom of Israel Jesus Christ, Redeemer of Migrations Of Israel Israel – Chapter 5
… that we should keep our people together as a
nation, so we could fulfill our Destiny. This is something we Israelites must do TOGETHER, AS A


The Gospel of the Kingdom of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Jesus taught, almost exclusively, the Gospel of the Kingdom. All of His Parables begin with the words, “The Kingdom…” This Kingdom will be established right here on this earth at His Second Coming, right after the Judgment Day. (Rev. 21.)


The Gospel of the Kingdom of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Scottish Crown Jewels
In His own words, “Seek first the Kingdom, and all these things (personal blessings) shall be added unto you.” In direct contradiction to this principle, today’s apostate churches teach the exact opposite:


The Gospel of the Kingdom of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Billy Graham
….. “Seek PERSONAL SALVATION in order to get into the Kingdom.” It’s quite amazing how modern
Churchianity has got everything backwards!


The Gospel of the Kingdom of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Jesus Christ’s ministry
was exclusively to the
Children of Israel, and
to no one else. Jesus
came to redeem Israel,
so that we might be
those descendants of
Abraham who were William Blake composer of
destined to be the Jerusalem (“And did those
“blessing to the world.” feet, in ancient time…”)
(Gen. 12:1-3.)


The Gospel of the Kingdom of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
And, indeed, we have been. Just look at all the blessings, which we Caucasians have delivered to the world: science, technology, art, architecture, classical music, automobiles, ….
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


The Gospel of the Kingdom of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
…. railroads, air travel, space travel, agriculture, indoor plumbing, sanitation, medicine, computers, radios, televisions, the Bible, Christian
Jurisprudence, the Magna Carta, the English Bill of Rights, …
Magna Carta


The Gospel of the Kingdom of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
…. the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, etc. It is WE CAUCASIANS (True Israel) who have been the
blessing to the world.


The Gospel of the Kingdom of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
A Meeting of the British and Foreign Bible Society in
Freemasons Hall
God said to Israel: “You are my witnesses!” (Isa. 43:10.) The Anglo- Saxon Christians have witnessed the Bible, evangelizing the whole world.


The Gospel of the Kingdom of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews have done none of these things! On the contrary, the Jews have never blessed the world in
any way!


The Gospel of the Kingdom of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews have given the
world Zionism,
international banking,
globalism, welfare
statism, stock markets,
trafficking, giant
corporations, organized
crime, homosexual rights,
feminism, pornography,
and a host of other vices
and rackets.


The Gospel of the Kingdom of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
They have NOT had anything to do with bringing the Bible to the world. They have kept their own scriptures to themselves, teaching only that they are “G-d’s chosen people.” This is the extent of their “witness.” Do you still believe that?


The Gospel of the Kingdom of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
They are STILL the world’s leading moneylenders, just as they were in the days of Jesus, when He drove them out of the Temple with His whip!! And, to our great discredit, we have let the money lenders back into the Temple of Israel!
The US Federal Reserve Bank


The Gospel of the Kingdom of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Jesus said, “I am not come but unto the Lost [exiled] Sheep of the House of Israel.” (Matt. 15:24.)


The Gospel of the Kingdom of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
He came as the Kinsman Redeemer of the Tribes of Israel. Since only True Israel was given the Law at Mt. Sinai by Moses, only the Israelites needed to be redeemed for breaking that Law.
Moses – Mt. Sinai


The Gospel of the Kingdom of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Yahshua Messiah had to come and take our sins away from us, so that WE could carry the Gospel to the rest of the world, while always remaining a separate and distinct people.


The Gospel of the Kingdom of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
This is exactly what our ancestors did in Europe, as Christianity swept through all of the Anglo-Saxon
nations, from Russia to Iceland.


The Gospel of the Kingdom of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
In this manner, we were being prepared for the eventual regathering, which happened in 1776, and for, ultimately, the RESTORATION, which will not happen until the Wedding Feast of the Lamb, which will be after the Judgment Day.


Jesus Christ, Redeemer of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Since the Kingdom – God’s
Government – will be
administered by True
Israelites of All Twelve
Tribes (Rev. 21:9-12), it
behooves us to
understand who we are, so
that we can prepare
ourselves for this day. Breastplate with jewels
This is why Jesus told the
of the 12 tribes
Apostles at the Great


Jesus Christ, Redeemer of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
“Go rather to the Lost
Sheep of the House of
Israel.” – Matt. 15:24.
Ludgate Hill where St.
Paul preached
This command was taken literally by the Apostles, who went out in search of those Israelites of the Dispersion, which had begun with the House of Israel in 745 BC.


Jesus Christ, Redeemer of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Jews never teach about the TRUE
DISPERSION OF ISRAEL, because they were never a part of it. Those Israelites had become a great multitude of people, as Josephus attests:


Jesus Christ, Redeemer of Israel
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Roman
“Wherefore there are but two tribes in Asia and Europe subject to the Romans [the House of Judah], while the ten tribes are beyond Euphrates till now, and are an immense multitude, and not to be estimated by numbers [the House of Israel].” – The Antiquities of Judea.


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
One of the most misunderstood words in the New Testament is the word ‘lost’ as it used of the “Lost Ten Tribes.” The English lost is translated from the Greek appolumi.


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Most Christians assume that this word is a general reference to being either spiritually or morally “lost,” or both, and that it can be applied to non-Israelites. This is NOT THE CASE! What the Greek word appolumi means is this: “to put away in punishment.”
Israel being taken into captivity


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
And that is exactly what happened to the EXILED Tribes of Israel. The correct translation of appolumi
is “exiled.”


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
As such, it is an exclusive reference to the Dispersion, and also to the Seven Times Punishment of Leviticus 26, of those Israelites who were put away in punishment for their pagan practices.
Book of Leviticus


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Yahshua did not come to redeem the world. The
world still hates Him, even today. He came to redeem His People, Israel, so that we could build His
Kingdom here on earth, in spite of all of Satan’s
minions, …


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
…. who ferociously battle against having this Kingdom become a reality on planet earth. If you are
paying attention, you can see that this battle is heating up to a fever pitch in the early part of this
Twenty-First Century.


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Unfortunately, the mainstream Judeo- Christians have actually joined with the enemies of Christ by siding with the Jews. Paul’s prophecy of the Great Apostasy in II Thess. 2 has been fully realized in modern Churchianity!


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Lamb and the Lion
We can never forget that
Yahshua’s ministry
requires TWO ADVENTS.
The First Advent was to
redeem Israel by
forgiving our past sins.
At that time, He came as
the sacrificial lamb.


The Lamb and the Lion
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
The Second Advent will be to establish the never- ending Kingdom. And this will be accomplished for His People, True Israel, the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic and Caucasian people.


The Lamb and the Lion
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
No one else stands to
inherit the Kingdom!
Yahweh God has told us
that He has prepared us
for this Kingdom even
before the world was
created! This is the true
meaning of the doctrine of
Predestination, as
explained by Paul in
Romans 8:29-30 and
Ephesians 1:5,11.


The Lamb and the Lion
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
At the First Advent, He was Shiloh, the Messiah and Lamb of God. At the Second Advent, we will call Him the Lion of Judah, when He will take His place as King of Kings.


The Lamb and the Lion
Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
He never achieved that last time, did He? He was crucified; and the Jews mocked him by putting a sign on His Cross, which said “King of the Judeans.” This time, He will come with vengeance for His enemies; and He will rule with a “rod of iron.” There won’t be any law-breaking anymore!


Migrations Of Israel – Chapter 5
Meanwhile, back in Europe, the Israelites of the Dispersion were becoming a vast multitude of people. Because of hundreds of years of wandering, they eventually forgot who they were and were called by other names!!!


Migrations Of The 12 Tribes Of
BY PASTOR ELI JAMES To be continued ………… Chapter
Six: The Israelites In Europe – The
Origin of the Germanic Tribes In the
Scythian Israelites
