Part 2: The Global Catastrophe :: Anglo-Saxon Israel

Part 2: The Global Catastrophe posted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 08/27/2012 – 11:58

The Enmity, Part 2: The Global Catastrophe

By Pastor Eli James Introduction One of the most interesting characteristics of Christian Identity is the extent to which we disagree with the conventional theology of denominational Christianity and Judaism. From our perspective, both of these theologies are highly suspect, especially as they relate to the interpretation of Holy Scripture, Biblical history and natural history. Judaism, which stands in stark contradiction to its publicly projected image, is, in reality, the denial of the Law of Moses; and it is still today the very same traditions of men that Yahshua Messiah so thoroughly condemned at every opportunity. Mainstream Christianity, having accepted this barrage of premeditated Jewish misrepresentations as the Gospel of the Old Testament, has compounded this ocean of error by inventing numerous and sundry Christian doctrines, which have been added to the myriad Jewish deceptions. The lethal combination of these two false theologies is called Judeo-Christianity, an oxymoron, which is comparable to the expression Satanically Divine. From our perspective in Christian Identity, Judaism is the religion of the anti-Christ and Judeo-Christianity represents the Great Apostasy, the falling away of the faithful Christian Israelites, prophesied by Paul at II Thes. 2:3. How can Christian Identity rise above all of this confusion, error and deceit? Well, it is not an easy task, but it is demonstrable that the Holy Scriptures are true. If we stick to the truth, as presented in the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts, and peel away the layers of error that have been foisted upon Scripture by the Gospel of Deceit (Judaism) and the Gospel of Delusion (Judeo-Christianity), the Bible does make sense, both historically and rationally. Clearly, there is an underlying method to the madness of these Bible-distorters, even if some of these ministers and theologians don t know themselves what it is. With regard to the Old Testament and for the Bible as a whole it is absolutely crucial that we reconcile the language of the Bible with the sequential order of natural history. As I explained earlier in Part 1, overcoming the false dichotomy between Creationism and Evolution is the first step that must be undertaken in the clarification process. Scientists are just as susceptible to error, wishful thinking and dishonesty as everyone else, so how they interpret the archeological and geological records can be just as faulty as how the Fundamentalists demand that we take bad translations of Scripture literally. I have gone on record as stating that Biblical history and natural history can be harmonized. In fact, I believe that they are in perfect agreement, once both are properly understood. It is my purpose to document this agreement and then use that agreement, in subsequent parts of this Series, to prove the Two-Seedline hypothesis of Genesis 3:15, which postulates that Eve was seduced by a fallen angel, thus precipitating the Fall of the Adamic Race. The problem with the debate between orthodox religion and established science is that both disciplines are bound and determined to stick to their falsely contrived world views, especially concerning ancient history, so that no credible vestige of truth can emerge. This False Dichotomy can be summarized as follows: 1.) Religion (Judaism and Judeo-Christianity) teaches an unnecessarily miraculous version of Bible history, which is, unfortunately, contradicted by the archeological record. This is NOT to say that miracles do not occur. They do! The problem is that Judeo-Christianity has invented miraculous stories, such as a planet-wide global Flood around the time of Noah. There was indeed a flood at that time, but it was not global in scope. We, in Christian Identity, confidently assert that the global Flood myth is based on two problems within denominational scholarship: carelessly rendered translations and imaginative interpretations. 2.) Modern science teaches a conformist version of natural history which, although putatively based on the archeological record, is riddled with circuitous logic, pompous authoritarianism, and numerous false assumptions about ancient history. Furthermore, modern dating methods, which are quite speculative and inaccurate, are presented to the public as being accurate and authoritative. Consequently, school children and the general public are led to believe that mere speculation is established fact. The conformist version of science states that the Theory of Evolution is a sacrosanct teaching that cannot be questioned. For nearly two centuries, organized science has taught that the Universe is composed of elementary matter. From Hydrogen to Ununoctium, the table of elements steadily increases in complexity. As each element is defined by its respective number of protons, electrons and neutrons, they are arranged in numerical order. Yet, no scientist has ever suggested that the higher elements evolved out of hydrogen. Hydrogen is the most common element in the Universe and is a necessary component of many molecules. The other elements are simply composed of greater numbers of elementary particles. No one suggests that these elements evolve from lower to higher forms. Why should living forms be different? If this is true for atomic structure, it can also be true for DNA. The fact is that there has not been a single shred of evidence provided by any evolutionist to suggest that evolution occurs. It is all speculation passed off as science. Geneticists tell us that DNA is designed to replicate itself. Mutations and mistakes are rarely, if ever, capable of reproducing. Of course, few studies of the viability of mutations have ever been done by the evolutionists. The reason for this is because such studies show that mutations and hybrids tend to be infertile. This is why farmers have to buy their hybrid seed from the agribusiness corporations every year. Such seed has to be manufactured. It is not present in nature! {Here is a good reference article on how hybrid seed is produced: } This is not good news for evolutionary theory. It means that haplotypes (naturally occurring genetic groupings), whether true or hybridized, remain true to their sub-species. This means that new corn hybrids are still corn. New wheat hybrids are still wheat, etc. Considering how many millions of hybrids and mutations have been produced and studied, the real miracle is that ABSOLUTELY NO INSTANCE OF EVOLUTION HAS EVER BEEN INDUCED OR OBSERVED. Consider this statement, which summarizes current orthodox, scientific thinking: The fossil record and genetic evidence indicate that all humans today are descended from anatomically modern ancestors who lived in Africa about 150,000 years ago. Because we are a relatively young species, most of the variation in any current human population comes from the variation present in the ancestral human population. Also, as humans migrated out of Africa, they carried with them part but not all of the genetic variation that existed in the ancestral population. As a result, the haplotypes seen outside Africa tend to be subsets of the haplotypes inside Africa. The idea that all human beings descended from one female ancestor from Africa is speculation, not fact. Just because the oldest human remains were found in Africa is no reason to suppose that even older remains won t be found elsewhere. The archeological record is being updated all the time; but this statement suits orthodoxy very well, so this is what you will be taught in a classroom. The fact is that there is no
evidence that different races have evolved from a single pair of humans
. That is evolutionary dogma, not fact. The science of genetics refutes this belief, and so does our knowledge of hybrids. The simple fact is that mutations and hybrids do not produce offspring of a higher order. Nor are most hybrid offspring capable of reproduction. {See this item for the genetic evidence: } Natural selection is a dud! Natural Selection produces adaptations within a given species, NOT a new evolutionary species! This is both history and scientific fact. Without exception, the few fertile hybrids that exist do not evolve into higher forms. Mutations also stay within the characteristics of the original species. Mutations come and go, but they do not evolve the species! Add to this fact that higher forms of life, which reproduce sexually, must have BOTH a viable male AND a viable female variant that is fertile; then the odds against evolution are astronomically squared. In other words, all species have specific genetic processes which are designed to guarantee that evolution will NOT take place. This is why evolutionists rarely discuss genetics. Their fantasies are based on speculation only. Evolution is a religion, not a science. It is a form of dogmatic faith possessed by people who were given scraps of paper called degrees, and who refuse to consider the possibility that God created DNA. They cannot accept Yahweh s dictum: Kind after kind, or Like begets like. As hard as they have tried to create evolution in the laboratory or out in the field, they have failed. The Fable of Evolution teaches that lower order species have evolved into higher order species in a long process of gradual increases in complexity of matter and life. This gradual process of evolution from lower to higher forms is not scientific fact. No scientific experiment has ever been performed that even remotely suggests, let alone proves, evolution. In spite of almost 200 years of fantasizing, no such experiment has even been proposed, let alone performed. Thus, evolution is a Fable, not a Theory. It has no place being taught in schools, because it is not science. It is grandiose propaganda, as some evolutionists, in rare fits of honesty, even admit. Ernst Mayr, one of today s leading evolutionists, puts it this way: Evolutionary biology, in contrast with physics and chemistry, is a historical science–the evolutionist attempts to explain events and processes that have already taken place. Laws and experiments are inappropriate techniques for the explication of such events and processes. Instead one constructs a historical narrative, consisting of a tentative reconstruction of the particular scenario that led to the events one is trying to explain. {Source: } I guess this explains why evolution cannot be demonstrated today. IT IS NO LONGER TAKING PLACE!!!! according to Mayr. And you thought that evolution was based on hard science? We live in an age of official lies; and Christians think that it s impolite to complain!!!! Natural Selection Versus Divine Design The question of Design by a Higher Power is still most relevant. Evolution is an assumption that has yet to yield any evidence, let alone proof. Since the changes required from an amoeba to a human being are so vast and complex, organized science has postulated, out of necessity, unimaginable periods of time millions and billions of years, in fact — which are required for such chance changes, each of which would have to violate the known laws of genetics, to result in one new species after another. So far, not a single scientific experiment has even demonstrated the possibility that a single-celled amoeba can mutate into a self-replicating two-celled species. No scientific experiment has ever shown that DNA can mutate into a higher-order, self-replicating program that results in a new species. Richard Dawkins, the prominent evolutionist, puts it this way: in science, a theory is an explanation that binds together various experimentally tested hypotheses to explain some fundamental aspect of nature. For an idea to qualify as a scientific theory, it must be established on the basis of a wide variety of scientific evidence. Its claims must be testable and it must propose experiments that can be replicated by other scientists. Live Science, issue not available. This is the conventional wisdom for what constitutes a scientific theory. The problem is that the theory of evolution does not meet these criteria!!! We all agree that mutations and adaptations occur. But an adaptation is NOT evidence for evolution. These are completely different concepts. The question is whether mutations or adaptations can become a new species! No such thing has ever been witnessed or demonstrated! Within the scientific establishment, the collective assumptions of gradual, evolutionary complexity have been called uniformitarianism. This cumbersome word is apt, because the assumptions of the uniformitarian worldview are both cumbersome and false. Since the publication of Immanuel Velikovsky s book, Worlds In Collision, a new breed of scientist, in rebellion to the obvious assumptions made by the uniformitarians, has emerged. They call themselves catastrophists. The reason that they call themselves that is because both the geological and archeological records clearly prove that the uniformitarians are wrong about the steady, unencumbered advance of both history and evolution. The actual record shows that this planet, Earth, has endured numerous catastrophes, some of which were on a vast scale, so vast, in fact, that this planet was once nearly wiped off the map of the Universe. For the evolutionist, these catastrophes provide unwanted breaks in the steady advance of natural selection of both matter and life. Hence, the uniformitarians have resisted catastrophism, using every trick in the process, including smear tactics, economic sanctions, and clout, to prevent this emerging worldview from breaking out of its imprisonment. In a way, catastrophism relates to uniformitarianism as Christian Identity relates to orthodoxy. One is a newcomer to science. The other is a newcomer to religion; but the newcomers are gaining momentum and coming on strong. There is simply no doubt that the catastrophists are presenting a New Paradigm which is rapidly becoming the dominant force in science today, for the geological record is undeniable. Yet, uniformitarianism is still the dominant dogma taught at all levels of education. It is as if the textbook publishing industry is, in absolute defiance of Established Facts, determined to squeeze every last dime of profit out of completely discredited paradigms before the wholesale revision of textbooks reflects the revision of Science that has already been accomplished by catastrophism. These advances in science take years to creep into the curriculum. Careers, libraries, agendas and the Old Establishment are at stake, not to mention money! Before the Dogma of Uniformitarianism, with its adjunct, the Fable of Evolution, is finally laid to rest, the Powers That Be will resist the Truth with every last bit of derision they can muster. As is usually the case with scientific theories, an old theory is not proven false until its last advocate dies. With no one left to lose face, the new theory emerges victorious and the uniformitarians
have just about died off. The interesting thing about Christian Identity is that we Identists seek the Truth in both scientific and Scriptural terms. This means that we believe that there is NO TRUE DICHOTOMY between Science and Religion. The existing dichotomy is between Established Science (Uniformitarianism and Evolutionism) and Established Religion (Judaism and Judeo-Christianity), both of which teach falsehoods in the name of Orthodoxy. The Story of Atlantis Another idea that is fatal to the Evolutionary Fable is the legend of Atlantis. The Legend of Atlantis suggests that a continent with a highly advanced civilization once existed where the Atlantic Ocean now resides. That Atlantis was destroyed by a major cataclysm is also part of the Legend, so the Evolutionists are apt to suppress research into ancient civilizations for two reasons: 1.) because their interpretation of the sub-human or pre-human nature of the cave-dwellers has been sold as part of the steady advance of evolution; and 2.) the factual existence and subsequent decline of a highly advanced civilization, many thousands of years ago, raises the question of How many such advances and declines have there been in pre-history? They don t want anybody thinking this way. Even more billions of years of evolution would be necessary once such catastrophes and pre-historic civilizations are conceded. The uniformitarian presuppositions are up for grabs, once the uniformitarian model is shown to be defective. The scientific establishment has done its utmost to suppress the Legend, but the Legend won t go away. The reason it won t go away is because the Legend is true. The archeological, geological and even botanical evidence all tell the same story: the earth has endured many planetary catastrophes. One catastrophe in particular almost wiped out all human life. The consensus of the catastrophists is that this catastrophe happened around the year 10,500 BC. This was not Noah s Flood. Noah s Flood happened around 3200 BC. Unlike the 10,500 BC event, Noah s Flood did relatively little damage to the planet. In fact, virtually all known civilizations that existed before the Flood survived it. There are over 800 stories of this Flood from various widespread cultures and tribes in many different languages; and anthropologists and historians have all recorded that far-flung, indigenous peoples had these stories before the well-traveled White Man arrived on the scene, so it is not true that these cultures copied the myth from one central source. The myth is a world-wide, ancient phenomenon, universally recorded by every culture. It is important to understand that we are talking about two separate cataclysms, not one. Sometimes the Atlantis story is also referred to as a flood. That is because the sinking of Atlantis caused enormous tidal waves to circumnavigate the globe. Tidal waves can approach a height of 100 ft, with storm surges going much higher, as the wave washes up into steep river valleys. Conceding the probability that a majority of the world s population lived near the seashore and inland along the rivers, those who survived such an event referred to it as a flood. Within Christian Identity, we often refer to Two Floods. I intend to show that the first of these two floods was actually a global tsunami. Some of those who write about the Flood fail to distinguish between these two separate events. Thus, pre-history and history are commingled and condensed into an impossible scenario, such as Creationism, which cannot explain how human relics appear far beneath the 4,000 BC strata. Creationists teach that the Earth, and everything in it, is a mere 6,000 years old! Failure to understand that we are dealing with two separate events 7,000 years apart leads to nothing but confusion. To add considerable intrigue to our dilemma, both the Creationists and the Evolutionists, in my opinion, have been hired by our Adversary to intentionally distort history, so that we are unable to make sense of the past. Our Adversary does not want us to understand our past. He is afraid that, if we do, we White People might awaken from our Scriptural and historical amnesia. This is why the False Dichotomy between Science and Religion exists, because our Adversary wishes to distract us with fables that have no bearing on True History, Archeology, Science, or the Bible. The more time we waste arguing across the aisle over this False Dichotomy, the more powerful the Adversary becomes. It is all part of his divide and conquer strategy. I will do my best in this essay to correct their errors. The First Flood The Legend of Atlantis has been preserved in Plato s Critias. I will occasionally make reference to that work to show that it is essentially an accurate story of what happened 9,000 years before Plato. Therein, Atlantis is described as having existed beyond the pillars of Hercules, that is, beyond the Strait of Gibraltar in the Atlantic Ocean. To make the story credible, it must be shown that planet Earth was once a much different place in the year 11,000 BC. The cave-dwellers have left us drawings of many of the now extinct animals that existed then. The earth was in the grip of an Ice Age, which forced most animal life toward the Equator. For the existing species, all of this changed dramatically in the year 10,500 BC, as archeology and geology clearly demonstrate. According to Otto Muck, in his book, The Secret of Atlantis, our planet was hit by a gigantic asteroid in or around that year. This asteroid was so huge that its impact not only sunk Atlantis, it nearly destroyed everything on this planet, so thorough was the devastation. On impact, the continent that was Atlantis sustained a direct hit, a blow that drove most of it under water. Having pushed a continent under water, the earth s crust buckled and heaved around the whole perimeter of what is today the Atlantic Ocean, causing earthquakes and volcanic eruptions to occur where tectonic plate met tectonic plate, and where continental shelf met continental shelf. The tidal wave caused by this impact pushed south past South America and Africa, sweeping around both capes into the Pacific, west from South America and east from Africa, inundating all coastal areas on the planet, drowning millions of inhabitants. It would also have pushed north, through the North Sea, over the North Pole and down across the Pacific Ocean from the north. Thus, the two tidal waves would have met somewhere in the middle of the Pacific. We can only guess how high these tidal waves might have been. Since this flood was actually a global tidal wave, I will refer to it as such, or as a tsunami. This seismic tsunami was a true Mass Extinction Event, or MEE, as I will call it in this study. Thus, this MEE is distinguished from Noah s Flood, which was actually more local in character than the 10,500 BC Impact Event. Ultimately, this information will help us to see Genesis, Chapter 1 in an entirely new light, not as a Creation Story, but as a Survival and Re-Creation Story. That analysis will be contained in the Enmity, Part 3. In the Introduction to The Secret of Atlantis, Peter Tompkins, summarizes Muck s thesis with these words: According to the evidence, a cataclysmic event brought about the end of the last geological era and ushered in the present. In one terrible day and night, so goes the charge, a rift was opened in the Atlantic bottom, from Puerto Rico to Iceland, into which the island of Atlantis, 400,000 square miles of mountains, fertile plains and tropical fruitland, as Elysian as Hawaii, was dropped three thousand meters to be submerged in boiling magma. Great tidal waves, asphyxiating gases, and a blanket of lava are said to have extinguished all life, leaving nothing but a mysterious widening of the mid-Atlantic ridge, with nine small islands, the tips of mountains that had once risen higher than Mount Blanc, our present Azores. It put an end to Eden. — p. ix, Peter Tomkins, author of Secrets of the Great Pyramid. Of cours
e, the Biblical Eden came later, as the planet Earth was recovering from the Mass Extinction Event. Nor was all life extinguished. There were survivors, which the textbooks call cavemen. The old myths always say that such events are precipitated upon humanity because the gods were angry. Indeed, I will show, toward the end of this chapter, that Yahweh himself must have been angry with the sins of a once mighty, technologically advanced, colonial empire, complete with stories of flying machines, submarines and sophisticated science, that had degenerated into slavery, genetic engineering, and race-mixing. Unfortunately, we see this history repeating itself again today, as our civilization is showing the same signs of degeneration that caused the destruction of Atlantis. I will show that this type of degeneration was the very same reason why Yahweh brought about the Flood of Noah, and the same reason why Yahweh is going to judge this planet one more time. We can see these same crimes against nature are being committed by both the various priesthoods and the scientific elite. Today, we are seeing a replay of the prelude to the destruction of Atlantis and the Flood of Noah. There is no reason to doubt that we are going to have to face another Mass Extinction Event, which the Bible calls the Great Day of the LORD, which I believe corresponds to the Mayan End Date, or the MED, Dec. 21, 2012. Since this MEE has Biblical implications, especially in the Book of Genesis, Chapters 1-3, let us take a hard look at what geological evidence presently exists. The Geological Record Most of what has been written about Atlantis is speculation and hokum, although Solon s report in Plato s Critias bears the ring of authenticity, as it describes the Mediterranean as a mere bay compared to the Atlantic Ocean, which, for its time, was a geographically precise statement. Understanding that most of mythology contains a grain of truth, no one besides Otto Muck has done a scientific study of Atlantis. In Muck s own words: It is the scientific aspect that has been neglected. (p.14.) The suppression of Otto Muck s book, The Secret of Atlantis, is a triumph for the obfuscationists, those who wish to obscure not only history and pre-history but also science and religion as well. Unless we understand the past, we cannot make sense of the forces that have created our present world. Otto Muck, more than any other researcher of Atlantis, has put the puzzle pieces together so well that the story cannot be denied. Rather than dealing in myths and legends, his approach to the subject is entirely scientific, leaving little to speculation. It is an archeological fact that there is a stratum of earth that contains relatively few artifacts and remains. This stratum exists between strata, above and below, that contain many artifacts and remains. How do we account for this stratum, which has few artifacts, fossils, etc.? Concerning this artifactual gap in the record, beginning with 10,000 BC to about 5,000 BC. Muck states, on page 43: Such comparison reveals, contrary to the prevailing idea of an uninterrupted progress of civilization, a regression of the later Mesolithic artifacts from the earlier Late Paleolithic ones. This has been acknowledged and the Mesolithic epoch has been described as a hiatus or intermediate period, a temporary setback coming between two widely differing cultural epochs of the Glacial Late Paleolithic and the postgalacial Neolithic Age. This setback can only be interpreted as a consequence of a disturbance of life which also manifested itself in a wide variety of findings. Archeological evidence confirms, not the hypothesis of undisturbed cultural progress, but the opposite: the aftereffect of a profound upset contemporaneous with the transition from the glacial to the postglacial climate A change of climate so radical that it caused ten-thousand-year-old land glaciers to melt must inevitably have had a profound effect on the living conditions of the people existing in that period of transition. And it is equally clear that such an enormous upheaval, which fundamentally changed the climate of the whole world, cannot have come about in the natural course of everyday events, but was almost certainly cause by a catastrophe. According to standard geological reckoning, we are living in the Holocene era, which is reckoned from 8,000 BC to the present. Previous to this was the Pleistocene era, reckoned from 1.8 million years ago to 8,000 BC. The formal division of these epochs into this present system is highly speculative and cannot be considered realistic. All dating methods, no matter how sophisticated, are subject to the presuppositions and biases of scientists. It is clear to me that this fantastic guesswork, requiring millions and billions of years of geological time, is a function of the Fable of Evolution, which DEMANDS exaggerated sequences of time. Such exaggerated periods of time are absolutely necessary for the theology of evolution to be even remotely possible, given the fact that mutations and hybrids are almost universally infertile. The fact that fertile hybrids have never been observed to evolve into a higher species is more evidence against evolution. This leaves genetic mutations as the only possible vehicle of evolution; and there is no evidence for this either. Modern science has done everything it possibly can to prop up the Fable of Evolution. That fable is in the process of being demolished. The fact is that scientists have NO IDEA how old the earth really is. You can flush all those estimates of millions of years down the toilet. They are utterly meaningless. These are just big numbers used to mold impressionable minds. It is scientific mumbo-jumbo. In analyzing the geological and archeological evidence for this undeniable hiatus in the archeological record, which divides the Pleistocene from the Holocene eras, Muck has found that isolated mysteries can be explained, such as why the Sargasso eels swim all the way across the Atlantic ocean from the Caribbean, then up the rivers of Europe, like Pacific salmon do to give birth. This mystery is solved by the fact that there used to be dry land where there is today only open ocean. You will be astounded as to how much evidence there is for the catastrophe and how much of the current natural world is explained by the catastrophe. Here is some of the evidence he had presented: The Gulf Stream and the Isothermic Record Otto Muck presents geothermic evidence, coupled with the terminal moraine evidence on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean, that the Gulf Stream, which warms Britain, Ireland, and northwestern Europe, did not exist prior to the sinking of Atlantis. An isotherm is a mathematical average that tells us at what latitudes a given temperature predominates. The isotherm that warrants our consideration here is 32 degrees, Fahrenheit, which is, of course, the freezing point of water. Both hemispheres always have a rough latitude where the ice does not melt, because, as you move toward each pole, you reach a level where the temperature constantly hovers at or below the freezing point. That line of latitude is the 32 degree isotherm. In the northern hemisphere, the 32 degree isotherm presently runs through northern Canada, eastward past Greenland, then sharply north as the waters of the Atlantic Ocean are warmed by the Gulf Stream. This isotherm today cuts across the North Sea, entering Europe slightly above Norway and Sweden, from where it gradually dips southward into Europe as the effects of the Gulf Stream begin to diminish. But this pattern was not always present. During the last Ice Age, glaciers slowly glided across the terrain, pushing debris in front of them. These deposits of debris are called terminal moraines. Muck presents evidence, from geothermal records, tree growth patterns, fossil records, etc, that show that our current isotherm suddenly replaced an older isotherm, which was at one time much furthe
r south and cut directly across the Atlantic, entering Europe in southern England, approximately where London is situated, then entering central Europe, cutting straight across France and Germany, into Eastern Europe. The terminal moraine evidence of the past clearly shows that glaciers in America advanced as far south as the Wisconsin/Illinois border. The present Great Lakes, which contain one-fifth of the world s fresh water supply, were fed by this melting ice. Europe contains the same type of evidence, from the last Ice Age, showing that the glaciers advanced only so far south, pushing moraine debris southward, but then abruptly halting and beginning a period of retreat. In Europe, the ice sheet covered all of Britain. In Germany, it would have advanced as far south as Berlin. Europe, in those days, was not habitable by human beings, because of the cold. Only occasional forays by hunter-gatherers from south of the Alps were possible. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, here is a site that depicts the current gulf Stream flow: Before the Gulf Stream existed, Western Europe was a much colder place. The available evidence suggests that the Gulf Stream did not exist in those days. The best explanation for this fact is that there was, at one time, a huge tract of land which stood in the way. Muck s thorough analysis of the Gulf Stream includes an analysis of the Atlantic Ocean bottom, which shows that the eastern, or African, ridge that runs between the full length of Africa and South America, from Iceland to Antarctica, is an average of 6,000 feet higher than the western side of the ridge. Muck concludes, from the isothermic evidence, that, Near the Azores Islands, this submerged continental shelf once stood in the way of the Gulf Stream, thus preventing its northward flow. As he explains it, The total glaciation of northwestern Europe presupposes the existence of an Atlantic barrier island blocking the flow of the Gulf Stream. This much is certain and it is vital to the solution of our problem For some reason this land mass sank about 2 miles [gulp!!!!! Eli], causing the broadening of the Atlantic Ridge When was it that this barrier to the Gulf Stream submerged? This question is no longer very difficult to answer. The barrier existed during the Quaternary Age and came to an end with the end of that era. So, the sinking of Barrier Island X is contemporaneous with the end of the Quaternary or Diluvial Age. That sunken barrier is today known as the Azores Plateau, a relatively flat piece of submerged real estate, that used to be part of Atlantis. Certainly Muck s geological timing for this event is confirmed by the known scientific facts. From an orthodox research site, I quote: The Quaternary Period has been one of extraordinary changes in global environment as well as the period during which much of hominid evolution took place. Since the middle of the l9th century geologists realised that during the most recent period of geological time (widely known as “The Ice-Age”) there had been large changes in the landscape and the environment. Indeed it was widely accepted by the 1860s that the action of glaciers had profoundly altered the surface of the earth over wide areas, including most of northern Europe and North America. Modern scientific techniques have given us great insight into the scale and timing of the climatic changes that led to the expansion of the global ice caps to three times their present extent, causing glaciation in formerly unglaciated regions. (Source: ) Orthodox geology knows that a great change happened, but they have no idea why. Based on the estimates of various paleontologists and geologists, averaging their values, Muck estimates that the mean date of the cataclysm was around 10,000 BC. Note that this site falsely claims that much of hominid evolution took place during this period. Where is the fossil evidence for this claim? Evolutionists get away with making such absurd pronouncements, as long as they know that no hominids will throw rocks at them for telling bold-faced LIES!!!! The Mystery of the European Eels The breeding ground for the European eel is the Sargasso Sea, an area of dense seaweed just east of the Bermuda Triangle, just south of the Gulf Stream, where that stream begins to head northeast towards Britain. The life cycle of these eels begins in the Sargasso Sea. At some point, these eels must travel 3,000 miles from their seaweed swamp to Europe. Having reached the shores of Europe, the females leave the males behind and swim up into Europe s rivers. The reason they do this is because the females cannot mature sexually in saltwater. They have to stay in fresh water for two years in order to mature, while the males wait patiently for them to come back down from the rivers to rejoin them. Then the males and females swim all the way back to the Sargasso Sea, where they can mate. The mystery is: Why such an enormous distance? The hazards of swimming back and forth for 6,000 miles are great, as predators pick them off going both ways. {A modern website that deals with this mystery can be found here: } Muck s explanation is this: Before Atlantis sank, the Sargasso Sea was much closer to fresh water rivers. Today, the eels, driven by instinct, latch onto the warm current of the Gulf Stream and keep on going until they sense fresh water coming from European rivers that dump into the sea. 12,000 years ago, this was a distance measured in miles, a few hundred miles, at most. After Atlantis sank, that distance increased to 3,000 miles. That these eels have survived this change in environment is remarkable. It is a testament to both their desire to live and mate, plus their swimming ability. The Atlantean Origin of the Pyramid Structures The surviving peoples of the Americas have legends that tell us that the pyramid builders came to their land, by sea, from the east. The surviving European and African legends say that the pyramid builders came from the west. Almost without exception, the indigenous Americans referred to these people as the bearded White men. Near Bimini, divers have reported ancient stone roads under water. { , } Others claim to have seen the tops of underwater pyramids. How do we explain the fact that these ancient pyramids exist on both sides of the Atlantic and under Atlantic waters? There are two possible explanations: 1.) A pyramid building people flourished on one side of the ocean or the other, crossed the ocean, and began building pyramids on the other side of the ocean; or, 2.) An inhabited continent or island existed between these continents. Since the legends from both sides of the ocean say that the builders came from the somewhere between the two known land masses, then option #2 actually has historical evidence. The original homeland of the pyramid builders was between the two present hemispheres. Though most of these stories are shrouded in mythology, the direction from which the gods came is subject to verification. Such similarities of structure, between the pyramids of the Yucatan and the pyramids of Egypt, suggest a common origin. Their age also suggests that a pre-MEE civilization existed, which was capable of such massive construction projects. The Great Pyramid of Egypt defies explanation as to how it was built. B
locks of stone, weighing up to sixty tons, had to be moved over miles of difficult terrain in order to be placed high up on this structure. Modern engineers and scientists are at a loss to explain how it was constructed. Dr. Robert Schoch, a geologist, who analyzed the Sphinx, located near the Great Pyramid, estimated the age of the Sphinx to be possibly older than 8,000 BC. One of the main reasons for his conclusion was the fact that the Sphinx bears clear indications of vertical erosion caused by rain, which could only have occurred during periods of intense rainfall. The Giza Plateau has been arid desert for well over 4,000 years. There was a time when the Sahara Desert was not nearly as extensive, when rainfall was more prevalent. The Sahara climate then had to be much more tropical instead of arid. This fact takes us well back into pre-history. {Here is Dr. Schoch s extensive analysis: } The Planetary Grid System Not only does the ancient world show evidence of great technological wonders, it is quite obvious that there was, at one time, a civilization so advanced that they knew the distance from the earth to the moon, the earth to the sun, Pi, Phi, and many other mathematical concepts. All of these factors were known then and have been recorded and built into the structure of the Great Pyramid. These astonishing details can be accessed by consulting any of the writings of the pyramidologists. Just type the word pyramidology into your browser and you will get a wealth of detail, both pro and con. Why is this information ignored by the mainstream scientist? The fact is that nobody wants to upset the apple cart. There are too many false theories of history, science, archeology, geology, etc, that would require every scientific textbook to be rewritten, if these facts were given recognition. But the main reason, as I have already alluded to, is the fact that the theology of evolution must be maintained at all costs; and the possibility that a civilization, which in some ways may have been more advanced than our own, cannot be allowed into the halls of academia. Their agenda is too firmly entrenched. One evidence for the superior knowledge of these ancients is the Planetary Grid System. The fact is that the entire globe was mapped out, probably by the Atlanteans, like a geometric sphere, with the Great Pyramid being the focal point of this geometric system. Dowsers call these lines ley lines. Virtually all of Europe s cathedrals have been built on top of these ley lines. Since many of these structures were built on top of the ruins of older structures, it is hard to say when the first such monuments were built. But the evidence is that this system of ley lines dates well back into prehistory. The planet is riddled with these lines, and most of the pyramids are built on the intersection points of this grid system. {Here is a good link itemizing the many megalithic monuments of the ancient world that are built upon the intersection points of this grid system. } Stonehenge is one of those monuments. There are two possibilities: 1.) Either this grid system represents a natural energy flow emanating from the planet, and the ancient monument builders had a method of detecting this energy, thus choosing these sites for monument building; or 2.) Someone designed this system and began placing those megalithic monuments all over the world, as some kind of enormous energy/observatory project. For obvious reasons, neither the Creationists nor the Evolutionists want to touch this subject!!!! That this system predates Adam and Eve is obvious. That it is of intelligent design is also obvious. That the scientific knowledge required to either recognize this type of energy or to design such an enormous, planet-wide construction project is mind-boggling, under current assumptions about the primitive state of the ancient world. {For an overview of this subject, this article by David Hatcher Childress is very good: } Given such current knowledge about the advanced science and technology of the ancient world, it is nothing short of scandalous that official, establishment science remains in total denial regarding this ancient civilization. But grant money flows only to those who promote the status quo. Consequently, real knowledge of the ancient world must be garnered from independent researchers, who are not part of the international, corporate New World Order. I m sure there are whispers of such knowledge within the halls of academia; but nothing will change until the current economic status quo of research funding is either abolished, dissipates, or collapses. In the meantime, our view of the ancient world must be adjusted and timelines recalibrated to the realities of the facts that I have presented here. Otto Muck s book contains much more evidence than what I have cited. His book is a wealth of scientific fact, not speculative interpretations of mythology. Unfortunately, The Secret of Atlantis is out of print. Used copies are available online, however. Just do a search at any online bookstore, or maybe you ll get lucky and find one at a used book store. Phaeton, the Killer Asteroid Given the astounding scientific details presented by Otto Muck and a few others, we can now piece together the events of that fateful day, the Mass Extinction Event. Solon, in Plato s Critias, gives this astronomical body a name: Phaeton. Phaeton is the killer asteroid that nearly wiped out all life on planet Earth. From the evidence we have, Phaeton approached our planet from a northwesterly direction, descending over what is today known as North America. The trajectory was southeast, probably from Minnesota toward Georgia, down US Highway 41. As the asteroid, Phaeton, lost altitude, it heated up, causing the surface of its rock and iron mass to glow red, in turn causing explosions of giant shrapnel to shred the area below. Its azimuth was aimed directly at the area we today call the Bermuda Triangle. It is possible that the anomalous geomagnetic events, that are associated with the Bermuda Triangle, are a result of the great mass of iron ore that still lies buried under the mud and sand of the Caribbean. People who enter this zone often report that their compasses go haywire. Squadrons of aircraft, ships and boats have become lost in this zone, because of these magnetic anomalies. As Phaeton descended closer to the surface, over Kentucky and Tennessee, large chunks, which could be called meteors, broke off and impacted into the soil of southeastern Georgia, the Carolinas, and northern Florida, leaving oblong impact craters that are still visible today as oblong lakes and depressions, with chunks of Phaeton, given its trajectory, residing at the southeastern end of each of these craters. {Here is an updated report which tends to confirm Muck s analysis of the origin of these oblong bays, as they are called today: } The land mass of Atlantis, being, in my opinion, a westward projection of today s Europe into the Atlantic Ocean, lay to the east of Phaeton. This super-hot mass of iron and rock, possibly ten miles in diameter, impacted into the then shallow waters of today s Caribbean, striking the southwestern edge of the continental shelf of Atlantis. This impact was so powerful that it crushed this
continental shelf, breaking it off from Europe, driving it deep under water. The asteroid itself probably buried itself into the molten mass of magma that underlies all of the earth s surface and ocean bottom. The reason I believe that Atlantis was at some points contiguous with the European continent is the fact that there is evidence that much of Western Europe, which is now under water, was long ago above water. { } Jurgen Spanuth, in his book, Atlantis of the North, argues that the central city of Atlantis was actually located in Basilia, where the Eider and Elbe Rivers empty into the German Ocean (North Sea), off the coast of today s Heiligoland of northern Germany. He presents evidence that this area was once above water. Pangea A similar concept of the Earth s past topology is known as Pangea. This idea has received general acceptance by orthodox scientists. The Pangea hypothesis proposes that all of the earth s present, above-water land mass was at one time connected, with either no Atlantic Ocean or a much smaller sea separating the hemispheres. Pangea, which may be a close description of the earth s surface terrain at the time of Atlantis, was smashed by this asteroid, Phaeton. Up to one thousand miles of Atlantis, which projected westward from today s Europe, was driven downwards, engulfing it in ocean water. The impact on the Earth s tectonic plates was so forceful that it further separated Africa from South America, which were then closer together, creating the South Atlantic Ocean, with its still active, mid-Atlantic sea bottom rift. (If you look at a map of Africa and South America, you will see that they fit together like a jigsaw puzzle.) An unnamed land mass, today called Antarctica, probably broke off from either South America or Southern Africa, and was driven southward, coming to rest at the bottom of the world, to be frozen over by centuries of snowfall. The eastward and westward thrust of this impact pushed against the tectonic plates of Asia and the Americas, creating the Himalayan mountain range, the Rocky Mountains, and the Andes of South America. All of these mountain ranges are very young, showing very little erosion, compared to smaller mountain ranges, thus betraying their youth. Horizontal tectonic plates, smashing into each other, were thrust upward at various angles, a feature which is easily distinguished by geologists. That such features could not have occurred gradually is quite obvious. The uniformitarian view that these mountain ranges have been in place for millions of years is proved false by the very cragginess of their terrain, which shows very little of the smoothing and rounding that millions of years of erosion would produce. The opinion that these mountain ranges were formed gradually, over eons of time, is proved false by the fact that subterranean layers of stratified rock, many containing evidence of sea-bottom shells and fossils, were pushed up at various angles and now lie on top of the layers they were pushed against. How does ocean-bottom sandstone end up on top of mountains? {Here is a good website about ocean-bottom fossils in the State of Kansas: } After reading the speculations of the uniformitarians, Muck s Mass Extinction Event shines through with clarity, logic and solid science; and it conforms to the archeological and geological records. His explanation tells us how the youngest mountain ranges were really formed. Even today, after 12,000 years, Mt. Everest is a sharp-tipped mountain. The fact that it projects five miles above sea level (29,035 ft.) is a testament to the violence with which it was driven upwards. As Plato said in his Critias, Atlantis vanished in a single dreadful day and a single dreadful night. Plato was telling us the truth. It is modern science that is still teaching fables about the ancient past.