Steven Anderson’s Genesis :: Anglo-Saxon Israel

Steven Anderson’s Genesis posted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 08/27/2012 – 17:55

Old Testament

Word for Word

Translation by Stephen Howard Anderson

Shalom Aleychem my fellow pure-blooded Yisraelites! I have been working for many years to produce a copy of the Old Testament with the malicious tampering of the Masoretes and so-called churches removed, the Holy Name of Yahweh fully restored, along with the word order corrected where it misrepresents the context of the verse. I have put all margin notes, and the chapter notes following each chapter. Many Strong’s numbers are included, but not for every word. Spelling of proper names of people and places are as they appear in the Hebrew.

Please Note Masoretic vowel pointing has many errors, and some are intentional to deceive the readers because of the Babylonian traditions they followed. Spelling is not consistent, and changes from scribe to scribe. At best, they are only a suggestion for pronounciation. The several sects of jewry have different ways of pronouncing many words, and vary also in their particular traditions that they follow. Original paleo-hebrew had no vowels, and there have been two types of vowel indication in more modern times. Many words have unclear meanings, and opinions of what they mean were inserted by the former mistranlators . Where the meanings are unclear, I have put the word in transliterated Hebrew, and note the problem in the notes for the chapter which follow. I have not inserted any opinions in this translation. The masoretes changed the spelling of many peoples names that had yah in them. This was another attempt to hide The Name. The English mistranslators followed this pattern. I have restored all the names to their proper form, such as Yahudah (Yahweh is praised), instead of Y’hudah. You will note the spelling changes when you compare to other texts. They will pay dearly for their evil works on the day of Judgement.

To get this straight from the beginning, the Torah was given to YISRAEL, and not to the jews.

In B’reshiyth (Genesis), the RACE of adam was created. This race has distinct characteristics which continue to this day. Strong’s H119 shows this, as it precedes H120. These folks had a rosy complexion, and would blush under their fair skin. Only one racial group qualifies under this description. They entered Europe through the Caucasus Mountains from their former captivity. They were, and are called Caucasians. This is the white race of today, and none other, including any of mixed bloodline. Sorry, but pureblood means pure, not mixed. A specific adam is then mentioned, with a capital A, and the Hebrew article ha preceeding Adam, thus the Adam as a proper name. It then proceeds down the descendants until it comes to Yaaqob, who was renamed Yisrael by Yahweh. This sub-group of adamics became the chosen people’ of Yahweh, all of pure seedline, and this entire book is about them.

Many words were introduced by the mistranslators, especially those referring to Yahweh, and any other divine beings such as angels . Any term used for Yahweh, other than His Name, is a title, or an attribute, and not a name. God is such a word. The Hebrew has Elohiym, with the capital E. This is plural in construction, but singular in application. This is like the royal we in English. There is only one king sitting there, but he uses we to make decrees for majesty. Yahweh is one, but has multiple attributes. This is somewhat difficult to comprehend for some, but it is the style of writing that was used. There are many tenses used for this word-group, and mean my God, your God, their God, etc.

When it appears with a lower-case e, it does not refer to Yahweh. It can also mean majistrate/judge, mighty one, divine being of some sort, and others. It is a title, not a name. I recommend studying with a KJV version at hand to see the context they used, and for comparison to this work to see the changes.

Intro 1

I have indicated Hebrew idioms, metaphors, and figures of speech in the Chapter Notes. These changed as the lifestyle of Yisrael changed, from nomadic tent-people, to city people. This will show up as you read and study. This work is for those that really want to get deep into the original text, as close as I can get it with materials currently available. I do not in any way claim perfection . The original scrolls have been lost, and a lot of what is left has been seriously tampered with by people that had some agenda . All I have done here is to try to clean up some of the mess they made. So far, I have 12 years of constant work put into this, and more to come. I have had much study help, and downright education from some fantastic sources. I have accumulated many volumes of study material, too many to list here, due to the help of some true believers. This will be an ongoing work for the rest of my earthly life, and changes may be made if new and accurate material comes available. This is not a Bible that is fancy , that you can sit on your coffee table for show. This is to be used, and lots of notes written in it by you, as you pursue diligent study. It is for those that wish to do deep study of the Word, and need much more than currently published Bibles provide. The Chapter Notes are sometimes longer than the Chapter itself, which results from so much related information packed into that Chapter.

Please have whatever version of Scripture you have been using nearby when studying for comparison. Proper names here will be spelled as in the Hebrew, and it might be confusing to you, so check your other text for reference. The word Elohiym/elohiym 430 has many variations, as to changes in tense, so you may need to reference those as well.

I have transliterated the Hebrew into English letters, followed by the Strong’s number for the pages opposite my English translation. This will help you to become more familiar with Hebrew. Word order in the Hebrew is not always the same as in English. I have changed it in the English where it has changed the context of the sentence. I have not changed the entire text, but only where it was needed for clarity. Many words in Hebrew require several words in English. Where this occurs the English words will be underlined to indicate one Hebrew word.

This work is Copyrighted by Stephen H. Anderson, and may not be reproduced for sale. Quotations of this text are allowed, but only with no changes, and due credit given to the translator.

Please note that this is not a re-writing of the Scripture, but an unrewriting of it to fix many of the horrendous errors that have been passed on for so long in the commercial mistranslations controlled by jewry, and churchianity . I believe the Scriptures as originally written were the inspired Word of Yahweh. These have been lost, and what is left to us severely tampered with. I have done the best I can here, with the materials currently available to us.

I strongly urge you to purchase a Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, the Word Study Bible and accompanying Dictionary, and a Brown-Driver-Briggs-Gesenius Hebrew Lexicon. Strong’s is somewhat limited in the definition department, but much valuable information is still in there. The best, in my view, is the B-D-B-Gesenius Lexicon, but you need to know some Hebrew to use it. They have added the Strong’s numbers now, and that makes it much easier to use. Well, that wraps up the intro, so study hard, and always enjoy yourself when you’re in The Word. May Yahweh Bless and Keep You. Shalom!

Stephen H. Anderson, Translator

There are two versions of this study material. One is the “Pastors Version”, with

the Hebrew transliteratio
n with Strong’s numbers, for the more advanced student and Pastors. The second is the “English Only Version”, for those that don’t need the Hebrew transliteration. Whichever version you have chosen, any changes to the text

will be made available to you.

Intro 2

Definitions and Explanations

There are many uses of Strong’s #430 and #410 in Scripture. In the Hebrew, they are spelled differently, so here is a list of how they are used-

1. Elohiym (#430) Plural in construction, often in singular application ,especially as a title for Yahweh. When used thusly, it is similar to the majestic we used by royalty, as We decree… when one person is speaking. As applied to Yahweh, it carries the meaning of Supreme Divine Being , above all other divine beings such as angels , or false gods (fallen angels). It has a capital E.

When used with a lower-case e, it refers to false gods (mighty ones), judges, magistrates, and

generally has the meaning of some kind of power when associated with people.

2. El (#410)- Has the meaning of God , or gods , depending upon the E/e .

3. Elohayv (#430) My God

4. Elohey (#430) God of …

5. Eloheycha (#430) Your God

6. Eloheynu (#430) Our God

7. Eloheyhem/Eloheychem (#430) Their God

These are the primary uses of #410 and #430. They all carry the meaning of power and divinity. I hope this list clears up any cofusion when you encounter these spellings in the text.

Most versions of the Bible generically use the word man/men . This leaves out the type of

man in context. Several words are used, and unless the type of man is made clear, the verse

is also not clear. Here are the words for man , and their types.

1. adam (#120) refer also to #119 for description the race of adam, as those that have blood in the face , can blush, of ruddy complexion. The Caucasian race.

2. Adam (#121) refers to a specific being of the race of adam, as a proper name. It is preceeded in the Hebrew by the article ha , as the Adam

3. enosh (#582) best translated as mortal . Has the implication of weakness.

4. iysh (#376) male, man as in general purpose usage, derivative of #582.

5. mighty man is of another root, and will be rendered as such. Young man is a youth, and will

be rendered in context.

Again, I hope this clears up any confusion. Over the years the definitions have been changed to alter the context of Scripture, and hide the identity of true Yisrael. The truth is out, and spreading quickly. Our people are awakening , as prophesied, to who they really are. We Caucasians are TRUE YISRAEL!

Intro 3





In The Beginning

First of The Five Books of Mosheh

Title, Book 1 of 5

1 1. In the beginning 7225 created 1254 Elohiym 430 the sky 8064 and the land 776.

2. And the land had become 1961 chaotic 8414 and empty922; and darkness 2822 was upon 5921 the face 6440 of the deep 8415. And the Spirit 7307 of Elohiym hovered over 7363 the face of the waters 4325.

3. And said 559 Elohiym, Let there be 1961 light 216. And there was 1961 light.

4. And saw 7200 Elohiym that the light was good 2896 : and separated 914 Elohiym the light from the darkness.

5. And called 7121 Elohiym the light day 3117, and the darkness He called night 3915. And the sunset 6153 and the dawn 1242 were day one 259.

6. And said Elohiym, Let there be a dome 7549 in the midst 8432 of the waters, and let it separate between 996 waters and waters.

7. And made 6213 Elohiym the dome, and separated between the waters that were under 8478 the dome between the waters that were over 5921 the dome. And it was so 3651.

8. And called Elohiym the dome Sky 8064. And the sunset and the dawn were a second 8145 day.

9.And said Elohiym, “Let be gathered 6960 the waters beneath the sky to one 259 place 4725, and let appear 7200 the dry land 3004“. And it was so.

10. And called Elohiym the dry Land 776; and the gathering together 4723 of the waters He called seas 3220: and saw 7200 Elohiym that it was good 2896.

11. And said Elohiym, “Let cause to sprout 1876 the land grass1877 and herbage 6212, yeilding 2232 seed 2233, and the tree 6086 of fruit 6529 making 6213 fruit by species 4327 of the seed of it, upon the land.” And it was so.

12. And brought forth 3318 the land grass and herbage of its seed by seed of its species, trees making fruit, of seed of its species: and saw Elohiym that it was good.

13. And the sunset and the dawn were the third 7992 day.

14. Said Elohiym, “Let there be luminaries 3974 in the dome of the sky to separate between day and between the night 3915; and let them be for a sign 226 , and for appointed times4150, and for days, and years 8141:

15. and let them be for luminaries in the dome of the sky to give light 215 upon the land.” And it was so.

16. Made Elohiym two 8147 great 1419 luminaries, the greater luminary to rule 4475 by day, and the lesser 6996 to rule by night, the stars 3556.

17. And set them 5414 Elohiym in the dome of the sky to give light upon the land,

18. and to rule by day and by night, and to separate between the light and between the darkness: and saw Elohiym that it was good.

19. And the sunset and the dawn were the fourth 7243 day.

20. And said Elohiym, “Let breed abundantly 8317 in the waters swarms 8318 of creatures 5315 that live 2416, and birds 5775 that fly 5774 over the land upon the face of the dome of the sky.

21. And created 1254 Elohiym great 1419 sea-monsters 8577 and all living creatures that glide about 7430 which brought foth abundantly the waters by their species, and all birds 5775 with wings 3671 by their species: and saw Elohiym that it was good.

22. And blessed 1288 them Elohiym, sa
ying, “Be fruitful 6509, and multiply 7235, and fill 4390 the waters in the seas, and let the birds multiply upon the land.


23. And the sunset and the dawn were the fifth 2549 day.

24. And said Elohiym, “Let bring forth the land breathing creatures 5315 having life 2416 by their species, beasts 929, and creeping creatures 7431, and living things of the land by their species.” And it was so.

25. And made Elohiym the living creatures of the land by their species, and the beasts by their species, and all the creeping creatures of the red soil 127 by their species: and saw Elohiym that it was good.

26. And said Elohiym, “Let us make 6213 the race of adam 120 in our image 6754, and our likeness 1823: and let them subjugate 7287 the fish 1710 of the sea, and the birds of the sky, and the beasts, and all the land, and all the creeping things 7431 that creep 7430 upon the land.

27. And created 1254 Elohiym the race of adam 120 in His image, as an image of Elohiym He created them, male 2145 and female 5437 He created them.

28. And blessed 1288 them Elohiym, and said to them Elohiym, “Be fruitful, and multiply, fill the land, and conquer 3533 it: subjugate the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, and all living creatures that creep upon the land.

29. And said Elohiym, “Behold 2009, I have given 5414 to you all herbs yeilding seeds that are upon the surface of the land, and all trees, that is a fruit tree yielding seed, to you it shall be for food 402.

30. And to all living creatures of the land, and to all birds of the sky, and to all creeping things upon the land that are breathing creatures that live, all green 3418 herbs for food.” And it was so.

31. And saw Elohiym all that He had made, and behold, it was very 3966 good. And the sunset and the dawn were the sixth 8345 day.

NOTES – Chapter 1

Verse 1 – 7225 actually means “at the first”. “Heavens” is a “church” term, and 8064 means sky. 776 does NOT mean the global planet, but the known occupied land, or land of possession. To translate it as “Earth” twists the meaning.

Verse 2 – 1961 is in the past tense here, with the implication that the planet had once been occupied, but then destroyed, perhaps during the “War in Heaven”? 2822 is also used as “ignorance” metaphorically.

Verse 3 – 215 is also used metaphorically as “enlightenment”. 2 Macc.7:28, 2 Cor.4:6

Verse 4 – This verse can have a dual meaning, light from darkness, or enlightenment from ignorance.

Verse 5 – 6153 – sunset marks the beginning of the Hebrew day, not sunrise, as we do now in the West. 3117 can also mean a period of time, as an age.

Verse 6 – 7549 was a physical barrier of some sort. Noah’s Flood quite possibly was in conjunction with its destruction, and the waters came pouring down. 1:6-8 2Pet.3:5

Verse 11 – Here we see the first of many repetitions of the use of 4327, by the species. This is the foundation of Yahweh’s law against mixing of species, especially adamics with non-adamics as we see today.

Verse 14 – 3974 is different from 215. It is incorrectly translated in the KJV. 4150 is used often for important dates.

Verse 16 – Luminaries and lights are not the same word. The KJV and others generically use “lights”.The Hebrew word “gam” 1471 (also) is not in this verse, so it’s just “the stars”.

Verse 24 – 5315 has the meaning of the “breath of life”, and when used with 2416, it literally means “breathing creature having life”. 5315 has many uses in this context.

Verse 25 –127 adamah, is the physical red soil from which Adam 121 would be formed.


Verse 26, 27 – Here we have 120 as the race of adam. It is different from 121 with the article “ha” as a proper name, the Adam, (verse 2:7). All Yisrael is of the race of adam, but not all of the race of adam is of the specific sub-group of Yisrael. All of adam are racially Caucasian. 1:26 – 1 Cor.11:7; 1:27- Matthew 19:4; Mark 10:6

2 1. So were completed 3615 the sky and the land, and all their host 6635.

2. And completed Elohiym on the seventh 7637 day the work 4399 that He had made 6213; and He desisted 7673 on the seventh day from all the work which He had made.

3. And blessed Elohiym the seventh day, and set it apart as Holy 6942: because He desisted from all the work that created 1254 Elohiym and made.

4. This 428 is the account 8435 of the sky and the land and their creation, in the day that made Elohiym the land and the sky,

5. and all plants 7880 of the field 7704 before 2962 it was in the land, and every herb of the field before it grew 6779: because Yahweh Elohiym had not 3808 caused it to rain 4305 upon the land, and there was no 369 adam to work 5647 the soil 127.

6. But a mist 108 went up 5927 from the ground 776 and watered 8248 all the surface 6440 of the soil.

7. And formed 3335 Yahweh Elohiym the Adam 121 from the dust 6083 of the red soil 127, and breathed 5301 into his nostrils 639 the breath 5397 of life 2416, and the Adam became a being 5315 that lives 2416.

8. And planted 5193 Yahweh Elohiym a garden 1588 in Eden 5731 in the east 6924; and placed 7760 there 8033 the Adam that He had formed.

9. And made to grow 6779 Yahweh Elohiym from the soil all trees 6086 pleasant 2530 of appearance 4758, and good for food 3978; and the tree of life 2416 in the midst 8432 of the garden, and the tree of knowledge 1847 of good 2896 and evil 7451.

10. And a river 5104 went forth from Eden to water 8248 the garden; and there 8033 it parted 6504, and became four 702 head-waters 7218.

11. The name 8034 of the first 259 is Piyshon 6376: that it 1931 surrounds 5437 the whole land of Chawiylah 2341 where there is gold 2091.

12. And the gold of that land is good: there is amber 916 and stones 68 of onyx 7718.

13. And the name of the second 8145 river is Giychon 1521: it surrounds the whole land of Kush 3568.

14. And the name of the third 7992 river is Chiddeqel 2313: it goes 1980 to the east 6926 of Ashshur 804 . And the fourth 7243 river is P’rath 6758.

15. And took 3947 Yahweh Elohiym the Adam, and placed 5117 him in the garden of Eden to work 5647 it and keep 8104 it.

16. And commanded 6680 Yahweh Elohiym to 5921 the Adam, saying, “Of all the trees of the garden you may eat 398/398:

17. but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, you shall not 3808 eat from it: because in the day you eat from it you shall surely die 4191/4191.

18. And said Yahweh Elohiym, “It is not good that the Adam is alone 905; I will make one who helps 5828 corre
5048 to him.

19. And formed 3335 Yahweh Elohiym from the soil all living creatures 2416 of the field 7704, and all birds of the sky, and brought 935 them to the Adam to see 7200 what 4100 he would call 7121 them: and that which called the Adam every living creature was its name 8034.

20. And called the Adam the names of all the beasts 929, and birds of the sky, and all living in the fields; but for the Adam was not found 4672 one who helps corresponding to him.

21. And caused to fall 5307 Yahweh Elohiym a trance-like sleep 8639 upon the Adam, and he slept 3462: and He took 3947 one 259 rib of his side 6763, and closed up 5462 the flesh 1320 in its place 8478.

22. And constructed 1129 Yahweh Elohiym from the rib of the side which He had taken from the Adam a woman 802, and He brought her to the Adam.


23. And said the Adam, “This 2063 is at this time 6471 bone 6106 of my bones, and flesh 1320 of my flesh: she shall be called Woman 802, because she was taken out of Man 376.”

24. Upon 5921 this cause 3651 shall forsake 5800 a man his father 1 and his mother 517, and shall cleave 1692 to his woman: and they shall be one 259 flesh.

25. And they were both 8147 naked 6174, the Adam and his woman, and were not 3808 ashamed 954.

Notes – Chapter 2

Verse 2 -The Shabbath day is derived from sheboth / shabath 7673. It is a day of cessation from all normal labors. Yahshua Messiah explained this better, as we are not to do business, but if an emergency arises that could cause harm, (ox in a ditch), we may deal with it. The shabbath is for adam, not adam for the shabbath. It has never been authorized by Yahweh to be changed to sun-day. This is apostasy on the part of the “churches”.

Verse 2 – Hebrews 4:4, 10; verses 2 & 3 – Shemoth (Exodus) 20:11

Verse 4 – This is the first use of The Sacred Name of Yahweh.

Verse 7 – Book of Yasher (Jasher) 1:2

Verse 8 – Eden was sinless, and as long as the Adam and his woman were sinless, they could stay there. The Adam was not formed in Eden, but was placed there later.

Verse 9 – The word “tree” is often used metaphorically, and can mean people/races/seedlines, as well as a physical tree.

Verse 16 – Yahweh issues His first Commandment. 398 has multiple uses, and one of them is “adultery”, as a sex act. This would be done by Chawwah (Eve) with the enchanter 5175 in Chapter 3.

Verse 17 – There was no death in Eden at that time. If the Adam and his woman had not sinned, they would have lived forever. The word “day” 3117 has several uses. It designates a period of time, from an actual 24 hour day, all the way to an “age” in duration. A day to Yahweh is as a thousand years to us. The Adam sinned, and his day was cut short to 930 years.

Verse 20 – Beasts 929 can have four legs, or two. Beast was used as a derogatory term describing non-adamic people by the Hebrews. Race mixing is an abomination, so of course the Adam could not mate with a “beast”.

Verse 22 – 4 Maccabees 18:7 – The woman is to be subordinate to the male, as she was taken from an adam. She is to be one who helps him, and is to be of corresponding racial makeup.

Verse 24 – Matthew 19:5; Mark 10:7,8; 1 Corinthians 6:16; Ephesians 5:31.

3 1. Now the enchanter 5175 was more cunning 6175 than any living creature of the field that had made Yahweh Elohiym. And he said to the woman, “Indeed 637 has said Elohiym, ‘You shall not eat 398 of the trees in the garden?”

2. And said the woman to the Enchanter, “Of the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat:

3. But of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, said Elohiym, ‘You shall not eat from it, nor shall you touch 5060 it, lest 6435 you die.'”

4. And said the Enchanter to the woman, “You shall not surely die 4191/4191:

5. because knows Elohiym that in the day you eat from it, it will open 6491 your eyes 5869 and you will be as elohiym 430, knowing 3045 good and evil.”

6. And when saw the woman that good was the tree for food 3978, and it was pleasant 8378 to the eyes 5869, and a desired 2530 tree to make one wise 7919, she took of the fruit and ate 398, and gave 5414 also 1571 to her husband 376 with her 5973, and he ate.

7. Then were opened the eyes of them both 8147, and they knew that they were naked 5903, and they sewed together 8609 leaves 5929 of the fig tree 8384, and made themselves loincloths 2290.

8. And they heard 8085 the voice 6963 of Yahweh Elohiym walking 1980 in the garden in the wind 7307 of the day: and hid themselves 2244 the Adam and the woman from the presence 6440 of Yahweh Elohiym in the midst of the trees of the garden.

9. And called Yahweh Elohiym to the Adam, and said to him, “Where are you 335?”


10. And he said, “Your voice I heard in the garden, and I was afraid 3372 because I 595 was naked and I hid.”

11. And He said, “Who told 5046 you that you were naked? From the tree that I commanded you not 1115 to eat from, have you eaten?.

12. And said the Adam, “The woman that You gave to be with me, she gave me from the tree, and I ate.”

13. And said Yahweh Elohiym to the woman, “What 4100 is this 2063 you have done 6213 ?” Said the woman, “The Enchanter seduced me 5377, and I ate 398.”

14. Said Yahweh Elohiym to the Enchanter, “Because you have done this, cursed 779 are you among all beasts 929, and all living creatures of the field; on your belly 1512 you shall go 1980, and dust 6083 you shall eat all the days of your life:

15. and enmity 342 I will put 7896 between you 996 and between 996 the woman, and between your seedline 2233 and between her seedline; they shall crush 7779 your head 7218, and you shall strike at 7779 their heel 6119.

16. To the woman He said, “I will increase 7235/7235 the pain 6093 of your childbearing 2032; in painful travail 6089 shall you bring forth 3205 children 1121; and to your husband shall be your urge 8669, and he shall rule over 4910 you.

17. And to the Adam He said, “Because you have listened 8085 to the voice 6963 of the woman, and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat from it,’ : cursed 779 is the soil 127 because 5668 of it; and in labor 6093 shall you eat of it all the days of your life.

18. Thorns 6975 and thistles 1863 shall it bring forth 6779 ; and you shall eat of the herbs 6212 of the field:

19. in the sweat 2188 of your face 639 shall you eat bread 3899, until 5704 you return
7725 to the soil 127; because from it you were taken 3947: because dust 6083 you are, and to dust you shall return.

20. And called the Adam the name 8034 of the woman Chawwah 2332, because she would become 1961 the mother 517 of all the living 2416.

21. Made Yahweh Elohiym for the Adam and for the woman tunics 3801 of leather 5785 and clothed 3847 them.

22. And said Yahweh Elohiym, “Behold 2005, the Adam has become 1961 as one 259 from us 4480, knowing 3045 good and evil: and at this time 6258, lest 6435 he put forth 7971 his hand 3027, and take from the tree of life, and eat, and live 2425 indefinitely 5769.

23. Therefore sent him forth 7971 Yahweh Elohiym from the garden of Eden, to work 5647 the soil that he was taken from.

24. So He drove out 1644 the Adam: and He placed 7931 at the east of the garden of Eden a k’rubiym 3747 and a flaming 3858 sword 2719 which turned every way 2015 to guard 8104 the way 1870 to the tree of life.

Chapter 3 Notes

Verse 1 – 5175 nachash is used metaphorically. It means “One who whispers spells, like the hiss of a snake.” It can also be used as a physical snake, but not here. Its root is 5172 nachash, and this meand to whisper a magic spell, practice divination, an enchanter. Enchanter is the most accurate in the context of this verse. 6175 cunning, is used in a bad sense, and fits well with “enchanter”. 3:1 – Rev.12:9; 20:2

Verse 3 – 398 eat, when used in its sexual connotation of “adultery”, combines with 5060 naga, as root word. Naga means to lie with a woman, touch intimately, and several others. It too has a sexual connotation here, as Chawwah (Eve) had sex with her seducer, the Nachash, committing adultery, as she was the Adam’s wife. Naga, in its figurative use can mean “to acquire”, and this fits with 4:1, as Qayin (Cain) is the “acquired one”.

Verse 5 – 3045 know, means toascertain by seeing, so “your eyes will be opened” is firmly tied in. It also means “lie by man”, which is another sexual connotation. Hebrew words often have multiple meanings in a single usage.


Verse 6 – 3978 food, is derived from 398 , and carries its sexual connotation. 8378 pleasant, also means “lusting”, and 2530 desired also means lust. Look these up, please. 7919 wise also means instruction, the fruit of the knowledge of sex was taught to Chawwah (Eve), and she taught it to the Adam. Jasher 1:10

Verse 7 – The Adam and Chawwah now know they are naked, and cover their sexual parts.

Verse 12 – Chawah teaches the Adam the knowledge learned from the “tree”.

Verse 13 – 2 Cor. 11:3; 1 Tim. 2:14 – The Enchanter physically seduces Chawwah, and she “ate” (lay with him sexually). This was a planned corruption of the Holy seedline by the Enchanter, a “fallen angel”, and further instances are mentioned in Chapter 6:2,4, as the Nephiliym (fallen ones, from 5307 naphal – to fall) took daughters of the race of adam as wives.

Verse 15 – 342 enmity, means hatred between different tribes, peoples, or races. The seedline of the Enchanter is one race, and the pure seedline of the Adam is another. The seedline of the Enchanter will crucify Yahshuah Messiah eventually, so “strike at the heel” of the seedline of the Adam; eventually true Yisrael will crush their heads when Yahshuah Messiah returns. 7779 has two uses here – strike, and crush. Revelations 12:17

Verse 16 – For a sexual crime, a sexual punishment. Painful childbirth. Her sexual urge shall be to her husband, and he is to have dominion over her. This is not “politically correct” now, so the Bible is a “hate book” to the “liberals”.

Verse 17 – (3:17,18- Hebrews 6:8) – The soil is cursed to the Adam, and now he has to work to have food. It will yeild to his seedline, but in 4:12, it shows it will never yield to the seedline of Qayin (Cain).

Verse 20 – Chawwah is to be the mother of Adam’s children. He got a nasty surprise when Qayin was born, as he was not Adam’s son. This is shown clearly in Chapter 5, as Qayin is not listed in the generations of Adam. One of his decent will be called Yisrael. Another will be named Yahshua, and will be the Messiah.

Verse 21 – The tunics of leather are important, because, being made by Yahweh they carried a measure of power. In the Book of Yashar (Jasher) 7:23-30, when Nimrod donned Adam’s tunic, he gained great power from it.

Verse 22 – The unapproved gaining of knowledge by Adam and Chawwah gave them the ability to get knowledge they were not to have. Yahweh had to stop this in verse 23.

Verse 23 – Yahweh drives out Adam and Chawwah from Eden, to prevent any actions the gaining of forbidden knowledge might cause. Sin had occurred, and they could no longer stay there, as Eden was a sinless place.

Verse 24 – A guardian is placed at the entrance, to prevent access to the tree of knowledge, and the tree of life. All knowledge is not good for us to have. Look at what our technology has done to destroy our planet. 3858 flaming, also means enchanted or magic. 2719 sword, can also mean drought.

4 1. [Note – Verse 1 is considered corrupted – see Chapter Notes] And the Adam knew 3045 Chawwah his woman, and she conceived 2029, and bare 3205 Qayin 7014, and said, “I have acquired 7069 a man 376 by [Yahweh].”

2. And again 3254 she conceived, and bare his half-brother 251 Hebel 1893. And Hebel became a tender 7462 of a flock 6629, and Qayin became a tiller 5647 of the soil 127.

3. It came to be 1961 after 7903 a time 3117 that brought Qayin of the fruit of the soil as a gift offering 4503 to Yahweh.

4. And Hebel brought also 1571 from the firstborn 1062 of his flock, from the fattest 2459. And gazed 8159 Yahweh upon Hebel and his gift offering:

5. But to Qayin and to his gift offering He did not gaze. And was kindled 2734 the anger of Qayin very much 3966, and fell 5307 his countenance 6440.

6. Said Yahweh to Qayin, “For what 4100 is kindled your anger? And for what has fallen your countenance?


7. Surely 3808 if 518 you do well 3190 there is uplifting 7613, but if you do not do well, at the door 6607 sin 2403 lies down 7257: and to you is his longing 8669, and you 859 he shall rule 4910.”

[The first murder – see John 8:44]

8. And said Qayin to Hebel his half-brother, “Let us be in the field.” And rose up 6965 Qayin against 413 Hebel his half-brother, and murdered 2026 him.

9. Said Yahweh to Qayin, “Where 335 is Hebel your halfbrother?” And said Qayin “I do not know: the keeper 8104 of my half-brother am I 595?”

10. And He said, “What 4100 have you done? The voice 6963 of the blood 1818 of your halfbrother calls out 6817 to Me from the soil!

11.And now 6258 cursed 779 are you from the soil that has opened 6475 its mouth
6310 to take 3947 the blood of your half-brother from your hand 3027.

12. When you till the soil it will not again 3254 give you its strength 3581; a tottering 5128 wanderer 5110 you shall be in the land.

13. Said Qayin to Yahweh, “Greater 1419 is my punishment for iniquity 5771 than I can bear 5375.

14. Behold 2005, You have driven Me out 1644 this day from upon the face 6440 of the soil 127; and from Your presence 6440 shall I be absent 5641; and I shall be a tottering wanderer in the land; and it shall be that all who find 4672 me will slay 2026 me.”

15. And said Yahweh, “Therefore 3651 any that slays Qayin, sevenfold 7659 vengeance 5358 shall be taken upon him.” And put 7760 Yahweh upon Qayin a sign 226, lest 1115 smite 5221 him any who find 4672 him.

16. And went forth 3318 Qayin from the presence of Yahweh, and dwelled 3427 in the land of Nod 5113, eastward of Eden.

[Qayin’s seedline]

17. And knew Qayin his woman; and she conceived, and bare Chanoch 2585: and it was, he built 1129 a city 5892, and called the name of the city by the name of his son 1121 Chanoch.

18. And born to Chanoch was Iyrad 5897: and Iyrad begat 3205 M’chuyael 4232: M’chuyael begat M’thushael : w’M’thushael begat Lemech 3929.

19. And took Lemech two 8147 women: the name of one was Adah 5711, and the name of the second 8145 was Tsillah 6741.

20. And bare Adah Yabal 2989: he became the forefather 1 of the dwellers 3427 in tents 68, with livestock 4375.

21. And the name of his brother was Yubal 3106: he was the forefather of all such as wield 8610 the harp 3658 and reed instruments 5748.

22. And Tsillah, she also bare Tubal-Qayin 8423, an instructor 3913 of all fabricators 2794 in bronze 5178 and iron 1270: and the sister 269 of Tubal-Qayin was Naamah 5279.

23. And said Lemech to his women, Adah and Tsillah, “Hear my voice; women of Lemech, give ear 238 to my speech 565: for a man 376 I have slain by my wounding 6482, and a lad 3206 by my blow 2250.

24. Because if sevenfold avenging for Qayin, truly Lemech seventy 7657 and seven 7651.”

[End of the seedline of Qayin]

25. And knew the Adam again 5750 his woman, and she bare a son 1121, and he called his name Sheth 8352: because appointed 7896 Elohiym another 312 seed 2233 in place of 8478 Hebel, that was murdered by Qayin.

26. And to Sheth, also he begat a son, and called his name Enosh 583: then 227 they began 2490 to call upon 7121 The Name of Yahweh.

Chapter 4 Notes

Verse 1 – This verse is considered corrupted! The word use and mistranlations have been skewed by scribes.

Chawwah had been seduced by the Enchanter back in the garden, and was carrying his child when she and the Adam were ejected by Yahweh. she had taught the Adam about sex back in the garden, and he


had her again when they were outside. A man can still have sex with a pregnant woman, so he did.

Her pregnancy was recent, so he did not suspect anything YET. Chawwah acquired a male child with…? It is listed in several texts (Septuagint – (LXX)– and the Syriac) that [Yahweh] is incorrect here, and should be Shadday 7706, as the mighty one. The Enchanter was a fallen “angel”, and was certainly mightier than an adam. The very word “man”376, which is iysh, should tell you it was not the child of Adam. If it was his, the word would be adam 120. Adam figured it out, and in Chapter 5, Qayin is not listed in Adam’s seedline. Qayin’s seedline has been diluted over the ages, but they are still plaguing us today. Yahshua Messiah identified them in John 8:44, as the “murderer from the beginning”. They use the Babylonian Talmud, HATE Yahshuah Messiah, and deny him publicly. They practice usury, promote pornography and sodomy, and do all they can to lower, or outright destroy all morals taught in the Torah of Mosheh. They are the “synagogue of Satan”. Can you guess their name? The “mighty ones” will appear later as Nephiliym (fallen ones, from 5307, to fall) who mated with adamic females, creating the “giants” and other abominations. Please research this for yourself.

Verse 2 – 3254 watoseph, from yasaph, means to “do again”, and when it is childbirth, the entire process is repeated including the act of conception. This child was Hebel, son of the Adam by Chawwah. He was HALF-brother to Qayin. Same mother, different father. He is listed in the seedline of Adam in Chapter 5. Qayin is not. Hebel means “vanity, or wind”, depicting his short life.

Verse 4 – Book of Yasher (Jasher) 1:16; Hebrews 11:4 – Hebel brought the firstborn of his flock, and the best of it. This would become the law of sacrifice for Yisrael. Yahweh was VERY pleased with this. 8159 means “to look upon with favor”, which Yahweh did.

Verse 5 – Qayin brought an inferior gift-offering to Yahweh. This was from his father’s nature. What else would the son of a fallen one do? 6440 means face, the appearance of it, presence, and before something, someone.

In his anger, Qayin’s appearance changed, so his face “fell”. Yasher 1:16

Verse 7 – Yasher 1:16 – 2403 sin, is a metaphor for the Chief Fallen One, and he will have dominion over Qayin.

Verse 8 – Qayin, son of the Enchanter, was a murderer from the beginning. John 8:44 is specific about this. Qayin is the forefather of the “synagogue of Satan” seedline. Their inclinations follow their Patriarch, The Enchanter. Reference Chapter 6:1-4 of B’reshiyth (Genesis);Yasher 1:18-25; Matt.23:35; Lk.11:51; Jn.3:12.

Verse 10 – Yashar 1:29; Heb.12:24

Verse 12 – Hebrew word-play at work here. Tottering wanderer in Nod – na vanad nod. Great stuff! Yashar 1:32

Verse 14 – There were other adamics out there, and non-adamics too! Qayin was afraid of them, as he was the son of a fallen one, and different from all. The adamites would, by instinct, hate him.

Verse 15 – Yahweh put a sign on Qayin, so his decendants may also look different from the seedline of Adam. Hmmm… I wonder what that sign was. Perhaps a “beak”?

Verse 17 – Who did Qayin build a city for? Why, his non-adamic offspring, of course.

Verses 20-22 Many merchants, musicians, and craftsmen; but NO farmers. That curse goes right down the seedline. Refer to verses 11 and 12. 4:22 Yasher 2:24,25

Verse 23 – The full story of what happened here is in Yashar 2:26-35. I urge you to get a copy, and it will fill in a lot of “blank spots” for you.

Verse 24 – This is the last mention of the seedline of Qayin until 15:19, where the word 7017 Qeniy appears, and is plural for the use with “tribes”. Eventually these people were absorbed into the Canaanites, and disappeared as a distinct people. Their seedline polluted even the cursed seed Canaanites, and we see them today as the “synagogue of Satan”. Refer to verse 15.

Verse 26 – The Name of Yahweh was known. The Talmudists of the “synagogue of Satan” took it out to hide it, so we could not call upon His Glorious Name. They have failed. It is not “Lord”, but YAHWEH. < H W H Y < < H W H Y