Stephen Anderson’s Leviticus :: Anglo-Saxon Israel

Stephen Anderson’s Leviticus posted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 08/27/2012 – 17:57



Commonly called Leviticus

Wayyiq’ra is a book of Laws and procedures for the Aharonic priests. Also here are many National laws for Yisrael, for health, sexual behavior, proper conduct towards each other, business dealings, conduct toward visiting Yisraeliy from other countries, conduct toward aliens of other races in Yisrael, holy days and feasts, food laws, and sacrificial laws. The sacrifice for the propitiation (covering over) of sin has been eliminated by Yahshua Messiah. He made the last sacrifice of Himself, and animal sacrifice is no longer needed. The other laws that do not have to do with sin sacrifice still stand, however, and they are all common sense laws. Heaven and earth have not passed away, yet.

Some words are unclear today as to the type of unclean animals. The meaning has been lost over time, and where this occurs, I will note it in the Chapter Notes following the chapter.

The term “leprosy” is used in connection with fabric, and houses. This was a mold or mildew that was unhealthy to be around, such as toxic “black mold” in our time. This would cause severe health problems from breathing in the spores, and they had no other term to use back then, so they termed it “leprosy” for want of a better word. Leprosy concerning people, however, is actual flesh destroying leprosy, which then was uncurable, and resulted in eventual death for those afflicted with it. Yahweh cured several people of it in Scripture, and this was always considered a major miracle. Even today, with modern drug treatments, leprosy is a true horror to cure.

Where “leprosy” is used in the KJV and others, but actually refers to some type of skin disease, I have used “skin disease” for accuracy.

As in the first two books of Mosheh, proper names of people and places are as in the Hebrew for spelling. Strong’s Numbers will be used after key words a single time.

Chapter notes will be small in this book, as a lot of it is fulfilled sacrificial stuff. I will note the verses where laws still stand, and why. There is quite a bit of this in here, so read the Chapter notes carefully.

Please note – All words spoken by Yahweh and His messengers will be in bold type.

This work is Copyrighted in 2016 by Stephen H. Anderson, and may not be reproduced for profit. Quotations are permitted, but only if no canges are made to the text, and due credit is given to the translator.

Where a Chapter ends, and there is some room, lines for writing your own notes while studying will be inserted in the otherwise blank space. I hope you are enjoying these translations, and receiving knowledge of Yahweh’s Holy Word from them. May Yahweh Bless and Keep You. Praise Yahweh!

Stephen H. Anderson – Translator

Wayiq’ra Intro

1 1. Called 7121 Yahweh to Mosheh, and spoke to him from the Tent of Meeting, saying,

2. “Speak to the children of Yisrael, and say to them, ‘If any adam 120 of you brings an offering to Yahweh, you shall bring your offering from the beasts of the herd 1241, and of the flock 6629.

3. If his offering is a burnt sacrifice 5930 of the herd, let him offer a male without blemish 8549: he shall bring it for acceptance 7522 to the door of the Tent of Meeting before Yahweh.

4. And he shall put his hand upon the head of the burnt offering, and it shall be accepted 752l for him to make propitiation 3722 for him.

5. And he shall slaughter 7819 the calf 1121/1241 in the presence of Yahweh: and the

priests 3548, sons of Aharon, shall bring the blood 1818, and sprinkle 2536 the blood round about the altar that is by the door of the Tent of Meeting.

6. And he shall flay 6584 the burnt offering, and cut it into pieces.

7. And the sons of Aharon the priest shall put fire upon the altar, and lay the wood in order upon the fire:

8. And the priests, sons of Aharon, shall lay the pieces, the head 7218, and the fat 6309, in order upon the wood that is on the fire, which is upon the altar.

9. But its inner organs 7130 and its lower legs 3767 he shall wash 7364 in water: and the priest shall burn 6999 all on the altar, a burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire 801, of a pleasing odor 7381 to Yahweh.

10. And if his offering be of the flocks, of the young sheep 3775, or of the young goats 5795 for a burnt sacrifice; he shall bring a male 2145 without blemish,

11. and he shall slaughter it on the north side of the altar before Yahweh: and the priests, sons of Aharon, shall sprinkle its blood round about upon the altar.

12. And he shall cut it into pieces, with its head and its fat: and the priest shall lay them in order on the wood that is on the fire which is upon the altar:

13. But he shall wash the inner organs and the lower legs with water: and the priest shall bring all, and burn upon the altar: it is a burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire, of a pleasing odor to Yahweh.

14. And if the burnt sacrifice for his offering to Yahweh be of birds 5775, then shall he bring an offering of turtledoves 8449, or of young pigeons 3123.

15. And the priest shall bring it to the altar, and wring off 4454 its head, and burn it on the altar; and the blood of it shall be wrung out 4680 at the side of the altar:

16. and he shall remove 5493 its crop 4760 with its feathers 5133, and cast it beside the altar, on the east part 6924, by the place of the ashes 1880:

l7. and he shall split 8156 it with the wings 3671 of it, but shall not separate it 914: and the priest shall burn it upon the altar, upon the wood that is upon the fire: it is a burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire, of a pleasing odor to Yahweh.

Notes – In verses 3 and 10 we see the stipulation of a MALE WITHOUT BLEMISH for the sacrifice. This carries through for all blood sacrifices. Yahshua Messiah was without blemish, as was required, and was The Passover Lamb for Yisrael, covering over our sins for all time, at the point when we acknowledge Him as our redeemer. After that point, if we continue in sin, there is no further sacrifice for us. All animal sacrifices have been rendered of no effect, and are of historical significance only now.




English 1

1 1. Wayiq’ra 7121 el 413 mosheh 4872, way’daber 1697 YHWH Elohayv 430 meohel 168 moed 4150, lemor 559,

2. “Dabe
1696 el 413 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478, w’amar’ta 559 alehem 413: ‘Adam 120 kiy 3588 yaq’riyb 7126 mikem 7133 qor’ban 7133 laYHWH, min 4480 hab’hemah 929, min 4480 habaqar 1241, umin 4480 hatson 6629, taq’riybu 7126 eth 853 qor’ban’chem 7133.

3. Im 518 olah 5930 qor’bano 7133 min 4480 habaqar 1241, zachar 2145 tamiyd 8549

yaq’riybennu 7126 el 413 pethach 6607 ohel 168 moed 4150 yaq’riyb 7126 otho 853 lir’tsono 7522 lip’ney 6440 YHWH.

4. W’samach 5564 yado 3027 al 5921 rosh7218 haolah 5930 w’nir’tsah 7521 lo l’kaper 3722

alayv 5921.

5. W’shachat 7819 eth 853 ben 1121 baqar 1241 lip’ney 6440 YHWH w’hiq’riybu 7126

b’ney 1121 aharon 175 hakohaniym 3548 eth 853 hadam 1818 w’zar’gu 2236 eth 853 hadam 1818 al 5921 hamiz’beach 4196 sabiyb 5439 asher 834 pethach 6607 ohel 168 moed 4150.

6. W’hip’shiym 7584 eth 853 haolah 5930, w’nittach 5408 othah 853 lin’thacheyha 5409.

7. W’nath’nu 5414 b’ney 1121 aharon 175 hakohen 3548 esh 784 al 5921 hamiz’beach 4196,

w’ar’chu 6186 etsiym 6086 al 5921 haesh 784;

8. w’ar’chu 6186 b’ney 1121 aharon 175 hakohaniym 3548 eth 853 han’thachiym 5409, eth 853

harosh 7218, w’eth 853 hapadar 6309, al 5921 haetsiym 6086 asher 834 al 5921 haesh 784

asher 834 al 5921 hamiz’beach 4196.

9. W’qir’bo 7130 uk’raayv 3767 yir’chats 7364 bamayim 4325: w’hiq’tiyr 6999 hakohen 3548

eth 853 hakol 3605 hamiz’bechah 4196, olah 5930, ishsheh 801 reyach 7381 niychoach 5207 laYHWH.

10. W’im 518 min 4480 hatson 6629 qor’banu 7133, min 4480 hak’sabiym 3775, o 176 min 4480 haizziym 5795 l’olah 5930 zachar 2145 tamiym 8549 yaq’riybennu 7126.

11. W’shachat 7819 otho 853 al 5921 yerech 3409 hamiz’beach 4196 tsaphonah 6828

lip’ney 6440 YHWH w’zar’qu 2236 b’ney 1121 aharon 175 hakohaniym 3548 eth 853 damo 1818 al 5921 hamiz’beach 4196 sabiyb 5439.

12. W’nittach 5408 otho 853 lin’tachayv 5409 w’eth 854 rosho 7218 w’eth 6309 pid’ro 6309,

w’arach 6186 hakohen 3548 otham 853 al 5921 haetsiym 6086 asher 834 al 5921 haesh 784

al 5921 hamiz’beach 4196.

13. W’haqereb 7130 w’hak’raayim 3767 yir’chats 7364 bamayim 4325: w’hiq’riyb 7126

hakohen 3548 eth 853 hakol 3605 w’hiq’tiyr 6999 hamiz’bechah 4196: olah 5930 hu 1931,

ishsheh 801 reyach 7381 niychoach 5207 laYHWH.

14. W’im 518 min 4480 haoph 5775 olah 5930 qor’bano 7133 laYHWH, w’hiq’riyb 7126

min 4480 hatoriym 8449 o 176 min 4480 b’ney 1121 hayonah 3123 eth 853 qor’bano 7133.

15. W’hiq’riybo 7126 hakohen 3548 el 413 hamiz’beach 4196 umalaq 4454 eth 853 rosho 7218, w’hiq’tiyr 6999 hamiz’bechah 4196 w’nim’tsah 4680 damo 1818 al 5921 qiyr 7023

hamiz’beach 4196:

16. w’hesiyr 5493 eth 853 murfatho 4760 b’notsathah 5133, w’hish’liych 7993 othah 853

etsel 681 hamiz’beach 4196 qed’mah 6924, el 413 m’qom 4725 hadashen 1880.

17. W’shissa 8156 otho 853 bik’naphayv 3671, lo 3808 yab’diyl 914: w’hiq’tiyr 6999 otho 853

hakohen 3548 hamiz’bechah 4196, al 5921 haetsiym 6086 asher 834 al 5921 haesh 784: olah 5930

hu 1931, ishsheh 801 reyach 7381 niychoach 5207 laYHWH.




Hebrew 1

2 1. And when anyone brings a grain 4503 offering 7133 to Yahweh, his offering shall be of fine flour 5560 and he shall pour oil 8081 upon it, and put frankincense 3828 on it:

2. and he shall bring it to the sons of Aharon the priests: and he shall take from his

abundance 4393 a handful 7062 of the flour of it, and of the oil of it, with all the frankincense of it; and the priest shall burn the memorial portion 234 of it upon the altar, an offering made by fire, of a pleasing odor to Yahweh:

3. and the remnant 3498 of the grain offering shall be Aharon’s and his sons’; it is a thing

most holy 6944/6944 of the offering made by fire of Yahweh.

4. And if you bring an offering of a grain offering baked in the oven 8574, it shall be cakes 2471 of matstsoth 4682 of fine flour mixed 1101 with oil, or unleavened wafers 7550 anointed 4886 with oil.

5. And if your offering is a grain offering baked in a pan 4227, it shall be of fine flour mixed with oil, matstsoh.

6. Crumble 6626 it in pieces 6595, and pour oil on it: it is a grain offering.

7. And if your offering is a grain offering baked in the frying pan 4802, it shall be made of fine flour with oil.

8. And you shall bring the grain offering that is made of these things to Yahweh: and when it is presented 7126 to the priest, he shall bring it to the altar.

9. And the priest shall lift up 7311 from the grain offering a memorial portion of it, and shall burn it upon the altar: it is an offering made by fire, of a pleasing odor to Yahweh.

10. And the remnant of the grain offering shall be Aharon’s and his sons’: it is a thing most holy of the offering made by fire to Yahweh.

11. No grain offering which you shall bring to Yahweh shall be made with leaven 2557: for you shall burn no leaven nor any honey 1706, in any offering made by fire to Yahweh.

12. The offering of the firstfruits 7225 shall you bring to Yahweh: but they shall not be turned to smoke 5927 on the altar for a pleasing odor.

13. And every offering of your grain offering shall you season 4414 with salt 4417; neither shall you allow the salt of the Covenant of Eloheycha 430 to cease 7673 from your grain offering: with all your offerings you shall offer salt.

14. And if you offer a grain offering of your firstfruits 1061 to Yahweh, you shall offer for the grain offering of your firstfruits ripe grain 24 dried 7033 by fire, beaten grain 1643 from ripe kernels 3759.

15. And you shall put oil upon it, and put frankincense upon it: it is a grain offering.

16. And the priest shall burn the memorial portion of it, of the beaten wheat of it, and part of the oil of it, with all the frankincense of it: it is an offering made by fire to Yahweh.

Chapter 2 Notes

The covenant of salt was a major thing for Yisrael. It was binding, and a great offence to break it. Notice the two different words for firstfruits in verses 12 and 14. Many words in English have several words in Hebrew that are used. In verse 14, abiyb is “fresh” ears, either of barley or wheat. They beat the stalks on the ground of a threshingfloor to separate the grain from the head, and that is “beaten” grain. Verse 13 -Num.18:19; 2 Chron.13:5



English 2

2 1. W’nephesh 5315 kiy 3588 taq’riyb 7126 qor’ban 7133 min’chah 4503 laYHWH

soleth 5560 yih’yeh 1961 qor’bano 7133; w’yatsaq 3332 aleyha 5921 shemen 8081, w’nathan 5414 aleyha 5921 l’bonah 3828:

2. Wehebiyah 935 el 413 b’ney 1121 aharon 175 hakohaniym 3548: w’qamats 7061 misham 8033

m’lo 4393 qum’tso 7062 misal’tah 5560, umisham’nah 8081, al 5921 kol 3605 l’bonathah 3828 w’hiq’tiyr 6999 hakohen 3548 eth 853 az’karathah 234 hamiz’bechah 4196 ishsheh 801

reyach 7381 niychoach 5207 laYHWH.

3. W’hanothereth 3498 min 4480 hamin’chah 4503 l’aharon 175 ul’banayv 1121: qodesh 6944 qadashiym 6944 meishshey 801 YHWH.

4. W’kiy 3588 taq’riyb 7126 qor’ban 7133 min’chah 4503 maapheh 3899 tannur 8574,

soleth 5560 challoth 2471 matsoth 4682 b’luloth 1101 bashemen 8081, ur’qiyqey 7550

matsoth 4682 m’shuchiym 4886 bashamen 8081.

5. W’im 518 min’chah 4503 al 5921 hamachabath 4227 qor’banecha 7133, soleth 5560

b’lulah 1101 bashemen 8081 matsoth 4682 tih’yeh 1961.

6. Pathoth 6626 othah 853 pittiym 6595 w’yatsaq’ta 3332 aleyha 5921 shamen 8081:

min’chah 4503 hiv 1931.

7. W’im 518 min’chath 4503 mar’chesheth 4802 qor’banecha 7133 soleth 5560 bashemen 8081

teaseh 6213.

8. W’hebetha 935 eth 853 hamin’chah 4503 asher 834 yeaseh 6213 meelleh 428 laYHWH: w’hiq’riybah 7126 el 413 hamiz’beach 4196.

9. W’heriym 7311 hakohen 3548 min 4480 hamin’chah 4503 eth 853 az’karathah 234

w’hiq’tiyr 6999 hamiz’bechah 4196 ishsheh 801 reyach 7381 niychoach 5207 laYHWH.

10. W’hanothereth 3498 min 4480 hamin’chah 4503 l’aharon 175 ul’banayv 1121 qodesh 6944 qadashiym 6944 meishshey 801 YHWH

11. Kol 3605 hamin’chah 4503 asher 834 taq’riybu 7126 laYHWH lo 3808 teaseh 6213

chamets 2557: kiy 3558 kol 3605 s’or 7603, w’kol 3605 d’bash 1706, lo 3808 taq’tiyru 6999 mimennu 4480 ishsheh 801 laYHWH.

12. Qor’ban 7133 reshiyth 7225, taq’riybu 7126 otham 853 laYHWH; w’el 413 hamiz’beach 4196 lo 3808 yaalu 5927 l’reyach 7381 niychoach 5207.

13. W’kol 3605 qor’ban 7133 min’chath’cha 4503 bamelach 4414 tim’lach 4417; w’lo 3808

tash’biyth 7673 melach 4417 b’riyth 1285 Eloheycha 430 meal 5921 min’chathecha 4503: al 5921

kol 3605 qor’ban’cha 7133 taq’riyb 7126 melach 4417.

14. W’im 518 taq’riyb 7126 min’chath 4503 bikuriym 1061 laYHWH, abiyb 24 qaluy 7033

baesh 784, geresh 1643 kar’mel 3759 taq’riyb 7126 eth 853 min’chath 4503 bikureycha 1061.

15. W’nathata 5414 aleyh
5921 shemen 8081, w’sam’ta 7760 aleyha 5921 l’bonah 3828

min’cha 4503 hiv 1931.

16. W’hiq’tiyr 6999 hakohen 3548 eth 853 az’karathah 234 migir’sah 1643 umishamen 8081

al 5921 kol 3605 l’bonathah 3828 ishsheh 801 laYHWH.






Hebrew 2

3 1. If he slaughters 2077 for well-being 8002 an offering 7133,if he offers of the herd; whether it is a male 2145 or female 5347, he shall bring it without blemish before Yahweh.

2. And he shall lay his hand upon the head of his offering, and slaughter it at the door of the Tent of Meeting: and shall sprinkle the sons of Aharon the priests the blood upon the altar round about.

3. And shall offer of the slaughtering of well-being an offering made by fire to Yahweh; the fat that covers the inner organs, and all the fat that is on the inner organs;

4. and the two kidneys 3629, and the fat that is on them, which is by the loins 3689, and the

lobes 3508 iabove the liver 3516, with the kidneys, he shall take it away 5493.

5. And shall burn it the sons of Aharon, upon the altar as a burnt sacrifice, upon the the wood that is on the fire: an offering made by fire, of a pleasing odor to Yahweh.

6. And if of the flock is his slaughtering of well-being to Yahweh, male or female, he shall offer it without blemish.

7. If he offers a lamb 3775 for his offering, then he shall bring it before Yahweh

8. and he shall lay his hand upon the head of his offering, and slaughter it before the Tent of Meeting: and the sons of Aharon shall sprinkle the blood of it round about upon the altar,

9. and he shall offer of the slaughtering for well-being an offering made by fire to Yahweh; the fat of it, the whole rump 451 he shall take off close to the back bone 6096 ; and the fat that covers the inner organs, and all the fat that is on the inner organs,

10. And the two kidneys and the fat that is upon them, which is by the loins, and the lobes above the liver, with the kidneys, he shall take away.

11. And the priest shall burn it upon the altar: it is the food of offering made by fire to Yahweh.

12. And if his offering is a female goat 5795, then he shall bring it before Yahweh

13. and he shall lay his hand upon its head, and slaughter it before the Tent of Meeting: and the sons of Aharon shall sprinkle the blood of it round about upon the altar.

14. And shall offer it of his offering, an offering made by fire to Yahweh; the fat that covers the inner organs, and all the fat that is on the inner organs;

15. and the two kidneys, and the fat that is upon them, which is by the loins, and the lobes above the liver, with the kidneys, he shall take away.

16. And the priest shall burn them upon the altar: it is the food of offering made by fire for a pleasing odor: all the fat is Yahweh’s.

17. A perpetual 5769 statute 2708 for your posterity 1755 throughout all your dwellings 4186, that you eat neither fat nor blood.

Chapter 3 Notes

All of Chapter 3, except verse 17, is sacrificial law. Verse 17 is a standing food law. Fat is not good for us, as it causes cholesterol problems, and clogged arteries. We know this now, but didn’t way back then. All of Yahweh’s food laws are for our health benefit. He loves his children.





English 3

3 1. W’im 518 zebach 2077 sh’lomiym 8002 qor’bano 7133, im 518 min 4480 habaqar 1241

hu 1931 maq’riyb 7126; im 518 zachar 2145 im 518 n’qebach 5347 tamiym 8549

yaq’riybennu 7126 lip’ney 6440 YHWH.

2. W’samach 5564 yado 3027 al 5921 rosh 7218 qor’bano 7133 ush’chato 7819 pethach 6607

ohel 168 moed 4150 w’zar’qu 2238 b’ney 1121 aharon 175 hakohaniym 3548 eth 853 hadam 1818 al 5921 hamiz’beach 4196 sabiyb 5439.

3. W’hiq’riyb 7126 miz’bach 4196 hash’lomiym 8002 ishsheh 801 laYHWH: eth 853

hacheleb 2459 ham’kasseh 3680 eth 853 haqereb 7130 w’eth 853 kol 3605 hacheleb 2459

asher 834 al 5921 haqereb 7130;

4. w’eth 853 sh’tey 8147 hak’layoth 3629, w’eth 853 hacheleb 2459 asher 834 alehen 5921,

asher 834 al 5921 hak’saliym 3689, w’eth 853 hayothereth 3508 al 5921 hakabed 3516, al 5921 hak’layoth 3629 y’siyrennah 5493.

5. W’hiq’tiyru 6999 otho 853 b’ney 1121 aharon 175 hamiz’bechah 4196 al 5921 haolah 5930,

asher 834 al 5921 haetsiym 6086 asher 834 al 5921 haesh 784 ishsheh 801 reyach 7381

niychoach 5207 laYHWH.

6. W’im 518 min 4480 hatson 6629 qor’bano 7133 l’zebach 2077 sh’lomiym 8002 laYHWH,

zachar 2145 o 176 n’qebah 5437, tamiym 8549 yaq’riybennu 7126.

7. im 518 keseb 3775 hu 1931 maq’q’riyb 7126 eth 853 qor’bano 7133, w’hiq’riyb 7126 otho 853 lip’ney 6440 YHWH,

8. W’samach 5564 eth 853 yado 3027 al 5921 rosh 7218 qor’bano 7133, w’shachat 78
otho 853 lip’ney 6440 ohel 168 moed 4150 w’zar’qu 2236 b’ney 1121 aharon 175 eth 853 damo 1818 al 5921 hamiz’beach 4196 sabiyb 5439.

9. W’hiq’riyb 7126 miz’bach 4196 hash’l’miym 8002 ishsheh 801 laYHWH; chel’bo 2459

haal’yah 451 t’miymah 8459, l’ummath 5980 heatseh 6096 y’siyrennah 5493; w’eth 853

hacheleb 2459 ham’kasseh 3680 eth 853 haqereb 7130 w’eth 853 kol 3605 hacheleb 2459

asher 834 al 5921 haqereb 7130;

10. w’eth 853 sh’tey 8147 hak’layoth 3629, w’eth 853 hacheleb 2459 asher 834 alehen 5921,

asher 834 al 5921 hak’saliym 3689, w’eth 853 hayotheroth 3508 al 5921 hakabed 3516, al 5921 hak’layoth 3629 y’siyrennah 5493.

11. W’hiq’tiyro 6999 hakohen 3548 hamiz’bechah 4196: lechem 3899 ishsheh 801 laYHWH.

12. W’im 518 ez 5795 qor’bano 7133 w’hiq’riybo 7126 lip’ney 6440 YHWH,

13. w’samach 5564 eth 853 yado 3027 al 5921 rosho 7218, w’shachat 7819 otho 853 lip’ney 6440

ohel 168 moed 4150: w’zar’qu 2236 b’ney 1121 aharon 175 eth 853 damo 1818 al 5921

hamiz’beach 4196 sabiyb 5439.

14. W’hiq’riyb 7126 mimennu 4480 qor’bano 7133 ishsheh 801 laYHWH; eth 853 hacheleb 2459 ham’kasseh 3680 eth 853 haqereb 7130, w’eth 853 kol 3605 hacheleb 2459 asher 834 al 5921

haqereb 7130.

15. w’eth 853 sh’tey 8147 hak’layoth 3629, w’eth 853 hacheleb 2459 asher 834 alehen 5921,

asher 834 al 5921 hak’saliym 3689, w’eth 853 hayothereth 3508 al 5921 hakabed 3516, al 5921 hak’layoth 3629 y’siyrennah 5493.

16. W’hiq’tiyram 6999 hakohen 3548 hamiz’bechah 4196: lechem 3899 ishsheh 801

l’reyach 7381 niychoach 5207. Kol 3605 cheleb 2459 laYHWH.

17. Chuqqath 2708 olam 5769 l’dorotheychem 1755 b’kol 3605 mosh’botheychem 4186, kol 3605 cheleb 2459 w’kol 3605 dam 1818 lo 3808 tochelu 398.



Hebrew 3

4 1. And spoke Yahweh to Mosheh, saying:

2. “Speak to the children of Yisrael, saying, ‘If a person commits a sin 2398 through

ignorance 7684 against any of the Commandments of Yahweh, which ought not to be done, and does against any of them:

3. If the priest that is annointed 4899 sins, according to the sin 819 of the people; then let him bring for his sin 2403 which he committed, a young bull 6499 calf 112l/1241 without blemish to Yahweh for a sin offering 2403.

4. He shall bring the young bull to the door of the Tent of Meeting before Yahweh; and shall lay his hand upon the head of the bull, and slaughter the bull before Yahweh.

5. And the priest that is annointed shall take of the blood of the young bull, and bring it to the Tent of Meeting:

6. and the priest shall dip 2881 his finger 676 in the blood, and sprinkle the blood seven 7651

times 6471 before Yahweh, before the veil 6532 of the sanctuary.

7. The priest shall put some of the blood upon the horns 7161 of the altar of sweet incense before Yahweh, which is in the Tent of Meeting; and shall pour all the blood of the young bull at the base of the altar of burnt offering, which is at the door of the Tent of Meeting.

8. He shall take off from it all the fat of the young bull for the sin offering; the fat that covers the inner organs, and all the fat that is upon the inner organs,

9. and the two kidneys, and the fat that is upon them, which is by the loins, and the lobes above the liver, with the kidneys, he shall take away,

10. as it was taken off from the bull 7794 of the slaughtering of well-being: and the priest shall burn them upon the altar of burnt offering.

11. And the skin 5785 of the young bull, and all his flesh, with his head, and with his legs 3767, and his inner organs, and his dung 6569,

12. The whole young bull shall be brought forth to outside of the camp to a clean 2889 place, where the ashes 1880 are emptied 8211, and burn him on the wood with fire: where the ashes are emptied shall he be burnt.

13. If the whole congregation of Yisrael sins through ignorance 7686, and the thing is

hidden 5956 from the eyes of the assembly, and they have done something against any of the comandments of Yahweh, which should not be done, and are guilty;

14. When the sin they committed becomes known, then the congregation shall offer a young bull calf for the sin, and bring it before the Tent of Meeting.

15. And the elders of the congregation shall lay their hands upon the head of the young bull before Yahweh: and the young bull shall be slaughtered before Yahweh.

16. And the priest that is annointed shall bring of the young bulls blood to the Tent of Meeting:

17. and the priest shall dip his finger in the blood, and sprinkle it seven times before Yahweh, before the veil.

18. And he shall put some of the blood upon the horns of the altar which is before Yahweh, that is in the Tent of Meeting, and shall pour out all the blood at the base of the altar of burnt offering, which is at the door of the Tent of Meeting.

19. He shall take all the fat from him, and burn it upon the altar.

20. He shall do with the young bull as he did with the young bull for a sin offering, so shall he do with this: and the priest shall make propitiation for them, and it shall be forgiven them.

21. He s
hall bring forth the young bull to outside of the camp
, and burn him as he burned the first young bull: it is a sin offering for the congregation.

22. When a leader 5387 has sinned, and done something through ignorance against any of the commandments of Yahweh Elohayv 430, which should not be done, and is guilty;

23. or if his sin, which he committed, comes to his knowledge; he shall bring a male kid 8163 of the goats, a male without blemish:

English 4

4 1. Way’daber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872 , lemor 559,

2. “Daber 1696 el 1121 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478, lemor 559, ‘Nephesh 5315 kiy 3588 techeta 2398 bish’gagah 7684 mikol 3605 mits’woth 4687 YHWH asher 834 lo 3808 teaseynah 6213, w’asah 6213 meachath 259 mehennah 2007,

3. im 513 hakohen 3548 hamashiyach 4899 yecheta 2398 l’ash’math 819 haam 5971; w’hiq’riyb 7126 al 5921 chattatho 2403 asher 834 chata 2398, par 6499 ben 1121 baqar 1241 tamiym 8549 laYHWH l’chattath 2403.

4. W’hebiy 935 eth 853 hapar 6499 el 413 pethach 6607 ohel 168 moed 4150 lip’ney 6440 YHWH w’samach 5564 eth 853 yado 3027 al 5921 rosh 7218 hapar 6499 w’shachat 7819 eth 853 hapar 6499 lip’ney 6440 YHWH,

5. w’laqach 3947 hakohen 3548 hamashiyach 4899 midam 1818 hapar 6499 w’hebiy 935 otho 853 el 413 ohel 168 moed 4150.

6. W’tabal 6881 hakohen 3548 eth 853 ets’bao 676 badam 1818 w’hizzah 5137 min 4480 hadam 1818 sheba 7651 p’amiym 6471 lip’ney 6440 YHWH eth 853 p’ney 6440 parocheth 6532 haqodesh 6944.

7. W’nathan 5414 hakohen 3548 min 4480 hadam 1818 al 5921 qar’noth 7161 miz’bach 4196

q’toreth 7004 hasamiym 5561 lip’ney 6440 YHWH asher 834 b’ohel 168 moed 4150; w’eth 853 kol 3605 dam 1818 hapar 6499 yish’poch 8210 el 413 y’sod 3247 miz’bach 4196 haolah 5930 asher 834 pethach 6607 ohel 168 moed 4150.

8. W’eth 853 kol 3605 cheleb 2459 par 6499 hachattath 2403 yariym 7311 mimennu 4480; eth 853 hacheleb 2459 ham’kasseh 3680 al 5921 haqereb 7130 w’eth 853 kol 3605 hacheleb 2459 asher 834 al 5921 haqereb 7130;

9. w’eth 853 sh’tey 8147 hak’layoth 3629 w’eth 853 hacheleb 2459 asher 834 aleyhen 5921, asher 834

al 5921 hak’saliym 3689 w’eth 853 hayothereth 3508 al 5921 hakabed 3516, al 5921 hak’layoth 3629, y’siyrennah 5493,

10. kaasher 834 yuram 7311 mishshor 7794 zebach 2077 hash’lamiym 8002 w’hiq’tuyram 6999

hakohen 3548 al 5921 miz’bach 4196 haolah 5930.

11. W’eth 853 or 5785 hapar 6499, w’eth 853 kol 3605 b’saro 1320, al 5921 rosho 7218, w’al 5921

k’raayv 3767, w’qir’bo 7130 upir’sho 6569,

12. w’hotsiy 3318 eth 853 kol 3605 hapar 6499 el 413 michuts 2351 lamachaneh 4264 el 413 maqom 4725 tahor 2899, el 413 shephech 8211 hadeshen 1880, w’saraph 8313 otho 853 al 5921 etsiym 6086 baesh 784:

al 5921 shephech 8211 hadeshen 1880 yisareph 8313.

13. W’im 513 kol 3605 adath 5712 yis’rael 3478 yish’gu 7686, w’ne’lam 5956 dabar 1697 meeyney 5969 haqahal 6951 w’asu 6213 achath 259 mikol 3605 mits’woth 4687 YHWH asher 834 lo 3808 teaseyna 6213 w’ashemu 816,

14. W’nad’ah 3045 hachattath 2403 asher 834 chat’u 2398 aleyha 5921, w’hiq’riybu 7126 haqahal 6951 par 6499 ben 1121 baqar 1241 l’chattath 2403 w’hebiyu 935 otho 853 lip’ney 6440 ohel 168 moed 4150.

15. W’sam’chu 5564 ziq’ney 2205 haedah 5712 eth 853 y’deyhem 3027 al 5921 rosh 7218 hapar 6499 lip’ney 6440 YHWH.

16. W’hebiy 935 hakohen 3548 hamashiyach 4899 midam 1818 hapar 6499 el 413 ohel 168 moed 4150,

17. w’tabal 2881 hakohen 3548 ets’bao 676 min 4480 hadam 1818 w’hizzah 5137 sheba 7651

p’amiym 6471 lip’ney 6440 YHWH eth 853 p’ney 6440 haparocheth 6532.

18. Umin 4480 hadam 1818 titten 5414 al 5921 qar’noth 7161 hamiz’beach 4196 asher 834 lip’ney 6440 YHWH asher 834 b’ohel 168 moed 4150 w’eth 853 kol 3605 hadam 1818 yish’poch 8210 el 413 y’sod 3247

miz’bach 4196 haolah 5930 asher 834 pethach 6607 ohel 168 moed 4150.

19. W’eth 853 kol 3605 chel’bo 2459 yariym 7311 mimennu 4480 w’hiq’tiyr 6999 hamiz’bechah 4196.

20. W’asah 6213 lapar 6499 kaasher 834 asah 6213
l’par 6499 hachattath 2403, ken 3651 yaaseh 6213 lo: w’kipper 3722 alehem 5921 hakohen 3548 w’nis’lach 5545 lahem.

21. W’hotsiy 3318 eth 853 hapar 6499 el 413 michuts 2351 lamachaneh 4264, w’saraph 8313 otho 853

kaasher 834 saraph 8313 eth 853 hapar 6499 harishon 7223: chattath 2403 haqahal 6951 hu 1931.

22. asher 834 nasiy 5387 yecheta 2398, w’asah 6213 achath 259 mikol 3605 mits’woth 4687 YHWH

Elohayv 430 asher 834 lo 3808 teaseynah 6213 bish’gaga 7684 w’ashem 816,

23. O 176 hoda 3045 elayv 413 chattatho 2403 asher 834 chata 2398 bah, w’hebiy 935 eth 853

qor’bano 7133, s’iyr 8163 izziym 5795 zachar 2145 tamiym 8549.

Hebrew 4

24. and he shall lay his hand upon the head of the male kid, and slaughter it in the place where they slaughter the burnt offering before Yahweh:

25. The priest shall take of the blood of the sin offering with his finger, and put it on the horns of the altar of burnt offering, and shall pour out the blood at the base of the altar of burnt offering.

26. He shall burn all the fat upon the altar, as the fat of the slaughter of well-being: and the priest shall make propitiation for him concerning his sin, and it shall be forgiven him.

27. If any of the people of the land commit a sin through ignorance, while doing something against any of the commandments of Yahweh, which ought not to be done, and is guilty;

28. or if his sin, which he has committed, comes to his knowledge, then he shall bring his offering, a female kid 8166 of the goats, a female without blemish, for his sin which he committed.

29. He shall lay his hand upon the head of the sin offering, and slaughter the sin offering in the place of the burnt offering.

30. The priest shall take of the blood of it with his finger, and put it upon the horns of the altar of burnt offering, and shall pour out all the blood of it at the base of the altar.

31. And he shall take away all the fat of it, as the fat is taken away from off the slaughtering of well-being; and the priest shall burn it upon the altar for a pleasing odor unto Yahweh; and the priest shall make propitiation for him, and it shall be forgiven him.

32. If he brings a sheep 3532 for a sin offering, he shall bring a female 5347 without blemish.

33. And he shall lay his hand upon the head of the sin offering, and slaughter it for a sin offering in the place where they slaughter the burnt offering.

34. And the priest shall take of the blood of the sin offering with his finger, and put it upon the horns of the altar of burnt offering, and shall pour out all the blood of it at the base of the altar:

35. and he shall take away all the fat of it, as the fat of the lamb 3775 is taken away from the slaughter of well-being; and the priest shall burn them upon the altar, according to the offerings made by fire unto Yahweh: and the priest shall make propitiation for his sin that he has committed, and it shall be forgiven him.

Notes – All of Chapter 4 is sacrifice for the remission of sin, which is no longer needed.

Verses 27 – 31 – Numbers 15:27,28

[Note Chapter 5 in the Hebrew has 26 verses. This follows the Hebrew format.]

5 1. And if a person sins by hearing a call 6963 for sworn testimony 423, and is a witness, whether he has seen, or known of the matter; if he does not testify, then he shall bear his iniquity.

2. If a person touches any unclean 2931 thing, whether it is a carcass 5038 of an unclean creature, or a carcass of unclean beast, or the carcass of unclean creeping things, and if it is hidden 5956 from him; he shall also be unclean, and guilty.

3. If he touches the uncleaness 2932 of adam 120, whatsoever uncleaness that a man 376 can be defiled 2930 by, and it is hidden from him; when he knows of it, then he shall be guilty.

4. Or if a person swears an oath 7650, speaking rashly 981 with his lips 8193, to do evil 7489, or to do good 3190, whatever an adam shall speak rashly of with an oath 7621, and it is hidden from him; when he knows of it, then he shall be guilty in one of these things.

5. And it shall be, when he is guilty in one of these, that he shall confess 3834 that he has sinned in that thing:

6. and he shall bring his guilt offering unto Yahweh for his sin which he has committed, a female from the flock, a ewe lamb 3776 or a female kid of the goats, for a guilt offering; and the priest shall make propitiation for him concerning his sin.

7. If he is not able to bring a lamb, then he shall bring for his trespass that he has committed, two turtledoves 8449, or two young 1121 pigeons 3123, to Yahweh; one for a sin offering, and the other for a burnt offering.

English 5

24. W’samach 5564 yado 3027 al 5921 rosh 7218 hasaiyr 8163 w’shachat 7819 oth 853 bim’qom 4725 asher 834 yish’chat 7819 eth 853 haolah 5930 lip’ney 6440 YHWH: chattath 2403 hu 1931.

25. W’laqach 3947 hakohen 3548 midam 1818 hachattath 2403 b’ets’bao 676 w’nathan 5414 al 5921 qar’noth 7161 miz’bach 4196 haolah 5930 w’eth 853 damo 1818 yish’poch 8210 el 413 y’sod 3247

miz’bach 4196 haolah 5930.

26. W’eth 853 kol 3605 chel’bo 2459 yaq’tiyr 6999 hamiz’bechah 4196 k’cheleb 2459 zebach 2077 hash’lamiym 8002: w’kiper 3722 alayv 5921 hakohen 3548 mechattatho 2403 w’nis’lach 5545 lo.

27. W’im 518 nephesh 5315 achath 259 techeta 2398 bish’gagah 7684 meam 5971 haerets 776,

baasothah 6213 achath 259 mimits’woth 4687 YHWH asher 834 lo 3808 teaseynah 6213, w’ashem 816,

28. O
176 hoda 3045 elayv 413 chattatho 2403 asher 834 chata 2398 w’hebiy 935 qor’bano 7133

s’iyrath 8166 izziym 5795 t’miymah 8549 neqebah 5347 al 5921 chattatho 2403 asher 834 chata 2398.

29. W’samach 5564 eth 853 yado 3027 al 5921 rosh 7218 hachattath 2403 w’shachath 7819 eth 853 hachattath 2403 bim’qom 4725 haolah 5930.

30. W’laqach 3947 hakohen 3548 midamah 1818 b’ets’bao 676 w’nathan 5414 al 5921 qar’noth 7161 miz’bach 4196 haolah 5930 w’eth 853 kol 3605 damah 1818 yish’poch 8210 el 413 y’sod 3247

hamiz’beach 4196.

31.W’eth 853 kol 3605 chel’bah 2459 yasiyr 5493, kaasher 834 husar 5493 cheleb 2459 meal 5921

zebach 2077 hash’lamiym 8002: w’hiq’tiyr 6999 hakohen 3548 hamiz’bechah 4196 l’reyach 7381 niychoach 5207 laYHWH; w’kipper 3722 alayv 5921 hakohen 3548 w’nis’lach 5545 lo.

32. W’im 518 kebesh 3532 yabiy 935 qor’bano 7133 l’chattath 2403; n’qebah 5347 t’miymah 8549 y’biyennah 935.

33. W’samach 5564 eth 853 yado 3027 al 5921 rosh 7218 hachattath 2403, w’shachat 7819 othah 853 l’chattath 2403 bim’qom 4725 asher 834 yish’chat 7819 eth 853 haolah 5930.

34. W’laqach 3947 hakohen 3548 midam 1818 hachattath 2403 b’ets’bao 676 w’nathan 5414 al 5921 qar’noth 7161 miz’bach 4196 haolah 5930 w’eth 853 kol 3605 damah 1818 yish’poch 8210 el 413

y’sod 3247 hamiz’beach 4196.

35. W’eth 853 kol 3605 chel’bah 2459 yasiyr 5493 kaasher 834 yusar 5493 cheleb 2459 hakeseb 3775 mizebach 2077 hash’lamiym 8002 w’hiq’tiyr 6999 hakohen 3548 otham 853 hamiz’bechah 4196 al 5921 ishsheh 801 YHWH: w’kipper 3722 alayv 5921 hakohen 3548 al 5921 chattatho 2403 asher 834 chata 2398 w’nis’lach 5545 lo.

5 1. W’nephesh 5315 kiy 3588 techeta 2398, w’sham’ah 8085 qol 6963 alah 423 w’hu 1931 ed 5707,

o 176 raah 7200 o 176 yada 3045; im 518 lo 3808 yagiyd 5046 w’nasa 5375 awono 5771;

2. O 176 nephesh 5315 asher 834 tiga 5060 b’kol 3605 dabar 1697 tame 2931, o 176 b’nib’lath 5038 chayyah 2416 t’meah 2931, o 176 b’nib’lath 5038 b’hemah 929 t’meah 2931, o 176 b’nib’lath 5038

sherets 8318 tame 2931, w’ne’lam 5956 mimennu 4480; w’hu 1931 tame 2931, w’ashem 816.

3. O 176 kiy 3588 yigga 5060 b’tum’ath 2932 adam 120, l’kol 3605 tum’atho 2932 asher 834 yit’ma 2930 bah w’ne’lam 5956 mimennu 4480 w’hu 1931 yada 3045, w’ashem 816.

4. O 176 nephesh 5315 kiy 3588 tishaba 7650, l’batte 981 bis’pathayim 8193 l’hara 7489, o 176

l’heytiyb 3190, l’kol 3605 asher 834 y’batte 981 haadam 120 bish’buah 7621, w’ne’lam 5956

mimennu 4480; w’hu 1931 yada 3045 w’ashem 816 l’achath 259 meelleh 428.

5. W’haya 1961, kiy 3588 ye’sham 816 l’achath 259 meelleh 428, w’hith’waddah 3034 asher 834

chata 2398 aleyha 5921.

6. W’hebiy 935 eth 853 ashamo 817 laYHWH al 5921 chattatho 2403 asher 834 chata 2398 n’qebah 5347

min 4480 hatson 6629, kis’bah 3776 o 176 s’iyrath 8166 izziym 5795, l’chattath 2403; w’kipper 3722

alayv 5921 hakohen 3548 mechattatho 2403.

7. W’im 518 lo 3808 taggiya 5060 yado 3027 dey 1767 seh 7716, w’hebiy 935 eth 853 ashamo 817

asher 834 chata 2398 sh’tey 8147 toriym 8449 o 176 sh’ney 8147 b’ney 1121 yonah 3123

echad 259 l’chattath 2403 w’echad 259 l’olah 5930.



Hebrew 5

8. He shall bring them to the priest, who shall offer that which is for the sin offering first and wring off 4454 the head from the neck 6203, but shall not divide it apart 914:

9. and he shall sprinkle of the blood of the sin offering upon the side 7023 of the altar; and the rest of the blood shall be wrung out 4680 at the base of the altar, it is a sin offering.

10. He shall offer the second 8145 for a burnt offering according to the manner 4941: and the priest shall make propitiation for him for his sin which he has committed, and it shall be forgiven him.

11. But if he is not able to bring two turtledoves or two young pigeons, then he that sinned shall bring for his offering the tenth part 6224 of an ephah 374 of fine flour for a sin offering. He shall not put oil upon it, nor shall he put frankincense upon it, because it is a sin offering.

12. Then he shall bring it to the priest, and the priest shall take his handfull of it, a memorial portion of it, and burn it upon the altar, according to the offerings made by fire to Yahweh: it is a sin offering.

13. The priest shall make propitiation for him, concerning the sin which he has committed in one of these things, and it shall be forgiven him: the remainder shall be the priests, as a grain offering.”

14. Spoke Yahweh to Mosheh, saying,

15. “If a person commits a trespass, and sins through ignorance in the Holy Things of Yahweh; then he shall bring to Yahweh for his trespass a ram 352 without blemish from the flocks, with your estimation of value 6187 in shekels of silver, as in the shekel of the sanctuary, for a guilt offering:

16. and he shall make amends 7999 for the sin that he has committed in the Holy Thing, and shall add 3254 the fifth part 2594 to it, and give it to the priest: and the priest shall make propitiation for him with the ram of the guilt offering, and it shall be forgiven him.

17. If a person sins, and commits any of these things which are not to be done by the commandments of Yahweh, even though he did not know it, yet he is guilty, and shall bear his iniquity.

18. He shall bring a ram without blemish from the flock, with your estimation of value, for a guilt offering, to the priest: and the priest shall make propitiation for him concerning his ignorance by which he erred 7683 without knowledge, and it shall be forgiven him.

19. It is a guilt offering: he has certainly trespassed 816/816 against Yahweh.”

[Hebrew text continues to verse 26, English version (KJV) ends here]

20. Spoke Yahweh to Mosheh, saying,

21.”If a person sins, and commits a trespass against Yahweh, by lying 3584 to another person 5997 about that which was given to him to safeguard 6487, or in something left as a security pledge 8667/3027, or in a thing taken away by robbery 1498, or has defrauded 6231 another person;

22. or has found something lost 9, and lies concerning it, and swears falsely in any of these that an adam does sinfully:

23. Then it shall be, because he has sinned, and is guilty, that he shall restore 7725 that which he took by robbery 1497, or the fraudulent thing 6233 which he has fraudulently gotten, or that which was given to him to safeguard 6485/854, or the lost thing which he found,

24. or about all that he has sworn to falsely; he shall restore all of it, and shall add a fifth part more to it, and give it to whom it appertains, in the day of his trespass offering.

25. He shall bring his guilt offering unto Yahweh, a ram without blemish from the flock, with your estimation of value, for a guilt offering unto the priest:

26. and the priest shall make propitiation for him before Yahweh: and it shall be forgiven him for any thing of all that he has done in trespassing therein.”


English 6

8. W’hebiy 935 otham 853 el 413 hakohen 3548 w’hiq’riyb 7126 eth 853 asher 834

lachattath 2403 rishonah 7223 umalaq 4454 eth 853 rosho 7218 mimmul 4136 or’po 6203,

w’1o 3808 yab’diyl 914.

9. W’hizzah 5137 midam 1818 hachattath 2403 al 5921 qiyr 7023 hamiz’beach 4196, w’hannish’ar 7604 badam 1818 yimatseh 4680 el 413 y’sod 3247 hamiz’beach 4196 chattath 2403 hu 1931.

10. W’eth 853 hasheniy 8145 yaaseh 6213 olah 5930, kamish’pat 4941: w’kipper 3722

alayv 5921 hakohen 3548 mechattatho 2403 asher 834 chata 2398 w’nis’lach 5545 lo.

11. W’im 518 lo 3808 tassiyg 5381 yado 3027 lish’tey 8147 toriym 8449, o 176 lish’ney 8147

b’ney 1961 yonah 3123, w’hebiy 935 eth 853 qor’bano 7133 asher 834 chata 2398 asiyrith 6224 haephah 374 soleth 5560 l’chattath 2403; lo 3808 yasiym 7760 aleyha 5921 shemen 8081,

w’lo 3808 yitten 5414 aleyha 5921 l’bonah 3828 kiy 3588 chattath 2403 hiy 1931.

12. W’hebiyah 935 el 413 hakohen 3548 w’qamats 7061 hakohen 3548 mimennah 4480

m’lo 4393 qum’tso 7062 eth 853 az’karathah 234 w’hiq’tiyr 6999 hamiz’bechah 4196 al 5921 ishshey 801 YHWH chattath 2403 hiv 1931.

13. W’kipper 3722 alayv 5921 hakohen 3548 al 5921 chattatho 2403 asher 834 chata 2398

meachath 259 meelleh 428, w’nis’lach 5548 lo: w’hay’thah 1961 lakohen 3548 kamin’chah 4503.”

14. Way’daber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872, lemor 559,

15. “Nephesh 5315 kiy 3588 tim’ol 4603 maal 4604 w’chat’ah 2398 bish’gagah 7684

miqad’shey 6944 YHWH w’hebiy 935 eth 853 ashamo 817 laYHWH ayil 352 tamiyd 8548

min 4480 hatson 6629 b’er’k’cha 6187 keseph 3701 sh’qaliym 8255 b’sheqel 8255 haqodesh 6944, l’asham 817.

16. W’eth 853 asher 834 chata 2398 min 4480 haqodesh 6944 y’shallem 7999 w’eth 853

chamiyshitho 2549 yoseph 3254 alayv 5921, w’nathan 5414 otho 853 lakohen 3548

w’hakohen 3548 y’kapper 3722 alayv 5921 b’eyl 352 haasham 817 w’nis’lach 5545 lo.

17. W’im 518 nephesh 5315 kiy 3588 techeta 2398 w’as’thah 6213 achath 259 mikol 3605

mits’woth 4687 YHWH asher 834 lo 3808 teaseynah 6213, w’lo 3808 yada 3045 w’ashem 816,

w’nasa 5375 a

18. W’hebiy 935 ayil 352 tamiyd 8548 min 4480 hatson 6629 b’er’k’cha 6187 l’asham 817, el 413 hakohen 3548 w’kipper 3722 alayv 5921 hakohen 3548 al 5921 shig’gatho 7684 asher 834

shagag 7684 w’hu 1931 lo 3808 yada 3045, w’nis’lach 5545 lo.

19. Asham 817 hu 1931 ashom 816 asham 816 laYHWH.”

20. Way’daber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872, lemor 559,

21. “Nephesh 5315 kiy 3588 techeta 2398, umaaleh 4603 maal 4604 baYHWH, w’kichesh 3584 baamiytho 5997 b’piqqadon 6487, o 176 bit’shumeth 8667 yad 3027, o 176 b’gazel 1498, o 176

ashaq 6231 eth 853 amiytho 5997,

22. O 176 matso 4672 abedah 9, w’kichesh 3584 bah, w’nish’ba 7650 al 5921 shaqer 8267;

al 5921 achath 259 mikol 3605 asher 834 yaaseh 6213 haadam 120 lachato 2398 bahennah 2007:

23. W’hayah 1961, kiy 3588 yecheta 2398 w’ashem 816, w’heshiyb 7725 eth 853 hag’zelah 1500

asher 834 gazal 1497, o 176 eth 853 haosheq 6231 asher 834 ashaq 6231, o 176 eth 853

hapiqqadon 6487 asher 834 hap’qad 6485 itto 854, o 176 eth 853 haabedah 9 asher 834

matso 4672,

24. o 176 mikol 3605 asher 834 yishaba 7650 alayv 5921 lasheqer 8267; w’shillam 7999 otho 853 b’rosho 7218 wachamishithayv 2549 yoseph 3254 laasher 834 hu 1931 lo yitt’nennu 5414,

b’yom 3117 ash’matho 819.

25. W’eth 853 ashamo 817 yabiy 935 laYHWH, ayil 352 tamiyd 8548 min 4480 hatson 6629 b’er’k’cha 6187 l’asham 817 el 413 hakohen 3548.

26. W’kipper 3772 alayv 5921 hakohen 3548 lip’ney 6440 YHWH: w’nis’lach 5545 lo al 5921

achath 259 mikol 3605 asher 834 yaaseh 6213 l’ash’ma 819 bah.


Hebrew 6

Chapter 5 Notes – Verse 1 – Proverbs 29:24 – Chapter 5 is another blood-sacrifice chapter, and has been fulfilled. However, it has some moral guidelines that are still current. The refusal to give testimony in a dispute thwarts justice, and is still sinful. Unclean ?creeping things? are not safe to touch, as they carry disease even today. Dead carcasses, animal or human, were also unclean, in physical terms may be carriers of disease. These thing defiled a person back then, and they were not permitted to approach the Holy Place of Yahweh while in a defiled condition. Words spoken rashly will still cause you lots of trouble, and an oath given may not be wise. This book is filled with wise thing to guide us today.

[Note Chapter 6 in the Hebrew has 23 verses.]

6 1. Spoke Yahweh to Mosheh, saying:

2. “Command Aharon and his sons, saying, ?This is the law of the burnt offering: It is the burnt offering because of the burning 4169 upon the altar all night until the morning, and the fire of the altar shall be burning 3344 in it.

3. And the priest shall put on his linen garment, and his linen breeches he shall put on his flesh, and take up the ashes which the fire has consumed with the burnt offering on the altar, and he shall put them beside the altar.

4. And he shall put off his garments, and put on other garments, and carry forth the ashes to outside the camp to a clean place.

5. And the fire upon the altar shall be burning in it; it shall not be put out: and the priest shall

burn 1197 wood on it every morning, and lay the burnt offering in order upon it; and he shall burn 6999 the fat of the offering of well-being upon it.

6. The fire shall continually 8548 be burning upon the altar; it shall never go out.

7. And this is the law of the grain offering; the sons of Aharon shall offer it before Yahweh, before the altar.

8. And he shall take his handfull of it, of the fine flour of the grain offering, and of the oil of it, and all the frankincense which is upon the grain offering, and shall burn it upon the altar for a pleasing odor, the memorial portion of it, unto Yahweh.

9. And the remainder of it shall Aharon and his sons eat: with the matstsoth it shall be eaten in the Holy place; in the courtyard of the Tent of Meeting they shall eat it.

10. It shall not be baked with leaven. I have given it to them for their portion of My offerings made by fire; it is Most Holy, as is the sin offering, and as the guilt offering.

11. All the males among the children of Aharon shall eat of it. It shall be a statute forever in your posterity concerning the offerings made by fire of Yahweh: Everyone that touches them shall be Holy.”

12. And spoke Yahweh to Mosheh, saying,

13. “This is the offering of Aharon and of his sons, which they shall offer to Yahweh in the day when they are annointed; the tenth part 6224 of an ephah of fine flour for a grain offering perpetually 8548, half 4276 of it in the morning, and half of it in the evening.

14. It shall be made in a pan with oil; and when it is baked, you shall bring it in: the baked pieces of the grain offering you shall offer for a pleasing odor unto Yahweh.

15. And the priest that is annointed in his stead of his sons shall offer it: it is a statute forever unto Yahweh; it shall be wholly burnt.

16. And every grain offering for the priest shall be wholly burnt: it shall not be eaten.”

17. Spoke Yahweh to Mosheh, saying,

18. “Speak to Aharon and to his sons, saying, ?This is the law of the sin offering: In the place where the burnt offering is slaughtered shall the sin offering be slaughtered before Yahweh: it is Most Holy.

19. The priest that offers it for sin shall eat it: in the Holy Place it shall be eaten, in the courtyard of the Tent of Meeting.

English 7





6 1. Way’daber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872, lemor 559,

2. “Tsaw 6680 eth 853 aharon 175 w’eth 853 banayv 1121, lemor 559, ‘Zoth 2063 torath 8451

haolah 5930: hiv 1931 haolah 5930 al 5921 moq’dah 4169 al 5921 hamiz’beach 4196 kol 3605

halay’ah 3916 ad 5704 haboqer 1242 w’esh 784 hamiz’beach 4196 tuqad 3344 bo.

3. W’labash 3847 hakohen 3548 middo 4055 bad 906, umich’nesey 4370 bad 906 yil’bash 3847

al 5921 b’saro 1320, w’heriym 7311 eth 853 hadeshen 1880 asher 834 tochal 398 haesh 784 eth 853 haolah 5930 al 5921 hamiz’beach 4196, w’samo 7760 etsel 681 hamiz’beach 4196.

4. Upashat 6584 eth 853 b’gadayv 899, w’labash 3847 b’gadiym 899 acheriym 312, w’hotsiy 3318

eth 853 hadeshen 1880 el 413 michuts 2351 lamachaneh 4264 el 413 maqom 4725 tahor 2889.

5. W’haesh 784 al 5921 hamiz’beach 4196 tuqad 3344 bo; lo 3808 tik’beh 3518: ubier 1197

aleyha 5921 hakohen 3548 etsiym 6086 baboqer 1242 baboqer 1242, w’arach 6186 aleyha 5921

haolah 5930; w’hiq’tiyr 6999 aleyha 5921 chel’bey 2459 hash’lamiym 8002.

6. Esh 784 tamiyd 8548 tuqad 3344 al 5921 hamiz’beach 4196, lo 3808 tik’beh 3518.

7. W’zoth 2063 torath 8451 hamin’chah 4503; haq’reb 7126 othah 853 b’ney 1121 aharon 175

lip’ney 6440 YHWH, el 413 p’ney 6440 hamiz’beach 4196.

8. W’heriym 7311 mimennu 4480 b’qum’tso 7062, misoleth 5560 hamin’chah 4503,

umishem’nah 8081, w’eth 853 kol 3605 hal’bonah 3808 asher 834 al 5921 hamin’chah 4503,

w’hiq’tiyr 6999 hamiz’beach 4196 reyach 7381 niychoach 5207 az’karathan 234 laYHWH.

9. W’hanothereth 3498 mimennah 4480 yoch’lu 398 aharon 175 ubanayv 1121: matsoth 4682

teachel 398 b’maqom 4725 qadosh 6918; bachatsar 2691 ohel 168 moed 4150 yoch’luha 398.

10. Lo 3808 teapheh 644 chamets 2557. Chel’qam 2506 nathatiy 5414 othah 853 meishshay 801; qodesh 6944 qadashiym 6944 hiv 1931, kachathath 2403, w’kaasham 817.

11. Kol 3605 zachar 2145 bib’ney 1121 aharon 175 yochalenah 398. Chaq 2706 olam 5709 l’dorotheychem 1755 meishshey 801 YHWH: Kol 3605 asher 834 yigga 5060 bahem

yiq’dash 6942.”

12. Way’daber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872, lemor 559,

13.”Zeh 2088 qor’ban 7133 aharon 175 ubanayv 1121, asher 834 yaq’riybu 7126 laYHWH

b’yom 3117 himashach 4886 otho 853; asiyrith 6224 haephah 374 soleth 5560 min’chah 4503

tamiyd 8548 machatsiytha 4276 baboqer 1242 umachatsiythah 4276 baareb 6153 ,

14. al 5921 machabath 4227 bashemen 8081 teaseh 6213; mur’becheth 7246 t’biyenna 935:

tupiyney 8601 min’chath 4503 pitiym 6595 taq’riyb 7126 reyach 7381 niychoach 5207 laYHWH.

15. W’hakohen 3548, hamashiyach 4899 tach’tayv 8478 mibanayv 1121 yaaseh 6213 othah 853

chaq 2706 olah 5930 laYHWH; kaliyl 3632 taq’tar 6999.

16. W’kol 3605 min’chath 4503 kohen 3548 kaliyl 3632, lo 3808 teachel 398.”

17.Wayadaber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872, lemor 559,

18. “Daber 1696 el 413 aharon 175 w’el 413 banayv 1121, lemor 559, ‘Zoth 2063 torath 8451 hachattath 2403: bim’qom 4725 asher 834 tishacheth 7819 haolah 5930 tishacheth 7819

hachattath 2403 lip’ney 6440 YHWH, qodesh 6944 qadashiym 6944.

19. Hakohen 3548 ham’chatte 2398 othah 853 yochalennah 398 b’maqom 6918 qadash 6918

teachel 398 bachatsar 2691 ohel 168 moed 4150.

Hebrew 7

20. Whatsoever touches the flesh of it shall be Holy: and if any of the blood of it is sprinkled upon any garment, you shall shall wash that which it was sprinkled upon in the Holy Place.

21. But the clay 2789 vessel in which it is cooked 1310 shall be broken: and if it is cooked in a bronze pot, it shall both be scoured 4838, and rinsed 7857 in water.

22. All the males among the priests shall eat of it: it is Most Holy.

23. And no sin offering, of which any of the blood is brought into the Tent of Meeting

on behalf of 3722 anything in the Holy Place, shall be eaten: it shall be burnt in the fire.

Notes – The grain offering (min’chath) is not an offering for remission of sin, but an offering to the Glory of Yahweh, and was done daily Blood sacrifices were for remission of sin.

7 l. Likewise, this is the law of the guilt offering: it is Most Holy.

2. In the pl
ace where they slaughter the burnt offering they shall slaughter the guilt offering: and the blood of it he shall sprinkle round about upon the altar

5. And he shall offer the fat of it; the rump, and the fat which covers the inner organs,

4. and the two kidneys, and the fat which is on them, which is by the loins, and the lobes above the liver, with the kidneys, he shall take away:

5. and the priest shall burn them upon the altar for an offering made by fire to Yahweh: it is a guilt offering.

6. Every male among the priests shall eat of it: it shall be eaten in the Holy Place: it is Most Holy.

7. As the sin offering is, so is the guilt offering: there is one law for them: the priest that makes propitiation with it shall have it.

8. And the priest that offers any man’s burnt offering, the priest shall have for himself the skin of the burnt offering which he has offered.

9. And all the grain offering that is baked in the oven, and all that is done in the frying pan 4802, and in the pan, shall be the priest’s that offers it.

10. And every grain offering mixed with oil, and dry 2720, shall all the sons of Aharon have, one as much as his brothers.

11. And this is the law of the sacrifice of well-being, which he shall offer unto Yahweh.

12. If he offers it for a thanksgiving 8426, then he shall offer with the sacrifice of thanksgiving unleavened cakes mixed with oil, of fine flour, fried 7426.

13. Besides the cakes, he shall offer for his offering leavened 2557 bread with the sacrifice of thanksgiving with his offering of well-being.

14. And of it he shall offer one out of the entire offering for a heave offering unto Yahweh, and it shall be the priest’s that sprinkles the blood of the offerings of well-being.

15. And the flesh of the sacrifice of his offering of well-being for thanksgiving shall be eaten the same day that it is offered; he shall not leave any of it until morning.

16. But if the sacrifice of his offering is a vow 5088 or a voluntary offering 5071, it shall be eaten the same day that he offers his sacrifice; and on the next day also the remainder of it shall be eaten:

17. but the remainder of the flesh of the sacrifice on the third day shall be burnt with fire.

18. And if any of the flesh of the sacrifice of well-being is eaten on the third day, it shall not be accepted 7521, neither shall it be accounted 2803 to him that offered it; it shall be an

offensive thing 6962, and the person that eats of it shall bear his iniquity.

19. And the flesh that touches any unclean thing shall not be eaten; it shall be burnt with fire: and as for the flesh, all that are clean shall eat of it.

20. But the person that eats of the sacrifice of well-being, that pertains to Yahweh, having his uncleaness upon him, that person shall be cut off 3772 from his people.

English 8

20. kol 3605 asher 834 yigga 5060 bib’sarah 1320 yig’dash 6942: waasher 834 yizzeh 5137 midamah 1818 al 5921 habeged 899, asher 834 yizzeh 5137 aleyha 5921 t’kabes 3526 b’maqom 4725 qadosh 6944.

21. Uk’liy 3627 cheres 2789 asher 834 t’bushal 1310 bo yishaber 7665: w’im 518 bik’liy 3627

n’chosheth 5178 bushalah 1310, umoraq 4838 w’shuttaph 7857 bamayim 4325.

22. kol 3605 zachar 2145 bakohaniym 3548 yochal 398 othah 853, qodesh 6944 qadashiym 6944 hiv 1931.

23. W’kol 3605 chattath 2403, asher 834 yuba 935 midamah 1818 el 413 ohel 168 moed 4150 l’kaper 3722 baqodesh 6944 lo 3808 teachel 398; baesh 784 tisareph 8313.

7 1. W’zoth 2063 torath 8451 haasham 817: qodesh 6944 qadashiym 6944 hu 1931.

2. Bim’qom 4725 asher 834 yish’chathu 7819 eth 853 haolah 5930 yish’chathu 7819 eth 853 haasham 817 w’eth 853 damo 1818 yiz’roch 2236 al 5921 hamiz’beach 4196 sabiyb 5439.

3. W’eth 853 kol 3605 chel’bo 2549 yaq’riyb 7126 mimennu 4480; eth 853 haal’yah 451, w’eth 853 hacheleb 2549 ham’kaseh 3680 eth 853 haqereb 7130.

4. W’eth 853 sh’tey 8147 hak’layoth 3629, w’eth 853 hacheleb 2549 asher 834 aleyhen 5921, asher 834

al 5921 hakesaliym 3689, w’eth 853 hayothereth 3508 al 5921 hakabed 3516, al 5921 hak’layoth 3629, y’siyrenna 5493.

5. W’hiq’tiyr 6999 otham 853 hakohen 3548 hamiz’bechah 4196 ishsheh 801 laYHWH; asham 817

hu 1931.

6. Kol 3605 zachar 2145 bakohaniym 3548 yoch’lenu 398 b’maqom 4725 qadosh 6918 yeachel 398

qodesh 6944 qadashiym 6944 hu 1931.

7. Kachatath 2403 kaasham 817 torah 8451 achath 259 lahem hakohen 3548 asher 834 y’kaper 3722 bo lo yih’yeh 1961.

8. W’hakohen 3548 hamaq’riyb 7126 eth 853 olath 5930 iysh 376, or 5785 haolah 5930 asher 834

hiq’riyb 7126 lakohen 3548 lo yih’yeh 1961.

9. W’kol 3605 min’chah 4503 asher 834 teapheh 644 batanur 8574, w’kol 3605 naasah 6213

mar’chesheth 4802, w’al 5921 machabath 4227, lakohen 3548 hamaq’riyb 7126 othah 853 lo tih’yeh 1961.

10. W’kol 3605 min’chah 4503, b’lulah 1101 bashemen 8081, wacharebah 2720, l’kol 3605 b’ney 1121

aharon 175 tih’yeh 1961, iysh 376 k’achiyv 251.

11. W’zoth 2063 torath 8451 zebach 2077 hash’lomiym 8002 asher 834 < b>yaq’riyb 7126 laYHWH:

12. Im 518 al 5921 todah 8426 yaq’riybenu 7126, w’hiq’riyb 7126 al 5921 zebach 2077 hatodah 8426

chaloth 2471 matsoth 4682 b’luloth 1101 bashemen 8081, ur’qiyqey 7550 matsoth 4682 m’shuchiym 4886 bashemen 8081, w’soleth 5560 mur’becheth 7246 chaloth 2471 b’luloth 1101 bashemen 8081.

13. Al 5921 chaloth 2471, lechem 3899 chomets 2557 yaq’riyb 7126 qor’bano 7133 al 5921 zebach 2077

todath 8426 sh’lomayv 8002.

14. W’hiq’riyb 7126 mimennu 4480 echad 259 mikol 3605 qor’ban 7133 t’rumah 8641 laYHWH,

lakohen 3541 hazoreq 2236 eth 853 dam 1818 hash’lomiym 8002 lo yih’yeh 1961.

15. Ub’sar 1320 zebach 2077 todath 8426 sh’lomayv 8002 b’yom 3117 qor’bano 7133 yeachel 398; lo 3808 yaniyach 5117 mimennu 4480 ad 5704 boqer 1242.

16. W’im 518 neder 5088 o 176 n’dabah 5071 zebach 2077 qor’bano 7133 b’yom 3117 haq’riybo 7126

eth 853 zib’chu 2077 yeachel 398 umimochorath 4283 w’hanothar 3498 mimennu 4480 yeachel 398.

17. W’hanothar 3498 mib’sar 1320 hazabach 2077 bayom 3117 hash’1iyshiy 7992 baesh 784

yisareph 8313.

18. W’im 518 heachol 398 yeachel 398 mib’sar 1320 zebach 2077 sh’lomayv 8002 bayom 3117

hash’liyshiy 7992, lo 3808 yeratseh 7541, hamaq’riyb 7126 otho 853 lo 3808 yechasheb 2803, lo 3808

piggul 6292 yih’yeh 1961 w’hanephesh 5315 haocheleth 398 mimennu 4480 awonah 5771 tisa 5375.

19. W’habasar 1320 asher 834 yiga 5060 b’kol 3605 tame 2931 lo 3808 yeachel 398; baesh 784

yisareph 8313: w’habasar 1320 kol 3605 tahor 2889 yochal 389 basar 1320.

20. W’hanephesh 5315 asher 834 tochal 398 basar 1320 miz’bach 2077 hash’lomiym 8002

asher 834 laYHWH, w’tum’atho 2932 alayv 5921, w’nik’r’thah 3772 hanephesh 5315 hahiv 1931 meameyha 5971.

Hebrew 8

21. Moreover, the person that touches any unclean thing, the uncleaness of adam, or unclean

beast 929, or any abominable 8263 unclean thing, and eats of the flesh of the sacrifice of well-being, which pertains to Yahweh, that person shall be cut off from his people.”

22. And spoke Yahweh to Mosheh, saying,

23. “Speak to the children of Yisrael, saying, ‘You shall eat no manner of fat 2459, of ox 7794, or of sheep 3775, or of goat 5795.

24. And the fat of a carcass of a beast 5038, and the fat of that which is torn by beasts 2966, may be used in any other use 4399: but you shall in no way eat of it.

25. For whoever eats the fat of the beast which men offer as an offering made by fire to Yahweh, that person that eats of it shall be cut off from his people.

26. Moreover you shall eat no manner of blood, of bird 5775 or of beast, in any of your dwellings.

27. Whatever person that eats any manner of blood, that person shall be cut off from his people.'”

28. And spoke Yahweh to Mosheh, saying,

29. “Speak to the children of Yisrael, saying, ‘He that offers a sacrifice of well-being to Yahweh shall bring his offering to Yahweh of his sacrifice of well-being.

30. His own hands shall bring the offerings made by fire to Yahweh, the fat with the breast, he shall bring it, so that the breast may be waved 5130 for a wave-offering 8573 before Yahweh.

31. And the priest shall burn the fat upon the altar: but the breast shall be Aharon’s and his sons’.

32. And the right shoulder 7785 you shall give to the priest for a heave-offering 8641 of the sacrifices of your offerings of well-being.

33. He among the sons of Aharon that offers the blood of the offerings of well-being, and the fat, shall have the right shoulder for his part.

34. Because the wave-breast and the heave-shoulder have I taken of the children of Yisrael from off their sacrifices of well-being, and have given them to Aharon the priest and unto his sons by a statute forever from among the children of Yisrael.

35. This is the portion of the annointing of Aharon, and the annointing of his sons, out of the offerings made by fire unto Yahweh, in the day when he presented 7126 them to minister to Yahweh in the priest’s office;

36. which Yahweh commanded to be given them of the children of Yisrael,in the day that He annointed them, a statute forever throughout their generations.

37. This is the law of the burnt offering, of the grain offering, and of the sin offering, and of the consecrations 4394, and of the sacrifice of the offerings of well-being;

38. which Yahweh commanded Mosheh in Mount Siynay 5514, in the day that He commanded the children of Yisrael to offer their offerings unto Yahweh, in the wilderness of Siynay.”

Chapter 7 Notes – Chapter 7 has several food laws that are still current. We are still not to eat blood from any animal, nor the fat from the clean animals that could be used for sacrifice to Yahweh. The sacrificial portion for sin remission has been fulfilled, and no longer applies. The word translated ?forever’ is used a lot. It is 5769, and a more literal translation is ?for a very long time’, not exactly ‘forever’. When Yahshuah Messiah removed the priesthood from the Lewiyyim, he gave it to the order of Malqiy-Tsedeq, thus ending this statute because of the corruption of the priesthood. Verses 26, 27 – Gen.9:4; Lev.17:10-14; 19:26; Deut.12:16, 23; 15:23

8 1. And spoke Yahweh to Mosheh, saying:

2. “Take Aharon, and his sons with him, and the garments, and the oil of annointing, and a young bull for the sin offering, and two rams, and a basket of matstsoth;

3. and gather all the congregation together unto the door of the Tent of Meeting.”

English 9

21. W’nephesh 3515 kiy 3588 tiga 5060 b’kol 3605 tame 2931, b’tum’ath 2932 adam 120, o 176 bib’hemah 929 t’meah 2931, o 176 b’kol 3605 sheqets 8263 tame 2931, w’achal 398 mib’sar 1320 zebach 2077 hash’lomiyn 8002, asher 834 laYHWH, w’nik’r’thah 3772 hanephesh 5315

hahiv 1931 meameyha 5971.”

22. Way’daber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872, lemor 559.

23. “Daber 1696 el 413 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478, lemor 559, ‘Kol 3605 cheleb 2549 shor 7794, w’keseb 3775, waez 5795, lo 3808 tochelu 398.

24. W’cheleb 2549 n’belah 5038, w’cheleb 2549 t’rephah 2966, yeaseh 6213 l’kol 3605

m’lachah 4399, w’achol 398 lo 3808 toch’luhu 398.

25. Kiy 3588 kol 3605 ochel 398 cheleb 2549 min 4480 hab’hemah 929 asher 834 yaq’riyb 7126 mimennah 4480 ishsheh 801 laYHWH, w’nik’r’thah 3772 hanephesh 5315 haocheleth 398

meameyha 5971.

26. W’kol 3605 dam 1818 lo 3808 toch’lu 398 b’kol 3605 mish’botheychem 4186, laoph 5775, w’lab’hemah 929.

27. Kol 3605 nephesh 5315 asher 834 tochal 398 kol 3605 dam 1818, w’nik’r’thah 3772

hanephesh 5315 hahiv 1931 meameyha 5971.”

28. Way’daber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872, lemor 559,

29. “Daber 1696 el 413 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478, lemor 559, ‘Hamaq’riyb 7126 eth 853

zebach 2077 sh’1omiym 8002 laYHWH yabiy 935 eth 853 qor’bano 7133 laYHWH

mizebach 2077 sh’lomayv 8002:

30. Yadayv 3027 t’biyenah 935 eth 853 ishsheh 801 YHWH, eth 853 hacheleb 2549 al 5921

hechazeh 2373, y’biyenu 935, eth 853 hechazeh 2373 l’haniyph 5130 otho 853 t’nuphah 8573

lip’ney 6440 YHWH.

31. W’hiq’tiyr 6999 hakohen 3548 eth 853 hacheleb 2549 hamiz’bechah 4196: w’hayah 1961 hachazeh 2373 l’aharon 175 ul’banayv 1121.

32. W’eth 853 shoq 7785 hayamiyn 3225 tit’nu 5414 t’rumah 8641 lakohen 3548 mizib’chey 2077 shal’meychem 8002.

33. Hamaq’riyb eth 853 dam 1818 hash’lomiym 8002, w’eth 853 hacheleb 2549, mib’ney 1121

aharon 175 lo tih’yeh 1961 shoq 7785 hayamiyn 3225 l’manah 4440.

34. Kiy 3588 eth 853 chazeh 2373 hat’nuphah 8573 w’eth 853 shoq 7785 hat’rumah 8641

laqach’tiy 3947 meeth 854 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478 mizib’chey 2077 shal’meyhem 8002, waeten 5414 otham 853 l’aharon 175 hakohen 3548 ul’banayv 1121 l’chaq 2706 olam 5769 meeth 854 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478.

35. Zoth 2063 mish’chath 4888 aharon 175, umish’chath 4888 banayv 1121, meishshey 801 YHWH, b’yom 3117 hiq’riyb 7126 otham 853 l’kahen 3547 laYHWH;

36. asher 834 tsiwwah 6680 YHWH lateth 5414 lahem b’yom 3117 mash’cho 4886 otham 853

meeth 854 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478, chuqath 2708 olam 5769 l’dorotham 1755.

37. Zoth 2063 hatorah 8451 laolah 5930, lamin’chah 4503, w’lachattath 2403, ulaasham 817, w’lamiluiym 4394, ul’zebach 2077 hash’lomiym 8002;

38. asher 834 tsiwwah 6680 YHWH eth 853 mosheh 4872 b’har 2022 siynay 5514, b’yom 3117 tsawwatho 6680 eth 853 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478 l’haq’riyb 7126 eth 853 qor’b’neyhem 7133 laYHWH, b’mid’bar 4057 siynay 5514.”

8 1. Way’daber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872, lemor 559,

2. “Qach 3947 eth 853 aharon 175 w’eth 853 banayv 1121 itto 854, w’eth 853 hab’gadiym 899,

w’eth 853 shemen 8081 hamish’chah 4888, w’eth 853 par 6499 hachattath 2403, w’eth 853

sh’ney 8147 haeyliym 352, w’eth 853 sal 5536 hamatsoth 4682;

3. w’eth 853 kol 3605 haedah 5712 haq’hel 6950 el 413 pethach 6607 ohel 168 moed 4150.

Hebrew 9

4. And did Mosheh as Yahweh commanded him: and the assembly was gathered together unto the door of the Tent of Meeting.

5. And said Mosheh to the congregation, “This is the thing which Yahweh commanded to be done.”

6. And Mosheh brought Aharon and his sons, and washed them with water.

7. And he put upon him the garment, and girded 2296 him with the sash 73, and clothed him with the robe 4598, and put the ephod upon him, and he girded him with the woven waistband 2805 of the ephod, and bound it to him with it.

8. And he put the breastplate 2833 upon him: also he put in the breastplate the Uriym 224 and the Tummiym 8550.

9. And he put the turban 4701 upon his head; also upon the turban, upon his forehead, did he put the golden plate, the Holy Crown 5145; as Yahweh commanded Mosheh.

10. And took Mosheh the oil of annointing, and annointed the tabernacle 4908 and all that was in it, and set them apart.

11. And he sprinkled of it seven times upon the altar, and annointed the altar and all its vessels 3627, both the laver 3595 and its stand 3653, to set them apart.

12. And he
poured of the oil of annointing upon the head of Aharon, and annointed him to set him apart.

13. And brought Mosheh Aharon’s sons, and put garments upon them, and girded them with sashes, and put turbans 4021 upon them; as Yahweh had commanded Mosheh.

14. And brought he the young bull for the sin offering: and Aharon and his sons laid their hands upon the head of the young bull for the sin offering.

15. And he slaughtered it; and Mosheh took the blood, and put it upon the horns of the altar round about with his finger, and purified 2398 the altar, and poured the blood at the base of the altar, and set

it apart, to make propitiation upon it.

16. And he took all the fat that was upon the inner organs, and the lobes above the liver, and the two kidneys, and their fat, and Mosheh burned it upon the altar.

17. But the young bull, and its hide, its flesh, and its dung, he burned with fire outside the camp; as Yahweh commanded Mosheh.

18. And he brought the ram for the burnt offering: and Aharon and his sons laid their hands upon the head of the ram.

19. And he slaughtered it; and Mosheh sprinkled the blood upon the altar round about.

20. And he cut the ram into pieces; and Mosheh burnt the head and the pieces, and the fat.

21. And he washed the inner organs and the legs in water; and Mosheh burnt the whole ram upon the altar: it was a burnt offering for a pleasing odor, an offering made by fire unto Yahweh, as Yahweh comanded Mosheh.

22. And he brought the other ram, the ram of consecration: and Aharon and his sons laid their hands upon the head of the ram.

23. And he slaughtered it; and Mosheh took of the blood of it, and put it upon the tip 8571 of Aharon’s right ear, and upon the thumb 931 of his right hand, and upon the great toe 931 of his right foot.

24. And he brought Aharon’s sons, and Mosheh put of the blood upon the tip of their right ear, and upon the thumbs of their right hand, and upon the great toes of their right feet: and Mosheh sprinkled the blood upon the altar round about.

25. And he took the fat, and the rump, and all the fat that was upon the inner organs, and the lobes above the liver, and the two kidneys, and their fat, and the right shoulder:

26. And from the basket of matstsoth, that was before Yahweh, and he took one matsah, and a cake of oiled bread, and one wafer, and put them upon the fat, and upon the right shoulder:

27. and he put all upon Aharon’s hands, and upon his sons’ hands, and waved them for a wave offering before Yahweh.

28. And Mosheh took them from upon their hands, and burnt them upon the altar upon the burnt offering: they were set apart for a pleasing odor: it was an offering made by fire unto Yahweh.

English 10

4. Wayaas 6213 mosheh 4872 kaasher 834 tsiwwah 6680 YHWH otho 853: watiqahel 6950 haedah 5712 el 413

pethach 6607 ohel 168 moed 4150,

5, wayomer 559 mosheh 4872 el 413 haedah 5712, “Zeh 2088 hadabar 1697 asher 834 tsiwwah 6680 YHWH

laasoth 6213.

6. Wayaq’reb 7126 mosheh 4872 eth 853 aharon 175 w’eth 853 banayv 1121, wayir’chats 7364 otham 853 bamayim 4325.

7. Wayitten 5414 alayv 5921 eth 853 hakutoneth 3801, wayach’gor 2296 otho 853 baab’net 73, wayal’besh 3847 otho 853 eth 853 ham’iyl 4598, wayitten 5414 alayv 5921 eth 853 haephod 646, wayach’gor 2296 otho 853 b’chesheb 2805

haephod 646, waye’phoad 640 lo bo.

8. Wayasem 7760 alayv 5921 eth 853 hachoshen 2833 wayitten 5414 el 413 hachoshen 2833 eth 853 hauriym 224

w’eth 853 hatummiym 8550.

9. Wayasem 7760 eth 853 hamits’nepheth 4701 al 5921 rosho 7218, wayasem 7760 al 5921 hamits’nepheth 4701 el 413 mul 4136, panayv 6440 eth 853 tsiyts 6731 hazahab 2091, nezer 5145 haqodesh 6944; kaasher 834 tsiwwah 6680 YHWH eth 853 mosheh 4872.

10. Wayiqach 3947 mosheh 4872 eth 853 shemen 8081 hamish’chah 4888, wayim’shach 4886 eth 853 hamish’kan 4908 w’eth 853 kol 3605 asher 834 bo way’qadesh 6942 otham 853.

11. Wayaz 5137 mimennu 4480 al 5921 hamiz’beach 4196 sheba 7651 p’amiym 6471, wayim’shach 4886 eth 853 hamiz’beach 4196 w’eth 853 kol 3605 kelayv 3627, w’eth 853 hakiyyor 3595 w’eth 853 kanno 3653, l’qad’sham 6942.

12. Wayitsoq 3332 mishemen 8081 hamish’chah 4888 al 5921 rosh 7218 aharon 175, wayim’shach 4886 otho 853, l’qad’sho 6942.

13. Wayaq’reb 7126 mosheh 4872 eth 853 b’ney 1121 aharon 175, wayal’bishem 3847 kutanoth 3801, wayach’gor 2296 otham 853 ab’net 73, wayachabosh 2280 lahem mig’baoth 4021: kaasher 834 tsiwwah 6680 YHWH eth 853 mosheh 4872.

14. Wayagesh 5066 eth 853 par 6499 hachattath 2403: wayis’moq 5564 aharon 175 ubanayv 1121 eth 853 yedeyhem 3027 al 5921 rosh 7218 par 6499 hachattath 2403.

15. Wayish’chat 7819; wayiqqach 3947 mosheh 4872 eth 853 hadam 1818, wayitten 5414 al 5921 qar’noth 7161 hamiz’beach 4196 sabiyb 5439 b’ets’bao 676, w’chatte 2398 eth 853 hamiz’beach 4196, w’eth 853 hadam 1818 yatsaq 3332 el 413 y’sod 3427 hamiz’beach 4196, way’qad’shehu 6942, l’kaper 3722 alayv 5921.

16. Wayiqqach 3947 eth 853 kol 3605 hacheleb 2549 asher 834 al 5921 haqereb 7130, w’eth 853 yothereth 3508 hakabed 3516, w’eth 853 sh’tey 8147 hak’layoth 3629, w’eth 853 chel’b’hen 2549, wayaq’ter 6999 mosheh 4872 hamiz’beach 4196.

17. W’eth 853 hapar 6499, w’eth 853 oro 5785, w’eth 853 b’saro 1320, w’eth 853 pir’sho 6569, saraph 8318 baesh 784 michuts 2351 lamachaneh 4264; kaasher 834 tsiwwah 6680 YHWH eth 853 mosheh 4872.

18. Wayaq’reb 7126 eth 853 eyl 352 haolah 5930: wayis’m’chu 5564 aharon 175 ubanayv 1121 eth 853 y’deyhem 3027

al 5921 rosh 7218 haayil 352.

19. Wayish’chat 7819 wayiz’roq 2236 mosheh 4872 eth 853 hadam 1818 al 5921 hamiz’beach 4196 sabiyb 5439.

20. W’eth 853 haayil 352 nittach 5408 lin’tachayv 5409 wayaq’ter 6999 mosheh 4872, harosh 7218, w’eth 853

han’tachiym 5409, w’eth 853 hapader 6309;

21. w’eth 853 haqereb 7130 w’eth 3767 hak’raayim 3767 rachats 7364 bamayim 4325: wayaq’ter 6999 mosheh 4872

eth 853 kol 3605 haayil 352 hamiz’bechah 4196: olah 5930 hu 1931 l’reyach 7381 niychoach 5207 ishsheh 801 laYHWH, kaasher 834 tsiwwah 6680 YHWH eth 853 mosheh 4872.

22.Wayaq’reb 7130 eth 853 haayil 352 hasheniy 8145, eyl 352 hamiluiym 4394: wayis’m’chu 5564 aharon 175

ubanayv 1121 eth 853 y’deyhem 3027 al 5921 rosh 7218 haayil 352.

23. Wayish’chat 7819 wayiqach 3947 mosheh 4872 midamo 1818 wayitten 5414 al 5921 t’nuch 8571 ozen 241 aharon 175 hay’maniyth 3233, w’al 5921 bohen 931 yado 3027 hay’maniyth 3233, w’al 5921 bohen 931 rag’lo 7272 hay’maniyth 3233.

24. Wayaq’reb 7130 eth 853 b’ney 1121 aharon 175, wayitten 5414 mosheh 4872 min 4480 hadam 1818 al 5921

t’nuch 8571 az’nam 241 hay’maniym 3233 w’al 5921 bohen 931 yadam 3027 hay’maniyth 3233,

w’al 5921 bohen 931 rag’lam 7272 hay’maniyth 3233; wayiz’roq 2236 mosheh 4872 eth 853 hadam 1818 al 5921 hamiz’beach 4196 sabiyb 5439.

25. Wayiqach 3947 eth 853 hacheleb 2549, w’eth 853 haal’yah 451 w’eth 853 kol 3605 hacheleb 2549 asher 834

al 5921 haqereb 7130, w’eth 853 yothereth 3508 hakabed 3516, w’eth 853 sh’tey 8147 hak’layoth 3629, w’eth 853

chel’b’hen 2549, w’eth 853 shoq 7785 hayamiym 3225.

26. Umissal 5536 hamatsoth 4682, asher 834 lip’ney 6440 YHWH, laqach 3947 chalath 2471 matsoh 4682 achath 259 w’chalath 2471 lechem 3899 shemen 8081 achath 259, w’raqiyq 7550 echad 259, wayasem 7760 al 5921 hachaliym 2549, w’al 5921 shoq 7785 hayamiym 3225.

27. Wayitten 5414 eth 853 hakol 3605 al 5921 kapey 3709 aharon 175, w’al 5921 kapey 3709 banayv 1121,

wayyaneph 5130 otham 853 t’nuphah 8573 lip’ney 6440 YHWH.

28. Wayiqach 3947 mosheh 4872 otham 853 meal 5921 kapeyhem 3709, wayaq’ter 6999 hamiz’bechah 4196 al 5921 haolah 5930 miluiym 4394 hem 1992 l’reyach 7381 niychoach 5207: ishsheh 801 hu 1931 laYHWH.

Hebrew 10

29. And Mosheh took the breast, and waved it for a wave offering before Yahweh: for the ram of

set-apartness, it was Mosheh’s part; as Yahweh commanded Mosheh.

30. And Mosheh took of the oil of annointing, and of the blood which was upon the altar, and sprinkled it upon Aharon, and upon his garments, and upon his sons, and upon his sons’ garments with him; and set-apart Aharon and his garments, and his sons, and his sons’ garments with him.

31. And said Mosheh to Aharon, and to his sons, “Boil the flesh at the door of the Tent of Meeting: and there eat it with the bread that is in the basket of set-apartness, as I commanded, saying, ‘Aharon and his sons shall eat it.’

32. And that which remains of the flesh and of the bread you shall burn with fire.

33. And you shall not go out of the door of the Tent of Meeting for seven days, until the days of your set-apartness are at an end: for seven days He shall set you apart.

34. As He has done this day, so Yahweh has commanded to be done, to make propitiation for you.

35. Therefore you shall abide at the door of the Tent of Meeting day and night for seven days, and keep 8104 the charge 4931 of Yahweh, so that you shall not die: for so I am commanded.”

36. So Aharon and his sons did all the things which Yahweh comanded by the hand of Mosheh.

Notes This chapter is about the setting-apart (consecration) of Aharon and sons for the service to Yahweh. I used consecration in verse 22 for the ram, set-apartness in verse 29, to show the true meaning of the word. Another word that is misused in the KJV and others is ?atonement’. Atonement has the connotation of permanence, and the Hebrew word means ‘propitiation’, as a covering-over or ?hiding’ of the sin. The animal sacrifices ‘covered’ the peoples sins, and the blood sacrifice of the Messiah ‘covered’ our sins. The difference is, animal blood needed to be shed yearly, as it was an inferior sacrifice. Yahshua Messiah’s blood was pure, and sinless, therefore perfect. Only that sacrifice needed to be done one time. Propitiation has been made for those that believe in Yahweh, and the

truth of His Messiah. With acceptance of that eternal truth, Yisrael may be free from all the vast ritual of the sacrificial laws, and redemption is at hand. All the references to the right side ears, fingers, toes; have to do with the symbolic side of power, and righteousness. Always when the number seven is used in any ritual, it is because it is a Holy number – seven ‘days’ of creation, Shabbath on the seventh day, seven days required in this chapter for the rite of set-apartness. See the pattern? The number seven is used all through scripture in this manner. Verse 33 – Yashar (Jasher) 83:2

9 1. And it came to be on the eighth 8066 day, that Mosheh called Aharon and his sons, and the elders of Yisrael;

2. and he said to Aharon, “Take a young bull calf for a sin offering, and a ram without blemish, and bring them before Yahweh.

3. And to the children of Yisrael you shall speak, saying, ‘Take you a male of the goats for a sin offering; and a young bull calf, and a male lamb, both of the first year, without blemish, for a burnt offering;

4. also a bull and a ram for offerings of well-being, to sacrifice before Yahweh; and a grain offering mixed with oil: because Yahweh will appear to you today.'”

5. And they brought that which Mosheh commanded before the Tent of Meeting: and all the congregation drew near, and stood before the presence of Yahweh.

6. And Mosheh said, “This is the thing which Yahweh commanded that you should do: and the Glory of Yahweh shall appear unto you.”

7. And Mosheh said to Aharon, “Go to the altar, and offer your sin offering, and your burnt offering, and make propitiation for yourself, and for the people: and slaughter the offering of the people, and make propitiation for them; as Yahweh commanded.”

English 11

29. Wayiqach 3947 mosheh 4872 eth 853 hechazeh 2373, way’niyphehu 5130 t’nuphah 6440

lip’ney 6440 YHWH meeyl 352 hamluiym 4394 l’mosheh 4872 hayah 1961 l’manah 4490 kaasher 834 tsiwwah 6680 YHWH eth 853 mosheh 4872.

30. Wayiqach 3947 mosheh 4872 mishemen 8081 hamish’chah 4888, umin 4480 hadam 1818

asher 834 al 5921 hamiz’beach 4196, wayaz 5137 al 5921 aharon 175, al 5921 b’gadayv 899, w’al 5921 banayv 1121, w’al 5921 big’dey 899 banayv 1121 itto 854, way’qadesh 6942 eth 853 aharon 175

eth 853 b’gadayv 899, w’eth 853 banayv 853, w’eth 853 big’dey 899 banayv 1121 itto 854.

31. Wayomer 559 mosheh 4872 el 413 aharon 175 w’el 413 banayv 1121: “Bash’lu 1310 eth 853 habasar 1320 pethach 6607 ohel 168 moed 4150: w’sham 8033 tochelu 398 otho 853 w’eth 853 halechem 3899 asher 834 b’sal 5536 hamiluiym 4394, kaasher 834 tsiwwiythiy 6680, lemor

‘Aharon 175 ubanayv 1121 yoch’luhu 398.’

32. W’hanothar 3498 babasar 1320 ubalachem 3899 baesh 784 tis’rophu 8313.

33. Umipethach 6607 ohel 168 moed 4150 lo 3808 thets’u 3318 shib’ath 7651 yomiym 3117, ad 5704 yom 3117 m’loth 4394 y’mey 3117 milueychem 4394 kiy 3588 shib’ath 7651 yomiym 3117

y’malle 4390 eth 853 yed’chem 3027.

34. Kaasher 834 asah 6213 bayom 3117 hazeh 2088, tsiwwah 6680 YHWH laasoth 6213 l’kaper 3722 aleychem 5921.

35. Upethach 6607 ohel 168 moed 4150 tesh’bu 3427 yomam 3119 walay’lah 3915 shib’ath 7651 yomiym 3117, ush’mar’tem 8104 eth 853 mish’mereth 4931 YHWH w’lo 3808 tamuthu 4191 kiy 3588 ken 3651 tsuwweythiy 6680.”

36. Wayaas 6213 aharon 175 ubanayv 1121 eth kol had’bariym asher 834 tsiwwah 6680 YHWH

b’yad 3027 mosheh 4872.






9 1. Way’hiy 1961 bayom 3117 hash’miyniy 8066, qara 7121 mosheh 4872 l’aharon 175

ul’banayv 1121, ul’ziq’ney 2205 yis’rael 3478.

2. Wayomer 559 el 413 aharon 175, “Qach 3947 l’cha egel 5695 ben 1121 baqar 1241 l’chatath 2403, w’ayil 352 l’olah 5930 t’miymiy 8549 w’haq’reb 7130 lip’ney 6440 YHWH.

3. W’el 413 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478 t’daber , lemor 559, ‘Q’chu 3947 s’iyr 8163 iziym 5795

l’chattath 2403; w’egel 5695 wakebes 3532 b’ney 1121 shanah 8141, t’miymiy 8549 l’olah 5930;

4.w’shor 7794 waayil 352 lish’lomiym 8002, liz’boach 2076 lip’ney 6440 YHWH; umin’chah 4503 b’lulah 1101 bashemen 8081: kiy 3588 hayom 3117 YHWH nir’ah 7200 aleychem 413.”

5. Wayiq’chu 3947 eth 853 asher 834 tsiwwah 6680 mosheh 4872 el 413 p’ney 6440 ohel 168

moed 4150: wayiq’r’bo 7126 kol 3605 haedah 5712 wayaam’du 5975 lip’ney 6440 YHWH.

6. Wayomer 559 mosheh 4872, “Zeh 2088 hadabar 1697 asher 834 tsiwwah 6680 YHWH

taaseh 6213: w’yara 7200 aleychem 413 k’bod 3519 YHWH.”

7. Wayomer 559 mosheh 4872 el 413 aharon 175, “Q’reb 7126 el 413 hamiz’beach 4196, waaseh 6213 eth 853 chattath’cha 2403, w’eth 853 olathecha 853, w’kaper 3722 baad’cha 1157 ub’ad 1157

haam 5971: waaseh 6213 eth 853 qor’ban 7133 haam 5971 w’kaper 3722 baadam 120, kaasher 834 tsiwwah 6680 YHWH.

Hebrew 11

8. Aharon therefore went to the altar, and slaughtered the calf of the sin offering, which was for himself.

9. And the sons of Aharon brought the blood to him: and he dipped his finger in the blood, and put it on the horns of the altar, and poured out the blood at the base of the altar:

10. but the fat and the kidneys, and the lobes above the liver of the sin offering, he burnt upon the altar, as Yahweh commanded Mosheh.

11. And the flesh and the hide he burnt with fire outside of the camp.

12. And he slaughtered the burnt offering; and Aharon’s sons presented the blood to him, which he sprinkled round about upon the altar.

13. And they presented to him the burnt offering, with the pieces of it, and the head, and he burnt them

upon the altar.

14. And he washed the inner organs and the legs, and burnt them upon the burnt offering on the altar.

15. And he brought the people’s offering, and took the goat, which was the sin offering for the people, and slaughtered it, and offered it for sin, as the first.

16. And he brought the burnt offering, and offered it according to the proper manner.

17. And he brought the grain offering, and took a handful of it, and burnt it upon the altar, beside the burnt offering of the morning.

18. He also slaughtered the bull and the ram for a sacrifice of well-being, which was for the people: and Aharon’s sons presented the blood to him, which he sprinkled upon the altar round about.

19. And the fat of the bull, and of the ram, the rump, it and that which covers the internal organs, and the kidneys, and the lobes above the liver:

20. and they put the fat upon the breasts, and he burnt the fat upon the altar:

21. and the breasts and the right shoulder Aharon waved for a wave offering before Yahweh; as Mosheh commanded.

22. And Aharon lifted up his hand toward the people, and blessed them, and came down from offering of the sin offering, and the burnt offering, and offerings of well-being.

23. And Mosheh and Aharon went into the Tent of Meeting, and came out, and blessed the people: and the Glory of Yahweh appeared unto all the people.

24. And there came a fire out from the presence of Yahweh, and consumed upon the altar the burnt offering and the fat: and when all the people saw, they shouted for joy 7442 and fell 5307 on their faces.

Chapter 9 Notes – These were the initial sanctification sacrifices, and have been fulfilled.

Verse 7 – Hebrews 7:27; Verse 18 – Lev. 3:1-11; Verse 22 – Num. 6:22-26; Verse 24 – 5307 as

“prostrated themselves”.

10 1. And Nadab 5070 and Abiyhu 30, the sons of Aharon, took each man his censer 4289 and put fire in it, and put incense 7004 on it, and offered strange 2114 fire in the presence of Yahweh, which He did not command them to do.

2. And there went out fire from the presence of Yahweh, and consumed them, and they died in the presence of Yahweh.

3. Then Mosheh said to Aharon, “This is that which Yahweh spoke, saying, ‘I will be set-apart to all that come near Me, and before all people I will be honored‘” and Aharon refrained from speaking 1826.

4. And Mosheh called Miyshael 4332 and Eltsaphan 469, the sons of Uzziyel 5816, the uncle 1730 of Aharon, and said to them, “Come near, carry your kinsmen from before the sanctuary out of the camp.”

5. So they went near, and carried them in their long garments out of the camp; as Mosheh had said.

English 12

8. Wayiq’rab 7126 aharon 175 el 413 hamiz’beach 4196 wayish’chat 7819 eth 853 egel 5695 hachattath 2403, asher 834 lo.

9. Wayaq’ribu 7126 b’ney 1121 aharon 175 eth 853 hadam 1818 elayv 413: wayit’bol 2881 ets’bao 676

badam 1818, wayitten 5414 al 5921 qar’noth 7161 hamiz’beach 4196, w’eth 853 hadam 1818 yatsaq 3332 el 413 y’sod 3427 hamiz’beach 4196.

10. w’eth 853 hacheleb 2549, w’eth 853 hak’layoth 3629, w’eth 853 hayothereth 3508 min 4480 hakabed 3516 min 4480 hachattath 2403 hiq’tiyr 6999 hamiz’bechah 4196 kaasher 834 tsiwwah 6680 YHWH eth 853

mosheh 4872.

11. w’eth 853 habasar 1320, w’eth 853 haor 5785 saraph 8313 baesh 784 michuts 2351 lamachaneh 4264.

12. Wayish’chat 7819 eth 853 haolah 5930; wayam’tsiu 4672 b’ney 1121 aharon 175 elayv 413 eth 853

hadam 1818, wawiz’r’qehu 2236 al 5921 hamiz’beach 4196 sabiyb 5439.

13. w’eth 853 haolah 5930 him’tsiyu 4672 elayv 413, lin’tacheyha 5409, w’eth 853 harosh 7218: wayaq’ter 6999 al 5921 hamiz’beach 4196.

14. Wayir’chats 7364 eth 853 haqereb 7130, w’eth 853 hak’raayim 3767, wayaq’ter 6999 al 5921 haolah 5930 hamiz’bechah 4196.

15. Wayaq’reb 7126 eth 853 qor’ban 7133 haam 5971, wayiqach 3947 eth 853 s’iyr 8163, hachattath 2403

asher 834 laam 5971, wayish’chatehu 7819 way’chatt’ehu 2398, karishon 7223.

16. Wayaq’reb 7126 eth 853 haolah 5930 wayaaseha 6213 kamish’pat 4941.

17. Wayaq’reb 7126 eth 853 hamin’cha 4503, way’malle 4390 kapo 3709 mimennu 4480, wayaq’ter 6999

al 5921 hamiz’beach 4196, mil’bad 905 olath 5930 haboqer 1242.

18. Wayish’chat 7819 eth 853 hashor 7794, w’eth 853 haayil 352 zebach 2077 hash’lomiym 8002, asher 834 laam 5971, wayam’tsiu 4672 b’ney 1121 aharon 175 eth 853 hadam 1818 elayv 413, wayiz’r’qehu 2236 al 5921 haimiz’beach 4196 sabiyb 5439.

19. w’eth 853 hachelabiym 2549 min 4480 hashor 7794 umin 4480 haayil 352, haaleyah 451,

w’ham’chasseh 4374 w’hak’layoth 3629, w’yothereth 3508 hakabed 3516.

20. Wayasiymu 7760 eth 853 hachelabiym 2549 al 5921 hechazoth 2373, wayaq’ter 6999 hachelabiym 2549 hamiz’bechah 4196.

21. w’eth 853 hechazoth 2373 w’eth 853 shoq 7785 hayamiym 3225 heniyph 5130 aharon 175 t’nuphah 8573 lip’ney 6440 YHWH; kaasher 834 tsiwwah 6680 mosheh 4872.

22. Wayissa 5375 aharon 175 eth 853 yadayv 3027 el 413 haam 5971, way’bar’chem 1288, wayerech 3381 measoth 6213 hachattath 2403 w’haolah 5930 w’hash’lomiym 8002.

23. Wayabo 935 mosheh 4872 w’aharon 175 el 413 ohel 168 moed 4150, wayets’u 3318, way’barachu 1288

eth 853 haam 5971: wayera 7200 k’bod 3519 YHWH el 413 kol 3605 haam 5971.

24. Watetse 3318 esh 784 milip’ney 6440 YHWH watochal 398 al 5921 hamiz’beach 4196 eth 853 haolah 5930 w’eth 853 hachelabiym 2549 wayar’ 7200 kol 3605 haam 5971, wayaronnu 7442, wayip’lu 5307 al 5921 p’neyhem 6440.

10 1. Wayiq’hu 3947 b’ney 1121 aharon 175 nadab 5070 waabiyhu 30, iysh 376 mach’tatho 4289, wayit’nu 5414 bahen 2004 esh 784, wayasiymu 7760 aleyha 5921 q’toreth 7004 wayaq’riybu 7126 lip’ney 7126 YHWH esh 784 zarach 2114 asher 834 lo 3808 tsiwwah 6680 otham 853.

2. Watetse 3318 esh 784 milip’ney 6440 YHWH watochal 398 otham 853 wayamuthu 4191 lip’ney 6440 YHWH.

3. Wayomer 559 mosheh 4872 el 413 aharon 175, “Hu 1931 asher 834 diber 1696 YHWH, lemor 559, ‘Biq’robay 7138 eqadesh 6972, w’al 5921 p’ney 6440 kol 3605 haam 5971 ekabed 3513.’ ” Wayidom 1826 aharon 175.

4. Wayiq’ra 7121 mosheh 4872 el 413 miyshael 4332 w’el 413 el’tsaphan 469, b’ney 1121 uzziyel 5816

dor 1730 aharon 175, wayomer 559 alehem 413, “Qir’bu 7126, s’u 5375 eth 853 acheychem 251 meeth 854

p’ney 6440 haqodesh 6944 el 413 michuts 2351 lamachaneh 4264.”

5. Wayiq’r’bu 7126 wayisaum 5375 b’kutanotham 3801 el 413 michuts 2351 lamachaneh 4264; kaasher 834 diber 1696 mosheh 4872.

Hebrew 12

6. And Mosheh said to Aharon, and to Elazar 499 and to Iythamar 385, his sons, “Do not

uncover 6544 your heads, nor rend 6533 your clothes; lest you die, and lest wrath 7107 come upon all the congregation: but let your kinsmen, the whole House of Yisrael, bewail 1058 the burning 8316 which Yahweh has kindled 8313.

7. And you shall not go forth from the door of the Tent of Meeting, lest you die: because the oil of annointing of Yahweh is upon you.” And they did according to the word of Mosheh.

8. And spoke Yahweh to Aharon, saying,

9. “Do not drink wine 3196 nor strong drink 7941, you, nor your sons with you, when you go into the Tent of Meeting, lest you die: it is a statute forever throughout your posterity:

10. And so that you may separate 914 between the set-apart 6944 and common 2455, and between unclean 2931 and clean 2889;

11. And so that you may teach the children of Yisrael all the statutes which Yahweh has spoken to them by the hand of Mosheh.”

12. And spoke Mosheh to Aharon, to Elazar, and to Iythamar, his sons that were left 3498, “Take the grain offering that remains of the offering made by fire to Yahweh, and eat it without leaven besides the altar: because it is Most Holy:

13. and you shall eat it in the set-apart place, because it is your due portion of the offering made by fire to Yahweh: for so I am commanded.

14. And the wave breast and heave shoulder you shall eat in a clean 2889 place; you, and your sons, and your daughters with you: for they are your due portion, and your sons? due portion, which are given from the sacrifices of well-being of the children of Yisrael.

15. The heave shoulder, and the wave breast, they shall bring with the offering made by fire of the fat, to wave it for a wave offering before Yahweh; and it shall be yours, and your sons? with you, by a statute forever as Yahweh has commanded.”

16. And Mosheh diligently sought the male goat of the sin offering, and behold, it was burnt 8313: and he was angry 7107 with Elazar and Iythamar, the sons of Aharon which were left alive, saying,

17. “Why have you not eaten the sin offering in the set-apart place, seeing as it is Most Set-apart, and given to you to bear the iniquity of the congregation, to make propitiation for them before Yahweh?

18. Behold, the blood of it was not brought within the set-apart place: you should have eaten it in the set-apart place as I commanded.”

19. And Aha
ron said to Mosheh, “Behold, this day they have offered their sin offering and their burnt offering before Yahweh; and such things have happened to me: and if I had eaten the sin offering today, should it have been pleasing in the sight of Yahweh?”

20. And when Mosheh heard that, it was good 3190 in his eyes.

Chapter 10 Notes Aharon’s sons may have been drinking before they offered the unauthorized incense burning before Yahweh. They profaned the set-apart place by their actions, and Yahweh burned them up. Aharon and his other two sons were warned not to even mourn for Nadab and Abiyhu, as that would be disrespecting Yahweh’s justice This shows Yahweh is to be first in our lives, and not even family comes before Him This holds true today. Verse 1 – Yashar (Jasher) 83:6; Verse 2 – reference Verse 9; Verses 12,13 – Lev.6:14-18; Verses 14,15 – Lev.7:30-34; Verse 17 – Lev.6:24-26

11 1. And Yahweh spoke to Mosheh and to Aharon, saying to them,

2. “Speak to the children of Yisrael, saying, ‘These are the living things which you shall eat among all the beasts that are on the land 776.

3. Whatever divides 6536 the hoof 6541, and is divided 8156/8157 of hoof, and brings up 5927 the cud 1625, among these beasts, that you shall eat.

4. Nevertheless, these you shall not eat of those that bring up the cud, or of those that divide the hoof: as the camel 1581, because it brings up the cud, but does not divide the hoof; it is unclean to you.

English 13

5. Wayiq’r’bu 7126 wayisaum 5375 b’kutanotham 3801 el 413 michuts 2351 lamachaneh 4264;

kaasher 834 diber 1696 mosheh 4872.

6. Wayomer 559 mosheh 4872 el 413 aharon 175, ul’el’azar 499 ul’iythamar 385, banayv 1121, “Rosheychem 7218 al 408 tip’rau 6544, ubig’deychem 899 lo 3808 tip’romu 6533, w’lo 3808

tamuthu 4191, w’al 5921 kol 3605 haedah 5712 yiq’tsoph 7107, waacheychem 251, kol 3605

beyth 1004 yis’rael 3458, yib’ku 1058 eth 853 has’rephah 8316 asher 834 saraph 8313 YHWH.

7. Umipethach 6607 ohel 168 moed 4150, lo 3808 tets’u 3318 pen 6435 tamuthu 4191, kiy 3588 shemen 8081 mish’chath 4888 YHWH aleychem 5921.” Wayaasu 6213 kid’bar 1697 mosheh 4872.

8. Way’daber 1696 YHWH el 413 aharon 175, lemor 559,

9. “Yayin 3196 w’shechar 7941 al 408 tesh’t’ 8354, attah 859, ubaneycha 1121 ittach 854,

b’boachem 935 el 413 ohel 168 moed 4150, w’lo 3808 tamuthu 4191. Chuqath 2708 olam 5769 l’dorotheychem 1755.

10. Ulahab’diyl 914 beyn 996 haqodesh 6944, ubeyn 996 hachol 2455, ubeyn 996 hatame 2931, ubeyn 996 hatahor 2889.

11. Ul’horoth 3384 eth 853 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478 eth 853 kol 3605 hachuqiym 2706 asher 834 diber 1696 YHWH aleyhem 413 b’yad 3027 mosheh 4872.”

12. Way’daber 1696 mosheh 4872 el 413 aharon 175, w’el 413 el’azar 499, w’el 853 iythamar 385 banayv 1121 hanothariym 3498, “Q’chu 3947 eth 853 hamin’cha 4503 hanothereth 3498 meishsheh 801 YHWH, w’ich’luha 398 matsoth 4682 etsel 681 hamiz’beach 4196 kiy 3588 qodesh 6944

qadashiym 6944 hiv 1931.

13. Waachal’tem 398 othah 853 b’maqom 4725 qadosh 6918, kiy 3588 choq’cha 2706, w’choq 2706 baneycha 1121 hiv 1931 meishsheh 801 YHWH: kiy 3588 ken 3651 tsiwwiythiy 6680.

14. W’eth 853 chazzeh 2373 hat’nuphah 8573 w’eth 853 shoq 853 hat’rumah 8541 toch’lu 398 b’maqom 4725 tahor 2889, attah 859, ubaneycha 1121, ub’notheycha 1323 ittach 854: kiy 3588 choq’cha 2706, w’choq 2706 baneycha 1121 nitt’nu 5414 mizib’chey 2077 shal’mey 8002 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478.

15. Shoq 7785 hat’rumah 8641 wachazeh 2373 hat’nuphah 8573 al 5921 ishshey 801

hachelabiym 2549 yabiyu 935 l’haniyph 5130 t’nuphah 8573 lip’ney 6440 YHWH w’hayah 1961 l’cha, ul’baneycha 1121 itt’cha 854, l’choq 2706 olam 5769; kaasher 834 tsiwwah 6680 YHWH.

16. W’eth 853 s’iyr 8163 hachattath 2403 darosh 1875 darash 1875 mosheh 4872, w’hinneh 2009, soraph 8313: wayiq’tsoph 7107 al 5921 el’azar 499 w’al 5921 iythamar 385 b’ney 1121 aharon 175 hanothariym 3498, lemor 559,

17. “Madua 4069 lo 3808 achal’tem 398 eth 853 hachattath 2403 bim’qom 4725 haqodesh 6944

kiy 3588 qodesh 6944 qadashiym 6944 hiv 1932 w’othah 853 nathan 5414 lachem laseth 5375 eth 853 awon 5771 haedah 5712, l’kaper 3722 aleyhem 5921 lip’ney 6440 YHWH?

18. Hen 2005, lo 3808 huba 935 eth 853 damah 1818 el 413 haqodesh 6944 p’niymah 6441: achol 398 toch’1u 398 othah 853 baqodesh 6944 kaasher 834 tsiwweythiy 6680.”

19. Way’daber 1696 aharon 175 el 413 mosheh 4872, “Hen 2005 hayom 3117 hiq’riybu 7126 eth 853 chattatham 2403 w’eth 853 olotham 5930 lip’ney 6440 YHWH; watiq’renah 7122 othiy 853

kaelleh 428: w’achal’thiy 398 chattath 2403 hayom 3117, hayiytab 3190 b’eyney 5869 YHWH?”

20. Wayyish’ma 8085 mosheh 4872, wayiytab 3190 b’eynayv 5869.

11 1. Way’daber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872 w’el 413 aharon 175, lemor 559 alehem 413,

2.”Dab’ru 1696 el 413 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478, lemor 559, ‘Zoth 2063 hachayyah 2416 asher 834 toch’lu 398 mikol 3605 hab’hemah 929 asher 834 al 5921 haerets 776;

3. Kol 3605 maph’reseth 6536 par’sah 6541 w’shosaath 8156 shesa 8157 p’rasoth 6541,

maalath 5927 gerah 1625 bab’hemah 929 othah 853 tochelu 398.

4. Ach 389 eth 853 zeh 2088 lo 3808 toch’lu 398 mimaaley 5927 hagerah 1625,

umimap’riysey 6536 hapar’sah 6541: eth 853 hagamal 1581, kiy 3588 maaleh 5927 gerah 1625

1931, upar’sah 6541 eynennu 369 map’riys 6536: tame 2931 hu 1931 lachem.

Hebrew 13

5. And the rabbit 8227, because it brings up the cud, but does not divide the hoof; it is unclean to you.

6. And the hare 768, because it brings up the cud, but does not divide the hoof; it is unclean to you.

7. And the swine 2386, though it divides the hoof, and is divided of hoof, yet it does not

ruminate 1641 the cud; it is unclean to you.

8. You shall not eat of their flesh, and their carcass 5038 you shall not touch; they are unclean to you.

9. These you shall eat of all that are in the waters: whatever has fins 5579 and scales 7193 in the waters, in the seas 3220, and in the streams 5158, these you shall eat.

10. And all that do not have fins and scales in the seas and in the streams, of all that go forth in the waters, and of any living thing which is in the waters, they shall be an abomination 8263 to you:

11. They shall be an abomination to you; you shall not eat of their flesh, and their carcasses you shall have in abomination 8262.

12. Whatever has no fins and scales in the waters, that shall be an abomination to you.

Note – identity of some birds is in question, as the words used have multiple meanings. These will be indicated by [brackets]

13. And these you shall have in abomination among the birds; they shall not be eaten, they are an abomination: the eagle 5404, and the ossifrage 6538, and the buzzard 5822,

14. and the vulture 1676, and the falcon 344 after their species 4327,

15. all ravens 6158 after their species;

16. and the daughters 1323 of the ostrich 3284, the male ostrich 8464, the seagull 7828, and the hawk 5322 after their species,

17. and the [pelican 3563], and the cormorant 7994, and the [great owl 3244],

18. and the swan 8580, and the [desert owl 6893], and the gier-eagle 7360,

19. and the stork 2624, the heron 601 after its species, and the lapwing 1744, and the bat 5847.

20. All flying things 5775 that creep 8318, going upon all four 702, shall be an abomination to you.

21. Yet these you may eat of every creeping flying thing that goes upon all four, which have

legs 3767 above their feet 7272, to leap 5425 with upon the ground:

22. These of them you may eat; the locust 697 after its species, and the bald locust 5556 after its species, and the cricket 2728 after its species, and the grasshopper 2284 after its species.

23. But all other flying creeping things, which have four feet, shall be an abomination to you.

24. And for you these things shall be unclean: whosoever touches the carcass of them shall be unclean until the evening.

25. And whosoever bears the carcass of them shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the evening.

26. The carcasses of every beast which divides the hoof, and is not divided of hoof nor brings up the cud, are unclean to you: everyone that touches them shall be unclean.

27. And whatsoever goes upon its paws 3709, among all the beasts that go on all four, those are unclean to you: whoever touches their carcass shall be unclean until the evening.

28. And he that bears the carcass of them shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the evening: they are unclean to you.

29. These shall also be unclean to you among the creeping things that creep upon the ground; the weasel 2467, and the mouse 5909, and the tortoise 6632 after its species,

30. And the ferret 604 and the chameleon 3581, and the lizard 3911, and the sand lizard 2546, and the mole 8580.

31. These are unclean to you among all that creep: whoever touches them, when they are dead, shall be unclean until the evening.

English 14

5. W’eth 853 hashaphan 8227, kiy 3588 maaleh 5927 gerah 1625 hu 1931 upar’sah 6541 lo 3808

yap’riys 6536; tame 2931 hu 1931 lachem.

6. W’eth 853 haar’nebeth 768, kiy 3588 maalath 5927 gerah 1625 hiy 1625, upar’sah 6541 lo 3808 hip’riysah 6536; t’meah 2931 hiv 1931 lachem.

7. w’eth 853 hachaziyr 2386, kiy 3588 map’riys 6536 par’sah 6541 hu 1931, w’shosa 8156 shesa 8157 par’sah 6541, w’hu 1931 gerah 1625 lo 3808 yigar 1641; tame 2931 hu 1931 lachem.

8. Mib’saram 1320 lo 3808 tochelu 398, ub’nib’latham 5038 lo 3808 tigau 5060; t’meiym 2931 hem 1992 lachem.

9. Eth 853 zeh 2088 toch’lu 398 mikol 3605 asher 834 bamayim 4325: kol 3605 asher 834 lo s’napiyr 5579 w’qas’qeseth 7193 bamayim 4325, bayamiym 3220, uban’chaliym 5158 otham 853 tochelu 398.

10. W’kol 3605 asher 834 eyn 369 lo s’napiyr 5579 w’qas’qeseth 7193 bayamiym 3220,

uban’chaliym 5158, mikol 3605 sherets 8318 hamayim 4325 umikol 3605 nephesh 5315 hachayyah 2416 asher 834 bamayim 4325 sheqets 8263 hem 1992 lachem.

11. W’sheqets 8263 yih’yu 1961 lachem mib’saram 1320 lo 3808 tochelu 398 w’eth 853 nib’latham 5038 t’shaqetsu 8262.

12. kol 3605 asher 834 eyn 369 lo s’napiyr 5579 w’qas’qeseth 7193 bamayim 4325 sheqets 8263 hu 1931 lachem.

13. w’eth 853 elleh 428 t’shaq’tsu 8262 min 4480 haoph 5775; lo 3808 yeach’lu 398, sheqets 8263

hem 1992: eth 853 hanesher 5404, w’eth 853 haperes 6538, w’eth
haoz’niyyah 5822;

14. w’eth 853 hadaah 1676, w’eth 853 haayyah 344 l’miynah 4327;

15. eth 853 kol 3605 oreb 6158 l’miyno 4327;

16. w’eth 853 bath 1323 hayaanah 3284, w’eth 853 hatach’mas 8464, w’eth 853 hashachaph 7828,

w’eth 853 hanets 5322 l’miynehu 4327;

17. w’eth 853 hakos 3563, w’eth 853 hashalach 7994, w’eth 853 hayan’shuph 3244,

18. w’eth 853 hatin’shemeth 8580, w’eth 853 haqaath 6893, w’eth 853 haracham 7360,

19. w’eth 853 hachasiydah 2624, naanaphah 601 l’miynah 4327, w’eth 853 haduchiyphath 1744,

w’eth 853 haatalleph 5847.

20. kol 3605 sherets 8318 haoph 5775 haholech 1980 al 5921 ar’ba 702, sheqets 8263 hu 1931 lachem.

21. Ach 389 eth 853 zeh 2088 toch’lu 398 mikol 3605 sherets 8318 haoph 5775 haholech 1980 al 5921 ar’ba 702, asher 834 lo k’raayim 3767 mimaal 4605 l’rag’layv 7272, l’nater 5425 bahen 2004 al 5921 haerets 776;

22. Eth 853 elleh 428 mehem 4480 tochelu 398; eth 853 haar’beh 697 l’miyno 4327, w’eth 853

hasol’am 5556 l’miynehu 4327, w’eth 853 hachar’gol 2728 l’miynehu 4327, w’eth 853 hechagab 2284 l’miynehu 4327.

23. W’kol 3605 sherets 8318 haoph 5775, asher 834 lo ar’ba 702 rag’layim 7272, sheqets 8263 hu 1931 lachem.

24. Ul’elleh 428 titamau 2930: kol 3605 hanogea 5060 b’nib’latham 5038 yit’ma 2930 ad 5704

haareb 6153,

25. W’kol 3605 hanose 5375 minib’latham 5038 y’kabes 3526 b’gadayv 899 w’tame 2931 ad 5704

haareb 6153,

26. l’kol 3605 hab’hemah 929 asher 834 hiv 1931 map’reseth 6536 par’sah 6541 w’shesa 8157

eynennah 369 shosaath 8156, w’gerah 1625 eynennah 369 maalah 5927, t’meiym 2931 hem 1992 lachem kol 3605 hanogea 5060 bahem yit’ma 2930.

27. W’kol 3605 holech 1980 al 5921 kapayv 3709, b’kol 3605 hachayyah 2416 haholecheth 1980 al 5921

ar’ba 702, t’meiym 2931 hem 1992 lachem: kol 3605 hanogea 5060 b’nib’latham 5038 yit’ma 2930 ad 5704 haareb 6153.

28. W’hanose 5375 eth 853 nib’latham 5038 y’kabes 3526 b’gadayv 899, w’tame 2931 ad 5704

haareb 6153, t’meiym 2931 hemah 1992 lachem.

29. W’zeh 2088 lachem hatame 2931 basherets 8318 hashorets 8317 al 5921 haerets 776; hacholed 2467, w’haach’bar 5909, w’hatsab 6632 l’miynehu 4327;

30. w’haanaqah 604, w’hakoach 3581, w’hal’taah 3911, w’hachomet 2546, hayin’shameth 8580.

31. Elleh 428 hatt’meiym 2931 lachem b’kol 3605 hasharets 8318: kol 3605 hanogea 5060 bahem, b’motham 4194, yit’ma 2930 ad 5704 haareb 6153.

Hebrew 14

32. And upon whatsoever any of them fall when they are dead, it shall be unclean: whether it is a vessel 3627 of wood, or clothing 899, or skin 5785, or sack 8242, whatever vessel it is, in which and work is done, it must be put into water, and it shall be unclean until the evening; so it shall be cleansed 2891.

33. And every clay 2789 vessel, into which any of them falls, whatever is in it shall be unclean, and you shall break 7665 it.

34. Of all food which may be eaten, on which water comes from it shall be unclean: and all liquids 4945 that may be drunk 8354 in every such vessel shall be unclean.

35. And every thing upon which their carcass falls shall be unclean; oven 8574, or ranges for pots 3600, they shall be broken down 5422: they are unclean, and shall be unclean to you.

36. Nevertheless, a fountain 4599 or a well 953, where there is plenty 4723 of water, shall be clean: but that which touches their carcass shall be unclean.

37. And if any part of their carcass falls upon any seed 2233 for sowing 2221 which is to be

sown 2232 it shall be clean.

38. But, if any water is put on the seed, and any part of their carcass falls on it, it shall be unclean to you.

39. And if any beast of which you may eat dies on its own, he that touches the carcass of it shall be unclean until evening.

40. And he that eats of the carcass of it shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the evening : and he that carries the carcass of it shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the evening.

41. And every creeping thing that creeps upon the ground shall be an abomination; it shall not be eaten.

42. Whatever goes upon the belly 1512, and whatever goes upon all four, or whatever has many feet among all creeping things that creep upon the ground, them you shall not eat; for they are an abomination.

43. You shall not make abominable 8262 yourselves with any creeping thing that creeps, neither shall you make yourselves unclean 2930 with them, that you might be defiled 2930 by them.

44. Because I Yahweh am Eloheychem 430: you shall set yourselves apart 6942, and you shall be

set-apart 6918; for I am set-apart: neither shall you defile yourselves with any manner of creeping thing that creeps upon the ground.

45. Because I am Yahweh that bri
ngs you up from the land of Mitsrayim
4714, to be the Elohiym: you shall therefore be set-apart, for I am set-apart.

46. This is the law of the beasts, and of the birds, and of every living breathing creature that moves in the waters, and of every breathing creature that creeps upon the ground:

47. to make a difference between the unclean and the clean, between the living thing that may be eaten, and the living thing that may not be eaten.”

Chapter 11 Notes – All of Chapter 11 is still in effect. It tells us (for health reasons), not to eat scavengers and garbage disposal animals. Swine retain toxins that are expelled from other animals.

Shellfish, oysters, and clams all retain poisons that won’t harm them, but will be deadly to us. Mercury poisoning is one example. Verse 39 – Lev.7:24; 17:15; 22:8; Deut.14:21; Verse 44 – Lev.19:12;

1 Peter 1:16

12 1. And spoke Yahweh to Mosheh, saying,

2. “Speak to the children of Yisrael, saying, ‘If a woman has conceived seed 2232, and borne a male child 2145: then she shall be unclean seven days; according to the days of the impurity 5079

menstrual cycle 1738 shall she be unclean.

3. And in the eighth 8066 day the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised 4135.

English 15

32. W’kol 3605 asher 834 yipol 5307 alayv 5921 mehem b’motham 4194, yit’ma 2930 mikol 3605 k’liy 3627 ets 6086, o 176 beged 899, o 176 or 5785, o 176 saq 8242; kol 3605 k’liy 3627 asher 834 yeaseh 6213 m’lachah 4399 bahem, bamayim 4325 yuba 935, w’tame 2931 ad 5704 haereb 6153; w’taher 2891.

33. W’kol 3605 k’liy 3627 cheres 2799, asher 834 yipol 5307 mehem el 413 tocho 8432, kol 3605 asher 834 b’tocho 8432 yit’ma 2930, w’otho 853 tish’boru 7665.

34. Mikol 3605 haochel 398 asher 834 yeachel 398, asher 834 yabo 935 alayv 5921 mayim 4325 yit’ma 2930, w’kol 3605 mash’qeh 4945 asher 834 yishateh 8354 b’kol 3605 k’liy 3627 t’ma 2930.

35. W’kol 3605 asher 834 yipol 5307 minib’latham 5038 alayv 5921 yit’ma 2930; tannur 8574,

w’kiyrayim 3600, yutats 5422: t’meiym 2931 hem 1992, ut’meiym 2931 yih’yu 1961 lachem.

36. Ach 389 ma’yan 4599 ubor 953, miq’weh 4723 mayim 4325, yih’yeh 1961 tahor 2889:

w’nogea 5060 b’nib’latham 5038 yit’ma 2930.

37. W’kiy 3588 yipol 5307 minib’latham 5038 al 5921 kol 3605 zera 2233 zerua 2221 asher 834 yizarea 2232 tahor 2889 hu 1931;

38. W’kiy 3588 yuthan 5414 mayim 4325 al 5921 zera 2233, w’napol 5307 minib’latham 5038 alayv 5921, tame 2931 hu 1931 lachem.

39. W’kiy 3588 yamuth 4191 min 4480 hab’hemah 929 asher 834 hiy 1931 lachem l’och’lah 402, hanogea 5060 b’nib’lathah 5038 yit’ma 2930 ad 5704 haareb 6153.

40. W’haochel 398 minib’lathah 5038 y’kabes 3526 b’gadayv 899, w’tame 2931 ad 5704

haareb 6153: w’hanose 5375 eth 853 nib’lathah 5038 y’kabes 3526 b’gadayv 899, w’tame 2931

ad 5704 haareb 6153.

41. W’kol 3605 hasherets 8318 hashorets 8317 al 5921 haerets 776 shaqets 8263 hu 1931; lo 3808 yeachel 398.

42. kol 3605 holech 1980 al 5921 gachon 1512, w’kol 3605 holech 1980 al 5921 ar’ba 702, ad 5704 kol 3605 mar’beh 7235 rag’layim 7272 l’kol 3605 hasherets 8318 hashorets 8317 al 5921

haerets 776 lo 3808 tochelum 398, kiy 3588 sheqets 8263 hem 1992.

43. Al 408 t’shaq’tsu 8262 eth 853 naph’shotheychem 5315 b’kol 3605 hasherets 8318

hashorets 8317, w’lo 3808 thittameu 2930 bahem, w’nit’methem 2930 bam.

44. kiy 3588 Aniy 589 YHWH Eloheychem 430: w’hith’qadish’tem 6942, wih’yiytem 1961

q’doshiym 6918; kiy 3588 qadosh 6918 Aniy 589: w’lo 3808 t’tam’u 2930 eth 853

naph’shotheychem 5315 b’kol 3605 hasherets 8318 harames 7430 al 5921 haerets 776.

45. kiy 3588 Aniy 589 YHWH hamaaleh 5927 eth’chem 853 meerets 776 mits’rayim 4714,

lih’yoth 1961 lachem l’Elohiym 430: wih’yiythem 1961 q’doshiym 6918, kiy 3588 qadosh 6918

Aniy 589.

46. Zoth 2063 torath 8451 hab’hemah 929, w’haoph 5775, w’kol 3605 nephesh 5315

hachayah 2416 harameseth 7430 bamayim 4325, w’lakol 3605 nephesh 5315 hashoretseth 8317 al 5921 haerets 776:

47. l’hab’diyl 914 beyn 996 hatame 2931 ubeyn 996 hatahor 2889, ubeyn 996 hachayah 2416 haneecheleth 398 ubeyn 996 hachayah 2416 asher 834 lo 3808 teachel 398.



12 1. Way’daber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872, lemor 559,

2. “Daber 1696 el 413 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478,
lemor 559, ‘Ishshah 802 kiy 3588 taz’riya 2232, w’yal’dah 3205 zachar 2145, w’tam’ah 2930 shib’ath 7651 yomiym 3117, kiy’mey 3117

niddath 5079 d’wothah 1738 tit’ma 2930.

3. Ubayom 3117 hash’miyniy 8066 yimol 4135 b’sar 1320 or’latho 6190.

Hebrew 15

4. And she shall then continue in the blood of her purifying 2893 thirty 7970 three 7969 days;

she shall touch no set-apart thing, nor come into the sanctuary 4720, until the days of her purifying are fulfilled.

5. But if she bears a female 5347 child, then she shall be unclean two weeks 7620, as in her menstrual cycle: and she shall continue in the blood of her purifying sixty 8346 six 8337 days.

6. And when the days of her purifying are fulfilled, for a son, or for a daughter, she shall bring a male lamb of the first year for a burnt offering, and a young pigeon or a turtledove, for a sin offering, to the door of the Tent of Meeting, to the priest:

7. He shall offer it before Yahweh, and make propitiation for her; and she shall be cleansed from the flow of her blood. This is the law for her that has borne a male or a female.

8. And if she is not able to bring a lamb, then she shall bring two turtledoves or two young pigeons; the one for the burnt offering, and the other for the sin offering: and the priest shall make propitiationfor, and she shall be clean.'”

Chapter 12 Notes – The sacrificial parts have been fulfilled, but a son still must be circumcised on the eighth day. Verse 3 – Gen.17:12; Luke 2:21

13 1. And spoke Yahweh to Mosheh and Aharon, saying,

2. “When an adam has a swelling 7613 in the skin of his flesh, a scab 5597, or bright spot 934, and it is in the skin of his flesh, a blemish 5061 of a skin disease 6883; then he shall be brought to Aharon the priest, or to one of his sons, the priests:

3. And the priest shall look upon the blemish in the skin of the flesh: and when the hair 8181 in the blemish has turned 2015 white 3836, and the blemish appears 4758 to be deeper 6013 than the skin of the flesh, it is a blemish of a skin disease: and the priest shall look upon him, and pronounce him unclean,

4. If the bright spot is white in the skin of his flesh, and does not appear deeper than the skin, and the hair of it has not turned white; then the priest shall shut up 5462 he who has the blemish for seven days:

5. And the priest shall look on him the seventh day: and behold, if the blemish in his sight is stable 5975, and the blemish has not spread 6581 in the skin; then the priest shall shut him up for seven days again:

6. And the priest shall look on him again in the seventh day: and behold, if the blemish is somewhat dark 3544 and the blemish has not spread in the skin, the priest shall pronounce him clean: it is only a scab 4556: and he shall wash his clothes, and be clean.

7. But if the scab spreads much abroad 6581/6581 in the skin, after he has been seen by the priest again:

8. and if the priest sees that the scab spreads in the skin, then the priest shall pronounce him unclean: it is a skin disease.

9. When the blemish of a skin disease is in an adam, then he shall be brought to the priest;

10. And the priest shall see him: and if the swelling is white in the skin, and it has turned the hair white, and there is raw 4241 living flesh in the swelling;

11. it is a chronic 3462 skin disease in the skin of his flesh, and the priest shall pronounce him unclean, and shall not shut him up: because he is unclean.

12. And if a skin disease breaks out abroad in the skin, and the skin disease covers all the skin with the blemish from his head to his feet, wherever the priest sees it appear;

13. then the priest shall look: and if the skin disease has covered all his flesh, he shall pronounce him clean that has the blemish: it is all turned white: he is clean.

14. But when the living flesh appears in him, he shall be unclean.

15. And the priest shall see the living flesh, and pronounce him to be unclean: because the living flesh is unclean: it is a skin disease.

English 16

4. Ush’loshiym 7970 yom 3117 ush’losheth 7969 yomiym 3117 tesheb 342 bid’mey 1818

tahorah 2893; b’kol 3605 qodesh 6944 lo 3808 tiga 5060, w’el 413 hamiq’dash 4720 lo 3808

tabo 935 ad 5704 m’loth 4390 y’mey 3117 toharah 2892.

5. W’im 518 n’qebah 5347 taled 3205, w’tam’ah 2930 sh’buayim 7620, k’niddathah 5079:

w’shishiym 8436 yom 3117 w’shesheth 8337 yomiym 3117 tesheb 3427 al 5921 d’mey 1818

tahorah 2893.

6. Ubim’loth 4390 y’mey 3117 toharah 2892, l’ben 1121, o 176 l’bath 1323, tabiy 935 kebes 3532

ben 1121 sh’natho 8141 l’olah 5930, uben 1121 yonah 3123, o 176 tor 8449, l’chattath 2403 eth 853 pethach 6607 ohel 168 moed 4150 el 413 hakohen 3548.

7. W’hiq’riybo 7126 lip’ney 6440 YHWH w’kipper 3722 aleyha 5921 w’taherah 2891

mim’qor 4726 dameyha 1818. Zoth 2063 torath 8451 hayoledeth 3205 lazachar 2145 o 176 lan’qebah 5347.

8. W’im 518 lo 3808 tim’tsa 4672 yadah 3027 dey 1767 seh 7716, w’laq’chah 3947 sh’tey 8147

toriym 8449, o 176 sh’ney 8147 b’ney 1121 yonah 3123; echad 259 l’olah 5930, w’echad 259

l’chattath 2403, w’kipper 3722 aleyha 5921 hakohen 3548 w’taherah 2891.

13 1. Way’daber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872 w’el 413 aharon 175, lemor 559,

2. “Adam 120 kiy 3588 yih’yeh 1961 b’or 5785 b’saro 1320 s’eth 7613, o 176 sapachath 5597,

o 176 bahereth 934, w’hayah 1961 b’or 5785 b’saro 1320, l’nega 5061 tsaraath 6883 w’huba 935

el 413 aharon 175 hakohen 3548, o 176 el 413 echad 259 mibanayv 1121, hakohaniym 3548.

3. W’raah 7200 hakohen 3548 eth 853 hanega 5061 b’or 5785 habasar 1320, w’sear 8181

banega 5061 haphach 2015 laban 3836 umar’eh 4758 hanega 5061 amoq 6013 meor 5785

b’saro 1320 nega 5061 tsaraath 6883 hu 1931: w’raahu 7200 hakohen 3548 w’time 2930 otho 853.

4. W’im 518 bahereth 934 l’banah 3836 hiv 1931 b’or 5785 b’saro 1320, w’amoq 6013 eyn 369

mar’eha 4758 min 4480 haor 5785 us’arah 8181 lo 3808 haphach 2015 laban 3826 w’his’giyr 5462 hakohen 3548 eth 853 hanega 5081 shib’ath 7651 yomiym 3117.

5. W’raahu 7200 hakohen 3548 bayom 3117 hash’biyim 7637: w’hinneh 2009, hanega 5081

amad 5975 b’eynayv 5869, lo 3808 pasah 6581 hanega 5081 baor 5785; w’his’giyro 5462

hakohen 3548 shib’ath 7651 yomiym 3117 sheniyth 8145:

6. W’raah 7200 hakohen 3548 otho 853 bayom 3117 hash’biyiy 7637 sheniyth 8145,

w’hinneh 2009, kehah 3544 hanega 5061, w’lo 3808 pasah 6581 hanega 5061 baor 5785,

w’tiharo 2891 hakohen 3548: mis’pachath 4556 hiv 1931 w’kibes 3526 b’gadayv 899 w’taher 2891.

7. W’im 518 pasoh 6581 tip’seh 6581 hamis’pachath 4556 baor 5785, acharey 310 heraotho 7200

el 413 hakohen 3548 l’taharatho 2893, w’nir’ah 7200 sheniyth 8145 el 413 hakohen 3548.

8. W’raah 7200 hakohen 3548, w’hinneh 2009, pas’thah 6581 hamis’pachath 4556 baor 5785,

w’tam’o 2930 hakohen 3548, tsaraath 6883 hiv 1931.

9. Nega 5061 tsaraath 6883 kiy 3588 tih’yeh 1961 b’adam 120, w’huba 935 el 413 hakohen 3548:

10. W’raah 7200 hakohen 3548, w’hinneh 2009, l’banah 3836 baor 5785, w’hiy 1931

haph’chah 2015 sear 8181 laban 3836 umich’yath 4241 basar 1320 chay 2416 bas’eth 7613,

11. tsaraath 6883 nosheneth 3462 hiv 1931 b’or 5785 b’saro 1320, w’tim’o 2930 hakohen 3548,

lo 3808 yas’girenu 5462, kiy 3588 tame 2931 hu 1931.

12. W’im 518 paroach 6524 tip’rach 6524 hatsaraath 6883 baor 5785, w’kis’thah 3680

hatsaraath 6883 eth 853 kol 3605 or 5785 hanega 5061 merosho 7218 w’ad 5704 rag’layv 7272 l’kol 3605 mar’eh 4758 eyney 5869 hakohen 3548.

13. W’raah 7200 hakohen 3548, w’hinneh 2009, kis’thah 3680 hatsaraath 6883 eth 853 kol 3605 b’saro 1320, w’tihar 2891 eth 853 hanega 5061: kullo 3605 haphach 2015 laban 3836 tahor 2889

hu 1931.

14. Ub’yom 3117 heraoth 7200 bo basar 1320 chay 2416, yit’ma 2930;

15. w’raah 7200 hakohen 3548 eth 853 habasar 1320 hachay 2416, w’tim’o 2930: habasar 1320

hachay 2416 tame 2931 hu 1931, tsaraath 6883 hu 1931:

Hebrew 16

16. Or if the living flesh turns again, and changes into white, he shall come again to the priest;

17. and the priest shall see him: and if the blemish is turned into white; then the priest shall pronounce him clean that has the blemish: he is clean.

18. Also the flesh, in the skin of which was a boil 7822 which has healed 7495,

19. and in the place of the boil there is a white swelling, or a bright spot, white, and somewhat reddish 125, and it is shown to the priest;

20. and if when the priest sees it, it appears lower than the skin, and the hair of it has turned white; the priest shall pronounce him unclean: it is a blemish of a skin disease broken out 6254 of the boil.

21. But if the priest looks on it, and there are no white hairs in it, and it is not lower than the skin, but is somewhat dark; then the priest shall shut him up for seven days:

22. and if it spreads much abroad in the skin, then the priest shall pronounce him unclean: it is a blemish.

23. But if the bright spot stays in its place, and does not spread it is an inflamed 6867 boil; and the priest shall pronounce him clean.

24. Or if there is flesh in the skin where is a hot 784 burning 4348, and the raw flesh that burns has a bright white spot, somewhat reddish, or white;

25. then the priest shall look upon it; and if the hair in the white spot has turned white, and it appears deeper than the skin; it is a skin disease broken out of the burning; wherefore the priest shall pronounce him unclean. It is a blemish of a skin disease.

26. But if the priest looks on it and there is no white hair in the bright spot, and it is no lower than the other skin, but is somewhat dark; then the priest shall shut him up for seven days:

27. and the priest shall look upon it the seventh day; and if it has spread much abroad in the skin, then the priest shall pronounce him unclean. It is the blemish of a skin disease.

28. And if the bright spot stays in its place, and does not spread in the skin, but is somewhat dark;
it is a swelling of the burning, and the priest shall pronounce him clean; because it is a swelling of the burning.

29. If a man or a woman has a blemish upon the head or the beard;

30. Then the priest shall see the blemish. If it appears deeper than the skin; and in it is a

thin 1851 yellow 6669 hair; then the priest shall pronounce him unclean. It is a scab, a skin disease upon the head or beard.

31. And if the priest looks upon the blemish of the scab, and it does not appear deeper than the skin, and has no black 7838 hair in it; then the priest shall shut him up that has the blemish of the scab seven days.

32. And in the seventh day the priest shall look upon the blemish; and if the scab has not spread, and there is no yellow hair in it, and the scab does not appear deeper than the skin;

33. he shall be shaven 1548, but the scab he shall not shave; and the priest shall shut up he that has the scab again for seven days:

34. and in the seventh day the priest shall look upon the scab; and if the scab has not spread in the skin; then the priest shall pronounce him clean. He shall wash his clothes, and be clean.

35. But if the scab has spread much in the skin after his cleansing ;

36. then the priest shall look upon him; and if the scab has spread in the skin, the priest shall not seek for yellow hair. He is unclean.

37. But if the scab in his sight is stable, and there is black hair grown up 6779 in it, the scab is healed. He is clean, and the priest shall pronounce him clean.

38. If a man or a woman has in the skin of their flesh bright spots, white bright spots;

39. then the priest shall look; and if the bright spots in the skin of their flesh are darkish 3544 white; it is a freckled spot 933 that grows in the skin. He is clean.

40. And the man whose hair is fallen off 4803 his, he is bald 7142. He is clean.

41. And he that has the hair fallen off the forepart 6285 of his head toward his face, he is bald; but he is clean.

English 17

16. O 176 kiy 3588 yashub 7725 habasar 1320 hachay 2416, w’neh’pach 2015 l’laban 3836, uba 935 el 413 hakohen 3548;

17. w’raahu 7200 hakohen 3548, w’hinneh 2009, neh’pach 2015 hanega 5061 l’laban 3836 w’tihar 2891 hakohen 3548 eth 853 hanega 5061, tahor 2889 hu 1931.

18. Ubasar 1320, kiy 3588 yih’yeh 1961 bo b’oro 5785 sh’chiyn 7822, w’nir’pa 7495,

19. w’hayah 1961 bim’qom 4725 hash’chiyn 7822 s’eth 7613 l’banah 3836, o 176 bahereth 934, l’banah 3836, adam’dameth 125, w’nir’ah 7200 el 413 hakohen 3548;

20. w’raah 7200 hakohen 3548, w’hinneh 2009, mar’eha 4758 shaphal 8217 min 4480 haor 5785 us’arah 8181 haphach 2015 laban 3836 w’tim’o 2930 hakohen 3548 nega 5061 tsaraath 6883 hiv 1931 bash’chiyn 7822 parachah 6524.

21. W’im 518 yir’ennah 7200 hakohen 3548, w’hinneh 2009, eyn 369 bah sear 8181 laban 3836,

ush’phalah 8217 eynenuah 369 min 4480 haor 5785, w’hiy 1931 kehah 3544 w’his’giyro 5462 hakohen 3548 shib’ath 7651 yomiym 3117.

22. W’im 518 pasoh 6581 tip’seh 6581 baor 5785, w’time 2930 hakohen 3548 otho 853, nega 5061 hiv 1931.

23. W’im 518 tach’teyha 8478 taamod 5975 habahereth 934, lo 3808 pasathah 6581, tsarebeth 6867

hash’chiyn 7822 hiv 1931, w’tiharo 2891 hakohen 3548.

24. 0 175 basar 1320 kiy 3588 yih’yeh 1961 b’or 5785 mich’wath 4348 esh 784 w’hay’thah 1961 mich’yath 4241 hamich’wath 4348 bahereth 934 l’banah 3836 adam’demeth 125 o 176 l’banah 3836,

25. w’raah 7200 othah 853 hakohen 3548, w’hinneh 2009, neh’pach 2015 sear 8181 laban 3836

babahereth 934, umar’eha 4758 amoq 6013 min 4480 haor 5785; tsaraath 6883 hiv 1931 bamich’wath 4348 parachah 6524, w’time 2930 otho 853 hakohen 3548: nega 5061 tsaraath 6883 hiv 1931.

26. W’im 518 yir’ennah 7200 hakohen 3548, w’hinneh 2009, eyn 369 babehereth 934 sear 8181 laban 3836, ush’phalah 8217 eynennah 369 min 4480 haor 5785, w’hiv 1931 kehah 3544; w’his’giyro 5462 hakohen 3548 shib’ath 7651 yomiym 3117.

27. W’raahu 7200 hakohen 3548 bayom 3117 hash’biyiy 7637: im 518 pasoh 6581 tap’seh 6581 baor 5785, w’time 2930 hakohen 3548 otho 853: nega 5061 tsaraath 6883 hiv 1931.

28. W’im 518 tach’teyha 8478 taamod 5975 habahereth 934, lo 3808 pas’thah 6581 baor 5785, w’hiv 1931 kehah 3544: s’eth 7613 hamich’wah 4348 hiv 1931, w’tiharo 2891 hakohen 3548: kiy 3588 tsarebeth 6867 hamich’wa 4348 hiv 1931.

29. W’iysh 376 o 176 ishshah 802 kiy 3588 naga 5061 b’rosh 7218 o 176 b’zaqan 2206,

30. w’raah 7200 hakohen 3548 eth 853 hanega 5061, w’hinneh 2009, mar’ehu 4768 amoq 6013 min 4480

haor 5785, ubo sear 8181 tsahob 6669 daq 1851, w’time 2930 otho 853 hakohen 3548: netheq 5424 hu 1931, t
6883 harosh 7218 o 176 hazaqan 2206 hu 1931.

31. W’kiy 3588 yir’eh 7200 hakohen 3548 eth 853 nega 5061 hanetheq 5424, w’hinneh 2009, eyn 369

mar’ehu 4758 amoq 6013 min 4480 haor 5785, w’sear 8181 shachor 7838 eyn 369 bo, w’his’giyr 5462

hakohen 3548 eth 853 nega 5061 hanetheq 5424 shib’ath 7651 yomiym 3117.

32. W’raah 7200 hakohen 3548 eth 853 hanega 5061 bayom 3117 hash’biyiy 7637, w’hinneh 2009, lo 3808 pasah 6581 hanetheq 5424, w’lo 3808 hayah 1961 bo sear 8181 tsahob 6669, umar’eh 4758 hanetheq 5424

eyn 369 amoq 6013 min 4480 haor 5785;

33. w’hith’galach 1548, w’eth 853 hanetheq 5424 lo 3808 y’galeach 1548; w’his’giyr 5462 hakohen 3548

eth 853 hanetheq 5424 shib’ath 7651 yomiym 3117 sheniyth 8145.

34. W’raah 7200 hakohen 3548 eth 853 hanetheq 5424 bayom 3117 hash’biyiy 7637, w’hinneh 2009, lo 3808 pasah 6581 hanetheq 5424 baor 5785 umar’ethu 4758 eynennu 369 amoq 6013 min 4480 haor 5785,

w’tihar 2891 otho 853 hakohen 3548 w’kibes 3526 b’gadayv 899 w’taher 2891.

35. W’im 518 pasoh 6581 yip’seh 6581 hanetheq 5424 baor 5785 acharey 310 taharatho 2893;

36. w’raahu 7200 hakohen 3548, w’hinneh 2009, pasah 6581 hanetheq 5424 baor 5785, lo 3808 y’baqer 1239 hakohen 3548 lasear 8181 hatsahob 6669 tame 2931 hu 1931.

37. W’im 518 b’eynayv 5869 amad 5975 hanetheq 5424, w’sear 8181 shachor 7838 tsamach 6779 bo;

nir’pa 7495 hanetheq 5424, tahor 2889 hu 1931, w’tiharo 2891 hakohen 3548.

38. W’iysh 376 o 176 ishshah 802 kiy 3588 yih’yeh 1961 b’or 5785 b’saram 1320 b’haroth 934, b’haroth 934 l’banoth 3836,

39. W’raah 7200 hakohen 3548, w’hinneh 2009, b’or 5785 b’saram 1320 b’haroth 934 kehoth 3544

l’banoth 3836; bohaq 933 hu 1931 parach 6524 baor 5785 tahor 2889 hu 1931.

40. W’iysh 376 kiy 3588 yimaret 4803 rosho 7218, qereach 7142 hu 1931; tahor 2889 hu 1931.

41. W’im 518 mip’ath 6285 panayv 6440 yimaret 4803 rosho 7218 gibbeach 1371, hu 1931 tahor 2889 hu 1931.

Hebrew 17

42. And if there is a white reddish blemish in the bald head, or bald forehead; it is a skin disease sprung up 6254 in his bald head, or his bald forehead.

43. Then the priest shall look upon it; and if the swelling of the blemish is white reddish in his bald head, or in his bald forehead, as the skin disease appears in the skin of his flesh; he is a

skin-diseased 6879 man. He is unclean. The priest shall pronounce him utterly unclean 2930/2930; his blemish is in his head.

45. And the diseased man, in whom the blemish is, his clothes shall be rent 6533, and the hair of his head shall hang down, and he shall put a covering 5844 upon his upper lip 8222, and shall cry, “Unclean 2931! Unclean!”

46. All the days in which the blemish shall be in him he shall be defiled. He is unclean. He shall dwell alone 910; outside of the camp shall his habitation be.

47. The garment also that has the blemish of mildew 6883 in it, whether it is a woolen 6785 garment, or a linen 6593 garment;

48. whether it is in the warp 8359, or woof 6154, of linen, or of woolen; whether in a skin, or anything made of skin;

49. and if the blemish is greenish 3472 or reddish 125 in the garment, or in the skin, either in the warp, or the woof, or in anything of skin; it is a blemish of mildew, and shall be showed to the priest.

50. And the priest shall look upon the blemish, and shut up that which has the blemish seven days;

51. and he shall look upon the blemish on the seventh day. If the blemish has spread in the garment, either in the warp or the woof, or in a skin, or in any work 4399 that is made of skin; the blemish is a destructive 3992 mold 6883. It is unclean.

52. He shall therefore burn 8313 that garment, whether warp or woof, in woolen or linen, or any thing of skin, in which the blemish is; because it is a destructive mold. It shall be burnt in the fire.

53. And if the priest looks, and the blemish has not spread in the garment, either in the warp, or the woof, or in any thing of skin;

54. then the priest shall command that they wash wherein the blemish is, and he shall shut it up seven days again.

55. And the priest shall look upon the blemish, after it is washed and if the blemish has not changed its appearance, and the blemish is not spread, it is unclean. You shall burn it in the fire. It is eaten away 6356 as the baldness of head 7146 of a bald forehead 1372.

56. And if the priest looks, and the blemish is somewhat dark after the washing of it; then he shall tear 7167 it out of the garment, or out of the skin, or out of the warp, or out of the woof:

57. and if it still appears in the garment, either in the warp, or the woof, or in any thing of skin; it is a flourishing mold 6524. You shall burn that which has the blemish with fire.

58. And the garment, either warp or woof, or whatsoever thing of skin which you shall wash, if the blemish has departed from it, then
it shall be washed a second time
, and shall be clean.

59. This is the law of the blemish of mildew in a garment of wool or linen, either in the warp, or the woof, or any thing of skin, to pronounce it clean, or to pronounce it unclean.”






English 18

42. W’kiy 3588 yih’yeh 1961 baqarachath 7146, o 176 bagabbachath 1372 nega 5061 laban 3836 adam’dam 127 tsaraath 6883 porachath 6524 hiv 1931 b’qarach’to 7146 o 176 b’gabbach’to 1372.

43. W’raah 7200 otho 853 hakohen 3548, w’hinneh 2009, s’eth 7613 hanega 5061 l’banah 3836 adam’demeth 125 b’qarach’to 7146 , o 176 b’gabbach’to 1372 k’mar’eh 4758 tsaraath 6883

or 5785 basar 1320;

44. iysh 376 tsarua 6879 hu 1931, tame 2930 hu 1931, tame 2930 y’tam’ennu 2930 hakohen 3548; b’rosho 7218 nig’o 5061.

45. W’hatsarua 6879 asher 834 bo hanega 5061, b’gadayv 899 yih’yu 1961 p’rumiym 6533,

w’rosho 7218 yih’yeh 1961 parua 6544, w’al 5921 sapham 8222 ya’teh 5844, w’tame 2930!

tame 2930! yiq’ra 7121.

46. Kol 3605 y’mey 3117 asher 834 hanega 5061 bo yit’ma 2930; tame 2930 hu 1931: badad 910 y’sheb 3427; michuts 2351 lamachaneh 4264 moshabo 4186.

47. W’habeged 899 kiy 3588 yih’yeh 1961 bo nega 5061 tsaraath 6883, b’beged 899 tsemer 6785

o 176 b’beged 899 pish’tiym 6593:

48. o 176 bish’tiy 8359, o 176 b’ereb 6154, lapish’tiym 6593 w’latsamer 6785, o 176 b’kol 3605 m’lecheth 4399 or 5785:

49. w’hayah 1961 hanega 5061 y’raq’raq 3422 , o 176 adam’dam 125 babeged 899, o 176

baor 5785, o 176 bash’tiy 8359, o 176 baereb 6154, o 176 b’kol 3605 k’liy 3627 or 5785 nega 5061 tsaraath 6883 hu 1931 w’har’ah 7200 eth 853 hakohen 3548:

50. w’raah 7200 hakohen 3548 eth 853 hanega 5061, w’his’giyr 5462 eth 853 hanega 5061

shib’ath 7651 yomiym 3117.

51. W’raah 7200 eth 853 hanega 5061 bayom 3117 hash’biyiy 7637, kiy 3588 pasah 6581

hanega 5061 babeged 899 o 176 bash’tiy 8359, o 176 baor 5785, l’kol 3605 asher 834 yeaseh 6213 haor 5785 lim’lachah 4399 tsaraath 6883 mam’ereth 3992 hanega 5061, tame 2930 hu 1931.

52. W’saraph 8313 eth 853 habeged 899, o 176 hash’tiy 8359 o 176 eth 853 haereb 6154

batsemer 6785, o 176 bapish’tiym 6593, o 176 eth 853 kol 3605 k’liy 3627 haor 5785 asher 834 yih’yeh 1961 bo hanega 5061: kiy 3588 tsaraath 6883 mam’ereth 3992 hiv 1931, baesh 784

tisareph 8313.

53. W’im 518 yir’eh 7200 hakohen 3548, w’hinneh 2009, lo 3808 pasah 6581 hanega 5061

babeged 899, o 176 bash’tiy 8359, o 176 baereb 6154, o 176 b’kol 3605 k’liy 3627 or 5785.

54. W’tsiwwah 6680 hakohen 3548 w’kib’su 3526 eth 853 asher 834 bo hanega 5061,

w’his’giyro 5462 shib’ath 7651 yomiym 3117 sheniyth 8145.

55. W’raah 7200 hakohen 3548 acharey 310 hu 1931 kabes 3256 eth 853 hanega 5061,

w’hinneh 2009, lo 3808 haphach 2015 hanega 5061 eth 853 eyno 5869 w’hanega 5061 lo 3808

pasah 6581, tame 2930 hu 1931, baesh 784 tis’r’phennu 8313, p’chetheth 6356 hiv 1931,

b’qarach’to 7146 o 176 b’gabach’to 1372.

56. W’im 518 raah 7200 hakohen 3548, w’hinneh 2009, kehah 3544 hanega 5061 acharey 310

hu 1931 kabes 3256 otho 853; w’qara 7167 otho 853 min 4480 habeged 899 o 176 min 4480

haor 5785, o 176 min 4480 hash’thiy 8359, o 176 min 4480 haereb 6154.

57. W’im 518 teraeh 7200 od 5750 babeged 899, o 176 bash’tiy 8359, o 176 baereb 6154, o 176

b’kol 3605 k’liy 3627 or 5785; porachath 6524 hiv 1931: baesh 784 tis’r’phennu 8313 eth 834

asher 834 bo hanega 5061.

58. W’habeged 899, o 176 hash’tiy 8359, o 176 haereb 6154, o 176 kol 3605 k’liy 3627 haor 5785 asher 834 t’kabes 3526, w’sar 5493 mehem 4480 hanega 5061 w’kubas 3526 sh’niyth 8145

w’taher< /b> 2891.

59. Zoth 2063 torath 8451 nega 5061 tsaraath 6883 beged 899 hatsemer 6785 o 176

hapish’tiym 6593, o 176 hash’tiy 8359, o 176 haereb 6154, o 176 kol 3605 k’liy 3627 or 5785, l’taharo 2891, o 176 l’tam’o 2930.”

Hebrew 18

Chapter 13 Notes – This chapter is notable for the miserable translation in the KJV. Blemish was translated as ‘plague’, skin disease as ‘leprosy’, mildew and mold as ‘leprosy’, and this will pick up again in chapter 14, when speaking of house mold. Actual leprosy is virtually uncurable, even today, and it eats away a persons flesh. If it went away on its own, it was not leprosy. Only in verses 44-46 could this be actual leprosy, as the treatment of the victim requiring separation and the crying of ‘unclean!’ were for the protection of the public from contact spreading of this dreaded disease. All these laws were for health reasons, as they had no antibiotics back then to cure skin disease, easily cured today. They were not to wear mildewed or moldy clothing, for common sense health reasons. They handmade their clothing then, and if a garment could be saved, or repaired, it was important to them. No clothing stores or shopping malls existed back then, nor modern doctors with our modern medicines either. Yahweh gave these rules to take care of His chosen ones. In verse 48, 8359 means vertical threads, and 6154 are horizontal threads (warp and woof).

14 1. And spoke Yahweh to mosheh, saying,

2. “This shall be the law of the man with a skin disease in the day of his cleansing 2893. He shall be brought to the priest;

3. and the priest shall go forth from the camp; and the priest shall look, and if the blemish of the skin disease is healed in the man with the skin disease;

4. then shall the priest command to take for him that is to be cleansed two birds 6833, alive and clean, and cedar 730 wood, and the scarlet 8144 worm 8438, and hyssop 231;

5. and the priest shall cause one of the birds be slaughtered in a clay vessel over living 2416 water:

6. and as for the living bird, he shall take it, and the cedar wood, and the scarlet worm, and the hyssop, and shall dip them and the living bird in the blood of the bird that was slaughtered over living water:

7. and he shall sprinkle upon him that is to be cleansed from the skin disease seven times, and shall pronounce him clean, and shall let loose the living bird into the open field.

8. And he that is to be cleansed shall wash his clothes, and shave off all his hair, and wash himself in water, that he may be clean; and after that he shall come into the camp, and shall

tarry 3427 outside of his tent seven days.

9. But it shall be on the seventh day that he shall shave off all his hair from his head, and his beard, and his eyebrows; all his hair he shall shave off. He shall wash his clothes, and also wash his body in water, and he shall be clean.

10. And on the eighth day he shall take two he-lambs 3532 without blemish, and one

ewe-lamb 3535 of the first year without blemish, and three tenth deals of fine flour for a grain offering, mixed with oil, and one log 3849 of oil.

11. And the priest that makes him clean shall present the man that is to be made clean, and those things, before Yahweh, at the door of the Tent of Meeting:

12. and the priest shall take one he-lamb, and offer it for a guilt offering, and the log of oil, and wave them for a wave offering before Yahweh.

13. And he shall slaughter the he-lamb in the place where he shall slaughter the sin offering and the burnt offering, in the set-apart place. As the sin offering is the priest’s, so is the guilt offering. It is most holy.

14. And the priest shall take some of the blood of the guilt offering, and the priest shall put it on the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot.

15. And the priest shall take some of the log of oil, and pour it into the palm 3709 of his own left hand,

16. and the priest shall dip his right finger in the oil that is in his left hand, and shall sprinkle of the oil with his finger seven times before Yahweh.

English 19




14 1. Way’daber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872, lemor 559,

2. “Zoth 2063 tih’yeh 1961 torath 8451 ham’tsora 6879 b’yom 3117 taharatho 2893. W’huba 935

el 413 hakohen 3548,

3. w’yatsa 3318 hakohen 3548 el 413 michuts 2351 hamachaneh 4264 w’raah 7200

hakohen 3548, w’hinneh 2009, nir’pa 7495 nega 5061 hatsaraath 6883 min 4480 hatsarua 6879,

4. w’tsiwwah 6680 hakohen 3548 w’laqach 3947 lamitaher 2891 sh’tey 8147 tsipariym 6833

chayyoth 2416 t’horoth 2889, w’ets 6086 erez 730, ush’niy 8144 tolaath 8438, w’ezob 231.

5. W’tsiwwah 6680 hakohen 3548 w’shachat 7819 eth 853 hatsipor 6833 haechath 259 el 413

k’liy 3627 cheres 2789 al 5921 mayim 4325 chayyiym 2416;

6. eth 853 hatsipor 6833 hachayyah 2416, yiqach 3947 othah 853, w’eth 853 ets 6086 haerez 730, w’eth 853 sh’niy 8144 hatolaath 8438, w’eth 853 haezob 231, w’tabal 2881 otham 853 w’eth 853 hatsipor 6833 hachayyah 2416 d’dam 1818 hatsipor 6833 hash’chutah 7819 al 5921

hamayim 4325 hachayyiym 2416.

7. W’hizzah 5137 al 5921 hamittaher 2981 min 4480 hatsaraath 6883 sheba 7651 p’amiym 6471, w’tiharo 2891, w’shillach 7971 eth 853 hatsipor 6833 hachayyah 2416 al 5921 p’ney 6440

hasadeh 7704.

8. W’kibes 3526 hamitaher 2981 eth 853 b’gadayv 899, w’gillach 1548 eth 853 kol 3605

s’aro 8181, w’rachats 7364 bamayim 4325, w’taher 2891: w’achar 310 yabo 935 el 413

hamachaneh 4264, w’yashab 3427 michuts 2351 l’ohalo 168 shib’ath 7651 yomiym 3117.

9. W’hayah 1961 bayom 3117 hash’biyiy 7637, y’gallach 1548 eth 853 kol 3605 s’aro 8181

eth 853 rosho 7218 w’eth 853 z’qano 2206 w’eth 853 gaboth 1354 eynayv 5869, w’eth 853 kol 3605 s’aro 8181 w’galleach 1548: w’kibes 3526 eth 853 b’gadayv 899, w’rachats 7364 eth 853

b’saro 1320 bamayim 4325, w’taher 2891.

10. Ubayom 3117 hash’miyniy 8066 yiqqach 3947 sh’ney 8147 k’basiym 3532 t’miymiym 8549, w’kab’sah 3535 achath 259 bath 1323 sh’natha 8141 t’miymah 8549, ush’oshah 7969

es’roniym 6241 soleth 5560 min’chah 4503, b’lulah 1101 bashem 8081, w’log 3849 echad 259 shemen 8081.

11. W’heemiyd 5975 hakohen 3548 ham’taher 2891 eth 853 haiysh 376 hamitaher 2891,

w’otham 853, lip’ney 6440 YHWH, pethach 6607 ohel 168 moed 4150:

12. w’laqach 3947 hakohen 3548 eth 853 hakebes 3532 haechad 259, w’hiq’riyb 7126 otho 853 l’asham 817, w’eth 853 log 3849 hashemen 8081, w’heniyph 5130 otham 853 t‘nuphah 8573

lip’ney 6440 YHWH:

13. w’shachat 7819 eth 853 hakebes 3532 b’maqom 4725 asher 834 yish’chat 7819 eth 853

hachattath 2403 w’eth 413 haolah 5930, bim’qom 4725 haqodesh 6944: kiy 3588 kachattath 2403 haasham 817 hu 1931 lakohen 3548 qodesh 6944 qadashiym 6944 hu 1931:

14. W’laqach 3947 hakohen 3548 midam 1818 haasham 817, w’nathan 5414 hakohen 3548

al 5971 t’nuch 8571 ozen 241 hamitaher 2891 hay’maniyth 3233, w’al 5921 bohen 931 yado 3027

hay’maniyth 3233, w’al 5921 bohen 931 rag’lo 7272 hay’maniyth 3233:

15. w’laqach 3947 hakohen 3548 milog 3849 hashemen 8081, w’yatsaq 3332 al 5921 kaph 3709 hakohen 3548 has’moliyth 8042:

16. w’tabal 2881 hakohen 3548 eth 853 ets’bao 676 hay’maniyth 3233 min 4480 hashemen 8081

asher 834 al 5921 kapo 3709 has’moliyth 8042, w’hizzah 5137 min 4480 hashemen 8081

b’ets’bao 676 sheba 7651 p’amiym 6471 lip’ney 6440 YHWH:

Hebrew 19

17. and of the rest of the oil that is in his hand shall the priest put upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot, upon the blood of the guilt offering.

18. And the remnant 3498 of the oil that is in the priest’s hand he shall put upon the head of him that is to be cleansed. The priest shall make propitiation for him before Yahweh.

19. And the priest shall offer the sin offering, and make propitiation for him that is to be cleansed from his uncleanness; and afterward 310 he shall slaughter the burnt offering.

20. And the priest shall offer the burnt offering and the grain offering upon the altar; and the priest shall make propitiation for him and he shall be clean.

21. And if he is poor, and cannot get so much; then he shall offer one he-lamb for a guilt offering to be waved, to be waved, to make propitiation for him, and one tenth deal of fine flour mixed with oil for a grain offering, and a log of oil;

22. and two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, such as he is able to get; and the one shall be a sin offering, and the other a burnt offering.

23. And he shall bring them the eighth day for his cleansing to the priest, to the door of the Tent of Meeting, before Yahweh.

24. And the priest shall take the he-lamb of the guilt offering and the log of oil, and the priest shall wave them for a wave offering before Yahweh.

25. And he shall slaughter the he-lamb of the guilt offering, and the priest shall take some of the blood of the guilt offering, and put it on the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot;

26. and the priest shall pour of the oil into the palm of his own left hand;

27. and the priest shall sprinkle with his right finger of the oil that is in his left hand seven times before Yahweh.

28. And the priest shall put of the oil that is in his hand upon the tip of the right ear of him that is to be cleansed, and upon the thumb of his right hand, and upon the great toe of his right foot, upon the place of the blood of the guilt offering:

29. and the rest of the oil that is in the priest’s hand he shall put upon the head of him that is to be cleansed, to make propitiation for him before Yahweh.

30. And he shall offer one of the turtledoves, or of the young pigeons, such as he can get;

31. such as he is able to get, the one for the sin offering, and the other for the burnt offering, with the grain offering. And the priest shall make propitiation for him that is to be cleansed before Yahweh.

32. This is the law of him in whom is the blemish of skin disease, whose hand is not able to get that which pertains to his cleansing.”

33. And spoke Yahweh to Mosheh and to Aharon, saying,

34. “When you have come into the land of Kenaan, which I give to you for a possession, and I put the blemish of mold in a house of the land of your possession;

35. and he that owns the house shall come and tell the priest, saying, ‘It seems to me that there is a blemish in the house,’

36. then the priest shall command that they empty the house, before the priest goes in to see the blemish, so that all that is in the house not be made unclean;
and afterward the priest shall go in to see the house.

37. And he shall look upon the blemish, and if the blemish is in the walls 7023 of the house, with depressions 8258, greenish, or reddish, which in appearance are lower than the surface of the wall;

38. then the priest shall go out of the house to the door of the house, and shut up the house seven days;

39. and the priest shall come again on the seventh day, and shall look, and if the blemish has spread in the walls of the house;

English 20

17. Umiyether 3499 hashemen 8081 asher 834 al 5921 kapo 3708 yitten 5414 hakohen 3548 al 5921

t’nuch 8571 ozen 241 hamitaher 2891 hay’maniyth 3233, w’al 5921 bohen 931 yado 3027

hay’maniyth 3233, w’al 5921 bohen 931 rag’lo 7272 hay’maniyth 3233, al 5921 dam 1818 haasham 817.

18. W’hanothar 3498 bashemen 8081 asher 834 al 5921 kaph 3789 hakohen 3548 yitten 5414 al 5921

rosh 7218 hamitaher 2891: w’kipper 3722 alayv 5921 hakohen 3548 lip’ney 6440 YHWH.

19. W’asah 6213 hakohen 3548 eth 853 hachattath 2403, w’kipper 3722 al 5921 hamitaher 2891

mitum’atho 2932; w’achor 310 yish’chat 7819 eth 853 haolah 5930:

20. W’heelah 5927 hakohen 3548 eth 853 haolah 5930 w’eth 853 hamin’chah 4503 hamiz’bechah 4196, w’kipper 3722 alayv 5921 hakohen 3548, w’taher 2891.

21. W’im 518 dal 1800 hu 1931, w’eyn 369 yado 3027 masegeth 5381; w’laqach 3947 kebes 3532

echad 259 asham 817 lit’nuphah 8573, l’kapper 3722 alayv 5921 w’issaron 6241 soleth 5560 echad 259 balul 1101 bashemen 8081 l’min’chah 4503 w’log 3849 shemen 8081;

22. Ush’tey 8147 toriym 8449, o 176 sh’ney 8147 b’ney 1121 yonah 3123, asher 834 tassiyg 5381

yado 3027; w’hayah 1961 echad 259 chattath 2403, w’haechad 259 olah 5930.

23. W’hebiy 935 otham 853 bayom 3117 hash’miyniy 8066 l’taharatho 2893 el 413 hakohen 3548, el 413 pethach 6607 ohel 168 moed 4150 lip’ney 6440 YHWH.

24. W’laqach 3947 hakohen 3548 eth 853 kebes 3532 haasham 817 w’eth 853 log 3849 hashemen 8081, w’heniyph 5130 otham 853 hakohen 3548 t’nuphah 8573 lip’ney 6440 YHWH:

25. w’shachat 7819 eth 853 kebes 3532 haasham 817, w’laqach 3947 hakohen 3548 midam 1818

haasham 817, w’nathan 5414 al 5921 t’nuch 8571 ozen 241 hamitaher 2891 hay’maniyth 3233, w’al 5921 bohen 931 yado 3027 hay’maniyth 3233, w’al 5921 bohen 931 rag’lo 7272 hay’maniyth 3233:

26. umin 4480 hashemen 8081 yitsoq 3332 hakohen 3548 al 5921 kaph 3709 hakohen 3548

hasemoliyth 8042:

27. w’hizzah 5137 hakohen 3548 b’ets’bao 676 hay’maniyth 3233 min 4480 hashemen 8081 asher 834

al 5921 kapo 3709 has’moliyth 8042 sheba 7651 p’amiym 6471 lip’ney 6440 YHWH:

28. w’nathan 5414 hakohen 3548 min 4480 hashemen 8081 asher 834 al 5921 kapo 3709 al 5921

t’nuch 8571 ozen 241 hamitaher 2891 hay’maniyth 3233, w’al 5921 bohen 931 yado 3027

hay’maniyth 3233, w’al 5921 bohen 931 rag’lo 7272 hay’maniyth 3233, al 5921 m’qom 4725 dam 1818 haasham 817:

29. w’hanothar 3498 min 4480 hashemen 8081 asher 834 al 5921 kaph 3709 hakohen 3548 yitten 5414

al 5921 rosh 7218 hamitaher 2891, l’kapper 3722 alayv 5921 lip’ney 6440 YHWH.

30. W’asah 6213 eth 853 haechad 259 min 4480 hatoriym 8449, o 176 min 4480 b’ney 1121 hayonah 3123, measher 834 tasiyg 5381 yado 3027;

31. eth 853 asher 834 tasiyg 5381 yado 3027, eth 853 haechad 259 chattath 2403, w’eth 853 haechad 259 olah 5930, al 5921 hamin’chah 4503: w’kipper 3722 hakohen 3548 al 5921 hamitaher 2891 lip’ney 6440 YHWH.

32. Zoth 2063 torath 8451 asher 834 bo nega 5061 tsaraath 6883, asher 834 lo 3808 tasiyg 5381

yado 3027 b’taharatho 2893.”

33. Way’daber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872 w’el 413 aharon 175, lemor 559,

34. “Kiy 3588 tabou 935 el 413 erets 776 k’naan 3667 asher 834 Aniy 589 nothen 5414 lachem

laachuzzah 272, w’nathatiy 5414 nega 5061 tsaraath 6883 b’beyth 1004 erets 776 achuzzath’chem 272,

35. uba 935 asher 834 lo habayith 1004 w’higiyd 5046 lakohen 3548, lemor 559, ‘K’nega 5061 nir’ah 7200 liy babayith 1004:’

36. w’tsiwwah 6680 lakohen 3548 upinnu 6437 eth 853 habayith 1004, b’terem 2964 yabo 935

hakohen 3548 lir’oth 7200 eth 853 hanega 5061 w’lo 3808 yit’ma 2930 kol 3605 asher 834 babayith 1004: w’achar 310 ken 3651 yabo 935 hakohen 3548 lir’oth 7200 eth 853 habayith 1004:

37. w’raah 7200 eth 853 hanega 5061, w’hinneh 2009, hanega 5061 b’qiyroth 7023 habayith 1004 sh’qaarurath 8258, o 176 adam’damoth 125 umar’eyhen 4758 shaphal 8217 min 4480 haqiyr 7023;

38. w’yatsa 3318 hakohen 3548 min 4480 habayith 1004 el 413 pethach 6607 habayith 1004

w’his’giyr 5462 eth 853 habayith 1004 shib’ath 7651 yomiym 3117:

39. w’shab 7725 hakohen 3548 bayom 3117 hash’biyiy 7637, w’raah 7200; w’hinneh 2009, pasah 6581 hanega 5061 b’qiyroth 7023 habayith 1004;


Hebrew 20

40. then the priest shall command that they take away the stones in which the blemish is, and they shall cast them into an unclean place outside of the city.

41. And he shall cause the house to be scraped 7106 within, all around, and they shall pour out the dust that they scrape off 7096 outside of the city in an unclean place;

42. and they shall take other stones, and put them in place of those stones; and he shall take other mortar, and he shall plaster the house.

43. And if the blemish comes again, and breaks out in the house, after they have taken away the stones, and after they have scraped the house, and after it is plastered;

44. then the priest shall come and look, and if the blemish has spread in the house, it is a growing mold in the house. It is unclean.

45. And he shall break down 5422 the house, the stones of it, and the timber of it, and all the mortar of the house; and he shall carry them forth out of the city into an unclean place.

46. Moreover he that enters the house all the while it is shut up shall be unclean until the evening.

47. And he that lies down to sleep in the house shall wash his clothes; and he that eats in the house shall wash his clothes.

48. And if the priest shall enter and look, and the blemish has not spread in the house, after the house was plastered, then the priest shall pronounce the house clean, because the blemish has been healed 7495.

49. And he shall take to cleanse the house two birds and cedar wood and the scarlet worm, and hyssop;

50. And he shall slaughter one of the birds in a clay vessel over living water,

51. and he shall take the cedar wood, and the hyssop, and the scarlet worm, and the living bird, and dip them in the blood of the slaughtered bird, and in the living water, and sprinkle the house seven times;

52. and he shall cleanse the house with the blood of the bird, and with the living water, and with the living bird, and with the cedar wood, and with the hyssop, and with the scarlet worm,

53. but he shall let the living bird go outside of the city into the open fields, and make propitiation for the house. It shall be clean.

54. This is the law for all manner of blemishes of skin diseases, and scabs,

55. and for mildew in a garment, and of a house,

56. and for a swelling, and for a scab, and for a bright spot;

57. to teach when it is unclean, and when it is clean. This is the law of skin diseases.”

Chapter 14 Notes – Chapter 14 is about personal and public health when it concerns houses taken after the Canaanites had been driven out. A mildewed house is a health problem even today, with “black mold” causing some fatalities, and allergies and respiratory problems ensuing from breathing in spores. The rest of the chapter concerns sacrifices for ceremonial cleansing of an afflicted individual. A person that was ‘unclean’ could not appear before Yahweh, or enter the Temple area. As this was such an important part of the lives of the people of Yisrael, the status of cleanliness was of great importance to them. The Temple no longer is in existence, and the Levitical Priesthood has been replaced by the Order of Malkiy-Tsedeq by Yahshua Messiah, so these ceremonial laws are no longer in use.

Verse 2 – Matthew 8:4; Mark 1:44; Luke 5:14; 17:14 ; Verse 4 – “scarlet worm” is the dried body of the female coccus ilicis, which yields this color for dyeing objects. Verse 10 – a “log” is 2/3 pint.

15 1. And spoke Yahweh to Mosheh and to Aharon, saying,

2. “Speak to the children of Yisrael, and say to them, ‘When any man has a running

discharge 2100 from his penis 1320 , because of his discharge 2101 he is unclean.

English 21

40. w’tsiwwah 6680 hakohen 3548 w’chllletsu 2502 eth 853 haabaniym 68 asher 834 bahen 2004 hanega 5061 w’hish’liychu 7993 eth’hen 853 el 413 michuts 2351 laiyr 5892 el 413 maqom 4725

tame 2931;

41. w’eth 853 habayith 1004 yaq’tsiah 7106 mibayith 1004 sabiyb 5439, w’shaph’chu 8210

eth 853 heaphar 6083 asher 834 hiq’tsu 7096 el 413 michuts 2351 laiyr 5892 el 413 maqom 4725 tame 2931:

42. w’laq’chu 3947 abaniym 68 acheroth 312 w’hebiyu 935 el 413 tachath 8478 haabaniym 68; w’aphar 6083 acher 312 yiqach 3947, w’tach 2902 eth 853 habayith 1004.

43. W’im 518 yashub 7725 hanega 5061, uparach 6524 babayith 1004, achar 310 chillets 2502

eth 853 haabaniym 68, w’acharey 310 hiq’tsoth 7096 eth 853 habayith 1004, w’acharey 310

hittoach 2902;

44. uba 935 hakohen 3548 w’raah 7200, w’hinneh 2009, pasah 6581 hanega 5061 babayith 1004, tsaraath 6883 mam’ereth 3992 hiv 1931 babayith 1004, tame 2931 hu 1931.

45. W’nathats 5422 eth 853 habayith 1004, eth 853 abanayv 68, w’eth 853 etsayv 6086, w’eth 853

kol 3605 aphar 6083 habayith 1004; w’hotsiy 3318 el 413 michuts 2351 laiyr 5892 el 413

maqom 4725 tame 2931.

46. W’haba 935 el 413 habayith 1004 kol 3605 y’mey 3117 his’giyr 5462 otho 853 yit’ma 2930

ad 5704 haareb 6153.

47. W’hashocheb 7901 habayith 1004 y’kabes 3526 eth 853 b’gadayv 899; w’haochel 398

babayith 1004 y’kabes 3526 eth 853 b’gadayv 899.

48. W’im 518 bo 935 yabo 935 hakohen 3548 w’raah 7200, w’hinneh 2009, lo 3808 pasah 6581 hanega 5061 babayith 1004, acharey 310 hittoach 2902 eth 853 habayith 1004: w’tihar 2891

hakohen 3548 eth 853 habayith 1004, kiy 3588 nir’pa 7495 hanega 5061.

49. W’laqach 3947 l’chatte 2398 eth 853 habayith 1004 sh’tey 8147 tsiporiym 6833, w’ets 6086

erez 730, ush’niy 8144 tolaath 8438, w’ezob 231:

50. w’shachat 7819 eth 853 hatsipor 6833 haechath 259 el 413 k’liy 3627 cheres 2789 al 5971

mayim 4325 chayyiym 2416:

51. W’laqach 3947 eth 853 ets 6086 haerez 730, w’eth 853 haezob 231, w’eth 853 sh’niy 8144 hatolaath 8438, w’eth 853 hatsipor 6833 hachayyah 2416, w’tabal 2881 otham 853 b’dam 1818

hatsipor 6833 hash’chutah 7819, ubamayim 4325 hachayyiym 2416, w’hizzah 5137 el 413

habayith 1004 sheba 7651 p’amiym 6471.

52. W’chitte 2398 eth 853 habayith 1004 b’dam 1818 hatsipor 6833, ubamayim 4325

hachayyiym 2416, ubatsipor 6833 hachayyah 2416, ub’ets 6086 haerez 730, ubaezob 231,

ubish’niy 8144 hatolaath 8438:

53. w’shillach 7971 eth 853 hatsipor 6833 hachayyah 2416 el 413 michuts 2351 laiyr 5892 el 413 p’ney 6440 hasadeh 7704, w’kipper 3722 al 5921 habayith 1004, w’taher 2891.

54. Zoth 2063 hatorah 8451 l’kol 3605 nega 5061 hatsaraath 6883 w’lanatheq 5424.

55. Ul’tsaraath 6883 habeged 899, w’labayith 1004.

56. Ul’s’eth 7613, w’lasapachath 5597, w’labehareth 934:

57. l’horoth 3384 b’yom 3117 hatame 2391, ub’yom 3117 hatahor 2889. Zoth 2063 torath 8451 hatsaraath 6883.”



15 1. Way’daber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872 w’el 413 aharon 175, lemor 559,

2. “Daberu 1696 el 413 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478, w’amar’tem 559 aleyhem 413, ‘ Iysh 376

iysh 376 kiy 3588 yih’yeh 1961 zab 2100 mib’saro 1320, zobo 2931 tame 2931 hu 1931.

Hebrew 21

3. And this shall be his uncleanness in his discharge, whether his penis flows 7325 with his discharge, or his penis is stopped up 2856 from his discharge, it is his uncleanness.

4. Every bed where he lies that has the discharge, is unclean; and every thing he sits upon shall be unclean.

5. And whoever touches his bed shall wash his clothes, and bathe in water, and be unclean until the evening.

6. And he that sits upon anything where he sat that has the discharge, shall wash his clothes, and bathe in water, and be unclean until the evening.

7. And he that touches the body of him that has the discharge shall wash his clothes, and bathe in water, and be unclean until the evening.

8. And if he that has the discharge spits 7556 upon him that is clean; then he shall wash his clothes, and bathe in water, and be unclean until the evening.

9. And whatever saddle he rides upon that has the discharge shall be unclean.

10. And whoever touches any thing that was under him shall be unclean until the evening; and he that carries any of those things shall wash his clothes, and bathe in water, and be unclean until the evening.

11. And whoever he that has the discharge touches, without first rinsing his hands in water, he shall wash his clothes, and bathe in water, and be unclean until the evening.

12. And the vessel of clay that he that has the discharge touches shall be broken; and every vessel of wood shall be rinsed in water.

13. And when he that has the discharge is cleansed of his discharge, then he shall number to himself seven days for his cleansing, and wash his clothes, and bathe his body in living water, and shall be clean.

14. And on the eighth day he shall take two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, and come before Yahweh to the door of the Tent of Meeting, and give them to the priest;

15. and the priest shall offer them, the one for a sin offering, and the other for a burnt offering; and the priest shall make propitiation for him before Yahweh for his discharge.

16. And if any man’s seed of lying 7902 goes out from him, then he shall wash all his body in water, and be unclean until the evening.

17. And every garment, and every skin which the seed of lying is on, shall be washed in water, and be unclean until the evening.

18. The woman also with whom the man shall lie 7901 with the seed of lying, they shall both bathe themselves in water, and be unclean until the evening.

19. And if a woman has a f1ow 2100, and her flow in her pudenda 1320 is blood, she shall be put apart for seven days, and whoever touches her shall be unclean until the evening.

0. And every thing she lies upon in her impurity 5079 shall be unclean; and every thing also that she sits upon shall be unclean.

21. And whoever touches her bed shall wash his clothes, and bathe in water, and be unclean until the evening.

22. And whoever touches any thing she sat upon shall wash his clothes, and bathe in water, and be unclean until the evening.

23. And if it is on her bed, or on any thing where she sits, when he touches it, he shall be unclean until the evening.

24. And if any man lies with her at all 7901/7901, and her impurity 5079 is upon him, he shall be unclean for seven days; and all the bed where he lies shall be unclean.

25. And if a woman has a flow of her blood many days out of the time of her impurity 5079, or if it runs beyond the time of her impurity; all the days of the flow of her uncleanness shall be as the days of her impurity. She shall be unclean.

26. Every bed where she lies all the days of her flow shall be to her as the bed of her impurity, and whatever she sits on shall be unclean, as the uncleanness of her impurity.

English 22

3. W’zoth 2063 tih’yeh 1961 tum’atho 2932 b’zobo 2101 rar 7325 b’saro 1320 eth 853 zobo 2101, o 176 hech’tiym 2856 b’saro 1320 mizobo 2101, tum’atho 2932 hiv 1931:

4. kol 3605 hamish’kab 4904, asher 834 yish’kab 7901 alayv 5921 hazzab 2100, yit’ma 2930, w’kol 3605 hak’liy 3627, asher 834 yesheb 3427 alayv 5921, yit’ma 2930.

5. W’iysh 376 asher 834 yiga 5060 b’mish’kab 4904 o 176 y’kabes 3526 b’gadayv 899, w’rachats 7364 bamayim 4325 w’tame 2931 ad 5704 haareb 6153.

6. W’hayosheb 3427 al 5921 hak’liy 3627 asher 834 yesheb 3427 alayv 5921 hazab 2100 w’kabes 3526 b’gadayv 899 w’rachats 7364 bamayim 4325, w’tame 2931 ad 5704 haareb 6153.

7. W’hanogea 5060 bib’sar 1320 hazab 2100 w’kabes 3526 b’gadayv 899, w’rachats 7364 bamayim 4325, w’tame 2931 haareb 6153.

8. W’kiy 3588 yaroq 7556 hazab 2100 batahor 2889; w’kabes 3526 b’gadayv 899, w’rachats 7364 bamayim 4325, w’tame 2931 ad 5704 haareb 6153.

9. W’kol 3605 hamer’kab 4817 asher 834 yir’kab 7392 alayv 5921 hazab 2100 yit’ma 2930.

10. W’kol 3605 hanogea 5060 b’kol 3605 asher 834 yih’yeh 1961 tach’tayv 8478 yit’ma 2930 ad 5704 haareb 6153: w’hanose 5375 otham 853 y’kabes 3526 b’gadayv 899, w’rachats 7364 bamayim 4325,

w’tame 2931 ad 5704 haareb 6153.

11. W’kol 3605 asher 834 yigga 5060 bo hazzab 2100 w’yadayv 3027 lo 3808 shataph 7857 bamayim 4325, w’kibes 3526 b’gadayv 899 w’rachats 7364 bamayim 4325, w’tame 2931 ad 5704 haareb 6153.

12. Uk’liy 3627 cheres 2789 asher 834 yigga 5060 bo hazzab 2100, yishaber 7665 w’kol 3605 k’liy 3627

ets 6086 yishateph 7857 bamayim 4325.

13. W’kiy 3588 yit’har 2891 hazzab 2100 mizzobo 2101 w’saphar 5608 lo shib’ath 7651 yomiym 3117 l’tahoratho 2889, w’kabes 3256 b’gadayv 899, w’rachats 7364 b’saro 1320 b’mayim 4325 chayyim 2416, w’taher 2891.

14. Ubayom 3117 hash’miyniy 8066 yiqqach 3947 lo sh’tey 8147 toriym 8449, o 176 sh’ney 8147

b’ney 1121 yonah 3123, uba 935 lip’ney 6440 YHWH el 413 pethach 6607 ohel 168 moed 4150,

un’thanam 5414 el 413 hakohen 3548.

15. W’asah 6213 otham 853 hakohen 3548, echad 259 chattah 2403, w’haechad 259 olah 5930;

w’kipper 3722 alayv 5921 hakohen 3548 lip’ney 6440 YHWH mizzobo 2101.

16. W’iysh 376 kiy 3588 tetse 3318 mimennu 4480 shich’bath 7902 zara 2233, w’rachats 7364

bamayim 4325 eth 853 kol 3605 b’saro 1320, w’tame 2931 ad 5704 haareb 6153.

17. W’kol 3605 beged 899, w’kol 3605 or 5785, asher 834 yih’yeh 1961 alayv 5921 shich’bath 7902

zara 2233, w’kubas 3526 bamayim 4325, w’tame 2931 ad 5704 haareb 6153.

18. W’ishshah 802 asher 834 yish’chab 7901 iysh 376 othah 853 shich’bath 7902 zara 2233

w’rachatsu 7364 bamayim 4325, w’tameu 2931 ad 5704 haareb 6153.

19. W’ishshah 802 kiy 3588 tih’yeh 1961 zaba 2100, dam 1818 yih’yeh 1961 zobah 2101 bib’sarah 1320, shib’ath 7651 yomiym 3117 tih’yeh 1961 b’nidathah 5079: w’kol 3605 hanogea 5060 bah yit’ma 2930

ad 5704 haareb 6153.

20. W’kol 3605 asher 834 tish’chab 7901 alayv 5921 b’nidathah 5079 yit’ma 2930: w’kol 3605 asher 834

tesheb 3427 alayv 5921 yit’ma 2930.

21. W’kol 3605 hanogea 5060 b’mish’kabah 4904 w’kabes 3526 b’gadayv 899 w’rachats 7364

bamayim 4325, w’tame 2931 ad 5704 haareb 6153.

22. W’kol 3605 hanogea 5060 b’kol 3605 k’liy 3627 asher 834 tesheb 3427 alayv 5921 y’kabes 3526 b’gadayv 899, w’rachats 7364 bamayim 4325, w’tame 2931 ad 5704 haareb 6153.

23. W’im 518 al 5921 hamish’kab 4904 hu 1931, o 176 al 5921 hak’liy 3627 asher 834 hiv 1931

yoshebeth 3427 alayv 5921, b’nago 5060 bo, yit’ma 2930 ad 5704 haareb 6153.

24.W’im 518 shachob 7901 yish’chab 7901 iysh 376 othah 853, ut’hiy 1961 nidatha 5079 alayv 5921, w’tame 2931 shib’ath 7651 yomiym 3117; w’kol 3605 hamish’kan 4904 asher 834 yish’chab 7901

alayv 5921 yit’ma 2930.

25. W’ishshah 802 kiy 3588 yazub 2100 zob 2100 damah 1818 yomiym 3117 rabiym 7227 b’lo 3808

eth 853 nidatha 5079, o 176 kiy 3588 tazub 2100 al 5921 nidatha 5079; kol 3605 y’mey 3117 zob 2100 tum’atha 2932 kiy’mey 3117 nidatha 5079 tih’yeh 1961 t’meah 2931 hiv 1931.

26. Kol 3605 hamish’kab 4904 asher 834 tish’chab 7901 alayv 5921 kol 3605 y’mey 3117 zoba 2101 k’mish’kab 4904 nidathah 5079 yih’yeh 1961 lah w’kol 3605 hak’liy 3627 asher 834 tesheb 3427 alayv 5921 tame 2931 yih’yeh 1961, b’tum’ath 2932 nidathah 5079:

Hebrew 22

27. And whoever touches those things shall be unclean, and shall wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and shall be unclean until the evening.

28. But if she be cleansed of her flow, then she shall number to herself seven days, and after that she shall be clean.

29. And on the eighth day she shall take unto her two turtledoves, or two young pigeons, and bring them to the priest, to the door of the Tent of Meeting.

30. And the priest shall offer one for a sin offering, and the other for a burnt offering; and the priest shall make propitiation for her before Yahweh for the flow of her uncleanness.

31. Thus shall you separate 5144 the children of Yisrael from their uncleanness; so that they do not die in their uncleanness, when they make unclean 2930 My Tabernacle 4908 that is among them.

32. This is the law of him that has a discharge, and of him whose seed of lying goes from him, and is made unclean by it;

33. and of her that has the flow of her impurity, and of him that has a discharge, of the man, and of the woman, and of him that lies with her that is unclean. ‘ “

Chapter 15 Notes – The sacrificial part of this chapter has been fulfilled, but the laws for health and sexual conduct still stand. The uncleanness here is primarily concerned with prohibition from approaching the Tabernacle, but the physical uncleanness is a health issue. A man with a penile discharge has a disease, quite possibly gonorrhea. A woman on her monthly menstrual cycle should not have intercourse, nor should her husband approach her for such. Such laws are “unpopular” today, but then, in our corrupted world all of Yahweh’s laws are unpopular. Each person must decide whether he is a true follower of Yahweh, or will honor Him only with his lips. Verse 16 –7902 shich’bath = semen.

Verse 25 – Luke 8:43-47

16 1. And spoke Yahweh to mosheh after the death of the two sons of Aharon, when they

approached 7126 the presence of Yahweh, and died;

2. And said Yahweh to Mosheh, “Speak to Aharon your brother, so that he does not come at all times into the set-apart place within the veil before the kaporeth 3727, which is upon the ark; that he does not die: because I will appear in the cloud 6051 upon the kaporeth.

3. Thus shall Aharon enter into the set-apart place: with a young bull calf for a sin offering, and a ram for a burnt offering.

4. He shall put on the set-apart linen coat, and shall have the linen breeches upon his body, and he shall be girded with a linen sash, and with the linen turban shall he be clothed: these are set-apart garments; therefore he shall wash his body in water, and put them on.

5. And he shall take from the congregation of the children of Yisrael two he-goats for a sin offering, and one ram for a burnt offering.

6. And Aharon shall offer his young bull of the sin offering, which is for himself, and make propitiation for himself, and for his household.

7. And he shall take the two goats, and present them before Yahweh at the door of the Tent of Meeting.

8. And Aharon shall cast lots upon the two goats; one lot for Yahweh, and the other lot for

Azazel 5799.

9. And Aharon shall bring the goat upon which Yahweh’s lot fell, and offer it for a sin offering.

10. But the goat, on which the lot fell to be for Azazel, shall be presented alive before Yahweh, to make propitiation with it, and to let it go for Azazel into the wilderness.

11. And Aharon shall bring the young bull for the sin offering, which is for himself, and for his household, and shall slaughter the young bull of the sin offering which is for himself:

12. and he shall take a censer full of burning coals of fire from off the altar before Yahweh, and his hands full of sweet incense beaten small, and bring it within the veil:

English 23

27. w’kol 3605 hanogea 5060 bam yit’ma 2930, w’kibes 3526 b’gadayv 899 w’rachats 7364

bamayim 4325, w’tame 2930 ad 5704 haareb 6153.

28. W’im 518 taharah 2891 mizobah 2101, w’saph’rah 3608 lah shib’ath 7651 yomiym 3117,

w’achar 310 tit’har 2891.

29. Ubayom 3117 hash’miyniy 8066 tiqach 3947 lah sh’tey 8147 toriym 8449, o 176 sh’ney 8147

b’ney 1121 yonah 3123, w’habiyah 935 otham 853 el 413 hakohen 3548, el 413 pethach 6607

ohel 168 moed 4150.

30. W’asah 6213 hakohen 3548 eth 853 haechad 259 chattath 2403 w’eth 853 haechad 259

olah < i>5930, w’kipper 3722 aleyha 5921 hakohen 3548 lip’ney 6440 YHWH mizob 2101

tum’athah 2932.

31. W’hizar’tem 5144 eth 853 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478 mitum’atham 2932, w’lo 3808

yamuthu 4191 b’tum’atham 2932, b’tam’am 2930 eth 853 mish’kaniy 4908 asher 834

b’thocham 8432.

32. Zoth 2063 torath 8451 hazab 2100 waasher 834 tetse 3318 mimennu 4480 shich’bath 7902

zera 2233, l’tam’ah 2930 ba.

33. W’hadawah 1739 b’nidathah 5079 w’hazab 2100 eth 853 zobo 2101 lazachar 2145,

w’lan’qebah 5347, ul’iysh 376 asher 834 yish’chab 7901 im 5973 t’meah 2931.’ “

16 1.Way’daber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872 acharey 310 moth 4191 sh’ney 8147

b’ney 1121 aharon 175 b’qar’batham 7126 lip’ney 6440 YHWH, wayamuthu 4191.

2. Wayomer 559 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872: “Daber 1696 el 413 aharon 175 achiycha 251,

w’al 408 yabo 935 b’kol 3605 eth 853 el 413 haqodesh 6944 mibeyth 1004 laparocheth 6532 el 413 p’ney 6440 hakaporeth 3727, asher 834 al 5921 haaron 727; w’lo 3808 yamuth 4191 kiy 3588

beanan 6051 eraeh 7200 al 5921 hakaporeth 3727.

3. B’zoth 2063 yabo 935 aharon 175 el 413 haqodesh 6944: b’par 6499 ben 1121 baqar 1241

l’chattath 2403 w’aliy 352 l’olah 5930.

4. K’toneth 3801 bad 906 qodesh 6944 yil’bash 3847, umich’n’sey 4370 bad 906 yih’yu 1961

al 5921 b’saro 1320, ub’ab’net 73 bad 906 yach’gor 2296; ub’mits’nepheth 4701 bad 906

yits’noph 6801: big’dey 899 qodesh 6944 hem 1992; w’rachats 7364 bamayim 4325 eth 853

b’saro 1320, ul’besham 3847.

5. Umeeth 854 adath 5712 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478 yiqach 3947 sh’ney 8147 s’iyrey 8163

izziym 5795 l’chattah 2403, w’ayil 352 echad 259 l’olah 5930.

6. W’hiq’riyb 7126 aharon 175 eth 853 par 6499 hachattath 2403, asher 834 lo, w’kipper 3722

baado 1157, ub’ad 1157 beytho 1004.

7. W’laqach 3947 eth 853 sh’ney 8147 has’iyrim 8163, w’heemiyd 5975 otham 853 lip’ney 6440 YHWH pethach 6607 ohel 168 moed 4150;

8. w’nathan 5414 aharon 175 al 5921 sh’ney 8147 has’iyrim 8163 goraloth 1486; goral 1486

echad 259 laYHWH, w’goral 1486 echad 259 laazazel 5799.

9. W’hiq’riyb 7126 aharon 175 eth 853 hasaiyr 8163 asher 834 alah 5927 alayv 5921

hagoral 1486 laYHWH, w’asahu 6213 chattath 2403.

10. W’hasaiyr 8163 asher 834 alah 5927 alayv 5921 hagoral 1486 laazazel 5799, yaamad 5975

chay 2416 lip’ney 6440 YHWH, l’kapper 3722 alayv 5921, l’shallach 7971 otho 853 laazazel 5799 hamid’barah 4057.

11. W’hiq’riyb 7126 aharon 175 eth 853 par 6499 hachattath 2403, asher 834 lo, w’kipper 3722

baado 1157, ub’ad 1157 beytho 1004, w’shachath 7819 eth 853 par 6499 hachattath 2403

asher 834 lo:

12. w’laqach 3947 m’lo 4393 hamach’tah 4289 gachaley 1513 esh 784 meal 5921

hamiz’beach 4196 milip’ney 6440 YHWH, um’lo 4393 choph’nayv 2651 q’toreth 7004

samiym 5561 daqqah 1851, w’hebiy 935 mibeyth 1004 laparocheth 6532.

Hebrew 23

13. and he shall put the incense upon the fire before Yahweh, so that the cloud of the incense may cover the kaporeth that is upon the Testimony 5715, so he does not die.

14. And he shall take of the blood of the young bull, and sprinkle it with his finger upon the kaporeth eastward 6924; and before the kaporeth he shall sprinkle of the blood with his finger seven times.

15. Then he shall slaughter the goat of the sin offering, that is for the people, and bring its blood within the veil, and do with that blood as he did with the blood of the young bull, and sprinkle it upon the kaporeth, and before the kaporeth.

16. And he shall make propitiation for the set-apart place, because of the uncleanness of the children of Yis’rael, and because of their transgressions 6588 in all their sins: and so shall he do for the Tent of Meeting, that remains among them in the midst of their uncleanness.

17. And there shall be no adam in the Tent of Meeting when he goes in to make propitiation in the set-apart place, until he has come out, and has made propitiation for himself, and for his household, and for all the congregation of Yis’rael.

18. And he shall go out to the altar that is before Yahweh, and make propitiation for it; and shall take of the blood of the young bull, and of the blood of the goat, and put upon the horns of the altar, all around.

19. And he shall sprinkle of the blood upon it with his finger seven times, and cleanse it, and set it apart from the uncleanness of the children of Yisrael.

20. And when he has made an end of making propitiation for the set-apart place, and the Tent of Meeting, and the altar, he shall bring the live goat:

21. And Aharon shall lay both his hands upon the head of the live goat, and confess 3034 over him all the iniquities of the children of Yisrael, putt
ing them on the head of the goat
, and shall send it away by the hand of a fit 6261 man into the wilderness.

22. And the goat shall bear upon him all their iniquities unto a land not inhabited 1509, and he shall let go the goat in the wilderness.

23. And Aharon shall enter the Tent of Meeting, and shall put off the linen garments, which he put on when he entered the set-apart place, and shall leave them there:

24. and he shall wash his body with water in the set-apart place, and put on his garments, and come forth, and offer his burnt offering, and the burnt offering of the people, and make propitiation for himself, and for the people.

25. And the fat of the sin offering he shall burn on the altar.

26. And he that let go the goat for Azazel shall wash his clothes, and bathe his body in water, and afterward enter the camp.

27. And the young bull for the sin offering, and the goat for the sin offering, whose blood was brought in to make propitiation in the set-apart place, shall be carried forth outside the camp; and they shall burn 8313 in the fire their skins, and their flesh, and their dung.

28. And he that burns them shall wash his clothes, and bathe his body in water, and afterward shall enter the camp.

29. And this shall be a statute forever to you; that in the seventh month, on the tenth day of the month, you shall afflict 6031 your bodies 5315, and do no work 4399 at all, one of your own land, or a sojourner 1616 that sojourns 1481 among you:

30. because on that day the priest shall make propitiation for you, to cleanse you, that you may be clean from all your sins before Yahweh.

31. It shall be a Shabbath 7676 of rest 7677 to you, and you shall afflict your bodies by a statute forever.

32. And the priest, whom he shall anoint, and whom he shall consecrate to minister in the priest’s office 3547 in his father’s place, shall make propitiation, and shall put on linen clothes, the set-apart garments:

English 24

13. W’nathan 5414 eth 853 haq’toreth 7004 al 5921 haesh 784 lip’ney 6440 YHWH, w’kissah 3680

anan 6051 haq’toreth 7004 eth 853 hakapporeth 3727 asher 834 al 5921 haeduth 5715 w’lo 3808

yamuth 4191.

14. W’laqach 3947 midam 1818 hapar 6499, w’hizzah 5137 b’ets’bao 676 al 5921 p’ney 6440

hakapporeth 3727 qed’mah 6924; w’lip’ney 6440 hakapporeth 3727 yazzeh 5137 sheba 7651 p’amiym 6471 min 4480 hadam 1818 b’ets’bao 676.

15. W’shachat 7819 eth 853 s’iyr 8163 hachattath 2403, asher 834 laam 5971, w’hebiy 935 eth 853

damo 1818 el 413 mibeyth 1004 laparocheth 6532, w’asah 6213 eth 853 damo 1818 kaasher 834 asah 6213 l’dam 1818 hapar 6499, w’hizzah 5137 otho 853 al 5921 hakapporeth 3727 w’lip’ney 6440

hakapporeth 3727.

16. W’kipper 3722 al 5921 haqodesh 6944, mittum’oth 2932 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478,

umipish’eyhem 6588 l’kol 3605 chattotham 2403: w’ken 3651 yaaseh 6213 l’ohel 168 moed 4150, hashochen 7931 ittam 854 b’thoch 8432 tum’otham 2932.

17. W’kol 3605 adam 120 lo yih’yeh 1961 b’ohel 168 moed 4150 b’boo 935 l’kapper 3722 baqodesh 6944, ad 5704 tsetho 3318. W’kipper 3722 baado 1157, ub’ad 1157 beytho 1004, ub’ad 1157 kol 3605 q’hal 6951 yis’rael 3478.

18. W’yatsa 3318 el 413 hamiz’beach 4196 asher 834 1ip’ney 6440 YHWH, w’kipper 3722 alayv 5921; w’laqach 3947 midam 1818 hapar 6499, umidam 1818 hasaiyr 8163, w’nathan 5414 al 5921 qar’noth 7161 hamiz’beach 4196 sabiyb 5439;

19. w’hizzah 5137 alayv 5921 min 4480 hadam 1818 b’ets’bao 676 sheba 7651 p’amiym 6471,

w’tiharo 2891, w’qid’sho 6942 mittum’oth 2932 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478.

20. W’killah 3615 mikapper 3722 eth 853 haqodesh 6944, w’eth 853 ohel 168 moed 4150, w’eth 853 hamiz’beach 4196 w’hiq’riyb 7126 eth 853 hasaiyr 8163 hechay 2416.

21. W’samach 5564 aharon 175 eth 853 sh’tey 8147 yadayv 3027 al 5921 rosh 7218 hasaiyr 8163

hachay 2416, w’hith’wadah 3034 alayv 5921 eth 853 kol 3605 awonoth 5771 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478

w’eth 853 kol 3605 pish’eyhem 6588 l’kol 3605 chattotham 2403 w’nathan 5414 otham 853 al 5921

rosh 7218 hasaiyr 8163 w’shillach 7971 b’yad 3027 iysh 376 ittiy 6261 hamid’barah 4057.

22. W’nasa 5375 hasaiyr 8163 alayv 5921 eth 853 kol 3605 awonotham 5771 el 413 erets 776 g’zerah 1509 w’shillach 7971 eth 853 hasaiyr 8163 bamid’bar 4057.

23. Uba 935 aharon 175 el 413 ohel 168 moed 4150, upashat 6584 eth 853 big’dey 899 habad 906,

asher 834 labash 3847 b’boo 935 el 413 haqodesh 6944, w’hiniycham 5117 sham 8033:

24. w’rachats 7364 eth 853 b’saro 1320 bamayim 4325 b’maqom 4725 qadosh 6918, w’labash 3847

eth 853 b’gadayv 899, w’yatsa 3318, w’asah 621
eth 853 olatho 5930, w’eth 853 olath 5930 haam 5971, w’kipper 3722 baado 1157, ub’ad 1157 haam 5971.

25. W’eth 853 cheleb 2549 hachattath 2403 yaq’tiyr 6999 hamiz’bechah 4196.

26. W’ham’shalleach 7971 eth 853 hasaiyr 8163 laazazel 5799 y’kabes 3526 b’gadayv 899, w’rachats 7364

eth 853 b’saro 1320 bamayim 4325 w’acharey 310 ken 3651 yabo 935 el 413 hamachaneh 4264.

27. W’eth 853 par 6499 hachattath 2403 w’eth 853 s’iyr 8163 hachattath 2403 asher 834 huba 935 eth 853 damam 1818 l’kaper 3722 baqodesh 6944, yotsiy 3318 el 413 michuts 2351 lamachaneh 4264,

w’sar’phu 8313 baesh 784 eth 853 orotham 5785, w’eth 853 b’saram 1320, w’eth 853 pir’sham 6569.

28. W’hasoreph 8313 otham 853 y’kabes 3256 b’gadayv 899, w’rachats 7364 eth 853 b’saro 1320

bamayim 4325, w’acharey 310 ken 1651 yabo 935 el 413 hamachaneh 4264.

29. W’hay’thah 1961 lachem l’chuqath 2708 olam 5769: bachodesh 2320 hash’biyiy 7637 beasor 6218 lachodesh 2320, t’annu 6031 eth 853 naph’shothechem 5315, w’kol 3605 m’lachah 4399 lo 3808 taasu 6213, haez’rach 249 w’hager 1616 hagar 1481 b’toch’chem 8432.

30. Kiy 3588 bayom 3117 hazeh 2088 y’kaper 3722 aleychem 5921, l’taher 2891 eth’chem 853, mikol 3605 chattotheychem 2403 lip’ney 6440 YHWH tit’haru 2891.

31. Shabbath 7676 shabbathon 7677 hiv 1931 lachem, w’inniythem 6031 eth 853 naph’shotheychem 5315, chuqath 2708 olam 5769.

32. W’kipper 3722 hakohen 3548 asher 834 yim’shach 4886, otho 853 waasher 834 y’malle 4390 eth 853 yado 3027 l’kahen 3547 tachath 8478 abiyv 1 , w’labash 3847 eth 853 big’dey 899 habad 906 big’dey 899 haqodesh 6944.

Hebrew 24

33. and he shall make propitiation for the set-apart sanctuary, and he shall make propitiation for the Tent of Meeting, and for the altar, and he shall make propitiation for the priests, and for all the people of the congregation.

34. And this shall be an everlasting statute to you, to make propitiation for the children of Yisrael for all their sins once a year.” And he did as Yahweh commanded Mosheh.

Chapter 16 Notes – ‘Atonement’ is not the proper term for what occurred on the Holy Day. It was a ‘covering over’ of sin until the next year. ‘Propitiation’ is a much more accurate term, thus its use in this translation. Azazel is in the format of a proper name in older volumes, and is restored to such here. This was a desert demon, to whom all the yearly sin was sent (symbolically) when the priest laid his hands on the head of the goat that was to be taken out into the wilderness and released. All the blood that was shed for the remission of sin, and purifying the priests, altar, Tent of Meeting, etc., is no longer needed. This part was fulfilled by the pure blood of Yahshua Messiah. The Day of Propitiation is now a day of prayers of thanksgiving for the perfect sacrifice made by Yahshua. The Tent of Meeting, altar, priests, etc. are no longer with us, thus no further blood sacrifice for remission of sin.

Verse 2 – Hebrews 6:19; Verse 15 – Hebrews 9:12; Verse 23 – Ezek.44:19; Verse 27 – Hebrews 13:11

Verses 29-34 – Lev.23:26-32; Num.29:7-11

17 1. And spoke Yahweh to Mosheh, saying,

2. “Speak to Aharon and to his sons, and to all the children of Yisrael, and say to them; ‘This is the thing which Yahweh has commanded, saying,

3. ‘Any man of the House of Yisrael, that slaughters an ox, or a lamb, or goat, in the camp, or that slaughters it out of the camp,

4. and does not bring it to the door of the Tent of Meeting, to offer an offering to Yahweh before the tabernacle of Yahweh; blood shall be accounted to that man; he has poured out blood; and that man shall be cut off from among his people:

5. to the end that the children of Yisrael may bring their sacrifices, which they slaughter in the open field, that they may bring them to Yahweh, to the door of the Tent of Meeting, to the priest, and offer them for offerings of well-being to Yahweh.

6. And the priest shall sprinkle the blood upon the altar of Yahweh at the door of the Tent of Meeting, and burn the fat for a pleasing odor to Yahweh.

7. And they shall no more offer their sacrifices unto goat demons 8163, after whom they have fornicated 2181. This shall be a statute forever to them throughout their posterity.

8. And you shall say to them, ‘Any man of the House of Yisrael, or of the sojourner which sojourns among you, that offers a burnt offering, or sacrifice,

9. and does not bring it to the door of the Tent of Meeting, to offer it to Yahweh, that man shall be cut off from among his people.

10. And any man of the House of Yisrael, or of the sojourners that sojourn among you, that eats any manner of blood; I will set My face against that person that eats blood, and will cut him off from among his people.

11. Because the life of the body is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make propitiation for your beings: because it is the blood that makes propitiation for the being.’

12. Therefore I said to the children of Yisrael, ‘No person of you shall eat blood, neither shall any sojourner that sojourns among you eat blood.’

13. And any man of the children of Yisrael, or of the sojourner that sojourns among you, which hunts 6679 and catches 6718 any beast or bird that may be eaten; he shall pour out the blood of it, and cover it with dust 6083.

14. Because it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life of it: therefore I said to the children of Yisrael, ‘You shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh; because the life of all flesh is the blood of it.’ Whoever eats it shall be cut off.

English 25

33. W’kipper 3722 eth 853 miq’dash 4
haqodesh 6944, w’eth 853 ohel 168 moed 4150

w’eth 853 hamiz’beach 4196, y’kapper 3722 w’al 5921 hakohaniym 3548, w’al 5921 kol 3605

am 5971 haqahal 6951 y’kapper 3722.

34. W’hay’thah 1961 zoth 2063 lachem l’chuqqath 2708 olam 5769, l’kapper 3722 al 5921

b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478 mikol 3605 chattotham 2403 achath 259 bashanah 8141.” Wayyaas 6213 kaasher 834 tsiwwah 6680 YHWH eth 853 mosheh 4872.

17 1. Way’daber 559 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872, lemor 559,

2. “Daber 1696 el 413 aharon 175, w’el 413 banayv 1121, w’el 413 kol 3605 b’ney 1121

yis’rael 3478, w’amar’ta 559 aleyhem 413, ‘Zoth 2063 hadabar 1697 asher 834 tsiwwah 6680 YHWH, lemor 559:

3. ‘Iysh 376 iysh 376 mibeyth 1004 yis’rael 3478, asher 834 yish’chat 7819 shor 7794, o 176

keseb 3775, o 176 ez 5795, bamachaneh 4264, o 176 asher 834 yish’chat 7819 michuts 2351 lamachaneh 4264,

4. w’el 413 pethach 6607 ohel 168 moed 4150 lo 3808 hebiyo 935 l’haq’riyb 7126 qor’ban7133 laYHWH lip’ney 6440 mish’kan 4908 YHWH; dam 1818 yehasheb 2803 laiysh 376 hahu 1931;

dam 1818 shaphach 8210; w’nik’rath 3772 haiysh 376 hahu 1931 miqereb 7130 ammo 5971.

5. L’maan 4616 asher 834 yabiyu 935 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478 eth 853 zib’cheyhem 2077

asher 834 hem 1992 zob’chiym 2076 al 5921 p’ney 6440 hasadeh 7704, w’hebiyum 935 laYHWH, el 413 pethach 6607 ohel 168 moed 4150, el 413 hakohen 3548, w’zab’chu 2076 zib’chey 2077

sh’lomiym 8002 laYHWH otham 853;

6. w’zaraq 2236 hakohen 3548 eth 853 hadam 1818 al 5921 miz’bach 4196 YHWH pethach 6607 ohel 168 moed 4150 w’hiq’tiyr 6999 hacheleb 2549 l’reyach 7381 niychoach 5207 laYHWH;

7. w’lo 3808 yiz’b’chu 2076 od 5750 eth 853 zib’cheyhem 2077 las’iyrim 8163 asher 834

hem 1992 zoniym 2181 achareyhem 310. Chuqqath 2708 olam 5769 tih’yeh 1961 zoth 2063 lahem

l’dorotham 1755.

8. Waalehem 413 tomar 559: Iysh 376 iysh 376 mibeyth 1004 yis’rael 3478 umin 4480 hager 1616 asher 834 yagur 1481 b’tocham 8432 asher 834 yaaleh 5927 olah 5930 o 176 zabach 2077,

9. w’el 413 pethach 6607 ohel 168 moed 4150 lo 3808 y’biyennu 935, laasoth 6213 otho 853 laYHWH w’nik’rath 3772 haiysh 376 hahu 1931 meammayv 5971.

10. W’iysh 376 iysh 376 mibeyth 1004 yis’rael 3478 umin 4480 hager 1616 hagar 1481

b’tocham 8432 asher 834 yochal 398 kol 3605 dam 1818, w’nathatiy 5414 panay 6440

banephesh 5315 haocheleth 398 eth 853 hadam 1818, w’hik’rathiy 3722 othah 853 miqereb 7130 ammah 5971.

11. Kiy 3588 nephesh 5315 habasar 1320 baadam 1818 hiv 1931: waAniy 589 n’thatiyv 5414 lachem al 5921 hamiz’beach 4196 lakapper 3722 al 5921 naph’shotheychem 5315, kiy 3588

hadam 1818 hu 1931 banephesh 5315 y’kapper 3722,

12. Al 408 ken 3651 amar’tiy 559 lib’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478: ‘Kol 3605 nephesh 5315 mikem 4480 lo 3808 tochal 398 dam 1818, w’hager 1616 hagar 1481 b’tochechem 8432 lo 3808 yochal 398

dam 1818.’

13. W’iysh 376 iysh 376 mib’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478, umin 4480 hager 1616 hagar 1481

b’thocham 8432, asher 834 yatsud 6679 tseyd 6718 chayyah 2416 o 176 oph 5775 asher 834

yeachel 398; w’shaphach 8210 eth 853 damo 1818, w’kissahu 3680 beaphar 6083.

14. kiy 3588 nephesh 5315 kol 3605 basar 1320 damo 1818 b’naph’sho 5315 hu 1931.

Waomar 559 lib’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478: ‘Dam 1818 kol 3605 basar 1320 lo 3808 tochelu 398

kiy 3588 nephesh 5315 kol 3605 basar 1320 damo 1818 hiv 1931.’ Kol 3605 och’layv 398

yikareth 3772.

Hebrew 25

15. And every person that eats of a carcass 5038, or torn flesh 2966, one of your own land, or a sojourner, he shall both wash his clothes, and bathe in water, and be unclean until the evening. Then he shall be clean.

16. But if he does not wash them, nor bathe his body, then he shall bear his iniquity.”

Chapter 17 Notes – The reference to “goat demons”(8163 s’iyrim) comes from the root word for ‘satyr’. It means a half-man / half-goat that was particularly sexually active, and all of the pagan ceremonies for these creatures involved sexual fornication. Saiyr is the singular of the word, and you can see how ‘satyr’ came from it. The worship of them
was from the nations Yisrael was to have destroyed or driven out. They were warned not to copy their practices. Eating from a dead carcass can be a health hazard, thus was prohibited. Pagans ate blood, thus it was prohibited. Anyone living in Yisrael’s territory was required to obey these laws. If we did this today, we would have far less problems. Our national health has suffered because we no longer follow Yahweh’s laws. All He was doing was looking out for His childrens’ welfare, because He loved us. Praise Yahweh!

Verse 10 – Gen.9:4; Lev.7:26,27; 19:26; Deut.12:16,23; 15:23; Verse 11 – Hebrews 9:22;

Verse 15 – 5038 as an animal found dead; 2966 as torn by wild beasts.

18 1. And spoke Yahweh to Mosheh, saying,

2. “Speak to the children of Yisrael, and say to them, ‘I am Yahweh Eloheychem 430.

3. After the works 4639 of the land of Mitsrayim, where you dwelled, you shall not do. And after the works of the land of Kenaan, where I bring you, you shall not do, neither shall you walk 1980 in their ordinances 2708.

4. You shall do My judgements, and keep My ordinances to walk in. I am Yahweh Eloheychem.

5. You shall therefore keep My ordinances and My judgements; which if an adam 120 does, he shall live 2425 in them. I am Yahweh.

6. None of you shall approach 7126 to any flesh 1320 of a flesh relation 7607 to uncover their nakedness. I am Yahweh.

7. The nakedness of your father, or the nakedness of your mother, you shall not uncover. She is your mother, you shall not uncover her nakedness.

8. The nakedness of your father’s wife you shall not uncover. It is your father’s nakedness.

9. The nakedness of your sister 269, the daughter of your father, or daughter of your mother, born at home, or born abroad, their nakedness you shall not uncover.

10. The nakedness of your son’s daughter, or of your daughter’s daughter, their nakedness you shall not uncover, for theirs is your own nakedness.

11. The nakedness of your father’s wife’s daughter, begotten of your father, she is your sister. You shall not uncover her nakedness.

12. You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father’s sister. She is your father’s flesh relation.

13. You shall not uncover the nakedness of your mother’s sister, because she is your mother’s flesh relation.

14. You shall not uncover the nakedness of your father’s brother, you shall not approach to his wife. She is your aunt 1733.

15. You shall not uncover the nakedness of your daughter-in-law. She is your son’s wife. You shall not uncover her nakedness.

16. You shall not uncover the nakedness of your brother’s wife. It is your brother’s nakedness.

17. You shall not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter, neither shall you take her son’s daughter, or her daughter’s daughter, to uncover her nakedness, for they are flesh relation 7608. It is wickedness 2154.

18. Neither shall you take her sister for a wife, to vex 6887 her, to uncover her nakedness, beside the other in her lifetime.

English 26

15. W’kol 3605 nephesh 5315 asher 834 tochal 398 n’belah 5038, ut’rephah 2996, baez’rach 249, ubager 1616, w’kibes 3526 b’gadayv 899, w’rachats 7364 bamayim 4325, w’tame 2930 ad 5704

haereb 6153, w’taher 2891.

16. W’im 518 lo 3808 y’kabes 3526 ub’saro 1320 lo 3808 yir’chats 7364, w’nasa 5375

awono 5771.”





18 1. Way’daber 559 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872, lemor 559,

2. “Daber 1696 el 413 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478, w’amar’ta 559 aleyhem 413: ‘Aniy 589 YHWH Eloheychem 430.

3. K’maaseh 4639 erets 776 mits’rayim 4714 asher 834 y’shab’tem 3427 bah, lo 3808 taasu 6213 uch’maaseh 4639 erets 776 k’naan 3667, asher 834 Aniy 589 mebiy 935 eth’chem 853

shammah 8033, lo 3808 taasu 6213: ub’chuqotheyhem 2708 lo 3808 telechu 1980.

4. Eth 853 mish’patay 4941 taasu 6213, w’eth 853 chuqothay 2708 tish’m’ru 8104, lalecheth 1980 bahem: Aniy 589 YHWH Eloheychem 430.

5. Ush’mar’tem 8104 eth 853 chuqothay 2708, w’eth 853 mish’patay 4941: asher 834

yaaseh 6213 otham 853 haadam 120 wachay 2425 bahem: Aniy 589 YHWH.

6. Iysh 376 iysh 376 el 413 kol 3605 sh’er 7607 b’saro 1320 lo 3808 tiq’r’bu 7126, l’gal1oth 1540 er’wath 6172: Aniy 589 YHWH.

7. Er’wath 6172 abiycha 1, w’er’wath 6172 imm’cha 517 lo 3808 t’galleh 1540: imm’cha 517

hiv 1931, lo 3808 t’galleh 1540 er’wathah 6172.

8. Er’wath 6172 esheth 802 abiycha 1 lo 3808 t’galleh 1540: er’wath 6172 abiycha 1 hiv 1931.

9. Er’wath 6172 achoth’cha 269, bath 1323 abiycha 1, o 176 bath 1323 immecha 517,

moledeth 4138 bayith 1004, o 176 moledeth 4138 chuts 2351, lo 3808 t’galleh 1540

er’wathan 6172.

10. Er’wath 6172 bath 1323 bin’cha 1121, o 176 bath 1323 bitt’cha 1323, lo 3808 t’galleh 1540 er’wath 6172; kiy 3588 er’wath’cha 6172 hennah 2007.

11. Er’wath 6172 bath 1323 esheth 802 abiycha 1, moledeth 4138 abiycha 1, achoth’cha 269

hiv 1931, lo 38
t’galleh 1540 er’wathah 6172.

12. Er’wath 6172 achoth 269 abiycha 1 lo 3808 t’galleh 1540, sh’er 7607 abiycha 1 hiv 1931.

13. Er’wath 6172 achoth 269 imm’cha 517 lo 3808 t’galleh 1540, kiy 3588 sh’er 7607

imm’cha 517 hiv 1931.

14. Er’wath 6172 achiy 251 abiycha 1 lo 3808 t’galleh 1540: el 413 ish’to 802 lo 3808

tiq’rab 7126; dodath’cha 1733 hiv 1931.

15. Er’wath 6172 kallath’cha 3618 lo 3808 t’galleh 1540, esheth 802 bin’cha 1121 hiv 1931,

lo 3808 t’galleh 1540 er’wathah 6172.

16. Er’wath 6172 esheth 802 achiycha 251 lo 3808 t’galleh 1540, er’wath 6172 achiycha 251

hiv 1931.

17. Er’wath 6172 ishshah 802 ubittah 1323 lo 3808 t’galleh 1540, eth 853 bath 1323 b’nah 1121, w’eth 853 bath 1323 bittah 1323 lo 3808 tiqach 3947 l’galloth 1540 er’wathah 6172: shaarah 7608 hennah 2007; zimmah 2154 hiv 1931.

18. W’ishshah 802 el 413 achothah 269 lo 3808 tiqqach 3947, b 6887 l’galloth 1540

er’wathah 6172, aleyha 5921 b’chayyeyha 2416.

Hebrew 26

19. Also you shall not approach a woman to uncover her nakedness as long as she is put apart for her impurity.

20. Moreover you shall not give 5414 to the wife of your neighbor the seed 2233 of

copulation 7903, to defile yourself with her.

21. And you shall not let any of your seedline pass through the fire to Molech 4432, neither shall you profane 2690 The Name of Eloheycha 430. I am Yahweh.

22. You shall not lie with males 2145 as with females. It is abomination 8441.

23. Neither shall you make copulation with any beast 929 to defile yourself with it. Neither shall any woman stand before 5975 a beast to lie down 7250 with it. It is perversion 8397.

24. Do not defile yourselves in any of these things; because in all these things the nations 1471 are defiled which I cast out before you:

25. and the land is defiled; therefore I do visit the iniquity of it upon it, and the land

vomits out 6958 its inhabitants 3427.

26. You shall therefore keep My statutes, and My judgements, and shall not commit any of these abominations; neither any native born 249 of Yisrael, nor any sojourner that sojourns among you.

27. Because all these abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled;

28. so that the land does not vomit you out also, when you defile it, as it vomited out the nations that were before you.

29. For whoever commits any of these abominations, the persons that commit them shall be cut off from among their people.

30. Therefore you shall keep My ordinances 4931, so that you do not commit any of the abominable practices which were commited before you, and so that you do not defile yourselves in them. I am Yahweh Eloheychem.”

Chapter 18 Notes – All of these are laws concerning sexual conduct. These laws set Yisrael apart from all the pagan nations and their practices (works 4639) that were prior residents of the land that Yisrael was now taking possession of. Verse 5 shows that Yisrael was of Adamic seedline only. The alternative to obedience is death, as an adam 120 will live if he obeys Yahweh’s ordinances. When a person is “cast out”, it was a virtual death sentence, as he lost all familial support from any of Yisrael. Verse 8 is linked to Cham, son of Noach, uncovering his father’s nakedness, and fathering Kenaan by one of his father’s wives. This is why all of the Kenaaniy (Canaanites) were cursed seedline. When speaking of having sexual relations with a “beast”, the term “beast” was a derogatory for non-adamic hominids. Molech worship involved human sacrifice of children by fire. All of this was abomination, and was the reason Yahweh destined all the pagan nations for eventual destruction. It was never completed by Yisrael, and now we have a bunch of mixed-breed mongrels giving pure-blooded Yisrael a lot of grief. Disobedience has a steep price.

Verse 5 -Neh.9:29; Ezek.18:9; 20:11-13; Luke 10:28; Rom.10:5; Gal.3:12; Verse 8 – Gen.9:22;

Lev.20:11; Deut.22:30; 27:20; Verse 9 – Lev.20:17; Deut.27:22; Verses 12-14 – Lev.20:19,20;

Verse 15 -Lev.20:12; Verse 16 – 20:21; Verse 17 – Lev.20:14; Deut.27:23; Verse 18 – 6887 as a

rival wife; Verse 19 -Lev.15:24; 20:18; Verse 20 – Lev.20:10; Verse 21 – Lev.20:1-5; 2490 by

improper sexual acts; Verse 22 -Lev.20:13; Verse 23 -Ex.22:19; Lev.20:15; Deut.27:21




English 27

19. W’el 413 ishshah 802 b’nidath 5079 tum’athah 2932 lo 3808 tiq’rab 7126 l’galloth 1540

er’wathah 6172.

20. W’eth 853 esheth 802 amiyth’cha 5997 titten 5414 sh’chab’t’cha 7903 l’zara 2223

l’tam’ah 2930 bah.

21.Umizar’acha 2233 lo 3808 titten 5414 l’haabiyr 5674 lamolech 4432, w’lo 3808 t’challel 2490

eth 853 Shem 8034 Eloheycha 430: Aniy 589 YHWH.

22.W’eth 853 zachar 2145 lo 3808 tish’chab 7901, mish’k’bey 4904 ishshah 802: toebah 8441

hiv 1931.

23. Ub’kol 3605 b’hemah 929 lo 3808 titten 5414 sh’chab’t’cha 7903 l’tam’ah 2930 bah:

w’ishshah 802 lo 3808 taamod 5975 lip’ney 6440 b’hemah 929 l’rib’ah 7250: tebel 8397 hu 1931.

24. Al 408 tittam’u 2930 b’kol 3605 elleh 428: kiy 358 b’kol 3605 elleh 428 nit’m’u 2930

hagoyim 1471 asher 834 Aniy 589 m’shalleach 7971 mip’neychem 6440.

25. Watit’ma 2930 haerets 776: waep’qod 6485 awonah 5771 aleyha 5921, wataqi 6958

haerets 776 eth 853 yosh’beyha 3427.

26. Ush’mar’tem 8104 attem 859 eth 853 chuqothay 2708 w’eth 853 mish’patay 4941 w’lo 3808

taasu 6213 mikol 3603 hatoeboth 8441 haelleh 428 haez’rach 249 w’hager 1616 hagar 1481

b’toch’chem 8432;

27. Kiy 3588 eth 853 kol 3605 hatoeboth 8441 hael 411 asu 6213 an’shey 376 haerets 776,

asher 834 lip’neychem 6440 watit’ma 2930 haerets 776.

28. W’lo 3808 taqiy 6958 haerets 776 eth’chem 853, b’tamaachem 2930 othah 853, kaasher 834

qaah 6958 eth 853 hagoy 1471 asher 834 lip’neychem 6440.

29. Kiy 3588 kol 3605 asher 834 yaaseh 6213 mikol 3605 hatoeboth 8441 haelleh 428,

w’nik’r’thu 3772 han’pheshoth 5315 haosoth 6213 miqereb 7130 ammam 5971.

30. Ush’mar’tem 8104 eth 853 mish’mar’tiy 4931, l’bil’tiy 1115 asoth 6213 mechuqqoth 2708

hatoeboth 8441 asher 834 naasu 6213 lip’neychem 6440, w’lo 3808 tittam’u 2930 bahem: Aniy 589 YHWH Eloheychem 430.”

Your Notes ______________________________________________________________________________












Hebrew 27

19 1. And spoke Yahweh to Mosheh, saying:

2. “Speak to all the congregation of the children of Yisrael, and say to them, ‘You shall be

Holy 6918, because I, Yahweh Eloheychem 430 am Holy 6918.

3. [a] You shall revere 3372 every man his mother, and his father, [b] and keep My

shabbaths 7676. I am Yahweh Eloheychem.

4. [a] Do not turn aside 6437 to idols 457, [b] nor make for yourselves cast 4541 elohey 430. I am Yahweh Eloheychem.

5. And if you will offer a sacrifice of well-being to Yahweh, you shall offer it of your own

will 7522.

6. It shall be eaten the same day you offer it, and on the next day. If any remains of it until the third day, it shall be burnt in the fire.

7. And if any is eaten at all on the third day, it is refuse 6292. It shall not be accepted 7521.

6. Therefore everyone that eats it shall bear his iniquity, because he has profaned the hallowed thing of Yahweh, and that person shall be cut off from among his people.

9. And when you reap 7114 the harvest 7105 of your land, you shall not wholly 3615 reap the

corners 6285 of your field, neither shall you gather 3950 the gleanings 3951 of your harvest.

10. And you shall not glean 5953 your vineyard 3754 nor shall you gather every grape 6528 of your vineyard. You shall leave them for the poor 6041 and the sojourner 1616. I am Yahweh Eloheychem.

11. [a] You shall not steal, [b] nor deal falsely 3584 nor lie 8266 one man to another.

12. And you shall not swear 7650 by My Name falsely 8267, nor shall you profane The Name of Eloheycha. I am Yahweh.

13. You shall not defraud 6231 another man, nor rob 1497 him. The wages 6468 of him that is

hired 7916 shall not stay with you all night until the morning.

14. You shall not curse 7043 the deaf 2795, nor put a stumblingblock 4383 before the blind 5787, but shall fear 3372 Eloheycha. I am Yahweh.

15. You shall do no unrighteousness 5766 in judgement. You shall not lift up 5375 the person of the poor 1800, nor honor 1921 the person of the great 1419, but in righteousness 6664 shall you judge another person.

16. You shall not walk 1980 as a gossip 7400 among your people, neither shall you rise up against the blood of another man. I am Yahweh.

17. You shall not hate your kinsman 251 in your heart. You shall, if needed, rebuke 3198 a

fellow 5997, and not allow sin upon him.

18. You shall not take vengeance 5358, or bear a grudge 5201 against the children of your people, but shall love 157 your neighbor 7453 as yourself. I am Yahweh.

19. You shall keep My statutes. You shall not let your cattle lie down 7250 in two kinds 3610. You shall not sow your field with two kinds, nor shall a garment of two kinds of mixed stuff 8162 be worn by you.

20. And whoever lays down with the seed of lying with a woman that is a maidservant 8198,

betrothed 2778 to a man, and not at all redeemed 6299/6299, nor freedom 2668 given her; she shall be punished 1244; they shall not be put to death, because she was not free 2666.

21. And he shall bring his guilt offering to Yahweh, to the door of the Tent of Meeting, a ram for a guilt offering.

22. And the priest shall make propitiation for him with the ram of the guilt offering before Yahweh for his sin which he has committe
; and the sin which he committed shall be forgiven him.

23. And when you come into the land. and have planted all types of trees for food, then you shall consider 6188 the fruit of them as having foreskins 6189. Three years it shall be as having foreskins to you. It shall not be eaten.

English 28

19 1. Way’daber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872, lemor 559,

2. “Daber 1696 el 413 kol 3605 adath 5712 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478, w’amar’ta 559 alehem 413: ‘Qadoshiym 6918 tih’yu 1961, kiy 3588 Qadosh 6918 Aniy 589, YHWH Eloheychem 430.

3. Iysh 376 immo 517 w’abiyv 1 tiyrau 3372, w’eth 853 shab’tothay 7676 tish’moru 8104:

Aniy 589 YHWH Eloheychem 430.

4. Al 408 tip’nu 6437 el 413 haeliylim 457, w’elohey 430 massechah 4541 lo 3808 taasu 6213 lachem: Aniy 589 YHWH Eloheychem 430.

5. W’kiy 3588 tiz’b’chu 2076 zebach 2077 sh’lomiym 8002 laYHWH, lir’tson’chem 7522

tiz’bachuhu 2076.

6. B’yom 3117 zib’chachem 2077 yeachel 398, umimacharath 4283: w’hanothar 3498 ad 5704

yom 3117 hash’liyshiy 7992 baesh 784 yisareph 8313.

7. W’im 518 heachol 398 yeachel 398 bayom 3117 hash’liyshiy 7992, piggul 6292 hu 1931:

lo 3808 yeratseh 7521.

8. W’ochelayv 398 awono 5771 yissa 5375, kiy 3588 eth 853 qodesh 6944 YHWH chillel 2490: w’nik’r’thah 3772 hanephesh 5315 hahiv 1931 meammeyha 5971.

9. Ub’quts’r’chem 7114 eth 853 q’tsiyr 7105 er’ts’chem 776, lo 3808 t’kalleh 3615 p’ath 6285

sad’cha 7704, liq’tsor 7114 w’leqet 3951 q’tsiyr’cha 7105 lo 3808 t’laqet 3940.

10. W’kar’m’cha 3754 lo 3808 tolel 5953, uperet 6528 kar’m’cha 3754 lo 3808 t’laqet 3950

leaniy 6041 w’lager 1616 taazob 5800 otham 853: Aniy 589 YHWH Eloheychem 430.

11. Lo 3808 tig’nobu 1589; w’lo 3808 t’kachashu 3584, w’lo 3808 t’shaq’ru 8266 iysh 376

baamiytho 5997.

12. W’lo 3808 tishab’u 7650 biSh’miy 8034 lashaqer 8267 w’chillal’ta 2490 eth 853 Shem 8034 Eloheycha 430: Aniy 589 YHWH.

13. Lo 3808 taashoq 6231 eth 853 reacha 7453, w’lo 3808 tig’zol 1497. Lo 3808 taliyn 3885

p’ullath 6468 sachiyr 7916 itt’cha 854 ad 5704 boqer 1242.

14. Lo 3808 t’qallel 7043 cheresh 2795, w’lip’ney 6440 iwwer 5787 lo 3808 titten 5414

mik’shol 4383, w’yareta 3372 meEloheycha 530: Aniy 589 YHWH.

15. Lo 3808 taasu 6213 awel 5766 bamish’pat 4941: lo 3808 tissa 5375 p’ney 6440 dal 1800,

w’lo 3808 teh’dar 1921 p’ney 6440 gadol 1419: b’tsedeq 6664 tish’pot 8199 amiythecha 5997.

16. Lo 3808 telech 1980 rachiyl 7400 b’ammeycha 5971: lo 3808 taamod 5975 al 5921 dam 1818 reecha 7453: Aniy 589 YHWH.

17. Lo 3808 tis’na 8130 eth 853 achiycha 251 bil’babecha 3824: hocheach 3198 yochiyach 3198

eth 853 amiythecha 5997, w’lo 3808 tissa 5375 alayv 5921 chet 2399.

18. Lo 3808 tiqqom 5358 w’lo 3808 tittor 5201 eth 853 b’ney 1121 ammecha 5921. W’ahab’ta 157 l’reacha 7453 kamocha 3644. Aniy 589 YHWH.

19. Eth 853 chuqqothay 2708 tish’moru 8104. B’hem’t’cha 929 lo 3808 tar’biya 7250

kil’ayim 3610: sad’cha 7704 lo 3808 tiz’ra 2232 kil’ayim 3610; ubeged 899 kil’ayim 3610

shaat’nez 8192 lo 3808 yaaleh 5927 aleycha 5921.

20. W’iysh 376 kiy 3588 yish’kab 7901 eth 853 ishshah 802 shik’bath 7902 zera 2233, w’hiv 1931 shiph’cha 8198, necherepheth 2778 l’iysh 398, w’hap’deh 6299 lo 3808 nip’datha 6299, o 176

chup’shah 2668 lo 3808 nittan 5414 lah biqqoreth 1244 tih’yeh 1961, lo 3808 yum’thu 3588

kiy 3588 lo 3808 chupashah 2666.

21. W’hebiy 935 eth 853 ashamo 817 laYHWH, el 413 pethach 6607 ohel 168 moed 4150, eyl 352 asham 817.

22. W’kipper 3722 alayv 5921 hakohen 3548 b’eyl 352 haasham 817 lip’ney 6440 YHWH al 5921 chattatho 2403 asher 834 chata 2398 w’nis’lach 5545 lo mechattatho 2403 asher 834 chata 2398.

23.W’kiy 3588 tabou 935 el 413 haerets 776 un’ta’tem 5193 kol 3605 ets 6086 maachal 3978 waaral’tem 6188 ar’latho 6189 eth 853 pir’yo 6529: shalosh 7969 shaniym 8141 yih’yeh 1961 lachem areliym 6189, lo 3808 yeachel 398.

Hebrew 28

24. But in the fourth year all the fruit of it shall be holy to praise Yahweh with.

And in the fifth year you shall eat of the fruit of it
, that it may continue 3254 the

increase 8393 of it for you. I am Yahweh Eloheychem.

26. [a] You shall not eat with the blood, [b] neither shall you use enchantment 5172, nor practice soothsaying 6049.

27. You shall not round off 5362 the sides 6285 of your heads 7218, nor shall you ruin 7843 the

sides 6285 of your beard 2206.

28. And incisions 8296 for a person 5315 you shall not make 5414 in your flesh 1320, nor

put 5414 writing 3793 of imprintment 7085 upon you. I am Yahweh.

29. Do not defile your daughter, to cause her to be a prostitute 2181; lest the land fall to

fornication 2181, and the land become full of licentiousness 2154.

30. You shall keep My shabbaths, and revere 3372 My sanctuary. I am Yahweh.

31. Do not turn to 6437 necromancers 178, nor seek after familiar spirits 3049, to be defiled by them. I am Yahweh Eloheychem.

32. You shall rise up 6965 before the gray head 7872, and honor 1921 the presence of the

elder 2205, and revere Eloheychem. I am Yahweh.

33. And if a sojourner 1616 sojourns 1481 with you in your land, you shall not oppress 3238 him.

34. But the sojourner that dwells with you shall be as one born among you, and you shall love him as yourself; for you were sojourners in the land of Mitsrayim. I am Yahweh Eloheychem.

35. You shall do no unrighteousness in judgement, in dry measure 4060, in weight 4948, or in liquid measure 4884.

36. Just 6664 balances 3976, just stones 68, a just ephah, and a just hin 1969 shall you have.

I am Yahweh Eloheychem, which brought you out of the land of Mitsrayim.

37. Therefore you shall observe all My statutes, and all My judgements, and do them. I am Yahweh.”

Chapter 19 Notes – All of chapter 19 laws still stand except for the sacrifice in verses 21 and 22. This chapter deals with morality. Yahweh is warning the people not to emulate the pagan activities of the people of the land that they will occupy. He is instructing them to deal fairly and justly in all their dealings, both with fellow people of Yisrael, and with sojourners who may visit. Don’t mock the infirmities of the blind or deaf. Don’t cheat your employees by holding back their wages, as they may need them right away. On and on, all of this is common-sense morality. In verse 17, #251 means racial brother, or kinsman. In 19, we are not to mix fabric in garments, breed cattle of different kinds, and all of this surely applies to people. Yisrael is not to mix with other races, and pollute the Holy Seedline chosen by Yahweh. All the information about shaving your hair off your temples, and styling your beard after the manner of the surrounding pagan peoples is to keep Yisrael SEPARATE from them. We are set-apart as chosen by Yahweh. Doing what the pagans do is prohibited, and now in our time we are doing just what was prohibited back then. we have allowed false religions into our land, and mixed the Holy seed creating mamzers(mongrels). These are not allowed into the congregation of Yahweh, and are an abomination in His eyes. Promiscuous sex is common now, and the land has truly fallen into licentiousness. Time to repent, and go back to our true belief in Yahweh, and once again obey Him in all things.

References – Verse 2 – Lev.11:44,45; 1 Peter 1:16; Verse 3 – a. Ex.20:12; Deut.5:16; b. Ex.20:8;

Deut. 5:12; Verse 4 – a. Lev.26:1; b. Ex.20:23; 34:17; Deut.17:25; Verse 9:9,10 -Lev.27:15; Deut.24:19-22; 4 Macc.2:9; Verse 11 – a. Ex.20:15; Deut.5:19; b. Ex.20:16; Deut.5:20;

Verse 12 – Ex.20:7; Deut.5:11; Matt.5:33; Verse 13 – Deut.24:14,15; Verse 14 – Deut.27:18;

4383 an obstacle to trip him; Verse 15 – Ex.23:6-8; Deut.16:19; Verse 17 – Matt.18:15;

Verse 18 -Matt.5:43; 19:19; 22:39; Mark 12:31; Luke 10:27; Rom.13:9; Gal.5:14; James 2:8

Verse 19 – Deut.22:9-11; 8162 linen and woolen. Verse 26 – a. Gen.9:4; Lev.7:26,27; 17:10-14;

Deut.12:16,23; 15:23; b. Deut.18:10; Verses 27, 28 – Lev.21:5 ; 6285 as the temples of the side of the head being shaved in a pagan manner. Verse 29 – Deut.23:17; Verse 30 – Lev.26:2;

English 29

24. Ubashanah 8141 har’biyith 7243 yih’yeh 1961 kol 3605 pir’yo 6529 qodesh 6944

hilluliym 1974 laYHWH;

25. Ubashana 8141 hachamiyshith 2549 tochalu 398 eth 853 pir’yo 6529, l’hosiyph 3254 lachem t’buatho 893: Aniy 589 YHWH Eloheychem 430.

26. Lo 3808 toch’lu 398 al 5921 hadam 1818. Lo 3808 t’nachashu 5172, w’lo 3808 t’onenu 6049.

27. Lo 3808 taqiphu 5362 p’ath 6285 rosh’chem 7218, w’lo 3808 tash’chiyth 7843 eth 853

p’ath 6285 z’qanecha 2206.

28. W’seret 8296 lanephesh 5315 lo 3808 titt’nu 5414 bib’sar’chem, uk’tobeth 3793 qaaqa 7085 lo 3808 titten 5414 bachem: Aniy 589 YHWH.

29. Al 408 t’challel 2490 eth 853 bitt’cha 1323, l’haz’nothah 2181; w’lo 3808 tiz’neh 2181

haerets 776, umal’ah 4390 haerets 776 zimmah 2154.

30. Eth 853 shabb’tothay 7676 tish’moru 8104, umiq’dashiy 4720 tiyrau 3372: Aniy 589 YHWH.

31. Al 408 tip’nu 6437 el 413 haoboth 178 w’el 413 hayid’oniy 3049 al 408 t’baq’shu 1245

l’tam’ah 2930 bahem: Aniy 589 YHWH Eloheychem 430.

32. Mip’ney 6440 seybah 7872 taqum 6965 w’hadar’ta 1921 p’ney 6440 zaqen 2205;

w’yaretha 3372 meEloheycha 430: Aniy 589 YHWH.

33. W’kiy 3588 yagur 1481 itt’cha 854 ger 1616 b’er’ts’chem 776, lo 3808 tonu 3238 otho 853.

34. K’ez’rach 249 mikem 4480 yih’yeh 1961 lachem hager 1616 hagar 1481 itt’chem 854,

w’achab’ta 157 lo kamocha 3644; kiy 3588< /i> geriym 1616 heyiythem 1961 baerets 776

mits’rayim 4714: Aniy 589 YHWH Eloheychem 430.

35. Lo 3808 taasu 6213 awel 5766 bamish’pat 4941, bamiddah 4060, bamish’qal 4948,

ubam’surah 4884.

36. Moz’ney 3976 tsedeq 6664, ab’ney 68 tsedeq 68, eyphah 374 tsedeq 6944, w’hiyn 1969

tsedeq 6944, yih’yeh 1961 lachem: Aniy 589 YHWH Eloheychem 430, asher 834 hotsethiy 3318 eth’chem 853 meerets 776 mits’rayim 4714.

37. Ush’mar’tem 8104 eth 853 kol 3605 chuqqothay 2708, w’eth 853 kol 3605 mish’patay 4941, waasiythem 6213 otham 853: Aniy 589 YHWH.

Your Notes ____________________________________________________________________________












Hebrew 29

Verse 31 – Deut.18:11; 1 Sam.28:3; 2 Kings 23:4; Isaiah 8:19; Verse 33, 34 -Ex.22:21; Deut.24:17,18;

27:19; Verses 35, 36 – Deut.25:13-16; Prov.20:10; Ezek.45:10; Verse 3668 as stones used as weights on a balance scale, 1969 3.8 quarts liquid measure.

20 1. And spoke Yahweh to Mosheh, saying,

2. “Again you shall say to the children of Yisrael, ‘Whoever of the children of Yisrael, or of the sojourners that sojourn in Yisrael, that gives any of his seedline to Molech 4432; he shall surely be put to death. The people of the land shall stone him with stones.

3. And I will set My face against that man, and will cut him off from among his people; because he has given of his seedline to Molech, to defile My sanctuary 4720, and to profane My Holy Name.

4. And if the people of the land in any way hide 5956 their eyes from the man, when he gives of his seedline to Molech, and do not kill him,

5. then I will set My face against that man, and against his clan 4940, and will cut him off, and all that go-a-whoring 2181 after him to commit fornication with Molech, from among their people.

6. And the person that turns to familiar spirits, and after soothsayers, to go-a-whoring after them, I will set My face against that person, and will cut him off from among his people.

7. Consecrate 6942 yourselves therefore, and be holy 6918, for I am Yahweh Eloheychem.

8. And you shall keep My statutes, and do them. I am Yahweh, which sanctifies you.

9. Because every man that curses 7043 his father or his mother shall surely be put to death. He has cursed his father or his mother. His blood-guilt shall be upon him.

10. And the man that commits adultery 5003 with another man’s 376 wife, he that commits adultery with his neighbor’s 7453 wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.

11. And the man that lies with his father’s wife has uncovered his father’s nakedness. Both of them shall surely be put to death. Their blood-guilt shall be upon them.

12. And if a man lies with his daughter-in-law 3618, both of them shall surely be put to death. They have done incest 8397. Their blood-guilt shall be upon them.

13. And if a man lies with a male 2145, as an act of lying 4904, both of them have committed abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood-guilt shall be upon them.

14. And if a man takes a wife, and her mother, it is wickedness. They shall be burnt with fire, both he and they; so that there is no wickedness among you.

15. And if a man makes 5414 copulation 7903 with a beast 929, he shall surely be put to death, and you shall slay the beast.

16. And if a woman approaches any beast, and lies down with it, you shall kill the woman, and the beast. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood-guilt shall be upon them.

17. And if a man takes his sister, his father’s daughter, or his mother’s daughter, and sees 7200 her nakedness, and she sees his nakedness; it is a shame 2617; and they shall be cut off in the eyes of their people. He has uncovered his sister’s nakedness. He shall bear his iniquity.

18. And if a man lies with a menstrous 1739 woman, and uncovers her nakedness; he has uncovered 6168 her fountain 4726, and she has uncovered the fountain of her blood. Both of them shall be cut off from among their people.

19. And you shall not uncover the nakedness of your mother’s sister, nor of your father’s sister; for he uncovers his blood relation. They shall bear their iniquity.

20. And if a man lies down with his uncle’s wife, he has uncovered his uncle’s nakedness. They shall bear their sin 2399. They shall die childless 6185.

21. And if a man takes his brother’s wife, it is impurity 5079. He has uncovered his brother’s nakedness. They shall be childless.

English 30



20 1. Way’daber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872, lemor 559,

2. “W’el 413 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478 tomar 559: ‘Iysh 376 iysh 376 mib’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478, umin 4480 hager 1616 hagar 1481 b’yis’rael 3478, asher 834 yitten 5414 miz’ar’o 2233 lamolech 4432; moth 4191 yumath 4191: am 5971 haarets 776 yir’g’muhu 7275 baaben 68.

3.WaAniy 589 etten 5414 eth 853 panay 6440 baiysh 376 hahu 1931, w’hik’ratiy 3772 otho 853 miqereb 7130 ammo 5971; kiy 3588 mizzar’o 2233 nathan 5414 lamolech 4432, l’maan 4616 tame 2931 eth 853 miq’dashiy 4720, ul’challel 2490 eth 853 Shem 8034 qad’shiy 6944.

4. W’im 518 ha’lem 5956 ya’liymu 5956 am 5971 haarets 776 eth 853 eyneyhem 5869 min 4480 haiysh 376 hahu 1931 b’titto 5414 mizzar’o 2233 lamolech 4432 l’bil’tiy 1115 hamiyth 4191 otho 853:

5. w’sam’tiy 7760 Aniy 589 eth 853 panay 6440 baiysh 376 hahu 1931, ub’mish’pach’to 4940, w’hik’rathiy 3772 otho 853 w’eth 853 kol 3605 hazoniym 2181 acharayv 310 liz’noth 2181 acharey 310 hamolech 4432, miqereb 7130 ammam 5971.

6. W’hanephesh 5315 asher 834 tip’neh 6437 el 413 haoboth 178 w’el 413 hayid’oniym 3049, liz’noth 2181 achareyhem 310, w’nathatiy 5414 eth 853 panay 6440 banephesh 5315 hahiv 1931, w’hik’rathiy 3772 otho 853 miqereb 7130 ammo 5971.

7. W’hith’qadish’tem 6942, w’h’yiytem 1961 q’doshiym 6918: kiy 3588 Aniy 589 YHWH Eloheychem 430.

8. Ush’mar’tem 8104 eth 853 chuqqothay 2708, waasiythem 6213 otham 853: Aniy 589 YHWH m’qadish’chem 6942.

9. Kiy 3588 iysh 376 iysh 376 asher 834 y’qallel 7043 eth 853 abiyv 1 w’eth 853 immo 517 moth 4191 yumath 4191; abiyv 1 w’immo 517 qillel 7043; damayv 1818 bo.

10. W’iysh 376 asher 834 yin’aph 5003 eth 853 esheth 802 iysh 376, asher 834 yin’aph 5003 eth 853 esheth 802 reehu 7453, moth 4191 yumath 4191 hanoeph 5003 w’hanoapheth 5003.

11. W’iysh 376 asher 834 yish’chab 7901 eth 853 esheth 802 abiyv 1, er’wath 6172 abiyv 1 gillah 1540, moth 4191 yum’tho 4191 sh’neyhem 8147, d’meyhem 1818 bam.

12. W’iysh 376 asher 834 yish’chab 7901 eth 853 kallatho 3618, moth 4191 yum’thu 4191

sh’neyhem 8147, tebel 8397 asu 6213, d’meyhem 1818 bam.

13. W’iysh 376 asher 834 yish’chab 7901 eth 853 zachar 2145 mish’ch’bey 7901 ishshah 802, toeba 8441 asu 6213 sh’neyhem 8147; moth 4191 yumatho 4191, d’meyhem 1818 bam.

14. W’iysh 376 asher 834 yiqach 3947 eth 853 ishshah 802 w’eth 853 immah 517, zimmah 2154 hiv 1931, baesh 784 yis’rephu 8313, otho 853 w’eth’hen 853, w’lo 3808 tih’yeh 1961 zimmah 2154 b’toch’chem 8432.

15. W’iysh 376 asher 834 yitten 5414 sh’chab’to 7903 bib’hemah 929, moth 4191 yumath 4191, w’eth 853 hab’hemah 929 taharogu 2026.

16. W’ishshah 802 asher 834 tiq’rab 7126 el 413 kol 3605 b’hemah 929, l’rib’ah 7250 othah 853 w’harag’ta 2026 eth 853 haishshah 802 w’eth 853 hab’hemah 929; moth 4191 yumatho 4191,

d’meyhem 1818 bam.

17. W’iysh 376 asher 834 yiqach 3947 eth 853 achotho 268, bath 1323 abiyv 1, o 176 bath 1323 immo 517, w’raah 7200 eth 853 er’wathah 6172, w’hiy 1961 tir’eh 7200 eth 853 er’watho 6172, chesed 2617 hu 1931; w’nik’r’tu 3772 l’eyney 5869 b’ney 1121 ammam 5971: er’wath 6172 achotho 269 gillah 1540; awono 5771 yissa 5375.

18. W’iysh 376 asher 834 yish’kab 7901 eth 853 ishshah 802 dawah 1739 w’gillah 1540 eth 853 er’wathah 6172; eth 853 m’qorah 4726 heerah 6168, w’hiv 1931 gillah 1540 eth 853 m’qor 4726 dameyha 1818; w’nik’r’thu 3772 sh’neyhem 8147 miqereb 7130 ammam 5971.

19. W’er’wath 6172 achoth 269 imm’cha 517, waachoth 269 abiycha 1 lo 3808 t’galleh 1540: kiy 3588

eth 853 sh’ero 7607 heerah 6168: awonam 5771 yissau 5375.

20. W’iysh 376 asher 834 yish’kab 7901 eth 853 dodatho 1733 er’wath 6172 dodo 1730 gillah 1540. Chet’am 2399 yissau 5375: ariyriym 6185 yamuthu 4191.

21. W’iysh 376 asher 834 yiqach 3947 eth 853 esheth 802 achiyv 251, niddah 5079 hiv 1931: er’wath 6172 achiyv 251 gillah 1540; ariyriym 6185 yih’yu 1961.

Hebrew 30

22. You shall therefore keep all My statutes, and all My judgements, and do them, so that the land where I bring you to to dwell in will not vomit you out.

23. And you shall not walk in the practices of the nation which I cast out before you; for they comitted all these things, and therefore I have loathed 6973 th

24. and have said to you, ‘You shall inherit 3423 the land, and I will give it to you to

possess 3423, a land that flows with milk 2461 and honey 1706. I am Yahweh Eloheychem, who has set-you-apart 914 from other people.

25. You will therefore put separation 914 between clean beasts and unclean, and between unclean birds and clean, or by any type of living thing that creeps on the ground, which I have separated from you as unclean.

26. And you shall be holy unto Me, for I Yahweh am Holy, and have set-you-apart from other people, that you should be Mine.

27. A man or a woman that is a necromancer, or has a familiar spirit, shall surely be put to death. They shall stone them with stones. Their blood-guilt shall be upon them.”

Chapter 20 Notes – This chapter has a repetition of some laws, with the additional information of the penalties for the infractions. There were a number of capital offenses, and if we followed these rules today our society would be much different Less divorces, for sure. No “gay rights”. No AIDS. Indeed, we would be much better off. When they use the term, “Their blood-guilt shall be upon them”, it means they are responsible for their own death because of their behavior.

References – Verse 9 – Ex.21:17; Matt.15:4; Mark 7:10; Verse 10 – Ex.20:14; Lev.18:20; Deut.5:18;

Verse 11 – Gen.9:20,22,23; Lev.18:7,8; Deut.22:30; 27:20; Ezek.22:10; Verse 12 – Lev.18:15

Verse 14 -Lev.18:17; Deut.27:23; Verses 15, 16 -Ex.22:19; Lev.18:23; Deut.27:21; 929 can be a beast

with two legs, or four. Verse 17– Lev.18:9; Deut.27:22; Verse 18 -Lev.18:19; Verse 21 – Lev.18:16

21 1. And spoke Yahweh to Mosheh, “Speak to the priests, the sons of Aharon, and say to them, ‘There shall none be defiled for a dead body among his people;

2. unless it is for his kin, that is near to him, for his mother, and for his father, and for his son, and for his daughter, and for his brother,

3. and for his sister, a virgin, that is near to him, which has no husband; for her may he be defiled 2930.

4. But he shall not defile himself, being a lord 1167 among his people, to profane himself 2490.

5. They shall not make 7139 baldness 7144 upon their head, neither shall they shave off 1548 the sides of their beard, nor make any incisions in their body.

6. They shall be Holy unto Eloheyhem 430, and not profane The Name of Eloheyhem: for the offerings made by fire of Yahweh, and the bread of Eloheyhem, they do offer. Therefore they shall be Holy.

7. They shall not take a wife that is a harlot 2181, or profane 2491; neither shall they take a woman cast aside 1644 by her husband; because he is Holy unto Elohayv 430.

8. You shall sanctify him therefore; because he offers the bread of Eloheycha 430. He shall be Holy to you; because I Yahweh, which sanctify you, am Holy.

9. And the daughter of any priest, if she profanes herself by playing the harlot, she profanes her father. She shall be burnt 8313 with fire.

10. And the great 1419 priest among his brothers, upon whose head the annointing oil was poured, and that is consecrated to put on the garments, shall not uncover his head, nor rend his clothing;

11. neither shall he go in to any dead body, nor defile himself for his father, or for his mother;

12. neither shall he go out of the sanctuary, nor profane the sanctuary of Elohayv; because the crown 5145 of the annointing oil of Elohayv is upon him. I am Yahweh.

English 31

22. Ush’mar’tem 8104 eth 853 kol 3605 chuqqothay 2708, w’eth 853 kol 3605 mish’patay 4941 waasiythem 6213 otham 853: w’lo 3808 taqiy 6958 eth’chem 853 haerets 776 asher 834 Aniy 589 mebiy 935 eth’chem 853 shammah 8033 lashebeth 3427 bah.

23. W’lo 3808 tel’chu 1980 b’chuqqoth 2708 hagoy 1471, asher 834 Aniy 589 m’shalleach 7971 mip’neychem 6440: kiy 3588 eth 853 kol 3605 elleh 428 asu 6213 waaquts 6963 bam.

24. Waomar 559 lachem, ‘Attem 859 tiyr’shu 3423 eth 853 ad’matham 127, waAniy 589

et’nennah 5414 lachem laresheth 3423 othah 853, erets 776 zabath 2100 chalab 2461

ud’bash 1706. Aniy 589 YHWH Eloheychem 430, asher 834 hib’dal’tiy 914 eth’chem 853 min 4480 haammiym 5971.

25. W’hib’dal’tem 914 beyn 996 hab’hemah 929 hat’horah 2889 lat’meah 2931, ubeyn 996

haoph 5775 hatame 2931 lattahor 2889: w’lo 3808 t’shaq’tsu 8262 eth 853

naph’shotheychem 5315 bab’hemah 929, ubaoph 5775, ub’kol 3605 asher 834 tir’mos 7430 haadamah 127, asher 834 hib’dal’tiy 914 lachem l’tame 2931.

26. Wih’yiythem 1961 liy q’doshiym 6918: kiy 3588 qadosh 6918 Aniy 589 YHWH,

waab’dil 914 eth’chem 853 min 4480 haammiym 5971, lih’yoth 1961 liy.

27. W’iysh 376 o 176 ishshah 802 kiy 3588 yih’yeh 1961 bahem ob 178, o 176 yidd’oniy 3049,

moth 4191 yumathu 4191; baeben 68 yir’g’mu 7275 otham 853: d’meyhem 1818 bam.’ “



21 1. Wayyomer 559 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872: “Emor 559 el 413 hakohaniym 3548,

b’ney 1121 aharon 175, w’amar’ta 559 alehem 413: ‘L’nephesh 5315 lo 3808 yittama 2930

b’amayv 5971,

2. kiy 3588 im 518 lish’ero 7607 haqarob 7138 elayv 413, l’immo 517, ul’abiyv 1, w’lib’no 1121, ul’bitto 1323, ul’achiyv 251,

w’laachotho 269 hab’thulah 1330, haq’robah 7138 elayv 413, asher 834 lo 3808 hay’thah 1961 l’iysh 376; lah yittama 2930.

4. Lo 3808 yittama 2930, baal 1167 b’amayv 5971, l’hechallo 2490.

5. Lo 3808 yiq’r’hu 7139 qor’chah 7144 b’rosham 7218, up’ath 6285 z’qanam 2206 lo 3808

y’gallechu 1548, ubib’saram 1320 lo 3808 yis’r’tu 8295 sarateth 8296.

6. Q’doshiym 6918 yih’yu 1961 l’Eloheyhem 430, w’lo 3808 y’chall’lu 2490 Shem 8034

Eloheyhem 430: kiy 3588 eth 853 ishshey 801 YHWH, lechem 3899 Eloheyhem 430, hem 1992 maq’riybim 7126: w’hayu 1961 qodesh 6944.

7. Ishshah 802 zonah 2181, wachalalah 2491 lo 3808 yiqqachu 3947, w’ishshah 802

g’rushah 1644 meiyshshah 802 lo 3808 yiqqachu 3947. Kiy 3588 qadosh 6918 hu 1931

l’Elohayv 430.

8. W’qidash’to 6942; kiy 3588 eth 853 lechem 3899 Eloheycha 430 hu 1931 maq’riyb 7126:

qadosh 6918 yih’yeh 1961 lach: kiy 3588 qadosh 6918 Aniy 589 YHWH m’qadish’chem 6942.

9. Ubath 1323 iysh 376 kohen 3548, kiy 3588 thechel 2490 liz’noth 2181, eth 853 abiyha 1

hiv 1931 m’challeleth 2490, baesh 784 tisareph 8313.

10. W’hakohen 3548 hagadol 1419 meechayv 251, asher 834 yutsaq 3332 al 5921 rosho 7218 shemen 8081 hamish’chah 4888, umille 4390 eth 853 yado 3027 lil’bosh 3847 eth 853

hab’gadiym 899, eth 853 rosho 7218 lo 3808 yip’ra 6544, ub’gadayv 899 lo 3808 yip’rom 6533.

11. W’al 5921 kol 3605 naph’shoth 5315 meth 4191 lo 3808 yabo 935; l’abiyv 1 ul’immo 517

lo 3808 yittamma 2930.

12. Umin 4480 hamiq’dash 4720 lo 3808 yetse 3318, w’lo 3808 y’challel 2490 eth 853

miq’dash 4720 Elohayv 430; kiy 3588 nezer 5145 shemen 8081 mish’chath 4888 Elohayv 430 alayv 5921: Aniy 589 YHWH.

Hebrew 31

13. And he shall take a wife in her virginity 1331.

14. A widow, or a woman cast out, or profane, or a harlot, these he shall not take; but he shall take a virgin 1330 of his own people to wife.

15. Neither shall he profane his children among his people; for I Yahweh do sanctify him.'”

16. And spoke Yahweh to Mosheh, saying,

17. “Speak to Aharon, saying, ‘Whoever of your seedline in their posterity that has any

blemish 3971, do not let him approach to offer the bread of Elohayv.

18. For whatever man that has a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind 5787 man, or a

lame 6455 man, or he that is disfigured 2763, or has anything deformed 8311,

19. or a man that is broken footed, or broken handed,

20. or hunchbacked 1384, or [daq 1851], or that has an obscurity 8400 in his eye, or has a skin disease, or is scabbed, or has his testicles 810 crushed 4790;

21. no man that has a blemish of the seedline of Aharon the priest shall come near to offer the offerings made by fire of Yahweh. He has a blemish. He shall not come near to offer the bread of Elohayv.

22. He shall eat the bread of Elohayv, of the most holy, and of the holy,

23. only he shall not go into the veil, nor come near the altar, because he has a blemish; so that he does not profane My sanctuaries; because I Yahweh do sanctify them.'”

24. And Mosheh told it to Aharon, and to his sons, and to all the children of Yisrael.

Chapter 21 Notes – All of this pertains only to the Levitical priesthood, which has been done away with, and replaced by the Order of Malqiytsedeq (Melchizedek) There are some moral lessons we can learn, as to behavior of the priest’s daughter, and the penalty for gross sexual misconduct in vs.9. Yahweh was serious about the purity of anyone approaching His sanctuary.

References – Verse 5 -Lev.19:27,28; Verse 201851 daq, has several meanings – shrunken, withered, thin, but not “dwarf”. 8400 t’ballul as “defective vision”.

22 1. And spoke Yahweh to Mosheh, saying:

2. “Speak to Aharon and his sons, that they consecrate themselves for the Holy things of the children of Yisrael, and that they do not profane My Holy Name in those things that they hallow unto Me. I am Yahweh.

3. Say to them, ‘Whoever of all your seedline among your posterity, that goes unto the Holy things, which the children of Yisrael hallow unto Yahweh, having his uncleanness upon him, that person shall be cut off from My presence. I am Yahweh.

4. Whatever man of the seedline of Aharon is a leper 6879 or has a running discharge; he shall not eat of the Holy things, until he is clean; and whoever touches any thing that is unclean by a dead body, or a man whose semen goes from him;

5. or whoever touches any creeping thing, by which he may be made unclean, or an adam of who he may take uncleanness, whatever uncleanness he has;

6. The person who has touched any such shall be unclean until the evening, and shall not eat of the Holy things, unless he washes his body with water.

7. And when the sun is down he shall be clean, and shall afterward eat of the Holy things; because it is his food.

8. That which dies of itself, or that which is torn by beasts, he shall not eat to defile himself with. I am Yahweh.

9. They shall therefore keep My ordinance, lest they bear sin for it, and die of it, if they profane it. I Yahweh do sanctify them.

10. There shall no foreigner 2114 eat of the Holy thing. A guest 8453 of the priest, or a hired servant, shall not eat of the Holy thing.

English 32

13. W’hu 1931 ishshah 802 bib’thuleyha 1331 yiqach 3947.

14. Al’manah 490, ug’rushah 1644, wachalalah 2491, zonah 2181, eth 853 elleh 428 lo 3808

yiqach 3947, kiy 3588 im 518 b’thulah 1330 meammayv 5971 yiqach 3947 ishshah 802.

15. W’lo 3808 y’challel 2490 zar’o 2233 b’ammayv 5971: kiy 3588 Aniy 589 YHWH

m’qad’sho 6942.”

16. Way’daber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872, lemor 559,

17. “Daber 1696 el 413 aharon 175, lemor 559, ‘Iysh 376 mizar’acha 2233 l’dorotham 1755

asher 834 yih’yeh 1961 bo mum 3971, yiq’rab 7126 l’haq’riyb 7126 lechem 3899 Elohayv 430.

18. Kiy 3588 kol 3605 iysh 376 asher 834 bo mum 3971 lo 3808 yiq’rab 7126: iysh 376

iwwer 5787, o 176 pisseach 6455, o 176 charem 2763, o 176 sarua 8311;

19. o 176 iysh 376 asher 834 yih’yeh 1961 bo sheber 7667 ragel 7272, o 176 sheber 7667

yad 3027,

20. o 176 gibben 1384, o 176 daq 1851, o 176 t’ballul 8400 b’eyno 5869, o 176 garab 1618, o 176 yallepheth 3217, o 176 m’roach 4790 ashech 810.

21. kol 3605 iysh 376 asher 834 bo mum 3971 mizzera 2233 aharon 175 hakohen 3548 lo 3808 yiggash 5066 l’haq’riyb 7126 eth 853 ishshey 801 YHWH: mum 3971 bo; eth 853 lechem 3999 Elohayv 430 lo 3808 yiggash 5066 l’haq’riyb 7126;

22. Lachem 3899 Elohayv 430, miqad’shey 6944 haqadashiym 6944 umin 4480

haqadashiym 6944 yochel 398;

23. ach 389 el 413 haparocheth 6532 lo 3808 yabo 935, w’el 413 hamiz’beach 4196 lo 3808

yiggash 5066, kiy 3588 mum 3971 bo; w’lo 3808 y’challel 2490 eth 853 miq’dashay 4720: kiy 3588 Aniy 589 YHWH m’qad’sham 6942.”

24. Way’daber 1696 mosheh 4872 el 413 aharon 175 w’el 413 banayv 1121 w’el 413 kol 3605

b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478.

22 1. Way’daber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4782, lemor 559,

2. “Daber 1696 el 413 aharon 175 w’el 413 banayv 1121, w’yinaz’ru 5144 miqadoshey 6944

b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478, w’lo 3808 y’challeh 2490 eth 853 Shem 8034 Qadashiy 6944 asher 834

hem 1992 maq’dishiym 6942 liy: Aniy 589 YHWH.

3. Emor 559 alehem 413, ‘L’dorotheychem 1755 kol 3605 iysh 376 asher 834 yiq’rab 7126

mikol 3605 zar’achem 2233 el 413 haqadashiym 6944, asher 834 yaq’diyshu 6942 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478 laYHWH, w’tum’atho 2932 alayv 5921, w’nik’r’thah 3772 hanephesh 5315

hahiv 1931 mil’panay 6440: Aniy 589 YHWH.

4. iysh 376 iysh 376 mizera 2233 aharon 175 w’hu 1931 tsarua 6869, o 176 zab 2100:

baqadashiym 6944 lo 3808 yochal 398, ad 5704 asher 834 yit’har 2891. W’hanogea 5060

b’kol 3605 t’me 2931 nephesh 5315, o 176 iysh 376 asher 834 tetse 3318 mimmennu 4480 shich’bath 7902 zara 2233;

5. o 176 iysh 376 asher 834 yigga 5060 b’kol 3605 sherets 8318, asher 834 yit’ma 2930 lo 3808,

o 176 b’adam 120 asher 834 yit’ma 2930 lo 3808, l’kol 3605 tum’atho 2932;

6. nephesh 5315 asher 834 tigga 5060 bo w’tam’ah 2930 ad 5704 haareb 6153, w’lo 3808

yochal 398 min 4480 haqadashiym 6944, kiy 3588 rachats 7364 b’saro 1320 bamayim 4325.

7. Uba 935 hashemesh 8121, w’taher 2891, w’achar 310 yochal 398 min 4480 haqadashiym 6944;

kiy 3588 lach’mo 3899 hu 1931.

8. N’belah 5038, ut’repha 2966, lo 3808 yochal 398 l’tam’ah 2930 ba: Aniy 589 YHWH.

9. W’sham’ru 8104 eth 853 mish’mar’tiy 4931, w’lo 3808 yis’u 5375 alayv 5971 chet’ 2399, umethu 4191 bo, kiy 3588 y’chall’luhu 2490: Aniy 589 YHWH m’qad’sham 6942.

10. W’kol 3605 zar 2114 lo 3808 yochal 398 qodesh 6944: toshab 8453 kohen 3548,

w’sachiyr 7916, lo 3808 yochal 398 qodesh 6944;

Hebrew 32

11. But if the priest buy a person with his money, he shall eat of it, and he that is born in his house; they shall eat of his food.

12. But if the priest’s daughter is married to a foreign man, she may not eat of an offering of the Holy things.

13. But if the priest’s daughter is a widow, or cast aside, and has no children, and has returned to her father’s house, as in her youth, she shall eat of her father’s food; but there shall no foreigner eat of it.

14. And if a man eat of the Holy thing unwittingly, then he shall add the fifth part to it, and shall give it to the priest with the Holy thing.

15. And they shal
l not profane the Holy things of the children of Yisrael
, which they offer to Yahweh;

16. or allow them to bear the iniquity of sin when they eat their Holy things; because I Yahweh do sanctify them.'”

17. And spoke Yahweh to Mosheh, saying,

18. ” Speak to Aharon, and to his sons, and to all the children of Yisrael, and say to them, ‘Whoever of the House of Yisrael, or of the sojourners in Yisrael, that will offer his offering for all his vows 5088, and for all his freewill-offerings 5071, which they will offer to Yahweh for a burnt offering;

19. at your own will 7522 a male without blemish, of the cattle, of the sheep, or of the goats.

20. whatsoever has a blemish, you shall not offer; because it shall not be acceptable 7522 for you.

21. And whoever offers a sacrifice of well-being to Yahweh to accomplish his vow, or a freewill- offering of cattle or sheep, it shall be perfect 8549 to be accepted. There shall be no blemish in it.

22. Blind 5788, or broken down 7665, or maimed 2782, or having a running sore, or a skin disease, or scabbed; you shall not offer these to Yahweh, nor make an offering by fire of them upon the altar to Yahweh.

23. Either a bull or a lamb that has anything deformed 8311, or deformed 7038 in its parts, you may offer for a freewill-offering; but for a vow-offering it shall not be accepted 7521.

24. You shall not offer to Yahweh that which is bruised 4600, or crushed 3807, or torn 5423, or cut 3772; neither shall you do in your land.

25. Neither from the hand of a son of a racial alien 5236 shall you offer the bread of Eloheychem of any of these; because of the defect 4893 in them, blemishes in them. They shall not be accepted for you.'”

26. And spoke Yahweh to Mosheh, saying,

27. “When a bull, or a sheep, or a goat is born, then it shall be seven days under 8478 its mother; and from the eighth day forward it shall be acceptable for an offering 7133 made by fire 801 to Yahweh.

28. And a cow 7794 or ewe 7716, you shall not slaughter it and her young both in one day.

29. And when you offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving 8426 to Yahweh, offer it at your own

will 7522.

30. On the same day it shall be eaten up; you shall leave none of it until the next day. I am Yahweh.

31. Therefore you shall keep My commandments, and do them. I am Yahweh.

32. Neither shall you profane My Holy Name; but I will be hallowed among the children of Yisrael. I am Yahweh which hallows you,

33. that brought you out of the land of Mitsrayim, to be the Elohiym 430. I am Yahweh.'”

Chapter 22 Notes – Yahweh makes no hesitation as to telling Yisrael exactly who is giving them these commands. As in chapters prior to this, and those following, He clearly declares – “I am Yahweh.” This chapter concerns the Levitical priests, but it is clear that none of foreign extraction may eat of any food from a sacrifice. > Continued on English 34 >

English 33

11. W’kohen 3548 kiy 3588 yiq’neh 7069 nephesh 5315 qin’yan 7075 kas’phu 3701, hu 1931

yochal 398 bo, wiy’liyd 3211 beytho 1004: hem 1992 yoc’lu 398 b’lach’mo 3899.

12. Ubath 1323 kohen 3548 kiy 3588 tih’yeh 1961 l’iysh 376 zar 2114 hiv 1931 bit’rumath 8641 haqadashiym 6944 lo 3808 tochel 398.

13. Ubath 1323 kohen 3548 kiy 3588 tih’yeh 1961 al’manah 490, ug’rusha 1644, w’zera 2233

eyn 369 lah, w’shabah 7725 el 413 beyth 1004 abiyha 1, kin’ureyha 5271, millechem 3899

abiyha 1 tochel 398, w’kol 3605 zar 2114 lo 3808 yochal 398 bo.

14. W’iysh 376 kiy 3588 yochal 398 qodesh 6944 bish’gagah 7684, w’yasaph 3254

chamishiytho 2549 alayv 5921, w’nathan 5414 lakohen 3548 eth 853 haqodesh 6944.

15. W’lo 3808 y’challelu 2490 eth 853 qad’shey 6944 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478 eth 853 asher 834 yariymu 7311 laYHWH;

16. w’hissiyu 5375 otham 853 awon 5771 ash’mah 819, b’ach’lam 398 eth 853 qad’sheyhem 6944: kiy 3588 Aniy 589 YHWH m’qad’sham 6942.”

17. Way’daber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872, lemor 559,

18. “Daber 1696 el 413 aharon 175 w’el 413 banayv 1121, w’el 413 kol 3605 b’ney 1121

yis’rael 3478 w’amar’ta 559 alehem 413: ‘Iysh 376 iysh 376 mibeyth 1004 yis’rael 3478, umin 4480 hager 1616 b’yis’rael 3478, asher 834 yaq’riyb 7126 qor’bano 7133 l’kol 3605 nid’reyhem 5088, ul’kol 3605 nid’botham 5071, asher 834 yaq’riybu 7126 laYHWH l’olah 5930,

19. lir’tson’chem 7522 tamiym 8549 zachar 2145 babaqar 1241, bak’sabiym 3775,

ubaizziym 5795.

20. kol 3605 asher 834 bo mum 3971, lo 3808 taq’riybu 7126: kiy 3588 lo 3808 l’ratson 7522 yih’yeh 1961 lachem.

21. W’iysh 376 kiy 3588 yaq’riyb 7126 zebach 2077 sh’lomiym 8002 laYHWH l’pale 6381

neder 5088, o 176 lin’dabah 5071 babaqar 1241 o 176 ratson 7522 tamiyd 8548 yih’yeh 1961

l’ratson 7522 kol 3605 mum 3971 lo 3808 yih’yeh 1961 bo.

22. Awwereth 5788, o 176 shabur 7665, o 176 charuts 2782, o 176 yabbeleth 2990, o 176

garab 1618, o 176 yallepheth 3217, lo 3808 taq’riybu 7126 elleh 428 laYHWH; w

lo 3808 titt’nu 5414 mehem 4480 al 5921 hamiz’beach 4196 laYHWH.

23. W’shor 7794 waseh 7716 sarua 8311 w’qalut 7038, n’dabah 5071 taaseh 6213 otho 853: ul’neder 5088 lo 3808 yeratseh 7521.

24. Umauch 4600, w’katuth 3807, w’nathuq 5423, w’karuth 3772, lo 3808 taq’riybu 7126 laYHWH; ub’er’ts’chem 776 lo 3808 taasu 6213,

25. Umiyad 3027 ben 1121 nechar 5236 lo 3808 taq’riybu 7126 eth 853 lechem 3899

Eloheychem 430 mikol 3605 elleh 428; kiy 3588 mash’chatham 4893 bahem, mum 3971 bam:

lo 3808 yeratsu 7521 lachem.”

26. Way’daber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872, lemor 559,

27. “Shor 7794, o 176 keseb 3775, o 176 ez 5795, kiy 3588 yiwwaled 3205 w’hayah 1961

shib’ath 7651 yomiym 3117 tachath 8478 immo 517, umiyom 3117 hash’miyniy 8066

wahal’ah 1973 yeratseh 7521 l’qor’ban 7133 ishsheh 801 laYHWH.

28. W’shor 7794, o 176 seh 7716 otho 853 w’eth 853 b’no 1121 lo 3808 tish’chatu 7819

b’yom 3117 echad 259.

29. W’kiy 3588 tiz’b’chu 2076 zebach 2077 todah 8426 laYHWH lir’tson’chem 7522

tiz’bachu 2077.

30. Bayom 3117 hahu 1931 yeachel 398, lo 3808 totiyru 3498 mimmennu 4480 ad 5704

boqer 1242: Aniy 589 YHWH.

31. Ush’mar’tem 8104 mits’wothay 4687, waasiythem 6213 otham 853: Aniy 589 YHWH.

32. W’lo 3808 t’chall’lu 2490 eth 853 Shem 8034 Qad’shiy 6944, w’niq’dash’tiy 6942 b’toch 8432

b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478: Aniy 589 YHWH m’qadish’chem 6942,

33. hamotsiy 3318 eth’chem 853 meerets 776 mits’rayim 4714, lih’yoth 1961 lachem

l’Elohiym 430, Aniy 589 YHWH.”

Hebrew 33

This means the daughter that marries a foreigner (verse 12), she is then a member of a foreign household, and not her Levite father, thus is ineligible to eat food that is set-apart for Levites only. This shows the set-apart status of all of Yisrael, really, as prior chapters dealt with entering the land of Kenaan, and the ordered separation of Yisrael from the people that were to be driven out. All blood sacrifice, however, has been eliminated by Yahshua Messiah’s sacrifice at Calvary.

References – Verse 20 – Deut..17:1

23 1. And spoke Yahweh to Mosheh, saying,

2. “Speak to the children of Yisrael, and say to them, ‘The appointed feasts 4150 of Yahweh, which you shall proclaim Holy Convocations 4744, these are My appointed feasts.

3. Six days shall work be done; but the seventh day is the shabbath 7676 shabbathon 7677, a Holy Convocation; you shall do no work. It is the shabbath of Yahweh in all your dwellings.

4. These are the appointed feasts of Yahweh, Holy Convocations, which you shall proclaim in their appointed times.

5. In the fourteenth day of the first month at evening is the Passover 6453 of Yahweh.

6. And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of matstsoth 4682 to Yahweh. Seven days you must eat matstsoth.

7. In the first day you shall have a Holy Convocation. You shall do no servile 5656 work in it.

8. But you shall offer an offering made by fire to Yahweh seven days. In the seventh day, a

Holy Convocation. You shall do no servile work.'”

9. And spoke Yahweh to Mosheh, saying,

10. “Speak to the children of Yisrael, and say to them, ‘When you have come into the land which I give to you, and shall reap 7114 the harvest 7105 of it, then you shall bring a sheaf 6016 of the firstfruits 7225 of the harvest to the priest:

11. and he shall wave 5130 the sheaf before Yahweh, to be accepted for you. The next day after the Shabbath the priest shall wave it.

12. And you shall offer that day when you wave the sheaf a he-lamb 3532 without blemish of the first year for a burnt offering to Yahweh.

13. And the grain offering of it two tenth deals 6241 of fine flour mixed with oil, an offering made by fire to Yahweh; a pleasing odor. And the drink offering of it of wine 3196, the fourth part of a hin.

14. And you shall eat neither bread 3899 nor parched corn 7039, nor green ears 3759, until the same day that you have brought an offering to Eloheychem. A statute forever throughout your posterity in all your dwellings.

15. And you shall count to you from the day after the shabbath from the day that you brought the sheaf 6016 of the wave offering 8573; seven shabbathoth 7676 shall be complete.

16. Even unto the day after the seventh shabbath you shall number fifty days; and you shall offer a new grain offering unto Yahweh.

17. You shall bring from your habitations two wave loaves of two tenth deals. They shall be of fine flour, and they shall be baked with leaven 2557; the firstfruits 1061 unto Yahweh.

18. And you shall offer with the bread seven male lambs without blemish of the first year, and one young bull calf, and two rams. They shall be a burnt offering unto Yahweh, with their grain offering, and their drink offering; an offering made by fire, of a pleasing odor to Yahweh.

19. Then you shall make sacrifice of one male goat of the goats for a sin offering, and two male lambs of the first year for a sacrifice of well-being.

20. And the priest shall wave them with the bread of the firstfruits, a wave offering before Yahweh, with the two male lambs. They shall be set-apart 6944 to Yahweh for the priest.

21. And you shall proclaim on the same day, it will be a Holy Convocation to you. You shall do no servile work. A statute forever in all your dwellings throughout your posterity.

English 34

23 1. Way’daber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872,
lemor 559,

2. “Daber 1696 el 413 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478, w’amar’ta 559 alehem 413, ‘Moadey 4150 YHWH

asher 834 tiq’r’u 7121 otham 853 miq’raey 4744 qodesh 6944, elleh 428 hem 1992 moadey 4150.

3. Shesheth 8337 yomiym 3117 teaseh 6213 m’lachah 4399 ubayom 3117 hash’biyiy 7637 shabbath 7676 shabbathon 7677 miq’ra 4744 qodesh 6944 kol 3605 m’lachah 4399 lo 3808 taasu 6213: shabbath 7676

hiv 1931 laYHWH b’kol 3605 mish’botheychem 4186.

4. Elleh 428 moadey 4150 YHWH miq’raey 4744 qodesh 6944 asher 834 tiq’r’u 7121 otham 853 b’moadam 4150:

5. Bachodesh 2320 harishon 7223 b’ar’baah 702 asar 6240 lachodesh 2320 beyn 996 haar’bayim 6153 pesach 6453 laYHWH,

6. ubachamisha 2568 asar 6240 yom 3117 lachodesh 2320 hazeh 2088 chag 2282 hamatsoth 4682 laYHWH. Shib’ath 7651 yomiym 3117 matsoth 4682 tochelu 398.

7. Bayom 3117 harishon 7223 miq’ra 4744 qodesh 6944 YHWH lachem kol 3605 m’lecheth 4399

abodah 5656 lo 6213 taasu 6213.

8. W’hiq’rab’tem 7126 ishsheh 801 laYHWH shib’ath 7651 yomiym 3117, bayom 3117 hash’biyiy 7637 miq’ra 4744 qodesh 6944: kol 3605 m’lecheth 4399 abodah 5656 lo 3808 taasu 6213.”

9. Way’daber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872, lemor 559,

10. “Daber 1696 el 413 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478, w’amar’ta 559 alehem 413: ‘Kiy 3588 tabou 935 el 413 haerets 776 asher 834 Aniy 589 nothen 5414 lachem uq’tsar’tem 7114 eth 853 q’tsiyrah 7105,

wahabethem 935 eth 853 omer 6016 reshiyth 7223 q’tsiyr’chem 7105 el 413 hakohen 3548.

11. W’heniyph 5130 eth 853 haomer 6016 lip’ney 6440 YHWH, lir’tson’chem 7522: mimochorath 4283 hashabbath 7676 w’niyphennu 5130 hakohen 3548.

12. Waasiythem 6213 b’yom 3117 haniyph’chem 5130 eth 853 haomer 6016 kebes 3532 tamiym 8549

ben 1121 sh’natho 8141 l’olah 5930 laYHWH.

13. Umin’chatho 4503 sh’ney 8147 es’roniym 6241 soleth 5560 b’lulah 1101 bashemen 8081, ishsheh 801 laYHWH, reyach 7351 niychoach 5207; w’nis’ko 5262 yayin 3196, r’biyith 7243 hahiyn 1969.

14. W’lechem 3899, w’qaliy 7039, w’kar’mel 3759 lo 3808 tochelu 398, ad 5704 etsem 6106 hayom 3117 hazeh 2088 ad 5704 habiyachem 935 eth 853 qor’ban 7133 Eloheychem 430 chuqqath 2708 olam 5769 l’dorotheychem 1755 b’kol 3605 mosh’botheychem 4186.

15. Us’phar’tem 5608 lachem mimacharath 4283 hashabbath 7676, miyom 3117 habiyachem 935 eth 853 omer 6016 hat’nuphah 8573; sheba 7651 shabbathoth 7676 t’miymoth 8549 tih’yeynah 1961.

16. Ad 5704 mimacharath 4283 hashabbath 7676 hash’biyith 7637 tis’p’ru 5608 chamishiym 2572

yom 3117; w’hiq’rab’tem 7126 min’chah 4503 chadashah 2319 laYHWH.

17. Mimosh’botheychem 4186 tabiyu 935 lechem 3899 t’nuphah 8573 sh’tayim 8147 sh’ney 8147 es’roniym 6241: soleth 5560 tih’yeynah 1961; chamets 2557 teapheynah 644; bikkuriyth 1061 laYHWH.

18. W’hiq’rab’tem 7126 al 5921 halechem 3899 shib’ath 7651 kebasiym 3532 t’miymim 8549 b’ney 1121 shanah 8141, upar 6499 ben 1121 baqar 1241 echad 259, w’eylim 352 sh’nayim 8147: yih’yu 1961 olah 5930 laYHWH, umin’chatham 4503, w’nis’keyhem 5262, ishsheh 801 reyach 7381 niychoach 5207 laYHWH.

19. Waasiythem 6213 s’iyr 8163 izziym 5795 echad 259 l’chattath 2403 ush’ney 8147 k’basiym 3532

b’ney 1121 shanah 8141 l’zebach 2077 sh’lomiym 8002.

20. W’heniyph 5130 hakohen 3548 otham 853 al 5921 lechem 3899 habikuriym 1061 t’nuphah 8573

lip’ney 6440 YHWH al 5921 sh’ney 8147 k’basiym 3532: qodesh 6944 yih’yu 1961 laYHWH, lakohen 3548.

21. Uq’rathem 7121 b’etsem 6106 hayom 3117 hazeh 2088, miq’ra 4744 qodesh 6944 yih’yeh 1961 lachem; kol 3605 m’lecheth 4399 abodah 5656 lo 6213 taasu 6213: chuqqath 2708 olam 5769 b’kol 3605 mosh’botheychem 4186 l’dorotheychem 1755.




Hebrew 34

22. And when you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not completely reap the corners of your field when you reap, neither shall you gather any gleaning of your harvest. You shall leave them unto the poor, and to the sojourner. I am Yahweh Eloheychem.'”

23. And spoke Yahweh to Mosheh, saying,

24. “Speak to the children of
, saying, ‘In the seventh month, on the first, you shall have a shabbathon 7677, a memorial 2146 of crying of trumpets 8643, a Holy Convocation.

25. You shall do no servile work, but you shall offer an offering made by fire to Yahweh.'”

26. And spoke Yahweh to Mosheh, saying,

27. “Also on the tenth of this seventh month, a day of propitiation 3725. It shall be a Holy Convocation to you; and you shall afflict 6031 your bodies, and offer an offering made by fire to Yahweh.

28. And you shall do no work in that same day, because it is a day of propitiation, to make propitiation for you before Yahweh Eloheychem.

29. For whatever person that shall not be afflicted in that same day, he shall be cut off from among his people.

30. And whatever person that does any work in that same day, the same person I will destroy 6 from among his people.

31. You shall do no manner of work. A statute forever throughout your posterity in all your dwellings.

32. It is to you a shabbath shabbathon, and you shall afflict yourselves. On the ninth of the month at evening you shall set aside the time 7673 for shabbath.”

33. And spoke Yahweh to Mosheh, saying,

34. “Speak to the children of Yisrael, saying, ‘The fifteenth day of this seventh month shall be the feast 2282 of sukkoth 5521 for seven days unto Yahweh.

35. On the first day shall be a Holy Convocation. You shall do no servile work.

36. Seven days you shall offer an offering made by fire to Yahweh. On the eighth day shall be a Holy Convocation to you; and you shall offer an offering made by fire to Yahweh. It is a

solemn assembly 6116. You shall do no servile work.

37. These are the appointed feasts of Yahweh, which you shall proclaim Holy Convocations, to offer an offering made by fire to Yahweh; a burnt offering, and a grain offering, a sacrifice, and drink offerings, every thing on its day:

38. besides the shabbathoth of Yahweh, and besides your gifts 4979, and beside all your

vows 5088, and beside all your freewill-offerings 5071, which you give to Yahweh.

39. Also in the fifteenth day of the seventh month, when you have gathered in the fruit of the land, you shall keep a feast unto Yahweh seven days. On the first day, a shabbathon, and on the eighth day, a shabbathon.

40. And you shall take you on the first day the fruit 6529 of majestic 1926 trees, leaves 3709 of

palm-trees 8558, and the boughs 6057 of leafy 5687 trees, and willows 6155 of the brook 5158; and you shall rejoice 8055 before Yahweh Eloheychem seven days.

41. And you shall keep it a feast unto Yahweh seven days in the year. A statute forever in your posterity. You shall celebrate 2287 it in the seventh month.

42. You shall dwell in sukkoth seven days; all that are native born of Yisrael shall dwell in sukkoth:

43. that your posterity may know that I made the children of Yisrael to dwell in sukkoth, when I brought them out of the land of Mitsrayim. I am Yahweh Eloheychem.'”

44. And Mosheh declared to the children of Yisrael the appointed feasts of Yahweh.

[ Chapter Notes on Page 36 ]

English 35

22. Ub’qutsr’chem 7114 eth 853 q’tsiyr 7105 er’ts’chem 776, lo 3808 t’kalleh 3615 p’ath 6285

sad’cha 7704 b’quts’recha 7114, w’leqet 3951 q’tsiyr’cha 7105 lo 3808 t’laqqet 3950 leaniy 6041

w’lager 1616 taazob 5800 otham 853: Aniy 589 YHWH Eloheychem 430.”

23. Way’daber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872, lemor 559,

24. “Daber 1696 el 413 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478, lemor 559, ‘Bachodesh 2320 hash’biyiy7637

b’echad 259 lachodesh 2320, yih’yeh 1961 lachem shabbathon 7677, zich’ron 2146 t’ruah 8643,

miq’ra 4744 qodesh 6944.

25. Kol 3605 m’lecheth 4399 abodah 5656 lo 3808 taasu 6213: w’hiq’rab’tem 7126 ishsheh 801 laYHWH.”

26. Way’daber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872, lemor 559,

27. “Ach 389 beasor 6218 lachodesh 2320 hash’biyiy 7637 hazeh 2088 yom 3117 hakippuriym 3722

hu 1931: miq’ra 4744 qodesh 6944 yih’yeh 1961 lachem; w’inniythem 6031 eth 853

naph’shotheychem 5315, w’hiq’rab’tem 7126 ishsheh 801 laYHWH.

28. W’kol 3605 m’lachah 4399 lo 3808 taasu 6213 b’etsem 6106 hayom 3117 hazeh 2088: kiy 3588

yom 3117 kippuriym 3722 hu 1931 l’kapper 3722 aleychem 5921 lip’ney 6440 YHWH Eloheychem 430.

29. Kiy 3588 kol 3605 hanephesh 5315 asher 834 lo 3808 t’unneh 6031 b’etsem 6106 hayom 3117

hazeh 2088, w’nik’r’tha 3772 meammeyha 5971.

30. W’kol 3605 hanephesh 5315 asher 834 taaseh 6213 kol 3605 m’lachah 4399 b’etsem 6106 hayom 3117 hazeh 2088, w’haabad’tiy 6 eth 853 hanephesh 5315 hahiv 1931 miqereb 7130 ammah 5971.

31. Kol 3605 m’lachah 4399 lo 3808 taasu 6213, chuqqath 2708 olam 5789, l’dorotheychem 1755,

b’kol 3605 mosh’botheychem 4186.

32. Shabbath 7676 shabbathon 7677 hu 1931 lachem, w’inniythem 6031 eth 853 naph’shotheychem 5315 b’tish’ah 8672 lachodesh 2320 baereb 6153, meereb 6153 al 5921 ereb 6153 tish’b’thu 7673

shabbat’chem 7676.”

33. Wayyadaber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872, lemor 559,

34. “Daber 1696 el 413 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478, lemor 559: ‘Bachamishah 2568 asar 6240 yom 3117 lachodesh 2320 hash’biyiy
7637 hazeh 2088 chag 2822 hasukkoth 5521 shib’ath 7651 yomiym 3117 laYHWH.

35. Bayom 3117 harishon 7223 miq’ra 4744 qodesh 6944: kol 3605 m’lecheth 4399 abodah 5656 lo 3808 taasu 6213.

36. Shib’ath 7651 yomiym 3117 taq’riybu 7126 ishsheh 801 laYHWH bayom 3117 hash’miyniy 8066 miq’ra 4744 qodesh 6944 yih’yeh 1961 lachem w’hiq’rab’tem 7126 ishsheh 801 laYHWH atsereth 6116

hiv 1931; kol 3605 m’lecheth 4399 abodah 5656 lo 3808 taasu 6213.

37. Elleh 428 moadey 4150 YHWH, asher 834 tiq’r’u 7121 otham 853 miq’raey 4744 qodesh 6944 l’haq’riyb 7126 ishsheh 801 laYHWH, olah 5930, min’chah 4503, zebach 2077 un’sachiym 5262,

d’bar 1697 yom 3117 b’yomo 3117:

38. Mill’bad 905 shab’thoth 7676 YHWH, umill’bad 905 matt’notheychem 4979, umill’bad 905 kol 3605 nid’reychem 5088, mill’bad 905 kol 3605 nid’botheychem 5071 asher 834 tittenu 5414 laYHWH.

39. Ach 389 bachamishah 2568 asar 6240 yom 3117 lachodesh 2320 hash’biyiy 7637 b’as’p’chem 622

eth 853 tibuath 8393 haerets 776, tachoggu 2287 eth 853 chag 2282 YHWH shib’ath 7651 yomiym 3117 bayom 3117 harishon 7223 shabbathon 7677.

40. Ul’qach’tem 3947 lachem bayom 3117 harishon 7223 p’riy 6529 ets 6086 hadar 1926, kappoth 3709 t’mariym 8558, waanaph 6057 ets 6086 aboth 5687, w’ar’bey 6155 nachal 5158; us’mach’tem 8055

lip’ney 6440 YHWH Eloheychem 430 shib’ath 7651 yomiym 3117.

41. W’chagothem 2287 otho 853 chag 2282 laYHWH shib’ath 7651 yomiym 3117 bashanah 8141.

Chuqqath 2708 olam 5769 l’dorotheychem 1755: bachodesh 2320 hash’biyiy 7637 tachogu 2287 otho 853.

42. Basukkoth 5521 tesh’bu 3427 shib’ath 7651 yomiym 3117 kol 3605 haez’rach 249 b’yis’rael 3478 yesh’bu 3427 basukkoth 5521,

43. l’maan 4616 yed’u 3045 dorotheychem 1755 kiy 3588 basukkoth 5521 hoshab’tiy 3427 eth 853 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478, b’hotsiyiy 3318 otham 853 meerets 776 mits’rayim 4714. Aniy 589 YHWH

Eloheychem 430.”

44. Way’daber 1696 mosheh 4872 eth 853 moadey 4150 YHWH el 413 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478.



Hebrew 35

Chapter 23 Notes – This chapter has to do with the appointed feasts that Yahweh commanded Mosheh to explain to Yisrael. All these are still in effect today, with the now fulfilled rising of the Messiah Yahshua substituting for all sacrifices. They are to be kept forever, and thanks given for our Messiah for making propitiation for us, and for him being the firstfruits of those that will rise in redemption of all Yisrael. We have had churchianity substitute the term ‘tabernacles’ for ‘booths’, but the feast is the same. It should be a time of joy, as our ancestors were brought out from the land of bondage, as our Messiah brings us out from the bondage of sin, and will free us from the Babylonian system we are now under which represses all true Yisraelites. May He come soon! Praise Yahweh!

References – Verse 3 – Ex.20:8-10; 23:12; 31:15; 34:21; 35:2; Deut.5:12-14; Verse 5 – Ex.12:1-13;

16:1,2; Verses 6-8 – Ex.12:14-20; 23:15; 34:18; Deut.16:3-8; Verses 15 – 21 – Ex.23:16; 34:22;

Deut.16:9-12; Verse 22 – Lev.19:9,10; Deut.24:19-22; Verses 27-32 – Lev.16:29-34; 6031 as a fast; Verses 34-36 – Deut.16:13-15

24 1. And spoke Yahweh to Mosheh, saying,

2. “Command the children of Yisrael, that they bring to you pure 2134 olive oil, beaten 3795 for the light 3974, to cause the lamps 5216 to burn 5927 continually.

3. Outside of the Tent of Meeting, Aharon shall set them in order 6186 from evening until morning before Yahweh continually. A statute forever in your posterity.

4. He shall set in order the lamps upon the pure 2889 menorah 4501 before Yahweh continually.

5. And you shall take fine flour, and bake twelve cakes of it. Two tenth-deals shall be in one cake.

6. And you shall set them in two rows, six on a row, upon the pure table 7979 before Yahweh.

7. And you shall put pure frankincense upon each row, that it may be upon the bread for a memorial portion, as an offering made by fire to Yahweh.

8. Every shabbath day he shall set it in order before Yahweh continually, from the children of Yisrael by an everlasting 5769 covenant.

9. And it shall be Aharon’s, and his sons’; and they shall eat it in the Holy Place: for it is Most Holy to him of the offerings made by fire to Yahweh by a perpetual statute.'”

10. And the son of an Yisre’eliyth 3482 woman, whose father was a Mitsriy 4713, went out among the children of Yisrael; and this son of the Yisre’eliyth and a man of Yisrael struggled 5327 in the camp;

11. Cursed 5344 the son of the woman Yisre’eliyth The Name in a curse 7043. And they brought him to Mosheh. And the name of his mother was Shelomiyth 8019, the daughter of Dibriy 1704, of the tribe of Dan.

12. And they put him under guard 4929 until the Word of Yahweh might be made clear 6567 to them.

13. And spoke Yahweh to Mosheh, saying,

14. “Bring forth him that has cursed to outside of the camp; and let all that heard lay their hands upon his head, and let all the congregation stone him.

15. And you shall speak to the children of Yisrael, saying, ‘Whoever curses Elohayv 430 shall bear his sin.

16. And he that curses The Name of Yahweh shall surely be put to death. All the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well as the sojourner, as he that is native born, when he cur
ses The Name
, shall surely be put to death.

17. And he that smites the life 5315 of an adam 120 shall surely be put to death.

18. And he that smites the life of a beast shall make retribution 7999; life in place of 8478 life.

19. And if a man causes injury 3971 to another person; as he has done, so shall it be done to him;

20. Fracture 7667 in place of fracture, eye in place of eye, tooth in place of tooth: as he has caused an injury in an adam, so shall it be done to him.

21. And he that smites a beast, he shall restore it; and he that smites an adam, he shall be put to death.

22. You shall have one manner of law, as well for the sojourner, as one born of your own land: for I am Yahweh Eloheychem.'”

English 36



24 1. Way’daber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872, lemor 559,

2. “Tsaw 6680 eth 853 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478, w’yiq’chu 3947 eleycha 413 shemen 8081

zayith 2132 zach 2134 kathiyth 3795 lamaor 3974, l’haaloth 5927 ner 5216 tamiyd 8548.

3. Michuts 2351 l’parocheth 6532 haeduth 5715 b’ohel 168 moed 4150 yaaroch 6186 otho 853

aharon 175 meereb 6153 ad 5704 boqer 1242 lip’ney 6440 YHWH tamiyd 8548 chuqath 2708

olam 5769 l’dorotheychem 1755.

4. Al 5921 ham’norah 4501 yaaroch 6186 eth 853 haneroth 5216 lip’ney 6440 YHWH

tamiyd 8548.

5. W’laqach’ta 3947 soleth 5560, w’aphiytha 644 othah 853 sh’teym 8147 es’reh 6240

challoth 2471: sh’ney 8147 es’roniym 6241 yih’yeh 1961 hachallah 2471 haechath 259.

6. W’sam’ta 7760 otham 853 sh’tayim 8147 maarachoth 4634, shesh 8337 hamaaracheth 4635,

al 5921 hashul’chan 7979 hatahor 2889 lip’ney 6440 YHWH.

7. W’nathah 5414 al 5921 hamaarecheth 4635 l’bonah 3828 zakah 2134, w’hay’thah 1961

lalechem 3899 l’az’karah 234 ishsheh 801 laYHWH.

8. B’yom 3117 hashabbath 7676 b’yom 3117 hashabbath 7676 yaar’chennu 6186 lip’ney 6440 YHWH tamiyd 8548 meeth 854 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478 b’riyth 1285 olam 5769.

9. W’hay’thah 1961 l’aharon 175 ul’banayv 1121, waachaluhu 398 b’maqom 4725 qadosh 6918:

kiy 3588 qodesh 6944 qadashiym 6944 hu 1931 lo meishsheh 801 YHWH, chaq 2706 olam 5769.”

10. Wayetse 3318 ben 1121 ishshah 802 yis’r’eliyth 3482, w’hu 1931 ben 1121 iysh 376

mits’riy 4713 b’toch 8432 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478. Wayinnatsu 5327 bamachaneh 4264 ben 1121 hayis’r’eliyth 3482 w’iysh 376 hayis’r’eliy 3481.

11. Wayiqqob 5344 ben 1121 haishshah 802 hayis’r’eliyth 3482, eth 853 haShem 8034

way’qallel 7043. Wayabiyu 935 otho 853 el 413 mosheh 4872: washem 8034 immo 517

sh’lomiyth 8019 bath 1323 dib’riy 1704 l’matteh 4294 dan 1835,

12. wayaniychuhu 5117 bamish’mar 4929, lip’rosh 6567 lahem al 5921 piy 6310 YHWH.

13. Way’daber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872, lemor 559,

14. “Hotse 3318 eth 853 ham’qallel 7043 eth 853 michuts 4264 lamachaneh 4264;

w’sam’chu 5564 kol 3605 hashom’iym 8085 eth 853 y’deyhem 3027 al 5921 rosho 7218,

w’rag’mu 7275 otho 853 kol 3605 haedah 5712.

15. W’el 413 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478 t’daber 1696, lemor 559: ‘Iysh 376 iysh 376 kiy 3588

y’qallel 7043 Elohayv 430 w’nasha 5375 chet’o 2399;

16. w’noqeb 5344 Shem 8034 YHWH moth 4191 yumath 4191, ragom 7275 yir’g’mu 7275 bo

kol 3605 haedah 5712: kager 1616, kaez’rach 249, b’naq’bo 5344 Shem 8034 yumath 4191.

17. W’iysh 376 kiy 3588 yakkeh 5221 kol 3605 nephesh 5315 adam 120 moth 4191 yumath 4191.

18. Umakeh 5221 nephesh 5315 b’hemah 929 w’shall’mennah 7999; nephesh 5315 tachath 8478 nephesh 5315.

19. W’iysh 376 kiy 3588 yitten 5414 mum 3971 baamiytho 5997; kaasher 834 asah 6213,

ken 3651 yeaseh 6213 lo.

20. Sheber 7667 tachath 8478 sheber 7667, ayin 5869 tachath 8478 ayin 5869, shen 8127

tachath 8478 shen 8127, kaasher 834 yitten 5414 mum 3971 baadam 120 ken 3651 yinnaten 5414 bo.

21. Umakeh 5221 b’hemah 929 y’shall’mennah 7999, umakeh 5221 adam 120 yumath 4191.

22. Mish’pat 4941 echad 259 yih’yeh 1961 lachem kager 1616, kaez’rach 249 yih’yeh 1961:

kiy 3588 Aniy 589 YHWH Eloheychem 430.’ “

Hebrew 36

23. And Mosheh spoke to the children of Yisrael, that they should bring forth him that had cursed to outside of the camp, and stone him with stones. And the children of Yisrael did as Yahweh had commanded Mosheh.

Chapter 24 Notes – The first part of 24 is the rules for the lamps, and placement of the Bread of The Presence (Showbread) in the Tent of Meeting. The part th
at follows concerns the misuse of The Holy Name of Yahweh, and the severe penalty of death that such an act incurs. This law still is in effect. The death of a beast (livestock) requires the replacement by the smiter of the beast to its owner. He that smites an adam shall be put to death. Note that in verse 10, the son of the woman is clearly not of pure Yisraelite seedline, and is shown to have struggled with a man of Yisrael. The mixed-breed son had lesser standing than a pure Yisraelite, but was subject to the same laws while with the camp of Yisrael. Yahweh is jealous of His Name, and His penalty for blasphemy is death. In verses 19 & 20, whatever you did to another would be done to you. If we did this today, we would have far less crime.

References – Verses 5, 6 – Ex.25:30; Verse 9 – Matt.12:4; Mark 2:26; Luke 6:4; Verse 17 – Ex.21:12; Verse 20 – Ex.21:23-25; Deut.19:21; Matt.5:38

25 1. And spoke Yahweh to Mosheh in Mount Siynay, saying,

2. “Speak to the children of Yisrael, and say to them, ‘When you enter the land which I give you, then shall the land keep a shabb’thah unto Yahweh.

3. Six years shall you sow your field, and six years shall you prune 2168 your vineyard 3754, and gather in the harvest of it;

4. But in the seventh year shall be a shabbath shabbathon unto the land, a shabbath for Yahweh. You shall neither sow your field, nor prune your vineyard.

5. The aftergrowth 5599 of your harvest you shall not reap, nor gather the grapes of your untrimmed vine: for it is a year of shabbathon unto the land.

6. And the shabbath of the land shall be food 402 for you; for you, and for your slave, and for your hired servant, and for the sojourner that sojourns with you.

7. And for the cattle, and for the living creatures that are in your land, shall all the increase of it be eaten.

8. And you shall number seven shab’thoth of years to you, seven times seven years; and the time of the seven shabbathoth of years shall be to you forty nine years.

9. Then you shall cause the shophar’s 7782 blast 8643 to traverse 5674 on the tenth of the seventh month, on the day of propitiation you shall make the shophar traverse through all the land,

10. And you shall set apart 6942 the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty1865 throughout the land to all the inhabitants of it. It shall be a yobel 3104 to you; and you shall return to every man his

possession 272, and you shall return every man unto his clan.

11. A Yobel shall that fiftieth year be to you. You shall not sow, neither reap the aftergrowth of it, nor gather from your untrimmed vine,

12. for it is the yobel; it shall be set-apart to you. You shall eat the increase of it from the field.

13. In the year of yobel you shall return every man his possession.

14. And if you sell something to your neighbor 5997, or buy from your neighbor’s hand, you shall not oppress 3238 a man of your kinship 251.

15. According to the number of years after the yobel you shall buy of your neighbor, according to the number of years of the harvest he shall sell to you:

16. according to the multitude of years you shall increase the price of it, and according to the fewness of years you shall diminish the price of it, for to the number of the harvests does he sell to you.

l7. You therefore shall not oppress one another; but you shall revere 3372 Eloheycha 430, for I am Yahweh Eloheychem 430.

English 37

23. Way’daber 1696 mosheh 4872 el 413 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478; “Wayotsiyu 3318 eth 853 ham’qallel 7043 el 413 michuts 2351 lamachaneh 4264 wayir’g’mu 7275 otho 853 aben 68.”

Ub’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478 asu 6213 kaasher 834 tsiwwah 6680 YHWH eth 853 mosheh 4872.




25 1. Way’daber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872 b’har 2022 siynay 5514, lemor 559,

2. “Daber 1696 el 413 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478 w’amar’ta 559 alehem 413: kiy 3588 tabou 935

el 413 haerets 776 asher 834 Aniy 589 nothen 5414 lachem, w’shab’thah 7673 haerets 776

shabbath 7676 laYHWH.

3. Shesh 8337 shaniym 8141 tiz’ra 2232 sadecha 7704, w’shesh 8337 shaniym 8141 tiz’mor 2168 kar’mecha 3754, w’asaph’ta 622 eth 853 t’buathah 8393.

4. Ubashanah 8141 hash’biyith 7637 shabbath 7676 shabbathon 7677 yih’yeh 1961 laerets 776 shabbath 7676 laYHWH, sad’cha 7704 lo 3808 tiz’ra 2232 w’kar’mecha 3754 lo 3808

tiz’mor 2168.

5. Eth 853 s’phiyach 5599 q’tsiyr’cha 7105 lo 3808 tiq’tsor 7114, w’eth 853 inn’bey 6025

n’ziyrecha 5139 lo 3808 tib’tsor 1219 sh’nath 8141 shabbathon 7677 yih’yeh 1961 laerets 776.

6. W’hay’thah 1961 shabbath 7676 haerets 776 lachem l’ach’lah 402; l’cha, ul’ab’d’cha 5650, w’laamathecha 519, w’lis’chiyr’cha 7916, ul’toshab’cha 8453 hagariym 1481 immach 5973.

7. W’lib’hem’t’cha 929, w’lachayyah 2416 asher 834 b’er’tsecha 776 tih’yeh 1961 kol 3605

t’buathah 8393 leechol 398.

8. W’saphar’ta 5608 l’cha sheba 7651 shab’toth 7676 shaniym 8141, sheba 7651 shaniym 8141

sheba 7651, p’amiym 6471 w’hayu 1961 l’cha y’mey 3117 sheba 7651 shab’toth 7676

hashaniym 8141 tesha 8672 w’ar’baiym 705 shanah 8141.

9. W’haabar’ta 5674 shophar 7782 t’ruah 8643 bachodesh 2320 hash’biiy 7637 beasor 6218

lachodesh 2320, b’yom 3117 hakippuriym 3722 taabiyru 5674 shophar 7782 b’kol 3605

er’ts’chem 776,

10. w’qidash’tem 6942 eth 853 sh’nath 8141 hachamishiym 2532 shanah
, uq’rathem 7121

d’ror 1865 baerets 776 l’kol 3605 yosh’beyha 3427: yobel 3104 hiv 1931 tih’yeh 1961 lachem: w’shab’tem 7725 iysh 376 el 376 achuzzatho 272, w’iysh 376 el 413 mish’pach’to 4940

tashubu 7725.

11. Yobel 3104 hiv 1931 sh’nath 8141 hachamishiym 2572 shanah 8141 tih’yeh 1961 lachem,

lo 3808 tiz’rau 2232, w’lo 3808 tiq’ts’ru 7114 eth 853 s’phiycheyha 5599, w’lo 3808 tib’ts’ru 1219 eth 853 n’zireyha 5139,

12. kiy 3588 yobel 3104 hiv 1931 qodesh 6944 tih’yeh 1961 lachem min 4480 hasadeh 7704

toch’lu 398 eth 853 t’buathah 8393.

13. Bish’nath 8141 hayobel 3104 hazoth 2063 tashubu 7725 iysh 376 el 413 achuzzatho 272.

14. W’kiy 3588 tim’char 4376 laamiythecha 5997, o 176 qanoh 7069 miyad 3027

amiytheycha 5997, al 5921 tonu 3238 iysh 376 eth 853 achiyv 251.

15. B’mis’par 4557 shaniym 8141 achad 259 hayobel 3104 tiq’neh 7069 meeth 854

amiythecha 5997 b’mis’par 4557 sh’ney 8141 t’buoth 8393 yim’char 4376 lach.

16. L’piy 6310 rob 7230 hashaniym 8141 tar’beh 7235 miq’natho 4736 ul’piy 6310 m’ot 4591 hashaniym 8141 tam’iyt 4591 miq’natho 4736 kiy 3588 mis’par 4557 t’buoth 8393 hu 1931

mocher 4376 lach.

17. W’lo 3808 tonu 3238 iysh 376 eth 853 amiytho 5997, w’yaretha 3372 meEloheycha 430;

kiy 3588 Aniy 589 YHWH Eloheychem 430.

Hebrew 37

18. Wherefore you shall do My statutes, and keep My judgements, and do them; and you shall dwell in the land in security 983.

19. And the land shall give its fruit, and you shall eat your fill 7648, and dwell in security.

20. And if you shall say, ‘What shall we eat in the seventh year? Behold, we shall not sow, nor gather in our increase.’

21. Then I will command My blessing 1293 upon you in the sixth year, and it shall bring forth fruit for three years.

22. And you shall sow the eighth year, and eat of old fruit until the ninth year; until its fruits come in you shall eat of the old 3465.

23. The land shall not be sold in finality 6783; for the land is Mine; because you are

sojourners 1616, and sojourners 8453 with Me.

24. And in all the land of your possession you shall grant a redemption 1353 for the land.

25. If your brother 251 has grown poor 4134, and has sold away 4376 from his possession, and if any near kindred 7138 come to redeem it, then he shall redeem that which his brother sold.

[Note – this has to do with a family inheritance which could never be truly sold, but could be reclaimed by paying back the loan upon it by the original owner, or a close relative, if the owner became poor. That land would ALWAYS remain in the family.]

26. And if the man has none to redeem it, but he is able to redeem it;

27. Then let him count the years of the sale of it, and return the surplus to the man to whom he sold it; that it may return unto his possession.

28. But if he is not able to restore it to him, then that which is sold 4465 shall remain in the hand of him that has bought 7069 until the year of the yobel; and in the yobel it shall go out, and he shall return it to his possession.

[Note- in the year of the yobel (every 50 years), all debts were cancelled, and all land returned to the

original family of possession.]

29. And if a man sells a dwelling house in a walled city, then he may redeem it within a whole year after it is sold; within a full year may he redeem it.

30. And if it is not redeemed within a space of a full year, then the house that is in the walled city shall be established forever to the purchaser throughout his posterity. It shall not go out in the yobel.

31. But the houses of the villages which have no walls around them shall be counted 2803 as the fields of the land. They may be redeemed, and they shall go out in the yobel.

32. The cities of the Lewiyyim 3881, the houses of the cities of their possession, may the Lewiyyim redeem at any time.

33. And that which may be redeemed 1350 of the Lewiyyim, the house that was sold, and the city of his possession, shall go out in the yobel: for the houses of the cities of the Lewiyyim are their possession among the children of Yisrael.

34. But the field of the pastures 4054 of their cities may not be sold; for it is their perpetual possession.

35. And if your kinsman has grown poor, and fallen 4131 in strength with you, then you shall strengthen 2388 him, a sojourner that sojourns; that he may live with you.

36. Take no usury 5392 of him, nor increase; but revere Eloheycha; that your kinsman may live with you.

37. You shall not give your money upon usury, nor give him your food for gain.

38. I am Yahweh Eloheychem which brought you forth from the land of Mitsrayim, to give you the land of Kenaan, to be The Elohiym.

39. And if your kinsman by you has grown poor, and is sold to you; you shall not compel him to

serve 5647 as slave 5650 labor 5656.

40. As a hired servant 7916, as a sojourner, he shall be with you, and shall serve with you until the year of yobel.

English 38

18. Waasiythem 6213 eth 853 chuqqothay 2708, w’eth 853 mish’patay 4941 tish’m’ru 8104,

waasiythem 6213 otham 853; wiy’shab’tem 3427 al 5921 haerets 776 labetach 983;

19. w’nath’nah 5414 haerets 776 pir’yah 6529, waachal’tam 398 lasoba 7648, wiy’shab’tem 3427 labetach 983 aleyha 5921.

20. W’kiy
3588 tom’ru 559, ‘Mah 4100 nochal 398 bashanah 8141 hash’biyith 7637, hen 2005,

lo 3808 niz’ra 2232, w’lo 3808 neesoph 622 eth 853 t’buathenu 8393?’

21. W’tsiwwiythiy 6680 eth 853 bir’chathiy 1293 lachem bashanah 8191 hashishiyth 8345,

w’asath 6213 eth 853 hat’buah 8393 lish’losh 7969 hashaniym 8141.

22. Uz’ra’tem 2232 eth 853 hashanah 8141 hash’miynith 8066, waachal’tem 398 min 4480

hat’buah 8393 yashan 3465 ad 5704 bashanah 8141 hat’shiyith 8671; ad 5704 bo t’buathah 8393

toch’lu 398 yashan 3465.

23. W’haerets 776 lo 3808 timmacher 4376 lits’mithuth 6783: kiy 3588 liy haerets 776: kiy 3588 geriym 1616 w’toshabiym 8453 attem 859 immadiy 5973.

24. Ub’kol 3605 erets 776 achuzzath’chem 272 g’ullah 1353 tit’nu 5414 laerets 776.

25. kiy 3588 yamuch 4134 achiycha 251, umachar 4376 meachuzzatho 272, uba 935 goalo 1350 haqarob 7138 elayv 413, w’gaal 1350 eth 853 mim’kar 4465 achiyv 251.

26. W’iysh 376 kiy 3588 lo 3808 yih’yeh 1961 lo 3808 goel 1350, w’hissiygah 5381 yado 3027 umatsa 4672 k’dey 1767 g’ullatho 1353,

27. W’chishab 2803 eth 853 sh’ney 8141 mim’karo 4465, w’heshiyb 7725 eth 853 haodeph 5736

laiysh 376 asher 834 machar 4376 lo w’shab 7725 laachuzzatho 272.

28. W’im 518 lo 3808 mats’ah 4672 yado 3027 dey 1767 hashiyb 7725 lo, w’hayah 1961

mim’karo 4465 b’yad 3027 haqoneh 7069 otho 853 ad 5704 sh’nath 8141 hayobel 3104:

w’yatsa 3318 bayobel 3104, w’shab 7725 laachuzzatho 272.

29. W’iysh 376 kiy 3588 yim’kor 4376 beyth 1004 moshab 4186 iyr 5892 chomah 2346

w”hay’thah 1961 g’ullatho 1353 ad 5704 tom 8552 sh’nath 8141 mim’karo 4465 yomiym 3117

tih’yeh 1961 g’ullatho 1353.

30. W’im 518 lo 3808 yigael 1350 ad 5704 m’loth 4390 lo 3808 shanah 8141 t’miymah 8549,

w’qam 6965 habeyth 1004 asher 834 baiyr 5892 asher 834 lo chomah 2346 lats’miythuth 6783

laqoneh 7069 otho 853 1’dorothayv 1755 lo 3808 yetse 3318 bayobel 3104.

31. Ubatey 1004 hachatseriym 2691 asher 834 eyn 369 lahem chomah 2346 sabiyb 5439 al 5921

s’deh 7704 haerets 776 yechasheb 2803: g’ullah 1353 tih’yeh 1961 lo, ubayobel 3104 yetse 3318.

32. W’arey 5892 hal’wiyyim 3881, batey 1004 arey 5892 achuzzatham 272, g’ullath 1353

olam 5769 tih’yeh 1961 lal’wiyyim 3881.

33. Waasher 834 yig’al 1350 min 4480 hal’wiyyim 3881, w’yatsa 3318 mim’kar 4465 bayith 1004 w’iyr 5892 achuzzatho 272 bayobel 3104 kiy 3588 batey 1004 arey 5892 hal’wiyyim 3881 hiv 1931 achuzzatham 272 b’toch 8432 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478.

34. Us’deh 7704 mig’rash 4054 areyhem 5892 lo 3808 yimmacher 5376 kiy 3588 achuzzeth 272

olam 5769 hu 1931 lahem.

35. W’kiy 3588 yamuch 4134 achiycha 251 umatah 4131 yado 3027 immach 5973;

w’hechezaq’ta 2388 bo: ger 1616, w’toshab 8453; w’chay 2421 immach 5973:

36. al 408 tiqqach 3947 meitto 854 neshech 5392, w’tar’biyth 8636 w’yaretha 3372

meEloheycha 430; w’chay 2421 achiycha 251 immach 5973.

37. Eth 853 kas’p’cha 3701 lo 3808 titten 5414 lo b’neshech 5392, ub’mar’biyth 4768 lo 3808

titten 5414 ach’lecha 400.

38. Aniy 589 YHWH Eloheychem 430, asher 834 hotsethiy 3318 eth’chem 853 meerets 776 mits’rayim 4714, latheth 5414 eth 853 erets 776 k’naan 3667, lih’yoth 1961 lachem l’Elohiym 430.

39. W’kiy 3588 amuch 4134 achiycha 251 immach 5973, w’nim’char 4376 lach; lo 3808

taabod 5647 bo abodath 5656 abed 5650.

40. K’sachiyr 7916, k’toshab 8453, yih’yeh 1961 immach 5973, ad 5704 sh’nath 8141

hayobel 3104 yaabod 5647 immach 5973.

Hebrew 38

41. And he shall depart from you, he and his children with him, and shall return unto his own clan, and unto the possession of his ancestors he shall return.

42. Because these My servants, which I brought forth from the land of Mitsrayim; they shall not be sold 4376 as sold 4466 are slaves 5650.

43. You shall not rule over him with cruelty 6531, but shall revere Eloheycha.

44. Both your slaves, and your slavegirls, which you shall have, from among the nations that are round about you; from them you shall buy slaves and slavegirls.

45. Moreover of the children of sojourners 8453 that sojourn among you, of them shall you buy, and of their c
lans that
are with you, which they begot in your land: and they shall be your possession.

46. And you shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit as a possession. They shall be your servants forever; but over your kinsmen, the children of Yisrael, you shall not rule 7287 one man over a kinsman with cruelty.

47. And if the hand of a sojourner grows rich 5381 with you, and your kinsman grows

poor 4134, and sells himself to the sojourning sojourner with you, or to the offspring of the sojourner’s clan,

48. After he is sold he may be redeemed again 1353; one of his kinsmen may redeem 1350 him.

49. Either his uncle 1730 or his uncle’s son may redeem him, or any that is near of kinship 1320 to him of his clan may redeem him; or if he is able, he may redeem himself.

50. And he shall reckon 2803 with him that bought him from the year that he was sold to him unto the year of yobel; and the price of his sale shall be according to the number of years according to the time of a hired servant shall it be with him.

51. If yet many years, according to them he shall return the price of his redemption from the money that he was bought for.

52. And if there remains but few years until the year of yobel, then he shall count with him, according to his years shall he return the price of his redemption.

53. As a yearly hired servant shall he be with him. He shall not be ruled over with cruelty in your sight.

54. And if he is not redeemed in this, then he shall go out in the year of yobel; he, and his children with him.

55. Because unto Me the children of Yisrael are servants; they are My servants whom I brought forth from the land of Mitsrayim. I am Yahweh Eloheychem.

Chapter 25 Notes – This chapter is full of wisdom. The proper use of the land gives it a rest for renewal every seven years, to replace the natural elements that render soil fertile for crops. Yahweh gave a double increase in the sixth year, to make up for the fallow year. He did this on the sixth day with the man that fell from the sky for food when Yisrael left Mitsrayim. The aftergrowth during the seventh year could be picked daily, and the sojourners, and wild animals could eat it too. During the year of yobel (Jubilee), all debts were canceled. No Yisraelite could ever be sold as a slave, but

non-Yisrael people could be. Usury was always forbidden, and if it was that way now, we would not be in the crushing debt we are burdened with. We seriously need to return to Yahweh’s laws soon.

References – Verses 1-7 -Ex.23:10,11; a shabb’thah is a seven year shabbath of the land lying fallow.

Verse 35 -Deut.15:7,8; Verse 37 – Ex.22:25; Deut.23:19,20; Verse 25 – Ex.21:2-6; Deut.15:12-18;

Verse 491320 is literally “flesh”, but here it is used figuratively as kinship.




English 39

41. W’yatsa 3318 meimmach 5973, hu 1931 ubanayv 1121 immo 5973, w’shab 7725 el 413 mish’pach’to 4940, w’el 413 achuzzath 272 abothayv 1 yashub 7725.

42. kiy 3588 abaday 5650 hem 1992, asher 834 hotsethiy 3318 otham 853 meerets 776

mits’rayim 4714: lo 3808 yimmach’ru 4376 mim’kereth 4466 abed 5650.

43. Lo 3808 tir’deh 7287 bo b’parech 6531, w’yaretha 3372 meEloheycha 430.

44. W’ab’d’cha 5650, waamath’cha 519 asher 834 yih’yu 1961 lach, meeth 854 hagoyim 1471

asher 834 s’biybotheychem 5439; mehem 4480 tiq’nu 7069 ebed 5650 w’amah 519.

45. W’gam 1571 mib’ney1121 hatoshabiym 8453 hagariym 1481 immachem 5973, mehem 4480 tiq’nu 7069, umimish’pach’tam 4940 asher 834 immachem 5973, asher 834 holiydu 3205 b’erets’chem 776: w’hayu 1961 lachem achuzzah 272:

46. w’hith’nachal’tem 5157 otham 853 lib’neychem 1121 achareychem 310, laresheth 3423

achuzzah 272 l’olam 5769 bahem taabodu 5647. Ub’acheychem 251 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478

iysh 376 b’achiyv 251 lo 3808 tir’deh 7287 bo b’parech 6531.

47. W’kiy 3588 tassiyg 5381 yad 3027 ger 1616 w’toshab 8453 immach 5973, umach 4134

achiycha 241 immo 5973, w’nim’char 4376 l’ger 1616 toshab 8453 immach 5973, o 176

l’eqer 6933 mish’pachath 4940 ger 1616,

48. Acharey 310 nim’char 4376 g’ullah 1353 tih’yeh 1961 lo; echad 259 meechayv 251

yig’alennu 1350,

49. o 176 dodo 1730, o 176 ben 1121 dodo 1730 yig’alenu 1350, o 176 mish’er 7607 b’saro 1320 mimish’pach’to 4940 yig’alenu 1350, o 176 hissiygah 5381 yado 3027 w’nig’al 1350.

50. W’chishab 2803 im 5973 qonehu 7069 mish’nath 8141 himmach’ro 4376 lo ad 5704

sh’nath 8141 hayobel 3104 w’hayah 1961 keseph 3701 mim’karo 4465 b’mis’par 4557

shaniym 8141, kiy’mey 3117 sachiyr 7916 yih’yeh 1961 immo 5973.

51. Im 518 od 5750 raboth 7227 bashaniym 8141 1’piyhen 6310 yashiyb 7725 g’ullatho 1353 mikeseph 3701 miq’natho 4736;

52. w’im 518 m’at 4592 nish’ar 7604 bashaniym 8141 ad 5704 sh’nath 8141 hayobel 3104

w’chishab 2803 lo, k’piy 6310 shanayv 8141 yashiyb 7725 eth 853 g’ullatho 1353.

53. Kis’chiyr 7916 shanah 8141 b’shanah 8141 yih’yeh 1961 immo 5973: lo 3808
yir’dennu 7287 b’parech 6531 1’eyneycha 5869.

54. W’im 518 lo 3808 yigael 1350 b’elleh 428, w’yatsa 3318 bish’nath 8141 hayobel 3104 hu 1931 ubanayv 1121 immo 5973.

55. Kiy 3588 liy b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478 abadiym 5650, abaday 5650 hem 1992 asher 834

hotsethiy 3318 otham 853 meerets 776 mits’rayim 4714: Aniy 589 YHWH Eloheychem 430.

Your Notes ____________________________________________________________________________









Hebrew 39

26 1. [a] You shall make no idols 457 nor carved images 6459, [b] nor raise up a pillar 4676 nor place carved images of stone in your land, to prostrate 7812 yourselves to: because I am Yahweh Eloheychem.

2. You shall keep My shabbaths, and revere My sanctuary. I am Yahweh.

3. If 518 you walk in My statutes, and keep My commandments, and do them;

4. then I will give you rain in due season 6256, and the land shall give its increase, and the trees of the field shall give their fruit.

5. And your threshing shall reach unto the vintage 1210, and the vintage shall reach unto the time of sowing: and you shall eat your bread to the full, and dwell in your land securely.

6. And I will give peace in the land, and you shall lie down, and none shall make you afraid: and I will exterminate 7673 harmful 7451 living creatures 2416 from the land, neither shall the sword go through the land.

7. And you shall chase 7291 your hated enemies 341, and they shall fall before you by the sword.

8. And five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to

flight 7291; and your hated enemies shall fall before you by the sword.

9. Because I will turn 6437 unto you, and make you fruitful, and multiply you, and establish My covenant with you.

10. And you shall eat old harvest 3465/3462, and bring forth the old 3465 because of the presence of the new 2319.

11. And I will set My tabernacle among you: and My Being shall not abhor 1602 you.

12. And I will walk among you, and will be The Elohiym, and you shall be My people.

13. I am Yahweh Eloheychem, which brought you forth from the land of Mitsrayim, so that you should not be their slaves; and I have broken 7665 the bar 4133 of your yoke 5923, and made you go upright 6968.

14. But if 518 you will not 3808 listen 8085 to Me, and will not do all these commandments;

15. And if you reject 3988 My statutes, or if your being abhors 1602 My judgements, so that you will not do all My commandments, so that you break 6565 My Covenant:

16. I also will do this to you: I will set over 6485 you sudden terror 928, consumption 7829, and

fever 5929, that shall consume 3615 the eyes, and cause to pine way 1727 the being 5315: and you shall sow your seed in vain, because your hated enemies shall eat it.

17. And I shall set My face against you, and you shall be smitten before your hated enemies: they that hate you 8130 shall reign 7287 over you; and you shall flee 5127 when none pursues 7291 you.

18. And if you will not yet listen to Me, then I will chastise 3256 you seven times more for your sins.

19. And I will break the pride 1347 of your strength 5797; and I will make your sky 8064 as

iron 1270, and your land 776 as bronze 5154:

20. and your strength shall be spent in vain; for your land shall not give its increase, nor shall the trees of the land give their fruits.

21. And if you walk 1980 with Me contrariwise 7147, and will not listen to Me; I will bring seven times more plagues 4347 upon you according to your sins.

22. I will also send living creatures 2416 of the field 7704 among you, which shall bereave you 7921, and cut off 3772 the life of your cattle, and make you few in number 4591; and your

paths 1870 shall be desolate 8074.

23. And if you will not be disciplined 3256 by Me by these things, but will walk with Me contrariwise;

24. then I will also walk with you contrariwise, and I will smite you again seven times for your sins.

English 40

26 1. Lo 3808 taasu 6213 lachem eliyim 457, upesel 6459, umatseba 4676, lo 3808 taqiymu 6965 lachem w’eben 68 mas’kiyth 4906 lo 3808 tittenu 5414 b’er’ts’chem 776, l’hish’tachawoth 7812

aleyha 5921:

2. Eth 853 shab’tothay 7676 tish’moru 8104, umiq’dashiy 4720 tiyrau 3372, Aniy 589 YHWH.

3. Im 518 b’chuqothay 2706 telechu 1980, w’eth 853 mitswothay 4687 tish’m’ru 8104, waasiythem 6213 otham 853,

4. w’nathatiy 5414 gish’meychem 2708 b’ittam 6256, w’nath’nah 5414 haerets 776 y’bulah 2981

w’ets 6086 hasadeh 7704 yitten 5414 pir’yo 6549.

5. W’hisiyg 5381 lachem dayish 1786 eth 853 batsiyr 1210, ubatsiyr 1210 yasiyg 5381 eth 853 zara 2233: waachal’tem 398 lach’m’chem 3899 lasoba 7648, wiy’
3427 labetach 983 b’er’ts’chem 776.

6. W’nathatiy 5414 shalom 7965 baerets 776, ush’chab’tem 7901, w’eyn 369 machariyd 2729: w’hish’batiy 7673 chayyah 2416 raah 7451 min 4480 haerets 776, w’chereb 2719 lo 3808 taabor 5674 b’er’ts’chem 776.

7. Ur’daph’tem 7291 eth 853 oy’beychem 341, w’naph’lu 5307 lip’neychem 6440 lechareb 2719.

8. W’rad’phu 7291 mikem 4480 chamishah 2568 meah 3967 umeah 3967 mikem 4480 r’baba 7233 yir’dophu 7291: w’naph’lu 5307 oy’beychem 341 lip’neychem 6440 lechareb 2719.

9. Upaniythiy 6437 aleychem 413, w’hip’reytiy 6509 eth’chem 853, w’hir’beytiy 7235 eth’chem 853, w’haqiymothiy 6965 eth 853 b’riythiy 1285 itt’chem 854.

10. Waachal’tem 398 yashan 3465 noshan 3462, w’yashan 3465 mip’ney 6440 chadash 2319 totsiyu 3318.

11. W’nathatiy 5414 mish’kaniy 4908 b’toch’chem 8432, w’lo 3808 tig’al 1602 naph’shiy 5414

eth’chem 853.

12. W’hith’h’hallach’tiy 1980 b’toch’chem 8432, w’hayiythiy 1961 lachem l’Elohiym 430, w’attem 859 tih’yu 1961 liy l’am 5971.

13. Aniy 559 YHWH Eloheychem 430, asher 834 hotsethiy 3318 eth’chem 853 meerets 776 mits’rayim 4714, mih’yoth 1961 lahem abadiym 5650; waesh’bor 7665 mototh 4133 ull’chem 5923, waolech 1980 eth’chem 853 qom’miyyuth 6968.

14. W’im 518 lo 3808 tish’m’u 8085 liy, w’lo 3808 taasu 6213 eth 853 kol 3605 hamits’woth 4687 haelleh 428,

15. w’im 518 b’chuqqothay 2708 tim’asu 3988, w’im 518 eth 853 mish’patay 4941 tig’al 1602 naph’sh’chem 5315, l’bil’tiy 1115 asoth 6213 eth 6213 mits’wothay 4687, l’hap’r’chem 6565 eth 853 b’riythiy 1285,

16. aph 637 Aniy 589 eeseh 6213 zoth 2063 lachem: w’hip’qad’tiy 6485 aleychem 5921 behalah 928,

eth 853 hashachepheth 6920, w’eth 853 haqaddachath 6920, m’kalloth 3615 eynayim 5869,

um’diyboth 1727 naphesh 5315: uz’ra’tem 2232 lariyq 7385 zar’achem 2233, waachaluhu 398

oy’beychem 341.

17. W’nathatiy 5414 panay 6440 bachem, w’nigaph’tem 5062 lip’ney 6440 oy’beychem 341: w’radu 7287 bachem san’eychem 8130 w’nas’tem 5127 w’eyn 369 rodeph 7291 eth’chem 853.

18. W’im 518 ad 5704 elleh 428 lo 3808 tish’m’u 8085 liy, w’yasaph’tiy 3254 liyass’rah 3256 eth’chem 853 sheba 7651 al 5921 chattotheychem 2403.

19. W’shabar’tiy 7665 eth 853 g’on 1347 oz’chem 5797 w’nathatiy 5414 eth 853 sh’meychem 8064 kabar’zel 1270 w’eth 853 er’ts’chem 776 kan’chushah 5154,

20. W’tam 8552 lariyq 7385 kochachem 3581 w’lo 3808 titten 5414 er’ts’chem 776 eth 853 y’bulah 2981

w’ets 6086 haerets 776 lo 3808 yitten 5414 pir’yo 6549.

21. W’im 518 tel’chu 1980 immiy 5973 qeriy 7147, w’lo 3808 tobu 14 lish’moa 8085 liy; w’yasaph’tiy 3254 aleychem 5921 makkah 4347 sheba 7651 k’chattotheychem 2403.

22. W’hish’lach’tiy 7971 bachem eth 853 chayyath 2416 hasadeh 7704, w’shik’lah 921 eth’chem 853, w’hik’riythah 3772 eth 853 b’hem’t’chem 929, w’him’iytah 4591 eth’chem 853; w’nashammu 8074

dar’cheychem 1870.

23. W’im 518 b’elleh 428 lo 3808 tiwwas’ru 3256 liy, wahalach’tem 1980 immiy 5973 qeriy 7147;

24. w’halach’tiy 1980 aph 637 Aniy 589 immachem 5973 b’qeriy 7147, w’hikeythiy 5221 eth’chem 853

gam 1571 Aniy 589 sheba 7651 al 5921 chattotheychem 2403.


Hebrew 40

25. And I will bring a sword upon you, that shall avenge 5358 the vengeance 5359 of My covenant: and when you are gathered together within your cities, I will send the pestilence 1698 among you; and you shall be given into the hand of the hated enemy.

26. When I have broken the staff 4294 of your bread 3899 ten women shall bake your bread in one oven, and they shall return your bread by weight 4948: and you shall eat and not be

satisfied 7646.

27. And for all this you will not listen to Me, but walk with Me contrariwise;

28. then I will walk with you contrariwise also in rage 2534; and I, even I, will chastise you seven times for your sins;

29. And You shall eat the flesh 1320 of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall you eat.

30. And I will destroy your high places 1116, and cut down your sun pillars 2553, put your carcasses upon the carcasses of your idols 1544, and My Being shall abhor you.

31. And I will make your cities waste 2723, and bring into desolation 8074 your

sanctuaries 4720, and I will not smell 7306 the odor 7381 of your pleasing odors 5207.

32. And I will bring into desolation the land: and your hated enemies which dwell in it shall be

appalled 8074 at it.

33. And I wil
l scatter you among the nations
, and will draw out a sword after you: and your land shall be an desolate 8077, and your cities waste.

34. Then shall enjoy the land its shabbaths, as long as it lies desolate, and you in the land of your hated enemies then shall rest the land, and enjoy its shabbaths.

35. As long as it lies desolate it shall rest; because it did not rest in your shabbaths, when you dwelt upon it.

36. And upon those that are left 7604 of you I will send weakness 4816 into their hearts in the lands of their hated enemies; and the sound of a leaf 5929 shaking 5086 shall chase them; and they shall flee, as fleeing from a sword; and they shall fall 5307 when none pursues.

37. And they shall fall, one man upon his kinsman, as it were before a sword, when none pursues: and you shall have no power to stand before your hated enemies.

38. And you shall perish 6 among the nations, and the land of your hated enemies shall eat you up.

39. And those that are left of you shall pine away in their iniquity in the lands of your hated enemies; and also in the iniquities of their fathers shall they pine away with them.

40. If they confess 3034 their iniquity, and the iniquity of their fathers, with their trespass which they committed against Me, and also that they have walked with Me contrariwise;

41. and also I have walked with them contrariwise, and have brought them into the land of their hated enemies; if then their hearts possessing foreskins 6189 are humbled 3665, and then they accept 7521 the punishment of their iniquity:

42. [a] Then I will remember 2142 My covenant with Yaaqob, and also [b] My covenant with Yitschaq, and also [c] My covenant with Abraham I will remember; and I will remember the land.

43. The land shall also be left 5800 of them, and shall accept 7521 its shabbaths, while it lies desolate without them. They shall accept the punishment of their iniquity; because, even because they despised 3988 My judgements, and because their being abhorred My statutes.

44. And yet for all that, when they are in the land of their hated enemies, I will not reject 3988 them, neither will I abhor them, to destroy them utterly, and to break My Covenant with them: for I am Yahweh Eloheyhem 430.

45. But for their sakes I will remember the Covenant of their ancestors 7223, whom I brought forth from the land of Mitsrayim in the sight of the nations, that I might be to them the Elohiym. I am Yahweh.'”

46. These are the statutes, and judgements, and laws, which Yahweh made between Him and the children of Yisrael in Mount Siynay by the hand of Mosheh.

English 41

25. W’habethiy 935 aleychem 5921 chereb 2719, noqemeth 5358 n’qam 5359 b’riyth 1285:

w’neesaph’tem 622 el 413 areychem 5892, w’shillach’tiy 7971 deber 1698 b’toch’chem 8432;

w’nittatem 5414 b’yad 3027 oyeb 341.

26. B’shib’riy 7665 lachem matteh 4294 lechem 3899, w’aphu 644 eser 6235 nashiym 802

lach’m’chem 3899 b’thannur 8574 echad 259 w’heshiybu 7725 lach’m’chem 3899 bamish’qal 4948, waachal’tem 398, w’lo 3808 tis’bau 7466.

27. W’im 518 b’zoth 2063 lo 3808 tish’m’u 8085 liy, wahalach’tem 1980 immiy 5973 b’qeriy 7147,

28. w’halach’tiy 1980 immachem 5973 bachamath 2534 qeriy 7147; w’yissar’tiy 3256 ethechem 853

aph 637 Aniy 589 sheba 7651 al 5921 chattotheychem 2403.

29. Waachal’tem 398 b’sar 1320 b’neychem 1121 ub’sar 1320 b’notheychem 1323 tochelu 398.

30. W’hish’mad’tiy 8045 eth 935 bamotheychem 1116, w’hik’ratho 3772 eth 853 chamaneychem 2553, w’nathatiy 5414 eth 853 pig’reychem 6297 al 5921 pig’rey 6297 gilluleychem 1544, w’gaalah 1602 naph’shiy 5315 eth’chem 853.

31. W’nathatiy 5414 eth 853 areychem 5892 char’bah 2723, wahashimmothiy 8074 eth 853 miq’d’sheychem 4720, w’lo 3808 ariyach 7306 b’reyach 7381 niychochachem 5207.

32. Wahashimmothiy 8074 Aniy 589 eth 853 haerets 776: w’sham’miy 8074 aleyha 5921 oy’beychem 341 hayosh’biym 3427 ba.

33. W’eth’chem 853 ezareh 2219 bagoyim 1471, wahariyqothiy 7324 achareychem 310 chareb 2719: w’hay’thah 1961 er’ts’chem 776 sh’mamah 8077, w’areychem 5892 yih’yu 1961 char’bah 2743.

34. Az 227 tir’tseh 7521 haerets 776 eth 853 shabb’thotheyha 7676, kol 3605 y’mey 3117

hashammah 8074 w’attem 859 b’erets 776 oy’beychem 341; az 227 tish’bbath 7673 haerets 776,

w’hir’tsah 7521 eth 853 shabb’thotheyha 7676.

35. Kol 3605 y’mey 3117 hashammah 8074 tish’bboth 7673; eth 853 asher 834 lo 3808 shab’tha 7673 b’shabb’thotheychem 7676 b’shib’t’chem 3427 aleyha 5921.

36. W’hannish’ariym 7604 bachem w’hebethiy 935 morech 4816 bil’babam 3824 b’er’tsoth 776 oy’beyhem 371; w’radaph 7291 otham 853 qol 6963 aleh 5929 niddaph 5086 w’nasu 5127, m’nusath 4499 chereb 2719 w’naph’lu 5307 w’eyn 369 rodeph 7291.

37. W’kash’lu 3782 iysh 376 b’achiyv 251, k’mip’ney 6440 chereb 2719, w’rodeph 7291 ayin 369,

w’lo 3808 tih’yeh 1961 lachem t’qumah 8617 lip’ney 6440 oy’beychem 341.

38. Waabad’tem 6 bagoyim 1471, w’ach’1ah 398 eth’chem 853 erets 776 oy’beychem 341.

39. W’hanish’ariym 7604 bachem yimmaqu 4743 baawonam 5771 b’er’tsoth 376 oy’beychem 341;

w’aph 637 baawonoth 5771 abotham 1 ittam 854 yimmaqu 4743;

40. W’hith’wadu 3034 eth 853 awonam 5771, w’eth 853 awon 5771 abotham 1, b’maalam 4604

asher 834 maalu 4603 biy w’aph 637 asher 834 hal’chu 1980 immiy 5973 b’qeriy 7147.

41. Aph 637, Aniy 589 elech 1980 immam 5973 b’qeriy 7147, w’hebethiy 935 otham 853 b’erets 776 oy’beychem 341; o 176 az 227 yikana 3665 l’babam 3824 hearel 6189 w’az 227 yir’tsu 7521 eth 853 awonam 5771.

42. W’zachar’tiy 2142 eth 853 b’riythiy 1285 yaaqob 3290; w’aph 637 eth 853 b’riythiy 1285

yits’chaq 3327, w’aph 637 eth 853 b’riythiy 1285 ab’raham 85; ez’kor 2142 w’haerets 776 ez’kor 1242.

43. W’haerets 776 teazeb 5800 mehem 4480, w’tirets 7521 eth 853 shabb’thotheyha 7676,

bah’shammah 8074 mehem 4480: w’hem 1992 yir’tsu 7521 eth 853 awonam 5771: yaan 3282,

ub’yaan 3282 b’mish’patay 4941 maasu 3988, w’eth 853 chuqqothay 2708 gaalah 1602 naph’sham 5315.

44. W’aph 637 gam 1571 zoth 2063, bih’yotham 1961 b’erets 776 oy’beyhem 341, lo 3808 m’as’tiym 3988, w’lo 3808 g’al’tiym 1602, 1’kallotham 3615, 1’haper 6565 b’riythiy 1285 ittam 854: kiy 3588 Aniy 589 YHWH Eloheyhem 430.

45. W’zachar’tiy 2142 lahem b’riyth 1285 rishoniym 7223, asher 834 hotsethiy 3318 otham 853

meerets 776 mits’rayim 4714 l’eyney 5879 hagoyim 1471, lih’yoth 1961 lahem l’Elohiym 430: Aniy 589 YHWH.

46. Elleh 428 hachuqqiym 2708, w’hamish’patiym 4941, w’hatoroth 8451 asher 834 nathan 5414 YHWH beyno 996 ubeyn 996 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478 b’har 2022 siynay 5514 b’yad 3027 mosheh 4872.



Hebrew 41

Chapter 26 Notes – This chapter is a continuation of Yahweh speaking through Mosheh to the children of Yisrael. The first part is the laws that Yahweh gave, and the blessings for obedience, continuing from Chapter 25. The second part is the punishments for disobedience. These came down on Yisrael later, as we went into apostasy, and were punished by the Temple destruction, and subjected to captivity in Ashshur (Assyria), and Babel (Babylon). All of this hinged on the little word IF. IF we obeyed we would be blessed, but IF we did not, we would be punished. We are in dispersion today over disobedience, and continue in it. In verses 44-46 we are promised forgiveness IF we repent, and now we see true Yisrael coming out from the system of Babylon, and returning to pure worship. The true Name of Yahweh is now being called upon, and the true Name of Yahshua Messiah is known. Not ‘Lord’ or ‘Jesus’, but the True Names. Only a remnant is returning, and only that remnant will receive Yahweh’s blessings. The sun-worshipping ‘churches’ will be destroyed, along with all their paganized rituals. Messiah-denying Talmudism will have the same fate. and worshippers of false ‘gods’ from alien lands will be destroyed. May Messiah Yahshua return soon!

References – Verse 1 – a. Lev.19:4; b. Ex.20:4; Deut.5:8; 16:21,22; 27:1; Verses 3-5 -Deut.11:13-15; 28:1-14; Verse 12 – 2 Cor.6:16; Verses 14-33 – Deut.28:15-68; Verse 42 – a. Gen.28:13,14;

b. Gen.26:3; c. Gen.17:7,8

27 1. And spoke Yahweh to Mosheh, saying,

2. “Speak to the children of Yisrael, and say to them, ‘When a man shall make an

extraordinary 6381 vow 5088, of a person for Yahweh by your estimation 6187,

3. and your estimation shall be of the male from the sons of twenty years of age to sixty years of age, your estimation shall be fifty shekels 8255 of silver, after the shekel of the sanctuary.

4. And if it is a female, then your estimation shall be thirty shekels.

5. And if it is a child from five years of age to twenty years of age, then your estimation shall be of the male twenty shekels, and for the female ten shekels.

6. And if it is a child from a month of age unto five years of age, then your estimation shall be of the male five shekels of silver, and for the female your estimation three shekels of silver.

7. And if it be from sixty years of age and above; if a male, then your estimation shall be fifteen shekels, and for the female ten shekels.

8. But if he is poorer than your estimation, then he shall present himself before the priest, and the priest shall value him; according to his ability that vowed shall the priest value him.

9. And if a beast, of which men bring an offering unto Yahweh, all that gives of such to Yahweh shall be set-apart 6944.

10. He shall not change 2498 it, nor exchange 4171 it, a good for a bad, or a bad for a good: and if he at all exchanges beast for beast, then it, and the exchange 8545 for it shall be set-apart.

11. And if it is any unclean beast, of which they do not offer a sacrifice unto Yahweh, then he shall present the beast before the priest:

12. And the priest shall value it, whether it is good or bad: as you the priest value it, so shall it be.

13. But if he will at all redeem it, he shall then add a fifth of it to your estimation.

14. And if a man shall set-apart 6942 his house as set-apart 6944 unto Yahweh, then the priest shall estimate it, whether it is good or bad. As the priest shall estimate it, so shall it stand.

15. And if he that set-it-apart will redeem his house, then he shall add the fifth of the money of your estimation to it, and it shall be his.

16. And if a man shall set-apart to Yahweh of a field of his possession, then your estimation shall be according to the seed production of it. A homer 2563 of barley 81
seed at fifty shekels of silver.

17. And if he sets-apart his field from the year of yobel, according to your estimation it shall stand.

English 42

Your Notes ____________________________________________________________________________




27 1. Way’daber 1696 YHWH el 413 mosheh 4872, lemor 559,

2. “Daber 1696 el 413 b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478 w’amar’ta 559 alehem 413: ‘Iysh 376 kiy 3588

yap’li 6381 neder 5088 b’er’k’cha 6187 n’phashoth 5315 laYHWH,

3. w’hayah 1961 er’k’cha 6187 hazachar 2145 miben 1121 es’riym 6242 shanah 8141 w’ad 5704

ben 1121 shishiym 8346 shanah 8141, w’hayah 1961 er’k’cha 6187 chamishiym 2572 sheqel 8255 keseph 3701, b’sheqel 8255 haqodesh 6944;

4. w’im 518 n’qebah 5347 hiv 1931, w’hayah 1961 er’k’cha 6187 sh’loshiym 7970 sheqel 8255.

5. w’im 518 miben 1121 chamesh 2568 shaniym 8141 w’ad 5704 ben 1121 es’riym 6242

shanah 8141 w’hayah 1961 er’k’cha 6187 hazachar 2145 es’riym 6242 sh’qaliym 8255

w’lan’qebah 5347 asereth 6235 sh’qaliym 8255.

6. w’im 518 miben 1121 chodesh 2320 w’ad 5704 ben 1121 chamesh 2568 shanah 8141

w’hayah 1961 er’k’cha 6187 hazachar 2145 chamishah 2568 sh’qaliym 8255 keseph 3701 w’laneqebah 5347 er’k’cha 6187 sh’losheth 7969 sh’qaliym 8255 keseph 3701.

7. w’im 518 miben 1121 shishiym 8346 shanah 8141 wama’lah 4605 im 518 zachar 2145, w’hayah 1961 er’k’cha 6187 chamishah 2568 asar 6240 sheqel 8255 w’lan’qebah 5347

asarah 6240 sheqeliym 8255.

8. w’im 518 mach 4134 hu 1931 meer’kecha 6187 w’heemiydo 5975 lip’ney 6440 hakohen 3548, w’heeriych 6186 otho 853 hakohen 3548; al 5921 piy 6310 asher 834 tasiyg 5381 yad 3027

hanoder 5087 yaariychenu 6186 hakohen 3548.

9. w’im 518 b’hemah 929 asher 834 yaq’riybu 7126 mimmennu 4480 qor’ban 7133 laYHWH

kol 3605 asher 834 yitten 5414 mimmennu 4480 laYHWH yih’yeh 1961 qodesh 6944.

10. Lo 3808 yachaliyphennu 2498, w’lo 3808 yamiyr 4171 otho 853 tob 2896 b’ra 7451, o 176

ra 7451 b’tob 2896; w’im 518 hamer 4171 yamiyr 4171 b’hemah 929 bib’hemah 929,

w’hayah 1961 hu 1931 uth’muratho 8545 yih’yeh 1961 qodesh 6944.

11. w’im 518 kol 3605 b’hemah 929 t’meah 2931, asher 834 lo 3808 yaq’riybu 7126

mimmennah 4480 qor’ban 7133 laYHWH, w’heemiyd 5975 eth 853 hab’hemah 929 lip’ney 6440 hakohen 3548,

12. w’heeriych 6186 hakohen 3548 othah 853, beyn 996 tob 2896 ubeyn 996 ra 7451,

k’er’k’cha 6187, hakohen 3548, ken 3651 yih’yeh 1961.

13. w’im 518 gaol 1350 yig’alennah 1350, w’yasaph 3254 chamiyshitho 2549 al 5921

er’k’cha 6187.

14. W’iysh 376 kiy 3588 yaq’diysh 6942 eth 853 beytho 1004 qodesh 6944 laYHWH,

w’heeriycho 6186 hakohen 3548, beyn 996 tob 2896 ubeyn 996 ra 7451, kaasher 834

yaariych 6186 otho 853 hakohen 3548, ken 3651 yaqum 6965;

15. w’im 518 hamaq’diysh 6942 yig’al 1350 eth 853 beytho 1004, w’yasaph 3254

chamiyshiyth 2549 keseph 3701 er’k’cha 6187 alayv 5921, w’hayah 1961 lo.

16. w’im 518 mis’deh 7704 achuzzatho 272 yaq’diysh 6942 iysh 376 laYHWH w’hayah 1961 er’k’cha 6187 l’piy 6310 zar’o 2233: zera 2233 chomer 2563 s’oriym 8184 bachamishiym 2572 sheqel 8255 keseph 3701.

17. Im 518 mish’nath 8141 hayobel 3104 yaq’diysh 6942 sadehu 7704 k’er’k’cha 6187

yaqum 6965.

Hebrew 42

18. But if he sets-apart his field after the yobel, then the priest shall reckon 2803 to him the money according to the years that remain, even to the year of yobel, and it shall be abated from your estimation.

19. And if he that set-apart the field shall in any way redeem it, then he shall add the fifth of the money of your estimation to it, and it shall be re-established to him.

20. And if he will not redeem the field, or if he has sold the field to another man, it shall not be redeemed anymore.

21. But the field, when it goes out in the yobel, shall be set-apart unto Yahweh, as a field

devoted 2764; the possession of it shall be the priest’s.

22. And if a man sets-apart a field which he has bought 4736 to Yahweh, which is not of the fields of his possession;

23. then the priest shall reckon to him the worth of your estimation, unto the year of yobel: and he shall give your estimation in that day, a set-apart thing to Yahweh.

24. In the year of yobel the field shall return to him o
f whom it was bought
, to whom was the possession of the land.

25. And all your estimations shall be of the shekel of the sanctuary. Twenty gerahs 1626 shall be the shekel.

26. Only the firstborn of the beasts, which should be Yahweh’s firstborn, no man shall set it apart; whether ox, or sheep. It is Yahweh’s.

27. And if of an unclean beast, then he shall redeem it according to your estimation, and shall add a fifth to it. If it is not redeemed, then it shall be sold according to your estimation.

28. Notwithstanding, no devoted thing, that a man shall devote to Yahweh of all that he has, of man or beast, and of the field of his possession, shall be sold or redeemed. Every devoted thing set-apart to Yahweh.

29. None devoted, which shall be devoted of adam, shall be redeemed; but shall surely be put to death.

30. And all the tenth 4643 part of the land, of the seed of the land, of the fruit of the tree, is Yahweh’s. It is Holy unto Yahweh.

31. And if a man shall at all redeem of his tenth, he shall add a fifth to it.

32. And concerning the tenth of the herd, or of the flock, of whatever passes under the rod 7626, the tenth shall be Holy unto Yahweh.

33. He shall not search 1239 whether it is good or bad, neither shall he change it. And if he changes it at all, then both it and the exchange of it shall be Holy. It shall not be redeemed.'”

34. These are the commandments, which commanded Yahweh for the children of Yisrael in Mount Siynay.

Chapter 27 Notes – Chapter 27 is about things dedicated and set-apart to Yahweh. These were like an offering, but could be redeemed for money for the priests upkeep, and repairs to the Sanctuary. The Temple was not yet built, and the Tent of Meeting was subject to wear and tear, being moved all over in their journeys. These were rules for when they entered the promised land where their permanent possessions would be, so they were established prior to entry. These were taken very seriously, and were a large part of the lives of the people.

References – Verse 28 -Num.18:14; Verses 30-33 -Num.18:21; Deut.14:22-29; Verse 331239 as “consider”.

This ends the Book of Wayyiq’ra (Leviticus). The Book of B’midbar (In the Wilderness), known as

the Book of Numbers follows, with the recounting of Yis’rael’s journeys before entering the “Promised Land”. Enjoy your studies.

Stephen H. Anderson – Translator, August 2016

English 43

18. W’im 518 achar 310 hayobel 3104 yaq’diysh 6942 sadehu 7704, w’chishab 2803 lo

hakohen 3548 eth 853 hakeseph 3701 al 5921 piy 6310 hashaniym 8141 hanotharoth 3498 ad 5704 sh’nath 8141 hayobel 3104, w’nig’ra 1639 meer’kecha 6187:

19. W’im 518 gaol 1350 yig’al 1350 eth 853 hasadeh 7704 hamaq’diysh 6942 otho 853,

w’yasaph 3254 chamishiym 2572 keseph 3701 er’k’cha 6187 alayv 5921 w’qam 6965 lo.

20. W’im 518 lo 3808 yig’al 1350 eth 853 hasadeh 7704 w’im 518 machar 4376 eth 853 l’iysh 376 acher 312, lo 3808 yigael 1350 od 5750:

21. w’hayah 1961 hasadeh 7704 b’tsetho 3318 bayobel 3104 qodesh 6944 laYHWH, kisedeh 7704 hacherem 2764 lakohen 3548 tih’yeh 1961 achuzzatho 272.

22. W’im 518 eth 853 s’deh 7704 miq’natho 4736 asher 834 lo mis’deh 7704 achuzzatho 272 yaq’diysh 6942 laYHWH,

23. w’chishab 2803 lo hakohen 3548 eth 853 mich’sath 4373 haer’k’cha 6187 ad 5704

sh’nath 8141 hayobel 3104 w’nathan 5414 eth 853 haer’k’cha 6187 bayom 3117 hahu 1931

qodesh 6944 laYHWH.

24. Bish’nath 8141 hayobel 3104 yashub 7725 hasadeh 7704 laasher 834 qanahu 7069,

meitto 854 laasher 834 lo achuzzath 272 haerets 776.

25. W’kol 3605 er’k’cha 6187 yih’yeh 1961 b’sheqel 8255 haqodesh 6944: es’riym 6242

gerah 1626 yih’yeh 1961 hasheqel 8255.

26. Ach 389 b’chor 1060 asher 834 y’buchar 1069 laYHWH bib’hemah 929 lo yaq’diysh 6942

iysh 376 otho 853; im 518 shor 7794, im 518 seh 7716: laYHWH hu 1931.

27. W’im 518 bab’hemah 929 hat’meah 2931, upadah 6299 b’er’k’cha 6187 w’yasaph 3254 chamishitho 2549 alayv 5921: w’im 518 lo 3808 yigael 1350 w’nim’char 4376 b’er’k’cha 6187.

28. Ach 389 kol 3605 cherem 2764 asher 834 yacharim 2763 iysh 376 laYHWH mikol 3605

asher 834 lo, meadam 120 ub’hemah 929, umis’deh 7704 achuzzatho 272, lo yimmacher 4376

w’lo 3808 yigael 1350 kol 3605 cherem 2764 qodesh 6944 qadashiym 6944 hu 1931 laYHWH.

29. kol 3605 cherem 2764 asher 834 yacharam 2763 min 4480 haadam 120, lo 3808

yipadeh 6299; moth 4191 yumath 4191.

30. W’kol 3605 ma’sar 4643 haerets 776, mizzera 2233 haerets 776, mip’riy 6529 haets 6086, laYHWH hu 1931; qodesh 6944 laYHWH.

31. W’im 518 gaol 1350 yig’al 1350 iysh 376 mimmaas’ro 4643, chamishiytho 2549 yaseph 3254 alayv 5921.

32. W’kol 3605 ma’sar 4643 baqar 1241, watson 6629, kol 3605 asher 834 yaabor 5674

tachath 8478 hashabet 7626, haasiyriy 6224 yih’yeh 1961 qodesh 6944 laYHWH.

33. Lo 3808 y’baqer 1239 beyn 996 tob 2896< /i> lara 7451 w’lo 3808 y’miyrennu 4171: w’im 518

hamer 4171 y’miyrennu 4171, w’hayah 1961 hu 1931 uth’muratho 8545 yih’yeh 1961

qodesh 6944; lo 3808 yigael 1350.”

34. Elleh 428 hamits’woth 4687 asher 834 tsiwwah 6680 YHWH eth 853 mosheh 4872 el 413

b’ney 1121 yis’rael 3478 b’har 2022 siynay 5514.

Hebrew 43