The Exclusive Covenants | Anglo-Saxon Israel

The Exclusive Covenants


Of Covenant Theology: Documenting the Bible’s Commandment of Racial Segregation

By Pastor Eli James

Behold it [Israel] is a people that shall DWELL ALONE.” – Numbers 23:9

“For thou art an holy people unto Yahweh, your Elohim: Yahweh your Elohim hath chosen thee to be a special people upon Himself, above all the people that are upon the face of the earth.” – Deut. 7:6.

Hear, ye deaf; and look, ye blind, that ye may see. Who is blind, but my servant? or deaf, as my messenger that I sent? who is blind as he that is perfect (Heb. shalam, safe, comfortable, at peace), and blind as the LORD’s servant? Seeing many things, but thou observest not; opening the ears, but he heareth not. – Isa. 42:18-20.

For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, especially they of the circumcision: Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not for filthy lucre’s sake…wherefore rebuke them sharply…not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men, that turn from the truth. – Titus 1: 10-14.


The two leading Bible-based theologies in the world today are Judaism and Judeo-Christianity. The systemic errors of these two theologies must be exposed before the Truth can be understood. Even though both of these theologies claim to adhere to the teachings of the Bible, this is not the case. A brief historical survey of how these two theologies came about will first be presented in order to provide an idea of the vastness of the deception that has occurred. Once the true Christian appreciates how these two priesthoods have distorted the Holy Scriptures for filthy lucre’s sake, only then can the unlearning of false ideas begin.


Judaism is based on two gigantic lies: 1.) that Judaism is the religion of the Old Testament, and 2.) that the Jewish people are the Israelites of the Bible. Contrary to Judaism’s public claims about its own origins, the fact is that many rabbis, Jewish historians and encyclopedias admit that the true basis of Judaism is not the Bible at all. The true source of Jewish theology is the Talmud.

The Talmud is a mere collection of commentaries on the Bible and other subjects. The rabbis claim that the Talmud is the “oral tradition” of Moses, which was supposedly passed down by “Jewish scribes.” Who these people were, the rabbis cannot say. It is a myth. There was no such tradition. The idea is nothing but rabbinical invention, for the purpose of elevating themselves above the very Scriptures they pretend to uphold. The “oral tradition” is the best explanation the rabbis have for this false tradition. Deut. 4:2 explicitly states that no person has the authority to contradict the written Law of Moses. Hence, any commentaries, which claim to have authority over the written laws of the Bible, are fraudulent, by the Bible’s own standards. The fact is that the Talmud contradicts virtually every law that Moses recorded, so the Talmud is nothing but a mountain of lies heaped up against Scripture. Despite public pronouncements declaring Judaism’s faithfulness to the Torah, in the eyes of the Jewish rabbi, the Talmud supercedes the Torah. This is why Yahshua condemns rabbinism as “the tradition of the elders” which makes “the law of none effect.” (Matthew 15:6 & all of chapter 23.)

The ethnicity of the Jewish people is also a matter of deception. The Bible is clearly written to a specific group of people, whom Yahweh refers to as His “chosen.” The Chosen People are clearly identified in Scripture by their appearance, characteristics, historical exploits and prophetic achievements. The fact is that the Jewish people fit absolutely none of these identifying marks.

The Israelites were repeatedly told to remain separate and aloof from all other races and cultures. Contrary to this dictum, the Jews have always insinuated themselves into other peoples lands, having never built a city or country of their own. Like the cuckoo bird, the Jews nest in other people’s nests. The Israelites were warned repeatedly that, should they fraternize with other races and cultures, they would lose the very “choseness” by which He had jealously guarded them. “Learn not the way of the heathen” is the Biblical command. The Israelites were forbidden to circumcise non-Israelites. This was true from Jacob down to the Maccabees, who refused to circumcise non-Israelites. Contrary to the law of separation, the Jews have always taken converts of all races. This is why the Jews are the most miscegenated people on the face of the earth. As you will see from the evidence presented herein, this fact automatically disqualifies them as Yahweh’s chosen.

All Jewish scholars admit that up to 95% of modern Jews are a non-Shemitic people, namely the Ashkenazi branch of Jewry, which is descended from the Khazar nation, which CONVERTED to Judaism around 740 AD. These Khazars have never had a single Hebrew, Israelite or Shemitic ancestor. Hence, this branch of Jewry has no right to claim Israelite ancestry, much less the land of Palestine.

The other five percent of modern Jews are of Sephardic ancestry. These people are also non-Israelites, but they are the originators of the religion called Judaism. It was the scribes and Pharisees who originated Talmudic doctrine just before the days of Jesus Christ. The New Testament provides ample proof that their doctrine and ethnicity are suspect. The four Gospels condemn their religion on every page, but few Christians are aware of this, because the theology of Judeo-Christianity has withheld this information from them and because most Christians don’t read their Bibles, except for the verses selected for them by their Judaized priesthood.

Although the Pharisees began as a Judahite cult during the Maccabean era, the tides of war began to influence their loyalty to Israel. Successive invasions of the land of Judah, which was a racially homogenous nation, divided the nation into sects of dubious loyalty. The Maccabees were the most loyal to the Hebrew traditions, and they maintained their ethnic and theological purity until King John Hyrcanus violated the Mosaic Law by circumcising the males of Idumea. This event occurred in the year 121 BC. These Idumeans were the racially mixed descendants of Esau, the perpetual enemy of Judah and Israel. By circumcising these Edomites and incorporating them into the nation of Judah, Hyrcanus opened the floodgates to subversion by these Edomites.

This subversion began with Antipater, the “advisor” of John Hyrcanus. As part of his subversive activities, Antipater also financed the Roman occupation of Judea, having bribed Julius Caesar for the favor of installing his son, Herod, as the governor of Galilee. The Judahite historian, Josephus, records all of this treachery in his books, The Antiquities of Judah and The Wars of Judah. Scholars have been duped into believing that the works of Josephus are the works of the “Jews.” But Josephus clearly distinguishes between the true Judahites versus the invading Edomites. Once the reader is aware that an impersonation is going on, the text becomes immediately clear. Josephus has documented all of the treachery of the Edomites against True Judah. This is the main theme of the “Antiquities,” especially regarding the activities of Antipater, Herod, and the brief Herodian dynasty which lasted until 70 AD. It was the Edomite Herodians, in partnership with the largely Edomite sect of the Pharisees, who executed Christ.

As Josephus records, after Herod assassinated the last true Judahite King of Judah, Hyrcanus II, he assassinated the entire Sanhedrin and replaced them with his Edomite cronies. This “reconstituted” Sanhedrin, which contained a smattering of Judahites, such as Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea, was, in fact, an alien outfit, created by Herod to impose Herod’s pagan religion upon the people of Judah. These historical facts provide an entirely different perspective on the events of the four Gospels. This explains why Herod and the Pharisees were so hostile to Jesus. They were NOT His kinsmen. “Ye are not My sheep,” Jesus told them. They were usurpers who fully understood that Yahshua was the true claimant to the throne of Judah. Yahshua exposed their treachery at every turn, but modern Judeo-Christian scholarship simply ignores the historical record in favor of the “gospel of personal salvation,” or “the gospel of prosperity,” while eschewing the historical significance of the four Gospels.

Once all of these facts are known, it becomes abundantly clear that the religion of Judaism is an Edomite religion masquerading as Israelite religion. And the Jewish people are non-Israelites masquerading as Israel. The Bible itself predicted that all of this would happen. For proof of this, please see my essay, “The Marks of Israel,” which documents the prophesied and fulfilled exploits of the children of Israel, who are today’s Caucasian Race.

The Edomites of the Bible are the Jews of today. By their own admission: “Edom is in modern Jewry.” – Jewish Encyclopedia, 1905 edition.


“An appalling and horrible thing has happened in the land: the prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule at their discretion; MY PEOPLE LOVE TO HAVE IT SO. But what will ye do when the end comes?” – Jer. 5:30-31.

The Apostle Paul, at II Thes. 2, declared that, just before the Second Coming, Christian Israel would abandon the true Faith. The KJV describes it as a “falling away.” Astute theologians call it the Great Apostasy. Because Judeo-Christianity ignores its historical and racial roots, modern “Christianity” has abandoned the precious chosenness of True Israel. Hence, like Judaism, Judeo-Christianity is also based on two enormous lies: 1.) that the Covenants made exclusively with Israel were transmitted to “believers” or to some “church” organization, and 2.) the promises made to True Israel can be extrapolated to all non-Israelite peoples. This miracle is somehow accomplished by simply “accepting the Lord into your heart.” The fact is that the Bible denies both of these propositions, as this essay will prove with abundant evidence.

The universalization of the Bible began with the Catholic Church. The word ‘catholic’ means “universal.” But the Bible nowhere authorizes such universalization. The reformers of the Protestant Reformation realized that the Catholic Church was riddled with false doctrine. That is why Luther and others referred to Catholicism as “Popery” and condemned the Catholic Church as the “anti-Christ” of their time. Unfortunately, the Reformation has been likewise subverted by universalistic doctrine, to such an alarming extent that Protestantism is today more catholic than the Pope. This is the Great Apostasy foreseen by Paul. (II Thes. 2.) It is also the “false prophet” of Revelation.

Completely lost, whether ignored or deliberately obfuscated, in modern “Judeo-Christianity” is the eternal Covenant relationship that Yahweh God has established with True Israel. The Bible is absolutely clear about this Covenant relationship. It will exist forever and it cannot be revoked. Paul affirms this at Gal. 3:17. “And this I say, that the COVENANT, that was confirmed before God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect.” Paul is simply stating that the Mosaic Law had nothing to do with the unbreakable Covenant relationship that Yahweh had established exclusively with the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Law or no Law, the promises and covenants cannot be annulled. Paul is asserting the exact opposite of what the Judeo-Christians have falsely assumed, namely that Paul is supposedly asserting that the law has been “done away with.” A full analysis of what Paul is really saying in Chapter 3 of the book of Galatians will be presented later.

Before that can be done, the reader must fully understand the eternal and exclusive nature of the Covenants, promises and inheritance of the Old Testament, none of which can be transferred to any other people, and none of which have ever been abolished. The fact is that Paul confirms the racial covenants. He never denies them.

Part 1: The Exclusive, Racial Covenants of the Old Testament

The numerous distortions of biblical passages will now be revealed as being a combination of Jewish perversions of the Torah, plus Judeo-Christian distortions of the Gospel. Jesus said, “All things will be revealed.” Yahweh said “I will choose your delusions.” He has allowed True Israel to fall into a state of amnesia, precisely because we have refused to obey His laws. Hence, we have fallen into a stupor of denial, just as a drunkard collapses into the gutter, so drunk that he no longer knows who he is. Yahweh does not intend to allow True Israel to be kept in the dark forever. The Scriptures clearly state that Israel will awaken out of his delusion just before the Second Coming, so that we will realize the magnitude of our sin and repent before the return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The very first thing that must be realized is that the Hebrew word, AWDAWM, means “to show blood in the face.” This literally means “to be able to blush.” Only the White Adamic race has ever had this ability. Hence, Gen. 1:26-27 is declaring that only the White Race was made in the image of Elohim. The other races were already created at Gen. 1:24-25, as the “beast of the earth.” This includes the Orientals, the Blacks, the Amerindians and all non-Whites. As will be shown, the Covenants were continuously narrowed down to an ever smaller group of people, from the Adamites down to Noah’s eight souls. From Noah, the Covenants were transmitted, exclusively, through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Israel). Only the direct descendants of this genealogy were ever made a party to these promises and covenants. Note that a Covenant is a legal contract, which cannot be disannulled, just as Paul says. Yahweh has sworn by His own Name that these Covenants will never be altered or abolished.

Jonah 3:8 describes the fact that Nineveh had both “beasts” (non-Whites) and “men” (White Adamites), both of whom were dressed in sackcloth and repented of their sins. There is no such thing as a four-legged “beast” capable of repenting. Only two-legged non-Whites can perform what is required here.

Gen. 1:28-30 declares the Dominion Mandate, which is given exclusively to the Adamic Race and to no one else. History proves that the White Race has always been the Dominion Race, exactly as Yahweh had intended. Likewise, our current decline was prophesied. Fortunately, our eventual re-emergence as God’s Chosen People was also prophesied; and nothing can stop this prophecy from being fulfilled.

It must be understood that Adam and Eve were NOT the first members of the White Race. Gen. 1:26-27 is declaring the CREATION OF THE RACE: “Male and female He created them.” First the race was created. This is confirmed by Jesus Himself at Matt. 19:4. (“Male and female FROM THE BEGINNING.”) Then, AFTER THE DAY OF REST, in Gen. 2, Yahweh selected two individuals of the White Race and breathed the breath of life into them. All of the races were created in Gen. 1, “kind after kind,” bearing their own DNA, each kind carrying its own type of seed within itself (Gen. 1:11-12). As all scientists know, each species has its own seed, which is designed to replicate itself. This is the way Yahweh designed it; and that’s the way it has always been. Nor will this ever change. The science of genetics utterly refutes the fable of evolutionism, which is a totally unscientific speculation about the origin of species.

Genesis 2 introduces the single man, Adam, and the individual woman, Eve. It is upon these two individual specimens of the already existing Adamic Race upon whom Yahweh graciously bestows potential physically immortality, so long as they obey His commandments. He specifically tells them that they are NOT to even touch the “trees” of the other races. Throughout Scripture, trees are metaphors for peoples and races. Therefore, the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil” is that particular group, living in the Garden of Eden, in which both good and evil exist. This cannot possibly be a literal tree, for no wooden trees have knowledge of good or evil. The plant species do not have such capacity. Only humanoids have such knowledge, so this commandment is a prohibition to Adam and Eve against mixing with any species that has knowledge of good and evil. This includes the already existing Adamic race, which was and is still mortal. Adam and Eve were specially selected to be immortal; but sin and immortality do not mix. This is why Yahweh told Adam and Eve, “Do not touch the ‘tree’ that knows good and evil.” Their offspring were not supposed to know evil.

Satan perfectly understood that the creation of an immortal seedline would overthrow his rebellion (Rev. 12). Hence, he understood that the only way he could thwart Yahweh’s Plan to overthrow this rebellion was to adulterate Eve’s offspring, by seducing her. That is exactly what Gen. 3 is about. All of the punishments that were inflicted upon Adam and Eve in that chapter are sexual in nature, from covering their sexual organs with loincloths to Eve’s conception being cursed with exceptional pain. The resultant offspring of this seduction was Cain, while Abel was actually the son of Adam. Eve had a dual pregnancy (superfecundation) by two different males. Although superfecundation was rare among the Israelites, it is very common today, as more and more women have become promiscuous, sharing their beds with different men on different nights, and sometimes with men of different races. In this way, a woman can be pregnant by two different men at the same time.

Gen. 4:1 records Eve’s surprise at Cain’s appearance, where she says, “I have gotten a man (IYSH, not AWDAWM) from Yahweh.” The meaning of the Hebrew word IYSH is “a male of any species.” Moreover, the root word from which IYSH derives is ENOSH, meaning “mortal.”

Eve was twice surprised: by Cain’s appearance and by the fact that she perceived he was a mortal. Given Yahweh’s promise that Adam and Eve would be immortal if they refrained from sin, Eve was very surprised that she would have produced a non-Adamic, mortal offspring, such as Cain.

The fact that Cain killed Abel is proof that there was something seriously wrong with Cain. We two-seedliners understand why: Adam was not Cain’s father. Nachash, the “serpent,” was Cain’s father. The “Serpent” having thus polluted Eve’s womb, Abel was also born a mortal; and Eve could no longer produce immortal offspring. She never got the chance, because Nachash impregnated her about the same time that Adam did. This is the true meaning of the FALL of Adam and Eve. Rather than ask Yahweh for a replacement, Adam chose to do what Eve did. He fraternized with the other races and apparently bore hybrid offspring as well. He should have asked Yahweh for a replacement for Eve; but this idea never occurred to him. Either that, or he loved Eve so much that he could not bear to lose her. Another possibility is that neither one of them were able to comprehend the consequences of their sin.

Gen. 5:1 records Adam’s satisfaction with Seth, Abel’s replacement, because Seth was born in Adam’s own image, just as the Adamic race was conceived in the image of Elohim. Since Cain was not Adam’s son, Cain was never even considered as part of Adam’s genealogy. Even the New Testament genealogy leaves Cain out. Had Cain been the elder son of Adam, he would have had the rights of the elder son over Seth. But since he was not Adam’s son, Cain had no such claim. (This theme will be repeated later, when Esau, the elder, despises his birthright, transferring it to Jacob-Israel, the younger.)

Although our species lost its potential immortality and fell into sinfulness, we did not lose our race-specific DNA. The law of kind after kind still applies, even though we fell back into mortality. We should not compound our sin by adulterating our seed ever again. And the Bible repeatedly commands us to avoid this sin, even though the Jews, in their subversiveness, and the Judeos, in their apostasy, constantly advise us to do the opposite.

Given this understanding of what really happened in the Garden, we can now proceed to relate the story of Yahweh’s Chosen People, Adamic Israel, and how we are commanded to remain separate and distinct from all other peoples. (NOTE: Paul’s admonition to avoid controversies about genealogies does not apply to biblical geneaologies, as he was criticizing the Adamic Greeks (who were dispersed Israelites) about THEIR false genealogies, which asserted descent from fictitious gods. The Israelites of the dispersion had become so paganized and Hellenized that they no longer practiced circumcision and they had adopted many Greek customs, such as claiming descent from the gods and goddesses of the Greek pantheon. Those genealogies have nothing to do with OUR genealogy. This will be proven later in our discussion of the pertinent New Testament pericopes.) The fact the New Testament opens with the very detailed genealogy of Jesus Christ cannot be downplayed or ignored. His genetics cannot be ignored or criticized. Without these genetics, Yahshua could not have fulfilled His role as our Kinsman Redeemer. Also, without these genetics, we Israelites cannot achieve our destiny, which is to have restored to us the dominion and immortality which was lost by the sins of Adam and Eve.

The Racial Exclusivity of the Bible Documented: The Abrahamic Covenants

The reader is encouraged to go to all of the verses cited, to see the undeniably exclusive nature of the language.

The Bible faithfully records the genealogies of two distinct groups: the descendants of Cain and the descendants of Adam. Gen. 4:11-24 records the genealogy of the Kenites, the descendants of Cain. These Kenites are, very clearly, a non-Adamic people.

Gen. 4:25 – Gen. 5:25 records the genealogy of the Sethites, the descendants of Adam and Eve through Seth. The Bible is the historical record of the conflicts, wars and enmity between these two groups of people; but both Judaism and Judeo-Christianity have whitewashed and obfuscated this history. The Bible is the story of the separate and distinct genealogies of these two seedlines and how the conflict of the ages, the racial war between the Adamites and the Kenites, will be resolved at the battle of Armageddon, when Jesus returns with His mighty angels to vanquish the Edomites, the people of God’s curse. Throughout Scripture, Israel’s most vicious enemies always derive from the seedline of Cain. This singular, indisputable fact is totally ignored by the Jewish perversion and the Judeo-Christian distortion of the Bible.

Gen. 6:1-4; 7-12. The Flood was NOT global. The Kenites most certainly survived the Flood. [Good web article debunking the global flood myth: ]

Gen. 9:8-11. The Noahic Covenant is established with Noah and his direct descendants, “with you and your seed,” exclusively. The other races of the world, which had already existed for thousands of years in their specific habitats, are not a party to this covenant. The idea that all species stem from the few that were on the Ark is pure mythology. The Bible says no such thing. It is an idea that is a holdover from the flat earth society that prevailed during the translation of the KJV. The Rainbow Covenant of Verse 13 is the only one made with the entire earth. This is not an exclusive covenant. All of the other covenants are made exclusively to, for and with the specific posterity of Jesus Christ’s genealogy. These people are today known as Caucasian Israel.

With regard to Yahweh’s punishment of the Adamites in Noah’s time, Michael A. Clark has this to say:

“Prior to the Great Deluge of the Patriarch Noah’s day, the whole known world was in an uproar to the extent that the survival of the people that God had brought forth to serve Him in righteousness was being put in jeopardy. What was taking place was far more than a spiritual or religious threat to the cultural integrity of the People of God. It was a threat to disrupt the genetic destiny of their families for all time. Almighty God looked upon world society and saw that ‘all flesh had been corrupted.’ Miscegenation, or the interbreeding of racial types, was taking place on a scale and in a way that the Almighty had to intervene by a direct act of global judgment. In all this, it should be noted, Noah was ‘perfect in his generations,’ or in his family of marriage unions.” – “Coming Events Cast Their Shadow,” p. 268, Crown and Commonwealth, Winter 2006.

Gen. 12:1-3 declares the exclusive Covenants made with Abraham and his direct descendants (posterity). No other group, outside of this specific genealogy can be included in these covenants. Note that Abraham was not a Jew, so these Covenants do not apply to the Jews. Since Ishmael was the father of the so-called Arabs, these people are also descendants of the Abrahamic Shemites. Thus, the Arabs have just as much claim to Semitic heritage as the Jews do. In both cases, however, there is very little Adamic genetic material in the modern Arabs and Jews. Both Jews and Arabs are very miscegenated people. Verse 3 specifically states that all nations, which are not a part of this specific posterity, will be blessed or cursed depending upon whether they bless or curse us, the true posterity of Abraham. Note that the word ‘Jew’ is not used in this passage, nor does this passage apply to Jews, since they are the descendants of Cain and Esau, who are NOT of the posterity of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Despite Jewish claims to the identity of Israel, the covenants do not apply to them, because they are not Israelites, Hebrews, Shemites, or Judahites. Nor are they the TOLEDAW (descendants) of Adam. They have always belonged to the genealogy of Cain. (Matt. 23:33-36.)

Gen. 13:14-17: Abraham’s direct descendants will be an immense multitude. Caucasian Israel has fulfilled this promise. The Jews have not. The Jews have always been a minority on the world’s stage. This minority status is a fulfillment of a specific prophecy of Esau, whose numbers will be small. (Obadiah 2, 3.)

Gen. 15:18-21: declares how Abraham’s descendants will displace the sons of Cain, but only in the land of Canaan. Yahweh’s intention in the land of Canaan is very specific: to exterminate the hybridized offspring of the fallen angels, who cohabited with the daughters of Adamkind in Gen. 6. In the days of the Israelites, these giants and other forbidden hybrid creatures were still walking the earth in the land of Canaan.

Gen. 16: There is a common misconception that, because Hagar was an Egyptian woman, that she was non-White. This is a false idea. Since Yahweh specified that only race-specific animals were allowed aboard the Ark, no hybrids were allowed. Noah’s three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth were as white as Noah and his wife, Naamah.

Gen. 17:1-14: The Covenant is renewed between Abraham and his direct descendants, exclusively (Verse 7) in their racial descent (toledaw), for an everlasting covenant. The many nations prophesied here are the White nations of Europe, America, South Africa, Canada, Australia, etc., which were founded by the direct descendants of Abraham, Caucasian Israel. The word ‘stranger,’ in verse 12, is anyone not of ABRAHAM’S DIRECT LINEAGE. Such people can be made slaves. Israelites cannot be made slaves, except for those who willingly sell themselves into indentured servitude in order to pay off their debts. But even these are to be set free every seventh year. In addition, all debts are to be cancelled and the property of the Israelites is to be returned to them every 49th year, the Year of Jubilee.

Although slavery will eventually be abolished (“Israel will set the slaves free.”), the time is not yet. Even though people of other nations can be the servants of True Israel, this does not give Israelites the right to mistreat them. The Covenant Nations of the Anglo-Saxons had to be established before any slaves could be set free. As per the promise of Gen. 12:3, the Anglo-Saxons have been a blessing to the world, providing agriculture, science, medicine, high art, music, hygiene, roads, railroads and all manner of spiritual and physical blessings to the world wherever we have gone. All of these blessings are the direct fulfillment of the blessings provided to Abraham’s direct posterity.

The Covenants Renewed and Continued with the Exclusive Descendants of Isaac.

Gen. 17:15-22: Verse 19 continues the Covenant with Isaac, who is the direct descendant of Abraham through Sarah, but Ishmael is excluded from the Covenant, because Ishmael’s mother is Hagar, not Sarah. Instead, Ishmael is given a blessing (Verse 20).

Gen. 18: 9-15: The circumstances of Sarah’s conception by Abraham.

Gen. 21:1-14: Sarah demands that Hagar and her son, Ishmael, be cast out of her presence, so that Ishmael could not interfere with Isaac’s inheritance. The Book of Jasher provides additional details about Sarah’s displeasure with Ishmael. Jash. XXI:14-15 tell us that Sarah witnessed Ishmael drawing his bow, with intent to kill Isaac. This made her fear for Isaac’s life. She therefore demanded that Abraham send Ishmael and his mother away.

Gen. 21:12: “In Isaac shall thy posterity be called.” The future Anglo-Saxon nation is here prophesied. Verse 13: Ishmael blessed, “because he is thy seed,” but not covenanted.

Gen. 22:1-19: Isaac is dedicated to Yahweh on the altar. All of Isaac’s direct descendants are thus a party to Isaac’s chosenness. Question for the universalists: If Ishmael is excluded from the Covenant by Yahweh Himself, why are you trying to bring them back in with your “spiritual Israel” doctrine? In arguing for the equality of all “in Christ Jesus,” you are violating the terms of the Covenants. You have no right to do this!

Gen. 24:62–67: Abraham is very insistent that Isaac’s wife-to-be must be of a particular race. She must be a Shemite of the house of Aram. Aram was the fifth and youngest son of Shem (Gen. 10:22). The Shemites are White, as even the universalists agree! This chapter is very racially exclusive. Verse 61: Yahweh chooses Rebecca (Rebekah), arguably the most racially exclusive woman in the Bible, to be Isaac’s wife.

Moana Finch, commenting on Abraham’s selection of a Pure White wife for Isaac, says, “So the race would be kept pure and of the one type of blood, a wife was chosen for Isaac of the family of Nahor. It was to Rebekah, Isaac’s wife, that the Gate of Israel’s enemies was promised. Genesis 24:60. Strictly speaking, Isaac cannot be termed an Israelite, for they were a later generation. Isaac was the FIRST SAXON, and being a descendant of Abraham, a Hebrew. He can also be called a Semite or Shemite, as he was descended from Shem.” – p. 22, Thy Kingdom Come, December 2002.

[Strictly speaking, Abraham was not a Jew, for the same reason. Nor was Isaac. Nor was Jacob. Even Judah was not a Jew. He was the first Judahite. All of these men – and their wives – were of pure Adamic descent, without any admixture of non-Adamic blood. The Jews, contrariwise, are the most miscegenated breed on the face of the earth.]

Gen. 25:1-6: Abraham marries Keturah after Sarah dies. She bears him six sons, but Isaac was the exclusive son of the Covenant (verse 5). He sends Keturah’s sons away to the east, so that they cannot interfere with Isaac’s inheritance (Verse 6). These sons of Keturah became known as the Indo-Aryans, as many of them travelled as far as India, setting up Brahmanic (Abrahamic) culture there. The exclusivity of the Covenant is drastically illustrated by how frequently family members are EXCLUDED from the inheritance. Yahweh is consciously excluding those He knows are not qualified – even those of the same race! – for the promises made to the specific seedline.

The Story of Esau and Jacob.

Gen. 25:19: Isaac marries Rebecca. Rebecca conceives twins, but one of them will be a traitor to the genealogical seedline. “Two nations are in thy womb.”

Gen. 25:33-34: Esau sells his birthright to Jacob. Esau despises his birthright. Thus, Jacob becomes the elder son.

Gen. 26:33-35: The Hittite (Canaanite) wives of Esau condemned.

Gen. 27:41: Esau hates Jacob because He blames Jacob for stealing his blessing. He intends to slay Jacob as well. Esau is a greedy, nasty person. It is no wonder that Yahweh Himself hates Esau. “Esau I have hated. Jacob I have loved.”

Gen. 27:46-28:1: Isaac and Rebekah make Jacob swear not to marry outside of their race.

Gen. 28:13-15: The Covenant Seedline promised to Jacob.

Gen. 35:9-12: The Covenant promises repeated.

Gen. 36: The descendants of Esau/Edom. This is a completely separate genealogy from that of Jacob/Israel.

Gen. 49: The prophecies of the 12 sons. None of these prophecies have ever been fulfilled by the Edomite or Khazar Jews. All have been fulfilled exclusively by the Anglo-Saxon nations.

More Proof of Yahweh’s Laws Against Miscegenation

Gen. 38: Judah and Tamar. The story of Judah and Tamar proves that half-breeds cannot inherit the Kingdom of Israel. Even though Shelah was the older half-brother of Zarah and Pharez, Shelah never even gets consideration as the eldest son – for the same reason that Cain did not get eldest son consideration, because both Cain and Shelah were half-breeds. Only pure-blooded Israelites, descended from the father, get consideration for inheritance. This episode also proves that “adultery” has nothing to do with marriage. This is another modern interpolation of Scripture. Even though Judah was married to the Canaanite woman (against Yahweh’s law), their surviving son was not even considered as a patriarch of Judah. Tamar’s eldest son, Pharez, was given this honor. Because both Pharez and Zarah were both pure-blooded Adamites (Tamar was a descendant of Shem), only they could get consideration as patriarchs of Israel. Even though Tamar “played the harlot” and never married Judah, only Pharez and Zarah could inherit the Adamic bloodline. This parable clearly tells us that Yahweh is more concerned about bloodlines than marital status.

Deut. 7: This entire chapter concerns the law that Israel must remain separate from all Canaanites. “Thou shalt make no covenant with them nor show mercy to them. Neither shalt thou make marriages with them.” Any Israelite who marries a Jew (Canaanite, Edomite or Khazar) is violating Deut. 7. Furthermore, if we Israelites remain separate from the Edomites and Canaanites, we will have his love, blessings, bounty, good health, good children. “Thou shalt be blessed above all people.” All we have to do is stay away from Jews. Whenever we allow Jews to flourish in our nations, we suffer the degradations of second-class citizens, as the Jews are masters of subversion and usurpation. No lamb can live among wolves.

Deut. 9: The wickedness of the Canaanites is stressed. They are so wicked that Yahweh wants them destroyed. But soft-hearted Israel fails to appreciate the threat of the offspring of the fallen angels. The Anakim (descendants of the Nephilim) are still in the land of Canaan, since the flood of Noah; and the rest of the evil Canaanites flourish there. Yahweh is using the Israelites to judge the Canaanites.

Exo. 23:31-33: The Philistines excluded from association with True Israel.

Deut 17. Evildoers are to be punished, not coddled. Those who are worthy of death must be executed. “So shalt thou put the evil away from among you.” Nowhere in Scripture does it say, “Love the sinner, hate the sin.” That’s Judeo-Christian hogwash. Yahweh hates sinners. He does not even hear the prayer of a sinner. (John 9:31.) Verse 14 and 15 tell us how to choose a king from amongst ourselves. We are not to choose anyone who is not of our race!! “One from among thy brethren shalt thou set king over thee: thou mayest not set a stranger over thee, which is not thy brother (kinsman).” Can you imagine how upset Yahweh is with those silly Whites who voted for Obama?

Deut. 23:2-3. A mongrel [Heb. ‘mamzer’] shall not enter into the congregation of Yahweh; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of Yahweh. An Ammonite or Moabite shall not enter into the congregation of Yahweh; even to their tenth generation shall they not enter into the congregation of Yahweh forever.

Strong’s Concordance provides us with a very simple definition of mamzer: “mongrel.” This word has nothing to do with marriage. It is a prohibition against race-mixing. These passages are totally consistent with the story of Judah and Tamar. Even though Judah had a “legitimate” child by marriage with the Canaanite woman, Shelah was never considered to have the right of inheritance. Only Pharez and Zarah ahd that right, even though they were born out of wedlock, because they were pure-blooded Shemites.

What was the sin of Solomon, that caused Yahweh to condemn him in his old age?

“But King Solomon LOVED MANY STRANGE WOMEN, together with the daughter of Pharoah, women of the Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Zidonians, and Hittites: of the nations concerning which Yahweh said unto the children of Israel, YE SHALL NOT GO INTO THEM, NEITHER SHALL THEY COME IN UNTO YOU. – I Kings, 11:1-2.

Can it be any clearer what Solomon’s sin was?

Ezra 4: The Judahites, observing Yahweh’s laws of separation, reject the company of the Samaritans. Today, this is called “discrimination” or “racism.”

Ezra 9: Ezra is astounded at the loose morals of those Judahites who have taken foreign wives. The sin of race-mixing is thoroughly condemned.

Neh. 10:28; 13:23. Ditto.

Psalm 106:34-45. Because the Israelites did not destroy the Canaanite nations, Yahweh punished them by handing the Israelites over to the heathen for punishment. “But they mingled with the nations, so…He gave them into the hand of the heathen.” This happens whenever we Israelites mingle with non-Whites. Yahweh uses those nations with whom we race-mix to punish us. This clearly is happening to the White Race today. The only way to end this form of Divine Punishment is to eject these non-Whites from our nations, as Abraham Lincoln and the Whigs were doing.

Book of Obadiah. Obadiah declares the ultimate destruction of the Edomites. From all of the above, It is very obvious that we Israelites are forbidden to intermarry with Edomites, Ishamaelites, Canaanites, Philistines, Ammonites, Moabites, Zidonians, Hittites, and many other peoples. What do these nations have in common?? They are either non-White or half-breed nations. And this exclusivity is upheld in the New Testament, by none other than Paul. If all of these peoples are declared to be outside of the pale, who makes you think that other races, such as Blacks, Amerinidians and Orientals can be brought in? Who is it that has been lying to you about miscengenation?

The above list is only a small sampling of the separatist verses of Scripture. All of the major prophets, from David to Jeremiah to Ezekiel and Daniel, to all of the minor prophets, condemn the Edomites (Deut. 23:7 is a mistranslation, which is totally contrary to all other Scriptures about the Edomites, as Paul confirms. The correct word there is ‘Aramites.’ There is very little difference between the Hebrew d and r. It’s like the difference between a jot and a tittle. There is little doubt that this is a copyist’s error.) The Jews always use sex and money to get us to associate with them. Satan knows our weaknesses as well as Yahweh. Do you recall when Jesus fashioned a whip and drove the moneychangers out of the Temple? They were Edomites and Canaanites. The Jews always set up moneychanging operations wherever they go. No Levitical priest ever set up an exchange in the House of the Lord. Only Jews do that sort of thing.

This separatist language has been deliberately obscured, denied, changed, interpolated, ignored and otherwise destroyed by both the Jews and the Judeo-Christian churches of apostasy.

Part 2: Word Studies Proving Racial Segregation Is Commanded By Yahweh

The Word Study Method proves that the Israelites of the Bible are exclusively White and that they MUST SEGREGATE THEMSELVES FROM ALL OTHER PEOPLE.


It must be understood that the Hebrew word, ‘Awdawm,’ means, “to show blood in the face.”

Strong’s #119: \’adam (pronounced aw-dam\’) to show blood (in the face), i.e. flush or turn rosy:–be (dyed, made) red (ruddy). – Bible

To show blood (in the face), i.e. flush or turn rosy — be (dyed, made) red (ruddy). – Strong’s #119, from


to show blood (in the face), i.e. flush or turn rosy:–be (dyed, made) red (ruddy).


from \’\’adam\’ (); ruddy i.e. a human being (an individual or the species, mankind, etc.):–X another, + hypocrite, + common sort, X low, man (mean, of low degree), person.


the same as \’\’adam\’ (); Adam the name of the first man, also of a place in Palestine:–Adam.

  • John Hurt,

The Bible distorters always give false definitions of this word. The usual false definition is that it means “mankind,” in the sense of all biped races. Or they say that it means “red earth.” But dirt doesn’t turn rosy, neither do the other races. Only the White Race shows blood in the face. The other races are referred to by their national names in Scripture.

When the Bible speaks of “Adam” as either individuals or collectively, it means White people only.

The Bible is written to, by, for and about the descendants of Adam and Eve, exclusively. It is a moral instruction manual for the Adamic species. It is only from this species that the Chosen People can come.


Gen. 6:9. The King James Version reads as follows: “These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations.” In Gen. 6:9, where Noah is described as being “perfect in his generations,” the word ‘generations’ comes from the Hebrew toledaw, which means “descent.” There is only one possible meaning here: Noah was pure in his genealogy, his RACIAL DESCENT from Adam.

Gen. 5:1 “This is the book of the generations (toledaw, family tree, descendants of) Adam. In the day that God created Adamkind, in the likeness of God (elohim) made He him.”

DNA is like a computer program. Any geneticist will tell you that mutations invariably cause disease and death. DNA is exclusive to every species. DNA replicates its own kind and none other. Wheat seed produces wheat. Corn seed produces corn. Adamic seed produces more Adamites. Negro seed produces more Negroes. Oriental seed produces more Orientals. That’s how it works. Every scientist knows this. Only when somebody messes with the genetic programming is there a different result.

Racial Evidence of Noah’s Flood

Gen. 6:2. “The sons of God (ben elohim) saw the daughters of men (Adam) that they were fair (white-skinned); and they took them wives…”

Gen. 6:9. “These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations.” Purely Adamic in his descent. Toledaw means descent, genealogy, offspring.

Noah’s Flood was NOT global. The deluge (rainfall) was global, but the Flood of Noah was local. Surely, there was flooding elsewhere, but the bible is not concerned with elsewhere. It is concerned with the direct offspring of Adam and Eve. (Gen. 5:1.) The Hebrew word, erets, means “Land, country, territory.” Only rarely does it refer to the entire planet. The context must be carefully considered when choosing a global definition. The Book of Jasher states that the sin committed by the Adamites was race-mixing (Jasher 4:18), that Noah chose three pure-blooded daughters of Methuselah as wives for his perfect sons (Jash. 4:35), and that some of the Nephilim escaped the Flood (Jash. 5:25). Josephus reports that belief in a global flood was by no means unanimous in his day. He quotes Berosus, a descendant of Arphaxad, and others, which argue that Noah’s flood was local in character. Josephus quotes Nicolaus of Damascus as saying, There is a great mountain in Armenia, over Minya, called Baris, upon which it is reported that many who fled at the time of the Deluge were saved; and that one who was carried in an ark came on shore on top of it; and that the remains of the timber were a great while preserved.”

So, “many fled” but Noah was preserved in an ark. This is exactly what Jasher reports. Incidentally, Ma-Nu in the Rig Veda is obviously the “Man-Noah” and Utnapishtim is the Ut-Noah-Pishtim of the Epic of Gilgamesh. This Epic was written by Gilgamesh. It is the record of Gilgamesh’s visit to Noah after the Deluge. It is an interview of Noah by Gilgamesh. As many theologians are archeologists have stated, most of the world’s civilizations survived unscathed by Noah’s Flood. The civilization of Egypt was not even affected by it, as the dynasties before and after the Flood (circa 2345 BC) show no sign of interruption.

Here is how Bertrand Comparet assessed the situation:

Among the many mistaken and unScriptural notions commonly taught in nearly all churches is the idea that the “flood”, mentioned in the Bible, covered all the earth and drowned everybody on earth excepting only Noah and his family who escaped death by being in the Ark. Some churches have firmly insisted that the Bible says this, when there is ample proof that the “flood” was not world wide. With this teaching the churches have destroyed the faith of multitudes of people in the Bible. They have made atheists or agnostics out of hundreds of thousands of people who might have become Christians if they had only been taught the truth about the Bible.
Part of this mistaken idea about the “flood” is due to the many mistranslations found in the commonly used King James version of the Bible. Also, part of it appears plainly to be false if you merely carefully read even the King James version. Let’s have a look at it.
In Genesis chapter 6, we read that God found the people so corrupt that He regretted that He had ever created them, so He decided to wipe them out by a flood. He warned righteous Noah of the coming flood and told Noah to build a great boat, or ark, in which he and his family might find safety and where they might preserve a few of each kind of the animals from that area. In Chapter 7, it tells how Noah received the final warning that the time was now at hand and he should move into the art. Then it says, according to the King James version, “And it came to pass after seven days, that the waters of the flood were upon the earth.
Now, first let us see what the translators have done to what Moses originally wrote. You remember that the King James version says that the rain was upon “the earth” and the waters increased greatly upon “the earth”: and that “all flesh died that moved upon the earth”? Remember that in Genesis 4:14, when God has driven Cain away in punishment for his murder of Abel, the King James version quotes Cain as saying, “Behold, Thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth.” So what did Cain do, climb into his rocket ship and take off for outer space? Of course not!! He was not driven from the face of “the earth”, and he never said so, only the translators said so.
The word Cain used was “ad-aw-maw” meaning “the ground”: God had told him that his farming would no longer be successful, so Cain said “Thou hast driven me off of the ground.” (You have probably noticed that Cain’s descendants today are not farmers. They run pawnshops and other money lending institutions.)
When we come to Genesis 7, where it is talking about the “flood”, wherever it says that the flood covered “the earth”, the Hebrew word used in the original writing by Moses was “eh-rets”, meaning “the land”. The flood did cover the particular land where it occurred. That is, it was a local flood which covered one particular region or land, not the whole earth.
Again, notice that it specifies that “15 cubits upward did the waters prevail; and the mountains were covered.” In ancient times two different lengths of the cubit were in use, the sacred cubit of 25 inches and the common cubit of 20-5/8 inches. Therefore, the waters rose above the tops of the mountains it is speaking of by either 25 feet 9 inches or 31 feet 3 inches according to which cubit you use. If this meant that all the mountains on earth were covered, the waters would have to cover Mount Everest, which is nearly six miles high, therefore, all the earth would be covered by water six miles deep. In that case, where could it have run off to when the flood subsided? No, I don’t mean that the Bible was that badly mistaken, only the translators made this mistake. The translators took the Hebrew word “eh-rets” which means “that land” and mistranslated it to mean the whole world. Therefore, the Bible is correct in stating that the Flood covered only “eh-rets”, “that land”. The translators are wrong when they change the meaning of what Moses really wrote in Genesis 7, and say that the flood covered all “the earth”. – Bertrand Comparet, “Noah’s Flood Was Not Worldwide.”

Gen. 7:20: Fifteen cubits, and the mountains were covered. (Heb. Har, meaning a mountain or a range of hills.) The idea that all races suddenly sprang from Noah’s three sons is both biblically and scientifically false. Those denominations who teach this are actually teaching a form of rapid evolution, for which there is no evidence in Scripture.

Gen. 7:14 specifies that Noah should only accept pure-blooded species into his ark. Why would Yahweh make such a specification if He wanted the descendants to be variegated offspring? That would make no sense at all! But myth and dogma do not need to make sense. Make-believe, passed off as theology, must be believed, however, despite the lack of evidence.


Definition of the term ‘covenant’. Strong’s Hebrew #1285, Berith (in the sense of cutting, cut a covenant, cut a deal) – a compact..confederacy, covenant, league. Strong’s Greek #1242, diatheke, a disposition, contract, covenant, testament.

Dictionary Definition:

1. A binding and solemn agreement by two or more persons, parties, etc., to do or keep from doing some specified thing; a contract; compact.

2. In theology, the promises of God to man, usually carrying with them to be fulfilled by man, as recorded in the Bible. –

An example of distortion:

Gen. 17:4: As for me, behold, MY COVENANT is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many NATIONS.” It does not say ALL nations. Those “many” are, specifically, the Caucasian people and the specific nations we have founded.

Now, let’s take a look at the verses immediately following verse 4:

“Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham: for a father of many nations have I made thee. And I will make thee exceedingly fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee. And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and THY SEED AFTER THEE IN THEIR GENERATIONS [which means only those direct descendants who are to come from the lineage AFTER HIM] for an everlasting Covenant.” These verses guarantee that the Covenants made with Abraham will apply to his POSTERITY, his direct descendants and to NO ONE ELSE…FOREVER. Make no mistake about it: The other races and even the other Adamic tribes were already in existence. Nevertheless, the Covenants made with Abraham concern only his posterity and no one else. That’s how exclusive this Covenant is! Let’s prove it.

Yahweh repeats this promise at verse 9: “And God said unto Abraham, Thou shalt keep my covenant, therefore, thou, and thy SEED after thee in their generations.” No other nation has ever kept these covenants and no other nation has ever been a party to these covenants.

Gen. 17:19-21. Ishmael blessed, but only Isaac is covenanted.

And Abraham said unto God, O that Ishmael might live before thee! And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him. And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation. But my covenant will I establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year.

Gen. 28: 10-15. Covenant renewed with Jacob and his descendants.

From these verses, it is absolutely clear that we are talking exclusively about Abraham and his DIRECT DESCENDANTS, who came after him in pure genealogical fashion. All others are excluded and cannot partake of this Covenant relationship with Yahweh. It is based purely on direct descent. It is a bloodline, period. Only the direct posterity of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are parties to these Covenants. To be sure, ALL OTHER PEOPLE ARE EXCLUDED FROM THIS COVENANT RELATIONSHIP. Now, at Verse 13, we are informed that this Covenant is an exclusively racial covenant:

“He that is born IN THY HOUSE, and he that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised: and my covenant shall BE IN YOUR FLESH (racial DNA) for an everlasting Covenant.”

The Exclusive Covenants With Israel Confirmed by All of the Prophets

You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore will I punish you for all your iniquities.” – Amos 3:2. Peter confirms this language when he says, “Judgment must begin at the House of God,” (I Peter 4:17) which can only be the whole House of Israel. All of Scripture confirms this. It is only because of the poor translations, deceptive definitions, Jewish “tradition,” and Judeo-apostasy that anything different is taught today.

“Sing, O daughter of Zion; shout O Israel; be glad and rejoice with all the heart, O daughter of Jerusalem. Yahweh has taken away your judgments, He has cast out your enemy. The King of Israel, even Yahweh, is in the midst of you: you shall not see evil anymore.” – Zeph. 3:14-15. This is the Gospel (Good News) being proclaimed in the Old Testament for the Israelites of the New Testament, those who have had their past sins forgiven by Messiah at the cross.. This good news is exclusively for Israel, although it will positively affect the residents of the whole world, once Adamic Israel is restored to dominion.

Contrary to what the Jews and Judeos teach, the whole House of Israel will never be completely destroyed: “I am Yahweh. I change not. Therefore, you sons of Jacob ARE NOT CONSUMED.” – Mal. 3:6.

“And they shall be as though I HAD NOT CAST THEM OFF.’ – Zech. 10:6.

All of the OT prophets confirm the exclusive, unchangeable covenants with Adamic Israel. Anyone who says that these covenants were changed in the NT to include non-Israelites is a liar. This false doctrine is direct contradiction to all of Scripture. This false idea that True Israel has been abandoned by God and replaced by the Church is the central tenet of the doctrine called “Dispensationalism.” Since dispensationalism contradicts every pronouncement of Covenant theology, they make Yahweh to be liar. Who do think is lying? Yahweh or the false priests?

Israel is Yahweh’s Servant People

We are Yahweh’s Servant People. Neither the Jews, nor any other people, have ever sereved Him. They have always served their own gods.

Isa. 4:21: “Remember these O Jacob and Israel; for thou art my servant: I have formed thee; thou art my servant: O Israel, THOU SHALT NOT BE FORGOTTEN OF ME.”

Verse 22 is a prophecy of the coming of the Kinsman Redeemer of Israel: “I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and, as a cloud, thy sins: return unto me; for I have redeemed thee.” These words were spoken only to Israel, and no one else. Acts 7:31 confirms that this forgiveness only applies to Israel.

Isa. 42:1 tells us this: “Behold MY SERVANT (Israel), whom I uphold; MINE ELECT, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the nations.”

Isaiah does NOT say that Israel will become the nations. He tells us that we will bring judgment TO the nations.


The Promises were made exclusively to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob…and their descendants.

Gen. 16:6-12. Hagar’s son is Ishmael, the progenitor of today’s Arabs.

Paul confirms Ishmael’s exclusion in Gal. 4:22-31. We Anglo-Saxons are the children of the free woman, Sarah. The Ishmaelites (today’s Arabs) are the children of the bondwoman, Hagar.

Gen. 17:1-16, 19-21. “Perfect” is Tamiym, without blemish, without spot. This is the same word that is used of all sacrificial animals. This word cannot be equated with good, upright, or blameless. This is a reference to genetic purity.

Yahweh’s specific promise is given to Sarah (Gen. 17:15-16). She will be the mother of a bloodline. Her direct descendants will be kings and nations.

Again, Paul confirms the exclusivity of these promises. Gal. 3:13-19. This covenant cannot be disannulled. “Abraham’s seed will be a blessing to all nations.” Paul confirms the exact terms of Gen. 12:3 at Gal. 4:14. Nothing has been altered, nor can it be altered.

The whole of Chapter 3 is devoted to explaining that the forgiveness of Israel was not dependent upon the Law of Moses. It was promised independently of the Law, even BEFORE the Law, through Abraham. That’s why the Law cannot annul this promise.

“Now to ABRAHAM AND HIS SEED [posterity] were the promises made. He said not “and to posterities [such as those genealogies which have been decidedly excluded from the promises], as of many [posterities]; but as of ONE [posterity], to your seed [posterity], which is anointed. – Gal. 3:16.

The KJV translation of “which is Christ” is absurd, as the promises were NOT made to Jesus Christ. The verse begins by recounting the direct genealogy to which the promises were applied. These promises were made to all of Abraham’s direct descendants, through Isaac and Jacob’s descendants. The specific promise that the Messiah [Christ] would come to Israel is being affirmed here. Christ did not come to redeem Himself, as this horrible translation implies. Nor were the promises made to Him. He is the Redeemer who was promised to Israel. Gal. 3:16 is speaking of the ANOINTED PEOPLE, ISRAEL.

“I come not but unto the exiled sheep of the House of Israel.” – Matt. 15:24.

He did not come to redeem himself. He was sinless. These nonsensical translations in the KJV have made absolute mincemeat of the True Gospel.

Also, Gal. 3:28-29 is horribly translated. It should read, “There is neither Judean nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for you [ISRAEL] are all one in Christ Jesus. [This confirms that the anointed people, Israel – all twelve tribes, including those of the Dispersion, male or female, free or bond, Judahite or Hellenized Israelites – were redeemed at the Cross.] And if you be anointed, then are you Abraham’s seed [direct posterity] and heirs according to the PROMISE.”

Paul is confirming that only the anointed people, those to whom the promises were made, are the recipients of the promise that was delivered. Sarah specifically disinherited Ishmael at Gen. 21:10. Esau disinherited his own descendants by selling his birthright, and Paul has no authority to change the terms of the covenants and promises. Nor does he claim to have such authority. He specifically states that no one has the authority to GIVE OUR INHERITANCE TO ANYONE ELSE; but the KJV and the Dispensationalists claim otherwise! This is GRAND THEFT, by mistranslation! But these promises can be fulfilled only by ensuring that they are delivered to their intended recipients. The KJV has butchered these verses so badly that they make no sense whatsoever. However, the universalists just love to preach nonsensical sermons about how ALL PEOPLE – even the Ishmaelites and Edomites who were specifically excluded – can become “Abraham’s seed” by “having faith.” Can you believe this? Believe it, because they have pulled off this tremendous scam by mistranslating a few words! Paul said no such thing.

Galatians 4:1-7 carries the radical word stretching further by falsely translating the Greek huiothesia as ADOPTION in verse 5. Strong’s tells us that this word means the “PLACING, as a son.” The word, ADOPTION, is added as an example, but it is a bad example, because only sons and daughters can be put into the place of INHERITANCE. Now, a son or daughter can be placed into the position of inheritance when they come of age. But, only those directly named in the LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT count as heirs. This is how the promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob have been fulfilled TO THE LETTER. Paul is saying that the heirs have “grown up” and now qualify for the inheritance. No other human beings can possibly qualify as heirs. In this verse, Paul first makes it clear that Christ came to redeem them that were under the law [of sacrifices], which had been delivered to and practiced exclusively by Israelites and no other people!!!! So, how can the people of other nations be adopted? These two concepts are in direct contradiction to each other.

Verse 6 confirms that he is talking about true sons, not those adopted from other nations.

Verse 7: “Wherefore you [the direct descedants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob] are no longer a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.” Remember that only Israel was considered by Yahweh to His Servant People. We are to serve Him by bringing the world order back under His Law. As the City on the Hill, we are to set the example for other nations to follow. If we mix with them, we become like them. If we become like them, then there is no city on the hill.

As Paul stated twice already (Gal. 3:15, 17), these covenants CANNOT BE ANNULLED, but the translation committee of King James have done their utmost to rewrite history, deny that these covenants mean what they say, and declare that the promises have been annulled, by CHANGING THE TERMS OF THE PROMISES AND COVENANTS and adding the rest of creation to the redemption. This doctrine is in total violation of the terms of the covenants, promises, and inheritance. But false priests have no problems with contradictions.

Arnold Kennedy has done the best analysis of the KJV’s poor translation of the book of Galatians. His article, “The book of Galatians and an Israel Exclusive” is must reading. First, a quotation regarding Gal 3:26 and 3:29:

In these two critical verses we have something else [not Jesus Christ] which is anointed! What can it be? What is the subject? Is it not the seed of Abraham, in their generations, according to the original promise? Hence, Gal. 3:16 reads ‘and TO THY SEED which is anointed’ and Gal. 3:29 reads ‘and if ye be an anointed (people) then ye are Abraham’s seed. The churches try to spiritualize the matter of Abraham’s seed.” – Source:

How would you like it if someone mistranslated your epistles and then interpreted them in such a way as to deprive you of your inheritance? Would that not make you slightly upset with the translators? Then, because of this type of subterfuge, many in Christian Israel accuse Paul of being the guilty one, not realizing that the KJV translators were doing the devil’s work in contradicting the clear, unambiguous, exclusive Covenants between Yahweh and Israel. How would you like to be accused of this false charge? This is what the Paul distorters have done to his epistles. The lousy KJV translation is responsible for this massive confusion. Paul cannot be blamed for the imperialistic agenda of King James.


Gen. 24:1-7, 36-38: “My kindred” refers to the Shemitic nation of Abraham. No Canaanite wife is permitted for Isaac. Rebekah is the pure White Shemite that Yahweh has selected for Isaac. She is blessed by Yahweh at Gen. 24:58-60

Gen. 25:1-6: The sons of Keturah are sent away so as not to interfere with Isaac’s inheritance. These are the Indo-Aryans. They are still a kindred people to the Shemitic Caucasians, but they are not Israelites.