From Cain To Khazaria, Chapter 4


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From Cain To Khazaria

Part 4 of 4
Eli James


The Destruction of the Temple and the Dispersion of the
Edomite Jews

Here is a rabbinical account of how Judaism developed after
the destruction of the Temple:
The Seeds of Orthodox Judaism
What was going on with the Pharisees? The leader of the
group during 66-70 was Yohanan ben Zakkai. He too saw
that the destruction of Jerusalem was imminent and escaped
with many of his disciples. He hid in a coffin and they took
him out of Jerusalem to conduct “his funeral”.


At that time the Romans were letting Jews leave but the
Zealots were not letting them leave, as they needed help
fighting, so Yohanan planned this ruse. After leaving
Jerusalem, he went to the governor Vespasian. As the
story goes, he addressed Vespasian as “emperor,” and
before Vespasian could correct him, a messenger came
and said the emperor was dead and that Vespasian was
the new emperor (this is a very abbreviated version).
Yohanan won Vespasian’s favor and was allowed to
move to Yavneh on the coast, and start a school there
to study Torah.


Before 70 AD there were many more Jews and they
could afford the luxury of diverse sects and opinions.
With their numbers greatly reduced and the Temple
destroyed, Yohanan felt that for Judaism to survive
they need to unite (can we learn from this?). They felt
they needed to start codifying the Oral
traditions [These oral traditions are a direct violation of
Deut. 4:1-2. – Eli] and agree in theology and doctrine.


This took many years and there were many feuds as
there were many beliefs among the Pharisees. The
biggest feud was perhaps between Gamiliel II and
Rabbi Akiva in the early 2nd century. Gamiliel II felt
that Pharisaism neeed some minor reforms while
Akiva felt it was necessary to make a system that gave
all power and authority to the rabbis. He brought in the
doctrine thatthe Oral law was given at the same time as
the Torahand thatMoses, David, etc. were rabbis.


He won out over Gamiliel II in a battle that got pretty nasty
and deceitful on both sides. With Akiva in charge, eventually
theyruledthattherabbiscouldchangeTorahif necessary
and thata majorityof rabbis(all Akiva’sbuddies) even could
supercede theBatKol(voiceof God)…They made a new
Greek translation of the Tanach to replace the Septuagint
and a new Aramaic both of which fit Akiva’s theology
better. They couldn’t change the Hebrew version but their
commentaries in theOral lawon theTanachbecamethe final
authority. They were able to discard any rabbi’s rulings they
didn’t like.


From all this we havetheOrthodoxJudaismof today.
(That is why today we need a consecrated group of
Messianic Torah observant rabbis to struggle with
Halacha. Without Halacha we can have confusion and
Orthodox Halacha, according to many rabbis has too
many problems.) [As if this monstrous pile of verbal
excrement and deceit (the Talmud) could possibly be
reformed!!!! – Eli] To recap, the Pharisees were in
Yavneh and the Nazarenes were in Pella.


The schism before was just an in house
argument. [NOT TRUE!!! The Nazarenes were
Judahites, who naturally followed Messiah, because
He was their kinsman redeemer. The Jews hated
Messiah because they were Edomites. (John 7:35;
John 8:33-44.) This is the BIG LIE that the rabbis
need to preserve at all costs! There was NOTHING
IN-HOUSE about this. It was part of the ongoing
BLOOD FEUD between the True Judahites and
the Canaanite usurpers! – Eli] It was now widening
considerably and a total split would be inevitable.


The rabbisunderAkivastartedto bringin manynew
rulingsand theology.[So! TheJewshavepreserved
the“oraclesof God,” eh? I DON‟T THINK SO! –
Eli.]This was in part necessary so you could have
Judaism without a Temple and blood sacrifices. Before
the Temple was destroyed, the Pharisaic school of
Shammai (with whom Yeshua had major disagreements)
predominated. At Yavneh they decided that from then
on, the school of Hillel would predominate.


Prayer and acts of piety replaced sacrifice. Not all their
rulings were bad by any means. They had a hard job and
there were power struggles and many decisions were
problematic. – From “The Nazarenes,” by Moshe ben
Thanks to all of this historical deception, the whole
world is under the TOTALLY FALSE
IMPRESSION that Judaism is based on the
teachings of Moses.


Obviously, the Jews deliberately convey this impression
to the Goyim. But their own writings – which are NOT
purveyed publicly – declare otherwise. Moshe ben
Shaul has told us that Judaism was conceived by the
Pharisees. The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia totally


“The Jewish religion as it is todaytraces its descent, without
a break, through all thecenturies, FROM THE
PHARISEES. Theirleadingideas and methodsfound
expressionin a literatureof enormousextent, of whicha very
greatdealis stillin existence. TheTALMUD is the
largestand mostimportantsingle memberof thatliterature.” –
VolumeVIII, p. 474 (1942).
An article entitled “What is a Jew?” was published as a
featured article in Look Magazine in the June 17, 1952
issue. In that article Rabbi Morris N. Kertzer evaluated the
significance of the Talmud to Judaism today.


“The Talmud consists of 63 books of legal, ethical and
historical writings of the ancient rabbis. It was edited
centuries after the birth of Jesus. It is a compendium of
law and lore. IT IS THE LEGAL CODE


Now, if you have read your New Testament, you will
recall that these Pharisees had started THEIR
OWN NEW RELIGION. The frequently heard
assertion, that this NEW RELIGION,
JUDAISM, is the same as the religion of Moses, is
absolute nonsense. It is Christianity that is the
legitimate heir to the Old Testament. Judaism is an
impostor, having no rightful claim to the teachings of the
Old Testament.


“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For
you are like whited sepulchers, which indeed appear
beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men‟s
bones, and of all uncleanness. Even so you also
outwardly appear righteous to men, but within you are
full of hypocrisy and iniquity.” – Matt. 23:27-28.


They are liars and hypocrites, who pretend to be holy!
With regard to Moses, Jesus said to these Pharisees,
“If ye had believed Moses, you would believe Me.” –
John 5:46.
Of course, they didn‟t believe Him. They
EXECUTED Him, because Messiah represented
a threat to their illegitimate “authority.” (John 7:35.)


So, given this historical information, we can now complete the
genealogy of the descendants of Cain in Judea. Knowing that the
cult of the Pharisees was an Idumeanstronghold during the days of
Yahshua Messiah,here is the tree of their genealogy:


The Origin of the Term, „Sephardic’
So far, we have dealt exclusively with only one branch of the
Jewish people, the Sephardic branch. This is the name the
dispersed Jews chose to retain after their expulsion from
Judea by the Romans. These Sephardic Jews, although
completely unrelated to True Israel and True Judah, at
least have a history of living near the Israelites of the Bible.
The name, ‘Sephardic,’ actually comes from the Hebrew
‘Sepharvaim,’ which is a reference to a Canaanite tribe, that
lived in the far southeast of Idumea, near Babylon. II Kings,
17:24-41 tells us that, after the Israelites of the House of
Israel had been removed from Samaria, the Assyrians
imported the Sepharvaim to live in the vacated territory.


The account also tells us that these Sepharvaim later
began practicing the “law of Moses.” But they were
NOT Israelites. They were Canaanites, so this was
the first historical instance when a non-Israelite people
began to practice OUR RELIGION. These,
therefore, are the original Sephardic Jews! So, the
idea of adopting the religion of another people began at
this time; but these people were NOT Israelites. They
were Edomites. The Sephardic Jews are named after
these Babylonians! That is also why their “holy” book is
referred to as the BABYLONIAN TALMUD.


Here is a good summary of the genealogy of the Sephardic Jews: The people known as Sephardim Jews, “Spanish Jews,” include a
mixture of these people who also descended from the Canaanites
(the people who colonized Carthage). Following its sack by Rome,
they adopted the Sepharvaim, or Sephardim name and constitute
about 5% of world Jews today. The Sephardim Jews speak
Latino, a mixture of Spanish and Hebrew. The Sephardim Jews
migrated West through Egypt, then North into Spain from Yahud
and Samaria before, during, and after the destruction of
Yerushalayimby the Romans in 70 CE,. This migration became
known as the “Jewish Diaspora”. Today, these Sephardim Jews
are still using their ancient adopted name Sephardim. They settled
in Spain, Portugal, the Eastern Mediterranean, Italy, the Balkans,
Salonica and Macedonia, and eventually emigrated into France,
England, and Western Europe.


Unlike the Ashkenazi Jew (who never set a foot in the
Southern Kingdom of Yahud), the Sepharviam Yahudain
did originate from Yahud and were known as Samaritans
during the time of Messiah, because most were living in
Samaria which was the area from which the Northern
Kingdom of Yisrael was removed by the conquest of the
Assyrian King Shalmaneser V. The twelve apostles, during
the time of Messiah, were instructed not to enter the cities of
the Samaritans, Matt. 10:5. Although many True
Yisraelites of tribal descent living in Samaria did receive the
witness of Yahshua and the message of redemption from the
apostles, Acts, 1:8. Some of the mixed blood Samaritans
also became proselytes to the Christian faith, through the
Ministry of the apostles, Acts 8:4-25.


The Sephardim Jews, or Sepharviam Jews (spelling is not
important) are not of Hebrew Israelite blood; they are not of
the tribe of Yahudah although they were called Yahudain, as
inhabitants, i.e. persons living in the land originally occupied
by Yahud and Yisrael.Their descent is mixed from
Edom/Esau/Canaanite blood. The Sephardim Jews, like
the Ashkenazi Khazar Jews are not a Semitic people. The
word Sephardim is not a Hebrew word for Spain, although
the name has become ‘associated’ with Spain because many
Sephardim Jews organized as a people group in Spain. –


From this comprehensive survey of Old Testament
history, intertestamental history, and New Testament
history, we have demonstrated that the Kenite seedline
is taught throughout the Bible; but you have to know
that this subject is part of the Bible, before you can
find the relevant verses. But this is only part of the
story. We have only covered the subject of Edomite
Jews. We will now briefly cover the subject of the
Ashkenazi Jews.


The Khazars

Due north of Palestine, in the year 740 AD, one of the
strangest events in history took place. Joseph, the King
(Bulan) of the kingdom of Khazaria, had to make a
political decision in order to save his kingdom from
attack on two fronts. Christian Russia was invading
from the north and the Muslims were threatening to
invade from the south. Khazaria was well situated along
the trade route between Europe and the East, so
Joseph the Bulan was intent on preserving his kingdom.


He also needed to civilize his unruly people, who were
essentially savages living in the southeastern steppes of
Russia, bordering on western Asia. For this purpose,
he interviewed a Christian priest, a Jewish rabbi and a
Muslim priest. Perhaps to avoid antagonizing the
bordering Christian and Muslim nations (“If I favor one,
the other will become my enemy”), he chose Judaism as
the new state religion. By making this decision, the
Jewish population of the planet increased tenfold, as
there were ten times as many Khazars in Khazaria as
there were Sephardic Jews in the rest of the world.


But there was more to this decision, because the fact is
that many Edomites and Hittites had migrated up to
Khazaria, beginning in the days of the Roman invasion
of Jerusalem by Titus in 70 AD. By 740 AD, the
land of Hittites was known as Asia Minor. Today, it is
known as Turkey. So, essentially, the Turks are a
branch of the old Hittite kingdom, which Esau married
into. But he had taken his Hittite wives and moved
down to Mt. Seir, which was eventually to become
known as Idumea.


According to virtually all scholars on the subject, King
Joseph traced the ancestry of his people back to
Togarmah, son of Ashkenaz, son of Japheth. The
word ‘Turk’ is a shortened form of the word
‘Togarmah.” Hence, the Khazar people are a
combination of the Hebrew Japheth, the Hittites and
the Edomites, plus a fair amount of Mongol blood
thrown in, as the Mongols had numerous clashes with
the Khazars, and much assimilation had taken place
between the two groups.


This is the genealogical blueprint of the so-called
ASHKENAZI JEWS, who today comprise up to 95%
of the world‟s Jewish population. Except for any stray
Edomites, who had migrated up to Khazaria from
Idumea, these Khazar people HAD ABSOLUTELY
JUDAH. Hence, for these people to call themselves
“Semites” is patently absurd.
Here are a few quotations, from historians and
encyclopedias, which demonstrate the NON-
SHEMITIC ORIGIN of the Ashkenazi Jews:


“It is highly probable that the bulk of the Jews‟ ancestors
never lived in Palestine at all, which witnesses the power of
historicalassertion over fact.” – Outline of History, by H.G.
Khazars (khah‟-zahrz), a South Russian people of Turkic
origin, who at the height of their power (during the 8th-
10th cent., AD) controlled an empire which included
Crimea…The Khazar royal family and aristocracy converted
to Judaism during the reign of King Bulan (768-809 AD)
and Judaism was thereafter regarded as the state religion… –
The Cadillac Modern Encyclopedia, p. 822.


“The Khazars we an ethnic group, belonging to the Turkish
peoples, who, toward the end of the 2d Century of the
Christian Era, had settled in the region between the
Caucasus and the lower Volga and Don Rivers…At the
beginning of the 8th Century, dynastic ties bound the
Khazars more closely to Constantinople…when the
Byzantine Emperor, Leo, Isaurian, persecuted Jews in AD
723, many Jews found refuge in the Khazar kingdom, and
their influence was so great that, around the middle of the
8th Century, the King of the Khazars and many of the
nobility accepted the Jewish faith.” – New Catholic
Encyclopedia, Vol. VIII, p. 173.


“A great majority of the Jews today are Semites only in
speech.” – E. Raymond Capt, Missing Links Discovered In
Assyrian Tablets, p. 93.
… this would mean that their ancestors came not from the
Jordan but from the Volga; not from Canaan but from the
Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race;
A. N. Poliak, Tel Aviv University.


“And without the hue and cry, „Anti-Semitism,‟ pray
what happens to the Zionist movement? Khazar
conversion was not unique…Who can say for sure that
many Christian readers of this book might not in fact
have a better claim, which they do not choose to
exercise, to go back „home‟ to Palestine than Hannah
Semer, Menachem Begin, or Golda Meir? – Alfred
Lilienthal, The Zionist Connection II, p. 759.


Now you know how ridiculous it is for any Jew to call himself
a “Semite.” Neither the Edomites nor the Khazars are of
Shemitic descent. The Jews are impostors, through and
through. Calling themselves “Semites” is just part of their
religious and historical charade as the “Israel” of the Bible.
On the contrary, I have demonstrated that these people are,
in fact, and HAVE ALWAYS BEEN, the most vicious
And their impersonation of us has allowed them to fool the
whole world (Rev. 12:9) into the delusion that they are “G-d’s chosen people.”


Given the antiquity of this GREAT
IMPERSONATION, and the subtlety with which it
is carried out by the Jewish people, under the direction
of their evil priesthood, the rabbis of Judaism, it is no
wonder that the entire world has been fooled by them. This charade began in the Garden of Eden: “Now the Serpent was MORE SUBTLE than
any beast of the field, which Yahweh Elohim had
made…and he said to the woman, ‘You shall NOT
surely die.’” – Gen. 3:1-4.


The Serpent people are still deceiving us today!! If you
don’t understand that the Jewish program of race-
mixing is designed to destroy the White Race, then you
don’t understand the Bible, or current events, for,
surely, if Whites don’t reproduce, WE SHALL
The Judeo-Christians, like Eve, are still being
deceived; and they love to have it so. Satan has gotten
their false hopes so high that they cannot imagine any
other reality. But there is a VERY BITTER


Thanks to the Christian Identity Movement, this
charade is coming apart at the seams. Jewish lies and
treachery are beginning to haunt them, as the Madoff
scandal proved; and their national and international
crimes are being exposed for all the world to see, thanks
to the internet, which they have not yet managed to
censor – especially the crimes of the brutal IDF, which
is turning world opinion against them.


Also, their world-wide economy of usury is collapsing;
and they are struggling to hold their Zionist empire
together. Starting with their 1913 Coup in America,
taking over our economy with the institution of the
Federal Reserve Bank, these Edomites have
successfully bled America of its wealth; and our
economy is now in the tank. But their greed has killed
the goose that lays the golden eggs. They pushed
Humpty-Dumpty off the wall; and there is no splicing
the pieces back together.


They are responsible for the world-wide crash that is
now happening, as prophesied in Rev. 17-19, and there
will be no recovery, for they have totally undermined the
productivity of the American economy, putting all of
Western Civilization at risk; and only the
Welfare/Warfare State remains, funding by fiat
money. As we all should know, Government produces
no wealth; and the tyranny of Judeo-Bolshevism (New
World Order) will lead to one final American


We beat the Jew-bankers during the American Revolution. We beat
them again during the War of 1812. And we will beat them again, as
Yahweh promised us we would, with His help, at the Judgment Day. So, to complete our genealogical survey of the Jewish people, we have
this tree coming down from Cain:
Sephardic Jews
Ashkenazi Jews (Khazars)


The Judgment of Edom
Few theologians have ever discussed the Book of
Obadaiah, which predicts the ultimate destruction of these
Edomites. If you have a Strong’s Concordance, I suggest
that you look up all of the instances in the Bible, where the
Edomites and Idumeans are mentioned. You will have a
treasure trove of information about them at your fingertips,
hidden away in the Bible. Since the pulpitmasters of the
modern Apostasy do not ever broach this subject, you will
know more about True Israel’s enemies than all the these
deluded ministers put together. You will be much wiser than
any of them, for you will understand God’s Holy Word, of
which they understand very little, having made up their own,
false traditions.


Interestingly, the Jews themselves are quite defensive about
this subject. When pressed, they go to great extremes to
claim that the judgment of Edom has already taken place! Au
contraire! Only a partial fulfillment occurred in Judea, as
Paul prophesied at Romans 16:20, predicting the Roman
assault on Jerusalem, fulfilling, in part, Genesis 3:15. Since
the Romans were actually Israelites of Zarah-Judah
genealogy, these Adamites made a down payment of
Judgment in 70 AD, presaging the final judgment, which will
come with the Second Advent of that same Messiah whom
the Jews deny.


The truth is – and where Judaism is, there is no truth –
that the Judgment of the Edomites has yet to take
place. As Ezra the scribe prophesied, it will not occur
until the Great Day of the Lord, the Judgment Day. In
fact, Ezra’s vision is quite specific about this event, as it
will mark time just as surely as the birth of Christ marked
the transition between BC and AD.


The Jews insist that the Edomites have already been
destroyed. Of course, they make such claims without
ever referring to any documentation. Whenever we
Identists refer to modern Jews as Edomites, they claim
that the Edomites died out or were exterminated long
ago. They don’t want it to be revealed that THEY
absolutely know they are Edomites. But they are doing
their absolute best to hide this fact from Christianity.


In this regard, I have an interesting anecdote to share. Pastor Ken
Gregg, an Identity minister in Tennessee, was standing in line at a
fast food restaurant, wearing a T-shirt that said on the back: “Who
are these Edomites who dare to challenge the Saxon Race.” The
T-shirt has an Aryan warrior brandishing a shield and sword. It just
so happened that that day, a Jew was standing in line, right behind
him. When Pastor Gregg turned around, the Jew said, “I’m a Jew
and I resent the message on your T-shirt.” Pastor Gregg thought
for a second and responded: “So YOU KNOW YOU’RE
AN EDOMITE?” If Jews could blush, that Jew would have
blushed. His comment proved that he knew he was an Edomite.
the rest of the world, besides those of us in Identity, who are
baffled by their deceptions.


And he said unto me, In the beginning, when the earth was
made, before the borders of the world stood, or ever the
winds blew, Before it thundered and lightened, or ever the
foundations of paradise were laid, Before the fair flowers
were seen, or ever the moveable powers were established,
before the innumerable multitude of angels were gathered
together, Or ever the heights of the air were lifted up, before
the measures of the firmament were named, or ever the
chimneys in Sion were hot, And ere the present years were
sought out, and or ever the inventions of them that now sin
were turned, before they were sealed that have gathered
faith for a treasure: Then did I consider these things, and
they all were made through me alone, and through none
other: by me also they shall be ended, and by none other.


Then answered I and said, What shall be the parting asunder of the
times? or when shall be the end of the first, and the beginning of it
that followeth?And he said unto me, From Abraham unto Isaac,
when Jacob and Esau were born of him, Jacob’s hand held first
the heel of Esau. For Esau is the end of the world, and Jacob is
the beginning of it that followeth.The hand of man is betwixt the
heel and the hand: other questions, Esdras, ask thou not. I
answered then and said, O Lord that bearest rule, if I have found
favour in thy sight, I beseech thee, shew thy servant the end of thy
tokens, whereof thou shewedstme part the last night. So he
answered and said unto me, Stand up upon thy feet, and hear a
mighty sounding voice. And it shall be as it were a great motion; but
the place where thou standest shall not be moved.


And therefore when it speaketh be not afraid: for the word is
of the end, and the foundation of the earth is understood.
And why? because the speech of these things trembleth and
is moved: for it knoweth that the end of these things must be
changed. And it happened, that when I had heard it I stood
up upon my feet, and hearkened, and, behold, there was a
voice that spake, and the sound of it was like the sound of
many waters. And it said, Behold, the days come, that I will
begin to draw nigh, and to visit them that dwell upon the
earth, And will begin to make inquisition of them, what they
be that have hurt unjustly with their unrighteousness, and
when the affliction of Sion shall be fulfilled;


And when the world, that shall begin to vanish away,
shall be finished, then will I shewthese tokens: the books
shall be opened before the firmament, and they shall see
all together: And the children of a year old shall speak
with their voices, the women with child shall bring forth
untimely children of three or four months old, and they
shall live, and be raised up. And suddenly shall the sown
places appear unsown, the full storehouses shall
suddenly be found empty: And the trumpet shall give a
sound, which when every man heareth, they shall be
suddenly afraid.



At that time shall friends fight one against another like
enemies, and the earth shall stand in fear with those that dwell
therein, the springs of the fountains shall stand still, and in
three hours they shall not run. Whosoever remaineth from all
these that I have told thee shall escape, and see my salvation,
and the end of your world. And the men that are received
shall see it, who have not tasted death from their birth: and
the heart of the inhabitants shall be changed, and turned into
another meaning. For evil shall be put out, and deceit shall be
quenched. – II Esdras 6:7-27.


Isaac’s Prophecy Fulfilled
Another identifying mark of the Edomites and
Canaanites is that both were to be servants of the
Adamites. The curse of Canaan is stated in Gen.
9:25-27. The descendants of Canaan were to serve
both Shem and Japheth. Recall that Yahweh told
Rebekah that “the elder shall serve the younger.” Since
the Edomites and Canaanites are essentially the same
collection of tribes under two different names, both of
these prophecies came true; and they were true for
thousands of years.


Throughout history, until the House of Rothschild and their
United Nations Organization, the Jews have served Jacob-
Israel as political advisors, doctors, lawyers, teachers,
bankers, entertainers, economists, etc. Of course, the Jews
have always resented this second place position. Ever since
Genesis 3:15, which states that the Kenites would follow at
our heels, we Israelites have built nation after nation; but the
Jews have NEVER built a nation. The Jews have always
entered OUR nations by providing “services” to our people.
“The elder [Esau] shall serve the younger [Jacob].”
Unfortunately, the “service” has usually been moneylending.
And Jewish usury has always led to the destruction of our


“Esau-Edom has long performed the role of usurer
(“money”-lender) to Jacob, for the benefit of evil kings
who claimed the land, leaving us as tenant-farmers and
wage slaves, until our King returns in judgment of all.” –
Dan Gentry, “The Children of Hell,”Summer 2009
edition of “Facts For Action,” Source: Christian
The Jews (Esau-Edom), up until the creation of the
United Nations Organization and Pseudo-Israel, have
always played back-up to True Israel.


After Isaac had mistakenly blessed Jacob instead of Esau, Esau also
asked for a blessing. Here is the account:
As soon as Esau heard the words of his father, he cried out with an
exceedingly great and bitter cry and said to his father, “Bless me, even
me also, O my father!” But he said, “Your brother came deceitfully,
and he has taken away your blessing.” Esau said, “Is he not rightly
named Jacob? For he has cheated me these two times. He took away
my birthright, and behold, now he has taken away my blessing.” Then he
said, “Have you not reserved a blessing for me?” Isaac answered and
said to Esau, “Behold, I have made him lord over you, and all his
brothers I have given to him for servants, and with grain and wine I have
sustained him. What then can I do for you, my son?” Esau said to his
father, Have you but one blessing, my father? Bless me, even me also,
O my father.” And Esau lifted up his voice and wept. Then Isaac his
father answered and said to him:


Behold, away from the fatness of the earth shall your
dwelling be, and away from the dew of heaven on high. By
your sword you shall live, and you shall serve your brother;
but when you grow restless, you will break his yoke from off
your neck.” – Gen. 27: 34-40 Revised English Version. This is the prophecy that the Bandit State has fulfilled.
Esau has broken free from Jacob‟s yoke; and the “time of
Jacob‟s trouble” began at the same time. We have had
nothing but trouble since the Age of Zionism has ruled the
world. Since the Jews are NOT Israel, they cannot
possibly fulfill the prophecy of the “regathering of Israel.”


The Edomite Jews have grown restless in these last
days. Their world empire of usury and political intrigue
is almost in total control of the planet. They have
indeed broken Jacob‟s yoke from off their necks. The
creation of the Bandit State of Israeli returned
Jerusalem back into their possession; and the Christian
world is clueless that this prophecy has been fulfilled by


Today, the Jews dictate terms to us, as Mystery Babylon has
taken over all of the governments of the world, with only a handful
of exceptions, such as Iran. By infiltrating our nations, the Jews
have taken over our governments and religious institutions. Deut.
28:43-45 is also very revealing. Speaking to True Israel, Yahweh
The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high;
and thou shalt come down very low. He shall lend to thee, and thou
shalt not lend to him: he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail.
Moreover all these curses shall come upon thee, and shall pursue
thee, and overtake thee, till thou be destroyed; because thou
hearkenedstnot unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to keep
his commandments and his statutes which he commanded thee.


The “stranger” within us is the perfidious Edomite Jew.
He lends to us; and we do not lend to him. Our nations
are being punished by Yahweh Himself, because of our
disobedience. Because we, as a nation and as a people,
have forsaken his Laws and gone out on our own, liberal
and heathen directions, following the children of hell to
our own destruction. Yahweh will destroy those of us
who have done this; and only the True Remnant will
survive the Judgment Day. He is weeding the unfaithful
sheep out, because they refuse to obey His Laws.
Nothing could be clearer or simpler to understand.


The Witness of Enoch

The Book of Enoch has much to say about those who are
called the wicked and godless, who would be living in the last
generation before the great judgment.
Enoch 1:1-2:
The words of the blessing of Enoch, wherewith he blessed
the elect and righteous,who will be living in the day of
tribulation, when all the wicked and godless are to be
removed. And he took up his parable and said- Enoch a
righteous man, whose eyes were opened by God, saw the
vision of the Holy One in the heavens, which the angels
showed me, and from them I heard everything, and from them I
understood as I saw,but not for this generation, but for a
remote one which is for to come.


Enoch was given a tremendously detailed vision by Yahweh
of the final generation of men who would be living on the
earth. Part of this vision is a very clear picture of those who
would be persecuting the true children of Yahweh. Enoch
also prophesied that there would be great deception in the
last days:
Enoch 104: 10-11:
And now I know this mystery, that sinners will alter and
pervert the words of righteousness in many ways, and will
speak wicked words, and lie, and practice great deceits, and
write books [the Talmud] concerning their words.


As Enoch clearly told us that his words were written for the last
generation of believers in Yahweh, we can expect that in that
generation there will be “great deceits” being practiced upon the
believers. There can be no bigger deceit than the lie that the
satanic line of Cain, down through the Canaanites and Edomites
and down through our present day Jews, are the true descendants
of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! No greater lie has ever been visited
upon Adam‟s race, the Anglo-Saxon race, the White race. This lie
has been originated and perpetuated through absolute Jewish
control of all media, education, Hollywood, politicians and
government, academia, publishing, and unlimited financial support
through Jewish control of central banking worldwide. If this lie does
not qualify as “great deceit”, then no lie will qualify! Let‟s continue
on to see what else Enoch had to say concerning these wicked and
godless creatures, who pretend to be “Israel.”


In chapter 94, Enoch discusses those wicked and
godless sinners who not only practice deceit but build
their wealth upon the foundation of deceit:
Enoch 94:6-7:
Woe to those who build unrighteousness and
oppression and lay deceit as a foundation; For they
shall be suddenly overthrown, and they shall have no
peace. Woe to those who build their houses with sin; for
from all their foundations shall they be overthrown, and
by the sword shall they fall. And those who acquire gold
and silver in judgment suddenly shall perish.


The entire “foundation” of Jewish identity today is that they
are the “chosen” people of God. Upon this false foundation
they have fooled the world into letting them gain control of
almost everything worth controlling. It was upon this false
premise that they stole the land of Palestine in 1948. It goes
without saying that Jews control the precious metals market
worldwide. The house of Rothschild controls the price of
gold worldwide and has total control of precious metals and
diamond mining as well. All of this vast wealth and influence
has been built upon a false foundation of deceit and stolen
identity of Yahweh‟s true children, the Anglo-Saxon race.
The Jews will pay for this sin with sudden destruction and
eternal judgment at the return of Yahweh to set up His
eternal kingdom on this earth.


Let‟s take a look at some clear identifying marks of those
who are described as the wicked and ungodly in Enoch: Enoch 22: 3-8:
Then Raphael answered, one of the holy angels who was
with me, and said unto me: ‘These hollow places have been
created for this very purpose, that the spirits of the souls of
the dead should assemble therein, yea that all the souls of the
children of men should assemble here. And these places have
been made to receive them till the day of their judgment and
till their appointed period, till the great judgment (comes)
upon them.’ I saw (the spirit of) a dead man making suit, and
his voice went forth to heaven and made suit.


And I asked Raphael the angel who was with me, and I
said unto him: ‘This spirit which maketh suit, whose is it,
whose voice goeth forth and maketh suit to heaven?’
And he answered me saying: ‘This is the spirit which
went forth from Abel, whom his brother Cain slew, and
he makes his suit against him till his seed is destroyed
from the face of the earth, and his seed is annihilated
from amongst the seed of men.’


These verses are very significant in that present day Jews can be
traced back through history to their original ancestor, Cain. Here
we are given a glimpse into the righteous portion of Sheol and we
see that Abel, who was called righteous by Yahshua the Messiah
in Matthew 23:35, is non-stop crying out to Yahweh for the seed
of Cain to be destroyed from the earth and to be annihilated from
among the seed of men. How significant it is that Abel is praying
not for judgment upon Cain alone but upon his seedline, all of his
descendants! Abel was no doubt aware of Cain‟s satanic origins
through the serpent‟s sexual union with Eve in the Garden of
Eden. If Jews can be traced back historically in their lineage to
Cain, then there is a massive contradiction in their claim to being
the “holy people” and the fact that a righteous spirit, Abel, is
praying for their “seed” to be destroyed from the face of the earth!


The more we look into the holy word, the more clear becomes the
fact that the Jews have thrust upon the Anglo-Saxon race the
greatest deception the world has ever seen! As I John 3:12 states: Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother.
And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and
his brother‟s righteous.
It is so clear that Abel, along with millions of our precious murdered
brethren with him in Sheol, is praying even today for the satanic
“seed” of Cain, the present day Jews, to be annihilated from
among the seed of “men”, the Anglo-Saxon race, our race. The
parable of the wheat and tares in Matthew 13 records the
upcoming answer to Abel‟s millennia of praying for judgment upon
this evil seed.


Enoch has more to say in regard to identifying the wicked and
godless in the final age, which will see the return of Yahweh to this
earth. Let‟s examine these verses and see to whom they point: Enoch 46:7-8:
And these are they who judge the stars of heaven, and raise their
hands against the Most High, and tread upon the earth and dwell
upon it. And all their deeds manifest unrighteousness, and their
power rests upon their riches, and their faith is in the gods which
they have made with their hands, and they deny the name of the
Lord of Spirits (Yahweh), And they persecute the houses of His
congregations, and the faithful who hang upon the name of the
Lord of Spirits.


In this last generation, there is only one group of people that
could be identified as those who have power that rests upon
their riches, deny the name of Yahweh, and persecute the
houses of His congregations, that group would be the
present day Jews! It‟s not the Muslims or Buddhists. It‟s not
Al-Qaeda! It‟s not the Catholic Church, as so many false
prophets would have you believe. Even a brief look at the
true history of our race in this present century would pinpoint
Jewish persecution of the White race throughout the world.
Without making a public show of their efforts, the Jews have
quietly supported and financed and legislated non-White
immigration into all of our formerly White countries. Of
course, since “racism” is the greatest evil in the world, they are
“combating” it, aren‟t they?


As Whites are increasingly disenfranchised, Jews grow richer than
ever! We are expected to believe that Jewish/Zionist acquisition
of all power is just a coincidental side-effect of their “liberalism” and
Enoch 96: 4-8:
Woe unto you, ye sinners, for your riches make you appear like the
righteousbut your hearts convict you of being sinners, and this fact
shall be a testimony against you for a memorial of your evil deeds.
Woe to you who devour the finest of the wheat, and drink wine in
large bowls, and tread under foot the lowly with your might. Woe to
you who drink water from every fountain, for suddenly shall ye be
consumed and wither away, because ye have forsaken the fountain
of life.


Woe to you who work unrighteousness and deceit and
blasphemy: It shall be a memorial against you for evil. Woe to
you, ye mighty, who with might oppress the righteous; For the
day of your destruction is coming.
Through the unlimited unrighteous wealth of the present day
Jews, they are able to appear like the righteous. They are
able to silence almost all criticism of them and they are able to
continue their “great deceit” of impersonating the chosen of
Yahweh. It is significant that in the above verses, Enoch uses
the words deceit and blasphemy together to describe the
seed of Cain. Their great deception is indeed blasphemy
and will be a memorial against them at the day of the great


Enoch 97: 8-10:
Woe to you who acquire silver and gold in
unrighteousness and say: “We have become rich with
riches and have possessions; and have acquired
everything we have desired. And now let us do what we
purposed: for we have gathered silver, and many are the
husbandmen in our houses. And our granaries are brim
full as with water, yea and like water your lies shall flow
away;for your riches shall not abide but speedily ascend
from you; for ye have acquired it all in unrighteousness,
and ye shall be given over to a great curse.


There is no denying that the current generation of Jews
hold the majority of the world‟s wealth in their possession.
Enoch points out that this would be the case of the end-time
wicked and ungodly Jews. He points out that they have
acquired it through unrighteousness (they have stolen it from
us through usury!) and they shall be given over to a great
curse at the final judgment.
In the 103 rd chapter of Enoch is perhaps the clearest
description identifying the seed of Cain as the wicked and
ungodly persecutors of the righteous seedline, the Anglo-
Saxon race.


Enoch 103: 9-15:
Say not in regard to the righteous and good who are in life:
“In our troubled days we have toiled laboriously and
experienced every trouble, and met with much evil and been
consumed, and have become few and our spirit small. And we
have been destroyed and have not found any to help us even
with a word: We have been tortured and destroyed and not
hoped to see life from day to day. We hoped to be the head
and have become the tail: We have toiled laboriously and had
no satisfaction in our toil; And we have become the food of
the sinners and the unrighteous, and they have laid their yoke
heavily upon us.


They have had dominion over us that hated us and smote us;
And to those that hated us we have bowed our necks but
they pitied us not. We desired to get away from them that we
might escape and be at rest, but found no place whereunto
we should flee and be safe from them. And are complained to
the rulers in our tribulation, and cried out against those who
devoured us, but they did not attend to our cries and would
not hearken to our voice. [Neither Republicrats or
Demopublicans! – Eli] And they helped those who
devoured us and those who made us few; and they concealed
their oppression, and they did not remove from us the yoke of
those that devoured us and dispersed us and murdered us,
and they concealed their murder, and remembered not that
they had lifted up their hands against us.


These excellent verses from Enoch could be a summary of Anglo-
Saxon history for the last one hundred years. It explains how the
Zionist Lobby has oppressed the White Race, since
the abomination of desolation was set up in Palestine on May 15,
1948. Our precious race has been targeted by the seed of Cain
just as described by Yahweh in Genesis 3:15. Yahweh said there
would be hatred between the two seeds that came out of Eve‟s
womb and Enoch gives us a detailed look at that enmity. Look at
the words Enoch used to describe the behavior of Jews towards
Adam‟s race: trouble, much evil, consumed, destroyed, food of the
sinners, their yoke laid upon us, dominion over us, hated us, smote
us, pitied us not, devoured us, concealed their oppression,
dispersed us, murdered us, concealed their murder of our race.


Brethren, when we put aside all the nonsense and
brainwashing and Jewish fables (deceptions) that have
been so much a part of Anglo-Saxon history, it is
crystal clear that we have been the victims of a massive
swindle. The identity of an entire holy race has been
stolen from us and applied to another evil seedline, the
seedline of Cain, the original Jew.


Who could imagine that an entire people would impersonate
an entirely different people…AND GET AWAY WITH
IT!!! This is not just Joe Blow stealing the identity of Jack
Black. This is an entire people stealing the identity of
another people!!! It is so mind-boggling that those of us who
reveal the utterly Luciferian nature of this evil are laughed at
and sneered at, scorned and ridiculed, while the Jews
orchestrate the catcalls!!! The kind-hearted Christians are
incapable of even suspecting such dastardly ignominy! This
kind of evil is simply beyond their imaginations! Therefore, it
cannot exist! They REFUSE TO BELIEVE


But Messiah said, “Be ye thereforeWISE AS
SERPENTS, yet guileless as doves.” – Matt. 10:16. What
could He have possibly meant by that?

This fraud has been committed so successfully that 99% of our own
Anglo-Saxon race believes that the Jews are the true
descendants of the twelve tribes of Israel, rather than themselves! If
it were not such an evil and satanic lie, one could almost
congratulate the Jews for pulling off such an amazing deception!
Unfortunately, millions of our precious brethren have been
murdered as part of this devilish impersonation, so congratulations
are not in order but eternal judgment is reserved for this evil
seedlineof Cain, known today as Jews.


Enoch chapter 103 details the end of the seedlineof Cain. Enoch 103: 5-8:
Woe to you, ye sinners, when ye have died, if ye die in the wealth of
your sins, and those who are like you say regarding you: “Blessed
are the sinners: they have seen all their days. And how they have
died in prosperity and in wealth, and have not seen tribulation or
murder in their life; and they have died in honour, and judgment has
not been executed on them during their life.” Know ye that their
souls will be made to descend into Sheoland they shall be
wretched in their great tribulation.And into darkness and chains
and a burning flame where there is grievous judgment shall your
spirits enter; and the great judgment shall be for all the generations
of the world. Woe to you, for ye shall have no peace.


When the final judgment comes upon this earth, every single
one of this evil seedline will be removed and cast into the
eternal fire, along with the devil and his angels. At that time,
Yahweh‟s true chosen race, the Anglo-Saxon, Caucasian
race, will shine forth like the sun in the kingdom of their
Father (Matt. 13:43). May that blessed time come soon and
be hastened by our race adding their voices to the countless
millions of our murdered brethren who cry out from Sheol for
judgment upon the seedline of Cain. Praise be to our Father,
Yahweh, for His clear word from the book of Enoch!


The Marks of Cain
This survey of Biblical and Israelite prophecy and history
has demonstrated that a GREAT
IMPERSONATION of Israel is the major theme of the
Bible. The fact that most people in the world will be totally
deceived by this impersonation is both prophetic fact and
historical reality. In summary, here are the proofs that have
been adduced in this sermon, plus many other marks, that
identify the Jews as the descendants of Cain.
The Marks of Cain, as borne by the Jewish people:
Without compassion for non-Jews, Gen. 4:9.
Unable to farm, Gen. 4:12.


Fugitives, who have been repeatedlyexpelledfrom the nations in
which they reside, Gen. 4:12.
Vagabonds, wandering from country to country, Gen. 4:12.
Nomadic cattle herders, Gen. 4:20.
Entertainers, Gen. 4:21.
Armsdealers, Gen. 4:22.
Greed (Josephus, Antiquities)
Hybridizers (Josephus): Monsanto, etc.
Miscegenation (Jasher, Bible, History, in your face advertising,
Murderers. Bolshevism. Warmongering. Communism. Zionism.
New World Order.


Usurers (Moneylenders).
Usurpers. Slave-traders Brainwashers Child Molesters.
Racketeers. Pornographers.
False Priests.
Hypocrites. Supremacists.


Religious Holy War masquerading as “tolerance”
Satanism masquerading as “the Law of Moses.”
False Accusers.
Enemies of Christianity
Enemies of Freedom of Speech
International merchants (Mystery Babylon)
Fifth Columnists
Babylonian religion (Babylonian Talmud)
I could literally add hundreds of more offenses, because the Jews
are responsible for more criminality than all of the other ethnicities


The Destruction of Mammon
From the above list of offenses, it should be obvious to anyone
that Jewry is the MAMMON of the Bible. The definition of
Mammon is this: Riches, avarice, and worldly gain personified as a
false god in the New Testament. Mammon is material wealth
regarded as having an evil influence.
Everywhere we look, we see rich Jews committing evil acts against
the rest of the world. Yet, the Apostate Churches fail to draw any
attention to Mammon. They pretend it doesn’t exist. Well, it most
certainly DOES exist; and their failure to warn the flock of its
dangers proves that the modern Judeo-Christian clergy are the


Instead of warning us about the TRUE EVIL IN THIS
WORLD, they have joined with the Zionist chorus, falsely
accusing the WHITE RACE of being the source of all
evil. They have set up a STRAW MAN: “Racism.” And
the educational institutions of this world never cease to
pound on this straw man, using this false accusation to
dispossess the White Man, while blatantly ignoring the
myriad vice rackets of the Jews. If we Whites had half as
much influence in DC as the Zionist lobby does, there might
be a sliver of truth in this charge. You have to turn a
deliberate blind eye away from these facts, and the daily
atrocities the Jews commit against the Palestinian people, in
order to believe the false reality, the matrix of deceit, that has
been created by Satan and his minions, the Jews.


The hypocrisy and disparity of this reality was stated by
Yahshua, when He said,
And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s
eye, but perceivest not the beam that is in thine own eye? –
Luke 6:41.
The hypocrites of the modern world blame everything on
those who built civilization as we know it; and they turn a blind
eye to the true evil, the destroyers: Zionism, Talmudism, and
their empire of Mammon. The Jews are the leaders of
Mammon (Mystery Babylon) and the mainstream churches
are the GREAT WHORE, which is encouraging us to
fornicate with Mammon. Every denomination that supports
Zionism is nothing but a prostitute for Satan.


Remember what Yahweh said to Rebekah when she enquired about
her aching womb: ‘TWO MANNER OF PEOPLE
Can it be any clearer? Esau was an evil man; but Jacob was
righteous. By marrying into the evil tree, Esau married into a
genealogyeven more evil than himself. He married into the families
of the fallen angels; and they have behaved accordingly ever since. And to those Jews, who try to avoid the subject by claiming that
the Edomiteswere exterminated long ago, I would simply point
them to one of their own encyclopedias:
“Edom is in modern Jewry.” – Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925, Vol.
54, p. 41.



The documentation of the Kenite genealogy contained
herein proves conclusively that there is not a Jew in the world
today who can truthfully call himself a “Semite.” This false
use of words is just a small part of the GIGANTIC
CHARADE called Judaism. Judaism is the religion and
the culture of LIES. The reality is that the Jewish people
and their religion are corrupt from top to bottom; and history
has proven that their bloated sense of self-importance has
always been their downfall. They may have fooled the world
in these Last Days, but Yahweh is going to call their bluff
real soon.


Judaism is a religion of lies; and this religion of lies has
created a people of criminals, a people who take joy in
deceiving Christians. Yes, there are Jews who are not actual
criminals, but these Jews SUPPORT the Jewish criminals
and are, therefore, not blameless. Whether active Zionists or
not, all Jews are Talmudic supremacists; and those few
remonstrant Jews, who try to warn their own people of their
folly, have a voice that is smothered under the pillow of the
Zionist press and rabbinical deceit. If they have a voice, it is
not heard. The Oberjuden will see to it that the “lesser
brethren” do not complain too loud. This assessment of
Judaism‟s charade is the most concise I have ever read:


“Judaism’s masquerade as Biblical Judah and,
moreover, as all Israel — which is the basis of Jewish
Nationalism — becomes patently counterfeit when
placed in juxtaposition with the historical record of the
true Houses of Israel and Judah. Even a brief summary
will show the contrast between the descendants of
Biblical Jacob-Israel as opposed to the alien posterity
of the cabal which claims for itself not only the Promised
Land but the very name and inheritance of Israel.” —
W.N. Saxon, in his booklet, “The Mask of Edom”, p.


Unfortunately, the modern churches have been totally
deluded by this impersonation, and they continue to
lead Christians down the road to hell, by repeating
Jewish lies. Far be it from any mild-mannered Christian
to either complain about or even investigate Jewish
perfidy, fraud, deceit, corruption, lasciviousness,
infiltration, subterfuge, treason, genocide, etc.


In fact, Jesus Himself said that these Edomites would be so
persuasive in their deceptions that Christians would even be willing
to kill other Christians, in order to please their deceivers: “They
shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that
whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.” – John
16:2. The “Christian” Zionists, thinking that they do “God”
service, have joined the Jews in calling for the extermination of the
Palestinian people, the prosecution of “racists,” the silencing of
dissent and the instigation of phony wars!!! How’s that for
“service”? They serve the devil, thinking they are serving God. Is it
possible to be any more deluded than that? It is also certain that
these “Christian Zionists” will support the Zionist Police State,
when their thugs go around seeking “homegrown terrorists” to
imprison, and when their PharmakeiaPolice (Tyrannosaurus Rx)
force you accept deadly vaccinations.


Judeo-Christians are perfectly comfortable with all of these
Jewish traits, because it is all excused by the fact that “Jesus
was a Jew,” and because “the Jews are g-d’s chosen
people.” These two lame excuses make everything the Jews
do against humanity acceptable in their eyes. Satan never
had it so good!!
At the same time, the Judeos teach that True Israel is no
longer His Chosen People. The Bible says exactly the
opposite. It is not our fault that they are so adamantly
resistant to the truth of OUR Israel Identity that they
simply cannot see the headlights that are aiming to run them


Yahweh says that there will be REMNANT in the last
days; and that remnant will consist of flesh-and-blood
“Such is the lot of Israel. It was for Israel that I made the
world, and when Adam transgressed my decrees the creation
came under judgment.” – II Esdras, 7:11.
So the posts went with the letters from the king and his
princes throughout all Israel and Judah, and according to the
commandment of the king, saying, Ye children of Israel, turn
again unto the LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel,
and he will return to theremnant of you, that are escaped out
of the hand of the kings of Assyria. – II Chron. 30:6.


And there shall be an highway for the remnantof his
people, which shall be left, from Assyria; like as it was to
Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of
Egypt. –Isa. 11:16.
The remnant shall return, eventhe remnant of Jacob,
unto the mighty God. For though thy people Israel be
as the sand of the sea, yet a remnant of them shall
return: the consumption decreed shall overflow with
righteousness. For the Lord GOD of hosts shall make
a consumption, even determined, in the midst of all the
land. – Isa. 10:21-23.


For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of
Jacob are not consumed. – Malachi 3:6.
“I am not sent but unto the lost [exiled] sheep of the house of
Israel”. – Matt. 15:24. It says “house of Israel,” not “spiritual
Israel.” The House of Israel is always, without exception, a
reference to the literal children of Israel.
The REMNANT OF TRUE ISRAEL will prevail.
The Jews will not. But the parable of the wheat and the
tares warns us that those of our race, whose “roots” are too
tightly entwined with those of the tares, will be rooted up,
gathered and burned along with the tares. (Matt. 13: 24-30.)


Do you comprehend this message? Either you recover your
sanity and join the remnant, or you will burn with the tares.
What is more important to you? Pride or Life?
Both Exiled Israel and Edom are fully alive in the flesh
today; but the anti-Christ has fooled the Christian world
into believing that neither exists; and it is all vain
discussion. “Everything is spiritual,” they say. Contrary to
what the modern heretics teach, the failure to believe in the
literal fulfillment of these prophecies will condemn these
heretics to certain death. Very few of them will survive the
Judgment Day. Yahweh is not concerned about numbers.
He is concerned about quality. The book of II Esdras has
this to say about it:


“..the owner of what is hard to get has more cause to be
pleased than the owner of what is plentiful. In the same way,
when I fulfill my promise to the creation, I SHALL HAVE
it is they who have made my glory prevail now, and through
them my name (YHWH) has been made known.” II Esdras,
The Judeo-Christians, in their perpetual delusion of good
intentions, have done great service to the devil, for they have
lifted up his seed high above their own, and without
questioning Jewish motives or observing their evil practices,
they repeat, like parrots, the sick refrain, “The Jews are g-d’s chosen people.”


Jesus said, “By their FRUITS SHALL YE KNOW
THEM.” Open your eyes and stop believing their LIES. He who is deceived does not know he is deceived, until
someone explains it to him.

A copy of “The Great Impersonation” can be obtained for
$37 (Postpaid) from my website, www.anglo- via Paypal, or by mail from ANP POB
411373, Chicago IL 60641.


Part 4 0f 4
