The Story Of Gog And Magog, Part 05


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The Story Of Gog And Magog
Satan bound for a 1000 years – The Victorian era – Gog steals South Africa’s


The Story of Gog & Magog Will be covered in a series of 10 parts
1. Attila, The Rise of Islam and the Khazars 2. Genghis Khan, The Russians & the 3 frogs
of Revelation
3. The Spanish Armada & Inquisition + the
English revolution
4. The rise of the Rothschilds & the Armenian
5. Satan Bound For a 1000 Years – French &
American Revolutions & The Victorian Era 6. WW1 & WW2 – Sections 1 & 2
7. WW3 – The secret war


The Story of Gog & Magog
Will be covered in a series of 10 parts
8. Gog’s covert attack on western culture,
education, legal system, health, art &
9. False flag operations & 7/7 London
10. Conclusion


Gog – Recap Parts 1 – 5
6) Gog attack on England via the Spanish
Armada fails
7) Gog dispersed by the Spanish
Inquisition to Mexico, Sicily and
8) From Amsterdam Gog is successful in
gaining control of Britain’s money 9) By knowing the Illuminati’s occult
numbering code one can identify false
flag operations


Gog of The Land of
Magog Analysis of Ezekiel 38 : 15
First half of verse
And Thou (Attila/Genghis Khan) Shalt Come From Thy Place Out Of The North Parts, Thou And Many People With Thee All Of Them Riding Upon Horses, A Great Company, And A
Mighty Army


Thou And Many People With Thee All Of
Them Riding Upon Horses, A Great
Company, And A Mighty Army
The horse cavalries of Genghis Khan


Gog of The Land of
Second half of verse
And Thou Shalt Come Up Against My People of Israel, As A Cloud To Cover The Land: It Shall Be In The Latter Days, And I Will Bring Thee Against My Land That The Heathen May Know Me, When I Shall Be Sanctified In Thee, O Gog, Before Their


Gustave Doré’s
which is the Devil, and Satan, depiction of Satan and bound him a thousand from John Milton’s years.
Paradise Lost
Satan Bound For A Thousand
Revelation 20:1-3 And I saw
an angel come down from
heaven, having the key to the
bottomless pit and a great
chain in his hand.
2. And he laid hold of the
dragon, that old serpent,


Satan Bound For A Thousand
3. And cast him in to the
bottomless pit, and shut
him up, and set a seal
upon him, that he should
deceive the nations no
more until the thousand
years should be fulfilled
and after that he must be
loosed a little season. Angel with the key to the
bottomless pit


Satan Bound For A Thousand
This passage is made up of, or about Satan (the Jews – Gog) being cast into the bottomless pit of non-influence for a symbolic thousand years (actually from the time of (Christ) or Yahshua until 1776).


Satan Bound For 1000 Years
• Nowhere do the Scriptures say that the 1000 year binding of Satan is in the same time frame as the millennial reign of Christ.
Further if Satan were able to influence the nations to go to war during Christ’s reign it would imply an imperfect reign!


Satan Bound For 1000 Years
• The word Satan here is a collective term referring to his offspring the Yehudin (accursed ones) the Jews. • One can see that this prophecy is being fulfilled by the Gog controlled United Nations and confirmed by its insignia.


Satan Bound For 1000 Years • The Jews (Gog) did not
gain any great influence
until the time of the
Illuminati (1776), and
since that time, Satan
(the Jews) have
regained their control
over the nations. It
has developed into the United Nations, which is attempting to control the entire world (“four quarters of the earth”).


Gog & Magog – Gathering the
Nations From The Whole
The UN Logo
Rev. 20, 8: And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle the number of whom is as the sand of the sea (Israel).


Gog & Magog – Gathering the
1) The 2 olive
branches represent
Israel (2 Houses)
being gathered to
2) Gog & Magog
gathering Israel
from the 4 corners 3) Note that there are 33
of the world sections on the insignia an
represented by the important Illuminati number!
world map.


Gog & Magog In English Folklore
There are a number of mentions of Gog and Magog in English legends which will be covered in the next few slides re their importance relating to biblical prophecies.
Gog & Magog giving Paddit a lift out of the


Satan Bound For 1000 Years
That Satan was Magog & Gog in the symbolism used in Revelation is confirmed by Old English Lore and legends from the Middle East
The Statues of Magog & Gog housed in the Guild Hall London


In Arthurian lore, King Arthur battled the giant captains of the nations Gog and Magog and with the help of Gargantua who overcame and killed them both. Afterward they built a great wall to contain the monstrous legions until the end of the world.
King Arthur


Satan Bound For 1000 Years
We have seen that the khazars from the land of Gog & Magog have had a colony in London since the times of the Silk Route.
Ancient London


These nine-foot tall statues of Gog (left) and Magog (right) stand at the Guildhall in London. First erected in the 1400’s, they were restored in 1708 following the Great Fire, then again after the end of World War II in 1953.


The Guildhall – London
It is appropriate that the statues of Gog & Magog should be housed in Guildhall, London – which is Gog’s Babylonian world headquarters
The Guildhall London


Gog & Magog Paraded In London
According to the Lord Mayor, the giants Gog and Magog are traditional guardians of the City of London, and images of them have been carried in the Lord Mayor’s Show since the days of King Henry V. The Lord Mayor’s procession takes place each year on the second Saturday of November.


In the Middle Ages it was believed that Gog and Magog were nations that had been confined behind mountains by Alexander the Great, who had used 6,000 bronze-and iron- workers to build a gate to hold them back.


Gog Walled IN
In the Alexander
Alexander chases
his enemies to a
pass between two
peaks in the
Caucasus known
as the “Breasts of the World”. He decides to imprison the “unclean nations” of the north, which include Gog and Magog, behind a huge wall of steel or adamantine.


Gog Walled IN
With the aid of God,
Alexander and his men
close the narrow pass,
keeping the uncivilized
Gog and Magog from
pillaging the peaceful
southern lands. The
nature of the pass is never
very clear; some sources say it is a pass between mountains, while others say it is a pass between the peaks and the Caspian Sea


Satan Bound For 1000 Years
Here is a painting by Qasim, 16th century, illustrating the building of the wall


Satan Bound For 1000 Years
Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Kathir al-Farghani
Circa 833-900AD
Arab tradition corroborates that the symbolic binding of Satan was Gog & Magog (The Jews) “They did not understand anything, because they were so isolated; they were Gog and Magog. They were spreading corruption through the earth,


Satan Bound For 1000 Years
Dhu’l Qarnayn –
.. and harming the people, so the people sought help from Dhu’l Qarnayn. They asked him to build a barrier between them and Gog and Magog. He asked them to help him to build it, so together they built a barrier by mixing iron, copper and tar.”


Satan Bound For 1000 Years
From the map on the left, one can see that Gog was hemmed in with no easy access to the civilised world


Khazars – Gog & Magog
This means that it is
highly likely that the
prophecies in The Bible
concerning Gog and
Magog, are directly
relevant to the
activities and destiny
of the Khazar Jews.
After being released Mountains of The
(scattered abroad) from
their Khazar Kingdom


Satan Bound For 1000 Years
– they were further entrapped in the Ghettoes of Poland within the Russian Empire and were not permitted to leave on pain of death – hence the term “beyond the pale”
One of the Polish


Russia Quarantines Gog’s Polish
“Empress Catherine II (the
Great!) established a
(Russian) protectorate
over Poland through
armed force….prior to the
Russian victory over
Poland, Russia proper did
not have a large Jewish
Catherine II


Russia Quarantines Gog’s
Polish Kahal
Czarina Catherine the
Great established a
territory called the Pale of
Settlement. The purpose
was to restrict the Jewish
population to this area
and confine the impact of
the Jewish population on
Russian society.” (Above
Quotes from
The Pale
“Anti-Semitism: Causes
and Effects”)


The Ghettos of Poland


Sarkel (Itil) – Khazarian Capital
Left: The ruins of the Khazarian capital now covered by a reservoir – no doubt to prevent excavations!
Sarkel (Itil) Aerial photo of remains of the Khazar capital


Gog & The Skull & Bones
Gog and Magog are two of the
traditional monikers taken by
newly-inducted members of
the Skull and Bones Society.
On an initiate’s first day in the
Skull and Bones society, they
are assigned a name, which Skull & Bones
they will be known as for the
rest of their life.


Gog & The Skull & Bones
The Order of Skull & Bones — Yale University Circa 1900
Two of the names that are regularly used are: Magog, which is assigned to the initiate with the most experience with the opposite sex; Gog, which
is assigned to the least sexually experienced.


Gog & The Skull & Bones
Many USA Presidents have been members of
this Illuminati organisation together with
many high officials in the administration


The Skull And Cross Bones
America’s wealthiest
Families are members of
the order:-
The Rockefellers
The Davidsons
The Paynes
The Harrimans
The Bushes
Arthur Sutton Traced The Occult Traditions Of This Organisation To The Illuminati


Bohemian Grove
Many of the Skull and Bone Society attend this pagan ceremony – it is purported that Tony Blair was invited to attend (2006) with his pal George Bush.


Satan Loosed From The
Bottomless Pit
Satan (the Jews) being cast
into the bottomless pit of non-
influence for a symbolic
thousand years (actually from
the time of (Christ) or
Yahshua until 1776). And is
then released from the period
of being rendered impotent
politically and monetarily to
go about deceiving The
Left: A woodcut depicting an angel having the key to the bottomless pit going to release Satan.


The Thousand Years Bound The Doomsday Book
The fall of Jerusalem 70AD —- Doomsday Book started 1066 completed 1086
The Khazars convert en-mass to Judaism 740AD – The Board of Deputies of British Jews formed 1760 /
The Illuminati formed 1776 / Congress of
Wilhelmsbad 1782


The 1782 Congress of
Louis XVI King of France
Emperor Leopold of Austria.
Gustavus III of Sweden
It was at this conference that the Masons voted to put to death these 3 European


The 1782 Congress of
The Wilhemsbad Congress
in 1872, under the auspices
of Meyer Amschel
Rothschild, united
continental masonry with
the Illuminati.
Few to this day are aware of
the importance of this event Meyer Amschel
written about by Nester H.
Rothschild’s castle in


The 1782 Congress of
Nesta H. Webster
Nesta H. Webster said “(its) importance to the subsequent history of the world has never been appreciated by historians”. It was held here “at Meyer Amschel
Rothschild’s castle in Wilhelmsbad” – Following the unification the power and influence of the Illuminati grew by leaps and bounds.


The 1782 Congress of
Maj. General Count Cherep- Spiridovich (left) stated in his book “The Secret World Government or The Hidden Hand” that “The absence of the eight lines (show in next the 3 next slides) Mrs. Webster’s book French Revolution most visibly detracts from its great value.”


The 1782 Congress of
“At Wilhelmsbad in 1782 it was decided to remove the headquarters of ‘Illuminized’ (i. e. re-judaized or re- satanized) Free-Masonry to Frankfurt-am-Main, which ‘incidentally’ was the stronghold of Jewish Finance,


The 1782 Congress of
….controlled by such leading members of the race as Rothschild, Mayer Amschel (left). At this head lodge of Frankfurt the gigantic plan of world revolution (practically murdering) was carried forward and it was there,


The 1782 Congress of
…. that at a large Masonic Congress in 1786, the deaths of Louis XVI and Gustavus III of Sweden were definitely decreed.” (And also of Emperor Joseph II of Austria).


The Thousand Years Bound
It is perhaps not insignificant that after the rise of Illuminati in 1776 – we find 2 Satanic symbols coming into wide use and being venerated by Christians – Namely the so-called “Star of David” and “Santa Claus”


Santa Claus = Satan
Unscramble the cleverly worded – “Santa
Claus.” Santa is obviously S a t a n, and Claus is L u c a s, from the Roman name Lucius, meaning “luminous or white,” which is derived from Lucifer or the “bringer of the light.”


Santa Claus = Satan
Santa Claus is also called “Old Saint Nicholas,” because Nicolaus is the same name as Nicholas, or “Old Nick,” – the Devil himself.


Santa Claus = Satan
If we stretch our
imagination even further, every time Santa says “Ho- Ho-Ho”, he is really saying “666.” Each word “HO” has 6 letters between the H and the O, where you get… H i j k l m n O, then HO HO HO here equals 6 6 6.


Santa Claus = Satan
Now, using A = 6, B = 12, C = 18, …. etc., the name
S A N T A C L A U S also adds up to 666.


The Star Of “David” The 666 Hexagram
The six-pointed star
was the symbol of
Moloch and Ashteroth.
It certainly was not
used by David, but The hook of 6
was used by Solomon points by which
in the later years of his
reign when ….. Gog would be


The Star Of “David” The 666 Hexagram
Some of King Solomon’s many
… he went after strange wives and religions causing Yahweh’s wrath and the splinting of the Kingdom.
Few Jews will tolerate a discussion of this subject


The Evil Eye
“The Serpent promised Adam and Eve that their eyes would “be opened” (Genesis 3:5)
The most foreboding aspect of this Scripture emerges from the fact that the Hebrew word for “eyes” is not plural, but


The Evil Eye
The “eye” that Scripture wants us to consider is not the physical organ of sight, but the eye of the mind or soul.


The Evil Eye
The Jews of England were forbidden to attend the coronation of Richard the Lion-heart (1189) for fear that an evil eye might harm the crown
Richard The Lion-Heart


The Evil Eye
So feared was the purported power of the Jew, that the German word for evil eye remains to this day “Judenblick” (Jews glance).”


Israel Nations Expanding Trade
& Territory
• During the 18th & 19th Centuries Britain (Ephraim) & France (Reuben) were the most powerful nations in the world.
• Gog would concentrate his attacks on these 2 powerful nations – France (The French Revolution) & Britain (Through its North American Colonies – the Boston “Tea Party” and later on the American Civil War.


The Hanseatic League
A Hanseatic League ship
Gog’s Trading block – The Hanseatic League (A Medieval Common Market) had ceased through the increased power of the Israelite nation states such as England, Holland, France and Spain to name just
a few.


The Hanseatic League
Gog was now looking to reassert its
control over trade – the first step
towards this goal would be the overthrow of France – through the so-
called “French” revolution!


The Hanseatic Trading League


Gog’s Stronghold In Poland
We Have seen in earlier presentations how on the collapse of the Khazar Empire, many Khazars went to Poland with many more joining them as a
consequence of the Spanish Inquisition during the 15th century.
Polish (Khazar) Military


Gog’s Stronghold In Poland
Krakow was the main centre of an almost autonomous region and being a Khazar stronghold was the reason for it being in the Hanseatic League. For this reason also it would become a pawn in the 2nd World War.


Krakow – Poland – in the middle ages


Gog’s Hanseatic League Trading
The Hanseatic League was a trading association of German merchants and cities that was active from the middle of the 12th century to the middle of the 17th century. At its largest extent in the mid-1400s, league membership included over
merchants maintained
permanent enclaves called kontors in other major cities in northern and western Europe. At the height of its power, the Hanseatic League held a virtual monopoly on trade in the North and
Baltic seas.


Gog’s Hanseatic League
With the decline of the
Hanseatic League in
the early 1700’s Gog
would build the
foundations of an
even more powerful
trading blocks as we
shall see in the
following slides and Hildesheim – a subsequent
Hanseatic League
presentations. Trading Centre


Gog Takes Control Of the East
India Companies
A British East India Co. Coin
Gog would use its plunder from the British, French and Dutch East India Companies to finance its attack on the French & British Empires following the demise of The Hanseatic League. We shall now have a brief look at the history of the British East India Company.


East India House in Leadenhall Street, London as drawn by Thomas Hosmer Shepherd, c.1817.
The British East India Company was a
British commercial and political organization established in India in the
late1600’s, which was known as the Governor and Company of Merchants of London. A forerunner of this group was
the London Mercers Company 71


British East India Company
Chennai, India
The British East India Company under the direct supervision of Francis Day and Andrew Cogon built it in 1640 AD. This place achieved its name from Saint George, the patron saint of England. The fort houses Saint Mary’s Church and fort museum. Saint Mary’s Church the oldest Anglican Church built in 1680 and the tombstones in its courtyard are the oldest British tombstones in India.


British East India Company
The fort houses Saint Mary’s Church and fort museum. Saint Mary’s Church the oldest Anglican Church built in 1680 and the tombstones in its courtyard are the oldest
An East Indian Official


British East India Company
1707 – 1 Jan 1801 British East India Company flag
1 Jan 1801 – 2 Aug 1858
British East India
Company flag
Notice the similarity to the United States
flag – The Stars and Stripes


Gog – Would Seize Control Of The British East India Company
This would be achieved by using the City of
London’s money power – “the great red dragon” – here we see the dragon supporters
of the city’s coat of arms!


Gog’s Ambitions In India
Indian policy was influenced by the company from 1757 to 1773, when their power was broken by the 1773 Regulatory Act, and Pitt’s India Act of 1784, finally ending their monopoly in 1813.


Gog’s Ambitions In India
When they ceased to
The Fabian Society Logo
exist in 1873, many of its shareholders were major financiers. The principals of this group perpetuated their elitist goals by establishing the Fabian Society


Karl Marx – Writes Gog’s Agenda
Karl Heinrich Marx
(May 5, 1818, Trier, Germany-March 14, 1883,
London, England). Chief theoretician of


Karl Marx – Writes Gog’s
Philosopher and political economist. Revolutionary. Journalist. Collaborated with Friedrich Engels. Organized International Workingmen’s Association. Author of the Communist Manifesto (1848) and Das Kapital.


The 2nd English Revolution 1884!
What Marx would do by force the Fabian Socialists would carry out by stealth by re-education and propaganda. The Fabian Society was formed in January 1884 after the arrival of the pseudo Jews from Russia.
The Fabian Society Logo


The Fabian Society
Here we see their present day headquaters at 11 Dartmouth St. London only a stone’s throw from 10, Downing St. and the Houses of Parliament
Fabian HQ


The Fabian Society
George Bernard
Among the early members was George Bernard Shaw, joined in April 1884 by, Edward Carpenter the poet Laureate of British Socialism, Havelock Ellis the apostle of free love also Frank Podmore and Sydney Webb, the founder of the London School of Economics.


The Fabian Society
This unassuming red door is the entrance to the Fabian headquarters in London.
The red painted door signals its Rothschild allegiance as well as the Illuminati sacred No. 11. Note also that the address 11, Dartmouth St. contains 11 letters


The East India Company & Virginia Company Have A Common Origin
A forerunner of this group (The British East India Company) was the London Mercers Company, and earlier than that, the London Staplers. The organization traced their lineage back to the ancient commercial groups involved in trading between the Mediterranean and India.


The East India Company & Virginia Company Have A Common Origin
Seal of Anglo
They were closely related to
the Levant Company, and the
Anglo-Muscovy Company, and
spawned the London
Company, which was
chartered in 1606 by King
James I, to establish the
Virginia Plantation on a –
communistic basis, and the
Plymouth Colony in 1621.


Gog Puts Pressure on King
George III • Gog put the squeeze on King
George and said they wouldn’t
loan him any money unless
pressure was put on the
colonies by taxes. This was
started and it kept increasing —
taxation without representation,
and the Revolutionary war was a
direct result of this squeeze on
King George by the Jews. It was
a plan by the international Jews
to break the financial structure
of the USA.
King George III




The 13 Colonies Gain Their
1783 – Treaty of Independence signed between the 13
colonies and Great Britain


Gog’s Agents On Both Sides Of
The Peace Treaty Signing
What the people of the United
States didn’t know was that
the peace treaty only gave
independence superficially –
because they were still tied to
the “Crown” – not the Royal
Crown but the legal crown in
the inns of court in London
and the London money power
or the Great Red Dragon of
The Knights Templars


Gog Establishes A Central Bank
In The USA
•1791: The Rothschilds through Alexander Hamilton (their agent in George Washington’s cabinet) set up a central bank in the USA called the Bank of the United States. This was established with a 20 year charter.
Alexander Hamilton


Gog – Starts To Eliminate & Control European (Israelite)
1806: Napoleon states that it is his, “object to remove the house of Hess-Cassel from rulership and to strike it out of the list of powers.” On hearing this, Prince William IX of Hesse-Hanau, flees Germany, goes to Denmark and entrusts his fortune valued at $3,000,000 at that time to Mayer Amschel Rothschild for safekeeping.


Gog’s Plans For The USA
Andrew Jackson
1811: The charter for the Rothschilds Bank of the United States runs out and Congress votes against its renewal. At the time Andrew Jackson (who would become the 7th President of the United States from 1829 to 1837) says, …..


Gog’s Plans For The USA
“If Congress has a right under the Constitution to issue paper money, it was given them to use by themselves, not to be delegated to individuals or corporations.” Nathan Mayer
Rothschild is not amused and he stated,


Gog’s Plans For The USA
The US Constitution
“Either the application for renewal of the charter is granted, or the United States will find itself involved in a most disastrous war.”
“Teach those impudent Americans a lesson. Bring them back to colonial status.”


Gog’s Plans For The USA
US President Andrew Jackson, the only US President (1839/47) to totally abolish the National Debt, condemned the international bankers as “A den of vipers,”
Andrew Jackson


President Jackson & The Money
… one which he was determined to root out of American life. Jackson claimed that if the American
people only understood how these “snakes” operate, . . “There would be a revolution before


Bank Of The United States
1812: Backed by Rothschild money, the British declare war on the United States. The Rothschilds plan was to cause the United States to build up such a debt in fighting this war that they would have to surrender to the Rothschilds and allow the charter for the Rothschild owned Bank of the United States
to be renewed.


The London Money Power
“I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.”
Nathan Mayer Rothschild 1815


Louisiana Part Of Gog’s Plot To
Control The USA
Revelation 12:4
And his tail drew the third part
of the stars of heaven, and did
cast them to the earth: and the
dragon stood before the
woman which was ready to be
delivered, for to devour her
child as soon as it was born.
This would be re-enacted in the DRACO (The
Stars of the American Heaven –
as we shall see.


Gog Wanted To Split The USA
Into 2 Parts
A Louisiana Territory
The Louisiana Territory was just purchased from France by the United States. This Territory was initially claimed by France but France secretly ceded it to Spain in 1762.


Gog Wanted To Split The USA
Into 2 Parts
In the Treaty of Paris in 1763, the British ratified the treaty giving Spain hegemony over the vast area.


Gog Wanted To Split The USA
Into 2 Parts
Here we see that Louisiana covered almost a third of the USA and even extending into Canada – hence it being the centre of political intrigues between the
European powers of that day 102


Louisiana’s Many Flags Indicates Its Turbulent History
Spanish Flag of Leone & Castile


Louisiana’s Many Flags Indicates Its Turbulent History
French Fleur-


Louisiana’s Many Flags Indicates Its Turbulent History
British Grand Union [1763]


Louisiana’s Many Flags Indicates Its Turbulent History
Bourbon Spain


Louisiana’s Many Flags Indicates Its Turbulent History
The French Tricolour


Louisiana’s Many Flags Indicates Its Turbulent History
West Florida Lone Star


Louisiana’s Many Flags Indicates Its Turbulent History
Independent Louisiana


Louisiana’s Many Flags Indicates Its Turbulent History
Independent Louisiana
1861 (The last flag only Lasted 2 Months!


Louisiana’s Many Flags Indicates Its Turbulent History
Louisiana Flag [1912] – The present flag


Plan To Divide The USA
1815 Andrew Jackson defeated the British at the Battle of New Orleans and saved control of the lower Mississippi for the United States. The British troops numbered about 8,000 to Jackson’s 4,000 defenders
General Jackson— the Lord’s terrible swift sword— commanding his troops at the Battle of New Orleans


The Czar Thwarts Gog’s Plans A
Second Time In The USA
Emperor Alexander sent the
Russian navy to New York, Virginia
and San Francisco in 1863 and their
presence was a warning to France
and Great Britain (The Rothschilds)
to stay out of the conflict. In 1867,
he sold Alaska to the U.S. for the
measly sum of $7.2 million dollars.
For freeing the serfs and saving the
American Union, Emperor
Alexander was killed by a Gog
assassin in 1881.
Emperor Alexander II of
Russia (1818-1881).


The Czar Thwarts Gog’s Plans A
Second Time In The USA
Alaska –
Formerly Russian Territory
…. In 1867, he sold Alaska to the U.S. for the measly sum of $7.2 million dollars. For freeing the serfs and saving the American Union, Emperor Alexander was killed by a Gog assassin in 1881.


The Czar Thwarts Gog’s Plans
Russian ship Osliaba arrived in Alexandria, Virginia, in 1863. For thwarting Gog’s plans a terrible revenge would be exacted on the Czar and Russian Christians – it should be noted that people of other religions such as Islam were not harmed


GOG – Initiates Communism In
Giuseppe Mazzini
• Lionel de Rothschild (the de was added by the French Rothschilds) was involved with the first communist
Internationale. The Mason Mazzini who helped start communism praised
Rothschild, “Rothschild could be King of France if he so desired.”


We now look at events in France that would have serious repercussions for the rest of the world:
The French Revolution & the rise of


Sir Walter Scott On The French
• Sir Walter Scott publishes
his nine volume set, The life
of Napoleon and in volume
two he states that the French
Revolution was planned by
the Illuminati (Adam
Weishaupt) and was
financed by the money
changers of Europe (The
Sir Walter Scott


First Communist (Jewish) Revolution – Paris Burns
The Duke of Orleans
The Masonic book A Ritual and Illustrations of Freemasonry contains the following passage, ‘The Masons… originated the Revolution with the infamous Duke of Orleans at their head.’


First Communist (Jewish) Revolution – Paris Burns
The Duke of Orleans, grand master of the Grand Orient Lodge of Freemasons, who reportedly bought all the grain in 1789 and either sold it abroad or hid it away, thus creating near starvation among commoners. Galart de Montjoie, a contemporary, blamed the Revolution almost solely on the Duke of Orleans,
The Duke of Orleans


First Communist (Jewish) Revolution – Paris Burns
Guiseppe Balsamo, a
student of the Jewish
Cabala, a Freemason, and a
Rosicrucian, became known
as Louis XVI’s court
magician Caliostro. He wrote
how the German Illuminati
had infiltrated the French
Freemason lodges for years
and added, ….
Guiseppe Balsamo


First Communist (Jewish)
Revolution – Paris Burns
… “By March 1789, the 266
lodges controlled by the Grand
Orient were all ‘illuminized’
without knowing it, for the
Freemasons in general, were not
told the name of the sect that
brought them these mysteries,
and only a very small number
were really initiated into the
Logo – Grand Orient Lodge – 1776


First Communist (Jewish) Revolution – Paris Burns
The Marquis de Lafayette
The Marquis de Lafayette, the man who had been initiated into the Masonic fraternity by George Washington, also played an important role in the French revolutionary cause. The Jacobin Club, which was the radical nucleus of the French revolutionary movement, was founded by prominent Freemasons.


First Communist (Jewish) Revolution – Paris Burns
After a series of failed rebellions, the Jacobites in Scotland were finally crushed at the battle of Culloden Moor near Inverness in 1746. Their leader, Charles Edward Stuart, “Bonnie Prince Charlie,
Bonnie Prince


First Communist (Jewish) Revolution – Paris Burns
… the young pretender,” escaped to France, taking with him Jacobites imbued with “Freemasonic ideals”. A year later in Arras, France, Charles chartered a Masonic Sovereign Primordial Chapter of Rose Croix known as “Scottish Jacobite”…


First Communist (Jewish) Revolution – Paris Burns
French Masons were heavily involved in the political events of that day. Webster noted, “All the
revolutionaries of the Constituent Assembly were initiated into the third degree” of Illuminized Masonry,
A French Masonic Symbol


First Communist (Jewish) Revolution – Paris Burns
including revolutionary leaders such as the Duke of Orleans, Valance, Lafayette, Mirabeau, Garat, Marat, Robespierre, Danton, and Desmoulins.


The Red Flag of The
The French Revolution was the first Communist influenced uprising on the Continent i.e. The Red
Flag of The House of Rothschild


Red – Gog’s Colour
The Phrygian cap of the Mithraic mysteries, known as the Bonnet Rouge (Red Hat), became the emblem of the revolutionaries and the Masonic tenets of Equality, Liberty and Fraternity their rallying cry. Mirabeau,


First Communist (Jewish) Revolution – Paris Burns
Because Britain and France
were the two greatest world
powers in the late years of
the 18th Century;
Weishaupt ordered the
Illuminati to foment the
colonial wars, including our
Revolutionary War, to
weaken the British Empire
and organize the French
Revolution to start in 1789


The French Revolution
The Beheading of The King of France
Left: 1793 – the King of France is beheaded in Paris on the square now known as the Place de la Concorde. His head was displayed to waiting mob after his execution.


The French Revolution
Storming of the Bastille prison.
Often it was enough for a person just to have had blond hair to be accused of being a nobleman – even though this was of course not always true, the French Revolution severely reduced the number of blond haired Whites in France.


First Communist (Jewish)
Revolution – Paris Burns
Many more
devastating attacks
on Christendom
were to follow:-
Russia, Armenia,
Ukraine, World War 1, 1792: In the midst of the
World War 2, French Revolution, Jews in
Rhodesia, France are granted
South Africa, Serbia citizenship and full civil


First Communist (Jewish) Revolution – Power Passes To
The Bankers
In the French Revolution power subtlety passed to the bankers who weren’t constrained by Christian niceties. Royal power was taken over by persons,


First Communist (Jewish) Revolution – Power Passes To
The Bankers
…. whose moral, intellectual and cosmopolitan qualities did allow them to use it. It is clear that these were people who had never been Christians,
but cosmopolitans.“


Gog Profits From War Between 2
Great Israelite Powers
Napoleon Duke of Wellington 1815: The five Rothschild brothers work to supply gold to both Wellington’s army (through Nathan in England) and Napoleon’s army (through Jacob in


Gog Profits From War Between 2 Great Israelite
… and the Rothschilds begin their policy of funding both sides in wars which they engineer.


Napoleon, Financed by
the Rothschilds
built synagogues in all major towns he conquered


Napoleon (a Gentile
Emancipated the Jews of Venice. In the course of his campaigns across Europe, Napoleon will replace the feudal kingdoms that he conquers with new republics,


Napoleon (a Gentile Freemason)
…. and the Jews are set free from the restrictions of the ghetto which had been placed upon them. Napoleon is still honoured today as the “Emancipator of the Jews.“


The Serpent Disraeli Ingratiates Himself With Queen Victoria
Engraving Westminster
The Westminster Review quoted Daniel O’Conner as saying: “If Disraeli’s genealogy would be traced back, he would no doubt be found to be the true heir of the impenitent thief on the cross”


Prince Albert Was Considered A
Threat To The NWO
Queen Victoria saw her duty as looking after her large family of 9 children and left the Hurley- burley of politics to Prince Albert. By his consolatory diplomacy between the 2 warring sides and Great Britain in adverting a world war, Gog saw him as an obstacle to their plans, so had to be eliminated.


The Trent Affair
Prince Albert
One of the Prince’s last and most notable services to his adopted country was the redrafting of a provocative British despatch at a moment of high tension in Anglo- American relations.


The Trent Affair
The European powers were shaken by the Unexpected victory of the Confederates at the battle of Manassas in July 1861


The Trent Affair
The Trent Interception
This was a ruse to get the European Powers involved in the American Civil War in order to bring the plans of the Rothschilds to fruition.


The Trent Affair
The Confederates
The Confederates sent 2 commissioners to London – sailing on the British Royal Mail steamer Trent (Captain Moir). However, news of their sailing plans had reached Captain Charles Wilkes of the U.S. warship San Jacinto and who decided to intercept them on the high seas.


The Trent Affair
Lord Palmerston was for strong action against the United States and instructed the Foreign Office to draft a letter to president Lincoln.
Lord Russell’s draft was
considered and approved
by the Cabinet at its
meeting on November 30th. Lord Palmerston 1809-1865


The Trent Affair
Windsor Castle
Drafts of the letter arrived at Windsor Castle late that evening, and were earnestly discussed by the Queen with her husband. The Prince Consort was at this moment an already dying man.


The Trent Affair
The Prince Consort’s acute
Germanic brain was still
active in his ailing body and,
after discussing Russell’s
drafts with the Queen, he took
them to his bedroom.
To his clear and detached
mind it was apparent that
Britain had nothing to lose,
but, on the contrary, much to
gain by preserving peace.


The Trent Affair
At eight o’clock he brought his Memorandum to the Queen’s room, exclaiming pitiably: “Ich bin so schwach, ich habe kaum die Feder halten konnen.” But his work was done; it was the last service he was to perform for his country. He had avoided war. Two weeks later he was dead (December 14th, 1861). – Murdered by Gog’s agents.


Prince Albert Assassinated By
Prince Albert on his death bed – supposedly from Typhoid – being a very contagious disease – no one else in the household caught it despite being so


Death Of Prince Albert
Prince Albert Memorial
The death of Prince Albert would leave Queen Victoria open to the machinations of wily politicians


The Serpent Disraeli Ingratiates Himself With Queen Victoria
Upon the death of Prince
Albert 14 December, 1861,
at the age of 42, the serpent
in the form of Benjamin
Disraeli moved in.
The Cartoon Alludes to
Disraeli Exchanging the
Crown Of England for The
Empress of India Crown Disraeli and Queen Victoria Exchanging Gifts (Punch Magazine 1876)


Benjamin Disraeli – Rothschild Agent
Disraeli having an audience with Queen Victoria
Benjamin Disraeli was the Rothschild’s European Banking Empire’s Representative in


Benjamin Disraeli – Rothschild
In 1857 the Rothschilds and
their representatives held a
meeting and established a
plan to divide the United
States and conquer it
financially. The North would
revert to a British Colony
and be annexed to Canada,
while the South would come
Benjamin Disraeli 1804-
under the rule of Napoleon


Benjamin Disraeli – Rothschild
Disraeli was the first Jew to be admitted to Parliament after several attempts and opening the way for Jews and Catholics to subvert our Christian


Gog Instigates Civil War In The
In 1861, during the Civil War, Congress adjourned sine die. That term means forever, never to return. The Republic was under Martial Law….
The American Civil


Gog Instigates Civil War In
The States
…. and President Lincoln appointed representatives for the southern states and forced the legislature to again sit.


Gog Instigates Civil War In The
The civil war was supposedly about freeing slaves in the south but was in reality about the Rothschilds gaining
financial control of the south.
There was no truce, so in reality the civil
war is still ongoing.


The People Of The USA Decide To Debar Lawyers From The
The proposition to debar
lawyers required that 13
States vote in favour out of
17 that were in the union at
that time.


The People Of The USA
Decide To Debar Lawyers
From The Legislature
12 States had voted for the
amendment by 1812.
However, there was a civil
war, no doubt by design,
during this year, so
Virginia’s affirmative vote
was made known by publication and dissemination – this was ignored by Gog knowing that a corporate constitution would soon be set up.


Gog Acquires Washington DC
Washington DC
On 21st February 1871, “An Act To Provide A Government For The District Of Columbia” was passed by the 41st Congress. Why would such an act be passed for a 10 sq mile parcel of land and in defiance of the Constitution?


Gog Acquires Washington DC
The USA was virtually bankrupt
after the civil wars stirred up by
the Rothschilds, so no doubt
pressure was applied by the
usual methods. Washington DC
would become the Corporate
with its own Constitution of
AMERICA to replace the
original Constitution for the
united states of America.


Gog Acquires Washington DC
After obtaining a
foothold it would not
be long before Gog
took control of the
whole of the USA
signalled by the
flying of the Stars
and Stripes military
version instead of the individual state flags and the civil version of the stars and stripes with its vertical stripes.


Gog Acquires Washington DC
The people of the USA, just as in other Israelite nations, are enslaved to a corporate Government and given fictitious names by converting their names to all uppercase letters – look at your next communication from the Government and you will see this is the case.


Gog Tampers With USA
The 14th
amendment was
never properly
ratified – 11
senators from
southern states
were barred from
sitting to enable
the amendment to The American
be passed. Constitution


Gog Tampers With USA
This amendment would effectively make every
one a citizen and pave the way for the
assimilation of non-white races.


Gog Tampers With USA
Proposed by Congress June 16, 1866; proclaimed adopted July 21, 1868


The Chicago Fire
Sunday evening, October 8, 1871 marked the beginning of one of the most devastating fires in U.S. history


The Chicago Fire
Between October 8 and 10, an estimated 350 people perished. The fire destroyed the homes of up to one-third of the city’s population, about 1,600 stores, 60 factories, and 28 public buildings. Four square
miles of the city burned to the


The Chicago Fire
Was it a coincidence that this fire occurred in the same year Washington DC became an
independent state within the union?


Gog Would Rebuild Chicago In His
Own Image – Gigantic
The Chicago fire like the great fire of
London, would be used by Gog to reconstruct the city in his image – huge skyscrapers which only the London Money Power could afford. Previously prior to the fire the buildings were no more than 2 – 3 stories high and owned by the occupiers.


Gog Exterminates Free Meat
The London Money Power
determined to control the
beef trade. To do this it
would be necessary to
exterminate the plentiful
supply of free meat namely
the bison that roamed the
plains. This was achieved Some of the
by placing a bounty on once plentiful
bison hides far in excess of
what they were really worth.


A.T. Stewart & Co. – New York
Gog’s Agent In Taking Over The
Retail Trade
A.T. Stewart was a
Scotsman who, for years,
occupied a little narrow
place on Broadway a few
feet wide, where he
peddled needles, and
thread and tape. He
suddenly bloomed out in a palatial building, with a thousand clerks behind his counters, and twenty million dollars worth of goods upon his shelves.


A.T. Stewart & Co. – New York Gog’s Agent In Taking Over
The Retail Trade
At the same time,
there was a branch
house of A.T.
Stewart & Co., in
Glasgow, Scotland,
and another in
Germany; besides
establishments in
Belfast, Ireland, and
in Paris.


A.T. Stewart & Co. – New York Gog’s Agent In Taking Over The
Retail Trade
The peculiarity of his
style of business was,
that he had in his House a
number of departments;
in the various
departments, goods of
every variety, of the best
A typical
quality, and at the Department
cheapest wholesale
prices. and, ….


A.T. Stewart & Co. – New York Gog’s Agent In Taking Over
The Retail Trade
The Rothschild
…. this was the start of large department stores that would put the small trader out of business – the “Co” of Stewart & Co was The London Money Power – namely the Rothschilds or their agent banking houses.


Gog – Buys And Controls The
US Rail Roads
Old Chicago Rail Marshalling Yard
Gog would use the power of the purse to gain control of the USA’s railways and use this as another means of wresting control of trade from the Israelites by giving rebates to his proxies while charging a premium to others.


Gog – Buys And Controls The
US Rail Roads
This was how the
Rockefeller /
Rothschild syndicate
gained control of the
oil industry and
would use their
influence to remove
competing fuel
sources such as The Old Standard Oil
coal and thereby
gain even more


The US Illuminati Exposed
In 1826, Captain William Morgan, a journalist and stonemason from Batavia, New York, who was a high degree mason in a local Masonic lodge, wrote an exposé of the Masonic Order in a book called Illustrations of Masonry


The US Illuminati Exposed
Under the name of William Preston, which revealed many of their secrets concerning the first three degrees. Shortly afterward, he was arrested and charged with stealing and indebtedness, and put in jail.


The US Illuminati Exposed
Here we see a newspaper advert – blackening Morgan’s character for having exposed the secrets
of the Illuminati


Gog Takes Control Of The USA’s
Edward Henry Harriman becomes a director of the Union Pacific Railroad and goes on to take control of the Southern Pacific Railroad. This is all financed by the Rothschilds
Edward Henry Harriman


1895 – Gog Starts Its Plans To
Seize The Holy Land
Edmond James de
Rothschild the youngest
son of Jacob (James)
Mayer Rothschild visits
Palestine and
subsequently supplies the
funds to found the first
Jewish colonies there, this
is to further their long
term objective of creating The Temple a Rothschild formed


1895 – Gog Starts Its Plans To
Seize The Holy Land
1897: The Rothschilds found the Zionist Congress and arranged its first meeting in Munich. However due to local Jewish opposition this is re-arranged for Basle, Switzerland and takes place on 29 August.


1895 – Gog Starts Its Plans To
Seize The Holy Land
The meeting is chaired by Theodor Herzl, who would state in his diaries, “It is essential that the sufferings of
Jews….become worse….
Theodor Herzl
Lodge № 75, Raanana


1895 – Gog Starts Its Plans To
Seize The Holy Land
…. this will assist in
realization of our plans….I
have an excellent idea….I
shall induce anti-Semites
to liquidate Jewish
wealth…. The anti-Semites
will assist us thereby in
that they will strengthen
the persecution and
oppression of Jews. The
anti-Semites shall be our
best friends.”


1895 – Gog Starts Its Plans To
Seize The Holy Land
Theodore Herzl is subsequently elected President of the Zionist Organisation which adopts the, “Rothschild Red Hexagram or Sign,” as the Zionist flag which 51 years later will end up as the flag of the Israeli state.
Theodore Herzl


GOG’s Boer War
At the turn of the 19th century there occurred a war so devastating in its consequences that the world is
still feeling its effect. – This was the Boer War


GOG’s Boer War
A South African
Gold Mine
Perhaps the most important result of the war is that Gog gained control of the richest gold deposits known to mankind, along with a diversity of minerals seldom found in one country.


The Boer Holocaust
1)Young starved victim
2)Killing the Boers’ sheep
3)The dead carcases


First Concentration Camp Was
Left: The Boer
Holocaust: Boer
children, emaciated
through disease,
photographed in British
concentration camps in
South Africa, 1900-1902.
Eventually 27,927
women and children
were to die in this way. The Boer Holocaust


The Boer Holocaust
Family at the
beginning – newly
arrived with tea and
bread (British
Propaganda for
consumption in the
UK) to make the
public believe that One of the British
the Boers were
accommodated in
ideal conditions!


The First Concentration Camps
Were “British” (Gog)
The inscription
panel records the
death of 26,370
women and
children in British
Concentration Women’s Memorial


The First Concentration
Camps Were “British” (Gog
English Translation of the
Afrikaans legend
inscribed on the war
“THY WILL BE DONE” Bloemfontein (South
This National Monument
Africa) – Dutch
was erected
in memory of the Reformed Church


The First Concentration
Camps Were “British” (Gog
English Translation of the
Afrikaans legend
inscribed on the war
26,370 women and
who died in the Bloemfontein (South
and other women and


The First Concentration
Camps Were “British” (Gog
English Translation of the
Afrikaans legend
inscribed on the war
who as a result of the
lost their lives Bloemfontein (South
Top left panel:
“For freedom, NATION


The First Concentration Camps Were “British” (Gog
English Translation of the
Afrikaans legend
inscribed on the war
Top right panel:
FORSAKE THEE Bloemfontein (South


Gog Seizes South Africa’s
Mineral Wealth
The outcome of the war was that The Oppenheimers (agents of the Rothschilds) would take control of South Africa’s mineral wealth.
Diamond Mine De


Gog Goes On To Seize Political
Control Of South Africa
Gog not satisfied with
having seized South
Africa’s mineral wealth
goes on to plot the
downfall of its white
government – signalled
by the assassination of Under Dr. Verwoerd’s
Dr. Verwoerd and putting
leadership SA
in place a white puppet, prospered despite
later to be followed by
Gog’s sanctions
black puppets.


SA Now Firmly In The Control Of
SACP boss, Joe Slovo
Mandela with Joe Slovo
“This terrorist Nelson Mandela is now puffed up by the controlled media as a symbol, an icon, one of the
world’s most famous statesmen, recognised and
revered by all the deceived.


SA Now Firmly In The Control
Of Gog
He dines with royalty,
associates with the
world’s great leaders and
his opinion is sought and
valued on all weighty
matters. He has achieved
an almost divine status in
the world, equal to that of
the Pope or the late
Princess Diana.”


The Story Of Gog And Magog
A thought to leave you with Jesus gave you a little clue on who was behind your troubles. HE said in the last days, they will deliver you to the synagogue (Town Hall) and the
magistrate. And they always have one procedure. Know what that is? THE FALSE WITNESS!


The Story Of Gog And Magog
To be continued …………….Gog’s World Wars 1 & 2 – Part 6
