The Story Of Gog And Magog, Part 04


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The Story Of Gog And Magog
The Rise of The House Rothschild & The
Armenian Holocaust


The Story of Gog & Magog Will be covered in a series of 10 parts
1. Attila, The Rise of Islam and the Khazars 2. Genghis Khan, The Russians & the 3 frogs
of Revelation
3. The Spanish Armada & Inquisition + the
English revolution
4. The rise of the House of Rothschild & the
Armenian Holocaust
5. The French Revolution &The Victorian Era 6. WW1 & WW2
7. Post War Situation


The Story of Gog & Magog Will be covered in a series of 10 parts
8. Gog’s covert attack on western culture,
education, legal system, health, art &
9. False flag operations
10. Conclusion


Gog – Recap Parts 1 & 2
1) Ezekiel 38:15 Had important Key Words and
That This Key Verse Covered Most Of The
AD Period to the present day.
2) Magog=Equals Mongol.
3) Gog = Khazar = Askenazim Jew – Mongolia 4) Gog’s three major frontal attacks – Attila,
Genghis Khan and the Moors
5) The rise of the 3 evil spirits (on the banner
of Clovis King of the Franks) Portended
Jacob’s trouble


Gog – Recap Parts 1 & 2
6) Gog attack on England via the Spanish
Armada fails
7) Gog dispersed by the Spanish
Inquisition to Mexico, Sicily and
8) From Amsterdam Gog is successful in
gaining control of Britain’s money 9) By knowing the Illuminati’s occult
numbering code one can identify false
flag operations


The Story of Gog of The Land of
Magog Analysis of Ezekiel 38 : 15
First half of verse
And Thou (Attila/Genghis Khan) Shalt Come From Thy Place Out Of The North Parts, Thou And Many People With Thee All Of Them Riding Upon Horses, A Great Company, And A
Mighty Army


Thou And Many People With Thee All Of Them Riding
Upon Horses, A Great
Company, And A Mighty
The horse cavalries of Genghis Khan


The Story of Gog of The Land of
Second half of verse
And Thou Shalt Come Up Against My People of Israel, As A Cloud To Cover The Land: It Shall Be In The Latter Days, And I Will Bring Thee Against My Land That The Heathen May Know Me, When I
Shall Be Sanctified In Thee, O Gog,
Before Their Eyes.


Gog Deceives The Nations
We saw in part 2, that
Jacob’s Trouble was signalled on the banner of Clovis (King of the Franks) by the 3 frogs (evil spirits) of Rev 16:13) and shall now look in more detail at of one
of these –


Gog Deceives The Nations
… the Rothschilds – the other 2 being Weishaupt
(Illuminati) & Loyola
It is believed that the
Rothschilds are the most influential of the 13
controlling families.


Gog Deceives The Nations
“And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth
of the false prophet.” Rev 16:13


The House of Rothschild
• As Frederic Morton wrote
in the preface to “The
Rothschilds:” “Someone
once said that the Wealth
of the Rothschilds
consists of the
bankruptcy of nations.”

Frederic Morton


The House of Rothschild
• In his “The Empire of the
City,” E C, Knuth wrote: “The fact that the House of
Rothschilds made its
money in the great crashes of history and the great wars of history, the very periods when others
lost their money, is
beyond question.”


Rothschild’s Plot to Control The
William had inherited what was purported to be among
the largest fortunes in
Europe and eventually
came to depend
substantially on Mayer for managing this fortune, particularly during and
after the invasion and
Mayer Amschel
Bauer (Rothschild) (1744-1812).
conquest of the area by


Rothschild’s Plot to Control
The World
Much of the early
Rothschild fortune
and rise to
prominence was built
on business dealings
with the Landgrave of
Hesse-Cassel, also
known as William IX
The Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel


Rothschild’s Plot to Control The
Mayer Amschel Bauer began hanging out a red hexagram in front of his house – hence the name
Rothschild from the German (Rot = Red & schild = shield) – The sign of the red shield.
Rot + (h) + (schild) = Rothschild


Gog Grovels To Achieve His
The Rothschilds like the rest of their Canaanite viper race would go on their belly or grovel as foretold in Gen.
3:14 —
We shall see this in an example of a letter sent to a German prince to ingratiate himself into royal courts


Gog Grovels To Achieve His
Gen. 3:14 — “Because thou has done this thou are cursed above all
cattle, above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy of thy


Gog Grovels To Achieve His
Objectives – The Letter
• “It has been my particular
high and good fortune to
serve your lofty princely Serenity at various times and
to your most gracious satisfaction. I stand ready to exert all my energies and my entire fortune to serve your
lofty princely serenity whenever in future it shall please you to command me.


Gog Grovels To Achieve His
Objectives – The Letter
• An especially powerful incentive to this end would be given me if your lofty princely serenity were to distinguish me with an appointment as one of your Highness’ Court Factors. I am making bold to
beg for this with the more confidence in the assurance
that by so doing I am not
giving any trouble;


Gog Grovels To Achieve His
Objectives – The Letter
• while for my part such a distinction would lift up my commercial standing and be of help to me in many other
ways that I feel certain thereby to make my own way and fortune here in the city of


Rothschild’s Plot to Control The
Money was Rothschild’s
first priority even in arranging who his sons
would marry.
Mayer Amschel
Bauer (Rothschild)


Rothschild’s Plot to Control The
Mayer Amschel
Bauer (Rothschild) (1744-1812).
Mayer Amschel
Bauer’s Fortunes prospered by lending
on usury to the potentates of Europe, so much so that he
divided Europe between his 5 sons.


Rothschild’s Plot to Control
The World
The Rothschilds
The Rothschilds would become the main coordinating force behind their fellow Gogites’
assault on Christendom and
true Israel in


The Rothschilds = “Rot” (Red)
“Schild” (Shield)
Here we see Mayer Amschel Bauer’s 5 sons who would take control of Europe & eventually the


Amschel Meyer Rothschild
This Son looked after the
lending operations in
It is interesting to note that the European Central Bank is located in Frankfurt-am-Main.
Amschel Meyer
It should also be noted that during the devastating allied bombing of Frankfurt – no bomb fell near the Rothschild
mansion there!


Nathan Meyer Rothschild
Nathan Meyer Rothschild
The son Nathan was sent to London to take control of the Rothschilds banking interests there, which with Paris would become the senior partnership because of the legal hold the Knights Templars have over the British Empire and North


Nathan Meyer Rothschild
There is a story that says one of Nathan’s sons asked
him how many nations there were in the world and Nathan replied: ‘There are only two you need to bother
about. There is the
Nathan Meyer Rothschild
mishpoche [Yiddish for family] and there are the


The Race War
Houston Stewart Chamberlain: “Saw all history
as a conflict
between the Aryans and the
Houston Stewart Chamberlain confirmed what
Nathan Rothschild said!


Salomon Rothschild
Salomon was busy getting
various titles. In 1801 his firm
became crown agents of the
Landgrave William of Hesse-
Cassel. All these titles were
wonderful, but most important
was the Landgrave’s. The
Landgrave was the richest Salomon
Prince in Europe and the Rothschild
Rothschilds were determined
to take advantage of his (1774-1855)


Salomon Rothschild
Salomon Rothschild
Salomon ‘dropped dead’. He had been placed in a coffin
and, according to Jewish
custom, carried into every room in the house. One of the pall bearers had stumbled, the coffin had crashed into a door and Salomon had woken up! Not for another three years was he well and truly buried.”


Kalmann (Carl) Meyer Rothschild
Kalmann (Carl) Meyer Rothschild
While in Italy the Rothschild “mantle” came upon Carl and he made a series of
ingenious deals
with the Italian government that forced Naples to
pay for its own


Kalmann (Carl) Meyer Rothschild
Luigi de Medici
He also helped Luigi de Medici of the Black Nobility to re-gain his position as finance minister of Naples, and later did business
with the powerful


Kalmann (Carl) Meyer Rothschild
He became financier to the
court, the “financial overlord of
Italy.” Carl “…wound the Italian
peninsula around his hand.” He
did business with the Vatican,
and when Pope Gregory XVI
received him by giving him his Mayer Carl
hand rather than the customary Rothschild
toe to kiss, people realized the
extent of his power. The Pope
conferred upon him the Order
of St. George


Jacob (James) Meyer Rothschild
Jacob (James) Meyer
This branch of the Rothschild family financed Napoleon who gained control of the Papacy and it is for this reason
that the Jesuit controlling Black Pope is based in


Jacob (James) Meyer
Rothschild Paris
Jacob (James) Meyer
Edmond, the youngest son of James (Yakov) de Rothschild while on oil business in Southern Russia visited Gori in Georgia had an affair
with a Jewish wine merchant’s servant girl who became pregnant


The Rothschilds = “Rot” (Red)
“Schild” (Shield)
Mayer Amschel Rothschild &
The five Rothschild brothers as well as being the dominant banking family within
five countries in Europe: GERMANY, FRANCE, ENGLAND, ITALY, and AUSTRIA.


The Rothschilds = “Rot” (Red) “Schild” (Shield)
In the late 1800’s, the Rothschilds financed American Corporations
partners with:
Jacob Schiff of Kuhn Loeb


The Rothschilds Amass A Huge
The Rothschilds
prospered through their
skill at manipulating money and consequently could build/ buy mansions and estates to match any
of the royal rulers in Europe as we shall see in
the following slide.


Some Of The European Homes
Of The Rothschilds


Some Of The European Homes
Of The Rothschilds
Mentmore Towers – Buckinghamshire –


Mentmore Towers
Hannah Louise de Rothschild (1850-1892).
Baron Mayer, married a Cohen.
Mayer built a spectacular house, Mentmore Towers. Said one woman: “I do not believe that the Medicis were ever so lodged at the height of their glory.” The Mentmore Towers were turned over to Mayer’s daughter, Hannah, when he died. Hannah married the Earl
of Roseberry in 1878.


Mentmore Towers
The Earl of Roseberry became
Prime Minister of England in
1894-95. The Mentmore Towers
are still owned today by the
son of Hannah, the current Earl
of Roseberry. The Baron Mayer
de Rothschild was a member of Earl of
Parliament (never made a Roseberry
speech), and loved horse
breeding and racing. He was
the “sporting” member of the


Rothschild Coat Of Arms
Rothschilds coat-of-arms
Only the Rothschilds had enough power and influence to be able to mimic the coat-of-arms of our Royal House –
note the Zionist star between the horns of the bull (England) and the
Rothschild spears pointed at the Eagle of Manasseh and the Lion
of true Judah


Rothschild & Royal Coat Of
The Rothschild’s Arms are based on the Royal Coat of arms – note the 6 pointed star in the horns of the
Bull – Ephraim England – Engel (Bull Land)


Trinity Broadcasting Network
Note the similarity to the Rothschild’s coat-
The Dove is pointing downwards which is a
Satanic sign
TBN supports the Zionist state in


Rothschild’s 5 Spears (Sons)
Here we see part of the Rothschild coat of Arms – the 5 spears representing the 5 sons
Notice that the 5 spears are pointing upwards (from Hell?) pointing towards heaven to make war.


St. Swithins Lane – Global
Who would have guessed that St. Swithins Lane, a
very narrow and unassuming thoroughfare of Cannon Street, is the headquarters of the Rothschild
global empire!


St. Swithins Lane – Global
This is the only clue that this building is the Rothschild headquarters! (They keep a low public profile)


St. Swithins Lane – Global
The lintel above Five Arrows House – notice it is No 18 (3 x 6) or 666


St. Swithins Lane – Global
A Close up of the No. 18.


St. Swithins Lane – Global
Appropriately the window ledge of Five Arrows House are supported by Goats’ heads – one of them is seen on the left.


St. Swithins Lane – Global
A small shield
on the wall of
Five Arrows
House. Not
yet identified
but probably
a ward


St. Swithins Lane – Global
Is this where the Rothschilds dine? The sign of the man in black


St. Swithins Lane – Global
The Resturant is just next door to Five Arrows House!


Rothschilds & The Rockefellers
Mayer Amschel
Bauer (Rothschild) (1744-1812).
John D. Rockefeller the 1st
We shall see in the next few slides the links between the 2 Gogite (Khazar) families the
Rothschilds and the Rockefellers


Rothschilds Bankroll The
John D. Rockefeller
John D. Rockefeller the 1st. The worlds first billionaire, shown here in the later part of his long life. He got his big start with a loan from the Rothschild owned bank the National City and never looked back.
Rockefeller was related to the Rothschilds through the female line!


John Davison Rockefeller I
Notable Sayings
“The combination is here to stay. Individualism has gone, never to return.”
“I want to own nothing and control everything.”
Born 18th July 1839
“Competition is a sin.”
Died 23rd May 1937


Rothschilds Bankroll The
John D Rockefeller the 2nd increased his fathers billions


Rothschilds Bankroll The
The third generation, John D. Rockefeller the 2nd and the brothers David, Nelson, Winthrop, Laurence and John. All founded their own Empires


Rothschilds Bankroll The
David Rockefeller, World Banker meets with retired Terrorist (rags to Riches) President


Rothschilds Bankroll The
Notice how the world’s 2
major controlling families
founded their dynasties with
5 sons – one for each horn of
the beast in Revelation.
Both the Rothschilds and the
Rockefellers have red in their
name (Rockefeller = Red
fellow – Rothafel Rot = Red & Rockefeller
Hafel = Fellow).


Rothschilds Bankroll The
Interestingly, both names begin with the letter “R” the 18th letter of the alphabet, which as we saw in part 2, 18 is the way the Illuminati disguise the No. 666!!
Nelson Rockefeller


The Rockefellers NY Retreat
Pocantico Hills – New York State
Part of the
Rockefeller’s financial holdings consists of real estate, foremost being the 4,180 acre family estate at Pocantico Hills, north of New York City, which has 70 miles of private roads, 75 buildings,


The Rockefellers NY Retreat
…. underground
archives, and close to
500 servants, guards,
gardeners and
chauffeurs. They also
maintain over 100
residences in all parts
of the world. Besides
investments held in
personal trusts, the Pocantico Hills
family also holds stock
in numerous


Rothschild’s Involved In The
Postal Service
The five Rothschild brothers,
each in the five major European
capitals set up their own private
courier system which was faster
than the regular mail. The
Rothschilds had news whether
political or economic faster than
anyone else including the
“Thus the Rothschilds had news before anyone else,
including ministers [govt.]; they also understood
how to make use of it.”


Rothschild’s Involved In The
Postal Service
The large amounts of voluminous
correspondence by Rothschild couriers attracted attention, but no one ever stopped their personal intelligence and mail services.


Gog Controls Criticism By
Buying Into The Media
1891: The British Labour Leader
makes the following statement
on the subject of the
Rothschilds, “This blood-
sucking crew has been the
cause of untold mischief and
misery in Europe during the
present century, and has piled
up its prodigious wealth chiefly James Keir Hardie,
through fomenting wars 1856 – 1915. Labour
between States which ought
never to have quarrelled.


Gog Controls Criticism By Buying Into The Media
Whenever there is trouble in Europe,
wherever rumours of war circulate
and men’s minds are distraught with
fear of change and calamity you may
be sure that a hook-nosed Rothschild
is at his games somewhere near the
region of the disturbance.”
Comments like this worry the
Rothschilds and towards the end of
the 1800’s they purchase Reuters
news agency so they can have some
control of the media.


Rothschild’s Involved In The
Postal Service
The German princes of Thurn and Taxis in the 16th century initiated a postal service. Mayer Amschel loaned them money. “Certainly they [the Rothschilds] discovered the latitude that the Thurn and Taxis ….
Thurn & Taxis Postal Service


Rothschild’s Involved In The Postal
Karl Prinz von Thurn und
….. allowed themselves in unsealing letters, possibly divulging their contents, and according to their own interests, delaying or accelerating delivery.


Rothschild’s Intelligence
Order of Zion
B’nai B’rith was a spin- off of the Order of Zion & was organised as a covert Rothschild intelligence agency – now the B’nai B’rith is a Mossad front and are linked to the ANL & ADL.


Rothschild’s Intelligence
The British Intelligence Agency
MI6 is believed to be under the
control of the Rothschilds –
hence the 6 – code for the “Star
of David” – If you are wondering
about MI5 – then 5 represents
the 5 pointed star of the
Idumeans as seen on the old MI5 Logo
Soviet flag – Note as yet there is
no MI 1,2,3 or 4!


Rothschilds & The Intelligence
Churchill (during the war years) sacked the then patriotic head of
Intelligence and it was subsequently taken over by Communist (Rothschild) agents.
MI6 – Headquarters
Those in the know nickname it The Rothschild Intelligence service!


Rothschilds & The Intelligence Services
In conjunction with their efficient postal service the Rothschilds had their own private intelligence service.
MI6 Logo


Rothschilds & The Intelligence
MI6 – Headquarters
This building has nine sub-basements, while the legendary Lubianka KGB headquarters in Moscow has 7 – so which is the bigger police state?


Rothschilds & The Intelligence
MI5 Building Opposite side of the river to MI6 – Headquarters
Note also the appellation of 5 to MI (Military Intelligence) – 5 alludes to the 5 pointed Idumean Star.


Rothschild’s Involved In The Postal
The Rothschild’s private postal service latterly
provided a public service known as the Federal Express (FedEx) – only a Rothschild could give their
company a government sounding name!


Satan’s Selective Breeding
Nancy Hanks
One of the most powerful Rothschild bloodline families in America are the Springs. The Springs were originally the Springsteins when they came to America in the mid 1700s and settled in NY and NJ. They later changed their name from Springstein to Springs to hide their identity.


Satan’s Selective Breeding
A.A. Springs was the secret father of Abraham Lincoln following an affair with Nancy Hanks Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln


Satan’s Selective Breeding
On account of this, it has been suggested that Winston Churchill was not the son of Randolph but of one of Jennie’s lovers and could have been a Rothschild.
Winston Churchill


Satan’s Selective Breeding
According to numerous
biographers, throughout
her life Jennie: Left
(Churchill’s mother) was
extremely promiscuous.
Clive Ponting expresses
it in his biography
Churchill, she was “still
engaging in numerous


Satan’s Selective Breeding
If this claim is true, it would make Winston and his descendants impostors and not true descendants of the first Duke of Marlborough and heirs to his titles and estates. This, however, is open to speculation.
First Duke of Marlborough


Satan’s Selective Breeding
Joseph (Iosif) Dzhugashvili or
“Soso”, as his mother called him in
Georgian fashion. Edmond, the
youngest son of James (Yakov) de
Rothschild did much of the legwork Joseph (Iosif )
for the Paris branch of the Vissarionovich
Rothschilds — the family’s “oil Dzhugashvili
experts”. travelling overseas in
style in the family yacht.


Satan’s Selective Breeding
From there to Baku
overland where he would
have visited the Jewish
wine merchant in Gori
where his mother worked.
The Rothschilds were
involved in the Oil Business Baron James
in this area. Stalin’s son (Yakov) de
was named Yakov – after Rothschild
his secret grandfather


Satan’s Selective Breeding
His wife however was employed as a servant in the home of Baron Rothschild. As soon as the family discovered her pregnancy she was sent back home where Alois was born.”
Adolph Hitler


Satan’s Selective Breeding
“Adolf’s father, Alois
Hitler, was the
illegitimate son of Maria
Anna Schicklgruber. It
was generally supposed
that the father of Alois
Hitler (Schicklgruber)
Alois was Johann Georg Schicklgruber


Satan’s Selective Breeding
Earl Mountbatten & Prince Phillip share a common Gogite ancestor – Julia Theresa von Hauke a Polish Lady in waiting to the Royal House of the Grand Duchy of Hess
Julia Hauke, Princess von Battenberg with Alexander von Hessen-Darmstadt


Satan’s Selective Breeding
Earl Mountbatten
Julia Theresa von Hauke.
Louis Alexander Mountbatten. Philip Mountbatten. Charles, Prince of Wales


Satan’s Selective Breeding
Earl Mountbatten
Earl Mountbatten’s wife was the daughter of Lord Mount Temple (previously Mr. Wilfred Ashley, a Tory MP of 30 years ago). Ashley married the daughter of Sir Ernest Cassel, the son of a Cologne Jewish banker Cassel, and the financier of Edward VII


The Rothschilds = “Rot” (Red)
“Schild” (Shield)
Left: The Rothschilds
though their banking
network control
The Established
Political Parties dance
to their tune.
Their anthem “Keep
the Red Flag Flying
They control “Booms”
and “Busts” of the Economy.


The Rothschilds = “Rot” (Red)
“Schild” (Shield)
By the 1820s the
Rothschilds had become
the dominant banking
family of Europe,
controlling the fastest
growing banks in France,
England, Austria, Italy, and
Meyer Amschel Rothschild
being received by servants of a
German Prince


The Rothschilds = “Rot” (Red) “Schild” (Shield)
Wealthy investment bankers
who allied themselves with the
Rothschilds and the Masonic
Order prospered through a
series of financial mergers and
acquisitions, which would
essentially become the future
pattern for how International
Business would lay its A French View Of
framework on cross-border The Rothschilds


Rothschilds & South Africa
The Rothschilds supported Cecil Rhodes to form De Beers. (We shall see in a later presentation how the Rothschilds wrested the mineral wealth away from the Boers)


Rothschilds & South Africa
Rhodes made 7 wills to set up a secret society modelled on the Jesuits and Masons to bring in the New World Order centred on Britain – The Rhodes Scholarships and the Round-Table assisted by the Fabians
Cecil Rhodes


Rothschild’s Linked To The
The Oppenheims and Oppenheimers. Originated from Cologne. The Oppenheimers were members of the Bavarian Illuminati. The Bund der Gerechten (League of the Just) – an illuminati front run mainly by Jews who were Satanists.


Rothschild’s Linked To The
This Bund financed in part by the Rothschilds who paid the Satanist and Mason Karl Marx to write the Communist Manifesto. The Jew Gumpel Oppenheim was in the inner circle of the Bund.
J. Robert Oppenheimer


Rothschild’s Linked To The
His relative Heinrich Oppenheim masterminded the communist revolution of 1848 in Germany. The Communist Party’s official histories even accept the Bund as the predecessor of Communism.
The German Revolution


Rothschilds Linked To The
The Oppenheimers would become Rothschild’s agents for controlling the mineral wealth of South Africa and would be the manipulators ……


Rothschilds Linked To The
…. behind the scenes resulting in the
assassination of Dr. H. F. Verwoerd being instrumental in plans now successfully achieved for the overthrow of white government in SA
Dr. H. F. Verwoerd


Rothschilds Involved In The Round
Rhodes secret society
consisted of an inner group set
up in 1891 – Rhodes, Stead,
Lord Esher (Brett) & 33o Mason
Alfred Milner.
A secondary group of initiates
were set up – Lord Balfour
(Jew), Sir Harry Johnson, Lord
Rothschild, Lord Grey and


Rothschilds Involved In The
Round Table
Lord Rothschild was not initially in the inner group but was represented by his son-in-law Lord Rosebury. The Round Table developed from the inner circle of the Rhodes Secret Society
Lord Rosebury


Rothschilds Involved In The Round
A Local Round Table
Today there is a Round- Table branch in most towns.
It attracts local business men, prominent people in Local Government and other public


Rothschilds Involved In The
Round Table
A Round Table Conference
Few are aware of the powerful inner circle – The RT acts as an intelligence gathering service for what is going on at ground level – so any revolt against the NWO can be “nipped in the bud” There will be only one or two unknown people who report back to the next level.


Rothschilds Involved In The Round
Like all Illuminati organisations – The Round Table has an impeccable front raising money for local
good causes – alluding to the knights of King Arthur’s Round Table seen here at Winchester.


Rothschilds Control The Price of
The dominant role played by the House of Rothschild in the Bank of England is augmented by another peculiar duty of the firm, the daily fixing of the world price of gold.
Gold Bullion


Rothschilds Control The Price
of Gold
Every weekday at 11 a.m.
the representatives of five
firms of bullion brokers
and one firm of refiners
meet at the office of
Messrs. Rothschild
(except on Saturday) and
there fix the sterling price Gold fixing at NM
of gold.


Rothschilds Control The Price
of Gold
The banking houses privileged to meet with the Rothschilds to set the world price of gold are known as “the Club of Five”. In 1958, they were: N.M. Rothschild, Samuel Montagu, Mocatta and Goldsmid, Sharps Pixley, and Johnson, Matthey.


The Rothschilds And The Lord
Mayor Of London
Since 1820 the Lord Mayors of London have been chosen by the Rothschilds


Rothschilds Founded Many Well Known Businesses
In the early 19th century, the Rothschilds began to consolidate their profits from government loans into various business ventures,


Rothschilds Founded Many Well
Known Businesses
“There is the Sun Alliance life
insurance company, most
aristocratic of all insurance
companies, founded by Nathan
Rothschild in 1824; Brinco, the
British Newfoundland corp.,
founded by the British and
French Rothschilds in
1952; the Anglo-American Sun Life Insurance
corp.; Bowater, Rio Tinto and


Rothschilds Founded Many Well
Known Businesses
Eagle Star Insurance
The British firms comprising the major basis of the Rothschild fortune are: Sun Alliance Assurance, Eagle Star, DeBeers, and Rio Tinto. Eagle Star’s directors include Duncan Mackinnon, of Hambro Investment Trust;


Rothschilds Founded Many
Well Known Businesses
Earl Cadogan, whose mother
was a Hill Samuel
Co.; Marquess Linlithgow
(Charles Hope) whose mother
was a Milner Hambro; Sir
Robert Clark,– he married Judith
Baring; Evelyn de
Rothschild; and Sir Ian Stewart
of Brown Shipley Co., who has
been parliamentary private
secretary to the Chancellor of Earl Cadogan
the Exchequer since 1979.


The Rothschilds Enter


Some Of Many Rothschild
Disraeli, (21 December 1804 – 19 April 1881) on the death of Prince Albert wormed his way into the confidence of Queen Victoria and persuaded her to allow Jews into Parliament
The Right Honourable Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield, KG PC


Some Of Many Rothschild
… as after all they were related to Israel Britain as they were the tribe of Judah! Obviously Queen Victoria was unaware of the Jews real racial origins.


Some Of Many Rothschild
Duke Of Wellington
His House No1


Some Of Many Rothschild
A biography of the Rothschilds stated that Lord Rothschild boasted of having an agent in the B.I.W.F during the last war and post war period.


Rothschild’s are the Vatican’s
The Vatican
Early in the 19th Century the Pope came to the Rothschilds to borrow money – in 1823 the Rothschilds took over the financial operations of the worldwide Catholic Church.


The Vatican – The Jesuits (Jews)
Begin To Become A Major
On the night of 20th February, 1798, the Pope was placed under arrest and escorted out of Rome by French soldiers.
The Vatican


The Vatican – The Jesuits (Jews) Begin To Become A
Major Influence
The Jesuits had indeed been
avenged on both France and
the Papacy through the very
Revolutionary forces
spawned by Adam
Weishaupt. The Pope
returned to Rome, but the The Jesuit
Papacy would be
increasingly under Jesuit
influence and control.


The Vatican – The Jesuits (Jews) Begin To Become A
Major Influence
Today The Vatican is under almost total Jewish/Zionist control through the Jesuits and the “Black Pope” (Rothschild Agent)
The Vatican Library


Napoleon Bonaparte, France, was Rothschild’s
agent for
wresting control of the


God’s Bankers
God’s Bankers, directed
by Giuseppe Ferrara,
suggests the Vatican was
involved in a huge
conspiracy involving
drug-dealing Mafiosi,
corrupt bankers and Calvi’s body
politicians, arms dealers was found at
and Freemasons. Blackfriars


God’s Bankers
In 1981, Calvi, head of the Banco Ambrosiano, was jailed for four years and fined $11.7m (£8.2m) for illegally exporting currency.
Banco Ambrosiano


God’s Bankers
Although we do not know for sure – it was likely that Calvi was “suicided” for being the
Vatican’s agent in trying to bypass the
Rothschild’s banking network


Rothschilds Also Well Connected To The Protestant
Besides the Roman Catholic Church – The Rothschilds also wielded much influence and power not only in Secret Societies, but also in Christendom’s Protestant churches.


Rothschilds Also Well Connected To The Protestant
The Salvation Army under the
suggestion of the Rothschilds adopted the Red Shield (Roth-red)


The Armenian Holocaust
The Armenian Holocaust unlike as we are told in the history books – was as a consequence of powerful people seeking to gain control of
the rich oil deposits in this region.


The Armenian Holocaust
Standard Oil
The American oil business itself was to be mastered and monopolized by John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company who was to supply the entire world’s oil needs from the wells of Pennsylvania.


The Armenian Holocaust
The Rothschilds however had other ideas!




The Armenian Holocaust
Standard Oil – known here as
Notice the logo of the red Crown – representing the Knights Templar “Crown” of the Inns of Court in the City of London.


The Armenian Holocaust
Although the Rockefellers
were facilitated into power
by the Rothschilds through
the banking connections in
the states – it is believed
that the Rockefellers
thought they could get one Rothschild’s
better over the Rothschilds Shell Oil
through their oil monopoly.


The Armenian Holocaust
Rockefeller was able to become the “One of the richest men in the world” by virtue of an early oil empire nestled in peaceful Pennsylvania.
Standard Oil’s first bout with
serious worldwide competition
(The Rothschilds) would come
from a region halfway around the Edmond de
world whose stability was far Rothschild
from that of Pennsylvania. 1845-1934


The Armenian Holocaust
Baku Nobel Oil Fields
The Nobel Family (of Nobel prize fame) had already established a flourishing oil business in the Baku area supplying mainly Russia and
some other countries.


The Armenian Holocaust
The Rothschilds saw the potential of this rich area for competing with the Rockefellers for world dominance in the supply of oil. But there were 2 problems:-
1)Cost of transporting the oil to the nearest seaport of Batum on the Black Sea, 2)Unstable conditions because of the on going conflict between Christian Armenians and Muslims.


The Armenian Holocaust
In the 1880’s, the French branch of the Rothschild family acquired interests in Russia’s Baku oil fields in an effort to supply their refinery on the Adriatic
with cheap Russian oil.


The Armenian Holocaust
In exchange for these
interests they built a
railroad linking Baku to the
newly acquired Black Sea
port of Batum. This opened
up the Baku oil, a major
world supply. It had Baku – Batum
previously been
geographically locked in by
the mountains of the


The Armenian Holocaust
[The Swedish Nobel family had
been supplying internal Russia
with the Baku oil by way of
rivers as well as via the Caspian
Sea]. With the success of the
new railroad, the Rothschilds Baku – on
had more oil than they could
actually sell. Overcoming their the Caspian
fear of competing with the giant
Standard oil, they sought out
the huge markets east of Suez.


The Armenian Holocaust
The Rothschilds sought out a man to help them penetrate these markets. His name was Marcus Samuel. Samuel had many contacts throughout the Far East.
Baron Edmond de Rothschild


The Armenian Holocaust
When the Rothschilds
proposed to sell their oil to
Samuel, understanding the
magnitude of the
opportunity, and
understanding the
competition with a foe like
Standard oil, he set about Marcus
tackling the logistics of Samuel
successfully competing with
the giant company.


The Armenian Holocaust
Sir Marcus Samuel
Samuel understood that he needed to sell his oil at a cheaper price. In his efforts to do this he reduced transportation costs by designing bulk tankers which were safe enough to pass through the Suez Canal.


The Armenian Holocaust
Standard oil’s costs would be much higher as they transported their oil around the tip of Africa in clipper ships that were loaded with pre-filled cans.


The Armenian Holocaust
In 1892, Samuel’s coup
would unleash forces that
would shape the history of
mankind. His first oil tanker
picked up it’s load of Baku
oil from the Rothschild’s
Batum refinery and sailed Royal Dutch
through the Dardenelles


The Armenian Holocaust
… and on through the
Suez canal to the far east
where the Shell oil
company became,
overnight the
predominant supplier of
Kerosene replacing
Standard oil. The great
Standard world
monopoly had been


The Armenian Holocaust
Three years after Shell
joined Royal Dutch,
production at Baku would
come to an abrupt halt in
1905 due to the violence
of the ethnic conflict
between the region’s Batum – on
Moslems and the minority the Black
population of Armenians
who are Christians.


The Armenian Holocaust
This conflict caused the first interruption of oil to the world market. Standard oil was quick to supplant the needs of the affected markets as its source was operating under the blanket of peace and would flow until dry.


The Armenian Holocaust
The Port of
To an all-powerful banking family like the The Royal/Dutch/Shell Group (and the Nobels) watched their Baku investments go up in flames. Ethnic
conflict was at the root of the matter.


The Armenian Holocaust
The Armenian
Rothschilds, whose vast wealth bankrolled many a war, causing millions of fatalities… was the removal of a small minority like the Armenians a fair price to pay for the peace in a region so crucial to the development and investment of the Far East,


The Armenian Holocaust
Squeamish the Rothschilds were not, their line of work requires pragmatism to rule their day.


The Armenian Holocaust
How it could be done, so
as not to reveal any
plausible motive which
could link the actual
planners to the genocide?
The scheme involved a
proxy party, which was Some manipulated through Armenian
layers of influence, Victims
providing sufficient cover
for the planners.


The Armenian Holocaust Of course, history tells us that it was the
Turks, and not big business that
committed the Armenian atrocities. However, if one looks closely, one would find that the Turks owed more than one favour to the French government which
aided Turkey in it’s recent past.


The Armenian Holocaust
A constant behind France’s
economic power was the
French branch of the Rothschild
family. Napoleon III was a
Rothschild man. Specifically,
Baron James de Rothschild’s
man. Baron James was,
financially and hence politically, James De
the most powerful figure in Rothschild


The Armenian Holocaust
The Armenian Massacre
The question arises. Was the Armenian genocide an obligation demanded by Turkey’s creditor? The Armenian massacres of 1894 and 1896 occurred merely two years after Baku oil first began to flow through the Suez Canal to the Far Eastern markets.


The Armenian Holocaust
Armenians were living
within the Ottoman
Empire for hundreds
of years, how
incredible fortuitous
for the oilmen that
ethnic hatred would Coat of Arms
heat up to such a pitch of The Ottoman
as to consume their


The Armenian Holocaust
The Armenian genocide, during World War I, brought
stability to the Baku oil region. A further accomplishment of World War I was the successful
demise of the Ottoman Empire.


The Armenian Holocaust
The Sultanate of Turkey
Turkey was heavily in debt to France behind whom was the
Rothschild Bank – Turkey would have to pay their indebtedness off by eliminating the
Armenians – although very few would know who the lender of last resort was!!


The Armenian Holocaust
“In 1895 Sultan Abdul Hamid II was ordered by the owners of Royal Dutch Shell – the Rothschilds – to exterminate the Armenians, who were all Orthodox Christian. The background for that was Shell’s rivalry with the Rockefeller’s Standard Oil.
Sultan Abdul Hamid II


The Armenian Holocaust
Shell was trying to get oil from Baku down to the Mediterranean and the Rothschilds assessed the Armenians as being a potential destabilizing factor that could affect the flow of oil.


The Armenian Holocaust
The Sultan refused to murder the Armenians so the Rothschilds had one of his palace officials killed and the message was not lost on the Sultan, and so he commenced to slaughter about 300,000 Armenians.


The Armenian Holocaust
Enver Pasha
Jamal Bey
Djemal Pasha
On April 24, 1915 the above Doenme Jew Young Turk leaders who had taken over the Ottoman Empire commenced the Genocide of
the Armenians


The Armenian Holocaust
…. which in two years time accomplished the rape and murder of over 1.5 million Armenians and the complete depopulation of Western Armenia.


The Armenian Holocaust
Certainly as volatile as Baku, Palestine and
the surrounding Moslem areas were susceptible to the same problems of ethnic


The Armenian Holocaust
Although Rothschild was by far the single most
important source of funding for the Jewish settlements in Palestine, his intentions were
primarily for investment purposes.


The Armenian Holocaust
It was slow steady growth that he looked forward to. Not the mass immigration of millions of “beggars” into an area as crucial to his oil business as the Suez Canal region.
The Suez Canal


The Armenian Holocaust
The Armenian Holocaust would pave the
way for the Holocaust of WWII


The Rothschilds Manipulated Events To Gain Palestine
As we read in Ezekiel 18:15 God would bring Gog against His land as well as His people. It is appropriate therefore that the 6 pointed cabbalistic star is the national emblem which is also to be seen on the Gates of the Rothschild’s Frankfurt home and on their coat of arms.


The Rothschilds Manipulated Events To Gain Palestine
In Ezekiel 16:1-3 Yahweh says to the people of Jerusalem, “Son of man, cause Jerusalem to know her abominations, and say, thus saith Yahweh unto Jerusalem: Thy birth and nativity is of the land of Canaan: thy father was an Amorite, and thy mother an Hittite.”


The Rothschilds Manipulated Events To Gain Palestine
Ezekiel 11:14-15 where we read, “Again the word of Yahweh came unto me saying, Son of man, thy brethren, even thy brethren, the men of thy kindred,


The Rothschilds Manipulated Events To Gain Palestine
And all the house of Israel wholly, are they unto whom the inhabitants of Jerusalem have said, Get you far from Yahweh unto us is this land given in possession.”


Flag of Gog’s Stolen Real Estate In
The Middle East
The Margen
David, 6 pointed
star – the Seal of
Solomon was not
considered a
Jewish symbol
until the
started using it.


Flag of Gog’s Stolen Real Estate In The Middle East
Throughout the Middle Ages, the seal of Solomon has been used by Arab magicians, Cabalistic magicians, witches and Satanists.


Flag of Gog’s Stolen Real Estate In The Middle East
It was found on a 1200 year old Moslem Mosque where Tel Aviv is today


Flag of Gog’s Stolen Real Estate In
The Middle East
Because the Rothschilds were Satanists they adopted the powerful magic symbol, The 6 pointed star, in 1822 for their coat-of-arms.
The Star of “David”


Flag of Gog’s Stolen Real Estate In The Middle East
In fact the progenitor of
the Rothschilds – Mayer
Amschel Bauer began
hanging out a red
hexigram in front of
their house – hence the
name Rothchild from
the German (Rot = Red Mayer Amschel
& schild = shield)


The Israeli State Pays Tribute To
Its Owner And Founder
Coin struck to commemorate the life of Baron Edmond De Rothschild who was instigator of
the Balfoure Declaration.


The Israeli State Pays Tribute To
Its Owner And Founder
500 Sheckle Bank Note issued to commemorate the life of Baron Edmond De


The Israeli State Pays Tribute To
Its Owner And Founder
300 Sheckle postage stamp issued to commemorate the life of Baron Edmond De Rothschild.


Baroness Philippine de Rothschild, Opus One Winery
Recently completed
“Opus One” Winery in
Napa Valley USA –
Specialising in blood red
wines, but actually is a
satanic, devil
worshipping hideaway
similar to Bohemian Opus One –
Grove, located just to the Grand Entrance
east and north of San


Baroness Philippine de Rothschild, Opus One Winery
The land for Opus One, meaning First Work, was secretly purchased in the late 1960s, its
construction shrouded in secrecy
Opus One


Baroness Philippine de Rothschild, Opus One Winery
“Strangely, the Napa Valley Register which reports all building activity remained extremely quiet about what was being built. From the air, the construction forms a Masonic square and compass,”


Baroness Philippine de Rothschild, Opus One Winery
The logo of Opus One
is the two-headed Janus or the spirit who divides, the symbol being an important part
of Illuminati mind


Baroness Philippine de Rothschild, Opus One Winery
The opening announcement was low key and only select people and select International
media types were invited.


Baroness Philippine de Rothschild, Opus One Winery
This opening is
extremely unusual for
a winery in the Napa
Valley area. Private
guided tours are very
hard to obtain of Opus
1, in contrast to the
other wineries in Napa One of the rare Valley.


Baroness Philippine de Rothschild, Opus One Winery
An inquisitive
researcher, who
later had a secret
spy take a tour of
the compound, said
the inner theme of
the numbers 3 and Aerial View of
6 runs throughout
Opus One
the large Opus I
pyramid building,


Baroness Philippine de Rothschild, Opus One Winery
… as well as the number 666. He added that little circles frequently appear throughout the compound, having Illuminati significance.


Baroness Philippine de Rothschild, Opus One Winery
The head of Philippe de Rothschild SA, baroness Philippine de
Rothschild, seen here opening an exhibition in Russia.
Baroness Philipine de Rothschild


Jacob Rothschild
Here we see the present head of the London branch of the Rothschild Merchant Bank – Jacob Rothschild.


Jacob Rothschild
governor Arnold
– seen here
prior to getting
the job being
auditioned by


Jacob Rothschild
Lord Jacob Rothschild’s place in the sun on the Island of Corfu.


Jacob Rothschild
“No its not the Public Baths” Its Lord Jacob Rothschild’s 100m Pool. “They want a private world not just a private pool”. They can relax here while their puppets are doing their bidding back
in London and elsewhere.


The Rothschilds Summed Up
In German History
“The Rothschilds introduced the rule of money into European politics. The Rothschilds were the servants of money who undertook the reconstruction of the world as an image of money and its functions.


The Rothschilds Summed Up In
German History
Money and the
employment of wealth have become the law of European life; we no longer have nations, but economic provinces.” (New York Times, Professor Wilhelm, a German historian, July 8, 1937)
Professor Wilhelm Josef Behr


Black Monday
Norman Lamont the
Chancellor (Formerly in the
employ of the Rothschilds)
who presided over Britain’s
hasty exit from the ERM
known as the “snake” and
consequent plunge in the
stock markets and interest
rates rocketing to a record
Norman Lamont


Black Monday
– this enabled the Rothschilds through their proxies, to buy up for peanuts utility shares sold to a gullible public in previous years under privatisation schemes.


Black Monday
David Cameron
David Cameron assistant to Norman Lamont at the time of the ERM debacle and connections to the Rothschilds banking house was as a
consequence their “blue eyed boy” to take over the leadership of the Conservative Party


The Rothschilds Summed Up In
German History
Rothschild’s Waddesdon
“If you will look back at every war in Europe during the nineteenth century, you will see that they always ended with the establishment of a ‘balance of power.’ With every re-shuffling there was a balance of power in a new grouping around the House of Rothschild in England, France, or Austria.


The Rothschilds Summed Up
In German History
They grouped nations so
that if any king got out of
line, a war would break out
and the war would be
decided by which way the
financing went.
Researching the debt
positions of the warring
nations will usually
indicate who was to be
punished.” (Economist
Stuart Crane)


The 4 Horses Of The Apocalypse
It is reported that in the
reception area of the City
of London office of Lord
Rothschild hangs a large
painting of the 4 horses
of the apocalypse. This is The four horses
very appropriate has they
have been responsible
of the
for unleashing the
scourges represented by
the 4 horses!


A Thought To Leave You With
“The truth is not for
all men, but only for
those who seek it.”
Ayn Rand.
Ayn Rand was born
in 1905 in St.
Petersburg, Russia.
Defying the death
warrant of the
Soviet Union, she
came to America as a temporary visitor in 1926 but remained for the rest of her life


The Story Of Gog And Magog
To be continued …………Satan Bound For A 1000 Years & French & American Revolutions
